
发布时间:2020-07-22 09:39:50








凡粗通英语者都知道,英语词类中最重要的莫过于动词,无论从句子成分看,还是从句法上看,都是如此,所以,动词有“句子的生命”之称。学好英语的关键就是要掌握好动词的用法。然而,动词不仅仅是简单动词(simple verbs),还有惯用的由简单动词和一些其他词组成的短语动词(phrasal verbs)。这种动词通常是动词—介词或动词—副词的组合,也有由三个甚至四个词组成的。短语动词中的每个或某个单词往往不具有其通常的意义,而是经过组合后产生了意想不到的新义。因此,短语动词的含义不是从字面上一眼就能理解的,如:give up(放弃)这个短语动词,既没有 give(给)的意思,也没有up(向上)的意思。正是由于这个特点,短语动词丰富了英语的表达方式和修辞手法;它是动词的一个重要类型,是英语阅读和写作必备的知识,它也是英语学习中的难点之一。


1.动词—介词组合此类短语动词用作及物动词,不可分开,其后须跟宾语,但有的在动词与介词之间可以放修饰动词的副词或短语,如:Bill burst into my bedroom. Bill burst abruptly into my bedroom.

2.动词—副词组合此类短语动词有的用作不及物动词,有的用作及物动词,有的则兼有不及物与及物的作用。当其用作不及物动词时,不可分开。如:The task is too difficult for her,but she will not give up.

当其用作及物动词时,根据其不同词义,有的不可分开,有的可以分开,有的必须分开。所谓“不可分开”,即宾语只能放在副词之后,如:The cat kept on mewing. 所谓“可以分开”,即宾语可以放在副词之后,也可以放在动词与副词之间,但宾语为人称代词或自身代词时,副词往往放在宾语之后,如:Jim had on a white hat. Jim had a white hat on. Jim had it on. 所谓“必须分开”,即宾语只能放在动词与副词之间。如:Don’t answer your grandfather back.

3.动词—副词—介词组合此类短语动词用作及物动词,是由以上第二类短语动词中的一部分各自加介词组成,不可分开,其后须跟宾语,但有的在副词与介词之间可以放修饰动词的副词或短语。如:Monick came along with one of her classmates. Monick came along gladly with one of her class-mates.

但也有个别的此类短语动词可以分开,其后须跟两个宾语,如:He sent me out for a doctor.






act out(及物,不可分)以动作等表现

He acted out his thanks by smiling and nodding.他微笑着点头表示他的谢意。

He got out his knife and acted out peeling the apple.他拿出小刀,比划着削苹果。

The deaf-mute acted out buying that shirt in the department store.那个聋哑人在百货商店里打手势,表示要那件上衣。

The child tried acting out the things that he had seen abroad.那小孩试着把他在国外看到的事情用动作描绘出来。

add up(及物,可分)把…加起来

She noted down the weight of each pig and then added up all the weight.她记下每头猪的重量,然后把所有重量加起来。

He is adding up his medical expenses in this year.他正在合计他今年的医疗费用。

You have to add the figures up in this column.你得把这一栏的数字加起来得出总数。

add up to(及物,不可分)总共

He took three trips to


eijing last year,but they didn’t add up to much.他去年到北京旅行了三次,但总共不多。

Henry’s debts add up to five thousand US dollars.亨利负债共计5000美元。

My schooling added up to no more than four years.我上学总共不过四年。

agree on(及物,不可分)同意

Both parties agreed on these terms.双方同意了这些条件。

After discussion the tenant and the owner agreed on the rent.经过讨论,房客和房东对租金取得了一致意见。

