
发布时间:2020-07-18 08:09:55






版权信息COPYRIGHT INFORMATION书名:休闲娱乐必读:思维短路——英文笑话集作者:高雅哲排版:吱吱出版时间:2017-07-24本书由北京明天远航文化传播有限公司授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。— · 版权所有 侵权必究 · —上篇思维短路1 Time

First Drunkard: Say, know what time it is?

Second Drunkard: Yeah.

First Drunkard: Thanks.时间



第一个醉鬼:谢谢。2 Bigamy

“She’s married to a real‐estate agent and a good, honest fellow, too.”

“My gracious! Bigamy?”重婚“她嫁给了一个房地产商,嫁给了一个诚实的好人。”“天哪!是重婚?”3 Looking All Over for It

“Look here, waiter, I just found a collar‐button in my soup.”

“Oh, thank you, sir. I have been looking all over for it.”正在到处找它“服务员,我刚在汤里发现一枚领扣。”“噢,谢谢你,先生,我正在到处找它呢。”4 Thanks to the Bookbinder

A London reviewer discussed a long and rambling philo‐sophic treatise,“All the connection in this book is owing to the bookbinder.”多亏装订工人

一位伦敦评论家谈论一篇冗长松散的哲学论文时说:“多亏了装订工人, 这本书的内容才联成了一体。”5 Let Them Go

A man was applying for a job as a prison guard. The warden said, “Now these are real tough guys here. Do you think you can handle it?”

“No problem.”the applicant replied,“If they don’t behave, I will let them go.”让他们滚

一个人申请当监狱看守。监狱长说:“这可都是些不好对付的家伙,你觉得你能处理好吗?”“没问题,”申请者回答说,“如果他们不规矩,我就让他们滚出去。”6 How Do They Get Along?

“That’s marvelous, having a lion and a monkey in the same cage. ”said the visitor to a small zoo,“How do they get along?”

“Okay, usually.”answered the zookeeper,“Occasionally they have a disagreement, and we have to get a new monkey. ”

它们怎么相处的?“让猴子和狮子呆在同一只笼子里真是奇迹,”游客对一家小动物园说。“它们是怎么相处的呢?”“一般没事,”动物园看守回答说。“偶尔它们会有不同意见,这样我们就得再换一只猴子。”7 Shirt

I asked a colleague of mine how he liked the shirt his daughter had given him as a gift.“The color and the design are nice. ”he said,“But the sleeves are two inches too long.”

I suggested that perhaps it was made for a much taller man.“I don’t think so. ”he said,“If I stand on my toes. It still fits the same.”衬衣


我说或许它是为个头更高的人做的。“我想不是。”他说,“我踮起脚尖,它还是一样长。”8 Accident

Taxiing down the tarmac, the jetliner abruptly stopped and returned to the gate. After waiting over an hour, it finally took off.

A concerned passenger asked the flight attendant,“What happened?”

“The pilot was bothered by a noise he heard in the engine. ”said the attendant,“It took us almost an hour to find another pilot. ”事故


一名忧心忡忡的乘客问空中小姐发生了什么事。“飞行员受到引擎中的噪音的影响,”空中小姐回答说。“我们花了将近一小时时间才找到另一名飞行员。”9 The Conductor

The exceedingly stout lady indignantly tackled a bus inspector at a busy stopping‐place.

“I want to report the conductor of that bus that’s just gone, ”she shrilled,“He’s been rude!”

“How?”asked the bored official.

“Why, ”went on the lady,“he was telling people the bus full, and when I got off he said, ‘Room for three inside. ’”售票员

在一个熙熙攘攘的车站,一个特别肥胖的女人正怒气冲冲地跟公共汽车检查员进行交涉。“我要向你报告刚刚开走的那辆公共汽车上的售票员,”她尖声说道。“他太无礼了!”“怎么回事?”检查员不耐烦地说。“哎,”那个女人接着说道,“他对人们说车上已经满员。但我一下车,他就说:‘里面还有三个人的座位。’”10 You Have to Bring It Back

When my husband and I decided to rent a car and drive to visit his parents’family, we discovered that many rental agreements came with restrictions.

After several calls, I asked a sweet young agent if her company had any restrictions on taking its rental cars long distance.

After a pause, she replied,“Well, you have to bring it back.”你得把它开回来



停顿了一会儿,她回答说:“呃……你必须得把车开回来。”11 Dog Food

My aunt was always reluctant to wait in line, and she more loathed the people who try to squeeze in front.

One day a young man at the supermarket stepped up to her just as she reached the check‐out counter.“Mind if I go ahead?”he asked,“I just have this one can of dog food.”

“Goodness, no.”she roared,“If you’re that hungry, go right ahead!”狗粮


有一天,姨妈在超市买东西,她刚排到收银台前面,一个年轻人走上前来问道:“您介意我先结账吗?我只买了这一罐狗粮。”“哎呀,不介意。”她大声嚷道,“你要是那么饿的话,就先结吧!”12 Where Are You Now?

