
发布时间:2020-07-22 02:36:43


作者:(澳)大卫·古拉斯(David Gulasi)






Having been an ex IELTS examiner and teaching IELTS for over years in China,I’m here to help you understand that the IELTS speaking examination is very similar to a game,and I want to teach you how to ‘beat’ the game.


With this book by your side I am hoping that it will help you to achieve your dream score of 6–7 without having to memorise one million words.


My style of teaching is very different from other teachers where students feel that the IELTS exam is serious so they also need to be serious. I believe that life is already serious enough and we do not need to make the learning side anymore serious than it is.


I use humour as a tool to help your brain use its imaginative side rather than only using logic to answer questions. Some of the answers that I provide in this book are somewhat non-traditional answers. Use your sense of humour as a tool in order to pass the IELTS examination. Remember if you want to pass the IELTS exam you should win over the examiner with awesome English and an amazing personality.


Think of the IELTS speaking exam like going on America’s Got Talent,where you’re judged on your ability to perform. Let me teach you how to perform well.

你就想着去考雅思口试和上《美国达人秀》是一回事儿,你表现得好就能通过。让我来告诉你怎么样表现得出彩。 Chapter  1IELTS speaking examination background

Test structure,question types,section descriptions,examiners requirements

Test format—Speaking


11–14 minutes


The speaking component assesses your use of spoken English. Every test is recorded.


• Part 1—The examiner will ask you general questions about yourself and a range of familiar topics,such as home,family,work,studies and interests. This part lasts between four and five minutes.


• Part 2—You will be given a card which asks you to talk about a particular topic. You will have one minute to prepare before speaking for up to two minutes. The examiner will then ask one or two questions on the same topic.


• Part 3—You will be asked further questions about the topic in Part 2.



Examiners use assessment criteria to award a band score for each of the four criteria:


• Fluency and Coherence


• Lexical Resource


• Grammatical Range and Accuracy


• Pronunciation


The examiner will evaluate each candidate according to five linguistic areas.


1. Fluency 流利程度

You should be able to speak at length. You must develop your answers without hesitating too much or pausing too often. Always go into detail and explain everything to the examiner.


DO NOT SPEAK TOO QUICKLY! Fluency is not the same as speed. But you need to THINK FAST!


In order to gain confidence and fluency,YOU MUST PRACTICE! I can’t emphasise enough how necessary it is for you to get to speak as frequently as possible before you take the exam. You should be able to REACT QUICKLY to questions. Foreigners hate it when the student takes forever to say one sentence: “I like... I like... hmmm... I like football... because... because,because,it is... hmmm... what’s the word?”(Be careful: “how to say?”= Chinese English!!! In English we say “what’s the word?”)

为了获得信心,达到流利,你必须不断练习!我不得不再次强调,在你参加考试前不断练习有多么重要。你必须快速对提问做出反应。当学生支支吾吾地说“I like... I like... hmmm... I like football... because... because,because,it is... hmmm... what’s the word?”而始终说不出一个完整的句子时,听者会厌烦。(请注意:“how to say?”是中式英语!英语中我们说“what’s the word?”)

2. Coherence 前后一致

First you must make sure you are answering the question the examiner asks you. If you don’t,it’s probably because your listening is not good enough. In addition,YOUR ANSWERS MUST BE LOGICAL.

首先,你必须确认你回答的是考官所提的问题。如果答非所问,可能是因为你的听力不够好。另外,你的答案必须符合逻辑。“Do you like sports?” “No,I don’t like sports because it makes me tired.” And then 20 seconds later (20 秒之后):“Do you ever play basketball?” “Yes,I often play basketball with my friends. It’s a lot of fun.”=ILLOGICAL! (不符合逻辑!)“Are you very busy with your studies?” “Yes,you know,school in China is always busy.” Later on (稍后):“Do you have a lot of classes every week?” “No,not so many. My schedule is quite good.”=ILLOGICAL! (不符合逻辑!) YOU SAID YOU WERE BUSY WITH CLASSES! (以上回答前后矛盾)

3. Vocabulary (Lexical Resources)词汇量

First you should be able to talk about a wide range of topics. Try to learn a few words for each topic given in this book. Practice DESCRIBING EVERYTHING around you: people,places,objects around you.


The best way for you to improve your vocabulary is to LEARN SYNONYMS (=2 words which have similar meanings. Example: rich=wealthy=well-off). By learning synonyms,you will avoid repeating yourself.

