
发布时间:2020-07-23 02:07:11


作者:[英] 阿瑟·柯南·道尔(Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)





I am afraid, Watson, that I shall have to go," said Holmes as we sat down together to our breakfast one morning.


"Go! Where to?" "To Dartmoor; to King's Pyland." I was not surprised. Indeed, my only wonder was that he had not already been mixed up in this extraordinary case, which was the one topic of conversation through the length and breadth of England. For a whole day my companion had rambled about the room with his chin upon his chest and his brows knitted, charging and recharging his pipe with the strongest black tobacco, and absolutely deaf to any of my questions or remarks. Fresh editions of every paper had been sent up by our news agent only to be glanced over and tossed down into a corner. Yet, silent as he was, I knew perfectly well what it was over which he was brooding. There was but one problem before the public which could challenge his powers of analysis, and that was the singular disappearance of the favourite for the Wessex Cup, and the tragic murder of its trainer. When, therefore, he suddenly announced his intention of setting out for the scene of the drama, it was only what I had both expected and hoped for.“去看看?上哪儿?”“到达特穆尔,去金斯皮兰。”我听了并不感到吃惊。说实话,我只是觉得奇怪,英国各地的人们都在谈论着一件离奇古怪的案子,而福尔摩斯之前却一直没有过问。整整一天,他都紧锁双眉,低头沉思,在屋子里来回踱步,一斗接一斗地抽着烈性烟叶,对我的提问和话语完全不予理会。书报商给我们送来当天的各种报纸,福尔摩斯也只是看了几眼就扔到一边。然而,尽管他一句话都没说,我也非常清楚地知道他在冥思苦想着什么问题。当前,摆在人们面前的只有一个问题复杂到需要动用福尔摩斯的推理分析才智,那就是韦塞克斯杯锦标赛中最有希望获胜的马匹奇异失踪,以及驯马师的惨死。因而,当他突然说要去案发现场调查时,我既不觉得意外,又感到正合我意。

"I should be most happy to go down with you if I should not be in the way," said I. "My dear Watson, you would confer a great favour upon me by coming. And I think that your time will not be misspent, for there are points about the case which promise to make it an absolutely unique one. We have, I think, just time to catch our train at Paddington, and I will go further into the matter upon our journey. You would oblige me by bringing with you your very excellent fieldglass." And so it happened that an hour or so later I found myself in the corner of a first-class carriage flying along en route for Exeter, while Sherlock Holmes, with his sharp, eager face framed in his ear-flapped travelling-cap, dipped rapidly into the bundle of fresh papers which he had procured at Paddington. We had left Reading far behind us before he thrust the last one of them under the seat and offered me his cigar-case. "We are going well," said he, looking out of the window and glancing at his watch. "Our rate at present is fiftythree and a half miles an hour."“如果不碍事的话,我很乐意和你一起去。”我说。“亲爱的沃森,如果你能和我同行,那我非常高兴。而且你这次前行一定不会白白浪费时间的,因为这件案子有几个特点,使它有可能成为一个极为独特的个案。我想,我们刚好来得及赶上帕丁顿的火车,然后路上我们再详细谈谈这件案子。你要能带上你的双筒望远镜是再好不过的了。”于是一小时以后,我们已经坐在飞速驶往艾克赛特的头等车厢里,福尔摩斯头戴一顶带护耳的旅行帽,衬托出了他那张轮廓分明、眼神敏锐的面孔,他正匆匆浏览一堆在帕丁顿车站买到的当天报纸。列车驶过雷丁站好一段时间,福尔摩斯把最后一张刚看完的报纸塞在座位下面,掏出烟盒递给我烟抽。“列车行驶得很快,”他望了望窗外,又看了看表说道。“目前列车的时速是五十三英里半。”

"I have not observed the quarter-mile posts," said I.“我没留心数四分之一英里的路杆,”我说。

"Nor have I. But the telegraph posts upon this line are sixty yards apart, and the calculation is a simple one. I presume that you have looked into this matter of the murder of John Straker and the disappearance of Silver Blaze?"“我也没数。不过这条铁路线附近的电线杆之间的间距是六十码,所以算起就来很简单了。我想你已经听说了约翰·斯特雷克被害和银焰失踪这件案子吧?”

"I have seen what the Telegraph and the Chronicle have to say."“我已经看到电讯报和时报的报道了。”

"It is one of those cases where the art of the reasoner should be used rather for the sifting of details than for the acquiring of fresh evidence. The tragedy has been so uncommon, so complete, and of such personal importance to so many people that we are suffering from a plethora of surmise, conjecture, and hypothesis. The difficulty is to detach the framework of fact-of absolute undeniable fact-from the embellishments of theorists and reporters. Then, having established ourselves upon this sound basis, it is our duty to see what inferences may be drawn and what are the special points upon which the whole mystery turns. On Tuesday evening I received telegrams from both Colonel Ross, the owner of the horse, and from Inspector Gregory, who is looking after the case, inviting my cooperation."“处理这件案子,思维推理的艺术体现在仔细查明事实细节上,而不是去寻找新的证据。这件惨案是如此的不平凡,作案手法如此的高超,并且与如此多的人有切身利害关系,让我们不得不去苦心推测、猜想和假设。麻烦的是,要把确凿的事实——那些无可争辩的事实与理论家和记者们的虚构粉饰之词区别开来。然后,基于可靠的证据,我们的任务在于进行的推理,并找出解决这件谜案的要点所在。星期二晚上我收到马主罗斯上校和警长格雷戈里两人的电报,格雷戈请我与他合作,一起侦破这件案子。

"Tuesday evening!" I exclaimed. "And this is Thursday morning. Why didn't you go down yesterday?"“星期二晚上!”我惊呼道。“现在都已经是星期四上午了。你昨天为什么不动身呢?”

"Because I made a blunder, my dear Watson-which is, I am afraid, a more common occurrence than anyone would think who only knew me through your memoirs. The fact is that I could not believe it possible that the most remarkable horse in England could long remain concealed, especially in so sparsely inhabited a place as the north of Dartmoor. From hour to hour yesterday I expected to hear that he had been found, and that his abductor was the murderer of John Straker. When, however, another morning had come and I found that beyond the arrest of young Fitzroy Simpson nothing had been done, I felt that it was time for me to take action. Yet in some ways I feel that yesterday has not been wasted."“我亲爱的沃森,这都是我的错,恐怕我会犯很多错,并不像那些只通过你的回忆录知道我的人想象的那样。实际上,我一直不能相信,这匹英国名驹会被隐藏那么久,特别是在像达特穆尔北部这样的人烟稀少的地方。因而昨天我时时刻刻期待着听到找到它的消息,而那个拐马的人就是杀害约翰·斯特雷克的凶手。谁知一直到今天清晨,我发现他们除了抓了个叫菲茨罗伊·辛普森的年轻人以外,没有任何进展,因此我感到是该我行动的时候了。不过,我仍觉得我昨天的时间并没有白费。”

"You have formed a theory, then?" "At least I have got a grip of the essential facts of the case.“这么说,你已经有成型的判断了?”“至少我对这件案子的基本事实已经有所了解。

I shall enumerate them to you, for nothing clears up a case so much as stating it to another person, and I can hardly expect your cooperation if I do not show you the position from which we start." I lay back against the cushions, puffing at my cigar, while Holmes, leaning forward, with his long, thin forefinger checking off the points upon the palm of his left hand, gave me a sketch of the events which had led to our journey.


"Silver Blaze," said he, "is from the Somomy stock and holds as brilliant a record as his famous ancestor. He is now in his fifth year and has brought in turn each of the prizes of the turf to Colonel Ross, his fortunate owner. Up to the time of the catastrophe he was the first favourite for the Wessex Cup, the betting being three to one on him. He has always, however, been a prime favourite with the racing public and has never yet disappointed them, so that even at those odds enormous sums of money have been laid upon him. It is obvious, therefore, that there were many people who had the strongest interest in preventing Silver Blaze from being there at the fall of the flag next Tuesday.“银焰,”福尔摩斯说道,“属索莫密种,正如它著名的祖先一般,一直保持着辉煌的战绩。这匹马已经有五岁了,在赛马场上每次都能为它幸运的主人罗斯上校赢得头奖。在这次惨案发生前,它被看做是韦塞克斯杯的头号夺冠热门,人们在它身上下的赌注是三比一。不过话说回来,它一直就是赛马嗜好者们最爱的马儿,而且从未让他们失望过,因此,即使是三比一这样比例悬殊的赌注,仍有那么多人把巨额的筹码压在它身上。所以,很显然,在巨额利润的驱使下,一定会有很多人想方设法阻止它参加下周二的比赛。

