
发布时间:2020-07-25 04:47:01










Section Ⅰ Use of EnglishDirections:

Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark【A】,【B】,【C】or【D】on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

It has been justly said that while "we speak with our vocal organs we 1 with our whole bodies." All of us communicate with one another 2, as well as with words. Sometimes we know what we're doing, as with the use of gestures such as the thumbs-up sign to indicate that we 3. But most of the time we're not aware that we're doing it. We gesture with eyebrows or a hand, meet someone else's eyes and 4. These actions we 5 are random and incidental. But researchers 6 that there is a system of them almost as consistent and comprehensible as language, and they conclude that there is a whole 7 of body language, 8 the way we move, the gestures we employ, the posture we adopt, the facial expression we 9, the extent to which we touch and distance we stand 10 each other.

The body language serves a variety of purposes. Firstly it can replace verbal communication, 11 with the use of gesture. Secondly it can modify verbal communication. Loudness and 12 of voice is an example here. Thirdly it regulates social interaction: turn taking is largely governed by non-verbal 13. Fourthly it conveys our emotions and attitude. This is 14 important for successful cross-cultural communication.

Every culture has its own body language, and children absorb its nuances 15 with spoken language. The way an Englishman crosses his legs is 16 like the way a male American does it. When we communicate with people from other cultures, the body language sometimes help make the communication easy and 17, such as shaking hand is such a 18 gesture that people all over the world know that it is a signal for greeting. But sometimes the body language can cause certain misunderstanding 19 people of different cultures often have different forms of behavior for sending the same message or have different 20 towards the same body signals.

1. A. address

B. reverse

C. converse

D. confer

2. A. nonverbally

B. verbally

C. vocally

D. univocally

3. A. refuse

B. approve

C. suspect

D. alert

4. A. look up

B. look down

C. look away

D. look back

5. A. resume

B. assume

C. presume

D. consume

6. A. have discovered

B. have invented

C. pointed out

D. have revealed

7. A. level

B. extent

C. group

D. range

8. A. included

B. including

C. include

D. inclusive

9. A. wear

B. put on

C. bring

D. hold

10. A. to

B. between

C. within

D. from

11. A. as if

B. when

C. as

D. like

12. A. pitch

B. tone

C. frequency

D. volume

l3. A. signs

B. gestures

C. movements

D. signals

14. A. specifically

B. specially

C. particularly

D. equally

15. A. also

B. along

C. besides

D. alone

16. A. nothing

B. something

C. anything

D. none

17. A. efficient

B. affective

C. effective

D. effectual

18. A. unusual

B. unique

C. ordinary

D. universal

19. A. hence

B. since

C. thus

D. and

20. A. interpretations

B. implicative

C. understanding

D. implicationsSection Ⅱ Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:

Reading the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing【A】,【B】,【C】or【D】. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)Text 1

Traditionally, the study of history has had fixed boundaries and focal points—periods, countries, dramatic events, and great leaders. It also has had clear and firm notions of scholarly procedure: how one inquires into a historical problem, how one presents and documents one's findings, what constitutes admissible and adequate proof. Anyone who has followed recent historical literature can testify to the revolution that is taking place in historical studies. The currently fashionable subjects come directly from the sociology catalog: childhood, work, leisure. The new subjects are accompanied by new methods. Where history once was primarily narrative, it is now entirely analytic. The old questions "What happened?" and "How did it happen?" have given way to the question "Why did it happen?" Prominent among the methods used to answer the question "Why" is psychoanalysis, and its use has given rise to psychohistory.

Psychohistory does not merely use psychological explanations in historical contexts. Historians have always used such explanations when they were appropriate and when there was sufficient evidence for them. But this pragmatic use of psychology is not what psychohistories intend. They are committed, not just to psychology in general, but to Freudian psychoanalysis. This commitment precludes a commitment to history as historians have always understood it. Psychohistory derives its "facts" not from history, the detailed records of events and their consequences, but from psychoanalysis of the individuals who made history, and deduces into theories not from this or that instance in their lives, but from a view of human nature that transcends history.

It denies the basic criterion of historical evidence: that evidence be publicly accessible to, and therefore assessable by, all historians. And it violates the basic tenet of historical method: that historians be alert to the negative instances that would refute their theses. Psychohistories, convinced of the absolute rightness of their own theories, are also convinced that theirs is the "deepest" explanation of any event that other explanations fall short of the truth.

Psychohistory is not content to violate the discipline of history (in the sense of the proper mode of studying and writing about the past); it also violates the past itself. It denies to the past an integrity and will of its own, in which people acted out of a variety of motives and in which events had a multiplicity of causes and effects. It imposes upon the past the same determinism that it imposes upon the present, thus robbing people and events of their individuality and of their complexity. Instead of respecting the particularity of the past, it assimilates all events, past and present, into a single deterministic schema that is presumed to be true at all times and in all circumstances.

21. The main point of the passage is _____.

A. the approach of psycho historians to historical study is currently popular even though it lacks the rigor and verifiability of traditional historical method

B. traditional historians can benefit from studying the techniques and findings of psychohistories

C. the sociological study such as childhood and work are of little interest to traditional historians

D. the psychological assessment of an individual's behavior and attitudes is more informative than the details of his or her daily life

22. It can be inferred from the passage that one way in which traditional history can be distinguished from psychohistory is that traditional history usually _____.

A. relies on a single interpretation of human behavior to explain historical events

B. views past events as complex and having their own individuality

C. interprets historical events in such a way that their specific nature is transcended

D. turns to psychological explanations in historical contexts to account for events

23. Tthe author's attitude toward the psychohistory can be described as _____.

A. objective

B. emphasizing

C. disapproving

D. sarcastically

24. It can be inferred from the passage that the methods used by psychohistories probably prevent them from _____.

A. presenting their material in chronological order

B. uncovering alternative explanations that might cause them to question their own conclusion

C. producing a one-sided picture of an individual's personality and motivations

D. offering a consistent interpretation of the impact of personality on historical events

25. According to the passage, we can learn that psychohistories view history primarily as _____.

A. a report of events, causes, and effects that is generally accepted by historians but which is, for the most part, unverifiable

B. a proof of the existence of intricate causal inter-relationships between past and present events

C. a sporadic account that lacks cohesion because records of the role of childhood, work, and leisure in the lives of historical figures are rare

D. logical laws seem to have shaped eventsText 2

The need for solar electricity is clear. It is safe, ecologically sound, efficient and continuously available. The basic problem with the use of solar photovoltaic devices is economics, but until recently very little progress had been made toward the development of low-cost photovoltaic devices. The larger part of research funds has been devoted to the study of single-crystal silicon solar cells, despite the evidence that this technique holds little promise. The reason for this pattern is understandable and historical. Crystalline silicon is the active element in the very successful semiconductor industry, and virtually all of the solid state devices contain silicon transistors. Crystalline silicon, however, is particularly unsuitable to terrestrial(earthly)solar cells.

Crystalline silicon solar cells are successfully used in the space program, where cost is not an issue. While single crystal silicon has been proven in outer-space use with efficiencies as high as 18 percent, and other more expensive and scarce materials can have even higher efficiencies, costs must be reduced by a factor of more than 100 to make them practical for commercial uses.

Recently, there have been some imaginative attempts to make polycrystalline and ribbon silicon that are lower in cost than high-quality single crystals; but to date the efficiencies of these lower-cost arrays have been unacceptably small. Moreover, these materials are cheaper only because of the introduction of disordering in crystalline semiconductors, and disorder degrades the efficiency of crystalline solar cells.