A man was strolling along the sidewalk when he caught sight of his friend on a bus. They hadn’t seen each other for years, and waved excitedly.

The pedestrian called out,“Where are you now?”He meant to ask his friend’s address.

By this time the bus was some distance away. The man on the bus stretched his head out of the window, cupped his hands to his mouth and yelled,“I’m on the bus!”




此时,汽车已经驶过一段距离。车上的朋友将头伸出窗外,两手在嘴边掬成杯状大声喊道:“我在公共汽车上!”13 A So‐called Pigeon Expert

A so-called pigeon expert claims he’s able to tell the male pigeons from the female pigeons. When questioned by his friends, “How?”The pseudo expert explains:“You see, it’s like this.The male pigeons always eat female worms and the female pigeons always eat male worms.”

Unconvinced, his friends question him further.“Now, how can you tell male worms from female worms?”Unemotionally our expert replies.

“Oh, I know nothing about worms, I’m only an expert on pigeons.”养鸽专家


朋友们很不服气,继续追问道:“那么你又怎么辨认出是公虫还是母虫呢?”这位专家面不改色地回答道:“哦,关于虫子我可是一窍不通,我只是个养鸽专家。”14 Can You Tell Me Where We Are

Nights in England are coal black, making parachute jumps difficult and dangerous. So we attach small lights called chemlites to our jumpsuits to make ourselves visible to the rest of our team. Late one night, lost after a practice jump, we knocked on the door of a small cottage. When a woman answered, she was greeted by the sight of five men festooned in glowing chemlites.“Excuse me. ”I said,“Can you tell me where we are? ”In a thick English accent, the woman replied,“Earth. ”您可以告诉我这是什么地方吗


一天深夜,我们在一场跳伞演习后迷了路,就去一家农舍敲门。一个妇人来应门,看见我们五个点缀着闪光化学灯的人。我说:“打扰了,您可以告诉我这是什么地方吗?”那个妇人用浓重的英国口音回答道:“地球。”15 Jump Twice

A blonde and a brunette are watching the news at 6. It is live on the scene. It has been reported that an old homeless man is on top of a large bridge and swears that he will jump off the bridge.

The brunette turns around and says to the blonde,“I bet you$50 that he will jump.”

The blonde says,“You’re on.”

Sure enough, the old man jumps and falls to his death. The brunette snickers to herself and says,“I must admit I did watch the news at 5.”

The blonde says,“So did I, but I didn’t think he would jump twice!”跳两次





金发女人说:“我也看了,但我不相信他会跳两次!”16 Corruption Trial

At the height of a political corruption trial, the prosecuting attorney attacked a witness.

“Isn’t it true, ”he bellowed,“that you accepted two thousand dollars to compromise this case?”

The witness stared out the window, as though he hadn’t heard the question.

The prosecutor again blared,“Isn’t it true that you accepted five thousand dollars to compromise this case?”

The witness still did not respond.

Finally, the judge leaned over and said,“Sir, please answer the question.”

“Oh.”the startled witness said,“I thought he was talking to you.”受贿案件





最后,法官倾身向前说:“先生,请回答问题。”“噢,”大吃一惊的证人说,“我以为他在和你说话呢。”17 The Cat’s Doubt

On a pleasure ship, a magician gave a performance every evening.Every time he did that, a talking cat in the audience yelled,“It’s a trick. That’s not a magic. He is a phony.”

One evening, the ship struck a coral reef and sank while the magician was performed. It so happened the magician and the cat ended up in the same life boat. For the first three days, they just glared each other and neither one of them said a word. On the fourth day, the cat finally said,“All right, smart aleck, you and your crazy tricks. What did you do with the ship?”猫的疑惑


一天晚上,魔术师正在表演时,船触礁沉没了。巧的是,魔术师和那只猫竟然坐在了同一条救生船上。前三天,他们只是注视着对方,谁都没有说话。到了第四天,猫终于先开了口:“好吧,你这个自作聪明的家伙,还有你那些疯狂的把戏。你到底把船弄到哪儿去了?”18 In Your Left Arm

“Mr. Jason, you are going to have some injection, and then you’ll feel much better. A nurse will come and give you the first one this evening. ”said the doctor.

In the evening a young nurse came to Mr. Jason’s bed and said to him,“I’m going to give you your first injection now, Mr. Jason. Where do you want it?”

The old man was surprised. He looked at the nurse for several seconds, and then said,“Nobody’s ever let me choose that before.Are you really going to let me choose now?”

“Yes, Mr. Jason. ”the nurse answered.

“Well, then, ”the old man answered with a smile,“I want it in your left arm.”打在你左臂上“詹森先生,你得打几针,然后就会感觉好多了。今晚护士会过来给你打第一针。”医生说。


这位老人非常惊讶,他看了护士好几秒钟,然后说:“以前从来没人让我选择。你现在真的想让我作选择吗?”“是的,詹森先生。”护士回答说。“那好,”老人微笑着答道,“我想打在你的左臂上。”19 Imperturbably

Late one night, an Englishman came out of his room into the corridor of a hotel and asked the servant to bring him a glass of water. The servant did as he was asked.

