
发布时间:2020-07-16 23:21:43








|preface“剑桥通用英语考试”是剑桥大学英语考评部设立的英语水平考试,对考生的英语听、说、读、写能力进行综合考查,为成绩合格者提供由剑桥大学考试委员会颁发的成绩合格证书。该考试一共分为五个级别,其中PET青少版和PET标准版是剑桥通用英语第二级,这两个版本的考试在2020年1月改革后分别更名为B1 Preliminary for Schools和B1 Preliminary。其中PET青少版(B1 Preliminary for Schools)是一项针对青少年学生的初级英语水平考试。通过该考试,考生可证明自己能够在日常生活、学习以及旅行时使用英语进行沟通。此外,该考试对于备考更高级别的剑桥通用五级考试,如FCE考试、CAE考试和CPE考试也有帮助。

目前,KET(A2 Key for Schools)、PET(B1 Preliminary for Schools)和FCE这三级考试的证书在小升初阶段起着重要作用,自引进以来深受广大小学生和学生家长的关注,考试人数逐年增加。要想成功取得PET考试证书,掌握考试核心词汇是至关重要的第一步。为了帮助考生更好地准备这项考试,我们编写了《PET核心词图解+联想巧记速练》一书,具体特色如下:











Unit 01

Track 01ability [əˈbɪləti]释 n 能力例 I take care of my children to the best of my abilities. 我尽我所能地照顾我的孩子们。搭 ability to do sth. 做某事的能力able [ˈeɪbl]释 adj 有能力的搭 be able to do sth. 有能力做某事反 unable(adj 不能……的)about [əˈbaʊt]释 prep 关于 adv 大约例 The film is about a small girl. 这部电影是关于一个小女孩的。abroad [əˈbrɔːd]释 adv 在国外;到国外例 Adams has never lived abroad before. 亚当斯之前从未在国外生活过。absent [ˈæbsənt]释 adj 缺席的;心不在焉的记 联想记忆:送(sent)人玫瑰,人不在场(absent)搭 be absent from… 缺席……absolutely [ˈæbsəluːtli]释 adv 完全地;绝对地例 This movie was absolutely awful. 这部电影太糟糕了。accent [ˈæksent]释 n 口音,腔调例 Doherty has a beautiful British accent. 多尔蒂有一口漂亮的英式口音。accept [əkˈsept]释 v 接受;承认例 Please accept this small gift. 请收下这份小小的礼物。派 acceptable(adj 可接受的) acceptance(n 接受)access [ˈækses]释 n 通道;机会accident [ˈæksɪdənt]释 n 事故;意外遭遇搭 by accident 偶然,意外地accommodation [əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃn]释 n 住处;膳宿例 Meals, overnight accommodation and coffee are included in the price. 三餐、过夜住宿和咖啡均包含在费用内。accompany [əˈkʌmpəni]释 v 陪同,陪伴;为……伴奏记 词根记忆:ac(加强)+company(伙伴)→陪伴例 They want to take a walk accompanied by their daughter. 他们想在女儿的陪伴下散散步。according [əˈkɔːdɪŋ]释 adv 依照搭 according to 根据account [əˈkaʊnt]释 n 账户;账目搭 bank account 银行账户 joint account 联名账户派 accountant(n 会计师)accurate [ˈækjərət]释 adj 正确的;精确的,准确的ache [eɪk]释 v 疼痛;渴望 n 疼痛搭 ache for 渴望achieve [əˈtʃiːv]释 v 实现,达到;获得,取得记 联想记忆:相信(believe)自己能取得(achieve)成功派 achievement(n 成就) achiever(n 成功者)act [ækt]释 v 行动,做事;起作用;扮演 n (戏剧、歌剧等的)一幕记 联想记忆:做事(act)要实事求是(seek truth from fact)搭 in the second act 在第二幕 act as 担任派 actor(n 演员) actress(n女演员)action [ˈækʃn]释 n 行动;活动记 词根记忆:act(行动)+ion(表名词,动作或状态)→行动例 Sammy and I both love watching action films. 萨米和我都喜欢看动作片。active [ˈæktɪv]释 adj 积极的;活跃的例 The two children are very active. 这两个孩子非常活跃。派 activist(n 积极分子;活动家)activity [ækˈtɪvəti]释 n 活动;活跃例 Jens wants somewhere where they can do lots of fun activities. 延斯想找个他们能进行许多有趣活动的地方。actual [ˈæktʃuəl]释 adj 实际的;现实的actually [ˈæktʃuəli]释 adv 实际上例 Vidal seems a bit strict at first, but he's actually very nice. 