"The fact was, of course, appreciated at King's Pyland, where the colonel's training-stable is situated. Every precaution was taken to guard the favourite. The trainer, John Straker, is a retired jockey who rode in Colonel Ross's colours before he became too heavy for the weighing-chair. He has served the colonel for five years as jockey and for seven as trainer, and has always shown himself to be a zealous and honest servant. Under him were three lads, for the establishment was a small one, containing only four horses in all. One of these lads sat up each night in the stable, while the others slept in the loft. All three bore excellent characters. John Straker, who is a married man, lived in a small villa about two hundred yards from the stables. He has no children, keeps one maidservant, and is comfortably off. The country round is very lonely, but about half a mile to the north there is a small cluster of villas which have been built by a Tavistock contractor for the use of invalids and others who may wish to enjoy the pure Dartmoor air. Tavistock itself lies two miles to the west, while across the moor, also about two miles distant, is the larger training establishment of Mapleton, which belongs to Lord Backwater and is managed by Silas Brown. In every other direction the moor is a complete wilderness, inhabited only by a few roaming gypsies. Such was the general situation last Monday night when the catastrophe occurred.“当然,在上校的驯马厩所在地金斯皮兰,这个事实众所周知。因而,上校采取了各种防御措施来保护它。驯马人约翰·斯特雷克原本是罗斯上校的赛马骑师,后来因为体重增加,退休去当驯马师。斯特雷克在上校家做了五年的骑师,七年的驯马师,一直是个热心、老实的仆人。他手下共有三个小马倌,马厩本身就没多大,一共只有四匹马。每晚会有一个小马倌睡在马厩里,另外两个则在草料棚里过夜。三个小伙子的品行都很不错。约翰·斯特雷克已经结婚,住在离马厩大约二百码的一座小别墅里。他没有孩子,有一个女仆,生活得还算舒心。那个地方比较偏僻,但在它北边大约半英里的地方有几座别墅,这些别墅是塔维斯托克镇的承包商建造的,专供病人疗养以及其他想来呼吸达特穆尔新鲜空气的人使用。向西二英里以外就是塔维斯托克镇,而穿过荒野,大约也有二英里的距离,有一个梅普里通马厩,它是属于巴克沃特勋爵的,管理员名叫赛拉斯·布朗。荒野的其他方向则异常荒凉,只零散地住着些流浪的吉卜赛人。星期一晚上惨案发生时周围的环境大致就是这样。

"On that evening the horses had been exercised and watered as usual, and the stables were locked up at nine o'clock. Two of the lads walked up to the trainer's house, where they had supper in the kitchen, while the third, Ned Hunter, remained on guard. At a few minutes after nine the maid, Edith Baxter, carried down to the stables his supper, which consisted of a dish of curried mutton. She took no liquid, as there was a water-tap in the stables, and it was the rule that the lad on duty should drink nothing else. The maid carried a lantern with her, as it was very dark and the path ran across the open moor. "Edith Baxter was within thirty yards of the stables when a man appeared out of the darkness and called to her to stop. As she stepped into the circle of yellow light thrown by the lantern she saw that he was a person of gentlemanly bearing, dressed in a gray suit of tweeds, with a cloth cap. He wore gaiters and carried a heavy stick with a knob to it. She was most impressed, however, by the extreme pallor of his face and by the nervousness of his manner. His age, she thought, would be rather over thirty than under it.“那天晚上,同往常一样,小马倌们给马儿们训练,刷洗完后,九点钟的时候给马厩上了锁。之后,其中两人步行到斯特雷克家,在厨房里吃了晚饭。剩下的那个小马倌内德·亨特则留下看守。九点零几分,女仆伊迪丝·巴克斯特给内德把晚饭送来了,(晚餐)是一盘咖喱羊肉。她没有带酒来,因为马厩里有自来水龙头,而且按照规定,看守马房的人在值班的时候不准喝酒。当时天已经很黑了,来马厩又必须穿过荒野,所以女仆提了一盏灯来。“伊迪丝·巴克斯特走到离马厩不到三十码时,一个人从暗处走出来,叫她站住。在提灯黄色的灯光下,她看到这个人像是个上流社会的人,身穿一套灰花呢衣服,头戴一顶布帽,脚蹬一双带绑腿的高筒靴,手持一根很重的圆头手杖。然而,她印象最深的还是他过分苍白的脸色和紧张不安的神情。她估计,这个人应该有三十多岁了。

" 'Can you tell me where I am?' he asked. I had almost made up my mind to sleep on the moor when I saw the light of your lantern.'“‘你能告诉我这是什么地方吗?’他问道。‘要不是看到你的灯光,我都打算就在荒野里过夜了。’

" 'You are close to the King's Pyland training stables,' said she.“‘你来到金斯皮兰马厩附近了,’女仆说。

" 'Oh, indeed! What a stroke of luck!' he cried. I understand that a stable-boy sleeps there alone every night. Perhaps that is his supper which you are carrying to him. Now I am sure that you would not be too proud to earn the price of a new dress, would you?' He took a piece of white paper folded up out of his waistcoat pocket. See that the boy has this to-night, and you shall have the prettiest frock that money can buy.'“‘啊,真的!我的运气真好!’他叫道。‘我听说那儿每天晚上有个小马倌独自睡在里边。我猜你就是来给他送晚饭的吧。我相信你不至于那么骄傲,连一件新衣服的钱都不屑于赚吧?’他从背心口袋里掏出一张叠好的白纸片来,‘务必今天晚上把这东西给那个孩子,然后你就可以得到一笔足以买到最漂亮的上衣的钱。’

"She was frightened by the earnestness of his manner and ran past him to the window through which she was accustomed to hand the meals. It was already opened, and Hunter was seated at the small table inside. She had begun to tell him of what had happened when the stranger came up again.“他严肃的样子吓到了伊迪丝,她慌忙从他身边跑过,奔到窗下,因为她习惯从窗口把饭递过去。窗户已经打开了,亨特坐在小桌旁边。伊迪丝刚开口要把发生的事告诉他,这时陌生人又走过来。

" 'Good-evening,' said he, looking through the window. I wanted to have a word with you.' The girl has sworn that as he spoke she noticed the corner of the little paper packet protruding from his closed hand.“‘晚上好,’陌生人说,向窗子里望进去。‘我想和你谈谈。’姑娘发誓说,在他说话时,她发现他手里攥着那个小纸包,露出一角来。

" 'What business have you here?' asked the lad.“‘你来这儿干什么?’小马倌问道。

" 'It's business that may put something into your pocket,' said the other. You've two horses in for the Wessex Cup-Silver Blaze and Bayard. Let me have the straight tip and you won't be a loser. Is it a fact that at the weights Bayard could give the other a hundred yards in five furlongs, and that the stable have put their money on him?'“‘有桩能让你口袋鼓起来的交易,’陌生人说。‘你们有两骑马参加韦塞克斯杯锦标赛,一匹叫银焰,另一匹叫贝阿德。给我可靠的内幕消息,你不会吃亏的。听说在五弗隆距离赛马中,贝阿德可以超过银焰一百码,连你们自己都把赌注押到贝阿德身上,这是真的吗?'

" 'So, you're one of those damned touts!' cried the lad. I'll show you how we serve them in King's Pyland.' He sprang up and rushed across the stable to unloose the dog. The girl fled away to the house, but as she ran she looked back and saw that the stranger was leaning through the window. A minute later, however, when Hunter rushed out with the hound he was gone, and though he ran all round the buildings he failed to find any trace of him."“‘这么说,你是个该死的赛马探子!’小马倌喊道。‘我要让你知道,在金斯皮兰我们是怎么对付你们这种家伙的。’他跳起来跑到马厩里把狗放出来。伊迪丝赶紧奔回家去,不过她一面跑还一面回头望,看到那个陌生人还在俯身向窗内探望。可是,一分钟后,亨特牵着猎狗跑出来时他已经不见了,尽管亨特带着狗绕着马厩转了一圈,也再没有发现那个人的踪影。

"One moment," I asked. "Did the stable-boy, when he ran out with the dog, leave the door unlocked behind him?"“等一下,”我问道。“小马倌带着狗跑出门时没有锁门吗?”

