
发布时间:2020-07-23 15:17:14









乔治·戈登·诺艾尔·拜伦(George Gordon Noel Byron)1788年1月22日诞生于伦敦。父系家族是英国贵族世家,但父亲约翰·拜伦却是败家浪子。他因苏格兰少女凯瑟琳·戈登(拜伦的母亲)有一笔丰厚遗产而和她结婚,把她的财产耗尽后,又弃她而浪迹欧陆。拜伦的母亲受此刺激,精神很不正常,生拜伦后,常常迁怒于他,对他苛责凌辱,而拜伦又自幼跛足——这些,就逐渐形成了拜伦性格中的敏感、自尊、好强、孤傲、暴烈、反抗、悲观、阴郁等特点。



















本书译者所译的拜伦诗歌选集,曾先后在大陆的五家出版社和台湾的两家出版公司出版过,累积印数已超过五十万册,但各种版本的书名、篇幅、译文内容都有所不同。现在由外语教学与研究出版社出版英汉对照本,译者又作了新的修订。[1] 摩洛,要儿童作献祭品的神。屡见于《旧约》。On the Death of Margaret Parker,Cousin to the AuthorHush’d are the winds, and still the evening gloom,Not e’en a zephyr wanders through the grove,Whilst I return, to view my Margaret’s tomb,And scatter flowers on the dust I love.

  Within this narrow cell reclines her clay,That clay, where once such animation beam’d;The King of Terrors seized her as his prey,Not worth, nor beauty, have her life redeem’d.

  Oh!could that King of Terrors pity feel,Or Heaven reverse the dread decrees of fate!Not here the mourner would his grief reveal,Not here the muse her virtues would relate.

  But wherefore weep? Her matchless spirit soarsBeyond where splendid shines the orb of day;And weeping angels lead her to those bowersWhere endless pleasures virtue’s deeds repay.

  And shall presumptuous mortals Heaven arraign,And, madly, godlike Providence accuse?Ah!no, far fly from me attempts so vain;—I’ll ne’er submission to my God refuse.

  Yet is remembrance of those virtues dear,Yet fresh the memory of that beauteous face;Still they call forth my warm affection’s tear,Still in my heart retain their wonted place.[1]






  但对她美德的怀想是这样亲切,但对她娇容的记忆是这样新鲜;它们依旧汲引我深情的泪液,依旧盘桓在它们惯住的心田。原诗抑扬格(偶有抑抑扬格),每行5音步,译诗每行5顿。原诗每节韵式为abab(交韵),译诗依原诗。[1] 这是现存的拜伦诗歌中最早的一首,1802年作者14岁时所作,1807年收入诗集出版时未作修改。据《拜伦日记》,玛格丽特帕克是作者的表姐,约比作者大一岁,生前与作者感情甚笃。作者最早的一首诗(作于1800年,已失传)就是为她而作的。约在她14或15岁时,因不慎跌伤,  脊骨受损,终于不治。当时作者正就读于伦敦郊外的哈罗公学,在她死  后才得知消息。这首诗是稍后作者回来给她扫墓时写的。

  [2] 此处的“尘土”不仅指坟墓的一抔之土,也指坟墓中的死者。典出《旧约·创世记》第3章耶和华对亚当说的话:“你本是尘土,仍要归于尘土。”To M.S.G.When I dream that you love me, you’ll surely forgive;Extend not your anger to sleep;For in visions alone your affection can live,—I rise, and it leaves me to weep.

  Then, Morpheus!envelope my faculties fast,Shed o’er me your languor benign;Should the dream of to-night but resemble the last,What rapture celestial is mine!

  They tell us that slumber, the sister of death,Mortality’s emblem is given;To fate how I long to resign my frail breath,If this be a foretaste of heaven!

  Ah!frown not, sweet lady, unbend your soft brow,Nor deem me too happy in this;If I sin in my dream, I atone for it now,Thus doom’d but to gaze upon bliss.

  Though in visions, sweet lady, perhaps you may smile,Oh!think not my penance decient!When dreams of your presence my slumbers beguile,To awake will be torture sufcient.给M.S.G.要是我梦见你爱我,你休怪,休要迁怒于睡眠;你的爱只在梦乡存在,——醒来,我空余泪眼。




  梦中,也许你笑口微开,莫说我受罚还不够!入睡,被美梦欺哄;醒来,这苦刑怎生忍受!原诗抑抑扬格为主,单数行4音步,双数行3音步,译诗单数行4顿,双数行3顿。原诗每节韵式为abab,译诗依原诗。Lachin y GairAway, ye gay landscapes, ye gardens of roses!In you let the minions of luxury rove;Restore me the rocks, where the snow-flake reposes,Though still they are sacred to freedom and love:Yet, Caledonia, beloved are thy mountains,Round their white summits though elements war;Though cataracts foam ’stead of smooth-flowing fountains,I sigh for the valley of dark Loch na Garr.

  Ah!there my young footsteps in infancy wander’d;My cap was the bonner, my cloak was the plaid;On chieftains long perish’d my memory ponder’d,As daily I strode through the pine-cover;d glade.I sought not my home till the day’s dying gloryGave place to the rays of the bright polar star;For fancy was cheer’d by traditional story,Disclosed by the natives of dark Loch na Garr.‘Shades of the dead!have I not heard your voicesRise on the night-rolling breath of the gale?Surely the soul of the hero rejoices,

  And rides on the wind, o’er his own Highland vale.Round Loch na Garr while the stormy mist gathers,Winter presides in his cold icy car:Clouds there encircle the forms of my fathers;They dwell in the tempests of dark Loch na Garr.

  Ill-starr’d, though brave, did no visions forebodingTell you that fate had forsaken your cause?Ah!were you destined to die at Culloden,Victory crown’d not your fall with applause:Still were you happy in death’s earthy slumber,You rest with your clan in the caves of Braemar;The pibroch resounds to the piper’s loud number,Your deeds on the echoes of dark Loch na Garr.

  Years have roll‘d on, Loch na Garr, since I left you,Years must elapse ere I tread you again:Nature of verdure and flow’rs has bereft you,Yet still are you dearer than Albion’s plain.England!thy beauties are tame and domesticTo one who has roved on the mountains afar:Oh for the crags that are wild and majestic!The steep frowning glories of dark Loch na Garr![1]勒钦伊盖去吧,浓艳的景色,玫瑰的园圃!让富贵宠儿在你们那里遨游;还给我巉岩峻岭——白雪的住处,尽管它们已许身于爱和自由;[2]喀利多尼亚!我爱慕你的山岳,尽管皑皑的峰顶风雨交加,不见泉水徐流,见瀑布飞泻,我还是眷念幽暗的洛赫纳佳!