This dilemma can be avoided by preparing completely disordered or amorphous materials. Amorphous materials have disordered atomic structure as compared to crystalline materials: they have only short-range order rather than the long-range periodicity of crystals. The advantages of amorphous solar cells are impressive. Whereas crystals can be grown as wafers(thin disks)about four inches in diameter, amorphous materials can be grown over large areas in a single process. Whereas crystalline silicon must be made 200 micrometers thick to absorb a sufficient amount of sunlight for efficient energy conversion, only 1 micrometer of the proper amorphous materials is necessary. Crystalline silicon solar cells cost in excess of $100 per square foot, but amorphous films can be created at a cost of about 50c per square foot.

Although many scientists were aware of the very low cost of amorphous solar cells, they felt that they could never be manufactured with the efficiencies necessary to contribute significantly to the demand for electric power. This was based on a misconception about the feature that determines efficiency. For example, it is not the conductivity of the material in the dark that is relevant, but only the photoconductivity, that is, the conductivity in the presence of sunlight. Already, solar cells with efficiencies well above 6 percent have been developed using amorphous materials, and further research will doubtless find even less costly amorphous materials with higher efficiencies.

26. What is the main purpose of the text?

A. Discussing the ways of utilizing solar energy.

B. Explaining the shaping of crystalline silicon.

C. Presenting a further study on energy sources.

D. Describing how to make solar cells less costly.

27. The use of silicon solar cells in space programs is spurred by the _____.

A. constant availability of material supply

B. lower cost than any other solid devices

C. relatively high efficiency in astronautic use

D. deformed atomic structure of their materials

28. The author mentions polycrystalline silicon in order to _____.

A. devalue the recent improvements in silicon cells

B. demonstrate the superiority of amorphous materials

C. make contrast of it with single crystalline silicon

D. inform readers of an alternative type of solar cell

29. Which of the following pairs of terms are most identical in meaning?

A. Solar and extraterrestrial.

B. Photovoltaic devices and solar cells.

C. Crystalline silicon and semiconductor.

D. Amorphous materials and polycrystals.

30. The material in the text could best be used in an argument for _____.

A. effective harnessing of sunlight

B. further study of silicon crystals

C. discontinuing the space program

D. more funds for amorphous materialsText 3

Picture-taking is a technique both for reflecting the objective world and for expressing the singular self. Photographs depict objective realities that already exist, though only the camera can disclose them. And they depict an individual photographer's temperament, discovering itself through the camera's cropping of reality. That is, photography has two directly opposite ideals: in the first, photography is about the world and the photographer is a mere observer who counts for little; but in the second, photography is the instrument of fearlessness, questing subjectivity and the photographer is all.

These conflicting ideals arise from uneasiness on the part of both photographers and viewers of photographs toward the aggressive component in "taking" a picture. Accordingly, the ideal of a photographer as observer is attractive because it implicitly denies that picture-taking is an aggressive act. The issue, of course, is not so clear-cut. What photographers do cannot be characterized as simply predatory or as simply, and essentially, benevolent. As a consequence, one ideal of picture-taking or the other is always being rediscovered and championed.

An important result of the coexistence of these two ideals is a recurrent ambivalence toward photography's means. Whatever are the claims that photography might make to be a form of personal expression just like painting, its originality is closely linked to the powers of a machine. The steady growth of these powers has made possible the extraordinary informativeness and imaginative formal beauty of many photographs, like Harold Edgerton's high-speed photographs of a bullet hitting its target or of the swirls and eddies of a tennis stroke. But as cameras become more sophisticated, more automated, some photographers are tempted to disarm themselves or to suggest that they are not really armed, preferring to submit themselves to the limit imposed by pre-modern camera technology because a cruder, less high-powered machine is thought to give more interesting or emotive results, to leave more room for creative accident. For example, it has been virtually a point of honor for many photographers, including Walker Evans and Cartier-Bresson, to refuse to use modern equipment. These photographers have come to doubt the value of the camera as an instrument of "fast seeing". Cartier Bresson, in fact, claims that the modern camera may see too fast.

This ambivalence toward photographic means determines trends in taste. The cult of the future (of faster and faster seeing) alternates over time with the wish to return to a purer past when images had a handmade quality. This longing for some primitive state of the photographic enterprise is currently widespread and underlies the present-day enthusiasm for daguerreotypes and the work of forgotten nineteenth-century provincial photographers. Photographers and viewers of photographs, it seems, need periodically to resist their own knowingness.

31. The two directly opposite ideals of photography differ primarily in the _____.

A. way in which each defines the role of the photographer

B. degree of technical knowledge that each requires of the photographer

C. emphasis that each places on the emotional impact of the finished product

D. extent of the power that each requires of the photographer's equipment

32. According to paragraph 2, the interest among photographers in each of the photography's two ideals can be described as _____.

A. steadily growing

B. cyclically recurring

C. continuously altering

D. spontaneously occurring

33. The text states all of the following about photographs except _____.

A. They can display a cropped reality

B. They can convey information

C. They can depict the photographer's temperament

D. They can change the viewer's sensibilities

34. The author mentions the work of Harold Edgerton in order to illustrate _____.

A. the relationship between photographic originality and technology

B. how the content of photographs has changed from the nineteenth century to the twentieth

C. the popularity of high-speed photography in the twentieth century

D. how a controlled ambivalence toward photography's means can produce outstanding pictures

35. The author is primarily concerned with _____.

A. describing how photographers' individual temperaments are reflected in their work

B. establishing new technical standards for contemporary photography

C. analyzing the influence of photographic ideals on picture-taking

D. explaining how the technical limitations affect photographers' workText 4

Virtually everything astronomers know about objects outside the solar system is based on the detection of photons-quanta of electromagnetic radiation. Yet there is another form of radiation that permeates the universe neutrinos. With (as its name implies) no electric charge, and negligible mass, the neutrino interacts with other particles so rarely that a neutrino can cross the entire universe even traversing substantial aggregations of matter without being absorbed or even deflected. Neutrinos can thus escape from regions of space where light and other kinds of electromagnetic radiation are blocked by matter. Furthermore, neutrinos carry with them information about the site and circumstances of their production: therefore, the detection of cosmic neutrinos could provide new information about a wide variety of cosmic phenomena and about the history of the universe.

But how can scientists detect a particle that interacts so infrequently with other matter? Twenty-five years passed between Pauli's hypothesis that the neutrino existed and its actual detection: since then virtually all research with neutrinos has been created artificially in large particle accelerators and studied under neutrino microscopes. But a neutrino telescope, capable of detecting cosmic neutrinos, is difficult to construct. No apparatus can detect neutrinos unless it is extremely massive, because great mass is synonymous with huge numbers of nucleons (neutrons and protons), and the more massive the detector, the greater the probability of one of its nucleon's reacting with a neutrino. In addition, the apparatus must be sufficiently shielded from the interfering effects of other particles.

Fortunately, a group of astrophysicists has proposed a means of detecting cosmic neutrinos by harnessing the mass of the ocean. Named DUMAND, for Deep Under-water Muon and Neutrino Detector, the project calls for placing an array of light sensors at a depth of five kilometers under the ocean surface. The detecting medium is the seawater itself, when a neutrino interacts with a particle in an atom of seawater, the result is a cascade of electrically charged particles and a flash of light that can be detected by the sensors. The five kilometers of seawater above the sensors will shield them from the interfering effects of other high-energy particles raining down through the atmosphere.

The strongest motivation for the DUMAND project is that it will exploit an important source of information about the universe. The extension of astronomy from visible light to radio waves to X-rays and gamma rays never failed to lead to the discovery of unusual objects such as radio galaxies quasars and pulsars. Each of these discoveries came as a surprise. Neutrino astronomy will doubtless bring its own share of surprises.

