艺术类大学英语读写教程 3(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载)

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艺术类大学英语读写教程 3

艺术类大学英语读写教程 3试读:



● 艺术类大学英语语言技能提高系列分为《艺术类大学英语听说教程》(1—4册)和《艺术类大学英语读写教程》(1—4册),分别与“艺术类大学英语系列教材”(综合教材)1—4册对应。

● 语言技能提高系列教材的编写以提高学生听、说、读、写四个方面的语言基本技能为原则,继续坚持综合教材中“以文化为导向,突出艺术领域的通识文化”的特色。

● 语言技能提高系列教材的单元数与综合教材一致,便于教师同步教学,教师也可根据授课需要进行灵活选择组合。

● 语言技能提高系列教材的主题与主干教材相呼应,起到对综合教材各单元主题的延伸、拓展的作用;选材依然贴合“艺术通识”这个特色,拓展学生在艺术领域的视野。

● 语言技能提高系列教材难度适中,贴近艺术类大学生的实际英语水平。1—4册的难度循序渐进,各分册的难度略大于所对应的综合教材,以此引导学生加强语言技能训练,并在练习中逐步提高英语运用的综合能力。

● 语言技能提高系列教材的部分练习形式与大学英语四级考试的题型相仿,兼顾部分教师和学生应试的需要。


● 在教材内容方面,首先保持与主干教材主题的一致性。在充分考虑艺术类学生专业兴趣的前提下,尽量拓展各类艺术专业相关的文化背景,突出艺术教育的通识文化知识,充分挖掘相关的艺术史和社会题材,便于学生加深对艺术主题更深刻的认识和理解。

● 就选材而言,所选课文针对性强。本教材以学生的专业通识知识为基础,力求有效地把语言学习、文化交流和艺术背景融为一体。文章均选自国外有关艺术文化的专业网站,内容涉及美术、音乐、舞蹈、表演等多个领域,与艺术专业相匹配。课文介绍了很多学生耳熟能详的艺术人物和作品,使得学生在学习中更容易接受并展开讨论,吸引他们更好地学习。

● 所选材料难度适中,贴近艺术类专业学生的实际英语基础。对于较长的选文,编者均作了适当的精简。1—4册的课文难度由浅入深,课文长短也是循序渐进,保持了本系列教材1—4册的梯度。

● 在练习设计方面,首先围绕单元主题开展相关的语言技能学习。充分利用学生的原有知识进行启发式的教学,强调通过模仿去学习语言,鼓励学生学用结合,鼓励参与,鼓励体验,鼓励模仿,让学生在完成练习的过程中有驾轻就熟的感觉,有效提高学生的学习积极性。每个单元也设计了一些模拟大学英语四六级考试的练习,提高他们的应试能力。

● 针对读写技能,本系列教程每个单元均编写了一个技能学习与练习模块。学生在了解相关技能知识后有针对性地进行技能训练。写作与阅读融为一体,如针对所读文章写总结、读后感、概要等,也设计了一些与单元主题相关的写作练习,包括学术写作和应用文写作。每个单元均编写了相关的写作技巧,帮助学生更好地完成写作任务,提高他们的写作能力。


本读写系列教程结构安排合理,即适合教师在课堂上使用,也可用于学生课外自主学习。我们恳切希望使用本书的广大师生不吝赐教,以便我们不断改进教材的编写,进一步提高教材质量。编 者2015年8月Unit 1Elvis Presley's Musical Influence on AmericaSkill TrainingReading SkillREADING FAST TO UNDERSTAND THE THEME OF A TEXT: SKIMMINGSkimming means reading through a passage quickly to get a general idea of its content, it requires the reader to note only information and clues which provide an idea of the central theme or topic of a piece of writing. When we skim, we read only selected sentences in order to get the main idea. We should also use textual clues such as italicized or underlined words, headlines or subtitles, spacing and paragraphing. We do not read every word or sentence. To skim efficiently, you should:

1. Read the title of the text.

2. Read the first paragraph.

3. Read the first sentence of each of the other paragraphs.

4. Read the final paragraph.

5. Look for key words.Practice 1Now take two minutes to skim the following passage for the general idea of it and then write it down in the space provided.Read the passage again and do the exercises that follow.[1] Almost everyone knows that Elvis Presley was a famous singer, but many people don' t fully understand what he contributed to popular music to earn his widespread fame. Elvis combined different types of music to form a style called rockabilly, which became one of the key sounds in rock' n' roll. That this integration of musical styles took place just prior to the civil rights movement, prefiguring social integration, makes this moment in pop culture history seem momentous.[2] Elvis wasn' t the first to sing in a rock' n' roll style, so he can' t be credited with inventing it. But, his version of this new music became widely popular during the mid-1950s. He spread rock' n' roll music across the country, making it popular to a wide audience, especially teenagers. In that regard, he was a true innovator.[3] Elvis also yielded a strong influence on youth culture. During the 1950s, teenagers had begun to think of themselves as being different from their parents' generation. Because of the economic prosperity of the period, teens enjoyed a disposable income that they could spend on themselves instead of contributing toward family survival. With that money they dressed themselves in fashions marketed to their age group, went to movies that featured stars of their generation, and listened to music that appealed to them. So it wasn' t a surprise when Presley' s rock' n' roll music, his hairstyle, and his fashion sense became a part of this new culture for teenagers.[4] Later in his career, Presley changed his musical style and his personal look to keep up with the times and gain popularity among older audiences. He became a movie star during the 1960s and then returned to live musical performances during the 1970s. Even after his death, his popularity remains strong among a wide variety of people. This wide popularity, as well as his important role in American musical history, makes him a cultural icon.

New Words and Phrasesrockabilly /ˈrɒkəˌbɪli/ n. 乡村摇滚乐integration /ˌɪntɪˈɡreɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 结合;整合take place 发生;举行prior to 在前面的prefigure /priːˈfɪɡə(r)/ vt.预示;预兆momentous /məʊˈmentəs/ adj.关键的;重要的credit /ˈkredɪt/ vt.赞扬;称赞;认可version /ˈvɜː(r)ʃ(ə)n/ n.(电影、剧本、乐曲等的)版本in that regard 在这方面;在这一点上innovator / ˈɪnəveɪtə(r)/ n. 改革者;创新者yield /jiːld/ vt.出产(作物);产生(收益、效益等)prosperity /prɒˈsperəti/ n. 兴旺;繁荣;成功disposable /dɪˈspəʊzəb(ə)l/ adj.可动用的;可自由支配的survival /sə(r)ˈvaɪv(ə)l/ n. 生存;存活;幸存market to 推销;促销appeal /əˈpiːl/ vi.有吸引力;有感染力keep up with(与……)齐步前进;并驾齐驱;跟上as well as 既……又……;除……之外(也);此外icon /ˈaɪkɒn/ n. 崇拜对象;偶像Practice 2Match the paragraphs on the left column with the main ideas on the right.Practice 3Read the passage in more details and decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F). Write T or F on the lines below.1. ________ Many people don' t understand what he contributed to popular music.2. ________ That this integration of musical styles took place after the civil rights movement.3. ________ He spread rock' n' roll music across the country, making it popular only to teenagers.4. ________ Presley' s rock' n' roll music, his hairstyle, and his fashion sense produced a strong influence on teenagers.5. ________ After his death, his popularity remains strong among a great number of people.Reading in Depth● Work in pairs and discuss factors that make a song popular. You may refer to the following tips, though you are not limited to them.

· good music and lyrics (words)