  洛赫纳佳呵,别后已多少光阴!再与你相逢,还要过多少岁月!造化虽不曾给你繁花和绿荫,[6]你却比艾尔宾原野更为亲切。从远方山岳归来的游子眼中,英格兰!你的美过于驯良温雅;我多么眷念那粗犷雄峻的岩峰!那含怒的奇景,那幽暗的洛赫纳佳!原诗抑抑扬格为主,每行4音步(单数行行末多一个轻音节),译诗改为每行5顿。原诗每节韵式为ababcdcd,译诗依原诗(但译诗第2节ac同韵)。[1] 1745年,查理爱德华斯图亚特(1720—1788)率领苏格兰高地人  起事。1746年,在茵弗内斯以东的卡洛登荒原被英格兰军队击败,查理逃往法国。此后,苏格兰的氏族制度全被摧毁,参加起事的酋长被撤 换,氏族法庭、氏族服装甚至风笛也都遭禁止。据作者原注,作者的母系先人——戈登家族有不少人参加过查理的队伍。

  [2] 勃瑞玛,苏格兰阿伯丁郡南部格兰皮恩山地的一个地区,在勒钦伊盖以北。

  [3] 艾尔宾是英格兰的古称。

  [4] 勒钦伊盖(当地盖尔语称之为“洛赫纳佳”),苏格兰东北部格兰皮恩山脉的高峰,海拔3786英尺,峰顶终年积雪。作者8岁时曾住在该峰附近。

  [5] 喀利多尼亚,苏格兰的拉丁语名称。

  [6]“软帽”指苏格兰男子所戴的扁平软帽。“格子呢外衣”是苏格兰高地人的服装。下行的“酋长”指苏格兰氏族首领。I would I were a Careless ChildI would I were a careless child,Still dwelling in my Highland cave,Or roaming through the dusky wild,Or bounding o’er the dark blue wave;The cumbrous pomp of Saxon prideAccords not with the freeborn soul,Which loves the mountain’s craggy side,And seeks the rocks where billows roll.

  Fortune!take back these cultured lands,Take back this name of splendid sound!I hate the touch of servile hands,I hate the slaves that cringe around.Place me among the rocks I love,Which sound to Ocean’s wildest roar;I ask but this—again to roveThrough scenes my youth hath known before.

  Few are my years, and yet I feelThe world was ne’er design’d for me:Ah!why do dark’ning shades conceal

  The hour when man must cease to be?Once I beheld a splendid dream,A visionary scene of bliss:Truth!—wherefore did thy hated beamAwake me to a world like this?

  I loved—but those I loved are gone;Had friends—my early friends are fled:How cheerless feels the heart aloneWhen all its former hopes are dead!Though gay companions o’er the bowlDispel awhile the sense of ill;Though pleasure stirs the maddening soul,The heart—the heart—is lonely still.

  How dull!to hear the voice of thoseWhom rank or chance, whom wealth or power,Have made, though neither friends nor foes,Associates of the festive hour.Give me again a faithful few,In years and feelings still the same,And I will fly the midnight crew,Where boist frous joy is but a name.

  And woman, lovely woman!thou,My hope, my comforter, my all?How cold must be my bosom now,When e’en thy smiles begin to pall!Without a sigh would I resign

  This busy scene of splendid woe,To make that calm contentment mine,Which virtue knows, or seems to know.

  Fain would I fly the haunts of men—I seek to shun, not hate mankind;My breast requires the sullen glen,Whose gloom may suit a darken’d mindOh!that to me the wings were givenWhich bear the turtle to her nest!Then would I cleave the vault of heaven,To flee away, and be at rest.我愿做无忧无虑的小孩我愿做无忧无虑的小孩,[1]仍然居住在高原的洞穴,或是在微曛旷野里徘徊,或是在暗蓝海波上腾跃;[2]撒克逊浮华的繁文缛礼不合我生来自由的意志,我眷念坡道崎岖的山地,我向往狂涛扑打的巨石。









  [2] 在苏格兰的盖尔语中,“撒克逊”一词可指英格兰人。

  [3] 作者幼时跟母亲住在苏格兰,生活贫困。10岁时,由于伯祖父(第5代拜伦男爵)去世,没有嗣子,作者便成为第6代拜伦男爵(诗中“响亮的尊荣称号”指此),继承了纽斯台德寺院、罗岱尔两处房产和两千多亩土地(诗中“丰熟的田畴”指此)。

  [4]《旧约·诗篇》第55篇:“我说,但愿我有翅膀像鸽子,我就飞去,得享安息。”When We Two PartedWhen we two partedIn silence and tears,Half broken-heartedTo sever for years,Pale grew thy cheek and cold,Colder thy kiss;Truly that hour foretoldSorrow to this!

  The dew of the morningSunk chill on my brow—It felt like the warningOf what I feel now.Thy vows are all broken,And light is thy fame;I hear thy name spoken,And share in its shame.

  They name thee before me,A knell to mine ear;A shudder comes o’er me—Why wert thou so dearThey know not I knew thee,Who knew thee too well:—Long, long shall I rue thee,Too deeply to tell.

  In secret we met—In silence I grieve,That thy heart could forget,Thy spirit deceive.If I should meet theeAfter long years,How should I greet thee?—With silence and tears.当初我们俩分别当初我们俩分别,只有沉默和眼泪,心儿几乎要碎裂,得分隔多少年岁!你的脸发白发冷,你的吻更是冰凉;确实呵,那个时辰预告了今日的悲伤!



  想当初幽期密约,到如今默默哀怨:你的心儿会忘却,你的灵魂会欺骗。要是多少年以后,我偶然与你相会,用什么将你迎候?只有沉默和眼泪。原诗抑扬格与抑抑扬格混用(偶有扬抑格),各行音步数不规则,大抵在2步至3步之间,译诗改为每行3顿。原诗每节韵式为ababcdcd,译诗依原诗。To a LadyOn Being Asked My Reason for Quitting England in the SpringWhen Man, expell’d from Eden’s bowers,A moment linger’d near the gate,Each scene recall’d the vanish’d hours,And bade him curse his future fate.

  But, wandering on through distant climes,He learnt to bear his load of grief;Just gave a sigh to other times,And found in busier scenes relief.

  Thus, Mary!will it be with me,And I must view thy charms no more;For, while I linger near to thee,I sigh for all I knew before.

  In flight I shall be surely wise,Escaping from temptation’s snare;I cannot view my paradiseWithout the wish of dwelling there.[1]答一位淑女她问我为什么明年春天要出国远游[2]当人被逐出伊甸园门,在门首盘桓,不忍遽去,眼前的一切都枨触前尘,都叫他诅咒未来的境遇。




  [2]“人”,指亚当。据《旧约创世记》第2—3章,耶和华让亚当、夏娃 二人(人类的始祖)住在伊甸乐园里;后来,他们违反耶和华的嘱咐,偷吃了知识之树的果子,被耶和华逐出伊甸园。

  [3] 暗示:由于玛丽已和别人结婚,作者也像亚当一样失去了乐园。Maid of AthensMaid of Athens, ere we part,Give, oh, give me back my heart!Or, since that has left my breast,Keep it now, and take the rest!Hear my vow before I go,Zωη μου, σαS αyαπω.

  By those tresses unconfined,Woo’d by each Aegean wind;By those lids whose jetty fringeKiss thy soft cheeks’ blooming tinge;By those wild eyes like the roe,Zωη μου, σαS αyαπω.

  By that lip I long to taste;By that zone-encircled waist;By all the token-flowers that tellWhat words can never speak so well;By love’s alternate joy and woe,Zωη μου, σαS αyαπω.

  Maid of Athens!I am gone:Think of me, sweet!when alone.Though I fly to Istambol,Athens holds my heart and soul:Can I cease to love thee? No!Zωη μου, σαS αyαπω.雅典的女郎趁我们还没分手的时光,还我的心来,雅典的女郎!不必了,心既已离开我胸口,你就留着吧,把别的也拿走!我临行立下了誓言,请听:[1]我爱你呵,你是我生命!



  我可真走了,雅典的女郎!怀念我吧,在孤寂的时光![3]我身向伊斯坦布尔飞奔,雅典却拘留了我的心魂:我能够不爱你吗?不能!我爱你呵,你是我生命!原诗扬抑格为主,每行4音步(行末少一个轻音节),译诗每行4顿。原诗每节韵式为aabbcc(随韵),译诗依原诗。[1] 这一行和以下各节的末行,原文为希腊文。

  [2] 希腊少女常以花朵作为表白爱情的信物。

  [3] 伊斯坦布尔,即君士坦丁堡,原为土耳其首都。Translation of the Famous Greek War SongSons of the Greeks, arise!The glorious hour’s gone forth,And, worthy of such ties,Display who gave us birth.