"Excellent, Watson, excellent!" murmured my companion. "The importance of the point struck me so forcibly that I sent a special wire to Dartmoor yesterday to clear the matter up. The boy locked the door before he left it. The window, I may add, was not large enough for a man to get through.“好极了,沃森,好极了!”福尔摩斯低声称赞道。“我也认为这一点非常重要,所以昨天特地往达特穆尔发了封电报询问这件事。事实是,小马倌在离开前把门锁上了。我还可以补充一点,那扇窗户很小,人是钻不进去的。

"Hunter waited until his fellow-grooms had returned, when he sent a message to the trainer and told him what had occurred. Straker was excited at hearing the account, although he does not seem to have quite realized its true significance. It left him, however, vaguely uneasy, and Mrs. Straker, waking at one in the morning, found that he was dressing. In reply to her inquiries, he said that he could not sleep on account of his anxiety about the horses, and that he intended to walk down to the stables to see that all was well. She begged him to remain at home, as she could hear the rain pattering against the window, but in spite of her entreaties he pulled on his large mackintosh and left the house.“亨特等两个马倌同伴回来后,便去向驯马师报信,把发生的事情告诉他。斯特雷克听到报告后,尽管并未意识到事情会有多么重大,心里还是十分惊慌。这件事搅得他心神不安,所以,斯特雷克太太凌晨一点钟醒来时,发现他正在穿衣服。他向妻子解释说,因为挂念那几匹马,一直睡不着,所以他打算步行到马厩去看看是否一切正常。斯特雷克太太央求他留在家里,因为外边正下着雨,她都可以听到雨点滴滴答答打在窗上的声音,可是他不顾妻子的恳求,披上雨衣就出了门。

"Mrs. Straker awoke at seven in the morning to find that her husband had not yet returned. She dressed herself hastily, called the maid, and set off for the stables. The door was open; inside, huddled together upon a chair, Hunter was sunk in a state of absolute stupor, the favourite's stall was empty, and there were no signs of his trainer.“斯特雷克太太早晨七点钟睡醒时,发觉她丈夫还没回来。她赶紧穿好衣服,叫醒女仆,一起朝马厩奔去。只见马房门大敞着,亨特蜷成一团昏倒在椅子上,完全不省人事,厩内的马儿不知去向,驯马师也毫无踪影。

"The two lads who slept in the chaff-cutting loft above the harness-room were quickly aroused. They had heard nothing during the night, for they are both sound sleepers. Hunter was obviously under the influence of some powerful drug, and as no sense could be got out of him, he was left to sleep it off while the two lads and the two women ran out in search of the absentees. They still had hopes that the trainer had for some reason taken out the horse for early exercise, but on ascending the knoll near the house, from which all the neighbouring moors were visible, they not only could see no signs of the missing favourite, but they perceived something which warned them that they were in the presence of a tragedy.“她们赶忙把睡在草料棚里的两个小马倌叫醒,可他们俩都睡得特别死,晚上什么都没有听到。亨特显然受某种强力麻醉剂的作用,怎么也叫不醒,两个小马倌和两个妇女只好让他继续昏睡,全都跑出去寻找失踪的驯马师和马儿。他们仍期望是驯马师出于某种原因把马拉出去晨练了,可当他们登上房子附近的小山丘向周围的荒野望去,非但没有看到失踪的马儿的影子,反而发现一件让他们预感有不幸事件发生的东西。

"About a quarter of a mile from the stables John Straker's overcoat was flapping from a furze-bush. Immediately beyond there was a bowl-shaped depression in the moor, and at the bottom of this was found the dead body of the unfortunate trainer. His head had been shattered by a savage blow from some heavy weapon, and he was wounded on the thigh, where there was a long, clean cut, inflicted evidently by some very sharp instrument. It was clear, however, that Straker had defended himself vigorously against his assailants, for in his right hand he held a small knife, which was clotted with blood up to the handle, while in his left he clasped a red and black silk cravat, which was recognized by the maid as having been worn on the preceding evening by the stranger who had visited the stables.“在离马厩大约四分之一英里远的地方,他们发现斯特雷克的大衣挂在一丛金雀花上。不远处有一片碗状的洼地,就在那里他们找到了可怜的驯马师的尸体。他的头颅已经被砸得粉碎,分明是遭到某种沉重凶器的猛击。他的大腿也受了伤,有一道很整齐的长伤痕,显然是被什么非常锋利的东西割破的。斯特雷克显然与攻击他的对手搏斗过,他右手里握着一把小刀,血块一直凝到刀把上,左手还紧握着一条黑红相间的丝领带,女仆立即认出来,头天晚上到马厩来的陌生人就戴着一模一样的领带。

Hunter, on recovering from his stupor, was also quite positive as to the ownership of the cravat. He was equally certain that the same stranger had, while standing at the window, drugged his curried mutton, and so deprived the stables of their watchman.


As to the missing horse, there were abundant proofs in the mud which lay at the bottom of the fatal hollow that he had been there at the time of the struggle. But from that morning he has disappeared, and although a large reward has been offered, and all the gypsies of Dartmoor are on the alert, no news has come of him. Finally, an analysis has shown that the remains of his supper left by the stable-lad contained an appreciable quantity of powdered opium, while the people at the house partook of the same dish on the same night without any ill effect.


"Those are the main facts of the case, stripped of all surmise, and stated as baldly as possible. I shall now recapitulate what the police have done in the matter.


"Inspector Gregory, to whom the case has been committed, is an extremely competent officer. Were he but gifted with imagination he might rise to great heights in his profession. On his arrival he promptly found and arrested the man upon whom suspicion naturally rested. There was little difficulty in finding him, for he inhabited one of those villas which I have mentioned. His name, it appears, was Fitzroy Simpson. He was a man of excellent birth and education, who had squandered a fortune upon the turf, and who lived now by doing a little quiet and genteel book-making in the sporting clubs of London. An examination of his betting-book shows that bets to the amount of five thousand pounds had been registered by him against the favourite.“受命调查此案的警长格雷戈里是个很有能力的警官。要是他天生再多一点儿想象力,准会在这一行里平步青云。他到了事发地点,立即找到了那个嫌疑犯,并逮捕了他。抓到他并不难,因为他就住在我最开始提到的那些小别墅中的一幢里。他的名字,好像叫菲茨罗伊·辛普森。他是个出身高贵、受过良好教育的年轻人,在赛马场上挥霍掉大把钱后,现在沦为伦敦体育俱乐部里的一名沉默斯文的马匹预售员。查看他的赌注记录本,可以发现他把多达五千英镑的赌注押在银焰输上。

On being arrested he volunteered the statement that he had come down to Dartmoor in the hope of getting some information about the King's Pyland horses, and also about Desborough, the second favourite, which was in charge of Silas Brown at the Mapleton stables. He did not attempt to deny that he had acted as described upon the evening before, but declared that he had no sinister designs and had simply wished to obtain first-hand information. When confronted with his cravat he turned very pale and was utterly unable to account for its presence in the hand of the murdered man. His wet clothing showed that he had been out in the storm of the night before, and his stick, which was a penang-lawyer weighted with lead, was just such a weapon as might, by repeated blows, have inflicted the terrible injuries to which the trainer had succumbed.


On the other hand, there was no wound upon his person, while the state of Straker's knife would show that one at least of his assailants must bear his mark upon him. There you have it all in a nutshell, Watson, and if you can give me any light I shall be infinitely obliged to you."


I had listened with the greatest interest to the statement which Holmes, with characteristic clearness, had laid before me. Though most of the facts were familiar to me, I had not sufficiently appreciated their relative importance, nor their connection to each other.


"Is it not possible," I suggested, "that the incised wound upon Straker may have been caused by his own knife in the convulsive struggles which follow any brain injury?"“会不会是,在搏斗时斯特雷克的脑子受了伤把自己割伤了呢?”我猜测道。

"It is more than possible; it is probable," said Holmes. "In that case one of the main points in favour of the accused disappears."“很有可能,十有八九是这样,”福尔摩斯说道。“这样的话,对被告有利的一个证据就不存在了。”

"And yet," said I, "even now I fail to understand what the theory of the police can be."“还有,”我说道,“我现在还不知道警方的想法是怎样的。”

"I am afraid that whatever theory we state has very grave objections to it," returned my companion. "The police imagine, I take it, that this Fitzroy Simpson, having drugged the lad, and having in some way obtained a duplicate key, opened the stable door and took out the horse, with the intention, apparently, of kidnapping him altogether. His bridle is missing, so that Simpson must have put this on. Then, having left the door open behind him, he was leading the horse away over the moor when he was either met or overtaken by the trainer. A row naturally ensued. Simpson beat out the trainer's brains with his heavy stick without receiving any injury from the small knife which Straker used in self-defence, and then the thief either led the horse on to some secret hiding-place, or else it may have bolted during the struggle, and be now wandering out on the moors. That is the case as it appears to the police, and improbable as it is, all other explanations are more improbable still. However, I shall very quickly test the matter when I am once upon the spot, and until then I cannot really see how we can get much further than our present position."“我担心我们的推论和他们的想法正相反,”福尔摩斯回答道。“据我所知,警方认为,菲茨罗伊·辛普森把小马倌麻倒后,用事先配好的钥匙打开马厩的门,把银焰牵出来。显然,他是打算把马偷走。马辔头没有了,所以辛普森只能用他的领带来套住马嘴。然后,他就让门那么大敞着,自己把马牵到荒野上,在半路上他碰到了驯马师,或者是被驯马师追上了。争执就这样发生了。尽管斯特雷克用小刀自卫,辛普森却没有受任何伤,反而用沉重的手杖打碎了驯马师的头颅;之后,偷马贼把马藏到了某个隐蔽的地方,要不就是在他们搏斗的时候,马儿脱缰逃走了,现在还在荒野里游荡。以上就是警方对这件案子的看法,尽管听起来不大可信,可是别的解释就更不靠谱了。不管怎样,等到了案发现场,我会很快把情况查清的,在这之前,我实在看不出我们要如何在现有的情况下更进一步。”

It was evening before we reached the little town of Tavistock, which lies, like the boss of a shield, in the middle of the huge circle of Dartmoor. Two gentlemen were awaiting us in the station-the one a tall, fair man with lion-like hair and beard and curiously penetrating light blue eyes; the other a small, alert person, very neat and dapper, in a frock-coat and gaiters, with trim little side-whiskers and an eyeglass. The latter was Colonel Ross, the well-known sportsman; the other, Inspector Gregory; a man who was rapidly making his name in the English detective service.


