TOEFL Junior语言形式及含义(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载)

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TOEFL Junior语言形式及含义

TOEFL Junior语言形式及含义试读:

版权信息书名:TOEFL Junior语言形式及含义作者:刘晓琪,胡楫排版:KingStar出版社:西安交通大学出版社出版时间:2014-07-01ISBN:9787560564418本书由北京新东方大愚文化传播有限公司授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。— · 版权所有 侵权必究 · —Preface前言

TOEFL Junior考试由美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)研发推广,是“托福”家族新成员。TOEFL Junior考试是面向英语为非母语国家的11~15岁中学生的国际标准化语言测试,它提供的语言成绩不仅可以帮助考生申请美国中学,也可以成为考生进一步学习英语的指南。自2010年TOEFL Junior考试开始推广以来,已经有越来越多的美国中学了解和认可这项考试,并接受其成绩作为入学语言成绩。

TOEFL Junior考试于2011年10月正式进入中国,国内报考人数日益增多,考生对于考试相关信息和资料的需求亟待满足。我们以《TOEFL Junior考试官方指南》为指导,以北美优秀教辅书为参考,结合考生参加历次考试的反馈和教师的授课、教研经验编写了这套TOEFL Junior辅导书,包括《TOEFL Junior词汇精讲精练》、《TOEFL Junior语言形式与含义》、《TOEFL Junior听力》及《TOEFL Junior阅读》。作为国内最早的TOEFL Junior备考辅导书籍,这套图书具有相当的权威性和实用性,适合参加TOEFL Junior考试的所有考生使用。

本书为《TOEFL Junior语言形式与含义》,主要由三个部分组成,分别为Vocabulary(词汇)、Grammar(语法)及Practice(练习)。全书共12个章节。

Vocabulary:Chapter 1到Chapter 6 分别介绍了不同词性的词汇及其在考试中考查的知识点,后面紧跟相关的针对性练习,练习形式包括选词成句、句子填空、句子改错等。

Grammar:Chapter 7到Chapter 10 分别介绍了TOEFL Junior考题中涉及的知识点和语言点,后附练习,练习形式包括造句、翻译、句子改错等。

Practice:Chapter 11和 Chapter 12提供了大量练习题供考生强化训练。其中,Chapter 11包含6套小型模拟练习题,供考生平时练习使用。Chapter 12包含2套题目,从题目设置和题量上完全模拟TOEFL Junior考试,供考生在考前模拟练习使用。


祝愿所有考生在本书的帮助下都能够顺利地通过TOEFL Junior考试。编者®TMGeneral Introduction to TOEFL Junior Test®TMTOEFL Junior考试简介®TM

TOEFL Junior考试是美国教育考试服务中心(Educational Testing Service,简称ETS)专门针对11-15岁中学生研究设计的一项英语能力水平测试。考试旨在衡量中学生在校园学术生活和日常社会生活中的英语语言水平,能够反映学生在以英语为媒介的教学环境中®TM的英语能力。TOEFL Junior考试不仅为准备出国留学的中学生提供了一项权威的语言证明,而且能够准确、全面地反映出所有考生前一阶段学习的进步状况,并且为后一阶段的继续学习提供最有参考价值的指导。®TM

TOEFL Junior考试是一项精心设计的考试,它能够客观评估学生的英语水平,并为教师和家长提供有关学生英语水平和能力的有用信息。为了帮助学生(尤其是中学生)衡量自己的英语能力,®TMTOEFL Junior的成绩可分别与美国中学生英语水平对比体系(Grade Levels in the United States)、蓝思阅读分级体系(Lexile Reader Measure)、欧洲语言共同框架(CEFR)三个可信赖的测评体系相对接,以衡量考生的英语能力。®TM

