
发布时间:2020-07-19 11:13:10







版权信息书名:新加坡产业发展解读:产业体系构筑与现代园区建设作者:阮庆,文柏,晓洁,袁贺排版:良瑞出版社:江苏人民出版社出版时间:2014-07-01ISBN:9787214132208本书由江苏人民出版社有限公司授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。— · 版权所有 侵权必究 · —序言一新加坡产业发展解读

JURONG International has played a pivotal role in shaping the regional industrial landscape,having rooted its expertise in the 1990s through its predecessor,JTC International (JTCI).Together with its key partners,it was i2volved in both master planning and infrastructure development of several industrial parks in Indonesia,Vietnam,Philippines and China.

As a corporatized business unit of JTC since 2001,we have leveraged on our strengths to assist emerging economies in their land use and infrastructure development needs,to as far as India and the Middle East,and most recently,Latin America,Russia and Africa.

On the home front,we have actively participated in the physical planning and infrastructure development of many industrial parks,specialized parks,business parks and R&D centres to meet the varied needs of investors in each phase of Singapore's industrialisation transformation.With these handson development experiences,JURONG International has taken a holistic approach in providing consulting services in the master planning and development of industrial townships overseas.This integrated approach of industrialisation strategy and planning with infrastructure development,has helped to differentiate us from other service providers in this field.

This book is the reflection of various authors experiences in master planning consultancy as well as the training of Chinese officials and professionals over the years.It examines Singapore's industrialization program,from economic development strategies to their implementation and transformation within a close institutional setup,providing valuable relevance to the administration of many Chinese cities and economic development zones.

As many Chinese cities are entering a new phase of development and modernization,urbanisation embracing environmental protection blueprints and social reforms,becomes a key priority in the mind of the Chinese local government.Hence,the book will help to bridge the information gap for Chinese readers and provide a comprehensive account of Singapore's industrialisation,as well as the development of modern industrial parks in the last 50 years.

I am honoured to have been a part of this journey and believe that this book will chronicle the eventful industrial development milestones to the best of its ability.Er Tang Tat KwongGroup President CEOJURONG International Holdings Group,Singapore集团总裁及总执行长新加坡裕廊国际序言二转型发展、地方治理与空间响应——简评《新加坡产业发展解读:产业体系构筑与现代园区建设》
















Over the last 50 years,Singapore has achieved a remarkable success inits economic development,industrialisation and urbanisation,which received many international accolades.With such achievements,it has attracted many overseas visitors,government officials,academics and professionals,who come to Singapore to study its development experiences and examine its success factors,with the aims of drawing on some lessons and seeking its relevance to the development and management of their cities and countries.

There is no short of publications written by local researchers and visiting officials and academics on the Singapore's broad economic development strategies,industrialisation programme and general public policies.However,there is a lack of literatures which provides an overall perspective on the Singapore's industrialisation development as well as details how it organises its industrial structure and system and integrated that with the physical planning and development of industrial parks in Singapore.

Having worked for JURONG International in providing masterplanning consultancy for some 15 years,the authors have had the opportunity to work and interact extensively with the government officials and professionals in many Chinese cities and economic development zones.In the course of these discussions,many of the Chinese government officials had shown great admiration for Singapore achievements in its socio-economic development and urbanisation.In particular,they considered that the Singapore's industrialisation and development of modern industrial parks are of relevance to the issues to be dealt with in the development of their cities and management of their economic development zones.

Based on their feedback,it appears that there is an information and knowledge gap in the areas of Singapore's industrialisation and industrial parks development,particularly for the Chinese audience.This book is written to bridge this gap and to provide a more comprehensive account on Singapore's industrialisation and the development of modern industrial parks in the last 50 years.

The intention of this book is not meant to be an academic research work on the Singapore economic development and industrialisation.In the course of our planning consultancy works overseas,the authors realise that the principal actors,the local authorities and the master developers,are mainly keen to get an insight into the solving of practical issues:how did Singapore organise the industrial structure and its contents and integrate it seamlessly with the physical development of industrial parks? Such an understanding would be beneficial to them in the development and management of their cities and economic development zones.With this in mind,the book is intended to focus on three main aspects of Singapore's developmental issues:the industrial development strategies,the organization of industrial structure and the physical development of industrial parks in Singapore.

