
发布时间:2020-07-25 01:35:56









前言 preface

如何使用本书 how to use this book

DAY 1 托福写作:考试概览与自我评价 TOEFL Writing: Know the Test and Know Yourself

1.1 考试流程及细节

1.1.1 明确自己的水平

1.1.2 TOEFL iBT®考试内容

1.1.3 综合写作

1.1.4 独立写作

1.2 评分标准

1.2.1 标准详解

1.2.2 案例与分析

1.3 自测题

1.3.1 自主模拟写作题目

1.3.2 自主模拟写作说明

1.3.3 自主批改的checklist

1.4 常见备考问题精选

DAY 2 综合写作:阅读与听力 Integrated Writing: Reading and Listening

2.1 阅读题材与策略

2.1.1 阅读题材有哪些

2.1.2 阅读策略

2.2 经典句式与长难句解析

2.2.1 倒装句型

2.2.2 定语从句

2.2.3 同位语从句

2.2.4 特殊结构

2.3 提炼内容三步走

2.3.1 笔记策略

2.3.2 结构记心中

2.3.3 笔记结构相结合

2.4 笔记练习

2.4.1 有辅助的练习

2.4.2 模拟实战练习

2.5 综合写作听力策略

2.5.1 听力与阅读的关系

2.5.2 听力解决方案

2.6 速记方法

2.7 笔记练习

2.7.1 有辅助的练习

2.7.2 模拟实战练习

DAY 3 综合写作:同义转述与摘要 Integrated Writing: Paraphrase and Summary

3.1 Paraphrase的重要性

3.2 Paraphrase的方法

3.2.1 使用近义词和同义词(组)

3.2.2 改变单词或者句子顺序

3.2.3 使用不同的语法结构

3.3 Paraphrase实战与参考答案

3.4 Summary的重要性及写作框架

3.4.1 起始段

3.4.2 主体段

3.4.3 结尾段

3.4.4 框架性词汇积累

3.5 Summary实战

DAY 4 综合写作:重点学科专项训练(上) Special Training for Key Topics in Integrated Writing (Part 1)

4.1 综合写作(生物类)

4.1.1 练习与修改

4.1.2 背景知识强化

4.2 综合写作(社会与文化类)

4.2.1 练习与修改

4.2.2 背景知识强化

DAY 5 综合写作:重点学科专项训练(下) Special Training for Key Topics in Integrated Writing(Part 2)

5.1 综合写作(历史与考古类)

5.1.1 练习与修改

5.1.2 背景知识强化

5.2 综合写作(环境与科技类)

5.2.1 练习与修改

5.2.2 背景知识强化

DAY 6 独立写作:考前准备与审题立意 Independent Writing: Pre-test Preparation and Analysis

6.1 主要题型与常见话题分析

6.1.1 主要题型

6.1.2 常见话题

6.2 文章段落结构

6.2.1 经典五段式

6.2.2 特殊段落形式

6.3 经典句套

6.3.1 句套总结

6.3.2 强化练习

6.4 写作提纲和立场

6.5 论据的锤炼

6.5.1 规避五类陷阱

6.5.2 二十条“万能论据”

6.5.3 论据的顺序安排

6.5.4 练习

DAY 7 独立写作:写作过程与行文规范 Independent Writing: Writing Process and Rules

7.1 正文写作

7.1.1 首段写作的五种方法

7.1.2 中间段落的重要环节

7.1.3 末段写作的三种方法

7.2 行文规范阶段

7.2.1 文体要正式

7.2.2 句式要多样

7.2.3 修辞要使用

7.2.4 写作要迅速

7.2.5 人称善使用

7.2.6 避免歧视性用语

7.3 检查阶段

7.3.1 检查任务是否完成

7.3.2 改正拼写错误

7.3.3 改正语法错误

7.3.4 选词纠正

DAY 8 独立写作:重点题材专项训练(上) Special Training for Key Topics in Independent Writing (Part 1)

8.1 Lifestyle和Attitudes

8.1.1 经典题目与观点

8.1.2 范文赏析

8.1.3 素材积累与语言扩充

8.2 Education和Parenting

8.2.1 经典题目与观点

8.2.2 范文赏析

8.2.3 素材积累与语言扩充

DAY 9 独立写作:重点题材专项训练(下) Special Training for Key Topics in Independent Writing (Part 2)

