
发布时间:2020-07-23 01:37:13








培养人文素质 成就国际通才



此外,国内的英语学习者如再停留在日常生活的English In General的层次上,必将难以适应深度沟通和交流的需要,因此,对专业英语及文化背景的深入了解和学习将是提升英语能力的必由之路。有鉴于此,本套丛书为读者奉上原汁原味的人文阅读精华,其或选自原典正文、或选自专业教材、或选自网络热帖,由精研此业者掇菁撷华,辑录成册,希望能帮助读者在学习英语的同时又能品味西方文化的独特魅力。在辑录过程中,我们力求摒弃学校教育的僵硬和枯燥,代之以更加生动、更加全面的通识阅读范本。我们写历史,致力于拨开其厚重压抑而倾向于读者感兴趣的文化、建筑、艺术、风俗等人文知识;我们写文学,力求抛开一般文学史纲目划分的束缚而代之以切合各国风情又适合读者阅读的脉络。



Chapter 1 Ivy League——A Way of Referring to an Elite Class 第一章 常青藤盟校——美国顶尖名校的代名词

1. Introduction 盟校介绍

The Ivy League,is an athletic conference composed of sports teams from eight private institutions of higher education in the Northeastern United States. The conference name is also 常青藤联盟标志commonly used to refer to those eight schools as a group. The eight institutions are Harvard University,Yale University,the University of Pennsylvania,Princeton University,Columbia University,Brown University,Dartmouth College and Cornell University. The term Ivy League also has connotations of academic excellence,selectivity in admissions,and social elitism.

The term became official after the formation of the NCAA Division I athletic conference in 1954. The use of thephrase is no longer limited to athletics,and now represents an educational philosophy inherent to the nation's oldest schools. Seven of the eight schools were founded during the United States colonial period;the exception is Cornell,which was founded in 1865. Ivy League institutions,therefore,account for seven of the nine Colonial Colleges chartered before the American Revolution.

The Ivies are all in the Northeast geographic region of the United States. Each school receives millions of dollars in research grants and other subsidies from federal and state government.

Undergraduate enrollments among the Ivy League schools range from about 4,000 to 14,000,making them larger than those of a typical private liberal arts college and smaller than a typical public state university. Overall enrollments range from approximately 6,100 in the case of Dartmouth to over 20,000 in the case of Columbia,Cornell,Harvard,and Penn.




常青藤盟校中,每个学校的本科生入学人数规模从4000人到14000人不等,这样的学生数量使它们的规模比典型的私人文理学院大、比典型的公立大学小。总体入学人数范围从达特茅斯学院的6100人到哥伦比亚大学、康奈尔大学、哈佛大学、宾夕法尼亚大学均超过2万名。2. History 盟校历史● Origin of the Name 称谓的源起

Students have long revered the ivied walls of older colleges.“Planting the ivy”was a customary class day ceremony at many colleges in the 1800s. In 1893 an alumnus told The Harvard Crimson,“In 1850,常青藤盟校的地理位置class day was placed upon the University Calendar…… the custom of planting the ivy,while the ivy oration was delivered,arose about this time.”At Penn,graduating seniors started the custom of planting ivy at a university building each spring in 1873 and that practice was formally designated as“Ivy Day”in 1874. Princeton's“Ivy Club”was founded in 1879.

The first usage of Ivy in reference to a group of colleges is from sportswriter Stanley Woodward(1895-1965).“A proportion of our eastern ivy colleges are meeting little fellows another Saturday before plunging into the strife and the turmoil.”Stanley Woodward,New York Tribune,October 14,1933,describing the football season.

According to the book Dictionary of Word and Phrase Origins(1988),author William Morris writes that Stanley Woodward actually took the term from fellow New York Tribune sportswriter Caswell Adams. Morris writes that during the 1930s,the Fordham University football team was running roughshod over all its opponents. One day in the sports room at the Tribune,the merits of Fordham's football team were being compared to those of Princeton and Columbia. Adams remarked disparagingly of the latter two,saying they were“only Ivy League.”Woodward,the sports editor of the Tribune,picked up the term and printed the next day.The term ivy college and shortly later Ivy League acquired its name from the sports world.


首次用长在墙上的常青藤来指代这些学校的是体育专栏作家斯坦利·伍德沃德(1895~1965年)。“几所来自美国东部常青藤大学的队员都在集合他们的队员以应对下周六的体育比赛和混乱场面。”《纽约论坛报》的斯坦利·伍德沃德在1933年10月14日的橄榄球赛季叙述道。《单词和习语起源词典》(1988年版)的作者威廉·莫里斯写道,实际上斯坦利·伍德沃德是从他的同为《纽约论坛报》体育专栏同事卡斯维尔·亚当斯那里得来这个名词称谓的。莫里斯继续写道,在20世纪30年代,福特汉姆大学橄榄球队一直凌驾于其所有对手之上。一天,在《纽约论坛报》的办公室里,人们将福特汉姆大学橄榄球队与普林斯顿大学和哥伦比亚大学的橄榄球队进行比较,列数前者的优点与功绩。亚当斯轻蔑地评论后两者,说它们是“仅仅是常青藤盟校而已”。伍德沃德听到他的话后就采纳了这个新词,并在第二天的报纸上出版了这个词。不久后,常青藤联盟就从体育界中获得了这个称谓。● Pre-Ivy League 在此称谓之前

Seven of the Ivy League schools were founded before the American Revolution;Cornell was 乔纳森·马克西founded just 毕业生在种植常青藤after the American Civil War. These seven provided the overwhelming majority of the higher education in the Northern and Middle Colonies;their early faculties and founding boards were largely,therefore,drawn from other Ivy League institutions;there were also some British graduates from the University of Cambridge,the University of Oxford,the University of Edinburgh,and elsewhere. Similarly,the founder of The College of William & Mary,in 1693,was a British graduate of the University of Edinburgh. Cornell provided Stanford University with its first president.

The influence of these institutions on the founding of other colleges and universities is notable. This included the Southern public college movement which blossomed in the first two decades of the 19th century when Georgia,South Carolina,North Carolina and Virginia established what became the flagship universities for each of these states. In 1801 a majority of the first board of trustees for what became the University of South Carolina were Princeton alumni. They appointed Jonathan Maxcy,a Brown graduate,as the university's first president. Thomas Cooper,an Oxford alumnus and University of Pennsylvania faculty member became the second president of the University of South Carolina. The founders of the University of California came from Yale;hence the school colors of University of California are Yale Blue and California Gold.

Some of the Ivy League schools have identifiable Protestant roots,while others were founded as nonsectarian schools. Church of England King's College broke up during the Revolution and was reformed as public nonsectarian Columbia College. In the early nineteenth century,the specific purpose of training Calvinist ministers was handed off to theological seminaries,but a denominational tone and such relics as compulsory chapel often lasted well into the twentieth century. Penn and Brown were officially founded as nonsectarian schools. Brown's charter promised no religious tests and“full liberty of conscience”,but placed control in the hands of a board of twenty-two Baptists,five Quakers,four Congregationalists,and five Episcopalians. Cornell has been strongly nonsectarian from its founding. Even so,same of churches are also the main buildings on the campus.

“Ivy League”is sometimes used as a way of referring to an elite class,even though institutions such as Cornell University were among the first in the United States to reject racial and gender discrimination in their admissions policies.

After the Second World War,the present Ivy League institutions slowly widened their selection of students. They had always had distinguished faculties;some of the first Americans with doctorates had taught for them;but they now decided that they could not both be world-class research institutions and be competitive in the highest ranks of American college sport;in addition,the schools experienced the scandals of any other big-time football programs,although more quietly. The schools began to recruit respectively sports students and research-oriented students.




第二次世界大战后,这些常青藤盟校开始逐渐放松了对于学员招收的标准。他们虽然有美国最好的教员,最早的一批博士教授学生,但是他们逐渐发现自己不可能同时是世界一流的研究机构并蝉联美国大学运动榜首;并且部分学校还经历了所有其他主要赛事一样的“丑闻”。于是,有些学校开始分别招收体育特长生和研究性学生。3. History of the Athletic League 体育联赛的历史

The Ivies have been competing in sports as long as intercollegiate sports have existed in the United States. Rowing teams from Harvard and Yale met in the first sporting event held between students of two U.S. colleges on Lake Winnipesaukee,New Hampshire,on August 3,1852. Harvard's team,“The Oneida”,won the race and was presented with trophy black walnut oars from then presidential nominee General Franklin Pierce.