起初维达尔看起来有点严厉,但实际上他很和蔼。add [æd]释 v 增加;加,计算……的总和例 The numbers add up to exactly 100. 这些数字加起来正好是100。搭 add to 增加 add up… 把……加起来 add up to… 总计达到……addition [əˈdɪʃn]释 n 增加,添加记 词根记忆:add(增加)+ition(表名词,行为)→增加搭 in addition 除此之外,另外派 additional(adj 附加的;额外的)address [əˈdres]释 n 地址记 联想记忆:地址(address)出错,衣服(dress)没收到例 The teacher asks Jane for her home address. 老师向简要她的家庭住址。admire [ədˈmaɪə(r)]释 v 欣赏;钦佩例 Anna and Harry have both found examples of heroes to admire among famous people. 安娜和哈里都在名人中找到了可钦佩的英雄典范。admit [ədˈmɪt]释 v 承认;允许……进入派 admission(n 承认;允许进入)adult [ˈædʌlt]释 n 成年人 adj (智力及情感上)成熟的;成人的例 Adults, teenagers and young children have their own groups or one-to-one classes here whatever their level. 无论水平如何,成年人、青少年和幼儿都有自己的小组或一对一课程。advance [ədˈvɑːns]释 n 前进;进步例 Please confirm your reservation at the latest 3 days in advance. 请最迟提前3天确认您的预订。搭 in advance 预先,提前advanced [ədˈvɑːnst]释 adj 先进的;高级的记 词根记忆:advance(进步)+(e)d(表形容词,……的)→先进的例 Maria's an intermediate-level skier who wants some individual lessons to get to advanced level. 玛丽亚是一位中级水平的滑雪者,她想上一些单独的课程来达到高级水平。advantage [ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ]释 n 优势,好处;优点记 词根记忆:ad(加强)+vantage(优势)→优势搭 take advantage of sb./sth. 利用某人/某物adventure [ədˈventʃə(r)]释 n 冒险记 词根记忆:ad(加强)+venture(风险)→冒险例 You should definitely try the adventure park near the beach—it's cool. 你一定要去海滩附近的冒险公园——非常刺激。搭 an adventure story 一个历险故事advertise [ˈædvətaɪz]释 v 做广告;登广告记 词根记忆:advert(广告)+ise(表动词,使……)→做广告ad/advertisement [æd]/[ədˈvɜːtɪsmənt]释 n 广告例 After seeing an advertisement for Italian lessons, Daniel decided to learn Italian. 看了意大利语课程的广告后,丹尼尔决定去学意大利语。advertising [ˈædvətaɪzɪŋ]释 n 广告业搭 advertising agency 广告代理机构advice [ədˈvaɪs]释 n 建议;劝告搭 ask for advice 征求意见 give/offer some advice 提供一些建议 take/follow one's advice 接受某人的意见 a piece of advice 一条建议 advice on sth. 关于某事的建议advise [ədˈvaɪz]释 v 建议;劝告搭 advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事派 advisable(adj 明智的;可取的)aeroplane [ˈeərəpleɪn]释 n 飞机记 词根记忆:aero(空气)+plane(飞机)→飞机例 Can you see the aeroplane flying in the sky? 你能看到正在空中飞行的飞机吗?affect [əˈfekt]释 v 影响例 Cathy's opinion will not affect my decision. 凯茜的意见不会影响我的决定。afford [əˈfɔːd]释 v 买得起,负担得起;提供,给予记 联想记忆:af(加强)+ford(看作“福特”)→能买一辆福特汽车→买得起例 She couldn't afford the designer clothes she liked. 她买不起自己喜欢的名牌服装。搭 afford to do sth. 负担得起做某事afraid [əˈfreɪd]释 adj 害怕的例 My sister is afraid of the robot. 我妹妹害怕机器人。afterwards [ˈɑːftəwədz]释 adv 后来,以后记 词根记忆:after(后)+wards(向)→后来例 Shortly afterwards, he was arrested by the police. 之后不久,他就被警察逮捕了。again [əˈɡen]释 adv 又,再一次例 Toby is late again. 托比又迟到了。