  Sons of Greeks!let us goIn arms against the foe,Till their hated blood shall flowIn a river past our feet.

  Then manfully despisingThe Turkish tyrant’s yoke,Let your country see you rising,And all her chains are broke.Brave shades of chiefs and sages,Behold the coming strife!Hellenes of past ages,Oh, start again to life!At the sound of my trumpet, breakingYour sleep, oh, join with me!

  And the seven-hill’d city seeking,Fight, conquer, till we’re free.

  Sons of Greeks!let us goIn arms against the foe,Till their hated blood shall flowIn a river past our feet.

  Sparta, Sparta, why in slumbersLethargic dost thou lieAwake, and join thy numbersWith Athens, old ally!Leonidas recalling,That chief of ancient song,Who saved ye once from falling,The terrible!the strong!Who made that bold diversionIn old Thermopylae,And warring with the PersianTo keep his country free;With his three hundred wagingThe battle, long he stood,And like a lion raging,Expired in seas of blood.

  Sons of Greeks!let us goIn arms against the foe,Till their hated blood shall flowIn a river past our feet.希腊战歌[1]译自希腊文起来,希腊的儿男!光荣时刻已到来,要效法我们祖先,不枉作英豪后代!






  起来,希腊的儿男!挥戈向敌人迎战,让他们腥臭的血川像河水在脚下奔窜!原诗抑扬格为主,每行3音步,译诗每行3顿。韵式,原诗各节用交韵,但副歌(chorus)则为aaa×(×表示不押韵);译诗韵式依原诗,但副歌末行亦押韵,即aaaa。[1] 拜伦1810年在希腊游历时,翻译了希腊革命烈士里加斯(1757—1798)的这首诗歌。当时希腊正遭受土耳其的统治和奴役。拜伦始终深情关注希腊人民争取独立自由的斗争。13年之后(1823年),拜伦终于由诗人而成为战士,直接投身到希腊独立军中;1824年,他在希腊土地上献出了年轻的生命。

  [2] 据拜伦原注,此处“七山之城”是指君士坦丁堡。

  [3] 斯巴达和雅典都是古希腊的城邦。雅典文化繁荣,斯巴达武力强盛。

  [4] 列奥尼达斯,古斯巴达国王,公元前488年即位。

  [5] 温泉关(Thermopylae,或音译为“德摩比利”),是希腊北部与中部交界处的险要关隘,位于高山与海岸之间,因附近有两道硫磺温泉而得名。公元前480年,波斯军队侵入希腊,列奥尼达斯率领斯巴达勇士300人在这里据险固守,阻挡了敌人。最后,他们全部壮烈捐躯。To flyrzaWithout a stone to mark the spot,And say, what Truth might well have said,By all, save one, perchance forgot,Ah!wherefore art thou lowly laid?

  By many a shore and many a seaDivided, yet beloved in vain;The past, the future fled to theeTo bid us meet—no—ne’er again!

  Could this have been—a word, a lookThat softly said, ‘We part in peace,’Had taught my bosom how to brook,With fainter sighs, thy soul’s release.

  And didst thou not, since Death for theePrepared a light and pangless dart,Once long for him thou ne’er shalt seeWho held, and holds thee in his heart?

  Oh!who like him had watch’d thee here?Or sadly mark’d thy glazing eye,In that dread hour ere death appear,When silent sorrow fears to sigh,

  Till all was past? But when no more‘Twas thine to reck of human woe,Affection’s heart-drops, gushing o’er,Had flow’d as fast—as now they flow.

  Shall they not flow, when many a dayIn these, to me, deserted towers,Ere call’d but for a time away,Affection’s mingling tears were ours?

  Ours too the glance none saw beside;The smile none else might understand;The whisper’d thought of hearts allied,The pressure of the thrilling hand;

  The kiss, so guiltless and reflnedThat Love each warmer wish forbore;Those eyes proclaim’d so pure a mind,Even passion blush’d to plead for more.

  The tone, that taught me to rejoice,When prone, unlike thee, to repine;

  The song, celestial from thy voice,But sweet to me from none but thine;

  The pledge we wore—I wear it still,But where is thine? —Ah!where art thou?Oft have I borne the weight of ill,But never bent beneath till now!Well hast thou left in life’s best bloomThe cup of woe for me to drain.If rest alone be in the tomb,I would not wish thee here again;

  But if in worlds more blest than thisThy virtues seek a tter sphere,Impart some portion of thy bliss,To wean me from mine anguish here.

  Teach me—too early taught by thee!To bear, forgiving and forgiven:On earth thy love was such to me;It fain would form my hope in heaven![1]给赛沙没一块墓碑标明方位,把你的真情如实记载,为什么你要沉沉入睡,被所有世人(除了我)忘怀?














  我早就蒙你教益;如今[4]教会我苦熬吧,与世人互谅;在世间,你爱我如此情深,当乐于赐我天国的希望!原诗抑扬格(偶有抑抑扬格),每行4音步,译诗每行4顿。原诗每节韵式为abab,译诗依原诗。The song, celestial from thy voice,But sweet to me from none but thine;

  The pledge we wore—I wear it still,But where is thine? —Ah!where art thou?Oft have I borne the weight of ill,But never bent beneath till now!Well hast thou left in life’s best bloomThe cup of woe for me to drain.If rest alone be in the tomb,I would not wish thee here again;

  But if in worlds more blest than thisThy virtues seek a tter sphere,Impart some portion of thy bliss,To wean me from mine anguish here.

  Teach me—too early taught by thee!To bear, forgiving and forgiven:On earth thy love was such to me;It fain would form my hope in heaven![1] 这首诗,还有后面的《去吧,去吧》、《倘若偶尔在繁嚣人境》等篇,都是为哀悼作者早年的恋人赛沙而作的,被称为“赛沙组诗”。赛沙的身世,她和作者交往的始末,都已难于查考。从这几首诗的内容来推测,他们相恋当在作者去东方游历(1809年)以前。赛沙卧病直到临终,作者都不在,大约是去东方未归。这几首诗写于1811年10月以后,其时作者归国未久。

  [2] 指死亡。

  [3] 以上两节,意似谓:从赛沙卧病到临终,作者远在异域,不知可曾有(实际上是没有)像作者那样爱护她的人,前来守护和送终。“深情的热泪”是说假想中的那个守护和送终的人,“现在”则是说归国和惊闻噩耗之后的作者。以下的几节,则是回忆作者远游以前两人相聚的日子。

  [4]“与世人互谅”,原文直译是“宽恕人,也被人宽恕”,出于《新约路加福音》第6章第37节。Away, AwayAway, away, ye notes of woe!Be silent, thou once soothing strain,Or I must flee from hence—for, oh!I dare not trust those sounds again.To me they speak of brighter days—But lull the chords, for now, alas!I must not think, I may not gazeOn what I am—on what I was.

  The voice that made those sounds more sweetIs hush’d, and all their charms are fled;And now their softest notes repeatA dirge, an anthem o’er the dead!Yes, Thyrza!yes, they breathe of theeBeloved dust!since dust thou art;And all that once was harmonyIs worse than discord to my heart!

  ‘Tis silent all!—but on my earThe well remember’d echoes thrill;I hear a voice I would not hear,A voice that now might well be still:Yet oft my doubting soul ‘twill shake;Even slumber owns its gentle tone,Till consciousness will vainly wakeTo listen, though the dream be flown.