TOEFL Junior考试共分为三部分:听力理解(Listening Comprehension)、语言形式与含义(Language Form and Meaning)和阅读理解(Reading Comprehension)。 每部分包含42道单项选择题,共126题;每部分满分300分,总分为900分。考试总时长为110®TM分钟。目前,TOEFL Junior考试采取的考试形式是笔纸考试(Paper-based Test)。科目考试时间分数范围听力理解35分钟200~300语言形式与含义25分钟200~300阅读理解50分钟200~300600~900总计110分钟Language Form and Meaning Overview语言形式与含义概述TM®

TOEFL Junior考试中的语言形式与含义部分共由6至8篇小短文组成,每篇小短文对应4至8道题目。该部分总共有42道题,全部为单项选择题。考试时间为25分钟。

该部分包括两大类型,分别为语言形式(Language Form)和语言含义(Language Meaning)。这两大类型会以便条、邮件、公告等形式,或以学生习作、课文、杂志中节选出的较为学术的文章的形式出现。题目内容贴近校园生活,是考生日常生活常见、常用的题材形式。1. 题目形式2. 考查内容类型Sample Questions> 样题Questions 1-4 refer to the following e-mail.

Hi, Linda!

Thanks for your last e-mail! I know you like art, just like I do, so I wanted

1. _____you about the special trip my class went on last week. We took(A)tell(B)told(C)to tell(D)telling

2. a bus into the city and spent two hours at the art museum, _____ our own tour guide. The guide told us about the different artists and gave us the(A)if there was(B)that there was(C)which we had(D)where we had

3. history of some of the paintings. _____I have more time, I will send you another e-mail with some of the photos I took that day. I took a lot of them! If(A)When(B)Rather(C)During(D)Whether

4. your family comes to _____ us this year, we can go to the art museum together.(A)ask(B)visit(C)look(D)return

Your cousin,

SamanthaQuestions 5-12 refer to the following magazine article.

5. Located in central Africa, _____ a very unusual lake.(A)Lake Victoria is(B)and Lake Victoria is(C)Lake Victoria's being(D)although Lake Victoria is

6. _____ of the largest lakes in the world; it is also one of the youngest. Estimated to be about 15,000 years old, it is a relative baby compared(A)It not only one is(B)Is it one not only(C)One is it only not(D)Not only is it one

7. with Earth's other very large lakes, _____ more than two million(A)are(B)they are(C)which being(D)which can be

8. years old. Yet judging by the variety of life in it, Lake Victoria _____ a much older body of water. Usually, lakes need a longer time(A)resembles(B)portrays(C)views(D)likes

9. _____ by a diverse array of life-forms.(A)is populated(B)they are populated(C)to become populated(D)becoming populating

10. _____ common for new lakes to contain only a small number of(A)Is(B)It is(C)Being(D)Because it is

11. species. Lake Victoria, however, is _____ with colorful fish, most(A)opened(B)packed(C)satisfied(D)purchased

12. notably, cichlids. There are _____ 500 different species of just this one type of fish.(A)many(B)as many(C)too many(D)as many asAnswers & Explanations

1. C 本题考查want to do sth.的搭配。

2. D 选项前的半句话为完整句子,前后两句不涉及条件关系,所以可以判断逗号后面为非限定性定语从句,排除选项A。非限定性定语从句不能用that引导,排除选项B。句中强调的是我们的导游在art museum里,要用in which,in which=where。

3. A 此句可以理解为我一有时间就会发送给你另外的邮件。rather表示“相当”的意思;during表示“在……期间”的意思;whether表示“是否,不论”的意思。

4. B 句子所要表达的是“如果你们家还来我家的话,我们可以一起去艺术博物馆”。可以判断出选项所要表达的意思是“拜访”,所以选visit。

5. A Located in central Africa为句子插入语,可以先忽略不看,通过选项内容加后面的a very unusual lake构成句子“主系表”结构,符合要求的只有选项A。

6. D “;”连接两个句子构成平行结构。后边是it is also one of...,前边应对称为it is not only one of...,表示它“不仅是……还是……”,选项A,B和C表达错误,可排除。选项D为倒装句式,not only在句首时,第一个分句的主语和谓语部分需要颠倒位置。