"I am delighted that you have come down, Mr. Holmes," said the colonel. "The inspector here has done all that could possibly be suggested, but I wish to leave no stone unturned in trying to avenge poor Straker and in recovering my horse."“福尔摩斯先生,你能来,我真的很高兴,”上校说道。“警长已尽一切力量为我们调查,我愿意尽我所能来为可怜的斯特雷克报仇,找回我的马儿。”

"Have there been any fresh developments?" asked Holmes.“有什么新的进展吗?”福尔摩斯问道。

"I am sorry to say that we have made very little progress," said the inspector. We have an open carriage outside, and as you would no doubt like to see the place before the light fails, we might talk it over as we drive."“很抱歉,我们几乎没有什么进展。”警长说道。“我们的敞篷马车就等在外面,想必你会想在天黑之前去案发现场看看,路上我们可以谈一谈。”

A minute later we were all seated in a comfortable landau and were rattling through the quaint old Devonshire city. Inspector Gregory was full of his case and poured out a stream of remarks, while Holmes threw in an occasional question or interjection. Colonel Ross leaned back with his arms folded and his hat tilted over his eyes, while I listened with interest to the dialogue of the two detectives. Gregory was formulating his theory, which was almost exactly what Holmes had foretold in the train.


"The net is drawn pretty close round Fitzroy Simpson," he remarked, "and I believe myself that he is our man. At the same time I recognize that the evidence is purely circumstantial, and that some new development may upset it."“菲茨罗伊·辛普森已经被法网紧紧套住,”格雷戈里说道,“我个人认为他就是凶手。但同时我也意识到证据还不够确凿,一旦出现新的情况,这种推测很可能被推翻。”

"How about Straker's knife?"“那斯特雷克的刀伤又是怎么回事呢?”

"We have quite come to the conclusion that he wounded himself in his fall."“我们得出的结论是,那是他倒下去时自己划伤的。”

"My friend Dr. Watson made that suggestion to me as we came down. If so, it would tell against this man Simpson."“我们来的路上,我的朋友沃森医生也是这样推想的。这样看来,情况对那个辛普森就不利了。”

"Undoubtedly. He has neither a knife nor any sign of a wound. The evidence against him is certainly very strong. He had a great interest in the disappearance of the favourite. He lies under suspicion of having poisoned the stable-boy, he was undoubtedly out in the storm; he was armed with a heavy stick, and his cravat was found in the dead man's hand. I really think we have enough to go before a jury."“无疑是这样的。尽管辛普森既没有刀,身上也没有伤痕。可是,不利于他的证据却是非常有力的。银焰失踪会给他带来极大的好处。他有给小马倌下毒的嫌疑,他在案发当晚暴雨中外出,他有根很沉的手杖,而他的领带也在被害人手中。我想,我们完全可以提出诉讼了。”

Holmes shook his head. "A clever counsel would tear it all to rags," said he. "Why should he take the horse out of the stable? If he wished to injure it, why could he not do it there? Has a duplicate key been found in his possession? What chemist sold him the powdered opium? Above all, where could he, a stranger to the district, hide a horse,and such a horse as this? What is his own explanation as to the paper which he wished the maid to give to the stable-boy?"


"He says that it was a ten-pound note. One was found in his purse. But your other difficulties are not so formidable as they seem. He is not a stranger to the district. He has twice lodged at Tavistock in the summer. The opium was probably brought from London. The key, having served its purpose, would be hurled away. The horse may be at the bottom of one of the pits or old mines upon the moor."“他说那是张十镑的钞票。他的钱包里确实有一张十镑的纸币。不过你所提的其他难点并不像你想象的那么难以解释。他对这一带并不陌生。夏天的时候他就来塔维斯托克镇住过两回。麻醉剂则很可能是从伦敦带来的。至于钥匙,既然已经达到目的,也许早就被扔掉了。而马可能困在荒野里的洼地或是某个废旧的矿坑里。”

"What does he say about the cravat?"“那领带他是怎么解释的呢?”

"He acknowledges that it is his and declares that he had lost it. But a new element has been introduced into the case which may account for his leading the horse from the stable."“他承认那是他的领带,但又说早就弄丢了。不过有个新情况可以证明是他把马从马厩里牵出来的。”

Holmes pricked up his ears. "We have found traces which show that a party of gypsies encamped on Monday night within a mile of the spot where the murder took place. On Tuesday they were gone. Now, presuming that there was some understanding between Simpson and these gypsies, might he not have been leading the horse to them when he was overtaken, and may they not have him now?" "It is certainly possible." "The moor is being scoured for these gypsies. I have also examined every stable and outhouse in Tavistock, and for a radius of ten miles." "There is another training-stable quite close, I understand? " "Yes, and that is a factor which we must certainly not neglect. As Desborough, their horse, was second in the betting, they had an interest in the disappearance of the favourite. Silas Brown, the trainer, is known to have had large bets upon the event, and he was no friend to poor Straker. We have, however, examined the stables, and there is nothing to connect him with the affair."


"And nothing to connect this man Simpson with the interests of the Mapleton stables?"“辛普森这个人和梅普里通马厩的利益没什么关系吗?”

"Nothing at all."“完全没有任何关联。”

Holmes leaned back in the carriage, and the conversation ceased. A few minutes later our driver pulled up at a neat little red-brick villa with overhanging eaves which stood by the road. Some distance off, across a paddock, lay a long gray-tiled outbuilding. In every other direction the low curves of the moor, bronze-coloured from the fading ferns stretched away to the sky-line, broken only by the steeples of Tavistock, and by a cluster of houses away to the westward which marked the Mapleton stables. We all sprang out with the exception of Holmes, who continued to lean back with his eyes fixed upon the sky in front of him, entirely absorbed in his own thoughts. It was only when I touched his arm that he roused himself with a violent start and stepped out of the carriage.


"Excuse me," said he, turning to Colonel Ross, who had looked at him in some surprise. "I was day-dreaming." There was a gleam in his eyes and a suppressed excitement in his manner which convinced me, used as I was to his ways, that his hand was upon a clue, though I could not imagine where he had found it.“请原谅我的失礼,”福尔摩斯转向罗斯上校解释道,后者正惊讶得看着他。“我有点儿发呆了。”他的双眼透着别样的光彩,看得出来他正竭力抑制着兴奋的心情,根据以往的经验,我感觉这个案子他已经有了线索,却想不出他是从什么地方找到那线索的。

"Perhaps you would prefer at once to go on to the scene of the crime, Mr. Holmes?" said Gregory.“或许你想立刻就到案发现场去吧,福尔摩斯先生?”格雷戈里问道。

"I think that I should prefer to stay here a little and go into one or two questions of detail. Straker was brought back here, I presume?"“我想我还是先在这儿稍微停留一会儿,查清一两个细节上的问题。我想斯特雷克的尸体已经抬回到这里了吧?”

"Yes, he lies upstairs. The inquest is to-morrow."“是的,就在楼上。明天才能验尸。”

"He has been in your service some years, Colonel Ross?"“他为你服务多年了吧,罗斯上校?”

"I have always found him an excellent servant."“对,我一直觉得他是个出色的仆人。”

"I presume that you made an inventory of what he had in his pockets at the time of his death, Inspector?"“警长,我猜你已经仔细检查过死者衣袋里的物品并列了清单了吧?”

"I have the things themselves in the sitting-room if you would care to see them."“我把东西都放在起居室里了,如果你想看的话就去看吧。”

"I should be very glad."“那太好啦。”

We all filed into the front room and sat round the central table while the inspector unlocked a square tin box and laid a small heap of things before us. There was a box of vestas, two inches of tallow candle, an A D P brier-root pipe, a pouch of sealskin with half an ounce of long-cut Cavendish, a silver watch with a gold chain, five sovereigns in gold, an aluminum pencil-case, a few papers, and an ivory-handled knife with a very delicate, inflexible blade marked Weiss & Co., London.

我们都走进前厅,围着中间的一张桌子坐下来,警长打开一个方形锡盒,把一堆东西摆在我们面前。其中有一盒火柴,一根两寸长的牛油烛,一只用欧石南根制成的ADP牌烟斗,一个海豹皮烟袋(里面装着半盎司切得长长的板烟丝),一块带金表链的银怀表,五枚一英镑的金币,一个铝制铅笔盒,几张纸,一把象牙柄小刀(刀刃非常精致、坚硬,上面还刻着“伦敦 韦斯公司”字样。)

"This is a very singular knife," said Holmes, lifting it up and examining it minutely.“这把小刀很少见,”福尔摩斯说着,把刀拿起来打量了一会儿。

"I presume, as I see bloodstains upon it, that it is the one which was found in the dead man's grasp. Watson, this knife is surely in your line?" "It is what we call a cataract knife," said I.“刀上有血迹,我猜,这就是死者手中紧握的那把刀吧?沃森,这样的小刀你应该不陌生吧?”“这正是我们医生口中的‘眼翳刀’”,我答道。

"I thought so. A very delicate blade devised for very delicate work. A strange thing for a man to carry with him upon a rough expedition, especially as it would not shut in his pocket."“我猜也是。精致的刀刃是为非常精密的手术设计的。一个人在暴雨中外出带上这样一把小刀,又没有把它收在衣袋里,这倒是件很奇怪的事。”

"The tip was guarded by a disc of cork which we found beside his body," said the inspector. "His wife tells us that the knife had lain upon the dressing-table, and that he had picked it up as he left the room. It was a poor weapon, but perhaps the best that he could lay his hands on at the moment."“我们在尸体旁边找到了这把小刀的软木圆鞘,”警长说。“他的妻子告诉我们说这把刀原本放在梳妆台上,斯特雷克在离家前把它带上了。这本不是件得手的武器,可或许是他当时能找到的最好武器了。”

"Very possibly. How about these papers?"“很可能就是这样。那这些纸是怎么回事呢?”

