
发布时间:2020-07-22 12:05:40









本系列分为五个级别,词汇量逐级扩大,“如何使用本书”和“如何提高英语阅读水平”提供了概括性的指导。另外,本系列还针对不同的故事内容设计了“你读懂了多少”(Comprehension Quiz),帮助你检测阅读理解的效果。“阅读准备”(Before You Read)以图文并茂的形式让读者对生词形成一定的感性认识,并在文中给出更详尽的注释。书后附有译文,帮助你更好地理解故事。本系列还配有精美的插图和“背景知识”(Understanding the Story),让你的阅读更加多姿多彩。




纳撒尼尔·霍桑(1804~1864)Nathaniel Hawthorne



❶ 原汁原味的作品


❷ 重点词汇(Key Words)


❸ 一点通(One Point Lesson)








想学好英语并没有捷径。只有那些进行大量阅读的学习者才能登上语言学习的顶峰。如果你经常大量地阅读英语作品,相信你的英语水平会有一个令人惊喜的提高。The Great Stone Face


Before You Read阅读准备第1章山谷里的男孩CHAPTER 1 The Boy in the Valley

Deep in a valley, there was a pretty little house.

It was surrounded by many tall trees.

Sitting in front of their small home, a mother and her young son were watching the sun go down.

"It is a very beautiful evening, isn't it?" the mother asked the boy.

He just nodded.

He was staring at something in the distance.

Very far away, they could see the Great Stone Face.

They were many miles from it, but they could see it clearly.

It was an amazing sight.

It looked like a sculpture of a giant in the rocks.

The Face had a long nose and big lips and eyes.

It was a very noble face.

It was easy to see this face from a distance.

But the further people walked away, the more clearly they could see the face.

People living in the area were very happy.

They were very proud of the Great Stone Face.

It was a famous symbol of the area.

It was also a symbol of strength, nobility, fertility, and education.

There were many stories about the Great Stone Face.

Some believed that the Stone Face made the land fertile.

When the sun was needed, the sun shone.

When the rain was needed, the rain poured down.

The mother, sitting outside of her house, was thinking about this Stone Face.

Her son, Ernest, was still staring at the Great Face.

He turned to her now and said, "Mother, Great Stone Face looks so kind and smart.

If it could speak, it would have a very kind voice.

I want to meet a man like him."

His mother said, "A very old story says that one day a man like him will be born.

Did you hear this story?"

The boy excitedly said, "No, mother! I haven't! Please tell me."

The mother began to tell her son the story.

"It began a long time ago.

Long ago, many Indian people lived in this valley.

They believed that one day a child would be born.

The child would have a great destiny.

He would be one of the smartest, richest and noblest men.

He would also look like the Great Stone Face.

Many people are waiting for the child to be born.

Others think it is only a story.

Whatever people believe, it has not happened yet."

The boy listened very carefully to his mother.

"Mother! I really hope it will happen.

I want to see the man.

I know I will really like him."

The mother didn't believe the story, but she wanted to give hope to her son.

So she said, "It might happen.

One day soon, it might happen."

The little boy never forgot that story.

Every day, he woke up and looked at the Stone Face.

He hoped he would meet the man who looked like the Great Stone Face.

Ernest was a wonderful little boy.

He loved his mother very much.

He always helped her.

He always obeyed his mother.

But the biggest help was his love for her.

Ernest quickly grew up.

He spent many days working in the fields.

He was always loving and devoted.

He was also very smart.

He did not have a good education, but some people said, "Ernest is so smart.

Many boys study at famous schools.

But Ernest is smarter than all of them.

He has such wisdom.

He will be a great man one day."

Usually, after working very hard all day, Ernest went to look at the Great Stone Face.

He sat quietly for hours just watching it.

During this time, he thought about many things.

He developed clear ideas about life.

He sat thinking about hate, pain, jealousy and many other things in life.

But the most important thing he thought about was love.