against [əˈɡenst]释 prep 反对;违背;倚在;和……对照例 At first, we were very much against the idea of building a railway here because of the noise. 起初,因为噪音,我们非常反对在这里建铁路的想法。age [eɪdʒ]释 n 年龄;时代(ages 长时间) v (使)变老;(使)变陈旧例 It took ages for the taxi to arrive. 出租车花了好长时间才到达。搭 at the age of… 在……岁的时候复 ages派 aged(adj ……岁的;成年的) ageing(n 变老;变旧 adj 变老的;变旧的)agency [ˈeɪdʒənsi]释 n 服务机构;代理机构例 After university, she moved to London and worked in an advertising agency. 大学毕业后,她搬到伦敦,在一家广告代理机构工作。搭 travel agency 旅行社agent [ˈeɪdʒənt]释 n 代理人,代理商agree [əˈɡriː]释 v 同意;赞成;相符,一致例 Marcus agrees to change his weekend activities. 马库斯同意改变他的周末活动。搭 agree on… 在……上达成一致 agree with sb. 同意某人aim [eɪm]释 n 目标;瞄准 v 力求做到;目的是搭 aim at 瞄准;针对 aim for… 以……为目标air conditioning [ˈeə kəndɪʃnɪŋ]释 n 空调系统airline [ˈeəlaɪn]释 n 航空公司;航线记 合成词:air(天空)+line(线)→航线例 Maria is confident that she will be able to work for an airline. 玛丽亚有信心为一家航空公司工作。派 airliner(n 客机,班机)airport [ˈeəpɔːt]释 n 机场;航空港例 Last year we improved our airport, so more planes can come in. 去年我们改良了机场,因此能接纳更多的飞机。alarm [əˈlɑːm]释 n 警报;惊慌记 旧时意大利哨兵发现敌人袭击时常呼喊all'arme,意思是“准备战斗”。这个词后来变成alarm,词义引申为“警报;惊慌”。搭 alarm clock 闹钟alive [əˈlaɪv]释 adj 有生气的;活着的;仍然存在的例 You should try to bring the people in the story alive. 你应该努力让故事中的人物生动起来。搭 be alive to 注意到;意识到 alive with 充满(活的或动的东西)all [ɔːl]释 adv 完全 pron/det 全部搭 all right 好的 (not) at all 一点也(不)allow [əˈlaʊ]释 v 允许,准许;留出(足够的时间、金钱、食物等)记 联想记忆:降低(low)门槛,允许(allow)进入例 Allow at least two hours for your visit to the castle. 你至少要留出两个小时来参观城堡。搭 allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事almost [ˈɔːlməʊst]释 adv 几乎,差不多also [ˈɔːlsəʊ]释 adv 还although [ɔːlˈðəʊ]释 conj 尽管;虽然;然而例 Although their music may sound a little strange, they are a friendly and polite group of young men. 尽管他们的音乐听起来或许有点奇怪,但他们是一群友好的、礼貌的年轻人。amaze [əˈmeɪz]释 v 使惊奇;使惊愕;感到惊讶派 amazed(adj 惊奇的)amazing [əˈmeɪzɪŋ]释 adj 令人惊奇的;令人惊喜(或惊羡、惊叹)的例 The robot could do lots of amazing things, such as walking up and down stairs, waving and even dancing to rock music. 这个机器人可以做很多令人惊奇的事情,比如上下楼梯、随着摇滚乐挥手甚至跳舞。搭 amazing show 惊人的表演近 surprising(adj 令人惊讶的)ambassador [æmˈbæsədə(r)]释 n 大使ambition [æmˈbɪʃn]释 n 夙愿;雄心;野心例 Rolf's ambition is to manage his own company one day. 罗尔夫的雄心是有一天能管理自己的公司。ambulance [ˈæmbjələns]释 n 救护车amongst [əˈmʌŋst]释 prep 在……之中例 The science subjects are really popular amongst the students of my school. 理科在我校学生中很受欢迎。amount [əˈmaʊnt]释 n 数额,数量 v 总计;等于搭 an amount of 许多amusing [əˈmjuːzɪŋ]释 adj 有趣的;好笑的ancient [ˈeɪnʃənt]释 adj 古代的;古老的angry [ˈæŋɡri]释 adj 生气的,发怒的例 Marcus worries that his teacher might be angry if Catherine helps him. 马库斯担心如果凯瑟琳帮他,他的老师可能会生气。搭 be angry at/about… 因……而生气 be angry with sb. 生某人的气animation [ˌænɪˈmeɪʃn]释 n 动画片