"Three of them are receipted hay-dealers' accounts. One of them is a letter of instructions from Colonel Ross. This other is a milliner's account for thirty-seven pounds fifteen made out by Madame Lesurier, of Bond Street, to William Derbyshire. Mrs. Straker tells us that Derbyshire was a friend of her husband's, and that occasionally his letters were addressed here." "Madame Derbyshire had somewhat expensive tastes," remarked Holmes, glancing down the account. "Twenty-two guineas is rather heavy for a single costume. However, there appears to be nothing more to learn, and we may now go down to the scene of the crime." As we emerged from the sitting-room a woman, who had been waiting in the passage, took a step forward and laid her hand upon the inspector's sleeve. Her face was haggard and thin and eager, stamped with the print of a recent horror.“其中有三张是草料商的收据。另一张上边写着罗斯上校给他的吩咐事项。还有一张是开给威廉·德比希尔先生的妇女服饰商发票,金额为三十七镑十五先令,开票人是邦德街的莱苏丽尔太太。斯特雷克太太告诉我们,德比希尔先生是她丈夫的一个朋友,有时他的信件就寄到她家。”“德比希尔太太倒很阔绰呢,”福尔摩斯看了一眼发票说道。“二十二畿尼一件的衣服可不算便宜啊。不过,这儿看起来没有别的什么可查看的了,我们现在可以去案发现场了。”我们走出起居室时,一个等在过道里的女人走上前来,用手拉住了警长的衣袖。这个女人面容消瘦,神色紧张,显出她近日来颇受惊吓。

"Have you got them? Have you found them?" she panted.“你们抓到他们了吗?你们找到他们了吗?”她喘着气说道。

"No, Mrs. Straker. But Mr. Holmes here has come from London to help us, and we shall do all that is possible."“没有,斯特雷克太太。不过福尔摩斯先生已经专程从伦敦赶来帮助我们,我们一定尽全力去破案。”

"Surely I met you in Plymouth at a garden-party some little time ago, Mrs. Straker?" said Holmes.“不久前我在普利茅斯的一次园游会上见过你吧,斯特雷克太太?”福尔摩斯说道。

"No, sir. You are mistaken."“不,先生,你弄错了。”

"Dear me! Why, I could have sworn to it. You wore a costume of dove-coloured silk with ostrich-feather trimming."“哎呀!怎么会呢,我可以发誓。你当时穿着一件淡灰色镶鸵鸟毛的外套。”

"I never had such a dress, sir," answered the lady.“我从未有过那样的衣服,先生,”那女士答道。

"Ah, that quite settles it," said Holmes. And with an apology he followed the inspector outside. A short walk across the moor took us to the hollow in which the body had been found. At the brink of it was the furze-bush upon which the coat had been hung.“啊,那就算了,”福尔摩斯说道。他道了一下歉,就随着警长走出来了。在荒原上没走多远,便来到了发现尸体的坑洼处,坑边就是曾挂着大衣的金雀花丛。

"There was no wind that night, I understand," said Holmes.“我听说,那天晚上并没有起风。”福尔摩斯说道。

"None, but very heavy rain."“是没有,但雨下得很大。”

"In that case the overcoat was not blown against the furze-bush, but placed there." A short walk across the moor took us to the hollow in which the body had been found.“那样的话,大衣就不是被风吹到金雀花丛上,而是有人故意把它放到这里的。”“对,是有人把它挂到花丛上的。”

"You fill me with interest. I perceive that the ground has been trampled up a good deal. No doubt many feet have been here since Monday night." "A piece of matting has been laid here at the side, and we have all stood upon that."“这倒是让我很感兴趣。我发现这里有很多踩踏过的痕迹。不用说,案发那天晚上之后,有相当多的人来过这里。”“我们在尸体旁边搁了一张草席,大家都可以站在席子上。”


"In this bag I have one of the boots which Straker wore, one of Fitzroy Simpson's shoes, and a cast horseshoe of Silver Blaze."“这只袋子里装着斯特雷克穿过的一只长筒靴,菲茨罗伊·辛普森的一只皮鞋和银焰的一块蹄铁。”

"My dear Inspector, you surpass yourself!"“我亲爱的警长,你真高明!”

Holmes took the bag, and, descending into the hollow, he pushed the matting into a more central position. Then stretching himself upon his face and leaning his chin upon his hands, he made a careful study of the trampled mud in front of him.


"Hullo!" said he suddenly. "What's this?" It was a wax vesta, half burned, which was so coated with mud that it looked at first like a little chip of wood. "I cannot think how I came to overlook it," said the inspector with an expression of annoyance. "It was invisible, buried in the mud. I only saw it because I was looking for it." "What! You expected to find it?"“哈!”福尔摩斯突然喊道。“这是什么?”那是根烧的只剩半截的蜡火柴,上边还裹着泥,猛一看像根小小的木棍。“真难以置信,我怎么会把它漏掉了。”警长懊恼地说道。“它埋在土里,是不容易被发现的。我之所以能看到它是因为我有意在找它。”“什么!你早就料到会找到这个吗?”

"I thought it not unlikely." He took the boots from the bag and compared the impressions of each of them with marks upon the ground. Then he clambered up to the rim of the hollow and crawled about among the ferns and bushes. "I am afraid that there are no more tracks," said the inspector. "I have examined the ground very carefully for a hundred yards in each direction." "Indeed!" said Holmes, rising. "I should not have the impertinence to do it again after what you say. But I should like to take a little walk over the moor before it grows dark that I may know my ground to-morrow, and I think that I shall put this horseshoe into my pocket for luck."“我想这不是不可能的。”福尔摩斯从布袋里拿出长筒靴和地上的脚印一一比较。然后爬上坑边,慢慢匍匐前进到羊齿草和金雀花丛前。“恐怕这里不会再有别的线索了,”警长说道。“周遭一百码之内我都仔细检查过了。”“的确!”福尔摩斯站起身来说道,“既然如此我就不必多此一举再检查了。可是我倒想天黑前在荒野上散散步,这样明天对这边的地形就可以熟悉些,为了讨个吉利,我准备把这块马蹄铁装在口袋里随身带着。”

Colonel Ross, who had shown some signs of impatience at my companion's quiet and systematic method of work, glanced at his watch. "I wish you would come back with me, Inspector," said he. "There are several points on which I should like your advice, and especially as to whether we do not owe it to the public to remove our horse's name from the entries for the cup."


"Certainly not," cried Holmes with decision. "I should let the name stand." The colonel bowed. "I am very glad to have had your opinion, sir," said he. "You will find us at poor Straker's house when you have finished your walk, and we can drive together into Tavistock."“当然不必了,”福尔摩斯果断地高声喊道。“我一定让它顺利参赛。”上校礼貌地点了点头表示感谢。“听到你的看法,我真高兴,先生,”他说道。“请你在荒原散完步后,到可怜的斯特雷克家去找我们,然后我们再一起乘车回塔维斯托克镇去。”

He turned back with the inspector, while Holmes and I walked slowly across the moor. The sun was beginning to sink behind the stable of Mapleton, and the long, sloping plain in front of us was tinged with gold, deepening into rich, ruddy browns where the faded ferns and brambles caught the evening light. But the glories of the landscape were all wasted upon my companion, who was sunk in the deepest thought.