7. D Estimated to be about 15,000 years old为插入语,可以先忽略。后面半句it is a relative baby compared with Earth's other very large lakes,后面半句“主系表”结构已经齐全,说明选项之后引导的是非限定性定语从句(通常有逗号间隔的为非限定性),用来补充说明Earth's other very large lakes,故本题只可以选择which引导,being不能作谓语动词。

8. A 此题容易受生词的影响。句子需要表达的是“类似,相像”的意思。resembles表示“像,类似于”的意思;portrays表示“描写,描绘;扮演,饰演”的意思;views表示“看待,考虑,把……视为”的意思;likes虽然有“像,如同”的意思,但不作动词,而是作介词或连词使用,可直接排除。

9. C need表示“需要”的意思时,使用固定搭配need to do sth.。

10. B 做题时可直接排除选项A和C,因为两者不符合句子的构成要素。由于下一句出现however,所以不存在因果关系,可排除选项D。

11. B 句子要表示的是Lake Victoria里有很多五颜六色的鱼。opened表示“开放”的意思;packed表示“充满”的意思;satisfied表示“满意”的意思;purchased表示“购买”的意思。根据题意,正确选项为packed。

12. D there be句型表示“某处有某物”,句子可以被理解为“这里的一种鱼类(cichlids)有500个不同的品种”。“A...+as/so+形容词原级+as+B”,表示A与B在某方面程度相同或不同。Vocabulary词汇Chapter 01Verb 动词Diagnostic Test

1. — How about the exhibition yesterday?

— It was very noisy, but that didn't _______ me.

A. impress

B. hurt

C. change

D. bother

2. — How about going hiking this weekend?

— Sorry. I prefer _______ rather than _______.

A. to go out; stay at home

B. to stay at home; go out

C. staying at home; to go out

D. going out; stay at home

3. World Expo 2010 Shanghai China _______ people from all over the world to the theme“Better City, Better Life”.

A. attends

B. attracts

C. allows

D. advises

4. The young man used to _______ to work, but he is used to _______ to work now.

A. drive; walking

B. drove; walked

C. drive; walks

D. driving; walk

5. — Look! There is a tall tree over there. Can you _______, Dave?

— Yes, let me _______ a try.

A. fall it off; make

B. send it up; to have

C. come it down; give

D. climb it up; have

6. — It's raining, Daisy. Please _______ an umbrella with you.

— Thanks. I'll return it to you when I _______ back next week.

A. take; come

B. take; will come

C. bring; come

D. bring; will come

7. — The Summer Palace is wonderful. Have you ever visited any other interesting places?

— Yes. Also, we _______ to the Great Wall.

A. have gone

B. have been

C. had gone

D. had been

8. I first met Lisa three years ago when we _______ at a radio station together.

A. have worked

B. had been working

C. were working

D. had worked

9. — I'm afraid no one will agree _______ you.

— I don't think it _______.

A. with; minds

B. with; matters

C. on; works

D. in; trouble

10. When you _______ at the door, I _______TV with my parents.

A. knocked; watched

B. was knocking; watched

C. knocked; was watching

D. knock; am watching

11. Please _______ Miss Li that we _______ able to finish the work on time.

A. tell; will be

B. tells; would be

C. told; will be

D. told; would be

12. It _______ ten years since my brother _______ an English teacher.

A. was; become

B. was; have become

C. has; have become

D. has been; became

13. — The girl _______ all her savings to the people in the Southwest for the serious drought.

— What a donation and what a nice girl!