· sung by a famous singer

· sung by the right singer

· aiming at the right audience

· effective promotionTEXT Elvis Presley' s Musical Influence on AmericaPre-readingAnswer the following questions with the information from the passage.1. Who is Elvis Presley?2. How did he begin to learn music?3. What influenced his music?4. What is this article generally about?Initial ReadingRead the following text as quickly as you can in order to understand the theme of the text. Then complete the exercises that follow.[1] Almost everyone knows that Elvis Presley was a famous singer, but many people don' t fully understand what he contributed to popular music to earn his widespread fame. Elvis combined different types of music to form a style called rockabilly, which became one of the key sounds in rock' n' roll. That this integration of musical styles took place just prior to the civil rights movement, prefiguring social integration, makes this moment in pop culture history seem momentous.[2] On January 8, 1935, in Tupelo, Mississippi, Elvis Aron Presley was born a half hour after his stillborn twin brother, Jesse Garon. While a young boy in Tupelo, Elvis learned to play the guitar from relatives, and then he fell under the influence of country-western singer Mississippi Slim.[3] It wasn' t until his family moved to Memphis that Elvis' s real musical education began. The diversity of music on Memphis' s radio stations exposed Elvis to a variety of genres, which eventually influenced his music. Memphis also developed into the center for white gospel music during the 1950s, so the four-part harmonies of the gospel quartets who regularly visited the city became another influence on the teenage Elvis. In addition, the city' s Beale Street district was home to the clubs and joints where African American musicians played blues and rhythm and blues. All these Southern-based musical genres inspired Elvis' s early singing style, which turned out to be a true fusion of sounds.[4] Elvis wasn' t the first to sing in a rock' n' roll style, so he can' t be credited with inventing it. But, his version of this new music became widely popular during the mid-1950s. He spread rock' n' roll music across the country, making it popular to a wide audience, especially teenagers. In that regard, he was a true innovator.[5] Elvis also yielded a strong influence on youth culture. During the 1950s, teenagers had begun to think of themselves as being different from their parents' generation. Because of the economic prosperity of the period, teens enjoyed a disposable income that they could spend on themselves instead of contributing toward family survival. With that money they dressed themselves in fashions marketed to their age group, went to movies that featured stars of their generation, and listened to music that appealed to them. So it wasn' t a surprise when Presley' s rock' n' roll music, his hairstyle, and his fashion sense became a part of this new culture for teenagers.[6] Later in his career, Presley changed his musical style and his personal look to keep up with the times and gain popularity among older audiences. He became a movie star during the 1960s and then returned to live musical performances during the 1970s. Even after his death, his popularity remains strong among a wide variety of people. This wide popularity, as well as his important role in American musical history, makes him a cultural icon.

New Wordsstillborn /ˈstɪlˌbɔː(r)n/ adj.死产的diversity /daɪˈvɜː(r)səti/ n. 多样性;多样化genre /ˈʒɒnrə/ n.(文学、艺术、电影或音乐的)体裁,类型gospel /ˈɡɒsp(ə)l/ n. 福音harmony /ˈhɑː(r)məni/ n. 和声quartet /kwɔː(r)ˈtet/ n. 四重奏(曲)blues /bluːz/ n. 布鲁斯音乐,蓝调rhythm /ˈrɪðəm/ n. 节奏;韵律inspire /ɪnˈspaɪə(r)/ vt.激励;鼓舞;赋予灵感