36. What is the best title of the passage?

A. At the Threshold of Neutrino Astronomy

B. Neutrinos and the History of the Universe

C. The Creation and Study of Neutrinos

D. The DUMAND System and How It Works

37. Which of the following statements is true about DUMAND?

A. Light sensors are to be used as detecting medium.

B. It is proposed by a group of astronomers.

C. The sensors will not be affected by high-energy particles.

D. It is the most effective means of detecting cosmic neutrinos.

38. With which of the following statements regarding neutrino astronomy would the author be most likely to agree?

A. Neutrino astronomy will supersede all present forms of astronomy.

B. Neutrino astronomy will be abandoned if the DUMAND project fails.

C. Neutrino astronomy can be expected to lead to major breakthroughs in astronomy.

D. Neutrino astronomy will disclose phenomena that will be more surprising than past discoveries.

39. In the last paragraph, the author describes the development of astronomy in order to _____.

A. suggest that the potential findings of neutrino astronomy can be seen as part of a series of astronomical successes

B. illustrate the role of surprise in scientific discovery

C. demonstrate the effectiveness of the DUMAND apparatus in detecting neutrinos

D. name some cosmic phenomena that neutrino astronomy will illuminate

40. According to the passage, one advantage that neutrinos have for studies in astronomy is that they _____.

A. have been detected for the last twenty-five years

B. possess a variable electric charge

C. are usually extremely massive

D. carry information about their history with themPart BDirections:

In the following text, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41~45, choose the most suitable one from the list【A】~【G】to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the blanks. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

A very small percentage of the cases fried are actually tried in United States courts-state or federal. 41) _____ Other are dismissed either on the motion of the defendant to dismiss or for summary judgment; a very large portion are settled with the plaintiff obtaining some, but less than all, of the relief sought in the complaint: and the remainder, generally about 10 percent, go to trial. Some cases are settled for relatively modest sums, where the plaintiff has little chance of prevailing, but the defendant is wiling to pay something simply to avoid further costs and attorney's fees. 42) _____

43) _____ In the federal system, both parties have a right to a trial by a jury, composed of between six and twelve persons, on all claims involving money damages. Juries are picked from the lists of eligible voters in the geographic area covered by the court, and the members serve for relatively brief periods of time, as an obligation of their citizenship. They are compensated, but only minimally, and they are often asked to decide extremely difficult and important disputes. The larger panels of potential jury members are selected by lot, from which individual jurors are excused if there is some reason to believe they would not be impartial—such as being a friend or a relative of a party or of a lawyer in the case. In addition, there is an opportunity for each side to exclude up to three other jurors without specific cause, in winnowing the larger group down to the actual jury, plus one or two alternates. Generally, lawyers use this right, known as a "preemptory challenge", to assure that jurors are not excluded based on considerations such as race or sex.

44) _____ The party calling the witness asks questions first and then the other side is allowed to question (cross-examine)the witness. Judges are permitted to ask questions of any witness, but they generally refrain from doing so, especially in jury trials. 45) _____ Then the court gives the jury instructions, which are a translation of the law into terms that the jury can understand and apply, and the jury then leaves the courtroom, to discuss the case and vote in secret. In federal courts, the verdict must be unanimous, but in many states the verdict may be by majority of jurors. In most cases the jury will issue a general verdict— "we find that the defendant was not negligent," or "we find the defendant liable and award plaintiff $100,000" —and in some cases the jury will be asked to answer specific questions, and the judge will then apply the law, a process known as a "special verdict". One reason for using special verdicts, especially in complex cases, is to be certain that the jury follows the law, instead of deciding the case on its notions of justice, or because it does not understand the judge's instructions on the legal rules that apply.【A】At the conclusion of the evidence, each side's lawyer is entitled to summarize its case in an effort to persuade the jury to accept its version of the facts.【B】Some cases are simply withdrawn without any attempt at proceeding.【C】Most of the settlements, however, are based on the assessments of the parties that there are risks on both sides, and that a settlement is in the interest of everyone, rather than risking an all or nothing verdict at trial.【D】At the trial, which is open for any person to attend, the parties present their documentary evidence and witnesses in court, with the plaintiff going first. Followed by the defendant, and then any rebuttal by the plaintiff.【E】One aspect of American trials has make all litigants conscious of the risks of litigation: the role of the jury.【F】The task of the jury is to decide all factual issues.【G】There are some cases in which there is no right to trial by jury or in which the parties may choose to have the case resolved by the judge.Part CDirections:

Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)

There are yet two other and more significant justifications for enlarging the constituency of organized research to an international dimension. The first reason is what I would call "the human factor". Progress in fundamental research is mostly due to "fluctuations": namely, sudden changes due to intellectual breakthroughs. Without such a "catalyzing" element, even the most extensive investments in terms of resources will not be as effective.

46) In science, one makes much more progress out of a single innovative idea than the steady effort of hundreds of more conventional research scientists—which, by the way, is also necessary, although not sufficient for the fastest progress.

Highly successful scientists depend on special talents, like in arts, music, and so on. Nature produces them only very slowly, parsimoniously, and at a constant rate. One has to do more with both natural gifts and formal, extensive academic training. 47) Their number cannot be increased under command; they develop spontaneously whenever the scientific training of the community is adequate to provide the basic training they need—which is today the case in several nations over the world, including many of the developing countries.

The second element which I would like to mention is what I would like to call "collectivity effect". Scientific progress is greatly enhanced by a nonlinear effect. Progress is much faster when many and different types of scientists interact closely together. This is particularly active at the "interface" between disciplines; for instance, a chemistry idea applied to biology, a mathematical concept applied to physics, and so on.

This is a basic property of innovative scientific thinking. 48) This is, for instance, one of the main reasons why over the last 10 centuries scientific progress has been mostly associated with universities, where scholars from many different disciplines were gathering together. It is now perceived as essential also by the industrial word for their own activities of research and development.

Therefore, with the scale of modern scientific involvement, both the harnessing of the best minds and the creation of an appropriate "melting pot" can be best realized internationally. 49) It should be said, however, that this process of internationalization of science has been going on already for a long time in a hidden form, and what we realize today is simply the necessity of a better and more systematic institutionalization of an old process.

50) I believe that the rising complexity of scientific research is now imperatively demanding new steps, which can ensure that international involvement moves to more organized and better-planned structures. Only in this way could one make sure that all the free energy potentially presents in the form of human resources is channeled effectively within a wider cooperative organization amongst friendly nations.Section Ⅲ WritingPart A51. Directions:

You want to invite some friends to a party. Write an invitation letter to them individually:

1) Invite them to the party,

2) Elaborate on the reason why such a party should be held,

3) What activities will be arranged for them.

You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.

Do not sign your name at the end of the letter. Use "Li Ming" instead.

Do not write the address. (10 points)Part B52. Directions:

Write an essay of 160~200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

1) Describe the picture

2) Possible reasons for the phenomenon

3) Suggest your counter-measures

You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)创新


Section Ⅰ Use of EnglishSection Ⅱ Reading ComprehensionPart AText 1Text 2Text 3Text 4Part BPart C46. 在科学领域,一个人的灵光一现所带来的进步比上百名中规中矩的科学家持续不断的研究带来的进步大得多,当然这些人的努力也是需要的,虽然不足以促使科学迅速发展。47. 这样的学术性人才的数量增长不受人为控制,只要全社会科学方面的培训工作做得很充分,能够给他们提供一些必要的科学训练时——现在有一些国家,包括一些发展中国家在这方面做得比较好——这种人才的数量自然而然就会增加。48. 在过去的数十个世纪里,大多数科学方面的进步都和大学有关的原因也正在于此,因为在大学里,不同学科领域内的专家聚集一堂。49. 需要指出的是,这种科学方面的国际化进程事实上早在很久之前就已经开始了,只是方式不那么明显,我们今天所做的其实只是使得这一进程更加系统化和制度化。50. 我相信日益复杂的科学研究现在急需向前迈进,这将保证国际化进程朝着更有组织性、规划更合理的方向发展。Section Ⅲ Writing51. 见精讲52. 见精讲