The belligerents agreed on an end to hostilities.交战国就结束敌对行为达成了协议。

aim at(及物,不可分)立志要,追求

Harry aims at being a doctor.哈里立志要当医生。

He aims at a success.他志在成功。

The young man aims at becoming a scientist.这个小伙子有志成为科学家。1

air out(不及物)通风

The room airs out well.这间屋通风好。


hate this room that airs out badly.我不喜欢这个通风不好的房间。2

air out(及物,可分)使通风

We aired out the smoky room quickly by opening the windows.(or:We aired the smoky room out by opening the windows.)我们打开所有窗户使这间烟雾腾腾的屋子很快通了风。

allow for(及物,不可分)考虑到

I think you’ve done very well,allowing for your age.考虑到你的年龄,我以为你做得已经很不错了。

It will take half an hour to get to the airport,allowing for traffic jams.把交通堵塞的时间计算进去,到飞机场要花半个钟头。



nglish teacher will allow for your recent illness when judging your examination.你的英语老师评考试成绩时,会考虑到你最近生过病的事实。1

amount to(及物,不可分)一共

My travelling expenses amounted to a large sum.我的旅行开支合起来是一大笔钱。

Our debts amounted to five thousand yuan.我们共负债5000元。2

amount to(及物,不可分)相当于

If you go on like this,you’ll never amount to anything.你如果照这样下去,将会一事无成。

Your words amount to nothing.你说的话等于没说。

answer back(不及物)回嘴

When his mother scolds him,he always answers back.他母亲责备他的时候,他老顶嘴。

It is not polite to answer back.顶嘴是不礼貌的。

The child would answer back to all his mother said.对他母亲说的一切话,这孩子总是回嘴。


When his mother scolds him,he always answers her back.他母亲责备他的时候,他老跟她顶嘴。

If you answer me back,I’ll put you on a charge.如果你和我顶嘴,我就要控告你了。

answer for(及物,不可分)为…承担后果

I cannot answer for his illegal act.我不能对他的不法行为负责。

Be more careful. You must answer for any possible damage.你要多加小心,任何可能造成的损失都必须由你负责。

Someday you’ll have to answer for what you have done.总有一天,你得为你的所作所为承担后果。

You will have to answer for your rude behaviour in the street.你必须为你在大街上的粗鲁行为承担后果。1

ask for(及物,不可分)要求得到

The little girl asked for candy.这小女孩要求给她糖果吃。


oan asked for time to think this over.琼请求给她时间来仔细考虑这件事情。

He has written to his friends in


rance,asking for information.他已经给在法国的朋友们写信,打听消息。

When the audience asked for more,he sang more.当听众要求他多唱几支歌时,他又唱了几支。2

ask for(及物,不可分)来找(人)

Did anybody ask for me?有人来找过我吗?

There has been somebody here asking for you.刚才这儿有人要求见你。


o to the information desk and ask for Miss Margaret.到问讯处去打听玛格丽特小姐。


The little girl asked me for candy.这小女孩向我要糖果吃。

Why should you not go and ask him for help?你为什么不去请他帮忙?


e was ill and asked the boss for two days’ leave.他病了,向老板请两天假。

He asked the attendant for the bill.他向服务员要他的账单。


Mar asked me out to dinner last night.昨晚马尔邀我出去吃饭。

I’ve been asked out for the evening by a friend of mine.一个朋友已约我晚上出去玩。

My father and mother are not at home. Some friends have asked them out.我的父母不在家,有几个朋友邀请他们出去了。

attend on(及物,不可分)看护

Two nurses attended night and day on the patient in critical condition.两个护士日夜看护着那个危急病人。

There’s a good nurse attending on the patient.有一个好护士看护那个病人。

attend to(及物,不可分)照料

Attend to your own business!管你自己的事吧!