  Sweet Thyrza!waking as in sleep,Thou art but now a lovely dream;A star that trembled o’er the deep,Then turned from earth its tender beam.But he who through life’s dreary wayMust pass, when heaven is veil’d in wrath,Will long lament the vanish’d rayThat scatter’d gladness o’er his path.去吧,去吧去吧,去吧,悲凉的曲调!沉默吧,一度甘美的乐音!否则,我只得掩耳奔逃,这样的乐曲我不忍重听。它们追述欢愉的往昔——此刻,快停止拨弄琴弦!我不愿正视,也不堪回忆我的今日,和我的当年。



  赛沙呵!醒来也如在梦中,你化为一场神奇的梦幻;仿佛海上闪烁的孤星,清光已不再俯照人寰。当苍天震怒,大地阴晦,有人在人生的征途跋涉,他久久悼惜那隐没的明辉——它在这征途上投洒过欢乐。原诗抑扬格(偶有抑抑扬格),每行4音步,译诗每行4顿。原诗每节韵式为ababcdcd,译诗依原诗。If Sometimes in the Haunts of MenIf sometimes in the haunts of menThine image from my breast may fade,The lonely hour presents againThe semblance of thy gentle shade:And now that sad and silent hourThus much of thee can still restore,And sorrow unobserved may pourThe plaint she dare not speak before.

  Oh, pardon that in crowds awhileI waste one thought I owe to thee,And self-condemn’d, appear to smile,Unfaithful to thy memory!Nor deem that memory less dear,That then I seem not to repine;I would not fools should overhearOne sigh that should be wholly thine.

  If not the goblet pass unquaff’d,It is not drain’d to banish care;The cup must hold a deadlier draught,That brings a Lethe for despair.And could Oblivion set my soulFrom all her troubled visions free,I’d dash to earth the sweetest bowlThat drown’d a single thought of thee.

  For wert thou vanish’d from my mind,Where could my vacant bosom turn?And who would then remain behindTo honour thine abandon’d Urn?No, no—it is my sorrow’s prideThat last dear duty to full;Though all the world forget beside,‘Tis meet that I remember still.

  For well I know, that such had beenThy gentle care for him, who nowUnmourn’d shall quit this mortal scene,Where none regarded him, but thou:And, oh!I feel in that was givenA blessing never meant for me;Thou wert too like a dream of Heaven.For earthly Love to merit thee.倘若偶尔在繁嚣人境











































尘世爱情不配去攀求。原诗抑扬格(偶有抑抑扬格),每行4音步,译诗每行4顿。原诗每节韵式为ababcdcd,译诗依原诗(但译诗第2节bd同韵)。[1] “他”,实际上就是“我”。An Ode to the Framers of the Frame BillOh well done Lord E—n!and better done R—r!Britannia must prosper with councils like yours;Hawkesbury, Harrowby, help you to guide her,whose remedy only must kill ere it cures:Those villains, the Weavers, are all grown refractory,Asking some succour for Charity’s sake—So hang them in clusters round each Manufactory,That will at once put an end to mistake.

  The rascals, perhaps, may betake them to robbing,The dogs to be sure have got nothing to eat—So if we can hang them for breaking a bobbin,‘T will save all the Government’s money and meat:Men are more easily made than machinery—Stockings fetch better prices than lives—Gibbets on Sherwood will heighten the scenery,Showing how Commerce, how Liberty thrives!

  Justice is now in pursuit of the wretches,Grenadiers, Volunteers, Bon-street Police,Twenty-two Regiments, a score of Juck Ketches,Three of the Quorum and two of the Peace;Some Lords, to be sure, would have summoned the Judges,To take their opinion, but that they ne’er shall,For LIVERPOOL such a concession begrudges,So now they’re condemned by no Judges at all.

  Some folks for certain have thought it was shocking,When Famine appeals and when Poverty groans,That Life should be valued at less than a stocking,And breaking of frames lead to breaking of bones.If it should prove so, I trust, by this token,(And who will refuse to partake in the hope?)That the frames of the fools may be rst to be broken,Who, when asked for a remedy, sent down a rope.[1]“编织机法案”编制者颂[2]艾伯爵真高明!赖大人更精细!靠你们,准能够振兴英国;霍勃雷,哈罗贝,帮你们治理,[3]他们的医术是:先杀了再说。那一帮贱种,织工们,真犟,以“仁爱”为名,要什么救助——把他们吊死在工厂近旁,[4]就能够了结这一桩“错误”。



  人们一定会感到惊诧:在百姓啼饥号寒的时候,人命竟不值一双长袜?打烂机器的该打断骨头?我想:(谁不这么想?)如果当真是这样,有这种蠢汉——人家要救助,他却给绞索,那就先把他骨头打断!原诗抑抑扬格为主,兼用抑扬格和扬抑格,每行4音步(单数行行末多一个轻音节),译诗每行4顿。原诗每节韵式为ababcdcd,译诗依原诗。[1] 1811年至1812年,英国一部分工人(主要是纺织工人)奋起反抗资本家企业主,其主要斗争方式是举行暴动,捣毁机器。在斗争中,工人们宣称自己的首领和“国王”是卢德,因此称为“卢德派”,运动称为“卢德运动”。当时暴动的中心是诺丁汉郡的袜子制造业地区,离纽斯台德不远。拜伦曾访问过那里的工人区,了解工人的悲惨景况。1812年春,英国政府出动军队,对暴动工人厉行镇压;同时,授意国会通过所谓“编织机法案”,规定凡破坏机器者一律处死。2月27日上议院讨论这一法案时,拜伦发表了一篇著名演说,为暴动工人辩护,尖锐抨击政府对工人的血腥镇压。但是,不顾拜伦的激烈反对,“编织机法案”仍然在国会通过。随后,执政党的报纸猛烈攻击拜伦。3月2日,拜伦便在《晨报》上发表了这首《“编织机法案”编制者颂》。

  [2] “艾伯爵”,指约翰司各特艾尔登伯爵(1751—1838),他在1801—1827年间任英国大法官兼上议院议长。“赖大人”,指理查赖德尔(1766—1832),他在1805年至1812年间任英国内政大臣。下文的霍勃雷和哈罗贝大约是他们的助手。

  [3] 在2月27日的国会演说中,拜伦也曾把英国执政当局称为“政治庸医”,把他们的政策称为“医术”。

  [4] 艾尔登曾宣称:诺丁汉郡的工人暴动起因于一种“错误”。

  [5] 舍伍德,诺丁汉郡的森林地区,卢德派工人组织武装暴动的“根据地”。

  [6] 利物浦伯爵,即罗伯特班克斯詹金森(1770—1828),他在1812年至1827年间任英国首相。Lines to a Lady WeepingWeep, daughter of a royal line,A Sire’s disgrace, a realm’s decay;Ah!happy if each tear of thineCould wash a father’s fault away!