The Englishman reentered his room, but a few minutes later he came into the corridor again and once more asked the servant for a glass of water. The servant brought him another glass of water.

Every few minutes the Englishman would come out of his room and repeat his request.

After a half‐hour the astonished servant decided to ask the Englishman what he was doing with the water.

“Nothing.”the Englishman answered imperturbably,“It’s simply that my room is on fire. ”面不改色




半小时后,服务员感到非常惊讶,决定去问一下英国人到底要水干什么。“不干什么,”英国人面不改色地说,“只不过是我的房间着火了。”20 All Day

Fifteen minutes into the flight from Kansas City to Toronto, the captain announced,“Ladies and gentlemen, one of our engines has failed. There is nothing to worry about. Our flight will take an hour longer than scheduled, but we still have three engines left.”

Thirty minutes later, the captain announced,“One more engine has failed and the flight will take an additional two hours. But don’t worry, we can fly just fine on two engines.”

An hour later the captain announced,“One more engine has failed and our arrival will be delayed another two hours. But dont’t worry, we still have one engine left.”

A young blonde passenger turned to the man in the next seat and remarked,“If we lose one more engine, we’ll be up here all day!”一整天




一个年轻的金发女乘客转头对坐在旁边的男人说:“如果我们再失去一个引擎,那我们岂不是得在这上面待一整天!”21 Then Where Is My Cat?

Justin liked fish very much, and when he had enough money, he bought some for his dinner when he went to the market, and took it home. But when his wife saw the fish, she always said to herself,“Good! Now I will invite my friends to lunch and we will eat this fish.They like fish very much.”

So when Justin came home in the evening after his work, the fish was never there, and his wife always said,“Oh, your cat ate it! She is a very bad animal!”And she gave Justin soup and rice for his dinner.

But one evening when this happened, Justin became very angry.He took the cat and his wife to the shop near his house and weighed the cat carefully. Then he turned to his wife and said,“My fish weighed three pounds. This cat weighs three pounds too. My fish is here, you say. Then where is my cat?”




但是,一天晚上又发生这事时,贾斯汀变得非常生气。他带着猫,领着妻子去了一个离家很近的商店,仔仔细细地称了称那只猫。接着,他转过身对妻子说:“我的鱼重三磅,这只猫也重三磅。你说我的鱼在猫肚子里,那我的猫去哪儿了?”22 Don’t Forget to look to the Right

Mr. Keith was very fond of climbing mountains, so one year he went to China for holidays. After he had climbed some easy mountains, he decided one day to climb a more difficult one; but he did not want to go up it alone, so he found a good Chinese guide, who had often climbed that mountain.

At first it was not a difficult climb, but then they came to a place which was not so easy. The guide stopped, turned round and warned Mr. Keith.“Be careful here,”he said,“This is a dangerous place. You can easily fall, and if you do, you will fall straight down a very long way. But,”he continued calmly,“if you do fall here, don’t forget to look to the right while you are going down. There is a quite extraordinarily beautiful view there—much more beautiful than the one you can see from here.”别忘了向右看


起初并不难爬,但后来他们来到了一个不那么容易爬的地方。导游停下来,转过身去提醒凯斯先生。“这里要小心,”他说,“这个地方危险。你很容易就会掉下去,而且会笔直地掉下去很长一段距离。”他继续平静地说,“如果你真的从这里掉下去了,掉下去的时候可别忘了向右看。那边的景色真是美得惊人——比你从这里看到的要美得多。”23 Small Frying‐pan

One morning a man was crossing a narrow bridge when he saw a fisherman on the shady bank of the deep, smooth river under him, so he stopped to watch him quietly.

After a few minutes, the fisherman pulled his line in. There was a big, fat fish at the end of it.

The fisherman took it off the hook and threw it back into the water. Then he put his hook and line in again. After a few more minutes he caught another big fish. Again he threw it back into the river. Then, the third time, he caught a small fish. He put it into his basket and started to get ready to go. The man on the bridge was very surprised, so he spoke to the fisherman. He said,“Why did you throw those beautiful, big fish back into the water, and keep only that small one?”

The fisheman looked up and answered,“Small frying‐pan.”煎锅太小



钓鱼人抬起头回答:“因为我的煎锅太小。”24 The World Is Going to End

One day, the boys of Marcus’s village said to him,“You have a nice fat sheep. Will you invite us to a party to eat it with you ?” Marcus didn’t want the boys to eat his sheep, so he said,“It is not fat enough yet.”

“But have you not heard the world is gong to end tomorrow? So the sheep will never get fat!”Marcus was getting tired of this, so he said,“All right, boys, we will have a picnic tomorrow and eat the sheep.”

So the next morning they all went to the river, the boys took off their clothes and jumped into the river, and Marcus killed the sheep.

When the boys went out, their clothes were not there.“Marcus, where are our clothes?”they asked.

“Oh,”he answered,“I made the fire to cook the sheep with your clothes. You won’t need them again. The world is going to end today, don’t you remember?”





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