The first formal athletic league involving eventual Ivy League schools was created in 1870 with the formation of the Rowing Association of American Colleges. The RAAC hosted a de facto national championship in rowing during the period 1870-1894. In 1895,Cornell,Columbia,and Penn founded the Intercollegiate Rowing Association,which remains the oldest collegiate athletic organizing body in the US. To this day,the IRA Championship Regatta determines the national champion in rowing and all of the Ivies are regularly invited to compete.In 1902,Columbia,Cornell,Harvard,Yale and Princeton formed the Eastern Intercollegiate Basketball League;they were later joined by Penn,Dartmouth and Brown. In 1906,the organization that eventually became the National Collegiate Athletic Association was formed,primarily to formalize rules for the emerging sport of football. But of the 39 original member colleges in the NCAA,only two of them(Dartmouth and Penn)later became Ivies.1853~1857任美国第十四任总统的富兰克林·皮尔斯将军

In 1945 standards for the football the teams. The Ivy Group presidents of Agreement established the the eight core tenet that an schools applicant's ability to play on signed the a team would not influence first Ivy admissions decisions:Group The members of the Agreement,Group reaffirm their which set prohibition of athletic academic,1952年,哈佛与耶鲁赛艇比赛scholarships. Athletes shall 100周年纪念海报financial,be admitted as students and athletic and awarded financial aid only on the basis of the same academic standards and economic need as are applied to all other students.

In 1954,the date generally accepted as the birth of the Ivy League,the presidents extended the Ivy Group Agreement to all intercollegiate sports. Competition began with the 1956 season.

As late as the 1960s many of the Ivy League universities' undergraduate programs remained open only to men,with Cornell the only one to have been coeducational from its founding(1865)and Columbia being the last(1983)to become coeducational. Before they became coeducational,many of the Ivy schools maintained extensive social ties with nearby Seven Sisters women's colleges“Seven Sisters”was the name given to Barnard,Smith,Mount Holyoke,Vassar,Bryn Mawr,Wellesley,and Radcliffe,including weekend visits,dances and parties inviting Ivy and Seven Sisters students to mingle. This was the case not only at Barnard College and Radcliffe College,which are adjacent to Columbia and Harvard,but at more distant institutions as well. The movie Animal House includes a satiric version of the formerly common visits by Dartmouth men to Massachusetts to meet Smith and Mount Holyoke women,a drive of more than two hours.

In 1983,following the admission of women to Columbia College,Columbia University and Barnard College entered into an athletic consortium agreement by which students from both schools compete together on Columbia University women's athletic teams,which replaced the women's teams previously sponsored by Barnard.








Chapter 2 Harvard University——Thinking Bank of America 第二章 哈佛大学——美国的思想库

1. Introduction of Harvard University 哈佛大学概况

Harvard University is a private and the first oldest university in Ivy League. Harvard is consistently ranked at or near the top of international college and university rankings it ranked the first in Times Higher 哈佛大学Education,2012. To some extend,its history,influence and wealth have made it as one of the most prestigious university in the world. Harvard's central place in American elite circles has made it the setting for many novels,plays,films and other cultural works. Harvard Law School has produced numerous leaders in law and politics,including the current U.S. President,Barack Obama,former president Rutherford B. Hays.

哈佛大学是一所私立大学,也是常青藤联盟中第一古老的学校,它在世界大学排名中一直处于领先位置,在2012年《泰晤士报高等教育特刊》中排名第一。从某种程度上来说,哈佛的历史、影响力和财富已使它成为世界上最富盛誉的大学之一。在美国精英界的中心地位使它成为众多小说、话剧、电影和其他文化作品的创作背景。许多法律和政界领导者都毕业于哈佛法学院,其中包括美国现任总统贝拉克·奥巴马和前总统卢瑟福·B·海斯。2. About Harvard University 认识哈佛大学● Tracing History 追根溯源

Established in 1636 by vote of the Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony,Harvard was named after its first benefactor,John Harvard,of Charlestown,Massachusetts. Upon his death in 1638,the young minister left his library and half of his estate to the new College. In 1639,in recognition of John Harvard's bequest,the Great and General Court ordered the college to be called Harvard College. Later in 1780,it was named Harvard University.

During its early years,the College offered a classic academic course based on the English university model but consistent with the prevailing Puritan philosophy of the first colonists.

The election in 1708 of John Leverette,the first president who was not also a clergyman,marked a turning of the College toward intellectual independence from Puritanism. As the College grew in the 18th and 19th centuries,the curriculum was broadened,particularly in the sciences,and the College produced or attracted a long list of famous scholars.

Charles W. Eliot,who served as president from 1869 to 1909,transformed the relatively small provincial college into a modern university. During his tenure,the Law and Medical schools were revitalized,and the graduate schools of Business,Dental Medicine,and Arts and Sciences were established. Enrollment rose from 1,000 to 3,000 students,the faculty grew from 49 to 278,and the endowment increased from$2.3 million to$22.5 million.

It was under Eliot's watch that Radcliffe College was established. In the 1870s a group of women were exploring ways to make higher education more accessible to women. In 1879,the“Harvard Annex”for women's instruction by Harvard faculty began operations. And in 1894 the Annex was chartered by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts asRadcliffe College.远眺哈佛大学

Founded 16 years after the arrival of the Pilgrims at Plymouth,the University has grown from nine students with a single master to an enrollment of more than 18,000 degree candidates,including undergraduates and students in 10 principal academic units. Over 14,000 people work at Harvard,including more than 2,000 faculties.

Havard University has trained a plenty of outstanding talents in more than 300 years. Eight presidents of the United States—John Adams,John Quincy Adams,Theodore and Franklin Delano Roosevelt,Rutherford B. Hayes,John Fitzgerald Kennedy,George W. Bush and the current U.S. President Barack Obama are graduates of Harvard.

Forty-three current and former Harvard faculty members have been awarded Nobel Prizes. Besides those laureates on the faculty,Prize winners also frequently come to Harvard to serve as visiting faculty or visiting fellows. Many Harvard graduates have also won Nobel Prizes,including such notables as Theodore Roosevelt(Peace,1906),T. S. Eliot(Literature,1948),and Henry Kissinger(Peace,1973).

Visitors often ask:Who is the typical Harvard student· The answer is that there is no such person. Each student is a unique individual,and the student body is incredibly diverse.

Harvard men and women represent an array of ethnic groups,religious traditions,and political persuasions. They come from every region of the United States and more than 100 other countries. They include undergraduates and graduate,continuing education,and Summer School students. They range from pre-teens to octogenarians;in 1997,Mary Fasano became the oldest person ever to earn a Harvard degree when she graduated from the Extension School at the age of 89.










哈佛人代表着各种民族群体、宗教传统和政治观点。他们来自美国各地和全世界的100多个国家,其中有本科生、研究生、继续教育学生和暑期培训学生。在哈佛学子中既有十几岁的青少年,也有年过80岁的老者。1997年,玛莉·法萨诺在哈佛继续教育学院毕业,89岁高龄的她成为最年长的哈佛学生。● Lost-and-Found Seal,The Motto of Harvard 失而复得的校徽与哈佛校训

Early Harvard University has inherited the spirit of the Middle Ages,with the spirit of their conversion converted to the Christian side.“Veritas”“In Christ Gloriam”,and“Christo et Ecclesiae”became Harvard's exclusive 哈佛大学侧门spiritual principles. In the early seal of Harvard,it was greeted by the three open books,two facing up,and one facing down. In silence,it quietly demonstrated the symbolic dialectical relationship of reason and inspiration(revelation).

With the rapid development of the colonial economy,it laid the Harvard pursuit of truth and respect for the scientific foundation of the times from the natural sciences,industrial revolution,human care,the double power of science and technology culture. Harvard's motto was eventually indentified as 哈佛大学校徽the“truth”(Veritas). Above Harvard University Logo which is still in use from Era of the Harvard College was written VERITAS with the Latin words meaning“truth.”Harvard's original motto is written in Latin,meaning“Make friends with Plato and Aristotle,but above all,make friends with the truth.”

On the December 27,1643,at a meeting of the Harvard school hosted by the Institute of the second dean of Dunst,badge was born. The badge design once released,it came to nothing. Until two hundred years later,the dean of Harvard Quincy(Josiah Quincy)presided over the course of 200 years anniversary,accidentally discovered this important historical document. When he put the“recovered”anniversary badge design as an important project of this promotion to the teachers and students,everyone was very frustrated,apart from the cheering.



