
发布时间:2020-07-21 03:14:34







第1章 雅思写作指南

1.1 雅思考试简介


雅思(IELTS)考试,全称International English Language Testing(国际英语语言测试系统),为剑桥大学考试委员会外语考试部、英国文化协会和IDP教育集团共有,而在中国的雅思考试主要由英国文化协会负责。该考试以其特有的可靠性和权威性,目前已得到全球多所院校机构、政府部门和职业机构的认可。该项考试是为打算在交流语言为英语的国家或地区进行学习或工作的人们所设置的英语语言水平考试。


雅思考试分为学术类(Academic)和培训类(General Training)两种类型,学术类在于测试考生是否有在英语环境中就读高校本科或研究生课程的语言能力;普通培训类适用计划移民、出国工作或申请国外非学术培训、中学课程的考生,侧重点在于评估考生是否掌握足够英语技能在英语国家生活的能力。







1.2 雅思写作试题分析和解题技巧

雅思写作题目的一个显著特点是模拟国外现实生活,重点考查考生实际运用英语的能力。由于雅思学术类写作和培训类写作Task 1题型不同,而Task 2十分相似,因此此处分别针对学术类写作的图表作文(Task 1)、培训类写作的书信作文(Task 1)和两者的话题作文(Task 2)具体进行分析。


雅思图表作文中出现的图表包括饼形图(pie chart)、柱状图(bar chart)、曲线图(curve graph or a line graph)、表格(table)和示意图(diagram)。此外,题目中可能包括一个或多个互相关联的图。考生需在理解图表的基础上,对图表信息进行描述。












书信作文为雅思培训类考试的Task 1,要求考生根据题目中描述的情景和提出的三点要求写一封私人信件,字数同样不少于150字。题目中的情景多与日常生活相关,包括投诉信、询问信、道歉信、感谢信、求职信、邀请信、申请信等。  雅思书信作文包括四个基本部分,分别为salutation(称呼)、body(正文)、complimentary close(信尾客套用语)和signature(签名),并且格式一般采用齐头式,即左侧顶格写,段与段之间空一行。在内容方面应注意符合题目要求,前后连贯、有条理,语言使用得当,符合情景并且句式富有变化。













1.3 雅思写作应试策略










第2章 雅思图表类范文20篇

图表类作文是雅思学术类写作的Task 1,字数要求为不少于150词,建议用时为20分钟,该种题型主要是对考生描述图表中最重要和最相关信息能力的考查。题目中给出的图表类型包括饼形图、柱状图、曲线图、表格和示意图。该部分的评分标准主要包括四个方面:Task Achievement(是否完成了写作要求),Coherence and Cohesion(连贯性和层次性),Lexical Resource(所用词汇的来源)和Grammatical Range and Accuracy(语法使用的多样性和准确性)。

◆饼形图(pie chart)

1. 1999年不同方面医疗保健支出所占比例

The pie chart below shows the proportion of Health Care Expenditures of different areas in U. S. A. in 1999.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

1999 Health Care Expenditures (to the nearest whole percent) Total $ 550 Billion【参考范文】

From the pie chart we see health care expenditures in U. S. A. in 1999 consisted of seven parts: hospital care, physician services, program administration and insurant costs, nursing care, dental services, drug and medical expenses and others.

As we may see from this chart, hospital care takes the greatest portion of the whole health care expenditures, accounting for 40% of the total sum. Physician services rank the second, closely following hospital care, taking up 20% ($110 billion) of the total sum of $550 billion. The other expenditures include nursing care, dental services, drug and medical expenses, program administration and insurance costs, and other expenditures.

This chart shows clearly that American people tend to take more attention to the welfare directly concerning their health and they spend a major part (60%) of their health care expenditures on hospital care and physician services. Nursing care ranks the third, preceding drug and medical expenses.【范文点评】


·health care expenditure医疗保健支出

·consisted of由…组成,包括

·physician n. 医师;内科医生

·insurant n. 投保人;被保险人

·nursing care护理

·dental adj. 牙科的;牙齿的

·account for(比例)占

·concerning prep. 关于

·precede v. 在…之前【经典句型】

·From the pie chart we see...

·As we may see from this chart...

·...rank the second, closely following...taking up...