Basically,the book reviews and analyses four main components of Singapore's industrialisation programme,the broad economic development strategies and policies,the evolution and transformation of industrial structure,the physical planning and development of industrial parks and the government machanisms in implementing the industrialisation programme and its transformation.

The book begins by tracing the socioeconomic development in the early years of Singapore's independence.This is to demonstrate the tremendous difficulties which Singapore encountered in the early years of its industrialisation.

With this development background,the book then outlines the detailed progress of the Singapore economic development stages and industrialisation programme.This includes the kickoff phase with the exportorientated industrialisation strategy,the ‘second industrial revolution’ in reinventing the industrialisation programme,the reorganising and upgrading the industrial structure in pursuit of an innovation and knowledgebased economy and the strategy of building up ‘second wing’ to expand the Singapore's economic space through regionalisation.A number of key findings and recommendations put forward by the various Economic Review Committees in respect of the economic growth strategies,industrial policies and the development of industrial enterprises are included.

This is followed by looking at the evolution and transformation of the Singapore industrial structure and organisation.From the early stage of industrialisation with labourintensive industries,moving progressively through the stages of skillsintensive,capitalintensive and technologyintensive industries to the present phase of knowledgebased and innovationdriven industries are covered in detail.Through the application of Professor Michael Porter's industrial clustering and valuechain concepts,Singapore had realigned the development focus of industries and rationalised the industrial structure.This had helped to strengthen the Singapore's competiveness in its key industries,namely Electronics and IT,Precision Engineering,Petrochemicals,Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology.In the process of economic development and progress,the industrial market mechanism,the roles of stateowned enterprises,private sector companies and foreign MNCs are discussed.Government efforts and various measures of enhancing the capability of local small and medium enterprises are also covered.

Good industrial development strategies and sound policies need to be realised on the ground and infrastructure development was the key to accelerating industrialisation.The book next moves on to deliberate on the spatial aspect of the Singapore's industrialisation programme.It begins with the discussion of the Singapore Concept Plan Review carried out in the late 1980s,where a comprehensive assessment and long range forecast of industrial land demand was made.With the industrial land requirements in mind,various methods of land assembly:private land acquisition,reclamation from the sea and the enbloc redevelopment of old industrial estates were used to build up a sizeable pool of land resources.This was deemed necessary to maintain Singapore's industrial competiveness in support of its long term economic growth and development.

Guided by the long range Singapore Concept Plan and the industrialisation programme,adequate land had been carefully set aside and planned for the development of various industrial estates,business parks as well as the advanced science and technology parks.These industrial developments were properly planned in relation to the population and urban centres,environmental considerations,roads and transportation networks and the provisions of major infrastructures.Construction of roads,drains,sewers and public utilities as well as the provision of commerce,social and recreational amenities were built along side with the factories and plants in the industrial parks.In response to the market forces and enterprise needs,different forms of industrial parks,business parks,specialised parks,logistics parks and R&D centres were timely developed and implemented in tandem with the progression of Singapore's industrialisation programme.

In the absence of a strong indigenous industrialists and the lack of necessary industrial skills and expertise in the early years ofits industrialisation,Singapore government played an extensive role and assumed a highlevel involvement in the industrialisation programme.The book examines the various state institutions,which were set up to drive the economic growth and spearhead industrial development.The roles and functions of these state institutions,namely EDB,JTC,IES,SPRING and A*STAR are discussed in detail.Over the years,these institutions had collectively transformed Singapore from a colonial trade economy to an integrated and modern industrial economy driven by skills,knowledge,science and technology.