1643年12月27,在学院第二任院长邓斯特主持举行的一次会议上,哈佛校徽诞生了。远处的查尔斯河依然在静静地流淌,然而历史总是在不经意间,向人们展现一个灰色的迷雾。校徽的设计一经出炉,便石沉大海。直到200年后,时任哈佛院长的昆西在主持200年校庆过程中,无意中发现了这份重要的历史文件。当他把这份“失而复得”的校徽图案作为本次校庆的重要项目推介给广大师生时,大家在欢呼之余,无不感慨万分。3. Harvard Institutions 哈佛大学机构设置

Now,the scale of Harvard University,assets Maria,is often jokingly called“the Harvard Empire.”Harvard University has 17 of the subjects,belong to two college students(Harvard College and Radcliffe College)哈佛大学法学院主楼and 10 graduate schools:Faculty of Arts and Sciences,Medical School,School of Education,School of Design,School of Public Health,John F. Kennedy School of Government,Law School,School of Dental Medicine,Divinity School,Business School. And it is directly linked to 95 libraries,seven Institute of Botany,two Observatory,more than 50 science,engineering and medical laboratories,nine natural history,medicine,art and archaeological museums. Harvard University also has many well-known research centers,such as the Centre for the Study of International Affairs,Education Policy Research Center,Environmental Design Research Center,Computer Research Centre. Oriental Research Center,Harvard-Yenching Institute,a specialized study of China,the United States by the well-known China experts Fairbank long-term support.

现在,哈佛大学规模庞大、资产超群,常被人戏称为“哈佛帝国”。哈佛大学设有17个学科系,分属两个本科生学院(哈佛学院和拉德克里夫学院)和10个研究生学院:文理学院、医学院、教育学院、设计学院、公共卫生学院、约翰·F·肯尼迪政府哈佛大学的马塞诸萨厅,建于1720年,是学院、法学院、牙医学院、神学哈佛大学现存最古老的建筑物院和商学院。与它有直接联系的有95家图书馆,7个植物研究所,2个天文台,50余个科学、工程和医学实验室,9家自然历史、医学、艺术和考古博物馆。哈佛大学还拥有许多著名的研究中心,如国际事务研究中心、教育政策研究中心、环境设计研究中心、电子计算机研究中心等。东方研究中心燕京研究所,是个专门研究中国问题的机构,受到美国著名中国问题专家费正清长期支持。● The Cradle of American Politicians—Harvard Law School(HLS) 美国政治家的摇篮——哈佛法学院

Harvard Law School is the oldest continually-operating law school in the USA,and is home to the largestt academic law library in the world. It is ranked third on the U.S. News & World Report Law School Ranking.

Harvard Law School graduates have accounted for some judicial clerkships in the past years,including one-quarter of all Supreme Court clerkships. More than 120 from the last five graduating classes have obtained tenure-track law teaching positions.

In Randall Hall—Law School's main building,there are 16 columns revealed the majesty of law. Under the Triangular gable above the center engraved Law School's philosophy:“be unyielding for people,but succumbs to God and the law.”That is,under the guidance of God,people should have to pursue of equality and freedom.

In Harvard Law School's annually 250 courses or small discussion classes,students from different degree courses mix with each other. Whether it is a big class with 80 students or a seminar with 10 students,professors will not evade any of the challenging problems. Whether professors or students,their views may be very different,but in the classroom at Harvard Law School they show the independence of spirit and freedom of thought. Harvard Law School's approximate hundred professors provide nearly 300 courses for students to choose,they also enjoy the discussions in both teaching and learning with students.

As a result,the boring law courses become lively. Correspondingly,the students' thinking becomes more active,which can be seen from one side. It is said that Harvard Law School student once put this poster to find his girlfriend:“Sensible,not sensitive;simply complicated;predictably irrational;kindly demanding;constructively critical;certain of uncertainty;managing risks;helplessly hopeful;persistent,yet flexible”.





由此,枯燥的法学课一下子变得生动活泼起来。与此相对应的是学生们的思维变得更加活跃,这从一个侧面可见一斑。据说,哈佛法学院的学生曾贴出这样一张找女友的海报:“敏而不疑,缜而不繁;娇而不横,求而不奢;诤而有益,谋而有断;处危有度,历难有瞻;其节如松,其韧若竹。”● The Origin of Master of Business Administration—Harvard Business School(HBS)MBA 教育的鼻祖——哈佛商学院

If Harvard is a crown of all the nation's universities,the Harvard Business School is the most dazzling jewel in the crown. Founded in 1908,Harvard Business School(HBS)is located across the Charles River in Boston,which almost has a long history the same as the management itself. It is the first American Graduate School that awarded the MBA students,offers a large full-time MBA program,doctoral programs,and many executive education programs,and it enjoys high reputation because it pioneers the case method and case for analysis. Harvard Business School of 103 years is the most famous universities to develop talents of management in the United States,which is described as the“West Point”of businessman,director and general manager. Many American business executives and political elite lived and learned here.

The buildings of Business School are quiet and elegant. Although it is a business school,it comes out with the elegant thought. When strolling into business school,there are the buildings with Victorian style behind the quiet and unique lawn. Exposure to them,you can not only feel the school with over a century's glorious history,but also can see its strong financial resources with the ambitions of expanding and construction. Harvard Business School always takes it as its mission to cultivate the distinctive leaders. With the gradually development,it has formed some aspects of school characteristics:

Harvard Business School can individualize the students through a variety of projects in groups,making each group of students both inside and outside the classroom can be closely linked. Harvard Business School has the world's most influential network of graduates. The graduates from Harvard Business School serve as the leaders in numerous organizations and various industries.

It owns Harvard Business School Publishing,which publishes business books,online management tools for corporate learning,case studies,and the monthly Harvard Business Review.




哈佛商学院拥有自己的出版社,出版商业书籍、企业学习在线杂志工具、案例研究和每月的《哈佛商业评论》。4. Travel around the Campus of Harvard University 哈佛校园一览● The Harvard Library—From the Bequest of John Harvard 哈佛图书馆——来自约翰·哈佛的遗赠

The University's traditional holdings of nearly 17 million volumes are rooted in the bequest of 400 books from John Harvard in 1638. Today,Harvard has more than 70 libraries gathered into a single system that constitutes the largest academic library in the world. Its holdings range from traditional print collections to rapidly expanding inventories of digital resources. As the largest academic library in existence,the Harvard Library is distinct compared with the greatest libraries in the world:the Library of Congress,the British Library,the New York Public Library,and the Bibliotheque Nationale de France. So far,a total of eight U.S. presidents and 43 Nobel Prize winners have studied here.

哈佛传统馆藏的近1700万册图书,是以1638年约翰·哈佛遗赠的400册书为基础的。如今,哈佛有70多个图书馆,集聚成了一个统一系统,也使它成为世界上最大的学术图书馆。其馆藏范围从传统印刷藏品延伸到迅速扩张的数字资源库。作为现存最大的学术图书馆,哈佛大学图书馆与世界上最大的图书馆——美国国会图书馆、大英博物馆图书馆、纽约公共图书馆和法国国家图书馆相比,有明显不同。迄今为止,总共有8位美国总统和43位诺贝尔奖获得者曾在这里学习过。● Widener Library 威德纳图书馆

The Harry Elkins Widener Memorial Library,commonly known as Widener Library,is the primary building of the library system of Harvard University. Located on the south side of Harvard Yard directly across from Memorial 威德纳图书馆主楼正面Church,Widener serves as the centerpiece of the Harvard University Library system.It has collected three million volumes on its fifty miles of shelves. It is ranked the third largest in the country and the largest college library in the world.

Widener Library,which opened with a solemn ceremony on June 24,1915,commemorates Harry Elkins Widener(born January 3,1885 in Elkins Park,Pennsylvania),a 1907 Harvard graduate,a young Harvard bibliographer who drowned with the Titanic,are on display his original works and his private study. His mother,Eleanor Elkins,made a$3.5 million 哈佛大学主校区里的教学楼donation to Harvard University to build a library named after him.


威德纳图书馆在1915年6月24日开馆并举行了盛大的开馆仪式,是为了纪念哈利·埃尔金斯(1885年1月3日出生在宾夕法尼亚州埃尔金斯公园),他在1907年毕业于哈佛大学,是泰坦尼克沉船中不幸丧生的哈佛大学一位年轻的目录编纂者。为了纪念他,他的母亲埃莉诺·埃尔金斯为哈佛大学捐赠350万美元建立一个以他的名字命名的图书馆。● Harvard College Observatory 哈佛大学天文台

The Harvard College Observatory(HCO)is an institution managing a complex of buildings and multiple instruments used for astronomical research by the Harvard University Department of Astronomy. It is located in Cambridge,Massachusetts,USA,and was founded in 1839. With the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,it forms part of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

In 1839,the Harvard Corporation voted to appoint William Cranch Bond,a prominent Boston clockmaker,as“Astronomical Observer to the University”. This marked the founding of the Harvard College Observatory. HCO's first telescope,the 15-inch Great Refractor,installed in 1847,was the biggest telescope at that time in world.