Section Ⅰ Use of English答案解析1. 【C】【试题分析】本题考查词义的辨析。【详细解答】Address,converse,confer三词均有“谈,说”之意,但是address是及物动词,表示“对……发表演说,向个人或团体陈述”,此处不能选;confer是不及物动词,confer with后多接人,表示“与……商谈,协商”;而converse是“谈心,交谈”之意,符合文章的意思;reverse意为“相反,相反的”,与句意相差甚远。此句意为:我们用我们的发声器官说话,用我们的整个身体交谈。故此处应选【C】converse。2. 【A】【试题分析】本题考Verbal与vocal的区别,以及前缀non-的用法。【详细解答】Verbal与vocal词形相似,词义也极易混淆。Verbal意为“用语言的,语言的”,而vocal意为“嗓音的,(用嗓子)发声的”;non-是表示“非,不”的前缀,nonverbally意为“不适用语言地”,根据句意:我们除用语言外,也用非语言的形式与他人交流,此处应选nonverbally。3. 【B】【试题分析】本题要求考生在理解句意的基础上,结合交际的常识选出正确的答案。【详细解答】Thumbs-up sign意为“跷起大拇指”,根据我们的交际常识,跷起大拇指不会表示拒绝(refuse);也不会表示怀疑(suspect)和警告(alert),而应表示赞成、同意。故此处应选approve。4. 【C】【试题分析】本题要求考生掌握有关look常用词组的辨析。【详细解答】Look up意为“向上看,查阅”,look down意为“向下看,看不起”,look away意为“向别处看,视线移开”,look back意为“回顾,倒退”,此句意为:我们一扬眉,一挥手,和某人目光相遇继而又向别处看去,改变坐姿……故此处应选look away。5. 【B】【试题分析】本题考查学生对相似词形的单词的辨析。【详细解答】Resume意为“恢复,重新使用”;assume意为“假定设想”;presume意为“没有根据的相信”;consume意为“消耗,消费”。此句意为:这些行为我们以为是随意的、偶然的。故此处应选assume。6. 【A】【试题分析】本题考词义的辨析及时态的运用。【详细解答】人们的一举一动都属于某种体系,应是研究人员发现的,而不是发明的;invent是指发明原来不存在的东西。Reveal是指揭露、泄露秘密或不为人知的东西。Pointed out“指出”,虽然在意思上和句意相符,但是时态应用不当,此处,强调发现的东西对现在的影响,应用现在完成时。故此处应选have discovered。7. 【D】【试题分析】本题考查词义的辨析。【详细解答】Level意为“水平,区域”,如与body language搭配,显然不符合句子的意思;extent“范围,程度”,与文章意思也不相关;group和range都有“组,群,类”的意思,但range偏重于类似物的组合或系列,因此,此处应填range。A whole range of body language意为“一整套形体语言”。8. 【B】【试题分析】本题考查词形变换的辨析。【详细解答】这里缺的是介词,而include是动词,inclusive是形容词,只有including是介词。故此处应选including。9. 【A】【试题分析】本题考查词义的辨析。【详细解答】Wear有“面带,面露(某种样子)”的意思;put on“假装,装出”;bring,hold均不能与facial expression搭配。因此,这里应选wear。10. 【D】【试题分析】本题考查介词的搭配。【详细解答】此处表示站立时彼此之间的距离,应用介词from。11. 【C】【试题分析】本题要求考生能区分as,as if,like的用法。【详细解答】As if“仿佛,好像”,相当于连词,后面应接从句;when也是连词,引导时间状语从句;like作“像,相似”解时,是介词,后接代词和名词;只有as既能作连词,又能作副词,as在这里是副词,意为“像,和……一样”。故此处应选as。12. 【B】【试题分析】本题考相近意思词语的辨析。【详细解答】这四个词都与声音有关,pitch是指音调或声音的音高,可引申为“音质”;tone是指声音的音调,音强,多用来指说话人的语调、语气、口吻;frequency“频率、周期”;volume“音量”,即loudness of voice。因此这里选tone。13. 【D】【试题分析】本题要求考生结合上下文,并运用交际常识做出选择。【详细解答】sign是只用手、头等做的示意动作;gesture仅指手势;movement表示任何的身体动作;signal表示手势、声音等传递信息的信号、暗号。文章要表达的意思是:交谈时该谁说了,是由非语言性的信号决定的。所以选signals。14. 【C】【试题分析】本题要求考生理解句子的意思,选出正确的副词。【详细解答】Specifically意为特别地、特殊地;specially意为特地,专门地;particularly意为尤其地;equally意为同样地、平等地。这里表示尤其重要,应选particularly。15. 【B】【试题分析】本题要求考生掌握习惯搭配。【详细解答】Along with表示“与……一道,同时”;also不能与with搭配;alone意为“孤独的”,虽与along词形相似,但是意思相差很远;besides意为“此外,同时”,不与with搭配。此处应选along。16. 【A】【试题分析】本题考不定代词的运用。【详细解答】本句意为:一个英国男子双腿交叉与一个美国男子双腿交叉大不相同。应填一个否定词,可排除something,anything。Nothing like“丝毫不像”,是习惯用法,而none无此搭配。故此处应选nothing。17. 【C】【试题分析】本题考查对词形、词义相似的词的辨析。【详细解答】Efficient意为“有效率的,高效的”;affective意为“情感的”;effective意为“有效的,奏效的”;effectual虽也指有效的,但不用来指人,而多指步骤、措施有效的。这里应用effective。18. 【D】【试题分析】本题要求考生理解句意。根据句意选择正确的词。【详细解答】这里句意是:握手是全球通行的手势,世界各地的人们都知道这是一个问候的信号。unusual意为“不寻常的”;unique意为“唯一的”;ordinary意为“普遍的”;universal意为“普通的”。只有universal符合句意。19. 【B】【试题分析】本题要求考生分析句子之间的联系,选择正确的连词。【详细解答】Hence表示结果“所以”;since表示原因“因为,既然”;thus表示结果“所以”;and表示并列关系。这里表原因,用since。20. 【A】【试题分析】本题考词义的辨析。【详细解答】Interpretation“解释,含义”;implicative,implication均指暗示。这里指相同的形体信号有不同的含义。因此选A。全文翻译“我们用发声器官讲话,我们用整个身体交谈”,这种说法毫不为过。我们所有人都在同时使用语言和非语言的方式与人交流。有时候我们意识到了这一点,例如当我们竖起大拇指的时候就代表我们同意。但大多数时候我们并没有意识到我们做出了某些姿势。眉毛的颤动,手的动作,是直视某人还是看着别处,这些动作的使用都是随机和无意的。但是研究者发现身体语言和语言一样,也有一整套相对稳定且可以被理解的系统。身体语言包含的内容很广泛,从我们的移动、手势、姿势到面部表情,从我们与他人接触的频繁程度到我们站立的时候与他人保持的距离大小。使用身体语言有多种多样的目的。首先,它的使用可以代替语言交流。其次,它可以修饰我们的语言交流。声音的大小和音高就是很好的例子。再次,它能规范我们的社会交往活动:排队这一社会现象就是由非语言信号控制的。最后,身体语言可以传递我们的情感和态度。这一点在跨文化交际中显得尤为重要。每一种文化都有其独特的身体语言。儿童在习得口头语言的同时也学会了身体语言方面种种细微的差别。一个英国人跷二郎腿的姿势和一个美国男人跷腿的姿势绝不相同。当我们和来自其他文化环境的人交流的时候,身体语言的使用有时候会使交流变得更容易、更有效,例如握手这种全球通用的手势,全世界的人都知道它是问候人的一种方式。但有的时候身体语言会造成一定的误解,这是因为来自不同文化的人在传递同样的信息时可能会有不同的行为,或者对同样的身体的信号有不同的理解。Section Ⅱ Reading ComprehensionPart AText 1重点词汇答案解析21. 中心主旨题【正确答案】【A】【试题精析】本题是就段首处提问,文章第一段介绍了传统的研究历史的方法,第二段指出现在流行的方法是从社会学的理论发展而来的。新方法强调分析的重要性,其中精神分析法最突出,精神分析法的运用带来了“精神历史”。第三段和第四段分别介绍了“精神历史”在研究历史时所运用的方法和遵循的原则。综上所述,可以发现文章的重点是“精神历史”,所给四个选项中只有选项【A】突出了“精神历史”的地位,并且把它作为叙述的主要内容。22. 推理题【正确答案】【B】【试题精析】本题相关内容定位在文章第四段。文章指出:“Psychohistory…thus, robbing people and events of their individuality and of their complexity.”(这是精神历史违背传统历史研究的一个表现,同时也是与传统历史不同的地方。精神历史剥夺人物和事件的个性及复杂性,那么在传统历史的研究中,人物和事件则被认为是复杂的,具有个性的。)选项【B】表达了上述内容,是本题的答案;选项【A】,【C】,【D】均是对文章内容的曲解。23. 态度题【正确答案】【C】【试题精析】作者在文章的第二段着重论述了精神历史学的弊病在于它对其他任何历史解释的全盘否定,而认为自己的理论是绝对的,也是唯一正确的;而且还违反了历史学的宗旨,由此可见作者对精神历史学的态度是不赞成的,因此正确选项是【C】。24. 推理题【正确答案】【B】【试题精析】本题相关内容定位在文章第三段最后一句:“Psychohistory…convinced that theirs is the deepest explanation of any event, that other explanations fall short of the truth.”这句话表明精神历史学家认为自己的理论是绝对正确的,其他对历史的解释都与历史事实不符。很明显,这种想法很可能阻止他们发现另外的解释,使他们质疑自己的结论。选项【B】表达了上述内容。25. 推理题【正确答案】【D】【试题精析】本题在原文不易直接找到线索。首先选项【A】表述的内容是传统历史的观点,可以排除;从文章可以知道,精神历史学家研究历史时侧重于对重要历史人物的精神分析,而不是研究过去和现在事件之间的复杂关系,所以选项【B】错误;选项【C】在文章中没有提及,可以排除;剩下的【D】则是正确选项。文章第二段中的第六句“…but from a view of human nature that transcends history”为【D】的正确性提供了证据。全文翻译从传统意义上讲,历史研究总是泾渭分明、重点突出,主要研究年代、国家、重大历史事件和重要领导人。其学术研究程序也有固定而明确的概念:一个人如何分析历史问题,如何呈现和记录他的发现,什么构成了可接受的且充分的证据。谁要是了解最新的历史文献,就会发现历史研究领域正在经历一场革命。目前最流行的研究课题直接来源于社会学的目录:童年、工作和休闲。新的课题伴随着新的研究方法。以前对历史的研究主要是描述式的,现在则完全是分析式的。以前人们总是问“发生了什么”,“是怎样发生的”。现在问题已经变为“为什么事情会发生”。在众多对这类“为什么会发生”的问题的解答方法中,最引人注目的是精神分析法,并由此衍生出一门新的学科——心理历史学。心理历史学并不仅仅只是心理学在历史研究领域的延伸。历史学家常常用心理学来解释历史问题,尤其当他们发现这样解释很合理,并且又有足够的证据支撑这些解释时。但这种对心理学的功利化的使用还不能称作真正意义上的心理历史学。心理历史学家并非致力于一般意义上的心理学,而是弗洛伊德的精神分析法。对精神分析法的拥护使他们得以从一种与以往的历史学家不同的角度来分析历史。心理历史学并不是根据历史,根据对历史事件及其后果的详细记录来得出“事实”结论,而是致力于用精神分析法来研究创造历史的人。