Exercise 01

一、根据英文描述填写单词,首字母已给出。1 If you do this, you travel or go somewhere with somebody. a______2 This is somewhere to live or stay, often providing food. a______3 to allow somebody/something to enter a place a______4 This is an unusual, exciting or dangerous experience or journey. a______5 This organisation that stands for other organisations provides a particular service. a______二、从下框中找出隐藏的单词,并填入空格中。cafforderactiveealthougheradvertisementleagreedabilityear1 ________ he is 30 years old, he is still a child in his mother's eyes.2 He ________ with his teacher to a certain degree.3 The necklace is too expensive. I can't ________ it.4 Because of an ________ you may buy something you don't need.5 I have the ________ to wash clothes.6 Jim was very ________ in many activities.三、将下列词组补充完整。1 能够做某事 be ________ to do sth.2 除此之外,另外 in ________3 预先,提前 in ________4 征求意见 ask for ________5 瞄准,针对 ________ at6 许多 an ________ of7 允许某人做某事 ________ sb. to do sth.8 在……岁的时候 at the ________ of…

Unit 02

Track 02ankle [ˈæŋkl]释 n 脚踝anniversary [ˌænɪˈvɜːsəri]释 n 周年纪念日announce [əˈnaʊns]释 v 宣布;声称;通知派 announcement(n 公告;宣告) announcer(n 广播员,播音员)annoy [əˈnɔɪ]释 v 使烦恼;使生气派 annoyed(adj 恼怒的;烦恼的)annoying [əˈnɔɪɪŋ]释 adj 使人恼怒的例 It was annoying that we couldn't find a music shop in the street. 我们在街上找不到一家音像用品商店,这真令人恼火。annual [ˈænjuəl]释 adj 年度的;每年的例 Sophie is organising the annual two-day conference. 索菲正在组织为期两天的年度会议。another [əˈnʌðə(r)]释 pron/det 另一,又一answer [ˈɑːnsə(r)]释 n 回答;答案 v 回答;解决(问题);(对……)作出反应搭 in answer to… 回答/答复…… answer for… 对……负责 answer the phone 接电话answerphone [ˈɑːnsəfəʊn]释 n 电话答录机antique [ænˈtiːk]释 adj 古老的;古董的 n 古董,古玩anxious [ˈæŋkʃəs]释 adj 焦虑的;担忧的;渴望的,急切的搭 be anxious about… 担忧…… be anxious for… 渴望/担忧…… be anxious to do sth. 急于做某事anybody [ˈenibɒdi]释 pron 任何人近 anyone(pron 任何人)anymore [ˌeniˈmɔː(r)]释 adv 不再例 People are not so interested in TV anymore. 人们对电视不再那么感兴趣了。anything [ˈeniθɪŋ]释 pron 任何事物记 合成词:any(任何)+thing(事物)→任何事物anyway [ˈeniweɪ]释 adv 反正;无论如何;不论以何种方式例 I'm far too busy to go shopping—and I'm not keen on it, anyway. 我实在太忙了,没时间去购物——反正我对购物也没什么兴趣。anywhere [ˈeniweə(r)]释 adv 无论何处例 I can't find my bike anywhere. 我哪儿都找不到我的自行车。