9.1 Technology和 Media

9.1.1 经典题目与观点

9.1.2 范文赏析

9.1.3 素材积累与语言扩充

9.2 Global and Social Issues和Culture

9.2.1 经典题目与观点

9.2.2 范文赏析

9.2.3 素材积累与语言扩充

DAY 10 托福写作:语法再夯实 Grammatical Skills Reinforced

10.1 主动规避易错语法

10.1.1 时态错误

10.1.2 主谓不一致

10.1.3 语态错误

10.1.4 成分残缺

10.1.5 动名词

10.1.6 不定代词

10.1.7 现在分词

10.2 积极使用高级语法

10.2.1 悬垂修饰语

10.2.2 词性使用

10.2.3 介词

附录一 常见易拼错词汇表

附录二 适合引用的名言警句







与本书内容相关的微课正在制作当中,请大家关注红岩英语公众号来获得更多有益信息。张红岩于北京大学“红岩英语”微信公众号如何使用本书how to use this book





我们的生活确实需要紧迫感,确切地说是需要人生有所成就必备的时间管理技能,如果你稍加留心,你就会发现身边那些“泯然众人”的同伴常常是以“procrastinator( 拖延者)”著称的,而能够翻开此书看到此处的你,或许本身就是很好的时间管理者,或者正在努力和自己的拖延症做斗争,不管怎样,我们在观念上是相通的。那么,请将本书为你安排的计划付诸实践吧,不要怀疑,就像如果你有一项打磨了20多年的技能,你也定会赢得我的尊重一样。

下面本书就要告诉你在这十天要做什么和如何去做。You are on the stage now!按天推进模式




你将开始攻克综合写作这一难关,了解综合写作科目的常见题材和相应的备考策略。这一天学习的重要任务是了解综合写作听力部分内容的技巧,并且进行针对性训练。本书中所提供的练习来源于TPO(TOEFL Practice Online,即托福线上练习),请各位同学自行根据TPO的阅读文章和听力材料,按照本书指导进行写作练习。












学习过写作技巧之后,需要大量的练习以巩固所学内容。这一天你的任务是针对两大重点题材——Life Style和Attitudes、Education和Parenting——进行实战练习,并且积累相关语言素材。


你的任务是继续完成Technology和Media类、Global and Social Issues和Culture类的独立写作重点学科的专项实战训练,同样请在训练中使用第一天中为大家准备的自主批改的checklist自我评测。


你将学习到通过大量经验总结的考生最容易出现问题的十大语法现象,补足基础语法知识,并且学习熟练使用高级语法,为你的文章增添色彩。DAY 1 托福写作:考试概览与自我评价TOEFL Writing: Know the Test and Know Yourself1.1 考试流程及细节1.1.1 明确自己的水平


知晓你自己的真实现况是迈向成功的第一步,所以无论如何请你一定要虚心地从了解自己开始。当你阅读这些范文时,请认真设想如果要你写这个题目,你所写的会和哪个范文的相似程度最高,以此初步判定自身的情况。了解了自己的水平有助于你脚踏实地,树立清晰明确的目标,而后者是成功的重要第一步。®1.1.2 TOEFL iBT考试内容®

TOEFL iBT为网络形式考试,使用英语语言出题。考试内容包含四项(阅读、听力、口语和写作),整场考试大约需要4小时30分钟,包括报到的时间。





★阅读、听录音,然后写出问题答案。®TOEFL iBT考试项目®

了解TOEFL iBT考试分数:®TOEFL iBT评分方法


阅读和听力项目由计算机根据从0到30分的评分标准评分。阅读项目设有36~56个题目,均为选自学术文章的阅读段落,考生根据文章内容回答问题。听力项目设有34~51个题目,应试者根据听到的演讲、教室讨论和对话回答问题。1.1.3 综合写作


★Read a passage about an academic topic and listen to a lecture about the same topic(写作考试前,考生需要阅读一篇250个单词左右的文章和听一篇相同题材类似长度的听力资料);

★A question about the relation between the lecture and the reading passage(考生需要书写一篇文章以阐明该阅读资料和听力资料之间的联系);

★Use information from the reading passage and the lecture but no personal opinion(考生在写作过程中应合理地运用听力和阅读资料中的信息,无须表达个人观点);

★Be judged on the quality of your writing and on the completeness and accuracy of the content(考生文章的评判依据为其行文的质量和文章内容的完整度和准确性)。1.1.4 独立写作


★You write an essay that states, explains and supports your opinion on an issue. An effective essay will usually contain a minimum of 300 words; however, you may write more if you wish.(你应该写一篇文章来陈述、解释和支持你对于一个议题的观点。一篇有效的文章通常至少包含300个单词;当然你可以多写些。)

★You must support your opinions or choices rather than simply list personal preferences or choices.(你应该给你的观点或选择以支撑,而非简单地列出自己的偏好和选择。)

★Typical essay questions begin with statements such as:(常见的写作考试问题以列出观点为开篇,如:)

–Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Use reasons and specific details to support your answer.(-你是否同意/不同意以下观点?请叙述原因或提供具体观点来支持你的看法。)