·This chart shows clearly...

·...ranks the third, preceding...


The charts below show the way male and female enrolments are distributed amongst different faculties at a particular university.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.【参考范文】

The two pie graphs displays the proportional representation of male and female respectively at a particular university in 6 specific faculties, namely, Engineering, Economics and Commerce, Sciences, Law, Medicine and Nursing, and Arts and Humanities.

On the whole, males are under-represented in Arts and Humanities and Medicine and Nursing whilst females are under-represented in Engineering and Sciences. The faculties of Economics and Commerce and Law are generally equally represented.

Arts and Humanities receive the least male enrolments as they have only 7% of the total enrolments. Medicine receives 7% of enrolments while Engineering and Sciences have definitely higher percentage with 28% and 25% respectively. Female enrolments, in contrast, run the other way.

We can draw a conclusion that males and females are not equally represented in academic fields, though there is no sufficient evidence to suggest the reason why this is the case, and also what the consequences are.【范文点评】


·proportional adj. 比例的;成比例的

·respectively adv. 分别地,各自地

·faculty n. 系;科

·namely adv. 也就是,即是

·on the whole大体上

·under-represented adj. 代表人数低于适当比例的【经典句型】

·The two pie graphs displays...

·We can draw a conclusion that...


The pie chart below shows the percentage of each car color (red, blue, white and other).

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.【参考范文】

This pie chart shows the proportion every car color holds and the car colors included in the chart are red, blue, white and other color. Generally speaking, the dominant car color is white and the red car color takes the smallest part of the chart.

In the chart, white car color takes the lion’ s share, being 56.11%, and the second largest part goes to the other colors, which means there are many different colors occupying too small percentage to be mentioned individually, with percentage of 28.05. And the blue car color safely reaches the third place, being 12.72%. The remaining 3.12% is the red color. It is surprisingly small in the pie chart, compared with the white color and other colors.

To sum up, we can see that most of car owners like the white color, and the red car color is not as popular as any other color.【范文点评】


·proportion n. 比例

·dominant adj. 占支配地位的;显著的

·takes the lion’s share占据最大份额

·to sum up总之,概括地说【经典句型】

·This pie chart shows...

·...takes the...part of the chart

·The second largest part goes to...


The three pie charts below show the changes in annual spending by a particular UK school in 1981, 1991 and 2001.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

Total School Spending 1981

Total School Spending 1991

Total School Spending 2001【参考范文】

The pie charts show expenditure on running costs by a British school, in percentage terms, in the years 1981, 1991 and 2001, across five categories.

In all three years, the majority of spending was on salaries. Teachers’ salaries accounted for 40% of spending in 1981, which increased to 50% in 1991, but dropped to 45% in 2001. Salaries for other workers accounted for 28%of the total spending in 1981, 22% in 1991 and 15% in 2001, demonstrating a constant fall. Insurance, which only accounted for 2% in 1981, rose fourfold to reach 8% by 2001.

Resources and furniture and equipment cost the school 30% of the total spending, 15% each. And by 1991, they had respectively rose and dropped to 20% (for resources) and 5% (for furniture and equipment). After the next decade, spending on resources had more than halved (in percentage terms) to 9% whereas spending on furniture and equipment had risen relatively substantially to 23%.

In summary, during the period shown, there were changes of relative expenditure in all five categories, with spending on teachers’ salaries being the largest portion.【范文点评】


·running costs运行成本

·in percentage terms按百分比计算

·halve v. 减半

·substantially adv. 大幅度地;相当多地

·in summary总的来说;归纳起来

·portion n. 部分【经典句型】

·The pie charts show...on...in the years...

·In all three years, the majority of....was on...

·...accounted for...which increased to...but dropped to...

·...rise fourfold to reach...

·After the next decade, spending on...had more than halved...whereas spending on...had risen relatively substantially to

5. 1985年和2002年英国家居废物的构成

The pie charts below give information about the composition of household rubbish in the United Kingdom in two different years.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.【参考范文】

The different components of household rubbish in the United Kingdom in 1985 and 2002 are shown in the two pie charts.