Phrases and Expressionsturn out(to be)原来是;结果是;证明是

Related Information1. Elvis Presley:埃尔维斯·普雷斯利1935年1月8日出生在密西西比州图珀洛,绰号猫王,美国摇滚歌手及演员。他是20世纪美国流行音乐中最重要的人物。“猫王”这个绰号是狂热的美国南方歌迷为他取的昵称,原意为“来自乡村的野猫”。从埃尔维斯·普雷斯利的唱片销量上也可以看出,他的影响力是非凡的。从20世纪50年代中期到70年代中期这20年间,甚至在他去世之后他的任何再版唱片都能保持极其稳定的销量。埃尔维斯·普雷斯利不是第一位演唱节奏布鲁斯的白人歌手,但他是第一位将乡村音乐和布鲁斯音乐融进山地摇滚乐中的白人歌手。如果他没有将流行歌曲、福音音乐,甚至兰草音乐或歌剧式的渲染调和成一体,他可能也不会变成一个主流的超级明星。2. civil rights movement:非裔美国人民权运动(1955—1968)是美国民权运动的一部分,于20世纪50年代兴起,直至20世纪70年代,是美国黑人为争取与白人同等的地位而发起的群众性斗争运动。该运动乃是经由非暴力的抗议行动,是争取非裔美国人民权的群众斗争。这个全国性政治运动除了黑人外;亦有不少白人支持。1954年美国联邦最高法院判定教育委员会种族隔离的学校违法;1955年阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利市,黑人公民以全面罢乘来反对公车上的黑白隔离措施;1963年华盛顿的林肯纪念堂广场聚集二十五万名群众反种族隔离。美国民权运动领袖马丁·路德·金博士发表了著名的演说《我有一个梦想》。运动在1968年反越战时达到最高峰,虽然同年马丁·路德·金和罗伯特·弗朗西斯·肯尼迪遭到刺杀,但运动成功促使南方废除了实行一个世纪的种族隔离。3. Mississippi:密西西比州是美国南部的一个州,位于密西西比河东岸,南临墨西哥湾,北接田纳西州,东接亚拉巴马州,西邻路易斯安那州和阿肯色州。面积123 584平方千米,在50州内列第32位,首府为杰克逊。密西西比州原为印第安人聚居地,主要分布在亚祖河流域,人口众多。1540年西班牙探险家德索托到达密西西比河。1682年法国人拉萨尔宣称密西西比流域归法国所有。1763年被英国所占。1798年建立密西西比地区,划归美国。1817年加入联邦,为美国第20州。1861年南北战争时期退出联邦。1870年重新加入联邦。4. Memphis:孟菲斯是美国田纳西州谢尔比县的一座城市,也是谢尔比县县治,是田纳西州最大的城市,在美国东南部排名第二,次于佛罗利达州杰克森维尔,也是全国第17大城市。孟菲斯都会区是田纳西州次于纳什维尔都会区的第二大都会区,包含在邻近密西西比州和阿肯色州的部分地区,总人口为1 260 581人。在包含诺克斯维尔、查特怒加和纳什维尔的田纳西州四大城市里,孟菲斯是人口最多但也是最年轻的。孟菲斯位于密西西比河岸边、下契卡索陡岸(Chickasaw Bluff)上,狼河(Wolf River)的河口。5. Blues:蓝调是一种基于五声音阶的声乐和乐器音乐,它的特点是其特殊的和声。蓝调起源于过去美国黑人奴隶的赞美歌、劳动歌曲、叫喊和圣歌。蓝调中使用的“蓝调之音”和启应的演唱方式都显示了它的西非来源。蓝调对后来美国和西方流行音乐有非常大的影响,拉格泰姆、爵士乐、蓝草、节奏蓝调、摇滚乐、乡村音乐和普通的流行歌曲,甚至现代的古典音乐中都含有蓝调的因素或者是从蓝调发展而来的。6. Rhythm and Blues:常被人称为R&B,译作“节奏怨曲”或“节奏布鲁斯”,融合了爵士乐、福音音乐和蓝调音乐的音乐形式。这个音乐术语由美国告示牌杂志(Billboard)于20世纪40年代末所提出。它衍生了多种不同音乐类型,如我们熟悉的Rock' n' Roll, Disco和Rap,都可算是由R&B发展而成。Exercise 1There are two subtitles in original passage which are given below. Try to match them with their correct paragraph(s) according to your understanding of the text.Exercise 2Have a look at paragraph 5 to find out how the topic sentence is supported by specific details and reasons.Topic sentence:______________________________________________________________________________Specific details:a. _________________________________________________________________________________________b._________________________________________________________________________________________Reasons:a._________________________________________________________________________________________b._________________________________________________________________________________________Re-readingRead in more details and complete the following exercises according to the text.Exercise 1Answer the following questions.1. When and where was Elvis Presley born?2. Why did Memphis' s radio stations eventually influence his music?3. Why can' t he be credited with inventing rock' n' roll style?4. How did Elvis Presley have strong influence on youth culture?Exercise 2Choose the best answers according to the text.

1.What does the term“rockabilly”mean?

A. A type of music only with strong beat and simple tunes.

B. A type of modern music with a fast strong rhythm and words which are spoken fast, not sung.

C. A type of American music that combines rock and roll and country music.

D. A type of slow sad music with strong rhythms, developed by African American musicians in the southern US.

2.Different types of music had strong influence on the teenage Elvis except______.