apart [əˈpɑːt]释 adv (指空间或时间)相隔;相距例 Our birthdays are exactly a month apart. 我们俩的生日正好相差一个月。搭 apart from 除……以外apartment [əˈpɑːtmənt]释 n 公寓搭 apartment building 公寓大楼apologise [əˈpɒlədʒaɪz]释 v 道歉例 I'm so sorry, and I do apologise. 真对不起,我道歉。apology [əˈpɒlədʒi]释 n 道歉appear [əˈpɪə(r)]释 v 出现;看起来好像例 Small cracks appeared in the wall. 墙上出现了小裂缝。搭 appear (to be) +形容词 似乎……appearance [əˈpɪərəns]释 n 外貌,外观记 词根记忆:appear(看来,好像)+ance(表名词,状态)→看上去的样子→外貌例 You shouldn't judge others by appearances. 你不该以貌取人。application [ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃn]释 n 申请;应用程序例 You must submit the application on Monday. 你必须周一提交申请。搭 fill in/out an application 填写申请apply [əˈplaɪ]释 v 申请;应用;涂,敷例 He applied for a leave of absence. 他申请休假。appointment [əˈpɔɪntmənt]释 n 约会;预约;约定例 Peter has to leave at half past three for another appointment. 彼得必须三点半离开去赶赴另一场约会。搭 make an appointment 约会;约定approach [əˈprəʊtʃ]释 n 接近;方法 v 接近搭 the approach to… ……的方法approve [əˈpruːv]释 v 赞成;同意;批准approximately [əˈprɒksɪmətli]释 adv 大约,大概例 This task will take approximately three days. 这项任务大概需要花费三天时间。Arabic [ˈærəbɪk]释 adj 阿拉伯的 n 阿拉伯语记 来自Arab(n 阿拉伯人)architect [ˈɑːkɪtekt]释 n 建筑师派 architecture(建筑学)Arctic [ˈɑːktɪk]释 adj 北极(地区)的area [ˈeəriə]释 n 地方;地区;领域,范围例 Many people came to the area hoping to get rich. 许多人来到这个地方,希望变得富有。Argentina [ˌɑːdʒənˈtiːnə]释 n 阿根廷argue [ˈɑːɡjuː]释 v 争论;争辩;证明,表明记 联想记忆:谐音“阿狗”→阿猫阿狗,争论不休→争论搭 argue about 议论派 arguable(adj 有疑问的) argument(n 争论;论点)armchair [ˈɑːmtʃeə(r)]释 n 扶手椅记 合成词:arm(胳膊)+chair(椅子)→扶手椅army [ˈɑːmi]释 n 军队arrange [əˈreɪndʒ]释 v 安排;排列例 The company will arrange for a taxi to meet you at the airport. 公司会安排一辆出租车去机场接你。搭 arrange (for sb.) to do sth. 安排(某人)做某事arrangement [əˈreɪndʒmənt]释 n 安排记 词根记忆:arrange(安排)+ment(表名词,行为)→安排arrest [əˈrest]释 v 逮捕,拘捕例 The police arrested Mamlok for drunk driving. 马姆洛克因酒后驾车被警察拘捕。arrival [əˈraɪvl]释 n 到达arrive [əˈraɪv]释 v 到达;(东西)送达,寄到记 联想记忆:开车(drive)能早点到达(arrive)例 The free club magazine arrives once a month, to keep you up to date with the latest best-sellers. 免费的俱乐部杂志每个月寄来一次,以便让你及时了解最新的畅销产品。搭 arrive at 到达(小地方,如车站、商场等);达成(协议) arrive in 到达(大地方,如城市、国家等)art [ɑːt]释 n 艺术,美术;技巧;[pl.] 