A. handed out

B. put out

C. sold out

D. gave out

14. You shouldn't _______ your hope. Everything will be better.

A. give up

B. fix up

C. cheer up

D. put up

15. There _______ a magic show on the school playground if it _______ next Monday afternoon.

A. will have; doesn't rain

B. will have; won't rain

C. will be; doesn't rain

D. will be; is not rainingKnowledge Points1. 动词的分类TM®

在TOEFL Junior的备考和练习中,考生需要了解以下两种动词的分类:● 及物动词Transitive Verb和不及物动词Intransitive Verb








解。● 谓语动词Predicative Verb和非谓语动词Non-predicative Verb





谓语成分。非谓语动词包括动词不定式(to do)、动名词(动词

的ing形式)和分词(现在分词和过去分词)。2. 动词的时态

动词时态有很多种(见下表)。在备考和练习中,考生可重点关注动词的一般现在时(Simple Present Tense)、一般过去时(Simple Past Tense)、一般将来时(Simple Future Tense)、过去将来时(Past Future Tense)、过去进行时(Past Present Tense)、现在完成时(Present Perfect Tense)、过去完成时(Past Perfect Tense)、现在完成进行时(Present Perfect Progressive Tense)和过去完成进行时(Past Perfect Progressive Tense)等。

以 write 为例,该动词的各种时态构成如下:时态种类时态构成一般现在时write(writes)一般过去时wrote一般将来时will(shall)write过去将来时should(would)writebe(am, is, are)writing现在进行时be(was, were)writing过去进行时will(shall)be writing将来进行时should(would)be writing过去将来进行时现在完成时have(has)writtenhad written过去完成时将来完成时will(shall)have written过去将来完成时should(would)have writtenhave(has)been writing现在完成进行时had been writing过去完成进行时will(shall)have been writing将来完成进行时过去将来完成进行should(would)have been writing时3. 动词的被动语态


在TOEFL Junior的备考和练习过程中,考生可重点关注动词的一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、现在完成时、过去完成时及进行时态下的被动语态。

以tell 为例,其被动语态的构成如下:时态种类被动语态be(am, is, are)told一般现在时be(was, were)told一般过去时be(am, is, are)being told现在进行时现在完成时have(has)been told一般将来时shall(will)be toldbe(was, were)being told过去进行时过去完成时had been told过去将来时should(would)be told含有情态动can(may, must)be told词4. 非谓语动词的特殊使用方法及搭配● 不定式(Infinite Mood),基本形式为:to do


末。其结构为:It+be+adj.+(for/ of sb.)to do sth.


打算或希望的,如:would like,like,want,wish,hope,




Why not do...

Why don't you do...

Had better(not)do...

Would rather do...

Could/Would/Will you please(not)do...


相当于一个宾语从句。● 动名词(Gerund),基本形式为:doing


e.g. Reading is really interesting.(读书非常有趣。)


e.g. They went on walking and never stopped talking.(他们继续



e.g. Your task is cleaning the windows./Cleaning the windows is

your task.(你的任务是擦窗户。)



e.g. a washing machine=a machine which is used for washing(洗



miss,be worth,be busy,practice,have fun,have trouble/

problem in,,feel like,be used to,give up,keep on,

consider,suggest,can't help等等。● 分词(Participle),基本形式包括:现在分词-ing和过去分词-ed


e.g. That book was rather boring.(那本书相当无聊。)

We were so bored that we couldn't help yawning.(我们如此无聊以至于都忍不住打哈欠。)

分词可作定语,还可以放在名词的前面修饰名词, 相当于一个定


e.g. I found him a charming person.(我发现他是一个很有魅力的


The teacher gave us a satisfied smile.(老师给了我们一个满意的



e.g. Opening the drawer, he took out a box.(他打开抽屉,拿出


They came in, followed by some children.(他们进来了,后面跟



e.g. I smelt something burning.(我闻到了有东西烧着的味道。)

When they got back home, they found the room robbed.(当他们回到家,发现家中被盗了。)● 不同的搭配方式表示的意思不同,这点考生可加以注意并总结积