When I wasn’t at home,an old woman attended to my baby daughter.我不在家时,一位老大娘照料我的小女儿。

She attended to ten looms.她照看10台织布机。

Don’t worry. Everything will be attended to in good time!不要着急!一切都会及时办妥的。B1

back down(不及物)退让

He backed down and accepted our proposals.他作了让步,接受了我们的建议。

He has backed down from the stand he adopted last week.他从上周采取的立场上让步了。2

back down(不及物)放弃要求、指控等

The statesman’s forceful speech convinced his opponent to back down.这位政治家的强有力的演说,说服他的对手放弃了要求。

In face of our evidence,he had to back down.在我们提供的证据面前,他不得不收回其指控。

back off(不及物)后退

In order to let the big truck pass,the car backed off a bit.为了让那辆大卡车开过去,那辆小轿车后退了一点。

In face of our determined reaction,the enemy backed off.在我们的坚决回击下,敌人退却了。1

back out(不及物)不履行诺言等

Henry had agreed to help us,but backed out when he found how difficult it was.亨利曾同意帮助我们,可是当他发现这事很难办时,就不干了。

Once you’ve made a promise,don’t try to back out.一旦你许了诺,就别想变卦了。



elson and Mr


arker agreed on a price,but at the last moment Mr Parker backed out and would not pay it.纳尔逊先生和帕克先生就价格达成了协议,但最后帕克先生翻悔了,不愿付钱。2

back out(不及物)后退

Wilton backed out carefully to make way for the bus.威尔顿小心地把汽车往后退了一点,给那辆公共汽车让路。

We’ve agreed to the plan. I’m sure you’ll not back out at the last moment.咱们已赞成这个计划。我确信你不会在最后关头打退堂鼓。

back out of(及物,不可分)不履行(诺言等)

Some businessmen refused to back out of the contracts.有些商人不遵守合同。

Mary backed out of her engagement.玛丽不履行婚约。1


Will you back me up in the stormy discussion?在这场激烈争论中你会支持我吗?

I’ll put the proposal to the meeting if you’ll back me up.如果你支持我,我就在会上提出这个建议。

If you ask the boss for a rise in salary,I’ll back you up.如果你向老板要求加薪,我将支持你。2



ohl backed the car up to the foot of a wall.科尔把汽车退到墙根。

The commander gave an order to back his army up 30 kilometres.指挥官下令他的部队后退30公里。1

beat down(及物,不可分)摧毁

A storm beat down most of the wheat in the fields.一场暴风雨把田里的大部分麦子给毁了。

The enemy defences were beaten down by the missiles.敌军的防御工事被导弹摧毁了。2

beat down(及物,可分)压低

Thirst beat down my desire to eat.口渴倒了我的胃口。


ompetition may beat the price down.竞争可以压低价格。

beat out(及物,可分)(在竞争中)胜过,击败

Taller basketball players often beat out shorter ones.高个子篮球运动员往往胜过矮个子。


ur team has beat our opponents out!我队击败了所有对手!

become of(不及物)发生

What became of the traitor at the end of the film?影片的末尾那卖国贼怎么样啦?

I don’t know what will become of the blind man.我不知道那个盲人后来的结局如何。

What has become of the book I put here yesterday?我昨天放在这儿的那本书哪儿去了?

beg off(不及物)托词不来

Owing to her begging off,we have to cancel the get-together.由于她借口不来了,我们只好取消这次聚会。

She had promised to sing at the party,but later on she begged off on the ground of being tired.她曾答应在晚会上唱歌,但后来她以身体困倦为由推辞了。1

black out(不及物)晕厥

Born blacked out and lay on the floor without moving.博恩晕倒了,躺在地上动也不动。

After the traffic accident he blacked out and couldn’t remember what happened.发生那次交通事故时,他晕厥了,记不起出了什么事。

He had a fight with the strong man,and after it he blacked out.他同那个壮汉打了一架之后就昏过去了。

At the sight of the injury she blacked out.她一看到伤口就晕倒了。2

black out(及物,不可分)对…实行灯火管制


uring the war all our windows had to be blacked out at night.战时我们必须使所有窗户在夜间不露出灯光。

The municipality issued an order to black out the city and the nearby towns.市政府发布了命令,对这个城市和附近的城镇实行灯火管制。

block up(及物,可分)堵塞,阻塞

They blocked up the entrance to the basement.他们把地窖的入口堵塞了。

Crowds of spectators blocked up the traffic.成群的旁观者阻塞了交通。

The demonstrators blocked the street up.示威者阻塞了街道。1

blow out(不及物)(车胎等)爆裂,爆炸

A rear tyre of my car blew out.我的汽车的一个后轮胎爆了。

A front tyre blew out when I was driving home.在我开车回家途中一个前轮胎爆了。2

blow out(及物,可分)吹灭(灯火等)