Between 1847 and 1852 Bond and pioneer photographer John Adams Whipple used the Great Refractor telescope to produce images of the moon that are remarkable in their clarity of detail and aesthetic power,and their images of the moon took the prize for technical excellence in photography at the 1851 Great Exhibition at The Crystal Palace in London. On the night of July 16-17,1850,Whipple and Bond made the first daguerreotype of a star(Vega).

In 1908,the observatory published the Harvard Revised Photometry Catalogue,which gave rise to the HR star catalogue,now maintained by the Yale University Observatory as the Bright Star Catalogue.




哈佛大学天文台于1908年出版了哈佛恒星测光表,书中列举了HR恒星星表,现在此星表被称为《亮星星表》保存于耶鲁大学天文台。● The Harvard Museums 哈佛博物馆

The Harvard Museums are not only for the teaching service but also for the public. One of the most worth visiting place is the Arnold Arboretum. Here,you can see the Swiss gentian,along with Mexico's cactus,blue water lily of Egypt against the background of the Korean Jindal,as well as Chinese plum blossom and peony. There are about 800 kinds of strange flowers,colorful,and never languish,because they are the original glass models of plants known as“Glass Flowers”,which are made by the two German artists. It is the only one in the world and people rated it as the“miracle of art in science,scientific miracles in art.”Besides Havard Museum of Natural History is also one of the most popular museums.

The Foggy Art Museum is one of the most famous museums at Harvard. It houses a painting exhibition that combines Pre-Raphaelite works from French Impressionists,and some twenty-seven Rubens. Ecclesiastical sculpture,18th century rococo porcelain,jewelry,textiles,furniture,and metal crafts are also exhibited. The Sackler is a beautiful and medium-sized museum that it has the world's most outstanding Chinese jades in its collections.

When walking through the campus,you can see a Turtle laden with tall stone,which is China's Harvard Alumni Association gave to Harvard in 1936 as three hundred years anniversary gift. Many Chinese students have studied here since the late Qing Dynasty such as Wang’an,Leoh Ming Pei and many others.



漫步校园,能看到一块龟背驮着的高大石碑,那是中国哈佛同学会1936年在哈佛300年校庆时赠送的礼物。自清末以来,这里就有如王安、贝聿铭等众多的中国学子就读。● The“Pig Head”Shool Door “猪头”校门

It is cannot find any word as“Harvard University”on buildings in famous Harvard campus. Harvard is a place filed with genius and intelligence,but the school gate was engraved with a pig head impressively. It is said that at the 学生们在自然历史博物馆参观beginning of the school,in order to celebrate the kayak team who won the championship,the students cheerfully killed a pig,and the pig head was hanging in the school door to memory. And today,people give it more means:Harvard has top education institute,even the stupid students come to Harvard,he or she can also have learned something.

在哈佛这个负有盛名的校园里,却找不到任何标有“哈佛大学”字眼的标志性建筑。一个天才学子云集的地方,却赫然在校门上刻着一个猪头。据说,建校之初,为了庆祝哈佛皮划艇代表队夺得冠军,学生们兴高采烈地宰杀了一福格艺术博物馆外观头猪,并把猪头悬挂于校门,以示庆贺。而今天,人们赋予“猪头校门”更多的寓意:哈佛教育研究水平顶尖,即便是猪头猪脑般的“蠢材”来到哈佛,也能够学有所成。● Statue of Three Lies 三个谎言铜像

Through a wide variety of the bookstores and cafes in“Harvard square”,you can see a great architecture built with grey granite. This is the administration building of Harvard University,in front of which stands a bronze statue. He is the minister John Harvard,one fateful body to become the leader of the Harvard. With bright eyes,he looks handsome,angular and gentle. His right hand presses an open bible,and his legs extend with the left foot slightly putting out the base. The peculiarities is the dark brown shoes with shiny toe and all its former Harvard admirers,without exception,would touch his left foot. It is said that the people who touch the foot can pass the examination and all wishes come true. Inadvertently standing religious“a Century's Caress”,Harvard is still staring deeply this land,which is full of passion and dreams,and gives birth to ideals and legends.

The three lines are engraved on the base of the statue,but they are well known as Harvard three lies. The first line is“John Harvard”,the following line is the“founder”and the third line is“1638”. At first glance,no matter whoever will understand“in the 1638 Harvard himself founded Harvard University.”In fact,these three simple statements actually don’t match the facts!

First,the statue was not built according to the true appearance of Harvard,because John Harvard was dead prematurely and did not leave any portraits or any heirs. The sculptor just selected a handsome student to be the model and adopted Puritan dress in the 17th century. Then finished this Harvard statue in high spirits today. In other words,this portrait is just a stand-in for Harvard.

Second,John Harvard is just the donor of the university and not the founder as written on the base.

Third,Harvard University was built in 1636 not in 1638,which was written on the statue.

Obviously,the statue of Harvard has made a sort of joke with people,but it also occasionally been parodied. It is said that a group of students who rode the night,dressed the Harvard statue as a super-warrior in the game. Under the tinker of them,the old Harvard in the 哈佛大学行政楼前的约翰·哈佛的雕像helmet of the protagonist in the game,with arm relying on a machine gun,sat“solemnly”for a whole night. From this,we can see the humor of history,perhaps just this interaction across time and space greatly reduces the distance between Harvard and people.

Although the statue of Harvard has“lied”,the three lies do not forbid people from accepting it. It seems that truths and lies will not stand in the mutually exclusive opposition in the distant past and future ,but rather two sides of a coin,which keep tips of the people to make deep speculation about yesterday and today,past and future.







虽然哈佛雕像“说了谎”,但这三大谎言并不妨碍人们真心接纳这座哈佛铜像。在久远的过去与未来,真理与谎言似乎并不是水火不容的对立者,而更像一个铜板的两面,不断向人们提示着关于昨天与今天、过去与未来的深刻思辩。4.School Life 学习生活

Harvard locates in the scenic city of Bolton Cambridge. The campus is divided by Charles River and Harvard Business School lies to the south of Charles River. 哈佛校园,经过风雪的洗礼,她This antique Anderson Bridge is the 似乎更美了Harvard's main thoroughfare from North Campus to South Campus.It has a lot of pictogram with Cambridge UK town:landscape,climate,culture,founded by Harvard University of Cambridge... It is the original model. Harvard occupies 380 acres,and a church lies in the middle of the 1930s to commemorate,it is surrounded by dormitories,libraries and classrooms,and other different styles of architectures. Holden Chapel,Massachusetts Hall(the oldest of the Harvard architecture,built in 1720),Harvard Hall,and Widener Library are well-known ancient buildings,which embody the old World elegance of the building's majestic beauty.俯瞰哈佛大学校园

The south and west ends of Harvard bordering Massachusetts Avenue. Massachusetts Hall stands on the left while Harvard Hall is on the right. Harvard Hall was burned down in a terrible blazes in 1764 and was later rebuilt on its original site. It is the third oldest building on campus. The oldest building“the College Clock”,a part of the original structure,is still standing there. It has been repainted andreconstructed to retain its 18th-century appearance.

Walking across the lawn,students were now in front of University Hall,which is granite building designed by Bulfinch in 1816. In the Hall,the dining-room,classroom,chapel,and the President's Offices are still in their original condition. Some of the rooms are now being used as offices.

We walked past University Hall into the New Yard,which is mostly occupied,on the south by the massive Corinthian Colonnade atop the monumental flight of stairs of the Widener Library. To the north of the library is located the Memorial Church to honor the heroesof Harvardin World Wars. Its delicate white spire soars into the sky in memory of the past.

Then we turned to the east side of University Hall. From there we saw Sever Hall,which has been called“a turning point in the course of American architecture”. This building,as beautiful as a budding girl,looks just fantastic. The interior walls are covered by very delicate fine panel with windows shining brilliantly.

Austin Gothic architecture is a masterpiece of world architectural history. Designed in 1865 by Robert Weir and Brent Henry Fanbu,it was the monument of American federalism and the abolitionists. The rear of the memorial is Sheng Desi theaters,with sound design class.






罗斯金哥特式建筑是世界建筑史上的杰作。1865年由罗伯特·维尔和亨利·范布伦特设计,是美国联邦主义和废奴主义的纪念碑。纪念馆的后部是圣德斯剧院,音效设计一流。● The Restaurant of Harvard 哈佛饮食

Adams House is located near Massachusetts Avenue. where is the nearest one to Harvard. Dinner here is very rich,with fish cooking into a multi-course. Also there are dozens of different names of dishes and a variety of soups or drinks. From the antique-style hanging lamps and dim and soft light to red carpet,orange walls and the brown tables,all of those are meaningful,which make people lingered. The painting portraits of the former president Adams and many Harvard senior graduates with dark suits hang in the walls. They look kindly,watching generation after generation of students who eat here. You can often see many old men return to Adams restaurant,reminding of their youth in the excellent sound of classical music.