  Weep—for thy tears are Virtue’s tears—Auspicious to these suffering isles;And be each drop in future yearsRepaid thee by thy people’s smiles![1]致一位哭泣的淑女为父王的耻辱,王国的衰颓,你尽情哭泣吧,皇家的公主!但愿你的每一滴泪水能洗掉父亲一桩错处。你的眼泪是“美德”的眼泪,将为这多难的岛国造福;人民将会在未来的年岁以笑颜回报你每一滴泪珠。原诗抑扬格,每行4音步,译诗每行4顿。原诗每节韵式为abab,译诗依原诗。[1]“哭泣的淑女”,指奥古丝达夏洛蒂公主(1796—1817)。她的父亲乔治当时是英国的摄政王(1820年成为国王,称乔治四世),极端顽固,反对任何改革。夏洛蒂十几岁就积极参与政治活动,她的政治观点比较进步,支持辉格党,反对她父亲的反动措施。1812年春(当时她只有16岁),在一次与摄政王及其他要员的激烈争辩中,她曾因悲愤而哭泣。拜伦听说这件事后,写了这首诗。由于这首诗是针对当时英国的最高统治者的,所以它引起了伦敦反动当局的狂怒,对拜伦大举进行了挞伐,并为1816年他们对拜伦的凶狂围剿和迫害种下了前因。Windsor PoeticsLines Composed on the Occasion of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent being Seen standing between the Coffins of Henry Ⅷ and Charles Ⅰ in the Royal Vault at WindsorFamed for contemptuous breach of sacred ties,By headless Charles see heartless Henry lies;Between them stands another sceptred thing—It moves, it reigns — in all but name, a king:

  Charles to his people, Henry to his wife,—In him the double tyrant starts to life:Justice and death have mix’d their dust in vain,Each royal vampire wakes to life again.Ah, what can tombs avail!— since these disgorgeThe blood and dust of both — to mould a George.温莎的诗兴闻摄政王殿下在温莎谒陵时立于亨利八世与查理一世灵榇之间,有感而[1]作。1













原诗抑扬格为主,每行5音步,译诗每行5顿。原诗韵式为随韵,译诗依原诗。[1] 摄政王乔治,即后来的乔治四世(1762—1830),顽固恣肆的暴君和昏君。温莎在伦敦以西,是英国皇族陵墓所在地。1813年春,乔治曾往温莎谒陵。拜伦在这首诗中对他进行了猛烈鞭挞。亨利八世(1491—1547),肆无忌惮的暴君。先后立过6个王后,其中有两个被他杀死或判刑,两个被他离弃。诗中的“蔑视和背弃誓约”即指此。查理一世(1600—1649),著名的暴君。他的苛政迫使平民群起暴动,酿成内战。终于被国会判处死刑,1649年1月30日被斩首。所以诗中说他 “没有头”。

  [2] 拜伦作此诗时,乔治在名分上还是摄政王;1820年他父亲(又疯又瞎的乔治三世)死了,他才正式成为国王。

  [3] 乔治在家庭生活中也极其专横冷酷,与妻子卡罗琳的关系恶劣异常。所以说他“对妻子像亨利”。The Chain I GaveFrom the TurkishThe chain I gave was fair to view,The lute I added sweet in sound;The heart that offer’d both was true,And ill deserved the fate it found.

  These gifts were charm’d by secret spellThy truth in absence to divine;And they have done their duty well,—Alas!they could not teach thee thine.

  That chain was rm in every link,But not to bear a stranger’s touch;That lute was sweet—till thou could’st thinkIn other hands its notes were such.

  Let him, who from thy neck unboundThe chain which shiver’d in his grasp,Who saw that lute refuse to sound,Restring the chords, renew the clasp.

  When thou wert changed, they alter’d too;The chain is broke, the music mute.This past—to them and thee adieu—False heart, frail chain, and silent lute.我给你的项链译自土耳其文我给你的项链玲珑精致,[1]我赠你的诗琴悦耳动听;向你献礼的心儿也忠实,谁知碰上了倒霉的命星。




  既然你变了,它们也得变:项链碎裂,琴韵无声。罢了!和它们、和你再见——哑琴,脆链,欺诈的心灵!原诗抑扬格,每行4音步,译诗每行4顿。原诗每节韵式为abab,译诗依原诗。[1]“诗琴”(lute),14世纪至17世纪在欧洲流行的一种类似吉他的弦乐器。也可以译为“琵琶”。She Walks in BeautyShe walks in beauty, like the nightOf cloudless climes and starry skies;And all that’s best of dark and brightMeet in her aspect and her eyes:Thus mellow’d to that tender lightWhich heaven to gaudy day denies.

  One shade the more, one ray the less,Had half impair’d the nameless graceWhich waves in every raven tress,Or softly lightens o’er her face;Where thoughts serenely sweet expressHow pure, how dear their dwelling-place.

  And on that cheek, and o’er that brow,So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,The smiles that win, the tints that glow,But tell of days in goodness spent,A mind at peace with all below,A heart whose love is innocent![1]她走来,风姿幽美她走来,风姿幽美,好像无云的夜空,繁星闪闪;明与暗的最美的形象交集于她的容颜和双眼,融成一片淡雅的清光——浓艳的白昼与此无缘。


  安详,和婉,富于情态——在那脸颊上,在那眉宇间,[3]迷人的笑容,照人的光彩,显示温情伴送着芳年;显示她涵容一切的胸怀,她葆有真纯之爱的心田!原诗抑扬格(偶有抑抑扬格),每行4音步,译诗每行4顿。原诗每节韵式为ababab,译诗依原诗。[1] 这首诗是咏威莫特霍顿夫人的。她当时服丧,黑色衣服上饰有很多闪亮的金箔,故诗中以“夜空”、“繁星闪闪”作比喻。

  [2] “思想”的“寓所”即心灵。

  [3] “安详,和婉,富于情态”是描写“迷人的笑容,照人的光彩”的,“在那脸颊上,在那眉宇间”只是标明“笑容”和“光彩”所在的位置。The Wild GazelleThe wild gazelle on Judah’s hillsExulting yet may bound,And drink from all the living rillsThat gush on holy ground;Its airy step and glorious eyeMay glance in tameless transport by:—A step as fleet, an eye more bright,Hath Judah witness’d there;And o’er her scenes of lost delightInhabitants more fair.The cedars wave on Lebanon,But Judah’s statelier maids are gone!More blest each palm that shades those plainsThan Israel’s scatter’d race;For, taking root, it there remainsIn solitary grace:

  It cannot quit its place of birth,It will not live in other earth.

  But we must wander witheringly,In other lands to die;And where our fathers’ ashes be,Our own may never lie:Our temple hath not left a stone,And Mockery sits on Salem’s throne[1]野羚羊[2]野羚羊还能在犹达山头欢快地跳跃不停,圣地到处有活泼溪流,任凭它随意啜饮;四蹄轻捷,两眼闪光,不驯,喜悦,巡视着故乡。




  我们却必得辛苦漂泊,葬身于陌生的土地;列祖列宗长眠的故国,却不容我们安息;[6]圣殿夷平了,石头也不剩,[7]撒冷宝座上高踞着“侮弄”!原诗抑扬格(偶有抑抑扬格),每节6行,各行音步数为434344,译诗各行顿数与原诗音步数相同。原诗每节韵式为ababcc,译诗依原诗。[1] 这首诗,还有后面的《哭吧》、《在约旦河岸》、《我们在巴比伦的河边坐下来哭泣》等篇,都是取材于圣经,描写浪迹他乡的犹太人对故土的怀念。(公元前,犹太人聚居于巴勒斯坦并建立王国;1至2世纪为罗马所灭,人口外徙,散居在西亚、北非以至欧、美等地。)

  [2] 犹达,巴勒斯坦南部以耶路撒冷为中心的古代王国。该地后来称为犹太,是犹太教的发祥地,被犹太教徒(以及后来的基督教徒)尊奉为“圣地”。( 译者按:圣经中译本把地名Judah和人名Judas都译为“犹大”;现将地名Judah改译为“犹达”,以免混淆。)


  [4] 黎巴嫩香柏,屡见于《旧约》。


  [6] 据说,耶稣曾预言:耶路撒冷的圣殿将被夷平,一块石头也不剩。(见《新约》的《马太福音》、《马可福音》和《路加福音》。)该圣殿系用巨石构筑,始建于所罗门王在位时,其后又曾重修、重建。(见《旧约》的《列王纪》上篇、《历代志》下篇和《以斯拉记》。)

  [7] 撒冷,即耶路撒冷。Oh!Weep for ThoseOh!weep for those that wept by Babel’s stream,Whose shrines are desolate, whose land a dream:Weep for the harp of Judah’s broken shell;Mourn—where their God hath dwelt the godless dwell!