When he tried to light his cigarette,the wind blew out the match.当他试图点燃香烟时,风把火柴吹灭了。

Jane blew the flame out.简把火焰吹灭了。

Blow the candles out before you go to bed.就寝之前请把蜡烛吹灭。1

blow up(不及物)爆裂

My bicycle tyres have blown up.我的自行车轮胎爆炸了。

Several people were injured when an ammunition depot blew up yesterday.昨天当一个弹药库爆炸的时候,有好几个人受了伤。

The bomb blew up with a deafening noise.炸弹爆炸时,轰隆声震耳欲聋。2

blow up(及物,可分)把…炸掉

Soldiers blew up the bridge.士兵们把桥炸毁了。

A high school in the town was blown up by the enemy’s bombs.镇上的一所中学被敌人的炸弹炸毁了。

The guerrillas blew the enemy’s hangar up.游击队员们炸毁了敌人的飞机库。3

blow up(及物,可分)使(轮胎等)膨胀

Be sure to blow up the tyres before you start for school.上学之前务必把轮胎的气打足。

Could you lend me a pump to blow up my bicycle tyres?你能借给我一个打气筒给我的自行车轮胎打气吗?

Don’t blow the balloon up any further! It’ll burst!别再给气球充气啦!它会炸的呀!

blurt out(及物,可分)脱口而出“That’s nonsense!” I blurted out.“那是胡说!”我脱口而出。

In anxiety the culprit blurted his accomplices out.在心慌意乱中,罪犯随口说出了他的同谋犯。

Pope blurted out an important secret before he considered its consequences.波普还没考虑到后果就随口说出了一条重要机密。1

bog down(及物,可分)使受阻

The plans for the firm were bogged down for a while.公司的计划一段时间受阻。

The construction of the new steel works was bogged down.新炼钢厂的建设停顿下来。2

bog down(不及物)停顿下来

The bold plans for higher production bogged down.提高生产的大胆计划停下来了。

The construction of the new stadium bogged down.新体育场的建设停顿下来。

boil down to(及物,不可分)归结为

The good advice we gave him boiled down to guarding against arrogance and rashness.我们给他的忠告可归结为一句话:戒骄戒躁。

The whole discussion boils down to the problem of inflation.整个讨论归结为通货膨胀问题。

The whole matter boils down to the struggle against foreign aggressors.这个事情,总起来说,就是反对外国侵略者的斗争。

His remarks boiled down to a refusal.他的话,总而言之,就是拒绝。

boil over(不及物)

Turn off the gas;the chicken soup is boiling over.把煤气关掉,鸡汤溢出来了。

The milk has boiled over.牛奶潽了。

You’d better turn the electric stove off,or else the millet gruel will boil over.你最好关掉电炉,要不然小米粥会开锅漫出来的。1

break away from(及物,不可分)脱离

The prisoner broke away from the soldiers.那囚犯逃脱了士兵的监视。

Many youngsters have broken away from the outworn rules.许多年轻人已经摆脱了陈规的束缚。

No offender could break away from punishment by law.任何罪犯都不能逃脱法律的惩罚。

About twenty members have broken away from that Party.大约有20个成员已经脱离那个党。2

break away from(及物,不可分)(和…)决裂

He broke away from all his old friends.他同他所有的老朋友都断绝了往来。

The man broke away from his family.那人与家庭断绝了关系。

These countries broke away from each other diplomatically.这些国家相互断绝了外交关系。3

break away from(及物,不可分)破除(陋习等)

Can’t you break away from old habits?难道你就不能破除旧习惯吗?