亚当斯学舍靠近马萨诸塞大道,离哈佛园最近。晚餐非常丰盛,有鱼肉烹成的多道主菜,还有几十种名称各异的小菜以及多种汤或饮料。从古董式挂灯昏黄而柔和的灯光到红色的地毯、橘黄色的墙壁和褐色餐桌,一切隽永如斯,令人流连。前总统亚当斯和身着深色学位服的众多哈佛前辈的油画肖像悬挂在四壁,他们以亲切的目光永恒地注视着一代又一代在这里用餐的学子。经常可以看到白发苍苍的老人重返亚当斯餐厅,在音色极好的古典音乐声中静静品味曾经的青春岁月。● Refreshing Yourself at Harvard 休闲娱乐

With the combination of curricular and extracurricular,Harvard includes 400 official students' organizations,and its numbers and nature have been in constant development. The College provides considerable support to students' organizations,and other activities,and both freshmen and accomplished practitioners can find opportunities to participate and explore. Indeed,many extra-curricular activities take an important part in Harvard education,as well as it is a way to enrich the community life of the College. The future careers of many students are influenced by their non-academic commitments,such as journalism and literature,music and the art,public service,religious life and business,which named is just a few.

Of course,there are still laid-back life at Harvard after class. The red maple leaf of New England is a well-known scenic spot. It's the Holy Land where visitors enjoy the maple leaf. Between Autumn and Winter,the campus is covered with the fallen rustling leaves. When winter snows fall,students can not only make an appointment of snowball fights like what they do in childhood,but also find plum blossom with fun unlimited.

On April each year,it holds the sports competitions which have held between Harvard and Yale for 150 years. The students at Harvard can participate in a variety of sports such as basketball,soccer,volleyball,tennis,rugby and so on.哈佛纪念教堂外观2006年哈佛大学与康奈尔大学的曲棍球比赛

In addition to many traditional and annual activities,associations or societies hold Colloquium Conference for specific topics,foreign students organize a variety show to celebration the world culture,and school holds a formal banquet aboutforeign affairs,which are overwhelming.




除了许多传统和年度活动外,社团或学会针对特定议题举办学术讲座会或研讨会,外国学生会筹办展现世界文化的各种庆典,校方会举办外交性正式宴会,令人应接不暇。5. Winners in Every Field——Notable People from Harvard University 行行出状元——哈佛名人录

Harvard lives in the same city with the world's first underground railway,the first telephone line!Almost all the United States pioneer come from here since the Revolutionary War of the United States. She is known as the U.S. government thinking bank. Here,have born eight U.S. presidents and thirty Pulitzer Prize winners.

哈佛,与世界上第一条地铁、第一条电话线生活在同一个城市!美国独立战争以来几乎所有的革命先驱都出自于她的门下,她被誉为美国政府的思想库。在这里,先后诞生了8位美国总统和30位普利策奖得主。● Barack Hussein Obama 贝拉克·侯赛因·奥巴马

It was as a law student that Obama first made history—he was elected the first black president of the Harvard Law Review in the spring of 1990. Obama met many professors and classmates who would prove help in his meteoric political 在哈佛大学求学时的奥巴马rise from state senator to president of the United States in five years.

He arrived on campus at the age of 27 in the fall of 1988,older than many of his classmates because he became as a community organizer in Chicago for a period. His classmates and friends said that Obama didn’t speak much about his unique background. Obama's performance inside and outside the classroom attracted more notice than his distinctive personal story.

In the spring of his first year at law school,Obama was called by the Professor Laurence who asked him whether he would like to be a research assistant. Laurence rarely hired first-year students but recalled being struck by Obama's unusual combination of intelligence,curiosity and maturity. He was so impressed,that he hired Obama on the spot—and wrote his name and phone number on his calendar that day—March 31,1989—for posterity. Laurence likes to say he had taught about 4,000 students before Obama and another 4,000 since,yet none has impressed him more.



在奥巴马来到法学院第一年春天,劳伦斯教授叫住他,询问他是否愿意做他的助理研究员。要知道,劳伦斯很少雇佣一年级的学生,他回忆说是被奥巴马独特的综合气质所吸引:智慧、好奇、成熟。事实上,正因为劳伦斯对他的印象如此深刻,以至于在见第一面时他就雇佣了他,并且把他的名字和电话号码写在了日历上——时间为1989年3月31日,以留给后人。劳伦斯常说,在奥巴马之前他曾教过4000多名学生,在他之后也有4000多名,然而没有一位给他留下更深的印象。6. Friendship between Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology 哈佛大学和麻省理工学院的友谊

Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT)have always existed between the friendly competition,this relationship could be traced back to 哈佛大学体育场1900,when the merger of the two schools issue was widely discussed,even at a time agreed by the authorities( It was cancelled by the Massachusetts court). Today,the two schools between cooperation and competition remains similar,often a lot of seminars and cooperation projects,including the Harvard MIT Health Science and Technology Ministry,the Harvard MIT data Centre,Dibner history of science and technology institutes. In addition,the two schools between the undergraduate and graduate students can also do not pay additional costs will be of mutual registration,access to credits to get their own school degree.

Afterwards,Harvard University established School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. As the Harvard engineering disciplines did not improve the nearby Massachusetts Institute of Technology,many Harvard students to 俯瞰麻省理工学院主校区the mechanics of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Polytechnic courses or doing the research(Harvard University has several times tried to merge with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,but first is restricted by the two sides Within the campus,coupled with the independence to prevent the university,the Massachusetts court in 1904 ruled it illegal,since there is no merger moves).


哈佛大学后来才成立工程与应用科学学院。由于哈佛的工程学科没有邻近的麻省理工学院完善,许多哈佛学生会到麻省理工学院修理工的课程或做理工的研究(哈佛大学曾经数次尝试与麻省理工学院合并,但一是受限于双方校园内部的意见,再加上为防止大学独大,麻省大法庭于1904年裁定此举违法,至今并无任何合并举动)。7. Harvard Anecdotes 哈佛趣事● Mr. Harvard Freshman 哈佛美男选举

Harvard's online Freeze College magazine holds a beauty pageant for newly enrolled male students every year.

Being Mr. Harvard Freshman is really a tough job:in addition to looks,the winner needs to have a sense of humor and an outgoing,charismatic personality. But before all that,he has to undergo a rather grueling competition to win the title.

Out of over 700 freshmen from all over the world,80 are chosen to take part in the contest. A second vote by students picks 30 to go on to the next round. Only 13 can make it to the final,in which they undergo a strict exam. After that,online voters select their favorite man,and a Mr. Harvard Freshman emerges.

This genuinely fair procedure means that Mr. Harvard Freshman deserves his legend,“the star of Harvard”.

This year the 13 contestants are from America,Singapore,France and Finland,among other countries. Their different cultural backgrounds make for different personalities. Some are athletes,some are refined;others are nervous,obviously scared by the occasion.

In order that students can get a better insight into the young men,Freeze College makes available detailed online profiles to Harvard's voting public.

On the topic webpage,there are questions for the guys to answer;for example“Why do you think Harvard are the best·”

But 哈佛美男选举flattering the female voters doesn’t necessarily make a candidate a 2012年哈佛大学美男选举中进winner. Last 入决赛的13名新生year,Mr. Harvard Freshman,Siddhant Singh Dormi,from Mumbai,India said that a relationship should develop naturally;showering a girl with complements wasn’t the way to her heat. The simplicity and honesty of his answer must have gone a long way to winning him that years Mr. Harvard Freshman title.








尽管每个选手都会在回答中对哈佛女生极尽赞誉,但这并不代表嘴甜就能夺冠。相反,事实证明,哈佛女生还真不吃这一套,上届的冠军是来自印度孟买的斯丁哈特·森格,他甚至认为不需要故意跟女孩搭讪,如果有缘,那么感情自然而然会发生。这样朴实无华但又智慧十足的回答,立刻捕获了众多支持者的心,使他战胜了其他对手。● Primal Scream 哈佛裸奔减压

Since 1960,the Harvard students started to open their dormitory window and scream for 10 minutes on the eve of final exam. The streaking activities before exam will be held 2 times every year from 1990 till today. It has become a tradition of Harvard University.