He developed a calm and loving attitude for all things.KEY WORDS

be surrounded by 为……所环绕

go down (太阳)落山

nod v. 点头

stare at 凝视,盯住

in the distance 在远处

far away 远处

clearly adv. 清楚地

amazing adj. 令人惊讶的

sight n. 景象

look like 看起来像

sculpture n. 雕像

giant n. 巨人

noble adj. 高贵的

further adv. 更远地

walk away 走开

be proud of 为……而自豪

symbol n. 标志

strength n. 力量

nobility n. 高贵

fertility n. 肥沃,富饶

education n. 教养,修养

fertile adj. 肥沃的,富饶的

shine v. 照耀


pour v. 倾泻

still adv. 还,依然

turn v. 转向

smart adj. 神气的,聪明的

born adj. 出生的

excitedly adv. 兴奋地

a long time ago 很久以前

Indian n. 印第安人

believe v. 相信

destiny n. 命运,使命

whatever pron. 无论什么

carefully adv. 仔细地

hope v. 希望

might v. 也许,可能

forget v. 忘记


wake up 醒来

wonderful adj. 极好的

grow up 长大

field n. 田地

loving adj. 仁爱的

devoted adj. 投入的

wisdom n. 智慧

all day 一整天

quietly adv. 安静地

develop v. 培养,形成

hate n. 仇恨

jealousy n. 嫉妒

important adj. 重要的

calm adj. 坦然的

attitude n. 态度One Point Lesson

But the further people walked away, the more clearly they could see the face.



e.g. The more you practice, the higher you can jump.


He would be one of the smartest, richest, and noblest men.


one of the+形容词最高级+可数名词复数:最……的……之一

e.g. She is one of the prettiest girls in our school.


He spent many days working in the fields.



e.g. He spent three hours playing basketball with his friends.

他与朋友打了三个小时的篮球。CHAPTER 1第1章Comprehension Quiz你读懂了多少

A “人面巨石”象征着什么?找出与之相关的词。

B 根据故事内容判断正误,正确的选T,错误的选F。

❶ All of the people living in the valley were farmers.


❷ The Great Stone Face was a symbol of the valley.


❸ Ernest lived with his mother and two brothers.


❹ Ernest thought many things about life.


C 选择正确的答案。

❶ What was the legend of the Great Stone Face?

(a) Every crop in the valley will be great.

(b) A man resembling the Great Stone Face will be born.

(c) Every person living in the valley will become famous one day.

❷ What did Ernest think the most?

(a) Mathematics and history.

(b) Love for other people.

(c) How to make a lot of money.

D 选择适当的词语填空。

stare at  wait for

❶ Ernest was _____________________ something in the distance.


❷ any people _________________________ the child to be born.


A fertility, nobility, education

B ❶ F

❷ T

❸ F

❹ T

C ❶ (b)

❷ (b)

D ❶ staring at

❷ waited for第2章富商CHAPTER 2 A Rich Businessman

One day, Ernest was working in his fields.

Suddenly, a neighbor came to him and asked, "Did you hear the news?"

"No. What news?" Ernest replied.

The neighbor continued, "People say that there is a great man in Newport.

He looks like the Great Stone Face.

People call him Mr. Gathergold.

But I don't think that's his real name.

Anyway, a long time ago, he used to live in this valley.

He moved to Newport and started a business."

Ernest was very happy to hear this news.

Ernest asked, "Why do people call him Mr. Gathergold?"

The neighbor said, "Well, long ago, he was very poor.

But he started a business with just a little money.

He is very smart and became very wealthy.

He trades with people in many countries.

From Africa, he brings back gold and diamonds.

From Asia, he buys carpets.

He also brings back spices, many kinds of tea, and also pearls."

"He is a very successful man," continued the neighbor.

"Some compare him to Midas.

You know the Greek story of Midas, don't you?

Everything Midas touched turned to gold.

Well, some people say that everything Mr. Gathergold touches becomes gold.

Anyway, there is a rumor now in the valley.

Maybe Mr. Gathergold will return here."

Ernest was very interested to hear this.

"He has so much money now.

I heard he might return to his native valley, and build a large house.

You know that really beautiful area beside the river next to the Johnson's house?

A long time ago, Mr. Gathergold grew up there.

People said there were plans to build a huge house there."

"Really!" Earnest said.

"I want to see this man.

I hope he really looks like the Great Stone Face."

Many weeks passed, and many builders came to the valley.

They started to build a house beside the river.

Many people came to watch them make the amazing house.

After many months, the house was finished.

It was the most talked about thing in the valley.

"Did you see the house?" people asked Ernest.

"Yes, I did," Ernest replied.

"Isn't it amazing? Mr. Gathergold must be the man we have waited for."

The building was really amazing.

From a distance, it seemed to be a white shining star.

When a person walked closer, one could see huge pillars at the front.

It was made from very expensive marble.

At the front, there was a huge door.

It was made from the finest imported wood, and had the most beautiful door knobs.

Everyone was very curious about this house.

"What does it look like inside?" they wondered.

One man, a builder, said,

"It is more beautiful inside than outside.

The furniture, carpets, and curtains are all imported.

Mr. Gathergold's bedroom is the most amazing.

There is gold everywhere.

It sparkles so much.

I guess he couldn't sleep without gold around him."

Everyone, including Ernest, was ready to accept Mr. Gathergold as the legendary man.