心理历史学不会从某人生活中的细枝末节来推导出理论,它关注的是亘古不变的人性。心理历史学否定了历史证据的基本准则,即历史证据对所有历史学家开放,所有历史学家都可以评定。同时它也违背了研究历史的基本原则,即历史学家应该对有可能推翻他们理论的负面事件高度警惕。心理历史学家则认为他们自己的理论完全正确,并且认为他们对任何历史事件的解释都是最“深刻”的,其他的解释都不符合历史事实。心理历史学家并不仅仅满足于对历史学科(这里指的是用恰当的方法研究和书写过去)的颠覆,他们连过去本身都要颠覆。他们不承认过去具有完整性和独立的意志,否认历史事件中的人们总是因种种动机而行事,事件的发生也可以整理出多重因果关系。它总是用一种决定论的观点看待过去和现在,因此剥夺了人和事件的个性和复杂性。它不尊重过去的独特性,而是将过去的、现在的所有事件同化到一个单一的,被认为在任何时候、任何情况下都适用的确定的模式中。Text 2重点词汇答案解析26. 中心主旨题【正确答案】【D】【试题精析】通读全文可知,此文中心议题是,在利用太阳能发电中,如何解决太阳光电装置的经济成本问题。现用于航天项目的单晶太阳能电池效率较高,但造价昂贵。文章力荐制作便捷、成本低廉的非结晶材料。目前用此材料制作的太阳能电池的效率已超过6%,进一步的研究肯定会开发出效率更高、成本更低的非结晶材料。据此判断,【D】“描述如何制造更廉价的太阳能电池”是文意的恰当解读。27. 细节事实题【正确答案】【C】【试题精析】由题干中的“space programs”可知,此题的线索在第二段第一、二句:结晶硅太阳能电池已成功应用于航天项目,其成本不是问题。业已证明单晶硅在太空的使用效率高达18%。由此判断,【C】“相对高的航空应用效率”符合文意。28. 细节事实题【正确答案】【B】【试题精析】题干中的“polycrystalline silicon”是在第三段:制作多晶硅比单晶硅费用低,但其效率却低得难以接受。这种材料之所以廉价,是因为采用了无序结晶半导体,从而降低了电池的效率。第四段进一步指出,解决这一难题的办法就是制备完全无序的或“amorphous”(非结晶的)材料。由此可知,【B】“论证非结晶材料的优越性”为合理推论。29. 【正确答案】细节事实题【B】【试题精析】结合文章信息,重点依据第一段第二、三句可以知道,【B】中“光电装置和太阳能电池”为同义,为所需答案。30. 【正确答案】中心主旨题【D】【试题精析】此题实际考查对此文主旨或目的的理解。第一段已点明文章的主旨:使用太阳光电装置的根本问题是经济因素。低成本光电装置的开发没有取得进展。大部分研究资金都用于了研制单晶硅太阳能电池,但有证据表明这种技术是没有什么希望的。据此判断,【D】“为开发非结晶材料提供更多资金”与此文主旨相符。全文翻译对太阳光电能的需求非常明显。太阳光电能是一种安全、环保、高效且取之不尽的能源。但使用太阳光电能设备却存在着一个基本问题,那就是它不够经济。到目前为止,在研制低成本太阳光电能设备方面还没有显著成果,那是因为大部分资金都被投入到对单晶硅太阳能电池的研究中去了,尽管这种研究前景黯淡。之所以会出现这样的情况是有其历史原因的,可以被理解。在发展得如火如荼的半导体行业中,晶体硅是非常重要的组件,几乎所有的固体器件都包含硅晶体管。但是,晶体硅却并不适用于地面太阳能电池。晶体硅太阳能电池被成功地运用于一些太空项目中,对这些项目来说成本从来不是问题。尽管单晶硅在太空项目中的使用效能高达18%,其他更昂贵、更稀有的材料甚至能达到更大的效能,但是要想把这些材料应用于商业用途,成本必须降低百倍以上。现在,已经有一些人大胆地尝试使用多晶硅和带状硅,这些材料的成本比高性能的单晶硅要低。但到目前为止,这些低成本的电池的效能却低得让人不能接受。这些材料之所以廉价,不过是因为它们在晶体硅半导体中初步引入了无序化,而这种无序化降低了晶体硅太阳能电池的效率。要想降低成本同时又保证效能,解决的办法便是使用完全无序化或非结晶的材料。与晶体材料相比,非晶体材料使原子结构发生无序变化,即,它们只有晶体的短程序列特征,而没有晶体结构的长期周期性特征。非晶体太阳能电池的好处是惊人的。晶体材料可以形成直径四英寸的薄片,而非晶体材料在一次进程中就可以形成覆盖面大得多的薄片。晶体硅材料必须达到200微米的厚度才能够吸收足够的太阳光来进行有效的能源转换,而适当的非晶体硅只需达到1微米的厚度就能足够了。晶体硅太阳能电池成本每平方英尺超过100美元,而非晶体膜的成本可以低到每平方英尺50美分。尽管很多科学家意识到非晶体太阳能电池价格低廉,但他们觉得非晶体太阳能电池的效能一定不会太高,不可能显著缓和对电能的需求。这种想法源于一种误解——特征决定效能。例如,材料在黑暗中的传导性并不重要,重要的是光电导性,即在有太阳光的地方的传导性。现在,使用非晶体材料已经生产出了效率远远超过6%的太阳能电池,进一步的研究无疑会发现成本更低而效率更高的非晶体材料。Text 3重点词汇答案解析31. 细节事实题【正确答案】【A】【试题精析】本题定位在第一段最后一句:“That is, photography has two directly opposite ideals: in the first, photography is about the world and the photographer is a mere observer who counts for little; but in the second, photography is the instrument of fearlessness, questing subjectivity and the photographer is all.”(也就是说,关于摄影有两个直接对立的观念:第一种观念认为,摄影是反映世界的,而摄影师只是一个无足轻重的观察者;但第二种观念则主张,摄影是一种探究主观世界的无畏的工具,摄影师决定一切。)由此可见,两种观念的区别就在于对摄影师所起作用的定义不同。故应选【A】。32. 细节事实题【正确答案】【B】【试题精析】本题定位在第二段最后一句:“What photographers do cannot be characterized as simply predatory or as simply, and essentially, benevolent. As a consequence, one ideal of picture-taking or the other is always being rediscovered and championed.”(摄影者所做的事不能简单地定性为掠夺式的,也不能简单地定性为实质上友好的行善行为。因此,有关照相的这一观念或那一观念总是被重新发现并受到支持。)言外之意,这两种观念中,有时一种观念被发现并受到支持,而有时另一种观念被发现并受到支持。可见,摄影师有时对一种观念感兴趣,有时又对另一种观念感兴趣,即这种兴趣是周期性反复出现的。故应选【B】。33. 判断题【正确答案】【D】【试题精析】第一段第二句中已经谈到“Photographs depict objective realities that already exist,…”因此【B】(They can convey information. 它们能传达信息。)是正确的。第三段第三句中也已提及:“The steady growth of these powers has made possible the extraordinary informativeness…”因此【C】(They can depict the photographer's temperament. 它们能够描绘摄影者的性情。)是正确的。第一段第三句中已写到“And they depict an individual photographer's temperament….”因此【C】也是正确的。只有【D】(They can change the viewer's sensibilities. 它们能改变观赏者的易受刺激的情感。)文中没有提到。故应选【D】。34. 例证题【正确答案】【A】【试题精析】第三段第三句写道:“The steady growth of these powers has made possible the extraordinary informativeness and imaginative formal beauty of many photograph, like Harold Edgerton's high-speed photographs of a bullet hitting its target or of the swirls and eddies of a tennis stroke.”(照相机威力的不断增大,已使人们可能拍出许多信息非凡的、富有想象力的外观漂亮的照片,如Harold Edgerton所拍摄的关于子弹击中目标或网球抽打时产生旋涡的快速照片。)从上面的表述中我们可以看到,作者提到Harold Edgerton的作品是为了说明摄影艺术的独创性和技术发展之间的关系。故应选【A】。35. 中心主旨题【正确答案】【C】【试题精析】第二段分别阐述了这两种观念的由来及摄影师对这两种观念的兴趣是反复交替的。第三段指出,这两种观念共存的结果是经常发生对摄影手段的不同看法。最后一段认为,这种对摄影手段的矛盾心理决定审美品位的发展趋向。综上所述,本文作者主要分析了两种摄影观念对照相艺术的影响。故应选【C】。全文翻译照相是一种既反映客观世界,又表达非凡自我的艺术。照片描绘已经存在的许多客观现实,然而只有照相机才能揭示这些客观现实。照片能够体现摄影者的气质,这种气质是通过照相机从现实中取材而表现出来的。也就是说,摄影包含两个直接对立的观念:第一,摄影是反映世界的,摄影者只不过是一个无足轻重的观察者;第二,摄影是探索主观性的无畏工具,摄影者决定一切。这两个相互冲突的观念源自摄影者和摄影鉴赏者对“照”相过程中的侵略性的成分所表现出来的不安。这样一来,把摄影者看作是观察者的观念是具有吸引力的,因为这种想法间接地否认了照相是一种咄咄逼人的行为。当然,问题并非如此清晰。摄影者的所作所为不能简单地定性为掠夺式的行为,也不能简单地定性为实质上友好的行善行为。因此,关于照相的这种观念或那种观念总是被重新发现并受到支持。这两种观念共存的一个重要的结果是:经常存在对待摄影手段的矛盾心理。不论摄影可能成为一种同绘画一样的个性表现形式的论断正确与否,摄影的独创性总是同照相机的机械功能密切相连的。照相机功能的持续发展,使人们可能创造出许多具有非凡信息量并富有想象力的漂亮照片。例如哈罗德·埃杰顿所拍摄的关于子弹击中目标或网球被抽打时产生旋涡的快速照片。但是当照相机变得越来越高级,越来越自动化时,有些摄影者却很想不用这种照相机,或者暗示实际上不用这种照相机,而宁愿用现代化以前的照相技术。因为粗制的、较差的照相机被认为能得到更有趣、更动人的效果,给创造活动留有更大的余地。例如许多摄影师,包括韦克欧·埃文斯和卡蒂埃·布雷桑拒绝使用现代装备,实际上是为了维护他们的荣誉。这些摄影师开始怀疑照相机作为“快看”工具的价值。卡蒂埃·布雷桑事实上断言:现代照相机可能看得太快了。这种对待摄影手段的矛盾心理决定审美的趋向。对未来(看得越来越快)的狂热崇拜不时同希望回归到更纯正的过去(那时的形象具有手工业特征)的愿望交替发生。这种对某些早期摄影业的怀旧情绪目前很普遍,这也是目前热衷于银板照相法和已被遗忘的19世纪省城摄影师作品的原因。看来,摄影师和摄影鉴赏者需要周期性地抵制他们自己已经具有的知识。Text 4重点词汇答案解析36. 中心主旨题【正确答案】【A】【试题精析】本题是就段首处提问。本文主要论述中微子可能带给宇宙学的新发现,尤其应注意第一段第二句(yet后面的内容往往是文章的主题所在),同时文章最后一句也是本文的主题总结,注意will一词,暗含这是一个新的学科。选项中只有【A】中的“Threshold”有“开端,起始”的意思,最符合文意。37. 推理题【正确答案】【C】【试题精析】答题关键在于文章第三段最后一句“The five kilometers of seawater above the sensors will shield them from the interfering effects of…”,这句中的“shield from”正是选项【C】中“not be affected”的同义表达,所以选【C】。