There are two reasons of Harvard students' public streaking:one is that if dare to do public streaking,how can you be afraid of the final exam· The second one is that if the body not strapped,how can thoughts to be bounded·



Chapter 3 Yale University——A Laboratory for Future Leaders 第三章 耶鲁大学——培养未来领袖的实验室

1. Introduction 学校简介从空中俯瞰耶鲁大学

Yale University is a private school located at NewHaven,Connecticut of the United States. It was founded in 1701 with the beginning of Collegiate School,and was the second oldest university in Ivy. The US News & World Report ranked Yale third among national universities in 2012,as it has for each of the past fifteen years,in every case behind,in either order or tied,Princeton and Harvard. It was ranked fourth in the 2011 QS World University Rankings and tenth in the 2010 Times Higher Education World University Rankings.

Yale has produced many notable alumni,including five US Presidents,19 US Supreme Court Justices,and several foreign heads of state. Yale is regarded as the laboratory for future leaders.


耶鲁培养了许多著名的校友,包括5位美国总统、19位美国最高法院法官和外国国家元首,被誉为培养未来领袖的实验室。2. Past and Present——Established Story 前世今生——耶鲁大学的故事● The Establishment of the Yale University 耶鲁大学的成立

Yale's roots can be traced back to the 1640s,when colonial clergymen led an effort to establish a college in New Haven to preserve the tradition of European liberal education in the New 1701年,批准耶鲁大学成立的World. This vision was fulfilled in 1701,宪章when the charter was granted for a school“where in Youth may be instructed in the Arts and Sciences through the blessing of Almighty God may be fitted for Public employment both in Church and Civil State.”A group of ten Congregationalist ministers,all of whom were alumni of Harvard,met in Connecticut of Branford,Connecticut,to pool their books to form the school's first library. The group is now known as“The Founders”.

Originally the school called the Collegiate School,the institution opened in the home of its first rector,Abraham Pierson,in Killingworth(now Clinton). In 1716,the college moved to New Haven,Connecticut. The school was renamed“Yale College”in gratitude to the Welsh merchant Elihu Yale,who had donated the proceeds from the sale of nine bales of goods together with 417 books and a portrait of King George I. It 威尔士商人伊莱休·耶鲁was the predecessor of Yale University.


耶鲁大学最初被称为“大学学院”,学校开设在首位校长亚伯拉罕·皮尔逊位于灵顿(今为克林顿)的家中。1716年校址迁至康州纽黑文市。1718年学校更名为耶鲁大学,以感谢威尔士商人伊莱休·耶鲁对学校的捐助。伊莱休·耶鲁为大学学院捐献了9捆货物出售的货款,还捐献了417本图书和一幅英王乔治一世像。这便是耶鲁大学的前身。● The Development of the Yale University 耶鲁大学的发展

Yale College survived the American Revolutionary War(1775~1783)intact and,by the end of its first hundred years,had grown rapidly. The nineteenth and twentieth centuries brought the establishment of the graduate and professional schools that would make Yale a true university. The Yale School of Medicine was chartered in 1810,followed by the Divinity School in 1822,the Law School in 1824,and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences in 1847(which,in 1861,awarded the first Ph.D. in the United States),followed by the schools of Art in 1869,Music in 1894,Forestry & Environmental Studies in 1900,Nursing in 1923,Drama in 1955,Architecture in 1972,and Management in 1974. The University began admitting women students at the graduate level in 1869 and as undergraduates in 1969.

耶鲁大学在美国独立战争(1775~1783年)中被完好无损地保留了下来,并在成立后的100年里发展迅猛。19世纪和20世纪陆续建立研究生院和专业学院使耶鲁成为真正意义上的大学。耶鲁大学医学院根据宪章于1810年成立,然后于1822年建立神学院,1824年建立法学院,1847年成立文理学院(于1861年授予美国第一个博士学位),1869年成立艺术学院,1894年成立音乐学院,1900年成立森林与环境研究学院、1923年成立护理学院,1955年成立戏剧学院,1972年成立建筑学院,1974年成立机构和管理学院。自1869年开始,耶鲁大学为女生开设了研究生课程,直到1969年才招收本科课程的第一名女生。● Today's Yale 今日耶鲁

Today,Yale has matured into one of the world's great universities. Its 11,000 students come from all fifty American states and from 108 countries. The 3,200-member faculty is a richly diverse 1807年,耶鲁大学红砖结构的group of men and women who are 教学楼leaders in their respective fields. The central campus now covers 170 acres stretching from the Nursing School in downtown New Haven to tree-shaded residential neighborhoods around the Divinity School. Yale's 225 buildings include contributions from distinguished architects of every period in its history. Styles range from New England Colonial to High Victorian Gothic,from Moorish Revival to contemporary. Yale's buildings,towers,lawns,courtyards,walkways,gates,and arches comprise what one architecture critic has called“the most beautiful urban campus in America.”

Yale is in the midst of the largest investment in its facilities since the 1930s. A new School of Art complex has opened,and new science and environmental laboratories,as well as a new athletic center and student 深秋,美丽的耶鲁大学校园residence,have been erected. There have been major renovations of both historic academic buildings and the undergraduate residential colleges. In the decade ahead,the University will invest an equal amount in facility improvements for the benefit of students and scholars alike.


自从20世纪30年代以来,耶鲁在基础设施上进行了大量投资。现已启用的有新建的艺术学院大楼,一系列用于科学和环境保护研究的新实验室,以及一个新体育中心和学生宿舍楼。对一切具有历史价值的建筑物和本科生寄宿学院,学校也进行了大规模的维修翻新。在今后的10年内,耶鲁还要投入相当规模的资金,用于改善学生和学者的学习生活条件。3. The Motto of Campus 耶鲁校训● The Motto 学校校训

Serious American students of theology and divinity,particularly in New England,regarded Hebrew as a classical language,along with Greek and Latin,and essential for study of the Old Testament in the original words. The reverend Ezra Stiles,president of the College from 1778 to 1795,required all freshmen to study Hebrew(in contrast to Harvard,where only upperclassmen were required to study the language)and wrote the Hebrew words“Urim”and“Thummim”(in Latin,Lux et Veritas,meaning light and truth)on the Yale seal.

在美国,尤其是在新英格兰地区,严谨的神学学生将希伯来文、希腊文和拉丁文共认为经典语言,因为这对学习旧约原文至关重要。埃兹拉·斯泰尔斯是一个牧师,1778~1795年任耶鲁校长,他要求所有新生学习希伯来文(当时哈佛大学则仅要求高年级学生学习),并且将希伯来文的校训“光明与真知”(在拉丁语中,Luxet Veritas是光明和真知的意思)写上校徽。● The Spirit of Yale 耶鲁精神

As Yale president Richard Levin said:“to educate people to serve the community does not 耶鲁大学校徽埃兹拉·斯泰尔斯校长mean that education must focus on mastering the practical skills. Yale aims to provide students a broad,free education side,rather than narrow career of education to equip them with leadership skills and sense of service. Yale University is also a community of mutual respect and cherishes freedom of expression and exploring things in the world. The mode of interaction of people in the community serves the society in the same way.”——Always putting emphasis on social responsibility,contempt for authority,respect for the pursuit of freedom and independence of character is considered to be the essence of“Yale spirit”,which is a valuable asset of Yale dedicated to the world.

正如理查德·莱文校长所说:“教育人们服务于社会并不意味着教育必须集中于掌握实用性的技能。耶鲁追求为学生提供一个宽广、自由的教育面,而非狭窄的职业性教育,以便使他们具备领导才能和服务意识。耶鲁大学同时也是一个相互尊重的社区,并且珍视自由的表达和对世间万物的探寻。在这个社区中,人们的互动模式同样服务于社会。”——永远强调对社会的责任感、蔑视权威、追求自由和崇尚独立人格被认为是“耶鲁精神”的精髓,它是耶鲁人奉献给世人的一份宝贵财富。4. Educational Characteristics of Yale 耶鲁大学教育特色● Professor Managing 教授治校

The most important management feature of Yale is“professor managing”,which has had a enormous influence to the American higher education. At the beginning,after three generations of the headmaster's efforts,Yale gradually formed regulations that a board of directors didn’t participate in school management specificly,and the professors would manage the university. There was spreading such a few words in US:“a board of directors is in power in Princeton,the principal manages a household in Harvard,and Professors take responsibility in Yale”.

Over the past 300 years,Yalies have been able to adhere to the independent spirit,and were proud of insisting the external political pressure and material inducements. At the middle of the 18th century,the president of Yale,Thomas Clap insisted that the Yale was private schools,and stressed the independence of university. For this purpose,he took all possible ways to boycott the local government's interference,even resorted to law. The present president of Yale University Richard Levin also had refused a$20 million donation unhesitatingly for the donor proposed additional requirements about courses and professors' appointment. Even in the former President Bush was invited back to his Alma to accept Honorary Doctorate in Laws,Yale's professors and students also declared their objections.