They all waited for his arrival.

In the valley, many people asked, "When will he arrive?"

"He is expected to arrive at sunset today," others replied.

Everyone was impatient.

Ernest was impatient, too.

He longed to see the human face of the Great Stone Face he loved.

Ernest thought, "When he comes, he will do great things for the valley.

He is rich, so he can do great things."

Sunset came, and many people gathered to wait for the famous man.

Ernest was waiting with them.

Suddenly, there was the noise of wheels moving along the road.

"He is coming! He is coming!" someone cried.

"He has finally arrived!"

As the carriage passed by, Ernest saw the man.

He was very old, and had small eyes and thin lips.

"He looks just like the Great Stone Face," some shouted.

"Now great things will come to us here in this valley!"

Ernest watched the carriage go down the road.

Ahead, there was an old woman and two little children.

They were begging on the side of the road.

As the carriage passed them, Ernest saw a yellow hand poke through the window.

The hand threw out a few copper coins at the beggars.

Ernest was now very disappointed.

But still people cried out, "He looks just like the Great Stone Face!"

Ernest thought, "He may look like the Great Stone Face on the outside, but his heart does not resemble him at all.

The old man seemed cold, and selfish.

But the Great Stone Face is generous and kind."

Then, he turned to look at the Great Stone Face.

The Stone Face seemed to speak to him at that moment.

He said, "Do not worry, Ernest. One day, he will come."

Many years passed by, and Ernest grew into a man.

But everyday, he still spent time looking at the Stone Face.

In fact some people said, "Ernest still spends so much time looking at the Great Stone Face.

It is a little silly."

Other people said, "Let him do it.

He does not neglect his daily work."

But nobody really knew Ernest.

The Great Stone Face taught him many things.

The things he knew, he could never learn from a book.

From the inspiration of the Stone Face, he developed his knowledge, his way of life, and his character.

He was one of the wisest men on earth.

But even Ernest didn't know that yet.

Many more years passed by.

Mr. Gathergold died one day.

All of his money disappeared just before he died.

Everyone thought, "What happened to his money?"

But these questions were never answered.

After a while, people did not compare him to the Great Face.

Eventually, he only became famous for one thing — his very large home.

This became a hotel.

In the summer many people stayed there, and went to see the Great Stone Face.KEY WORDS

suddenly adv. 突然

neighbor n. 邻居

continue v. 接着说

call v. 把……叫做

used to (过去)惯常做……

move v. 搬家

wealthy adj. 富裕的

trade v. 做生意

bring back 带回来

diamond n. 钻石

carpet n. 地毯

spice n. 香料

many kinds of 各种各样的

pearl n. 珍珠

successful adj. 成功的

compare ... to 把……比作

Greek adj. 希腊的

touch v. 接触,碰

rumor n. 传闻,传言

maybe adv. 大概,或许

return v. 回来,返回

interested adj. 感兴趣的

native adj. 出生地的

beautiful adj. 优美的

next to 挨着

huge adj. 巨大的

builder n. 建筑工人

pillar n. 柱子

be made from 由……所做成的

expensive adj. 昂贵的

marble n. 大理石

fine adj. 上等的,优质的

imported adj. 进口的

knob n. (门的)把手

curious adj. 好奇的

wonder v. 想知道

furniture n. 家具

curtain n. 窗帘

sparkle v. 发光,闪烁

guess v. 猜想

include v. 包括

be ready to 准备

accept v. 认可,承认

legendary adj. 传说中的

arrival n. 到来

expect v. 有望,估计

at sunset 日落时

impatient adj. 迫不及待的

long to 渴望

gather v. 聚集,集合

noise n. 声音

wheel n. 车轮

along prep. 顺着

finally adv. 终于

carriage n. 马车

pass by 经过

ahead adv. 在前面

beg v. 乞讨

on the side of 在……边上

poke v. 伸出

throw out 抛出,扔出

copper coin 铜币

beggar n. 乞丐

disappointed adj. 失望的

cry out 叫喊,大声说出

resemble v. 像

at all (用于否定句)根本,一点

selfish adj. 自私的

generous adj. 慷慨的,大方的

in fact 事实上

silly adj. 愚蠢的

neglect v. 忽视,漏做

daily adj. 每日的,日常的

teach v. 教授,教导


learn v. 学习,学会

inspiration n. 灵感,启示

knowledge n. 学问,知识

way of life 生活方式,人生之路

character n. 品格,品质

on earth 在世上,人世间

even adv. 甚至,即使

disappear v. 消失,不见

after a while 不久

eventually adv. 最后,终于

stay v. 暂住One Point Lesson





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