"It's this way, Watson," said he at last. "We may leave the question of who killed John Straker for the instant and confine ourselves to finding out what has become of the horse. Now, supposing that he broke away during or after the tragedy, where could he have gone to? The horse is a very gregarious creature. If left to himself his instincts would have been either to return to King's Pyland or go over to Mapleton. Why should he run wild upon the moor? He would surely have been seen by now. And why should gypsies kidnap him? These people always clear out when they hear of trouble for they do not wish to be pestered by the police. They could not hope to sell such a horse. They would not run a great risk and gain nothing by taking him. Surely that is clear."“沃森,这样吧,”他终于说道。“我们先把是谁杀害约翰·斯特雷克这个问题暂时放下,目前仅限于寻找马的下落。现在,我们假设悲剧发生时或在那之后,马儿脱缰逃走了,它能跑到什么地方去呢?马是种群居动物。依照它的本能,它不是回到金斯皮兰马厩,就是跑到梅普里通马厩去了。它怎么会在荒野里四处乱窜呢?如果那样的话它应该早就被人发现了。吉卜赛人又为什么要拐走它呢?他们平常一听说出了什么乱子,总是躲得远远的,唯恐被警察们纠缠。这么出名的一匹马,他们是没希望卖掉的。带走它要冒很大的风险,对他们而言有害无利。这一点无疑是明确的。”

"Where is he, then?" "I have already said that he must have gone to King's Pyland or to Mapleton. He is not at King's Pyland. Therefore he is at Mapleton. Let us take that as a working hypothesis and see what it leads us to. This part of the moor, as the inspector remarked, is very hard and dry. But it falls away towards Mapleton, and you can see from here that there is a long hollow over yonder, which must have been very wet on Monday night. If our supposition is correct, then the horse must have crossed that, and there is the point where we should look for his tracks." We had been walking briskly during this conversation, and a few more minutes brought us to the hollow in question. At Holmes's request I walked down the bank to the right, and he to the left, but I had not taken fifty paces before I heard him give a shout and saw him waving his hand to me. The track of a horse was plainly outlined in the soft earth in front of him, and the shoe which he took from his pocket exactly fitted the impression.“那么,马在哪儿呢?”“我刚说过,它不是到金斯皮兰就是到梅普里通去了。既然它不在金斯皮兰。那它一定在梅普里通。我们就按这个假设去办,看结果如何。警长说过,这一带荒原的土质非常干结坚硬。但向着梅普里通,地势是越来越低的,从这个位置你可以看到那边是一个长长的低洼地带,案发当晚那儿一定是相当潮湿的。如果我们的假设不错,那马儿必然经过那里,我们应该可以在那儿找到它的蹄印。”我们边聊边走,兴致盎然,不一会儿就走到了刚刚谈到的洼地。我按照福尔摩斯的要求,沿着坡面向右边走下去,福尔摩斯则走向左方,可是我走了还不到五十步,就听到他叫我,并且看到他向我招手。原来他面前松软的泥土上有一些清晰的马蹄印,福尔摩斯从口袋里取出马蹄铁和地上的蹄印一对照,竟完全吻合。

"See the value of imagination," said Holmes. "It is the one quality which Gregory lacks. We imagined what might have happened, acted upon the supposition, and find ourselves justified. Let us proceed." We crossed the marshy bottom and passed over a quarter of a mile of dry, hard turf. Again the ground sloped, and again we came on the tracks. Then we lost them for half a mile, but only to pick them up once more quite close to Mapleton. It was Holmes who saw them first, and he stood pointing with a look of triumph upon his face. A man's track was visible beside the horse's.“你瞧想象力是多么重要,”福尔摩斯说道,“格雷戈里就缺乏这种特质。我们对可能发生的事有所猜想,并按猜想的情况去办,结果证明我们想得不错。那我们就继续进行下去吧。”我们穿过湿软的低洼地,走过四分之一英里干硬的草地。地势又开始下斜,我们重新找到了马蹄印。后来又有半英里路找不到蹄印,但之后我们在梅普里通附近又发现了马蹄印。正是福尔摩斯第一个发现了它,他站在那里用手指点着,脸上露出胜利的喜悦。除了马蹄印外,显然还有一个男人的脚印。

"The horse was alone before," I cried. "Quite so. It was alone before. Hullo, what is this?" The double track turned sharp off and took the direction of King's Pyland. Holmes whistled, and we both followed along after it. His eyes were on the trail, but I happened to look a little to one side and saw to my surprise the same tracks coming back again in the opposite direction. "One for you, Watson," said Holmes when I pointed it out. "You have saved us a long walk, which would have brought us back on our own traces. Let us follow the return track." We had not to go far. It ended at the paving of asphalt which led up to the gates of the Mapleton stables. As we approached, a groom ran out from them. "We don't want any loiterers about here," said he. "I only wished to ask a question," said Holmes, with his finger and thumb in his waistcoat pocket. "Should I be too early to see your master, Mr. Silas Brown, if I were to call at five o'clock to-morrow morning?" "Bless you, sir, if anyone is about he will be, for he is always the first stirring. But here he is, sir, to answer your questions for himself. No, sir, no, it is as much as my place is worth to let him see me touch your money. Afterwards, if you like." As Sherlock Holmes replaced the half-crown which he had drawn from his pocket, a fierce-looking elderly man strode out from the gate with a hunting-crop swinging in his hand. "What's this, Dawson!" he cried. "No gossiping! Go about your business! And you, what the devil do you want here?" "Ten minutes' talk with you, my good sir," said Holmes in the sweetest of voices. "I've no time to talk to every gadabout. We want no strangers here. Be off, or you may find a dog at your heels." Holmes leaned forward and whispered something in the trainer's ear. He started violently and flushed to the temples.“开始马还是独自游荡的。”我大声说道。“的确如此。开始它还是独行的。嘿,这是怎么回事?”原来这两列脚印突然转向,朝金斯皮兰的方向走去。福尔摩斯吹起口哨,我们两人跟着脚印继续前行。福尔摩斯紧盯着脚印走着,我碰巧稍稍往旁边看了一眼,令人吃惊的是,我发现同样的脚印又折回到原方向。“沃森,好样的。”我指给福尔摩斯看时,他说道。“你让我们少跑好多路,多亏你,我们不用走回头路了。我们接下来还是跟着折回的脚印走吧。”我们并没有走太远。脚印在通向梅普里通马厩大门的柏油路上中断了。我们刚一靠近马厩,就有一个马夫从里边跑出来。“闲杂人等不要在此逗留。”那个人说道。“我只想问个问题,”福尔摩斯把手插进背心口袋里说道。“如果我明天早晨五点钟来拜访你的主人,赛拉斯·布朗先生,会不会太早了?”“上帝保佑你,先生,如果那时有人来,他会接见的,因为他总是第一个起床。不过他正过来了,先生,你自己去问他本人吧。不,先生,不行,要是让他看到我收你的钱,我会被解雇的。你真要给的话,请等一会。”福尔摩斯刚要从口袋里拿出一块半克朗的金币,听到这话,便又放回去了,这时,一个凶巴巴的老头儿从里边大踏步地走了出来,手中挥舞着一根猎鞭。“这是在搞什么,道森?!”他喊道。“不许闲谈!干你的事去!还有你们,来搞什么鬼?”“就十分钟,我们聊聊吧,我的好先生,”福尔摩斯笑眯眯地恳求道。“我没有时间跟每一个游手好闲的人聊天。外来人在这儿是不受欢迎的。走开,不然我就放狗咬你们。”福尔摩斯探身过去,在他耳边低语几句。他猛地跳起来,面红耳赤。

"It's a lie!" he shouted. "An infernal lie!" "Very good. Shall we argue about it here in public or talk it over in your parlour?" "Oh, come in if you wish to." Holmes smiled. "I shall not keep you more than a few minutes, Watson," said he. "Now, Mr. Brown, I am quite at your disposal."“扯谎!”他高喊道。“无耻的谎话!”“很好。那我们是在这儿当着大家的面争论呢,还是到你的客厅里谈一谈好呢?”“噢,要是你愿意,请吧。”福尔摩斯微微一笑。“我不会让你等很久的,沃森。”福尔摩斯走之前说道。“那么,布朗先生,接下来都听你的安排。”

It was twenty minutes, and the reds had all faded into grays before Holmes and the trainer reappeared. Never have I seen such a change as had been brought about in Silas Brown in that short time. His face was ashy pale, beads of perspiration shone upon his brow, and his hands shook until the hunting-crop wagged like a branch in the wind. His bullying, overbearing manner was all gone too, and he cringed along at my companion's side like a dog with its master. "Your instructions will be done. It shall all be done," said he. "There must be no mistake," said Holmes, looking round at him. The other winced as he read the menace in his eyes. "Oh, no, there shall be no mistake. It shall be there. Should I change it first or not?" Holmes thought a little and then burst out laughing. "No, don't," said he, "I shall write to you about it. No tricks, now, or—" "Oh, you can trust me, you can trust me!" "Yes, I think I can. Well, you shall hear from me tomorrow.


He turned upon his heel, disregarding the trembling hand which the other held out to him, and we set off for King's Pyland.


"A more perfect compound of the bully, coward, and sneak than Master Silas Brown I have seldom met with," remarked Holmes as we trudged along together. "He has the horse, then?"“像赛拉斯·布朗这样一会儿气壮如牛、一会儿又胆小如鼠而且奴气十足的两面派,倒是很少见呢。”我们拖着沉重的脚步返回时,福尔摩斯评论道。“这么说,马是在他那儿了?”

