
发布时间:2020-07-25 06:31:11







Unit 1


Section A

chase [tFeis] n. 追赶,追击

vt. 追赶,追逐;雕镂【例句】Why do modern people chase material possessions?

为什么现在的人们追求物质财富?【词组】chase after 追逐;追赶

chase down 找出

give chase (to)追赶;追击

in chase of追赶【派生】chaser n. 驱逐舰;猎人

capture [5kAptFE] n. 捕获,俘虏;夺得;战利品

vt. 俘获,捕获;夺取,攻占【例句】The easiest way to capture a fortress is from within.

堡垒最容易从内部攻破。【助记】captivate;cap + 音:扯,扯住帽子,抓

cruelty [5kru:Elti] n. 残忍,残暴,残酷;残酷行为,刻毒伤人的话;非人道待遇【例句】Cruelty is quite alien to his nature.

残忍完全不合他的本性。【词组】the cruelty of a despotic ruler暴君的残忍

the cruelty of war战争的残酷性

pessimistic [7pesi5mistik] adj. 悲观的,厌世的【例句】I have to say I’m rather pessimistic.

我得说我相当悲观。【词组】be pessimistic about 对…感到悲观

conquest [5kCNkwest] n. 征服;战胜,战利品,俘虏【例句】Her beauty won her many conquests.

她的美貌赢得许多崇拜者。【词组】for the conquest of为要征服…

make a conquest of征服;赢得…感情【助记】con(共同)+quest(快死他)→让他们共同死去(清军入关之前,只要打下一个部落,就将其男丁全部杀掉,留下妇孺和财物,以示征服)。

bankrupt [5bANkrQpt] n. 破产者

adj. 破产的;彻底失败的

vt. 使破产,使倒闭【例句】The company went bankrupt because of its poor management.

那家公司因管理经营不善而破产。【词组】bankrupt of/in完全缺乏,完全丧失

play the bankrupt破产,不能偿还债务

go bankrupt 破产【助记】bank 银行 + rupt断,破→破产【派生】bankruptcy n. 破产

worship [5wE:Fip] n. & v. (做)礼拜;崇拜【例句】The Greeks used to worship several gods.

过去,希腊人崇奉好几种神。【助记】源自worth有价值 + ship关系。【派生】worshipful adj. 崇拜的,虔诚的;尊贵的;尊敬的

spur [spE:] n. 剌激物,刺激

v. 鞭策,驱策;刺激,疾驰【例句】What spurred her to do that?

是什么促使她那么干的?【词组】spur (to sth.) 激励因素;刺激;鞭策

win one’s spurs 立大功,扬名

spur on 驱使;鼓励;飞驰【助记】音:撒泼,因为受刺激

lure [ljuE] n. 吸引力,魅力;诱惑物

vt. 引诱,吸引【例句】The enticement of the big city lure her away from her home.

大城市的种种诱惑吸引了她离家出走。【词组】lure sb. into a trap引诱上…圈套【助记】谐音“六饵”。用六个诱饵来诱骗你,诱惑,引诱。

drown [draun] v. 溺死,淹死

vt. 淹没【例句】Don’t play by the river in case you fall in and drown!

不要在河边玩耍,以免你掉到河里淹死。【词组】drown oneself 投水(自杀)

drown out 淹没,压过

imperial [im5piEriEl] adj. 皇帝的,帝国的;(度量衡)英制的【例句】The imperial gallon is not the same size as the US one.

英制加仑与美制加仑不同量。【派生】imperialism n. 帝国主义

exploit [iks5plCit] v. 开拓,开发;剥削;利用

n. 功绩,功勋,业绩【例句】①Television advertisers can exploit a captive audience.


②The daring exploits of the parachutists were much admired.

跳伞者大胆的冒险动作令人赞叹不已。【助记】发音像employ 使用,雇用;很多employer雇方使用employee时是为其私利剥削利用,而且现在这种行为还成了英雄行为了。【派生】exploitative adj. 剥削的;利用的;开发资源的

exploitation n. 开发,开采;利用;广告推销

hasten [5heisn] v. 催促,赶快;加速,加快【例句】She hastened home after hearing the news.

听到这个消息后,她匆匆忙忙地回家。【词组】in hasten急忙的

hasten back赶回;急忙回去

hasten forward匆忙赶路

hasten one’s steps加快步伐【助记】haste 匆忙+ en 使

elevator [5eliveitE] n. 电梯,升降机【例句】We went up to the fifth floor in an elevator.

我们乘电梯上5层。【词组】take the elevator 乘电梯【助记】e+ lev(变轻,举起)+ator→电梯将人举起送到楼上

blur [blE:] n. 模糊(的东西),污点

vt. 使模糊,污损

vi. 沾上污迹;变模糊【例句】The moths blurred at the window screen.