Chang-lin Tien,the former Chancellor University of California,Berkeley once said:“in the United States,We have a consensus,the school professor power is great,which a school in the future will become the most famous school.”Professor managing is not only regarded as the standard by Berkeley,but also the Yale observes for 300 years.



加州大学前校长田长霖教授曾经说:“在美国,大家有一种认识,哪一个学校的教授力量大,哪一个学校将来就会成为最著名的学校。”教授治校不仅被伯克利奉为圭臬,也同样是耶鲁300年来所尊奉的。● Humanism Highland 人文主义高地

One of Yale humanities education's goals is to foster the humane spirit of students——one kind of pursue life true meaning rational manner,namely the concern life value realizes,between person's freedom and the equal as well as the person and social,the nature harmony and so on. Therefore,on Yale's badge,there is writing“light and truth”,which inherits Europe humanities tradition,for the church,more specifically for the axiom and the clergy who raised for the populace——in 1701 Yale's Charter:The education goal is enables the young people“serves for the church and the Non-profit organization”. Present Principal Richard Levin also said:“let the young students with oneself in academic,specialty and so on art achievements make the contribution for the society,works for the humanity survival requirement's improvement.”

耶鲁人文教育的目标之一是培养学生的人文精神——一种追求人生真谛的理性态度,即关怀人生价值的实现、人的自由与平等以及人与社会、自然之间的和谐等。因而在耶鲁的校徽上,书写着“光明与真知”几个字,那就是继承欧洲人文科学传统,为教会,或者更具体地说是为公理、为民众培养的神职人员——在耶鲁1701年的宪章上写道:教育的目的是使年轻人“能为教会和公共事业服务”。现任校长理查德·莱文也说:“让青年学生们用自己在学术、艺术等专业上的成就为社会作出贡献,为人类生存条件的改善而工作。”5. Yale University and American Politics 耶鲁大学与美国政治

The Boston Globe wrote that“if there's one school that can lay claim to educating the nation's top national leaders over the past few decades,it's Yale.”Yale alumni were represented on the Democratic or Republican ticket in every U.S. Presidential election since 1972. Yale-educated Presidents since the end of the Vietnam War include Gerald Ford,George H.W. Bush,Bill Clinton,and George W. Bush,and major-party nominees during this period include John Kerry(2004),Joseph Lieberman(Vice President,2000),and Sargent Shriver(Vice President,1972). Other Yale alumni who made serious bids for the Presidency during this period include Howard Dean(2004)and Gary Hart(1988).

Several explanations have been offered for Yale's representation in national elections since the end of the Vietnam War. Various sources note the spirit of campus activism that has existed at Yale since the 1960s,and the intellectual influence of William Sloane Coffin on many of the future candidates. 耶鲁大学毕业生,美国第38任Yale President Richard Levin attributes 总统杰拉德·福特the run to Yale's focus on creating“a laboratory for future leaders”.《波士顿环球报》曾经写道:“如果有那么一所学校能够自称在过去几十年为美国培养了高级领袖,那就是耶鲁大学。”自1972年以来,耶鲁大学校友在历次的美国总统大选中都或代表民主党或代表共和党参选。自越南战争结束以后耶鲁法学院毕业于耶鲁大学的美国总统包括:杰拉德·福特、乔治·H·W·布什、比尔·克林顿和乔治·W·布什,在此期间代表主要党派的总统候选人还包括约翰·克里(2004年)、约瑟夫·利伯曼(副总统,2000年)和萨金特·史瑞佛(副总统,1972年)。其他在此期间曾认真考虑过竞选的耶鲁校友还包括霍华德·迪恩(2004年)和盖瑞·哈特(1988年)。

对于耶鲁大学在越南战争之后美国总统大选之中所占的特别比例有诸多解释,其中许多都将其归结于20世纪60年代以来耶鲁大学校园内的浓厚政治运动精神和威廉·斯隆·考斐对许多后来的参选人的影响。耶鲁大学现任校长莱文更将耶鲁大学的重心描述为“未来领袖的实验室”。● Hillary Clinton at Yale Law School 希拉里在耶鲁法学院

“Much of what I believe,and much of what I have worked for at stake in this election,is directly related to my time at the law school.”

—Hillary Clinton,in an early October 1992 speech at Yale University“我相信,我在这次选举中所做的工作,与我在法学院学习的时光有直接的联系。”


Indeed,while attending Yale Law School in New Haven,Hillary was introduced to solve the problems of children and the poor. It developed a sense of activism,honed her leadership skills and even met her future husband. So we should want to know more about Hillary's time in New Haven.

Hillary was already something of a celebrity when she entered Yale Law School in the fall of 1969. Just a few months before,she had been chosen by her classmates at Wellesley College to be the first ever student commencement speaker,and some of her comments about the Vietnam War became national news.

Moreover,in the second semester of her first year at Yale,she moderated a large meeting of law school students over some hot political issue of the time. Whether it was about Kent State or the Cambodian invasion none of Hillary's law school classmates can now remember. What they do remember is Hillary's poise and negotiating skills—and as Hillary's law school friend Carolyn Ellis recently recalled,“How unusual it was for a freshman to conduct a meeting that was full of sophomore and junior.”In fact,only 15 percent of Hillary's own classes were women.

Her first year in law school Hillary had lived in an impersonal apartment building in central downtown New Haven. Hillary's first semester roommate,Jody 在耶鲁大学法学院学习期间的希Adams Weisbrod shared that apartment 拉里和克林顿with Hillary in their first semester at Yale and recalled her as a very easy roommate,if not a great housekeeper. At that time,Hillary had long brown hair,thick sun-glasses and a favorite pair of blue bell-bottom pants. She never wore make-up and rarely wore a skirt but that hardly set her apart from the other female law students.




希拉里在法学院的第一年,住在位于纽黑文市中心的集体公寓。希拉里在耶鲁大学的第一位舍友——乔迪·亚当斯·维斯布罗德,曾和她在第一学期共处一室——回忆说希拉里是一位很随和的人,如果她不是一位“超级大管家”的话。当时,希拉里留着长长的棕色头发,戴着厚厚的眼镜遮阳,喜欢穿蓝翎牛仔裤。她从不化妆,很少穿裙子,但那也很难把她与法律系其他女生区分开来。6. Campus and Buildings 校园与建筑

Yale is noted for its largely Collegiate Gothic campus as well as several iconic modern buildings commonly discussed in architectural history survey courses:Louis Kahn's Yale Art Gallery and Center for British Art,Eero Saarinen's Ingalls Rink and Ezra Stiles and Morse Colleges,and Paul Rudolph's Art & Architecture Building. Yale also owns and has restored many noteworthy 19th-century mansions along Hillhouse Avenue,which was considered the most beautiful street in America by Charles Dickens when he visited the United States in the 1840s.

Many of Yale's buildings were constructed in the Collegiate Gothic architecture style from 1917 to 1931,financed largely by Edward S. Harkness. Stone sculpture built into the walls of the buildings portrays contemporary college personalities such as a writer,an athlete,a tea-drinking socialite,and a student who has fallen asleep while reading. Similarly,the decorative friezes on the buildings depict contemporary scenes such as policemen chasing a robber and arresting a prostitute(on the wall of the Law School),or a student relaxing with a mug of beer and a cigarette.

The architect,James Rogers,faux-aged these buildings by splashing the walls with acid,deliberately breaking their leaded glass windows and repairing them in the style of the Middle Ages,and creating niches for decorative statuary but leaving them empty to simulate loss or theft over the ages. In fact,the buildings 耶鲁大学建筑物上的彩色玻璃merely simulate Middle Ages architecture,for though they appear to be constructed of solid stone blocks in the authentic manner,most actually have steel framing as was commonly used in 1930. One exception is Harkness Tower,216 feet(66 m)tall,which was originally a free-standing stone structure. It was reinforced in 1964 to allow the installation of the Yale Memorial Carillon.