We must break away from convention and adopt as many advanced techniques as possible in order to build our country into a powerful modern socialist state in not too long a historical period.我们必须打破常规,尽可能采用先进技术,在一个不太长的历史时期内,把我国建设成为社会主义的现代化强国。1

break down(不及物)(机器)出故障

Most machines break down sometimes.大多数机器有时会发生故障。

The machinery may break down.这套机械也许会发生故障。

The car broke down after half an hour’s driving.这辆汽车开了半小时就抛锚了。2

break down(及物,可分)毁掉

He has broken down my life and all my hopes.他毁掉了我的一切希望和我的一生。

The enemy broke down the city by bombing.敌军炸毁了这个城市。

The police broke the door down.警察把门打破了。3

break down(不及物)失败

Their river development programme has broken down.他们的河流开发计划失败了。

Our negotiations,as you know,have broken down.你知道,我们的谈判已经破裂。4

break down(不及物)塌陷,垮掉

The roof broke down under the weight of snow.屋顶被积雪压塌了。

She broke down under the strain.由于过度劳累,她身体垮了。1

break in(不及物)闯进去

The alarm was ringing when the thieves broke in last night.昨夜窃贼闯入时,报警器响了。

While we were talking,he broke in.我们谈话时,他闯了进来。

A thief has broken in and stolen my money.一个小偷曾闯进来偷了我的钱。2

break in(不及物)打断别人的话头

Why did you break in when I was telling the facts?在我说明事实的时候,你为什么打断我?

It is impolite to break in when semeone else is talking.在别人说话时插嘴是不礼貌的。“What are you talking about?” The old woman broke in.“你们在说什么呢?”老太太插嘴问道。

break in on(及物,不可分)打断(别人的话头等)

He broke in on our conversation.他打断了我们的谈话。

The police broke in on the thieves when they were in a lonely room dividing their illicit money.窃贼们正在一间偏僻的屋里分赃时,警察突然冲进来逮了个正着。

His speech was frequently broken in on by applause.他的讲话多次被掌声打断。

break into(及物,不可分)闯进去

Thieves have broken into a museum and taken away some of the treasures to foreign countries.窃贼们曾闯入一家博物馆,偷走一些珍宝弄到外国去。

A thief broke into my house and stole my television camera.一个小偷闯进我家,偷走了我的电视摄像机。

Shops were broken into and looted during the disturbance.动乱期间,许多店铺被人闯进来洗劫一空。1

break off(不及物)(突然)停下来


et’s break off and have some tea.我们停止工作喝点茶吧。

He broke off to answer the telephone.他停止说话去接电话。

She broke off in the middle of a conversation.她正在跟别人谈话时,突然停下来了。2

break off(及物,不可分)中断

The belligerents have broken off their diplomatic relations.交战国已中断外交关系。

Jennie broke off telling her story and broke into tears.珍妮还没讲完她的故事,突然住口哭了起来。

I wonder if you will ever break off talking such nonsense.我纳闷你说这种废话有完没完。3

break off(及物,可分)弄折

Henry broke off a small branch from a tree.亨利折断了一根小树枝。

He broke off a piece of bread and offered it to me.他掰下一块面包给了我。

The weight of all that snow was enough to break the twigs off.积雪的重量足以把细枝压断。

break out(不及物)爆发

Fighting broke out between the North and the South in 1861.1861年美国爆发了南北战争。

A quarrel broke out between them.他们之间发生了争吵。

A fire broke out in the lower story during the night and soon the whole building was in flames.夜里,楼下突然发生了火灾,不一会儿,整个大楼都烧了起来。