飞蛾在窗帘上弄了许多污点。【助记】读:不乐。名誉被损坏了,当然高兴不起来了【派生】blurred adj. 模糊不清的;被弄污的

blurriness n. 模糊强度

idle [5aidl] adj. 不在工作的;空闲的,闲置的;懒散的;无聊的

v. 闲混,虚度,无所事事【例句】Men are left idle when machines break down.

机器坏了时,工人们便无事可做了。【词组】idle away 浪费光阴,虚度时间【助记】i(爱)+d(谐音:逗)+le(拼音:乐)→空闲的人爱逗乐。

continuity [7kCnti5nju(:)iti] n. 连续(性),持续(性)【例句】We must ensure continuity of fuel supplies.

我们应该确保燃料供给不中断。【词组】continuity equation 连续方程

business continuity 业务连续性;企业永续经营

continuity condition 连续性条件

a continuity of scenes 一连串的场景

break the continuity of a person’s speech 打断某人的话

sustain [sEs5tein] vt. 支撑,撑住;维持,持续;经受;忍耐【例句】The court sustained his claim that the contract was illegal.

法庭确认他的要求正当,宣布该合同不合法。【词组】sustain a family维持家计【助记】sus(从下边)+tain(维持)→从下边维持→支撑【派生】sustainable adj. 可以忍受的;足可支撑的;养得起的

sustainability n. 持续性;永续性;能维持性

discount [5diskaunt] n. 折扣;贴现率

vi. 贴现;打折扣出售商品

vt. 打折扣;将…贴现;贬损;低估;忽视【例句】The store discounted all clothing for the sale.

该店服装全部减价出售。【词组】at a discount折价

with some discount打折扣【助记】dis(去除)+count(计算)→不计算(在内)→折扣;dis+count。不算了,打折,折扣。


plot [plCt] n. 秘密计划;情节

v. 绘制;密谋,策划【例句】They are plotting to rob a bank.

他们正在策划抢银行。【词组】plot out 把(土地)划分成块【助记】音:铺+ lot,许多,小块土地,铺了许多(纸在桌子上),布置军事计划时在一小块做战区模型上标绘,并进行秘密计划;音:坡+ lot场地。

moviemaker [`mU:vI9meIkE(r)] n. 电影制作人【例句】Among the audience were moviemaker Jim Sheridan and some movie stars.


spotlight [5spCtlait] n. 聚光灯;公众注意的中心

vt. 聚光照明;使公众注意【例句】There are many spotlights on the stage.

舞台上有很多聚光灯。【词组】in the spotlight 处于公众注意的中心;出风头【助记】形:s(美女)+pot(壶)+light,记:美女拿着一只壶在灯下摇啊摇,她是想吸引公众的注意。

jungle [5dVQNgl] n. 丛林,密林;危险地带

adj. 丛林的;蛮荒的【例句】The city is a jungle where no one is safe after dark.


fraud [frC:d] n. 欺骗,舞弊;欺骗(行为);骗子;假货,伪劣品【例句】The judge sentenced the man guilty of fraud.

法官判决那人犯诈骗罪。【助记】读:腐肉的-买腐肉的人-骗子frau(n [德] 夫人;已婚的女性)如果妻子欺骗丈夫就是fraud。【派生】fraudulent adj. 欺骗性的;不正的

contaminate [kEn5tAmineit] vt. 弄脏;污染【例句】The river was contaminated with waste.

这河水被垃圾污染了。【助记】con(共同)+ta(拼音:他)+mi(拼音:米)+nation(国家)→共同要他们米的国家,因为米被污染【派生】contaminated adj. 受污染的;弄脏的

contamination n. 污染,玷污;污染物

well [wel] adj. 健康的,良好的

adv. 好,满意地,恰当地;很

n. 井

int. 哎呀,好啦,嗯【例句】She must have been well disciplined for her orderliness.

她有条不紊,一定受过良好的训练。【词组】as well 也;又;同样地

as well as 既…也(又)…;不仅…而且…

may as well 还是…好;不妨;可以

wish sb. well 愿某人万事如意【派生】wellness n. 健康

underline [7QndE5lain] v. 在…下划线;强调

n. 划在下面的线【例句】She underlined her disapproval of the proceedings by walking out.


uncompromising [5Qn5kCmprEmaiziN] adj. 不妥协的, 不让步的, 强硬的【例句】The government adopted an uncompromising posture on the issue of independence.

政府在独立的问题上采取了毫不妥协的态度。【派生】uncompromisingly adv. 坚决地;不妥协地

object [5CbdVikt] n. 物体;客体,对象;目标;宾语

vi. (to)反对

vt. 提出…作为反对的理由【例句】I object to the plan on the grounds that it is too expensive.

我反对该项计画,理由是花费太大。【词组】object to sth./doing sth. 反对做某事【助记】ob(前,朝)+ject(扔)→朝…扔→反对【派生】objective adj. 客观的;目标的;宾格的

objective n. 目的;目标;[光] 物镜;宾格

accuse [E5kju:z] vt. 控告,谴责,非难

vi. 指控,指责,归咎【例句】Mary was accused as an accomplice.