人文科学,文科搭 arts and crafts 工艺美术 art gallery 画廊 art museum 艺术博物馆 art room 美术教室article [ˈɑːtɪkl]释 n 文章;物品artist [ˈɑːtɪst]释 n 艺术家;画家记 词根记忆:art(艺术)+ist(表名词,从事某种职业的人)→艺术家例 I always dreamed of being an artist, painting pictures for a living. 我一直梦想能成为一名以画画为生的艺术家。artwork [ˈɑːtwɜːk]释 n 插画;艺术作品记 合成词:art(艺术)+work(作品)→艺术作品as [æz]释 conj 因为,由于 prep 作为搭 as long as 只要 as well as 以及 as well 也ashamed [əˈʃeɪmd]释 adj 惭愧的;羞愧的记 词根记忆:a(加强)+shame(羞愧)+(e)d(表形容词,……的)→惭愧的;羞愧的搭 be/feel ashamed for… 为……而感到惭愧Asia [ˈeɪʒə]释 n 亚洲派 Asian(n 亚洲人 adj 亚洲的,亚洲人的)asleep [əˈsliːp]释 adj 睡着的,睡熟的记 词根记忆:a(表形容词,……的)+sleep(睡觉)→睡着的例 The medicine can help you fall asleep. 这种药能帮助你入睡。搭 half asleep 精疲力竭的;睡眼惺忪的aspect [ˈæspekt]释 n 方面;外观assessor [əˈsesə(r)]释 n 评审员记 词根记忆:assess(评价)+or(表名词,人)→做评价的人→评审员assist [əˈsɪst]释 v 协助,帮助例 Adele is assisting her leader to prepare his speech. 阿黛尔正在帮助她的领导准备演讲稿。assistant [əˈsɪstənt]释 n 助手,助理例 You should return the books to the assistant. 你应该把书还给助理。搭 sales assistant 售货员 shop assistant 店员;售货员association [əˌsəʊʃiˈeɪʃn]释 n 协会;联盟athlete [ˈæθliːt]释 n 运动员athletics [æθˈletɪks]释 n 体育运动例 This is a site for people interested in athletics. 这是为那些对体育运动感兴趣的人创建的一个网站。atmosphere [ˈætməsfɪə(r)]释 n 气氛;大气记 词根记忆:atmo(空气)+sphere(球体)→围绕地球的空气→大气attach [əˈtætʃ]释 v 系上;贴上;附上例 Please attach the sample to the letter. 请随信附上样品。attack [əˈtæk]释 v/n 攻击,袭击attempt [əˈtempt]释 v/n 尝试,企图,努力记 词根记忆:at(加强)+tempt(尝试)→尝试搭 attempt to do sth. 尝试做某事attend [əˈtend]释 v 出席;定期去;照料例 Tom found employment as a porter, and at the same time he attended drama classes. 汤姆找了一份搬运工的工作,同时他还上戏剧课。搭 attend to 处理;照料;接待attention [əˈtenʃn]释 n 注意;专心;关注搭 have one's attention 引起某人注意 pay attention to 注意attic [ˈætɪk]释 n 阁楼attitude [ˈætɪtjuːd]释 n 态度;看法记 联想记忆:谐音“爱踢球的”→孩子爱踢球,家长态度各异→态度搭 one's attitude to/towards… 某人对……的态度attract [əˈtrækt]释 v 吸引例 The Brock Park attracts huge crowds. 布罗克公园吸引了大批群众。attraction [əˈtrækʃn]释 n 有吸引力的事attractive [əˈtræktɪv]释 adj 吸引人的;有魅力的例 They like attractive old villages. 他们喜欢富有魅力的古老村庄。audience [ˈɔːdiəns]释 n 观众;听众Australia [ɒˈstreɪlɪə]释 n 澳大利亚;澳洲派 Australian(n 澳大利亚人 adj 澳大利亚的)Austria [ˈɒstriə]释 n 奥地利autumn [ˈɔːtəm]释 n 秋天available [əˈveɪləbl]释 adj 可获得的;可用的例 Jake said that there's a concert ticket available. 杰克说有一张演唱会门票可以用。