–Some people believe [X]. Other people believe [Y]. Which of these two positions do you prefer/agree with? Give reasons and specific details.(-有人持有观点X,有人持有其他观点Y,你倾向于/同意哪种观点?请提供理由并具体论证。)1.2 评分标准



最后分数与原始两项平均分的换算表如下:1.2.1 标准详解综合写作的评分标准>>>独立写作的评分标准>>>1.2.2 案例与分析



Many consumers ignore commercial advertisements. In response, advertising companies have started using a new tactic, called “buzzing”. The advertisers hire people, buzzers, who personally promote (buzz) products to people they know or meet. The key part is that the buzzers do not reveal that they are being paid to promote anything. They behave as though they were just spontaneously praising a product during normal conversation. Buzzing has generated a lot of controversy, and many critics would like to see it banned.

First, the critics complain that consumers should know whether a person praising a product is being paid to praise the product. Knowing this makes a big difference: we expect the truth from people who we believe do not have any motive for misleading us. But with buzzing what you hear is just paid advertising, which may well give a person incorrect information about the buzzed product.

Second, since buzzers pretend they are just private individuals, consumers listen to their endorsements less critically than they should. With advertisements in print or on TV, the consumer is on guard for questionable claims or empty descriptions such as “new and improved”. But when consumers do not know they are being lobbied, they may accept claims they would otherwise be suspicious of. This may suit the manufacturers, but it could really harm consumers.

And worst of all is the harmful effect that buzzing is likely to have on social relationships. Once we become aware that people we meet socially may be buzzers with a hidden agenda, we will become less trustful of people in general. So buzzing will result in the spread of mistrust and the expectation of dishonesty.


Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they challenge the specific points made reading passage. (选自TPO19)


In the lecture, the speaker discusses why the three accusations on buzzing mentioned in the passage are not reasonable.

To begin with, the reading claims that people are likely to be misguided by buzzers if they are not aware of their real motivations. Nonetheless, the lecturer refutes this and argues that buzzers recruited by the company are all users of the product to be provided. Hence, they can provide genuine and first-hand information to consumers instead of cheating them.

Next, contrary to the second statement in the reading passage that, since buzzers seem to be normal people, consumers believe what they say unconditionally, the student in the listening points out people are not that thoughtless and impressionable. Using himself as an example, he said that when he was buzzing to others, people bombarded him with a number of questions to make sure the product is really as good as it is said to be.

Finally, the speaker rules out the possibility that buzzers would be considered untrustworthy once their identities were discovered by consumers. Because buzzers really had a nice experience using the products or services they are promoting and like it very much, it will definitely benefit the people who believe the buzzers and try the product, even they discovered the true identity of buzzers.

文章的结构采取总分的方法,三个分论点都有很好的补充。文章的重心放在讲座的内容上,符合写作的要求。文章就阅读材料与听力材料的不同进行了很好的阐述。文章中正确地使用了不少衔接词,例如:finally,hence,if,nonetheless,next,because,to begin with,增加了文章的连贯性,使文章自然流畅。


The reading passage discusses an interesting topic about the use of buzzers, people who promote products to people without telling them that they are being hired by a company for that job, and how controversial the use of buzzer by company is. The article provides three reasons for support to ban this activity according to the critics. However, the lecture, a buzzer himself, contradicts each of the points exposed by the article and defends his part-time job with his own arguments.

First, the reading passage makes echo of the critics by sustaining that the buzzers should be open to people about their intentions when praising a product. Otherwise, buzzers are being dishonest with consumers. Challenging this point, the lecture explains that buzzers are actually people that have used the product before and that they are convinced that the products are really good; that is the motive the company hires them. Thus, buzzer really believes that what they are praising are really good.

Secondly, the reading passage claims that people are not on guard when receive the information the buzzers brings them; in consequence, the consumers could believe everything that it is said. On the opposite, the lecture, argues that people always ask many questions regarding all aspect of the product that are being promoted. Considering that, people are not out of guard.

Finally, the article elaborates the idea that buzzers are affecting negatively social relationship when a dishonest activity is behind the buzzer job. On the contrary, the lecture remarks that the buzzers only praise product they really believe are good for people and for that reason they should be trusted more than anyone.


The author talks about the ill effects of buzzing, he tells the various ways how buzzing can harm the society and provide wrong information to the consumers. However, the speaker in the follow up material cast doubt about the claims in the article by following reasons and justifications.

First, the passage tells that the buzzers hide the truth from the customers that they are buzzers and misguide a person. On the contrary, the speaker states that in reality the buzzers do not hide the identity and tell the correct information as they use the product first and when they are satisfied by the product then only they agree to advertise it for example the lecturer has been using his phone for a long time and is quite happy with its services. Therefore, he decided to be the buzzer of that company.