【A】与“the detecting medium is the seawater itself”不符;【B】中“astronomer”与文章第三段开头即指出的DUMAND方案是由天体物理学家提出的不符;【D】中“the most”过于绝对。38. 推理题【正确答案】【C】【试题精析】本题是就段尾处提问。文章首段末尾主题句明确指出作者对中微子天文学的乐观态度及中微子对天文学的积极意义。所以,【C】“中微子天文学有望带来天文学的重大突破”为正确选项。39. 细节事实题【正确答案】【A】【试题精析】本题是就结尾段提问。文章末段提到了一系列的天文发现,末句又指出中微子天文学也会有自己的贡献。所以,【A】“中微子天文学的潜在发现可以被看作一系列天文学成功的一部分”为正确选项。40. 细节事实题【正确答案】【D】【试题精析】本题是就段尾处提问。相关内容在首段末句:“…neutrinos carry with them information about the site and circumstances of their production…”这与【D】“携带着自身形成过程的信息”相符。全文翻译宇航员对于太阳系以外的物体的了解几乎都是通过光子勘测得到的。光子即电磁辐射量子。然而在宇宙间还漫布着另外一种辐射,那就是中微子。中微子,顾名思义,不带电荷,重量也可忽略不计,因此它很少和其他粒子发生作用,可以在整个宇宙间自由穿梭。它甚至可以穿过物质的聚集态而不被吸收,甚至运行方向都不会改变。在光和其他种类的电磁辐射被物质阻挡住的地方,中微子都可以自由地通过。另外,中微子上都携带着它产生的那一刻的地点和环境信息,因此,对宇宙中中微子的勘测可以使我们认识更广泛的宇宙现象,了解更多的宇宙历史信息。但是对于这样一种与其他物质接触甚少的物质,科学家要怎样才能勘测到它呢?从鲍利首次假设中微子的存在到实实在在勘测到它,中间经过了25年的漫长时间。自此之后,几乎所有有关中微子的实验中使用的中微子都是在大型粒子加速器中人工制成的,然后拿到中微子显微镜下进行研究。要想制成能够观测到宇宙中中微子的中微子天文望远镜却很难实现。要想检测到中微子,探测器必须足够大,因为大就意味着有大量的核子(中子和质子),而且探测器越大,它的某个核子与中微子发生反应的可能性也就越大。并且,探测器还要能够防止其他粒子的干扰。幸运的是,一群天体物理学家已经提出了一种通过利用广袤的大海来探测宇宙中中微子的方法。这个代号为DUMAND(深海μ介子和中微子探测仪)的项目会在海面以下五公里深处放置一排光敏感元件。探测的媒介就是海水本身:当一个中微子与海水中的微粒发生作用的时候,会放出大量的带电电荷及光束,这些都可以被光敏感元件探测到。光敏感元件上方五公里的海水可以用来屏蔽从空气中落下的大量高能粒子的干扰。开展DUMAND计划的最强有力的动机是要充分利用宇宙中的重要信息源。天文学上的重大发展——从可见光到无线电波,从X光到伽马射线——最终都导致了特殊物质的发现,如射电星系、类星体、电波球体等。每一个这样的发现都是一个巨大的惊喜。中微子天文学无疑也将给我们带来一份惊喜。Part B答案解析41. 【B】【试题精析】空白处的前一句话说“在美国法院(包括州和联邦法院)起诉的案件中只有很少一部分得到了真正的审理”。此句话起到概括的作用。空白后的一句话讲道,“有些案件由于被告请求驳回诉讼或者简易判决的动议而被驳回;相当一部分案件以原告的诉讼请求得到了部分而非全部的满足而和解;这样,余下的约有10%的案件由法院审结。”根据逻辑【B】讲到了有些案件没有进行任何诉讼就被撤回。因此,【B】应为正确答案。42. 【C】【试题精析】空白处为全段的段尾句。前面讲到了有些案件没有进行任何诉讼就被撤回;有些案件由于被告请求驳回诉讼或者简易判决的动议而被驳回;相当一部分案件以原告的诉讼请求得到了部分而非全部的满足而和解;这样,余下的约有10%的案件由法院审结。根据逻辑,空白处必定也是关于案件的。而选项【C】讲道,“然而,大部分和解案件是基于当事人双方以下的估计:双方都有风险,而与法院非胜即负的判决相比,和解更有利于双方当事人。”因此,【C】为正确答案。43. 【E】【试题精析】空白处为全段的主题句。全段主要在讲美国案件审理过程中陪审团的作用。而选项中只有【E】能够概括全段,它讲道,“美国案件审理的一个特点,即陪审团的作用,使所有的诉讼人都意识到了诉讼的风险。”因此,【E】为此题的正确答案。44. 【D】【试题精析】空白处也是全段的段首句。全段讲到了美国案件审理中的程序问题。而选项中【D】讲道,“审理公开进行,双方在法庭上提交文书证据和证人。通常是原告在先,被告在后,然后原告进行反驳。”【D】能够概括此段,因此为此题的正确答案。45. 【A】【试题精析】空白处的前一句话讲到,“法官本可以向任何证人提出问题,但他们通常不这样做,尤其在陪审审理中。”后一句话讲道,“然后,法庭向陪审团做出指示,即对有关法律进行解释,以使陪审团能够理解和使用。”根据逻辑,空白处肯定也在讲审理过程中的一个环节。选项【A】讲道,“在听证结束时,双方律师都有权做总结陈述以说服陪审团接受他们对事实的描述。”因此,【A】为本题的正确答案。全文翻译在美国法院(包括州和联邦法院)起诉的案件中只有很少一部分得到了真正的审理。41)【B】有些案件没有进行任何诉讼就被撤回。有些案件由于被告请求驳回诉讼或者简易判决的动议而被驳回;相当一部分案件以原告的诉讼请求得到了部分而非全部的满足而和解;这样,余下的约有10%的案件由法院审结。一些案件由于原告胜诉的可能性非常之小,而被告情愿支付一些钱来避免进一步的耗费和律师费,因而以相对较少的赔偿金额达成了和解。42)【C】然而,大部分和解案件是基于当事人双方以下的估计:双方都有风险,而与法院非胜即负的判决相比,和解更有利于双方当事人。43)【E】美国审理的一个特点,即陪审团的作用,使所有的诉讼人都意识到了诉讼的风险。在联邦法院,所有涉及损害赔偿金的民事诉讼,双方当事人都有权要求陪审审理。陪审团由6~12名成员组成。陪审团成员从法院辖区中符合条件的选民中选出,这些人提供短期的陪审服务,这是他的一项公民义务。他们能获得的报酬极低,却要为极其棘手且至关重要的纠纷作出裁决。较大范围的陪审团候选人员由任意抽取选定,从中再取消有理由认为无法做到公正的个别陪审员的资格——例如是案件一方当事人或者律师的亲属或朋友等。另外,每一方都有无需特别的理由而再排除多至3名陪审员的机会,这样便从较大范围的陪审员名单中筛选组成正式的陪审团,外加一两个候补成员。通常,律师会使用这种被称为“无条件回避异议”的权力来扫清那些在他们看来可能对另一方更有利的陪审员。联邦最高法院最近已经开始限制这种“无条件回避异议”以保证陪审员们不会由于种族或性别的原因而被排除在外。44)【D】审理公开进行,双方在法庭上提交文书证据和证人。通常是原告在先,被告在后,然后原告进行反驳。传召证人一方首先提问,然后对方可以向该证人进行询问(即交叉询问)。法官本可以向任何证人提出问题,但他们通常不这样做,尤其在陪审审理中。45)【A】在听证结束时,双方律师都有权做总结陈述以说服陪审团接受他们对事实的描述。然后,法庭向陪审团做出指示,即对有关法律进行解释,以使陪审团能够理解和使用。此后,陪审团退庭、讨论案件并秘密投票表决。在联邦法院,陪审团的裁决须全体陪审员一致通过,但在许多州,陪审团裁决由表决的大多数陪审员做出。在大多数案件中,陪审团会做“一般裁决”,如“我们陪审团发现被告没有过失”,或者“我们裁决被告有责任赔偿原告10万美元”等;而有些案件中,陪审团要对法官提出的特殊问题给以答复,然后由法官根据法律做出裁决,这个过程被称为“特别裁决”。使用特别裁决(尤其是在复杂案件中)的原因之一是要确保陪审团遵从法律,而不是根据自身的司法概念来裁决案件,或者是防止陪审团在没有理解法官关于所使用的法律原则的指示的情况下做出错误的裁决。Part C答案解析46. 【译文】在科学领域,一个人的灵光一现所带来的进步比上百名中规中矩的科学家持续不断的研究带来的进步大得多,当然这些人的努力也是需要的,虽然不足以促使科学迅速发展。47. 【译文】这样的学术性人才的数量增长不受人为控制,只要全社会科学方面的培训工作做得很充分,能够给他们提供一些必要的科学训练时候——现在有一些国家,包括一些发展中国家在这方面做得比较好——这种人才的数量自然而然就会增加。48. 【译文】在过去的数十个世纪里,大多数科学方面的进步都和大学有关的原因也正在于此,因为在大学里,不同学科领域内的专家聚集一堂。49. 【译文】需要指出的是,这种科学方面的国际化进程事实上早在很久之前就已经开始了,只是方式不那么明显,我们今天所做的其实只是使得这一进程更加系统化和制度化。50. 【译文】我相信日益复杂的科学研究现在急需向前迈进,这将保证国际化进程朝着更有组织性、规划更合理的方向发展。全文翻译有组织的学术研究应该国际化,还有两个更重要的原因。第一个原因我称之为“人的因素”。基础研究方面的进步通常都是由“动荡”引起的,所谓“动荡”,指的是人类思想的重大突破带来的变革。如果没有这种催化剂,即使投入再多的资源,效果也不会明显。46)在科学领域,一个人的灵光一现所带来的进步比上百名中规中矩的科学家持续不断的研究带来的进步大得多,当然这些人的努力也是需要的,虽然不足以促使科学迅速发展。最成功的科学家往往有一些特别的才能,例如美术、音乐等。但是大自然对这些人物的造就非常缓慢、非常吝啬,而且始终如此。一个人如果想有所造诣,需要将天赋和正规而广泛的学术训练相结合。47)这样的学术性人才的数量增长不受人为控制,只要全社会科学方面的培训工作做得很充分,能够给他们提供一些必要的科学训练时——现在有一些国家,包括一些发展中国家在这方面做得比较好——这种人才的数量自然而然就会增加。我要说的第二点我称之为“集体效应”。非线性效应会导致科学的迅猛发展。当许许多多各类型的科学家紧密合作的时候,往往科学进步的速度就会比较快。特别是当不同的学科有所交叉的时候,效果更明显。例如,把一个化学上的观点应用于生物研究上或者把一个数学概念应用于物理科学上等。这是创新型科学思维的基本特征。48)在过去的数十个世纪里,大多数科学方面的进步都和大学有关的原因也正在于此,因为在大学里,不同学科领域内的专家聚集一堂。现在工业领域内的研发活动也非常重视这种“集体效应”。因此,随着现代科学的大规模介入,我们可以在全世界范围内找到最聪明的头脑,也可以在全世界范围内打造一个“人才大熔炉”。49)需要指出的是,这种科学方面的国际化进程事实上早在很久之前就已经开始了,只是方式不那么明显,我们今天所做的其实只是使得这一进程更加系统化和制度化。50)我相信日益复杂的科学研究现在急需向前迈进,这将保证国际化进程朝着更有组织性、规划更合理的方向发展。只有这样,才能保证人力资源方面的巨大潜力可以通过友好国家间形成的广泛的合作组织有效地发挥出来。Section Ⅲ WritingPart A51. 参考范文Dear Xiaobao:I will hold a dinner party at my house on April 1,2006 to celebrate Mr. Old Fish's marriage with Miss Fujiwora. As you are a close friend of us, we would very much like you to participate in the celebration and share our joy.The occasion will start at seven o'clock in the evening, with the showing of their wedding ceremony. This will be followed by a dinner party. At around ten, we will hold a small musical soiree, at which a band will perform some works by Bach and Strauss.If you do not have any prior appointment on April 1, we look forward to the pleasure of your company.Yours sincerely,Li MingPart B52. 参考范文