例如:forget to do 表示“忘记去做某事”;forget doing 表示“忘

记做了某事”。5. 共享相同词根、词缀的单词

一个单词可由前缀+词根+后缀组成。词根可以是表示实际意义的词,前缀与后缀通常不能单独用作单词,只能附加在实义词上表示一定意义,前缀多用来限定单词的功能与方向,后缀多用来引导词性。TM®TOEFL Junior考试中会出现针对共享相同词根或词缀的单词的选择题。考生可在能力范围内对常见词根、词缀进行大量积累记忆。Assignment & Exercise● 句子填空:选用括号里的词的正确形式完成句子

1. He keeps telling his students that the future _____(belong)to the well-educated.

2. When I arrive at home, I smell something _____(burn)in the kitchen.

3. I have a lot of readings _____(complete)before the end of this term.

4. _____(encourage)by the advances in technology, many farmers have set up wind farms on their land.

5. If he _____(follow)my advice, he wouldn't have lost his job.

6. For breakfast he only drinks juice from fresh fruit _____(grow)on his own farm.

7. His first book _____(publish)next month is based on a true story.

8. Tom is looking for the watch his uncle _____(give)him last month.

9. You'd better stay until the rain _____(stop).

10. I _____(ride)my bicycle to the bookshop when it suddenly began to rain. I was all wet through.

11. Richard turned off the computer after he had finished _____(write)the email.

12. It is reported that more new teaching buildings _____(build)in our school in the next semester.

13. Great changes have taken place since we _____(enter)E-Times.

14. My mother isn't at home now. She _____(ask)to go shopping.

15. Many buildings in the city need repairing, but the one _____(repair)first is the library.● 选词成句:选择合适的单词完成下列各句

1.The radio _____ that there will be another heavy rain in Guangdong.(A)tells(B)talks(C)says(D)speaks

2. We are going to play basketball. Would you please _____ us?(A)take(B)attend(C)join(D)take part in

3. He telephoned the travel agency to _____ three air tickets to London.(A)order(B)arrange(C)take(D)book

4. Thousands of foreigners _____ to the Beijing Olympic Games.(A)attended(B)attained(C)attracted(D)attached

5. The twins look almost alike, so I could not _____ them.(A)identify(B)recognize(C)distinguish(D)classify

6. The boy threw a stone into the lake which _____ the smooth surface of the water.(A)broke(B)disturbed(C)bothered(D)interrupted

7. Your homework is well done. Just _____ some small mistakes in it.(A)create(B)connect(C)correct(D)control

8. I don't like this blouse because it doesn't _____ my slack very well.(A)fix(B)accept(C)compare(D)match● 句子改错:判断句中画线动词的形式是否正确,错误的请在横线上改正,没有错误请画√

1. The living room is clean and tidy, with a dining table already laying for a meal to be cooked.

Correction      ;

2. He played basketball regularly for many years when he was young.

Correction      ;

3. I hear they've promoted Tom, but he didn't mention having promoted when we talked on the phone.

Correction      ;

4. Reminding not to miss the flight at 15:20, the manager set out for the airport in a hurry.

Correction      ;

5. I walked slowly through the market, where people sell all kinds of fruits and vegetables. I studied the prices carefully and bought what I needed.

Correction      ;

6. Seeing from the top of the tower, the south foot of the mountain is a sea of trees.

Correction      ;

7. Dina, struggling for months to find a job as a waitress, finally took a position at a local advertising agency.

Correction      ;

8. Lots of rescue workers were working around the clock, sending supplies to Yushu, Qinghai province after the earthquake.

Correction      ;

9. Tom will call me as soon as he got home.

Correction      ;