  And where shall Israel lave her bleeding feet?And when shall Zion’s songs again seem sweet?And Judah’s melody once more rejoiceThe hearts that leap’d before its heavenly voice?

  Tribes of the wandering foot and weary breast,How shall ye flee away and be at rest!The wild-dove hath her nest, the fox his cave,Mankind their country—Israel but the grave!哭吧[1]哭吧,为巴别河畔哀哭的流民:圣地荒凉,故国也空余梦境;哭吧,为了犹达断裂的琴弦;哭吧,渎神者住进了原来的神殿!


  只有奔波的双足,疲惫的心灵,远离故土的民族哪会有安宁!斑鸠有它的窠巢,狐狸有洞窟,[3]人皆有祖国——以色列只有坟墓!原诗抑扬格(偶有抑抑扬格),每行5音步,译诗每行5顿。原诗每节韵式为aabb(随韵),译诗依原诗(但译诗第2节ab同韵)。[1] 巴别,见于《旧约·创世记》第10—11章的地名。作为地域,巴别与巴比伦两个名称有时可以通用;作为城邑,巴别城与巴比伦城相距不远。“流民”,指被掳到巴比伦的犹太人。公元前586年,耶路撒冷被迦勒底王国攻陷,大批犹太人被掳到巴比伦。

  [2] 锡安山在耶路撒冷,据说是耶和华的圣山。

  [3]《新约·马太福音》第8章:“狐狸有洞,天空的飞鸟有窝,人子却没有枕头的地方。”On Jordan’s BanksOn Jordan’s banks the Arab’s camels stray,On Sion’s hill the False One’s votaries pray,The Baal-adorer bows on Sinai’s steep—Yet there—even there—Oh God!thy thunders sleep:

  There—where thy nger scorch’d the tablet stone!There—where thy shadow to thy people shone!Thy glory shrouded in its garb of re:Thyself—none living see and not expire!

  Oh!in the lightning let thy glance appear;Sweep from his shiver’d hand the oppressor’s spear:How long by tyrants shall thy land be trod!How long thy temple worshipless, Oh God![1]在约旦河岸在约旦河岸,阿拉伯骆驼队踯躅,在锡安山上,邪教徒向邪神祷祝,[2]在西奈悬崖,太阳神信徒顶礼——连那儿,上帝呵,你的雷霆也沉寂!



原诗抑扬格(偶有抑抑扬格),每行5音步,译诗每行5顿。原诗每节韵式为aabb,译诗依原诗。[1] 约旦河,巴勒斯坦的一道河流。

  [2] 西奈山,在西奈半岛南部。

  [3] 大约是指耶和华在石版上书写“十诫”的事。详见《旧约·出埃及记》第31—34章,《申命记》第9—10章。

  [4] 据《出埃及记》第19章,耶和华曾在火焰围裹之中,在摩西和众百姓的眼前,降临到西奈山上。耶和华叫摩西嘱咐百姓,不可向他(耶和华)注视,否则就难逃一死。My Soul is DarkMy soul is dark—Oh!quickly stringThe harp I yet can brook to hear;And let thy gentle fingers flingIts melting murmurs o’er mine ear.If in this heart a hope be dear,That sound shall charm it forth again;If in these eyes there lurk a tear,‘Twill flow, and cease to burn my brain

  But bid the strain be wild and deep,Nor let thy notes of joy be first:I tell thee, minstrel, I must weep,Or else this heavy heart will burst;For it hath been by sorrow nursed,And ached in sleepless silence long;And now ‘tis doom’d to know the worst,And break at once—or yield to song.我灵魂阴郁我灵魂阴郁——快调好琴弦,趁我还受得住聆听乐曲;用轻柔手指向我耳边弹弄出喁喁细诉的低语。只要这颗心还有所希图,乐音会再度将它诱导;只要这双眼还藏着泪珠,会流出,不再把脑髓煎熬。

  让琴曲旋律深沉而激越,欢快的调门请暂且躲开;乐师呵,让我哭泣吧,否则,沉重的心呵,会爆成碎块!它原是悲哀所哺育,后来长期在失眠中熬受痛楚;命运给了它最坏的安排:碎裂,——要么,被歌声收伏。原诗抑扬格,每行4音步,译诗每行4顿。原诗每节韵式为ababbcbc,译诗依原诗(但有时是押相近的韵)。I Saw Thee WeepI saw thee weep—the big bright tearCame o’er that eye of blue;And then methought it did appearA violet dropping dew;I saw thee smile—the sapphire’s blazeBeside thee ceased to shine;It could not match the living raysThat fill’d that glance of thine.

  As clouds from yonder sun receiveA deep and mellow dye,Which scarce the shade of coming eveCan banish from the sky,Those smiles unto the moodiest mindTheir own pure joy impart;Their sunshine leaves a glow behindThat lightens o’er the heart.我见过你哭我见过你哭——炯炯的蓝眼滴出晶莹的珠泪,在我想象里幻成紫罗兰滴着澄洁的露水。我见过你笑——湛蓝的宝石光泽也黯然收敛,怎能匹敌你嫣然的瞥视那灵活闪动的光焰!

  有如夕阳给远处云层染就了绮丽霞彩,冉冉而来的暝色也不能把霞光逐出天外;你的笑颜让抑郁的心灵分享纯真的欢乐,这阳光留下了一道光明在心灵上空闪射。原诗抑扬格,单数行4音步,双数行3音步,译诗单数行4顿,双数行3顿。原诗每节韵式为ababcdcd,译诗依原诗(但译诗第1节ad同韵)。Song of Saul before his Last BattleWarriors and chiefs!should the shaft or the swordPierce me in leading the host of the Lord,Heed not the corse, though a king’s, in your path:Bury your steel in the bosoms of Gath!

  Thou who art bearing my buckler and bow,Should the soldiers of Saul look away from the foe,Stretch me that moment in blood at thy feet!Mine be the doom which they dared not to meet.

  Farewell to others, but never we part,Heir to my royalty, son of my heart!Bright is the diadem, boundless the sway,Or kingly the death, which awaits us to-day![1]扫罗王最后一战的战前之歌武士们,首领们!当我在征战,敌人的刀剑若将我刺穿,休理会你们国王的尸首,[2]把锋刃埋进迦特人胸口!

  扫罗的士兵若畏敌怕死,持我雕弓圆盾的卫士!快把我砍倒,让赤血流淌:[3]他们惧怕的,由我去承当!与众人诀别,与你不离分:[4]心爱的儿子,王位的储君!王冠璀璨,王权无限;死也要尊严,就在今天!原诗抑扬格与抑抑扬格并用(偶有扬抑格),每行4音步,译诗每行4顿。原诗每节韵式为aabb,译诗依原诗。[1] 扫罗是古以色列第一代国王。曾多次率兵征讨周围的敌国,每战必胜。最后在一次与非利士人的战斗中兵败身死。他的故事详见《旧约·撒母耳记》上篇,“最后一战”见该篇第31章。

  [2] 迦特是一座城邑,屡见于《撒母耳记》、《列王纪》和《历代志》。此处“迦特人”指非利士人。

  [3] 在“最后一战”中,扫罗中箭受伤后,命令替他持兵器的卫士将他刺死,卫士不从,扫罗遂自刎。

  [4] 指扫罗的长子约拿单。他与扫罗同一天战死。Saul‘Thou whose spell can raise the dead,Bid the prophet’s form appear.‘Samuel, raise thy buried head!King, behold the phantom seer!’