What the picture vividly presents is significant of innovation, which plays a critical role in promoting the economy of a firm in a long run. Undoubtedly, with the economic globalization becoming increasingly intensive, innovation has become one of central topic around the world. Many countries see it as the key to develop their economy. Our government, with no exception, regard it as "the soul of our nation".

There are some good reasons for the popularity of innovation. First of all, innovation can enhance overall national economy, which is important to heighten our nation status in the world. Additionally, if factories have the abilities in invention, the factories will be booming. As a result, they can provide our people with more jobs and it will make our nation more stable. What is more, a majority of new products may be available through invention. Therefore, it is also significant factor for improving our living standards. Owing to such benefits, no wonder more and more countries focus on invention today.

Recognizing its importance is only the fist step to advocate innovation, and some effective measures should be taken for it. For one thing, our authority should continue to enlarge the recruit of graduate. For another, the conditions of scientists and skilled workers should be further improved. Only in this way, can "the soul of our nation" be fully embodied and our nation have a brighter future.(字数:248)全文翻译这幅图片生动地展示了创新的重大意义。长远来看,创新在促进一个企业经济的发展中发挥着至关重要的作用。毋庸置疑,随着经济全球化的日益加深,创新已成为全球的中心议题,很多国家将其视为经济发展的关键因素。毫无例外,我们的政府也将其看作“我们民族的灵魂”。创新的流行是有充分理由的。首先,创新可以提高国家的整体经济实力,这对提升国家在世界上的地位非常重要;其次,如果工厂都拥有了创新能力,它们就会快速发展起来。这样,这些工厂就能给人们提供更多的工作机会,也能让我们的国家实力更加强大;最后,多数新产品都可以通过发明制造出来,因此,创新也是提高我们生活水平的一个重要因素。鉴于如此多的益处,难怪如今越来越多的国家致力于发明创新。认识到创新的重要性只是推崇创新的第一步,要实现创新还要采取一些有效的措施。一方面,我们的政府应继续促进高校毕业生就业;另一方面,科学家及技工的工作环境及待遇应进一步改善。只有这样,“我们民族的灵魂”才能完全展现,我们的国家才能有一个更加灿烂的未来。