With this transformation,the book attempts to outline and analyse some of the key factors underlying the success story of the Singapore economic growth and industrialisation.As the evolution and transformation process was a complex one,a mere explanation of individual attributes and factors in isolation would not be adequate.Thus,a developmental framework is constructed in the book to illustrate the interrelationship of the key factors,the institutions setup and its dynamism beneath the remarkable transformation of Singapore's industrialisation and industrial landscape.Besides the apparent factors,the authors also points out the spirit and cultural traits underlying Singapore's successful economic growth and industrialisation.The pioneer generation of leaders had inculcated a resilient spirit,a sense of vigilance and a pragmatic outlook in the mind of its people and institutions.Furthermore,through a systematic learning and practicing framework,it enabled Singapore to nurture a generation of thinking people and learning institutions,which had strengthened the mindset of continuing improvements,change management and dynamic governance in pursuit of excellence in the economic growth and industrialisation.

The Singapore's industrialisation and economic growth may be seen as somewhat unique due to her geographical and historical circumstances.Nevertheless,Singapore's industrial development experiences,an integrated approach to economic strategies with industrial infrastructure development and tight institutional partnership,might have some relevance to the administration of many Chinese cities and economic development zones.The book makes some observations on the current state of industrial development and outlines the key issues encountered in the Chinese economic development zones.Drawing on Singapore's development experiences,the book attempts to provide some views in the areas of developing an integrated industrial structure and system as well as building a cluster of modern industrial parks in the Chinese economic development zones.Apart from the technical knowhow and operational framework,the authors are of the opinion that the Chinese local authorities might have benefited more where their decisionmakers and officials are ready to understand and appreciate the values derived from the Singapore's experiences:the spirit of resilience,sense of vigilance,pragmatism outlook,systematic learning for continuing improvements,change management and dynamic governance.

As a small citystate with its inherent limitations,Singapore's industrialisation as a means for future economic growth and urbanisation will face great challenges ahead.There was some doubt of the Singapore's industrialisation programme in the long run due to its slow productivity growth and rising competition from the emerging economies.Nevertheless,the book envisages that Singapore can build upon its sound foundations and competitive advantages.It can focus on the development of its niche areas with the following strategies:leveraging on knowledgebased manufacturing and services as the twin engines of growth;striving to be a regional R&D hubs for innovation and commercialisation of new products and processes;taking an integrated approach to funds and wealth management in conjunction with the industrial infrastructure development;creating a liveable place for work,live,learn and play and attracting global talents,capitals and technologies;and building upon its ‘trust worthy and reliability’ brand name and expand the ‘second wing’ further in providing a wider range of exportable services to the world market.

In striving towards attaining these developmental objectives,Singapore must also continue to embrace the pioneer's spirit of resilience and pragmatism.By maintaining a sense of vigilance to external changes,continuous learning and upgrading,innovating and adapting the acquired knowledge and technologies wisely to suit our unique situation,Singapore can ensure a bright future for continued economic growth and social progress for the next 50 years.第一章前言1.1 写作背景与目的






本书将新加坡近50年发展产业经济的路径与演变过程进行了系统的介绍与综合分析。包括它建国初期发展工业的困境,在缺乏有利的生产要素条件下,新加坡如何突破困境采取有效的产业政策和行动措施来启动工业发展。随后在产业发展的过程中遭遇到激烈的外部竞争,新加坡如何重组工业政策、调整产业结构、优化产业组合与链条来加强竞争力,以保持其经济的稳定增长。当它的产业发展规模和经济总量达到一个新的水平之后,产业扩张受到自身要素条件和市场规模的制约时,新加坡如何参照先进经济体的发展经验和启示,前瞻性地推行和展开深层次的产业经济转型和升级,以及搭建各种支撑平台,让私营企业能够自由公平地进行竞争,并通过促进企业的生产力和创新能力来提高国家的产业经济整体竞争能力。1.2 产业经济发展简介




在60年代,许多发展中国家和地区都采取了“出口导向的工业化策略”(ExportOrientated Industrialisation)来启动工业化和发展地方经济。与当时的东亚其他三个新兴经济体——南韩、台湾、香港一样,新加坡以自身的要素条件为基础启动工业化发展。包括它的战略区位、优良港口、广阔土地、廉价劳动力,并通过政府努力打造基础设施、建设现代工业区和大力进行海外招商引资来促进工业发展。通过引进跨国公司前来投资设厂和生产制成品,以“原材料进口,就地组装加工,制成品出口”的工业化策略来破解早期新加坡发展工业的困境和制约条件。







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