The percentage of kitchen/organic waste jumped from 28% in 1985 to 44% in 2002, representing the greatest increase in that time. In contrast, paper waste was significantly reduced from 36% in 1985 to 16% in 2002. The proportion made up of plastic waste remained the same in both years at 7%. Similarly, the percentages of wood and textile waste remained relatively stable at 5% (wood) and 3% (textile) in 1985 and at 6% and 2% in 2002, respectively.

The miscellaneous category which appeared in the 2002 pie chart did not feature in the 1985 pie chart. Also, the category of dust and cinders, which represented 8% of household rubbish in 1985, disappeared from the 2002 breakdown.

In general, the proportions of most categories of household waste remained similar from 1985 to 2002, but the two major changes were represented by increased kitchen/organic waste and reduced paper waste.【范文点评】


·component n. 成分

·stable adj. 稳定的

·feature v. 起重要作用【经典句型】

·...are shown in the two pie charts

·The percentage of...jumped from...to...representing...

·In contrast...was significantly reduced from...to...

·...remained the same in both years at...

◆柱状图(bar chart)


The bar chart below gives information about the number of people on diet (per 1000 persons).

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

The number of people on diet (per 1000 persons)【参考范文】

The column graph shows the number of people of different races and genders in every thousand people on diet.

Generally speaking, women, both black and white, are more health conscious than men, with white women being the largest social group on diet. Among four columns, the one representing the number of black men on diet is the lowest, being about 125 persons in 1000, and the column for black women indicates that there are 125 persons more than the number for black men on diet. From the graph, we can see clearly that white women form the largest group on diet, being 300 in 1000, which tells that they pay more attention to their health than the rest of the groups, including that of white men, for there are about 180 white men on diet in 1000 only.

To sum up, we, from the graph above, can see that the number of people on diet is determined by such factors as races, genders, and, what is more, the awareness of the importance of health, in spite of the economic and social differences.【范文点评】  本文开头介绍了柱形图所描述的主要内容,第二段分析了每1000名节食的人当中不同种族和性别人群所占人数,最后一段指出节食人数是由种族、性别和对健康的关注程度等因素所决定的。【闪光词汇】

·gender n. 性别

·health conscious注重健康的

·indicate v. 表明,指出

·pay more attention to更加注意

·be determined by...由…所决定【经典句型】

·The column graph shows...

·Among four columns, the one representing the number of...is the lowest, being about...

·From the graph, we can see clearly that...

·To sum up, we, from the graph above, can see that...

7. 1962年至1992年北美父母惩罚孩子方式的变化

The bar chart below gives information about the change of disciplinary techniques used by parents in North America for children under twelve during the period of 1962 to 1992.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

Disciplinary techniques for children under twelve from 1962 to 1992【参考范文】

From this diagram we may see how parents in North America have changed their disciplinary techniques for children under twelve within a period of 30 years.

In 1962, the most frequent used disciplinary technique is spanking, i.e., striking their children on the buttocks with the open hand, which accounts for 60% of all the disciplinary techniques. In comparison, this disciplinary technique is used far less than it was 30 years ago, accounting only a little more than 15%. The parents’ second disciplinary technique is denying television privileges, i.e., keeping their children away from television as a means of punishment. This technique has dropped from about 40% to 15%. Lecturing, the third disciplinary technique that the parents like to use remains almost unchanged: from a little over 20% dropping to a bit less than 20%. The only rising tendency of disciplinary technique is time-out, i.e., a brief suspension of activity, or break.

To conclude, there is a sharp decrease in the use of such disciplinary techniques as spanking and denying television privileges, while time-out is gradually favored by parents.【范文点评】  范文首段指出1962到1992年间北美父母对孩子的惩罚方式发生了变化,随后详细介绍了不同惩罚方式在1962年和1992年在比例上所发生的变化,最后一段总结说北美父母更多倾向于用暂停活动的方式惩罚孩子。【闪光词汇】

·spank v. 打…的屁股

·privilege n. 特权,优待

·i.e. adv. 也即是

·as a means of作为一种…手段

·suspension n. 暂停

·lenient adj. 宽容的【经典句型】

·From this diagram we may see

·In comparison...is used far less than it was...years ago...accounting only a little more than...

·As it is shown in this diagram...