扩大词汇量最好的方式就是学习同义词(即两个有着相似含义的单词,比如 rich= wealthy= well-off)。学习同义词可以避免重复。

In addition,be very careful with the different forms of words: students often get confused between verbs,adjectives and nouns. (Example: to succeed,to be successful,to meet with success; to communicate,communicative,communication)

另外,要注意词的不同形式。考生经常分不清动词、形容词和名词。(例如:to succeed,to be successful,to meet with success; to communicate,communicative,communication)

4. Grammar (Grammatical Range and Accuracy)语法(语法结构的广范度和精确度)

Pay attention to tenses (PAST TENSE!!! I went,I did,I gave,I wrote... Come on! You have been studying grammar every day at school since middle school! You have NO excuse!) and TRY TO USE MODALS as much as possible (might,may,should,have to,can,could).

留意时态!(过去时:I went,I did,I gave,I wrote等拜托!从中学开始你们每天都在学习语法!你没有任何借口!) 并且尽可能多地使用情态动词(might,may,should,have to,can,could)。

5. Pronunciation 发音

DON’T SPEAK TOO FAST! You will make mistakes,and the examiner might find it hard to follow you. OPEN YOUR MOUTH; BE CLEAR! Don’t try to be too American by mumbling your words. You were born in China; the examiner knows you have an accent: everyone does. Don’t think about it. JUST FOCUS ON CLARITY!


This is from the official IELTS.ORG website and it shows the specific skills that students need in order to get their IELTS scores.

该部分选自雅思官网,说明了为考取雅思高分,学生们应具备的具体技能。 Chapter  2Basic do’s and do-not’s in the speaking examination

Some psychological tricks,do’s,donot’s,dangers

Don’t memorise answers! 不要背答案!

Lots of people think that the best way to do well in the speaking test is to remember scripted answers and simply use these in the test. This is a bad idea because memorised answers are very obvious and examiners are trained to spot them. You will not only lose marks,the examiners may also ask you more difficult questions to test your English and establish your real level.


Don’t worry about the examiner’s opinion! 不要担心考官的观点!

I was surprised when some students told me that you can only do well on the speaking test if the examiner agrees with your opinion. Nothing could be further from the truth. Examiners are not concerned with your opinion; they just want you to demonstrate your speaking ability. Focus on giving a fluent answer that responds to the question and is grammatically correct.


Don’t insert lots of “big” words! 不要使用太多复杂的单词!

A common misconception is that you must have very long,“complicated” words in every sentence to get a high score on the test. If you listen to how native speakers talk,this just doesn’t happen,unless you are at a conference of university professors. You should try to show the examiner that you have a wide-ranging vocabulary,but you should not try to use words you don’t fully understand. If you try to use “complicated” words you don’t fully understand,it is very likely that you will make mistakes and lose marks.

I tell my students to use the 100-percent rule: if you are not 100-percent sure about the meaning and form of a word,don’t use it.



Don’t show of your grammar! 不要炫耀语法!

This point is connected to the previous one. Many candidates feel that they need to show the examiner how amazing their grammar is in order to get a high mark. Again,the danger here is trying to use grammar you are not 100-percent sure about and then losing control of the sentence. There is no point in using the future perfect continuous tense if it is not appropriate to do so. Think about the tense you need to use when practising,and familiarise yourself with functional language for giving opinions,contrasting views,emphasising and so on.


Don’t say nothing! 不要闭口不言!

This seems like an obvious piece of advice but you would be surprised by how many students prefer to say nothing rather than attempt to give an answer. It is always better to attempt an answer than simply say nothing. Many students feel this way,perhaps because their old teacher told them to say nothing or criticised them if they didn’t know the answer. In the IELTS speaking test,you are not expected to give a perfect response to a question or to be an expert in many different areas. The main thing is to demonstrate your speaking ability. If you don’t know the answer,it is always acceptable to say something like “I don’t have much knowledge of this subject,but I think...” or “I’m not really sure,but if I had to say...” and attempt an answer.


Don’t prioritise grammar over fuency! 不要认为语法比流畅重要!

In the exam,you get separate marks for grammatical accuracy and fluency. Most students I’ve taught in Asia worry more about their grammar than their fluency,and the latter skill suffers as a result. When I have taught European students,it is generally the opposite way round. Ask a teacher or native speaker to give you advice about your grammar or fluency needs. You can then focus on improving one or the other.