Exercise 02

一、将左侧英文描述与右侧单词对应连线。二、从每个句子给出的两个词里选一个最合适的词。1 Athletes/Athletics have firm muscles because they do a lot of exercise.2 Tom was ready to attract/attend to the urgent matters.3 The shop association/assistant introduced an interesting book to these children.4 Bob arranged/argued a party for Mary's birthday.5 Thousands of audience/attractions crowded the concert hall.6 The author appeared/approved the editor's changes.7 We live in an atmosphere/attic of freedom.三、从三个选项中选择最合适的选项。1 It was so ________ that there was a fly buzzing all around me.

A. anxious B. attractive C. annoying2 The students try to look at all ________ of the situation.

A. aspects B. articles C. artworks3 I change my ________ towards Mary when I get along with her.

A. answer B. attitude C. apology4 The lost dog ________ to be lonely.

A. agrees B. attempts C. appears

Unit 03

Track 03average [ˈævərɪdʒ]释 adj 平均的 n 平均数搭 on average 平均;通常avoid [əˈvɔɪd]释v 避免;避开,躲避例 They avoid any contact with Eger. 他们避免与伊格有任何接触。搭 avoid doing sth. 避免做某事派 avoidable(adj 可避免的) avoidance(n 回避,躲避)awake [əˈweɪk]释 adj 醒着的v (使)醒来,唤醒(某人)记 词根记忆:a(表形容词,……的)+wake(醒)→醒着的搭 keep sb. awake 让某人醒着过 awokeaward [əˈwɔːd]释 n 奖;奖品v 授予例 Kal expects more people to buy her clothes after the award. 得奖后,卡尔期望有更多的人买她的衣服。away [əˈweɪ]释 adv 离开awful [ˈɔːfl]释 adj 可怕的;糟糕的;非常的例 The milkshakes at the café are really awful! 这家咖啡馆的奶昔真的非常糟糕!派 awfully(adv 非常,极其)babysit [ˈbeɪbisɪt]释v 代人临时照顾孩子派 babysitter (n 保姆)backache [ˈbækeɪk]释 n 背痛记 合成词:back(后背)+ache(疼痛)→背痛background [ˈbækɡraʊnd]释 n 出身背景;背景资料;(图画等的)背景记 合成词:back(背)+ground(地面)→背后的环境→背景例 Lovely paintings and fireplaces make the perfect background for these photos. 可爱的画作和壁炉为这些照片构建了完美的背景。backpack [ˈbækpæk]释 n 背包记 合成词:back(背)+pack(包)→背包例 There are pencils and books in my backpack. 我的背包里有铅笔和书。派 backpacker(n 背包客) backpacking(n 背包旅行)bad [bæd]释 adj 不好的派 badly(adv 不好地)baggage [ˈbæɡɪdʒ]释 n 行李搭 baggage collection 行李领取处bake [beɪk]释 v 烤;烘焙记 联想记忆:来到湖(lake)边烤(bake)蛋糕(cake)派 baker(n 面包师)balance [ˈbæləns]释 n 均衡;平衡搭 keep balance 保持平衡balcony [ˈbælkəni]释 n 阳台bald [bɔːld]释 adj 秃(头)的ballet [ˈbæleɪ]释 n 芭蕾舞记 发音记忆:音似“芭蕾”例 When I was nine, I went to ballet lessons. 