The bar chart below gives information about the situation of crime victims in the U.S.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.【参考范文】

The above graph presents that in every age-bracket, there are more theft victims than violence ones as a whole. The number of both violence and theft victims goes down gradually. Children between ages of 12-15 are mostly the targets of thieves. The aged are less offended by violence of theft. Meanwhile juveniles are the main objects of violence. From the graph it can be concluded that children below 24 are most likely to be offended by theft. The analyzed facts reveal to us that the American youngsters are living in the greatest danger brought about by various social evils.

Therefore, in order to keep people, especially children far away from the crimes of violence and theft, the U. S. government should take urgent measures to lay down strict laws. At the same time children themselves should improve their awareness of self-preservation in daily life.【范文点评】  在分析本题柱状图时,首先要弄清楚横坐标和纵坐标的含义,然后利用题目中提示发现数据呈现的规律,注意不要过多引用数据,以免造成数据滥用。该柱状图横坐标代表受害者年龄,纵坐标代表每一千人中受害者的人数。文章第一段描述了图表并归纳了图表的意思,第二段提出了应对措施。【闪光词汇】

·age-bracket n. 年龄段;某一年龄范围

·juvenile n. 少年

·take urgent measures 采取紧急措施

·lay down放下;制定;铺设;主张

·awareness of self-preservation自我保护意识【经典句型】

·The above graph presents that…

·From the graph it can be concluded that…


The bar chart below gives information about mobile-phone subscription in both developing and developed countries.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.【参考范文】

As is seen from the chart, the mobile phone subscription in developed countries shows a steady but slight increase from 2000 to 2007 and then remains constant between 2007 and 2008. Meanwhile that in developing countries experiences a slow increase from 2000 to 2004 and then a great surge from 2004 to 2008.

There are at least three factors contributing to the change. To begin with, the developed countries have a limited number of populations and therefore, the spreading of the mobile phone service is efficient and soon the market is saturated. More importantly, the developing countries have a large population, and as the mobile phone service becomes cheaper and cheaper, the increasing customers subscribe to benefit from this service. Of course, the improvement of people’s living standard of developing countries greatly pushes up the consumption of life facilities.

In conclusion, with the advancement of developing countries, an increasing number of people subscribe mobile phones.【范文点评】  此题是要求分析柱状图中发展中国家和发达国家手机购买量情况。本文第一段具体说明图表的变化;第二段列举了导致变化的三个原因。第三段指出手机购买量增加的趋势。【闪光词汇】

·constant adj. 不变的;恒定的;经常的

•saturated adj. 饱和的;渗透的;深颜色的

•benefit from得益于;得利于;因…而得到好处

•living standard生活水平,生活标准

•push up增加;提高;向上推

•stimulate v. 刺激;鼓舞,激励【经典句型】

•As is seen from the chart,…

•There are at least three factors contributing to the change.

•To begin with,…More importantly,…Of course,…

◆曲线图(curve graph or a line graph)

10. 1950年至1990年取得丰收的耕地在面积上的变化

The graph below shows the total world grain harvest area in million of hectares between 1950 and 1990.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.【参考范文】

From the graph, we can see in general the total harvest area increased until 1980, at which point there was a reduction in the area harvested due to retrenchment.

In 1950, almost 600 million hectares of grain were harvested worldwide. During the 1950’s, the USSR initiated a Virgin lands Program, which greatly enlarged the area harvested to about 650 million hectares. From that point until the mid-1970’s, the area harvested grew slowly with a few fluctuations, to about 700 million hectares. And then, around 1975, the price of grain doubled and this caused a rapid increase in the amount of land devoted to grain production till 1980. From 1980 to 1995, there was a gradual decrease in the amount of land used for grain cultivation. And then, the area devoted to grain production began to rise again.

To sum up, we can see that the area harvested was affected by both the government policy and the market forces.【范文点评】


·due to由于

·initiate v. 发起,创始

·enlarge v. 扩大;扩展

·fluctuation n. 起伏,波动


·cultivation n. 耕作【经典句型】

·From the graph, we can see...

·To sum up, we can see that...

11. 1974年至2002年英国货物运输方式的变化

The graph below shows the quantities of goods transported in the UK between 1974 and 2002 by four different modes of transport.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

Goods transported in UK (1974-2002)





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