The famous anti-feudal and anti-imperialist


ay Fourth Movement broke out in Beijing in 1919.著名的反帝反封建的“五四”运动于1919年在北京爆发。1

break through(及物,不可分)强行冲过去

Our army broke through the enemy’s defence line.我军突破了敌人的防线。

A burglar broke through the window of my parlour to steal my cipher chest.一个小偷打破我家客厅的窗户,偷走了我的密码箱。2

break through(及物,不可分)攻克

You had better break through the bad habit of smoking.你最好能克服抽烟的恶习。

Man has yet to break through nature.人类尚需征服大自然。

When will scientists break through the climate?科学家何时才能征服气候?1

break up(及物,可分)打碎,拆散

I broke up an old shirt for a mop.我拆了一件旧衬衫做拖把。

He broke some outworn furniture up for fuel to cook his dinner.他拆了一些旧家具当燃料做饭。

The outworn bicycle was broken up and sold as spares to a salvage station.这辆旧自行车被拆散了当零件卖给废品收购站。2

break up(及物,不可分)使分裂

They broke up the household after their parents died.父母死后他们便分了家。

The drought will break up the soil.旱灾会使土地龟裂。

brim over(不及物)漫出

The bathing tub is brimming over.澡盆的水满得溢出来了。

The tourists were brimming over with joy.游客们兴高采烈。

bring about(及物,可分)使发生

Modern medicine has brought about a longer average life-span.现代医学提高了人的平均寿命。

Science and technology brought about great changes in our lives.科技给我们的生活带来了很大变化。

A minor dispute may bring a war about.小争端有可能引起战争。

bring along(及物,可分)培养

They are bringing along the young men to be good football players.他们正在把这些小伙子培养成优秀足球运动员。

The couple are trying to bring their son along well.这对夫妇正在努力教育好他们的儿子。

These graduates have been brought along for farm work.这些毕业生学过干农活。

bring...around [round](及物,必分)说服

Father wasn’t keen to let me major in English,but I managed to bring him around.父亲不大愿意让我主修英语,但是我想法子把他说服了。

It won’t be easy to bring him around to our point of view.说服他同意我们的观点不是件容易的事。

We must bring Flake around to our side.我们必须说服弗莱克站在我们这边。

bring down(及物,可分)击落,打死

The guerrillas brought down dozens of the invader’s airplanes.(or:The guerrillas brought dozens of the invader’s airplanes down.)游击队员们击落了侵略者好几十架飞机。

The wolf was brought down with one shot by the hunter.那只狼被猎人一枪打死了。

bring forth(及物,不可分)提出(证据、建议等)

He brought forth new evidence in court.他在法庭上提出了新证据。

I suppose Winchell is unlikely to bring forth any pertinent suggestions for reforms in education.我料想温切尔不大可能对教育改革提出什么中肯的建议。1

bring forward(及物,可分)提出(证据、议案等)

She failed to bring forward any proof of what she had said.她没有给自己的话提出任何证据。

He brought evidence forward in support of the accused.他提出了支持被告人的证据。

A group of delegates brought forward a draft resolution.一些代表提出了一项决议草案。

The proposal he brought forward was a good one.他的提案是件好提案。2

bring forward(及物,可分)把(预定的时间)往前移

The election is said to be brought forward to March as many people will be on holiday in April.据说选举要提前在3月份举行,因为很多人将在4月份休假。

The arrival of train No. 97 will be brought forward.97次列车将提前到达。1

bring off(及物,可分)使脱离危险

A lifeboat went to bring off all the passengers on a sinking ship. 一只救生艇驶向正在沉没的船,救出了全部旅客。

A policeman brought off a little girl from drowning.一名警察救了一个溺水的小姑娘。

Did they bring the drowning man off?他们把那个快淹死的人救出来了吗?2

bring off(及物,可分)(成功地)实现,完成

They have brought off an important scientific experiment. (or:They have brought an important scientific experiment off.)他们完成了一项重要的科学实验。

He didn’t bring off his college course until last year.直到去年他才读完大学。

It was a difficult task,but we brought it off.那是一个困难的任务,但我们还是完成了。

bring on(及物,不可分)导致

I was caught in the rain for two hours yesterday and this brought on a bad cold.我昨天被雨淋了两个钟头,因此患了重感冒。

Such policies will bring on no relaxation in the international situation.这种政策不会导致国际局势的缓和。

Reading in a poor light is likely to bring on a poor sight.在光线不好的地方看书很可能导致视力不好。

bring out(及物,可分)阐述

That’s just the view I want to bring out.那正是我要阐述的观点。

He brought the meaning of the poem out admirably.他把这首诗的意思阐述得好极了。


What I said brought him over to my view.我讲的话使他转而同意我的意见。

I think that I can bring him over by my convincing argument.我认为我的有说服力的论点能使他改变原来的看法。

I was brought over by your argument.你的论点使我改变了看法。

bring up(及物,可分)提出…使注意

I did bring up the topic,but they were unwilling to discuss it.我的确提出了这个话题,可是他们都不愿讨论。

Who brought up such a problem to discuss?谁提出这样的问题来讨论的?