9岁时,我去上了芭蕾舞课。balloon [bəˈluːn]释 n 气球;热气球记 词根记忆:ball(球)+oon(表名词)→气球例 You can take a balloon ride to the top of the nearby mountains. 你可以乘坐热气球去附近的山顶。balloonist [bəˈluːnɪst]释 n 乘热气球飞行者;驾驶热气球的人记 词根记忆:balloon(热气球)+ist(表名词,人)→乘热气球飞行者band [bænd]释 n 乐队;圈,带v 用带绑扎搭 jazz band 爵士乐队bandage [ˈbændɪdʒ]释 n 绷带记 词根记忆:band(带子)+age(表名词,集合名词)→绷带banking [ˈbæŋkɪŋ]释 n 银行业记 来自bank(n 银行)bar [bɑː(r)]释 n 酒吧;条,棒搭 a bar of 一条;一块 a bar of soap 一块肥皂barbecue [ˈbɑːbɪkjuː]释 n 烧烤野餐v 在烤架上烧烤bare [beə(r)]释v 使赤裸,露出 adj 裸露的;(树木)光秃秃的bark [bɑːk]释v 狗叫 n 狗叫声记 联想记忆:天黑(dark)了,公园(park)里遛狗的人很多,到处是狗叫声(bark)base [beɪs]释 v 以……为基地搭 base on 基于baseball [ˈbeɪsbɔːl]释 n 棒球记 合成词:base(垒)+ball(球)→涉及“一垒、二垒”的球类运动就是棒球(baseball)搭 play baseball 打棒球basement [ˈbeɪsmənt]释 n 地下室记 联想记忆:base(底部)+ment(表名词,具体物)→(房屋)的底部→地下室例 The lift will not be going to the basement. 这部电梯不到地下室。basic [ˈbeɪsɪk]释 adj 基本的 n 要素;基础例 Please check the basic information. 请核实基本信息。basin [ˈbeɪsn]释 n 盆basis [ˈbeɪsɪs]释 n 基础搭 on the basis of sth. 在某事的基础上;根据某事basketball [ˈbɑːskɪtbɔːl]释 n 篮球记 合成词:basket(篮子)+ball(球)→篮球搭 basketball court 篮球场 play basketball 打篮球bat [bæt]释 n 蝙蝠;球棒;球拍记 联想记忆:一只蝙蝠(bat)钻进了袋子(bag)bath [bɑːθ]释 n/v 洗澡例 Sandra has a bath every evening. 桑德拉每天晚上洗澡。battle [ˈbætl]释 n 战斗,战役例 Joke's father was killed in battle. 乔克的父亲在战斗中阵亡了。bay [beɪ]释 n 海湾beach [biːtʃ]释 n 海滩,沙滩搭 on the beach 在沙滩上bean [biːn]释 n 豆子bear [beə(r)]释v 忍受;负担 n 熊过 bore派 bearable(adj 可忍受的) bearish(adj 行情看跌的)beard [bɪəd]释 n 胡须记 联想记忆:熊(bear)脸上长着胡须(beard)beat [biːt]释v (接连地)打,击;打败 n 有节奏的敲击(声)记 联想记忆:趁热(heat)打(beat)铁过 beat派 beaten(adj 失意的) beater(n 搅拌器)beautiful [ˈbjuːtɪfl]释 adj 美丽的,优美的反 ugly(adj 丑陋的)派 beautifully(adv 美丽地,优美地)because [bɪˈkəz]释 conj 因为搭 because of 因为become [bɪˈkʌm]释v 成为;变成例 He became interested in early Italian artists. 他对早期意大利艺术家产生了兴趣。过 became





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