  Earth yawn’d; he stood the centre of a cloud:Light changed its hue, retiring from his shroud.Death stood all glassy in his fixed eye;His hand was wither’d, and his veins were dry;His foot, in bony whiteness, glitter’d there,Shrunken and sinewless, and ghastly bare;From lips that moved not and unbreathing frame,Like cavern’d winds, the hollow accents came.Saul saw, and fell to earth, as falls the oak,At once, and blasted by the thunder-stroke.

  ‘Why is my sleep disquieted?Who is he that calls the dead?Is it thou, O King? Behold,Bloodless are these limbs, and cold:Such are mine; and such shall beThine to-morrow, when with me:

  Ere the coming day is done,Such shalt thou be, such thy son.Fare thee well, but for a day,Then we mix our mouldering clay.Thou, thy race, lie pale and low,Pierced by shafts of many a bow;And the falchion by thy sideTo thy heart thy hand shall guide:Crownless, breathless, headless fall,Son and sire, the house of Saul!’[1]扫罗“你的咒语能召唤枯骨,叫那先知的亡魂现形!”“撒母耳,抬起墓里的头颅!国王呵,瞧这先知的幽灵!”



  下一个日子还不曾结束,你和你儿子就化为虚无。和你再见吧——只分别一天,然后你与我在一处朽烂。到明天,你和你族人僵卧,多少支利箭把肌肤刺破;你那把佩刀就在你身旁,[2]你的手用它刺你的心房;断送了王冠、头颅和呼吸,扫罗父子们,全家都倒毙!”原诗第1节(4行)和第3节(16行)每行扬抑格4音步(行末少一个轻音节),第2节(10行)每行抑扬格5音步,译诗各行顿数与原诗音步数相同。韵式,原诗第1节用交韵,第2节和第3节用随韵,译诗依原诗。[1] 据《撒母耳记》上篇第28章,扫罗在“最后一战”前夕,曾命女巫召请以色列先知撒母耳的亡灵。亡灵告诉他:翌日以色列人将战败,他和他的儿子们将战死。拜伦这首诗即咏此事。

  [2] 指扫罗在战场上自刎的事。已详前注。‘All is Vanity, Saith the Preacher’Fame, wisdom, love, and power were mine,And health and youth possess’d me;My goblets blush’d from every vine,And lovely forms caress’d me;I sunn’d my heart in beauty’s eyes,And felt my soul grow tender;All earth can give, or mortal prize,Was mine of regal splendour.

  I strive to number o’er what daysRemembrance can discover,Which all that life or earth displaysWould lure me to live over.There rose no day, there roll’d no hourOf pleasure unembitter’d;And not a trapping deck’d my powerThat gall’d not while it glitter’d.

  The serpent of the eld, by artAnd spells, is won from harming;

  But that which coils around the heart,Oh!who hath power of charming?It will not list to wisdom’s lore,Nor music’s voice can lure it;But there it stings for evermoreThe soul that must endure it.[1]“传道者说:凡事都是虚空”我有过荣名,才智,爱情,青春,健康,和精力;葡萄常使我酒杯泛红,有俏影相偎相倚;“美”曾像阳光,朗照我心房,我灵魂愈益温柔;享人间珍品,拥天下宝藏,[2]我曾像帝王般富有。




  [2] 这两行承上文而来,是说自己精神上、心灵上的富足,而不是夸耀物质财富。

  [3] 据说,术士的咒语能够震慑毒蛇,使之不能伤人。When Coldness Wraps this Suering ClayWhen coldness wraps this suffering clay,Ah!whither strays the immortal mind?It cannot die, it cannot stay,But leaves its darken’d dust behind.Then, unembodied, doth it traceBy steps each planet’s heavenly way?Or ll at once the realms of space,A thing of eyes, that all survey?

  Eternal, boundless, undecay’d,A thought unseen, but seeing all,All, all in earth, or skies display’d,Shall it survey, shall it recall:Each fainter trace that memory holdsSo darkly of departed years,In one broad glance the soul beholds,And all, that was, at once appears.

  Before Creation peopled earth,Its eye shall roll through chaos back;And where the furthest heaven had birth,The spirit trace its rising track.And where the future mars or makes,

  Its glance dilate o’er all to be,While sun is quench’d or system breaks,Fix’d in its own eternity.

  Above or Love, Hope, Hate, or Fear,It lives all passionless and pure:An age shall fleet like earthly year;Its years as moments shall endure.Away, away, without a wing,O’er all, through all, its thought shall fly;A nameless and eternal thing,Forgetting what it was to die.当这副受苦的皮囊冷却当这副受苦的皮囊冷却,那不灭的精魂漂泊何处?它不会消殒,它不会停歇,[1]走了,撇下这晦暗尘土。无影无形,它是否追蹑座座行星在天宇的途程?是否列入了寥廓上界——那儿有无数俯瞰的眼睛?




  超越于爱和恨,希望和忧虑,它漠然无感,纯净澄洁;世代像尘寰的年月般逝去,年月就像分秒般飞掠。它无翼的思想高翔天外,俯临一切,又经历一切;一种无名的、永恒的存在:何物死亡!早浑然忘却。原诗抑扬格(偶有抑抑扬格),每行4音步,译诗每行4顿。原诗每节韵式为ababcdcd,译诗依原诗(但原诗第1节ad同韵,译诗第1节ac同韵,第4节bd同韵)。[1] “尘土”,指皮囊、躯壳。参看《悼玛格丽特表姐》注释。Vision of BelshazzarThe King was on his throne,The Satraps throng’d the hall;A thousand bright lamps shoneO’er that high festival.A thousand cups of gold,In Judah deem’d divine—Jehovah’s vessels holdThe godless Heathen’s wine.

  In that same hour and hall,The ngers of a handCame forth against the wall,And wrote as if on sand:The ngers of a man;—A solitary handAlong the letters ran,And traced them like a wand.

  The monarch saw, and shook,And bade no more rejoice;All bloodless wax’d his look,And tremulous his voice.‘Let the men of lore appear,The wisest of the earth,And expound the words of fear,Which mar our royal mirth.’

  Chaldea’s seers are good,But here they have no skill;And the unknown letters stoodUntold and awful still.And Babel’s men of ageAre wise and deep in lore;But now they were not sage,They saw—but knew no moreA captive in the land,A stranger and a youth,He heard the king’s command,He saw that writing’s truth.The lamps around were bright,The prophecy in view;He read it on that night, —The morrow proved it true.

  ‘Belshazzar’s grave is made,His kingdom pass’d away,He, in the balance weigh’d,Is light and worthless clay.

  The shroud, his robe of state,His canopy the stone;The Mede is at his gate!The Persian on his throne!’[1]伯沙撒所见异象国王高踞于王位,大吏们济济一堂;宫廷里良宵盛会,一千盏华灯齐放。犹达的神圣珍品——一千盏金质酒盅——耶和华歆享的器皿,渎神的邪教徒享用!