A. white gospel music

B. heavy metal

C. blues

D. rhythm and blues

3. He was a true innovator because .

A. he spread rock' n' roll music across the country, making it popular to a wide audience

B. he was the first to sing in a rock' n' roll style

C. he combined different types of music to form a style called rockabilly

D. He invented southern-based musical genres

4. During the 1950s, Teens enjoyed a disposable income that______.

A. they contributed toward family survival

B. they paid for tuition fees

C. they invested into stock market

D. they could spend on themselves

5. Later in his career, Presley changed his musical style and his personal look in order to______.

A. have great fun

B. keep up with the times and gain popularity among older audiences

C. make more money

D. find new inspirationWrite Around ReadingWrite an outline of the text. Before writing your outline you need to learn the outline writing techniques which are provided in the box below. Then you should write your outline in the space provided.Outline Writing TechniquesAn outline is a general plan of what you are going to write. You can compare making an outline to drawing plans to build a house. Before one begins to build a house, it is best to draw up plans to make sure that a house is built in the way you want. The same is true with writing an essay and making an outline. An outline will help make your essay more organized. A careful plan will help your body paragraphs stay focused on the ideas in your thesis statement. The process of writing an outline is as follows:1. Understand the viewpoint of the essay;2. Think what aspects the essay should be explained;3. Analyze message, find out key words that dominate the theme;4. Explore and develop your ideas;5. Consider what examples will be used to support the theme;6. Write an outline.Essay OutlineI. Introduction Thesis: _______________________________________________________________II. Body Paragraph 1 Topic Sentence: __________________________________________________A. supporting ideasB. supporting ideasIII. Body Paragraph 2 Topic Sentence:__________________________________________________A. supporting ideasB. supporting ideasIV. ConclusionOutline of“Elvis Presley' s Musical Influence on America”

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Unit 2Art as CommoditySkill TrainingReading SkillDEALING WITH UNFAMILIAR WORDSExperienced readers know how to guess or figure out the meaning of unfamiliar words through contextual clues—usually found in the words surrounding the unknown words. In order to make meanings clear, good writers often provide or give such clues for readers. It is always a good idea to learn to recognize such clues you might come across in your reading.

Synonyms and associations are two of the most commonly seen contextual clues.

Synonyms is often used in the following three ways:

1. Words that mean the same as the unknown words;

2. Set off by special punctuation, such as “commas”, “parenthesis”, “dashes”;

3. Introduced by “such as”, “or”, “that is”, “is called” , “like” , “meaning” to provide important clues. Association refers to taking the material we want to remember and relating it to something we remember accurately. For example, in memorizing a number, you might try to associate it with familiar numbers or events.Practice 1Guess the meaning of the following words by synonyms and associations.1. The shape chosen to figuratively represent Churchill' s solidity, reflected a remark that Churchill made, “I am a rock”.2. Churchill is shown scowling, which makes him a bit threatening, slightly slumped forward, surrounded by gray, brown and black tones.3. Churchill is shown scowling, which makes him a bit threatening, slightly slumped forward, surrounded by gray, brown and black tones.4. It was his first view of the work, and he was deeply upset. He described it as “filthy” and “malignant”. With only 10 days to go, he sent a note to Sutherland rejecting the portrait and stating that the ceremony would go ahead without the portrait.

5. In his acceptance speech, Churchill remarked on the unprecedented honor shown to him, and described the painting (in a remark often considered a backhanded compliment) as “a remarkable example of modern art”.Read the passage and do the exercises that follow.Sutherland' s Portrait of Winston Churchill[1] In 1954, Graham Sutherland was commissioned to paint a full-length portrait of Sir Winston Churchill. The 1,000 guineas fee for the painting was funded by donations from members of the House of Commons and House of Lords, and was presented to Churchill by both Houses of Parliament at a public ceremony in Westminster Hall on his 80th birthday on 30 November 1954.[2] Sutherland worked from photographs by Elsbeth Juda and took his preliminary materials back to his studio to create the final work on a large square canvas, the shape chosen to figuratively represent Churchill' s solidity, reflecting a remark that Churchill made, “I am a rock”.[3] The pose, with Churchill grasping the arms of his chair, recalls the statue of US President Abraham Lincoln at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. Churchill is shown scowling, which makes him a bit threatening, slightly slumped forward, surrounded by gray, brown and black tones.[4] Churchill' s wife viewed the completed portrait on 20 November 1954, and took a photograph back to her husband. It was his first view of the work, and he was deeply upset. He described it as “filthy” and“malignant”. With only 10 days to go, he sent a note to Sutherland rejecting the portrait and stating that the ceremony would go ahead without the portrait. Sutherland maintained that he honestly painted what he saw. MP Charles Doughty persuaded Churchill that the presentation had to go ahead, to avoid offending the donors.[5] The presentation ceremony at Westminster Hall was recorded by the BBC. In his acceptance speech, Churchill remarked on the unprecedented honor shown to him, and described the painting (in a remark often considered a backhanded compliment) as “a remarkable example of modern art”. Other reactions were mixed, with some critics praising the strength of its likeness, but others condemned it as a disgrace.

New Words and PhrasesGraham Sutherland 格雷厄姆·萨瑟兰(1903—1980年,英国画家)commission /kəˈmɪʃ(ə)n/ vt.委任,授予guinea /ɡɪni/ n.几尼(英国的旧金币,值一镑一先令)donation /dəʊˈneɪʃ(ə)n/ n.捐赠,赠送





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