10. Lisa is busy packing her luggage because she is leaving for America for vacation.

Correction      .Answers & ExplanationsDiagnostic Test

1. D 题目理解为“——昨天的展览怎么样?——非常吵,但是没有打扰到我。”考生可根据but推断noisy并没有影响到说话者。impress表示“给……留下深刻印象”;hurt表示“伤害”;change表示“改变”。

2. B 题目考查考生对词组的把握:prefer to do...rather than do...表示“宁愿做……而不愿做……”。题目理解为“比起出门,我宁愿待在家里”。

3. B 题目理解为“主题为‘城市,让生活更美好’的2010年上海世博会吸引了来自世界各国的人们”。attend表示“参加”;allow表示“允许”;advise表示“建议”。

4. A 题目考查考生区分两个词组的能力:used to do sth.表示“过去常常做某事”,而be used to doing sth.表示“习惯做某事”。题目理解为“这个年轻人以前常常开车去上班,但是现在他习惯走路去上班”。

5. D 题目理解为“——看!那里有一棵高大的树,你能爬上去么,Dave?——是的,让我试一下。”have a try表示“尝试一下”,考生可根据let sb. do sth.(让某人做某事)确定第二个空,从而选出答案。fall off表示“跌落”;send up表示“上升”;come down表示“下来”,三个词组都不符合题目句意。