  尸衣是他的华衮,他的华盖是墓碑;玛代人进入他宫门,波斯人登上他王位!”原诗抑扬格(偶有抑抑扬格),每行3音步,译诗每行3顿。原诗每节韵式为ababcdcd,译诗依原诗。[1] 伯沙撒是公元前6世纪迦勒底王国(新巴比伦王国)的末代国王。据《旧约但以理书》第5章,伯沙撒和他的一千大臣欢宴,饮酒器皿是从耶路撒冷的耶和华圣殿中掠夺来的。饮宴间,忽然有人的手指显现,在与灯台相对的粉墙上写字。伯沙撒大惊,召来所有的哲士,但他们都看不懂那文字。只有掳来的犹达青年但以理能够看懂,他告诉伯沙撒,那文字乃上帝耶和华所写,意思是:迦勒底国祚已告终;国土将分别归属玛代人和波斯人,伯沙撒将被天平称过,证明他不具备为王的资格。就在当天夜晚,巴比伦果然被玛代人袭取,伯沙撒被杀。(玛代是西亚的古国,在亚述以东,巴比伦以北,即今伊朗西北部。)Herod’s Lament for MariamneOh, Mariamne!now for theeThe heart for which thou bled’st is bleeding;Revenge is lost in agony,And wild remorse to rage succeeding.Oh, Mariamne!where art thou?Thou canst not hear my bitter pleading:Ah!couldst thou—thou wouldst pardon now,Though Heaven were to my prayer unheeding.

  And is she dead? —and did they dareObey my frenzy’s jealous raving?My wrath but doom’d my own despair:The sword that smote her’s o’er me waving.—But thou art cold, my murder’d love!And this dark heart is vainly cravingFor her who soars alone above,And leaves my soul unworthy saving.

  She’s gone, who shared my diadem;She sunk, with her my joys entombing;I swept that flower from Judah’s stemWhose leaves for me alone were blooming;And mine’s the guilt, and mine the hell,This bosom’s desolation dooming;And I have earn’d those tortures well,Which unconsumed are still consuming![1]希律王哭马利安妮马利安妮呵!为了你,如今害你流血的这颗心在流血;报复心化为极度的悲辛,狂怒的苦果是悔恨不迭。马利安妮呵!你前往何方?你已听不到我痛心的辩解;我徒劳的祈祷打不动上苍,只求你饶恕我可怕的罪孽!


  同享王权的王后已亡化,我的欢情也葬入墓穴;只向我盛放的犹达名花已经在我摧残下凋谢;罪名我难免,地狱我难逃,孤苦情怀更永难消解;这苦刑便是对我的回报:[2]它总是不灭,又总是毁灭!原诗抑扬格(偶有抑抑扬格),每行4音步(双数行行末多一个轻音节),译诗每行4顿。原诗每节韵式为ababcbcb,译诗依原诗。[1] 希律(前74—前4),犹太王,出名的暴君,因怀疑王后马利安妮不贞而将她杀死。据《新约马太福音》第2章记载,他曾杀尽伯利恒城两岁以下的男孩。拜伦在这首诗中指出:暴君的杀人利剑最终会落到暴君自己头上。

  [2]“不灭”是说苦刑本身不会消灭,“毁灭”是说苦刑不断对受刑者进行摧残和毁灭。By the Rivers of Babylon We Sat Down and WeptWe sat down and wept by the watersOf Babel, and thought of the dayWhen our foe, in the hue of his slaughters,Made Salem’s high places his prey;And ye, oh her desolate daughters!Were scatter’d all weeping away.While sadly we gazed on the riverWhich roll’d on in freedom below,They demanded the song; but, oh neverThat triumph the stranger shall know!May this right hand be wither’d for ever,Ere it string our high harp for the foe!On the willow that harp is suspended,Oh Salem!its sound should be free;And the hour when thy glories were endedBut left me that token of thee:And ne’er shall its soft tones be blendedWith the voice of the spoiler by me![1]我们在巴比伦的河边坐下来哭泣我们在巴别的河滨坐下来哭泣,想那天狂呼乱砍的敌人焚掠了撒冷的神山;她孤苦无依的儿女们哀哭着向四方逃散。


  柳树上挂起我的琴,它只奏自由之歌;撒冷的荣耀已沉沦,只留下这张琴给我;决不能让它的清音同贼寇叫嚣声混合!原诗抑抑扬格为主,每行3音步(单数行行末多一个轻音节),译诗每行3顿。原诗每节韵式为ababab,译诗依原诗。[1] 《旧约诗篇》第137篇:“我们曾在巴比伦的河边坐下,一追想锡安就哭了。我们把琴挂在那里的柳树上。因为在那里掳掠我们的,要我们唱歌,抢夺我们的,要我们作乐,说:给我们唱一首锡安歌吧。我们怎能在外邦唱耶和华的歌呢?耶路撒冷呵!我若忘记你,情愿我的右手枯萎!……”参看《哭吧》注释。The Destruction of SennacheribThe Assyrian came down like the wolf on the fold,And his cohorts were gleaming in purple and gold;And the sheen of their spears was like stars on the sea,When the blue wave rolls nightly on deep Galilee.

  Like the leaves of the forest when Summer is green,That host with their banners at sunset were seen:Like the leaves of the forest when Autumn hath blown,That host on the morrow lay wither’d and strown.For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast,And breathed in the face of the foe as he pass’d;And the eyes of the sleepers wax’d deadly and chill,And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!

  And there lay the steed with his nostril all wide,But through it there roll’d not the breath of his pride:And the foam of his gasping lay white on the turf,And cold as the spray of the rock-beating surf.

  And there lay the rider distorted and pale,With the dew on his brow, and the rust on his mail;

  And the tents were all silent, the banners alone,The lances unlifted, the trumpet unblown.

  And the widows of Ashur are loud in their wail,And the idols are broke in the temple of Baal;And the might of the Gentile, unsmote by the sword,Hath melted like snow in the glance of the Lord![1]西拿基立的覆灭亚述人来了,像狼扑群羊,盔甲迸射着紫焰金光;枪矛闪烁,似点点银星[2]俯照着加利利波光浪影。





  亚述的遗孀嚎啕挥泪,[3]太阳神庙宇里金身破碎;何需用刀剑,上帝只一瞥,异教徒威风便消融似雪!原诗抑抑扬格为主,兼用抑扬格,每行4音步,译诗每行4顿。原诗每节韵式为aabb,译诗依原诗。[1] 西拿基立是亚述国王。据说,当他率领军队准备攻取耶路撒冷之时,因他毁谤了耶和华,耶和华便派天使到亚述营中,把将帅、官长、勇士尽皆诛灭。西拿基立回到亚述,为其子所弑。见《旧约·列王纪》下篇第19章、《历代志》下篇第32章、《以赛亚书》第37章。

  [2] 加利利海,巴勒斯坦北部的湖泊。原诗第3行的sea就是指第4行的Galilee。

  [3] 亚述人信奉太阳神,被犹太教徒视为异教。Stanzas to AugustaWhen all around grew drear and dark,And reason half withheld her ray—And hope but shed a dying sparkWhich more misled my lonely way;

  In that deep midnight of the mind,And that internal strife of heart,When dreading to be deem’d too kind,The weak despair—the cold depart;

  When fortune changed—and love fled far,And hatred’s shafts flew thick and fast,Thou wert the solitary starWhich rose and set not to the last.

  Oh!blest be thine unbroken light!That watch’d me as a seraph’s eye,

  And stood between me and the night,For ever shining sweetly nigh.

  And when the cloud upon us came,Which strove to blacken o’er thy ray—Then purer spread its gentle flame,And dash’d the darkness all away.

  Still may thy spirit dwell on mine,And teach it what to brave or brook—There’s more in one soft word of thineThan in the world’s defied rebuke.

  Thou stood’st as stands a lovely tree,That still unbroke, though gently bent,Still waves with fond fidelityIts bough above a monument.

  The winds might rend—the skies might pour,But there thou wert—and still would’st beDevoted in the stormiest hourTo shed thy weeping leaves o’er me.

  But thou and thine shall know no blight,Whatever fate on me may fall;For heaven in sunshine will requite





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