"He tried to bluster out of it, but I described to him so exactly what his actions had been upon that morning that he is convinced that I was watching him. Of course you observed the peculiarly square toes in the impressions, and that his own boots exactly corresponded to them. Again, of course no subordinate would have dared to do such a thing. I described to him how, when according to his custom he was the first down, he perceived a strange horse wandering over the moor. How he went out to it, and his astonishment at recognizing, from the white forehead which has given the favourite its name, that chance had put in his power the only horse which could beat the one upon which he had put his money. Then I described how his first impulse had been to lead him back to King's Pyland, and how the devil had shown him how he could hide the horse until the race was over, and how he had led it back and concealed it at Mapleton. When I told him every detail he gave it up and thought only of saving his own skin."“他开始还想虚张声势,把事情赖掉。可是我把那天早晨他干的勾当说得分毫不差,让他以为我当时在那儿瞅着他。你肯定注意到了那个特殊的方头鞋印,布朗的长筒靴正对得上号。再有,这种事当然不是下人们敢做的。依据他总是第一个起床的习惯,我向他描述了当时他是如何发现一匹外来的马在荒野上游荡的。他是怎么向它走去,看到马儿借以得名的白额头时又是如何地喜出望外,因为只有这匹马才能战败他下注的那匹马,而命运之神又把它交到自己的手中。后来我接着叙述说,他开始一闪念间的想法是把马送回金斯皮兰,但后来又如何心起邪念,想把马藏到比赛结束,因而把马牵回来藏在梅普里通的。我把所有的细节都讲给他听,使他不得不认输,只顾保全小命了。”

"But his stables had been searched?" "Oh, an old horse-faker like him has many a dodge." "But are you not afraid to leave the horse in his power now, since he has every interest in injuring it?" "My dear fellow, he will guard it as the apple of his eye. He knows that his only hope of mercy is to produce it safe." "Colonel Ross did not impress me as a man who would be likely to show much mercy in any case." "The matter does not rest with Colonel Ross. I follow my own methods and tell as much or as little as I choose. That is the advantage of being unofficial. I don't know whether you observed it, Watson, but the colonel's manner has been just a trifle cavalier to me. I am inclined now to have a little amusement at his expense. Say nothing to him about the horse." "Certainly not without your permission." "And of course this is all quite a minor point compared to the question of who killed John Straker." "And you will devote yourself to that?" "On the contrary, we both go back to London by the night train."“可是他的马厩不是已经被搜查过了么?”“是啊,但像他这样混马的老油条是诡计多端的。”“他会为了自身的利益来伤害那匹马,可你现在还把马留在他手里,你难道不担心吗?”“亲爱的伙计,他会像保护自己的眼珠那样去保护它的。因为他清楚能使他获得宽大处理的唯一希望就是保证那匹马的安全啊。”“我看,罗斯上校怎么也不像个容易宽恕别人的人。”“那可不由罗斯上校说了算。我可以自行其是,自行决定对我掌握的情况多说或少说。这就是作为非官方侦探的好处。沃森,不知道你有没有感觉到,罗斯上校对我有点儿傲慢。现在我要拿他来开开心。别告诉他马已经找到了的事。”“你不让我说我当然不会做声的啦。”“而且,这件事跟是谁杀害了约翰·斯特雷克的问题比起来,当然是微不足道的了。”“你打算开始追查凶手吗?”“恰恰相反,我们两个今天就乘夜班车回伦敦去。”

I was thunderstruck by my friend's words. We had only been a few hours in Devonshire, and that he should give up an investigation which he had begun so brilliantly was quite incomprehensible to me. Not a word more could I draw from him until we were back at the trainees house. The colonel and the inspector were awaiting us in the parlour.


"My friend and I return to town by the night-express," said Holmes. "We have had a charming little breath of your beautiful Dartmoor air." The inspector opened his eyes, and the colonel's lip curled in a sneer.“我和我的朋友打算乘夜班车回城里去,”福尔摩斯说道。“达特穆尔清新的空气,我们已经领略过了。”警长瞪圆了眼睛,上校则轻蔑地撇撇嘴。

"So you despair of arresting the murderer of poor Straker," said he. Holmes shrugged his shoulders. "There are certainly grave difficulties in the way," said he. "I have every hope, however, that your horse will start upon Tuesday, and I beg that you will have your jockey in readiness. Might I ask for a photograph of Mr. John Straker?" The inspector took one from an envelope and handed it to him.“这么说来,你是没有信心拿获杀害可怜的斯特雷克的凶手了。”上校说道。福尔摩斯耸了耸肩。“的确有很大困难,”福尔摩斯说。“不过,我完全有理由相信你的马可以参加星期二的比赛,所以请准备好骑师吧。我可以要一张约翰·斯特雷克的照片吗?”警长从一个信封里抽出一张照片递给福尔摩斯。

"My dear Gregory, you anticipate all my wants. If I might ask you to wait here for an instant, I have a question which I should like to put to the maid." "I must say that I am rather disappointed in our London consultant," said Colonel Ross bluntly as my friend left the room. "I do not see that we are any further than when he came." "At least you have his assurance that your horse will run," said I. "Yes, I have his assurance," said the colonel with a shrug of his shoulders. "I should prefer to have the horse." I was about to make some reply in defence of my friend when he entered the room again.“亲爱的格雷戈里,你把我需要的东西都事先准备齐全了。请你在这里稍等片刻,我想问女仆一个问题。”“不得不说,我对这位从伦敦远道而来的顾问颇为失望,”福尔摩斯才刚走出去,罗斯上校便不客气地说道。“我看不出他来这儿后案件有什么新的进展。”“最起码他已经向你保证,你的马一定能参加比赛。”我说。“是啊,他向我保证了,”上校耸了耸肩说道。“我倒更希望他把马带回来。”我正准备为我的朋友争辩,福尔摩斯又走进屋来。

"Now, gentlemen," said he, "I am quite ready for Tavistock." As we stepped into the carriage one of the stable-lads held the door open for us. A sudden idea seemed to occur to Holmes, for he leaned forward and touched the lad upon the sleeve. "You have a few sheep in the paddock," he said. "Who attends to them?" "I do, sir." "Have you noticed anything amiss with them of late?" "Well, sir, not of much account, but three of them have gone lame, sir."“好,先生们,”他说道,“我已经做好回塔维斯托克镇的准备了。”我们上四轮马车时,一个小马倌给我们打开了车门。福尔摩斯似乎忽然想起了什么,只见他俯身向前,拉了拉小马倌的衣袖。“你们围场里养了群绵羊,”福尔摩斯问道。“谁来照料它们呢?”“是我,先生。”“你近来发现它们有什么不对劲的吗?”“哦,先生,没什么大不了的事,不过有三只腿瘸了。”

I could see that Holmes was extremely pleased, for he chuckled and rubbed his hands together.


"A long shot, Watson, a very long shot," said he, pinching my arm. "Gregory, let me recommend to your attention this singular epidemic among the sheep. Drive on, coachman!" Colonel Ross still wore an expression which showed the poor opinion which he had formed of my companion's ability, but I saw by the inspector's face that his attention had been keenly aroused. "You consider that to be important?" he asked. "Exceedingly so." "Is there any point to which you would wish to draw my attention?" "To the curious incident of the dog in the night-time." "The dog did nothing in the night-time." "That was the curious incident," remarked Sherlock Holmes.“大胆的推测,沃森,真是个非常冒险的猜测,”福尔摩斯捏了一下我的手臂,说道。“格雷戈里,我劝你注意下羊群中这种奇异病症。出发吧,车夫!”罗斯上校脸上的表情还是跟之前一样,一副对我朋友的才能嗤之以鼻的神态,可是我从警长脸上的表情看出,福尔摩斯的话引起了他高度的注意。“你认为这一点很重要吗?”警长问道。“极其重要。”“你觉得,还有别的需要我注意的地方吗?”“那天晚上狗的反应很奇怪。”“那天晚上,狗没有什么异常反应啊。”“这正是奇怪的地方。”舍洛克·福尔摩斯提醒道。

Four days later Holmes and I were again in the train, bound for Winchester to see the race for the Wessex Cup. Colonel Ross met us by appointment outside the station, and we drove in his drag to the course beyond the town. His face was grave, and his manner was cold in the extreme.


"I have seen nothing of my horse," said he. "I suppose that you would know him when you saw him?" asked Holmes. The colonel was very angry. "I have been on the turf for twenty years and never was asked such a question as that before," said he. "A child would know Silver Blaze with his white forehead and his mottled off-foreleg." "How is the betting?" "Well, that is the curious part of it. You could have got fifteen to one yesterday, but the price has become shorter and shorter, until you can hardly get three to one now." "Hum!" said Holmes. "Somebody knows something, that is clear."“到现在我的马还一点儿消息都没有。”上校说道。“我想你要是看到它,总能认得它吧?”上校听了非常生气。“我在马场已经二十年了,还从未听过这样的问题,”他说。“就连小孩子都认得银焰的白额头和带斑点的右前腿。”“赌注的情况怎么样?”“恩,这正是最古怪的地方。昨天还是十五比一,但今天差额变得越来越小,现在竟跌到连三比一都不到了。”“嗯!”福尔摩说道。“分明是有人已经知道了什么消息。”

As the drag drew up in the enclosure near the grandstand I glanced at the card to see the entries. Wessex Plate [it ran] 50 sovs. each h ft with 1000 sovs.