6. A take sth. with sb.表示“某人随身携带某物”,在时间状语从句中经常用一般现在时表示将来发生的事情。题目理解为“——外面下雨了,Daisy,带把雨伞吧。——谢谢,下周来的时候就还给你”。

7. B 题目考查have been to和have gone to的用法。have been to表示“曾去过但已回来”,have gone to表示“曾去过但没有回来”。

8. C 题目考查动词的过去进行时态:be(was, were)+doing。题目理解为“我第一次遇到Lisa是在三年前,那时我们在同一家广播站工作”。were working表示的是过去某段时间的持续工作状态。

9. B agree with后加sb.,表示“同意某人的意见”;agree on/in后加sth.,表示“与……保持一致”;it doesn't matter表示“无所谓,没关系”。题目理解为“——恐怕没有人会赞同你。——我觉得无所谓。”

10. C 题目理解为“当你敲门的时候,我正在和我的父母看电视”。过去进行时表示“过去某一时间正在进行的动作”。

11. A 以please开头的句子通常是祈使句,祈使句用一般现在时和动词原形。will be为一般将来时,表示“将要……”。

12. D 题目理解为“我哥哥当了十年的英语教师了”。It has been+一段时间+since...表示“从……起已有多长时间了”。

13. D hand out表示“分发”;put out表示“熄灭;出版”;sell out表示“售完”;give out表示“分发;用尽”。题目理解为“这个姑娘将其全部存款捐给了西南地区遭受严重旱灾的人们”。

14. A give up表示“放弃”;fix up表示“修补”;cheer up 表示“振作起来”;put up表示“举起;张贴”。题目理解为“你不应该放弃希望,一切都会好起来的”。

15. C 题目考查there be句型和“主将从现”,即主句用将来时,从句用一般现在时。句子填空

1. belongs 时态为一般现在时。

2. burning smell为感官动词,smell sth. doing意为“闻到某物有……的味道”。

3. to complete 不定式作后置定语,修饰readings。

4. Encouraged 主语为many farmers,过去分词表被动。

5. had followed if条件句的过去虚拟,主句用would+完成时,if条件句用过去完成时。

6. grown grown表示一种属性状态——已经长成的。

7. to be published 不定式作后置定语,修饰book,book需要“被出版”。

8. gave 由last month可知用过去式。

9. stops 时态为一般现在时。

10. was riding “突然开始下雨的时候,我正在骑自行车去书店”,用过去进行时。

11. writing finish+doing,意为“完成某事”。

12. will be built “下学期要建造”,用将来时,且buildings需要“被建造”。

13. entered “自从我们进入了E时代,发生了巨大变化”,since后用过去时。

14. was asked 现在不在家,是之前被叫去购物了,因此用过去时的被动语态。

15. to be repaired 不定式作后置定语,修饰one building,building需要“被维修”。选词成句

1. C tell表示“告诉”;talk表示“谈论”;say表示“说”;speak表示“讲某种语言”。

2. C 题目理解为“我们打算去打篮球,你要加入我们么?”attend后面一般接to;take part in后面一般接sth.。

3. D book表示“预订”。

4. C attend to表示“参加”。

5. C 题目理解为“这对双胞胎看起来很像,我无法区分他们”。identify表示“鉴别,明确身份”;recognize表示“认出”;distinguish表示“区分,鉴别”;classify表示“分类”。

6. B 题目理解为“小男孩将一块石头扔到湖里,打破了本来平静的水面”。break表示“弄坏,弄碎”;disturb表示“打破……的平静”;bother表示“烦扰,使恼怒”;interrupt表示“中断,打断”。

7. C correct表示“改正”。

8. D 题目理解为“我不喜欢这件衬衫,因为它和我的裤子不是很搭”。句子改错

1. laid被动语态,表示dining table“被布置好了”。

2. √

3. having been promoted mention+doing表示“提及某事”,已经“被升职”用被动形式-ed+完成时态:have been done。

4. Reminded“被提醒”用被动形式-ed。

5. were selling过去进行时表示一种状态,“人们正在卖各种各样的果蔬”。

6. Seen mountain是“被看”的,因此用被动形式seen。

7. having struggled“Dina在找到当地广告公司的职位之前,做了几个月的服务员”,表示“……之前做的事情”应该用完成时have+done,ing形式表示主动。

8. √

9. gets as soon as引导状语从句,“主将从现”。

10. √Chapter 02Adjective 形容词Diagnostic Test

1. I bought a shirt because it was good in quality and ______ in price.

A. reasonable

B. valuable

C. comfortable

D. enjoyable

2. According to the new research, gardening is a more ______ exercise for older women than jogging or swimming.

A. mental

B. physical

C. effective

D. efficient

3. The church is a ______ example of Gothic architecture.

A. profound

B. realistic

C. practical

D. perfect

4. Mr. Black is very happy because the clothes made in his factory have never been ______ than now.

A. popular

B. more popular

C. most popular

D. the most popular

5. It took ______ a day to complete the task. And I have stayed up for 2 days without sleep.

A. other than

B. more than

C. rather than

D. less than

6. It's high time you had your hair cut; it's getting ______.

A. too much long

B. much too long

C. long too much

D. too long much

7. If I find someone who looks like the suspect, my ______ reaction will be to tell the police.

A. physical

B. immediate

C. sensitive

D. sudden

8. Now the air in our city is ______ than it used to be. Something must be done to stop it.

A. very good

B. much better

C. rather bad

D. even worse

9. Don't believe the advertisement. This kind of camera is ______ it says.

A. as good as

B. not as good as

C. as well as

D. not as well as

10. Matthew came to Beijing in 2005. He has been here ______ than you.

A. long

B. longer

C. longest

D. the longest

11. Have you watched the TV program last night? It is so ______. Everyone enjoys a lot.

A. boring

B. funny

C. surprising

D. terrible

12. No one is ______ Lucy in the class.

A. so tallest as

B. as taller as

C. so taller as

D. as tall as

13. The Yangtze River is one of ______ in the world.

A. the longest river

B. longest rivers

C. the longest rivers

D. longer rivers

14. The number of giant pandas is getting ______, because their living areas are becoming farmlands.

A. less and less

B. larger and larger

C. smaller and smaller

D. fewer and fewer

15. China is ______ country in the world.

A. the third largest

B. the largest third

C. the third large

D. a third largestKnowledge Points1. 形容词比较级构成

考生需要多注意关于形容词的比较级及最高级的使用方法以及相TM®关表达,因为这是TOEFL Junior中常见的对于形容词的考查点。在平常的练习中,考生可多积累相关知识点。原级比较级最高级good/betterbestwellmany/moremostmuchworsebad/illworstlittlelessleastfarfarther较远/further进一步farthest/furthestoldolder年纪较大的/elder较年长的oldest/eldest2. 形容词原级的用法● 用very/so/too/enough/quite等表示绝对概念的副词修饰时用形容

词原级● 表示A和B某方面程度相同:A is+as+形容词原级+as+B● 表示A和B某方面程度不同:A is not+as/so+形容词原级+as+B





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