Don’t worry about your accent! 不要担心口音!

I work at a well-known school with “British” in the title,and lots of students come to me at the end of the first class and ask how they can get a British accent like me. This always makes me smile because I actually have an Australian accent and I ask them which British accent they would like to learn. Many students are overly concerned with sounding more “British” or more “American”,whatever this actually means. In fact,accent is not important in the speaking test as long as it does not impede your ability to communicate.


Don’t get too nervous! 不要太过紧张!

Getting nervous is a natural reaction to a test,but nerves can often bring someone’s score down in a few different ways. Some people have a tendency to speak at a very low volume when they are nervous and this will reduce the examiner’s ability to understand you. Others mumble when they are nervous and this is obviously a bad idea in a speaking test. The key is to prepare properly and then you will feel more confident.


Don’t be late! 不要迟到!

Make sure you give yourself lots of time to get to the examination centre and find out where your speaking test will be. By getting there early you will be able to get comfortable in your surroundings and concentrate solely on the exam. Don’t be afraid to ask the staff any questions you might have; they are there to help.


Don’t rely on the examiner! 不要光指望考官!

Some students think the speaking examiner will prompt you if you are talking too much or too little,or not speaking loudly enough,or if you are not sticking to the question asked. In fact,the examiner has no duty to do any of these things and she or he will allow you to make mistakes and not tell you. Take control of your own speaking and don’t look to the examiner for cues or help.


Do warm up! 热身!

What would happen if a footballer decided to play a game without running or stretching first? They would probably have a terrible game and maybe even injure themselves. Speaking a foreign language is no different. I advise all of my students to warm up for the IELTS test by speaking nothing but English for at least 24 hours before the test. This has a huge influence on your ability to naturally communicate in English. Tell your friends and family that you can only speak in English,and try to read and listen to English the day before the exam. Get to the testing centre early and engage the other candidates and staff in conversation. By the time your speaking test comes around,you will be ready.


Do practise at home! 在家练习!

Speaking is a skill and just like any other skill it requires many hours of practice. Lots of my students complain that they don’t have anyone to practise English with,but these days there are lots of ways to practise online. There are thousands of students who want to practise their speaking; you just have to know where to find them.


Do ask the examiner. 向考官提问。

Many students don’t know that you can occasionally ask the examiner to repeat the question if you didn’t understand it,or to ask them to explain what one word means. It is not a listening test. If you listen to native English speakers,you’ll notice that they do this all the time. The important thing is not to ask the examiner to repeat every question or to explain every word.


Do extend your answers. 扩展你的答案。

It is not a good idea to give very short answers in the IELTS test and you should try to extend your answers. Three ways to extend your answers are: 1) explaining why; 2) giving examples; 3) giving concessions (showing the opposite side of the argument).

Here’s an example to the question “What can people do to reduce global warming?”

I believe the best way to combat climate change is to reduce carbon emissions. Carbon dioxide is the main reason the planet is getting hotter,because it is a greenhouse gas and prevents the sun’s radiation from leaving our atmosphere. For example,it has been shown that there is a link between the increased use of fossil fuels and rising global temperatures. However,some doubt this and think global warming is a natural cycle and not a man-made problem.

As you can see,this candidate has fully explained her point and provided both a relevant example and a concession.





Do master functional language. 掌握实用性表达。

It is a very bad idea to memorise scripted answers,but you should be aware of the various types of functional language that might come up in the IELTS speaking test. You should be able to use the language of:

• giving opinions

• giving examples

• contrasting views

• evaluating someone else’s opinion

• talking about cause and effect

• talking about hypothetical situations

You will be expected to talk about the past,present and future,so make sure you know the various forms for doing this.


• 表达看法

• 举例子

• 对比观点

• 评价其他人的观点

• 谈论原因和效果

• 谈论假设的情况


Do use natural spoken English. 自然地说英语。

If you listen carefully to native speakers of English,you’ll notice some important differences in the way they speak compared to learners of English. Native speakers use connected speech,weak sounds,intonation and sentence stress that many non-native speakers find difficult or “unnatural”. Ask a teacher or research online how these pronunciation features influence your speech. Listen to recordings of native speakers of English (for example,on YouTube) and try to imitate their use of connected speech or intonation by pausing the recording and repeating what you hear. With enough practice,you will start to sound more like a native speaker.






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