Section Ⅰ Use of EnglishDirections:

Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark【A】,【B】,【C】or【D】on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

With the increasing pace of economic globalization and competition among various countries in the market, information, technology, professionals, capital and other types of economic resources are becoming increasingly evident. International 1 is becoming progressively 2. Previously 3 competition among enterprises in different countries is growing gradually into competition among governments that finds expression in a concentrated form. Previous 4 contention for enterprises' interests in the world market now evidences itself in the contention for 5 interests. In this new situation, to 6 national interests and to enable a country to be constantly in a favorable position in the international market, the most important thing is to have a highly 7 government that 8 the full trust of citizens.

The basic objective of the study of the "government administration" is to 9 the competitive edge of a government in the international market, to 10 the efficiency and quality of government administrative behaviors, and to enhance the skills and the efficiency of government policy operations. The evident 11 between government administration and enterprise management lies in the fact 12 the former is a macro-activity and represents the overall national interests. Considering this from the 13 of the theory of behavioral efficiency function, the degree of the efficiency and quality of government administrative behaviors and the standard of the skills and the efficiency of government policy operations have a direct 14 on the amount of national interests and the degree of security and happiness of its people. Thus, to 15 the level of overall national interests requires a highly efficient enterprise management and a high-quality enterprise group with significant core competitiveness. More importantly, it requires highly efficient government administration and the government's international competitiveness to have a 16 advantage. For China, a country that is still in the 17 of "shift in the mode of growth" and "transformation in the system", the fundamental 18 to turn this objective into a 19 is to make innovations in government administration. So, against the 20 backgrounds of economic globalization and the domestic economic transformation, how should we make innovations in government administration? I think many things can be done in this regard. Yet the most important thing is to effect the change of the concept, functions, forms and the institution of government administration.





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