Second, the reading suggests that the consumers generally trust these buzzers and so they overlook various significant points that they would not do otherwise. This practice sometimes cause harm to these customers as they buy a bad product. To oppose this point, the professor explains that indeed the customer asks more questions from the buzzer about the authenticity, services, price and for how long he has been using the product. Thus, the consumer gets more reliable information.

Third, the professor contradicts the point made in the passage that the buzzing destroys the trust and relationship of people. He reveals that it is not true as a person agrees to become a buzzer only once he or she gets convinced about the product and thus passes on the correct information to the consumer. He again gives example of his phone company that he is very satisfied with the services of the company and hence he shares his experiences with others.


Hi, my name is Bill. I was talking your professor in the subway about the greatest phone service I used. And it turned out we both interested in marketing, so he asked me to talk to the marketing class. You see I am a buzzer, part time you know. During the day, I am a student just like you. Now I had read that piece of tacking buzzing, it is really misleading. How it described buzzing leads out a lot and gives the wrong impression.


First, it makes a sound that buzzing do not tell the truth about the products they are buzzing. That is not true. How buzzing work is this: companies find people who use the product and who really think the product is good. So, buzzing is not like ordinary advertisement when an actress is paid to read some lines. Yes, I get pay for telling what I think, but you get the truth from buzzers. I really do think my phone service is great. That is why the company hired me.


Second, the reading makes it seem that when a buzzer talks to someone, the person believes whatever he hears from the buzzer. Not true. In fact, the opposite is true. People I talk to ask a lot of questions about the product I buzz, that's about the price, service and how long I used the product. If I don't have the answers, they won't buy the product.


Finally, if you believe what you read, buzzing will destroy civilization. That's stupid. If a product is bad, the company cannot recruit buzzers. So, what you get from a buzzer is not only sincere, it is likely to be about a good product. If you try the phone service I use, you will get love it. So, people who try buzzed products are going to have good experience, so they will end up being more trustful and open to people.



- Main point: 阅读部分中关于口碑营销的观点是错误的

- Sub point 1:托儿在推销产品的时候不会说谎

- Sub point 2:人们不会盲目信任口碑营销

- Sub point 3:口碑营销可以促进人与人之间的信任独立写作>>>


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Always telling the truth is the most important consideration in any relationship. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


There are certain considerations or factors that everyone takes into account in a relationship. People may look for honesty, altruism, understanding, loyalty, being thoughtful etc! Everyone would more or less wish that the person s/he is dealing with has some of these virtues above. Putting them in an order according to their importance, however, can be very subjective and relative.

When someone asks him/herself the question “What do I consider to be the most important thing in my relationship?” the answer depends on a lot of factors such as how his/her earlier relationships were.

After stating that everyone's opinion can be different about this, for me honesty, in other words, always telling the truth is the most important consideration in a relationship. Opposite of this is inarguably lying and if someone needs to lie, either s/he is hiding something or is afraid of telling me something.

In any relationship of mine, I would wish that first of all, the person I'm dealing with is honest. Even though s/he thinks that s/he did something wrong that I wouldn't like, s/he'd better tell me the truth and not lie about it. Later on if I find out about a lie or hear the truth from someone else, that'd be much more unpleasant. In that case how can I ever believe or trust that person again? How can I ever believe that this person has enough confidence in me to forgive him/her and carry on with the relationship from there. So if I cannot trust a person anymore, if the person doesn't think I can handle the truth, there's no point to continuing that relationship.

Although I would like to see altruistic, understanding, thoughtful and loyal behavior from people, an instance of the opposite of these behaviors would not upset me as much as dishonesty would. Among all the possible behaviors, dishonesty is the only one for me that terminates how I feel about a person's reliability. Therefore honesty would be my first concern and the most important consideration in a relationship.


Always telling the truth in any relationship is really the most important consideration for many reasons. I could say that when you lie to someone, this person will not trust you anymore and what is a relationship based on? Trust, confidence, so the sense of relationship is being lost. Another point is that if the true is ommited once, it will surely appear sometime, somewhere and probably in the most unexpected way, causing lots of problems for the ones involved. So, the truth is the basis for everything.

First, confidence is the most important aspect of a friendship or a marriage, or anything like that, so, once it is lost, the whole thing goes down in a way that no one can bear it. To avoid losing confidence, there is only one way, telling the truth, lying will just help throwing it away. For example, a couple decided to go out on the weekend, but the man has a party to go with his friends to where he can not take his girlfriend and then he lies to her saying that he is sick and can not go to the date. She understands him and they do not see each other in that weekend, but he goes to the party and has much fun. Suppose on monday, the girl talks to a friend that saw him at the party and asked why did not she go with him. She found out the true and all confidence was lost, the basis for their relation is now gone and what happens next is that they break up or if they do not, he will persist on lyes and someday it will end.





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