I have brought the matter up in the discussion.我已在讨论会中提出了这个问题。

brush off(及物,可分)不理睬

The patient brushed off Doctor Brown’s repeated exhortations.那病人对于布朗医生的一再劝告置之不理。

Helen brushed off Tom at the evening party.在晚会上海伦不理睬汤姆。

Eli went up to speak to her boss,but he brushed her off impatiently.伊莱上前和她的老板说话,但他很不耐烦,不理睬她。

brush out(及物,可分)用刷子从里到外刷掉(污物、泥土等)

George brushed out his car.乔治把他的汽车从里到外刷干净了。

He brushed his cupboard out yesterday.昨天他把他的碗橱里里外外刷了一遍。

brush up on(及物,不可分)温习

My daughter was obliged to brush up on her lessons for the final examination.为了期末考试,我女儿不得不复习功课。

You’ll have to brush up on education if you aim at being a teacher.你若有志于当老师,就必须温习教育学。

I shall have to brush up on my English before I go abroad. It’s a long time since I spoke the language.我出国前必须复习英语。我已经好久没讲英语了。

build on(及物,不可分)扩建

The playground of the school was built on last year.这学校的操场是去年扩建的。

Some laboratories were built on from the main building.在主楼旁加建了一些实验室。

build up(及物,可分)增强(体质等)

Mr Maydon built up a very large company.梅登先生的公司越办越大。

He built up his health by jogging every afternoon.他每天下午慢跑,增强了自己的体质。

Physical exercise will build your body up.体育锻炼会使你身体强壮。

bump into(及物,不可分)不期而遇

Where did you bump into your uncle?你是在哪儿碰上你叔叔的?

Eddy was walking down the street when she suddenly bumped into her aunt who had returned from USA yesterday.昨天埃迪正沿街散步时偶然遇见了从美国回来的姑母。

I bumped into a friend of mine in the street.我在街上碰见一个朋友。


Hoodlums bumped a taxi driver off with knives in the suburbs of the city.一群恶棍在市郊用匕首把一位出租汽车司机杀害了。

He was sentenced to death for bumping his wife off.他因杀害妻子被判死刑。

bump up(及物,不可分)提高

His outstanding work in seismic prospecting has bumped up his reputation.他在地震勘探方面的出色工作提高了他的声誉。

My chauffeur refused to bump up the speed of his car.我的司机拒绝开快车。1

burst forth(不及物)突然发生

Cheers burst forth when the speaker finished his speech.当演讲人结束演讲时,听众中迸发出欢呼声。

A huge sound burst forth as the rock rolled down the hill.岩石从小山上滚下来时突然发出巨响。

Cries of horror burst forth from the passengers when the bus caught fire.那公共汽车着火时,乘客中突然发出恐怖的叫喊声。2

burst forth(不及物)突然出现

The sun burst forth again.太阳又破云而出。

When he heard the bad news of his father’s death,a great deal of sorrow burst forth on his face.当他得知他父亲去世的噩耗时,巨大的悲痛浮现在脸上。

burst in(不及物)突然进入

He burst in when we were holding a meeting.我们正在开会时他闯了进来。

Suddenly Miss Margaret burst in on the meeting while the chairman was delivering a speech.会议主席正在发表讲话,玛格丽特小姐突然闯了进来。

burst in on(及物,不可分)打扰

He burst in on me when I was busy.我正忙着,他来打扰。





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