建筑师詹姆斯·罗杰斯为了使建筑显得老旧,采用了在石质墙面上泼酸、故意打破玻璃并且使用中世纪的方法补合,并且还人为地添加了许多空的装饰性壁龛,仿佛雕塑已经失修很久。虽然耶鲁大学中心校园的大多建筑都呈现中世纪的建筑风格,使用大型的石材,而事实上大多都采用的是1930年通用的钢结构框架,唯一的例外是哈克尼斯塔,高216英尺(66米)。在建造时曾经是世界上最高的全石质结构。该塔在1964年加固,以在其内部安装耶鲁纪念钟。● Beinecke Library 古籍善本图书馆

The Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library,designed by Gordon Bunshaft,is one of the largest buildings in the world reserved exclusively for the preservation of rare books and manuscripts. It is located in the courtyard next to Lleyton Hewitt(now known as the multi-Beinecke Plaza). Library of Stack six-storey above ground by a glass cube surrounded by glass cube and the outside have a greater engagement with not the“box”covered. The construction of the wall by 2 feet square since the middle of Vermont,a translucent marble,so can the embassy in micro-and prevent the harmful sun rays in the destruction of materials other books. Place in a courtyard-style sink in the design of sculpture by Isamu Noguchi,represents the time(the pyramid),Sun(ring structure)and the probability of(the legislation ramps cubic).

古籍善本图书馆由戈登·邦夏设计,是当今世界上最大的专门收藏古籍善本的图书馆。它坐落于休伊特庭院的旁边(现在多被称为Beinecke广场)。图书馆地面以上6层的书库由一个玻璃的立方体环绕,而玻璃立方的外面则有一个更大的与之不接触的“盒子”罩住。这座建筑的墙壁是由2英尺见方的产自佛蒙特州的半透明大理石构成,因此可以使馆内微亮而防止阳光中的其他有害射线破坏馆藏图书。广场中一个下沉式庭院中的雕塑由伊萨姆·诺古奇设计,代表了时间(金字塔)、太阳(圆环结构)和概率(斜立的立方)。● Connecticut Hall 康涅狄格礼堂

Connecticut Hall is a Georgian-style building on the Old Campus of Yale University in New Haven,Connecticut. Built in 1752,it is the oldest building on the Yale campus(in fact its only surviving 18th-century structure)and one of the oldest buildings in Connecticut.

Connecticut Hall was built under the direction of Thomas 古籍善本图书馆外观古籍善本图书馆内部收藏Clap,who was president of Yale at the time. The construction was headed by Francis Letort and Thomas Bills;the latter later helped to build the First Chapel. The design was based on Massachusetts Hall at Harvard University. The money used to fund the project came from the sale of a French ship,as well as from a Connecticut lottery and a grant from the Connecticut Assembly. The building was built 100 feet(30 m)long by 40 feet(12 m)wide,and three stories tall.

As part of the Old Brick Row,it was enlarged to four stories. When Connecticut Hall faced demolition in the early 20th century,the building was saved by a group of alumni led by Professor Henry W. Farnam. After World War II,the building was gutted and rebuilt by Douglas Orr and Richard A. Kimball. It was declared a National Historic Landmark in 1965.

Today it contains the offices of Yale's philosophy department. The Faculty Room,where the Faculty of Arts and Sciences holds its meetings,is located on the second floor.




今天,它被作为耶鲁大学的哲学部门的办公室,位于2层的教授休息室是艺术学院与科学学院举行会议的地方。7. Yale's Athletics 耶鲁大学的体育活动

Yale supports 35 varsity athletic teams that compete in the Ivy League Conference,the Eastern College Athletic Conference,and the New England Intercollegiate Sailing Association. Yale athletic teams compete intercollegiately at the NCAA Division I level. Like other members of the Ivy League,Yale does not offer athletic scholarships.

Yale has numerous athletic facilities,including the Yale Bowl(the nation's first natural“bowl”stadium,and prototype for such stadiums as the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum and the Rose Bowl),located at The Walter Camp Field athletic complex,and the Payne Whitney Gymnasium which is the second-largest indoor athletic complex in the world. October 21,2000 marked the dedication of Yale's fourth new boathouse in 157 years of collegiate rowing. Yale maintains the Gales Ferry site where the heavyweight men's team trains for the Yale-Harvard Boat Race.

Yale crew is the oldest collegiate athletic team in America,and won Olympic Games Gold Medal for men's eights in 1924 and 1956. The Yale Corinthian Yacht Club,耶鲁校园内最古老的建筑——重建后的康涅狄格礼堂founded in 1881,is the oldest collegiate sailing club in the world.

Yale athletics are supported by the Yale Precision Marching Band. The band attends every home football game and many away,as well as most hockey and basketball games throughout the winter.

Yale intramural sports are also a significant aspect of student life. Students compete for their respective residential colleges,fostering a friendly rivalry. The year is divided into three seasons—fall,winter,and spring seasons,each of 康涅狄格礼堂前的内森·黑尔which includes about ten different sports. (美国独立战争时参加大陆军,为国捐躯时年仅21岁)About half of sports are coeducational. At the end of the year,the residential college with the most points(not all sports count equally)wins the Tyng Cup.





耶鲁大学校内运动是学生生活中的一个重要部分,也是许多历史长久的学院之争(一种友好的竞争关系)的重要部分。联赛每年共分三个赛季,包括秋季、冬季和春季,每个赛季都包括超过10个项目的比赛,其中大约一半都是男女混合参赛。每学年末,获得分数最高的学院会被授予Tyng奖杯。8. Campus Life 学生生活

Yale is a medium-sized research university,most of whose students are in the graduate and professional schools. Undergraduates,or Yale College students,come from a variety of ethnic,national,and socio-economic backgrounds. Of the 2010-2011 freshman class,10%are non-U.S. citizens,while 54%went to public high schools.

Yale is also an open campus for the gay community. Its active LGBT community first received wide publicity in the late 1980s,when Yale obtained a reputation as the“gay Ivy,”due largely to 正在举行比赛的耶鲁大球场a 1987 Wall Street Journal article written by Julie V. Iovine,an alumna and the spouse of a Yale faculty member. During the same year,the University hosted a national conference on gay and lesbian studies and established the Lesbian and Gay Studies Center. The slogan“One in Four,Maybe More”was coined by the campus gay community. While the community in the 1980s and early 1990s was very activist,today most LGBT events have become part of the general campus social scene. For example,the annual LGBT Co-op Dance attracts straight as well as gay students.


耶鲁大学也是接纳同性恋群体的一个开放的校园。在20世纪80年代末,其积极的同性恋社群得到了广泛的接纳。为此耶鲁大学获得了“同性恋常青藤”的声誉,这主要是由于耶鲁大学的校友及其教员的配偶朱莉·V·约维内于1987年在《华尔街日报》上刊登的一篇文章。同年,耶鲁大学举办了一次有关男同性恋和女同性恋研究的全国会议,并建立了女同性恋和同性恋的研究中心。虽然同性恋群体在20世纪80年代和90年代初非常活跃,但是今天,大多数同性恋活动已经成为校园一般的社交场景的一部分。例如,一年一度的同性恋合作社舞蹈吸引不仅吸引了同性恋学生,也吸引了异性恋的学生。● Residential Colleges 住宿学院生活

Yale has a system of 12 residential colleges,instituted in 1933 through a grant by Yale graduate Edward S. Harkness,who admired the college systems at Oxford and Cambridge. Each college has a Dean,Master,affiliated faculty,and resident Fellows. Each college also features distinctive architecture,secluded courtyards,a commons room,meeting rooms/classrooms,and a dining hall;in addition some have chapels,libraries,squash courts,pool tables,short order dining counters,cafes,or darkrooms. Each college at Yale offers its own seminars,social events,and Master's Teas,and most of them are open to students from other residential colleges. However,Yale remains a unitary university,while Oxford and Cambridge colleges are self-governed charitable institutions in their own right.

Students are assigned to a residential college in their freshman year. Only two residential colleges(Silliman and Timothy Dwight)house freshmen. The majority of on-campus freshmen live on the“Old Campus”,an extensive quadrangle formed by older buildings. Each residential college has its own dining hall,but students are permitted to eat in any residential college dining hall or the large dining facility called“Commons.”

Residential colleges are named for important figures or places in university history or notable alumni.

耶鲁学院是耶鲁大学本科部,实行住宿学院制,由12自由、悠闲的校园生活所学院组耶鲁大学赛艇队成。这种制度始于1933年,由一位非常赞赏牛津大学和剑桥大学类似制度的校友爱德华·S·哈克尼斯捐款建立。每所学院对学生都有一套完备的支持体系,包括院长(Dean)、学监(Master)、驻院学者和研究员。每所学院都有不同的建筑风格,但都包括庭院、公共休息室、会议室/教室、食堂,另外有些学院还有小教堂、图书馆、壁球场、台球室、快餐餐厅、咖啡屋和暗房。虽然每所学院都向耶鲁大学的住校生开设自己的研讨会,举办自己的社交活动和院长茶会(Master's Tea),但是耶鲁仍然是统一的综合性大学,不像牛津大学和剑桥大学在每个专业学院施行自治,独立行使学院的权利。






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