马车在看台观众席前停下来时,我看了一眼赛马牌上的参赛名单。韦塞克斯金杯赛 每马交款五十镑。头名除金杯外奖金一千镑。

Added, for four and five year olds. Second, £300. Third, £200. New course (one mile and five furlongs).


1 Mr. Heath Newton's The Negro. Red cap. Cinnamon jacket. 2 Colonel Ward law's Pugilist. Pink cap. Blue and black Jacket. 3 Lord Backwater's Desborough. Yellow cap and sleeves. 4 Colonel Ross's Silver Blaze. Black cap. Red jacket. 5 Duke of Balm oral's Iris. Yellow and black stripes. 6 Lord Single ford's Rasper. Purple cap. Black sleeves.


"We scratched our other one and put all hopes on your word," said the colonel. "Why, what is that? Silver Blaze favourite?" "Five to four against Silver Blaze!" roared the ring. "Five to four against Silver Blaze! Five to fifteen against Desborough! Five to four on the field!" "There are the numbers up," I cried. "They are all six there." "All six there? Then my horse is running," cried the colonel in great agitation. "But I don't see him. My colours have not passed." "Only five have passed. This must be he." As I spoke a powerful bay horse swept out from the weighing enclosure and cantered past us, bearing on its back the well-known black and red of the colonel. "That's not my horse," cried the owner. "That beast has not a white hair upon its body. What is this that you have done, Mr. Holmes?" "Well, well, let us see how he gets on," said my friend imperturbably. For a few minutes he gazed through my field-glass.“我们把准备好的另一匹马撤出了比赛,一切希望都寄托在你的承诺上了。”上校说道。“哎呀,那是什么?名驹银焰?”“银焰,五比四!”观众席上的赌客高声叫喊道。“银焰,五比四!德斯巴勒,五比十五!其余赛马,五比四!”“所有的赛马都编上号了,”我大声说道。“六匹马都出场了。”“都出场了?那么说,我的马也出来了,”上校异常焦急地喊道。“可我没看到它。没有我那种颜色的马过来啊。”“刚刚跑过去的只有五匹。这匹一定是你的。”我正说着,一匹健壮的枣红马矫健地从称重围栏内跑出来,从我们面前慢跑过去,马背上坐着上校那位众所周知的黑帽红衣骑师。“那不是我的马,”马的主人,罗斯上校叫喊道。“那畜生身上一根白毛也没有。你到底搞了什么鬼,福尔摩斯先生?”“嗯,嗯,我们先来看看它跑得怎么样。”我的朋友冷静地说道。他透过我的望远仔细观看了一会儿。

"Capital! An excellent start!" he cried suddenly. "There they are, coming round the curve!"“好样的!漂亮的起步!”他突然喊道。“它们过来了,快要拐弯了!”

From our drag we had a superb view as they came up the straight. The six horses were so close together that a carpet could have covered them, but halfway up the yellow of the Mapleton stable showed to the front. Before they reached us, however, Westborough's bolt was shot, and the colonel's horse, coming away with a rush, passed the post a good six lengths before its rival, the Duke of Balm oral's Iris making a bad third.


"It's my race, anyhow," gasped the colonel, passing his hand over his eyes. "I confess that I can make neither head nor tail of it. Don't you think that you have kept up your mystery long enough, Mr. Holmes?" "Certainly, Colonel, you shall know everything. Let us all go round and have a look at the horse together. Here he is," he continued as we made our way into the weighing enclosure, where only owners and their friends find admittance. "You have only to wash his face and his leg in spirits of wine, and you will find that he is the same old Silver Blaze as ever." "You take my breath away!" "I found him in the hands of a faker and took the liberty of running him just as he was sent over." "My dear sir, you have done wonders. The horse looks very fit and well. It never went better in its life. I owe you a thousand apologies for having doubted your ability. You have done me a great service by recovering my horse. You would do me a greater still if you could lay your hands on the murderer of John Straker." "I have done so," said Holmes quietly. The colonel and I stared at him in amazement. "You have got him! Where is he, then?" "He is here." "Here! Where?" "In my company at the present moment." The colonel flushed angrily. "I quite recognize that I am under obligations to you, Mr. Holmes," said he, "but I must regard what you have just said as either a very bad joke or an insult." Sherlock Holmes laughed. "I assure you that I have not associated you with the crime, Colonel," said he. "The real murderer is standing immediately behind you."“这样看来,那真是我那匹马了,”上校把一只手遮到双眼上望着,吸了口气说道。“我承认,我实在摸不着头脑。你难道不觉得你把秘密保守得够久了吗,福尔摩斯先生?”“当然了,上校,你马上会了解一切情况的。我们现在一起去看看这匹马吧。就在这儿。”福尔摩斯继续说道,这时我们已经走进称重围栏里,这地方只准马主人和他们的朋友进来。“你只要用酒精把马的脸部和腿洗一洗,就可以发现他就是你那匹银焰了。”“你真让我大吃一惊!”“我从盗马贼那儿找到了它,便擅自做主让它这样来参加比赛了。”“我亲爱的先生,你创造奇迹了。这匹马看起来非常健康。它之前还从来没有像今天跑得那么好。我当初还对你的才能抱有怀疑,实在感到万分抱歉。你给我找到了马,替我做了件大好事。要是你能抓到杀害约翰·斯特雷克的凶手,就更给我帮了大忙了。”“这件事,我也办到了。”福尔摩斯不慌不忙地说道。上校和我都吃惊地睁大眼睛看着他。“你已经抓到他了!那么,他在哪里呢?”“他就在这里。”“这里!在哪儿?”“此时此刻正和我们在一起。”上校气得满脸通红。“我承认我的确欠了你的人情,福尔摩斯先生,”上校说道,“可是我认为你刚才的话,不是恶作剧就是侮辱人!”福尔摩斯笑了起来。“我向你保证,我并没有认为你跟罪犯有什么联系,上校,”福尔摩斯说道。“真正的凶手就在你身后。”

He stepped past and laid his hand upon the glossy neck of the thorough bred. "The horse!" cried both the colonel and myself. "Yes, the horse. And it may lessen his guilt if I say that it was done in self-defence, and that John Straker was a man who was entirely unworthy of your confidence. But there goes the bell, and as I stand to win a little on this next race, I shall defer a lengthy explanation until a more fitting time."


We had the corner of a Pullman car to ourselves that evening as we whirled back to London, and I fancy that the journey was a short one to Colonel Ross as well as to myself as we listened to our companion's narrative of the events which had occurred at the Dartmoor trainingstables upon that Monday night, and the means by which he had unravelled them. "I confess," said he, "that any theories which I had formed from the newspaper reports were entirely erroneous. And yet there were indications there, had they not been overlaid by other details which concealed their true import. I went to Devonshire with the conviction that Fitzroy Simpson was the true culprit, although, of course, I saw that the evidence against him was by no means complete. It was while I was in the carriage, just as we reached the trainer's house, that the immense significance of the curried mutton occurred to me. You may remember that I was distrait and remained sitting after you had all alighted. I was marvelling in my own mind how I could possibly have overlooked so obvious a clue."


"I confess," said the colonel, "that even now I cannot see how it helps us." "It was the first link in my chain of reasoning. Powdered opium is by no means tasteless. The flavour is not disagreeable, but it is perceptible. Were it mixed with any ordinary dish the eater would undoubtedly detect it and would probably eat no more. A curry was exactly the medium which would disguise this taste. By no possible supposition could this stranger, Fitzroy Simpson, have caused curry to be served in the trainer's family that night, and it is surely too monstrous a coincidence to suppose that he happened to come along with powdered opium upon the very night when a dish happened to be served which would disguise the flavour. That is unthinkable. Therefore Simpson becomes eliminated from the case, and our attention centres upon Straker and his wife, the only two people who could have chosen curried mutton for supper that night. The opium was added after the dish was set aside for the stable-boy, for the others had the same for supper with no ill effects. Which of them, then, had access to that dish without the maid seeing them?“坦白讲,”上校说道,“直到现在我还是看不出咖喱羊肉对我们有什么帮助。”“它是我推理链中的第一环。粉状的麻醉剂是不可能没有气味的。它的气味虽不难闻,但还是能感觉到的。要是把它掺在普通的菜里头,吃的人无疑会察觉到,并很可能不会再吃下去。而咖喱正是可以掩盖这种气味的东西。这个外地人,菲茨罗伊·辛普森没有任何办法决定驯马师家里那天晚上拿咖喱做菜,而他带来粉状麻醉剂的时候,正好碰上他们家吃能掩盖麻醉剂味道的咖喱,这种巧合的可能性更是微乎其微。这种解释是难以置信的。因此,辛普森的嫌疑就被排除了。于是,我们的注意力重点就落到斯特雷克夫妇身上,只有他们俩有权决定做咖喱羊肉当那天晚上的晚餐。麻醉剂是在菜做好后专门给小马倌加进去的,因为别人也吃了同样的菜却没有中毒。那么,他们中的哪一个有机会接近那道咖喱羊肉而不会被女仆发现呢?





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