玛丽被指控为同谋犯。【词组】accuse sb. of… 指控某人【助记】ac(一再)+cuse(责问→法庭上被告一再地接受责问→ 控诉【派生】accused adj. 被控告的

accusation n. 控告,指控;谴责

banquet [5bANkwit] n. (通常指正式的)宴会;酒席

v. 出席宴会,参加宴会;宴情【例句】They banqueted until the early hours of the morning.

他们的宴会一直持续到凌晨。【词组】give/hold a banquet举行宴会【助记】宴会未过半(ban),宾客却(que)退(t)席

sue [sju:, su:] vt. 控告;请求,乞求【例句】If you don’t return our property,we’ll sue.

如果你不归还我们的财产,我们就起诉。【词组】sue (sb.) (for sth.) 控告(某人);(对某人)提起诉讼【助记】谐音:“诉”→起诉,控告。

attorney [E5tE:ni] n. (业务或法律事务上的)代理人;辩护律师【例句】She refused to make any statement until she had spoken to her attorney.


second [5sekEnd] adj. 第二;次等的,二等的

n. 秒;一会儿

v. 赞成,支持

expel [iks5pel] v. 把…开除,驱逐;排出,发射【例句】The pupil was expelled for stealing.

那学生因偷窃被开除。【词组】expel from驱逐出;开除;排出【助记】ex(向外)+pel(推);ex+pel。pel词根,推。【派生】expelling n. 驱逐;排出

reap [ri:p] v. 收割,收获【例句】She reaped large profits from her unique invention.


justify [5dVQstifai] vi. 证明合法;整理版面

vt. 证明…是正当的;替…辩护【例句】His illness doesn’t justify his long absence.


sophisticated [sE5fistikeitid] adj. 尖端的,复杂的,先进的;老练的,世故的【例句】This is the latest and most sophisticated technology.

这是一项最新最尖端的技术。【助记】sophist(诡辩家)+icated→诡辩家都是老于世故的【派生】sophisticate n. 久经世故的人;精通者

single-minded [5siN^l5maindid] adj. 专一的;坚定的;诚心的;纯真的【例句】They were effective politicians, ruthless and single-minded in their pursuit of political power.


novelist [5nCvElist] n. (长篇)小说家【例句】A novelist creates characters and a plot.

小说家塑造人物并设计作品的情节。【词组】a romantic novelist浪漫派小说家

dull [dQl] adj. 迟钝的,呆滞的;单调的;不锋利的

vt. 使迟钝;使阴暗;缓和

vi. 减少;变迟钝【例句】Old age is dulling my thinking.

年龄的增长使我思想日见迟钝了。【派生】dully adv. 迟钝地;沉闷地;没精打采地

desperately [5despEritli] adv. 绝望地【例句】He desperately saw her disappear into the crowd.


alas [E5lB:s] int. (表示悲痛、遗憾)哎呀;唉【例句】Alas! He died of cancer.


lifetime [5laiftaim] n. 一生,寿命;终生;使用期

adj. 一生的;终身的【例句】It is difficult to verbalize his lifetime of frustrations.


Section B

barn [bB:n] n. 谷仓,畜棚;机器房

vt. 把…贮存入仓【例句】They live in that great barn of a house.


mill [mil] n. 磨粉机,磨坊;作坊,工厂

v. 漫无目的地乱转【例句】The crowds were still milling back and forth in the warm night.


spray [sprei] n. 喷雾;飞沫;浪花

vt. 喷射,喷溅【例句】The seed was sprayed over the ground in huge quantities by aeroplanes.

飞机把大量的草籽撒在地面上。【词组】spray sth. (on/over sb./sth.) 向某人[某物] 喷雾状的(液体)

spray (out) (over,across,etc sb./sth.) (指液体)喷出(呈雾状)【助记】sp(专家)+ray(光线)→专家将水像光线一样喷出

sunshine [5sQnFain] n. 阳光;晴天;欢乐【例句】After rain come sunshine.


canal [kE5nAl] n. 槽,沟渠;运河;小道;导管

vt. 开运河【例句】The canal is now open to shipping.


bathe [beiT] vt. 给…洗澡,沐浴;(光线)充满

vi. 洗澡,游泳

n. 洗澡;游泳【例句】Can I have a single room with a bath?


towel [5tauEl] n. 手巾

vt. 用毛巾擦或擦干【例句】Dry your hands with a towel after you wash them.

洗完手后,用毛巾好好把手擦干。【词组】throw in the towel认输

towel oneself/sb. (down) (with sth.) 用毛巾擦干自己[某人]

clay [klei] n. 粘土,泥土;肉体【例句】Clay is a plastic substance.


ditch [ditF] vt. 在…上掘沟;把…开入沟里;[俚]丢弃

vi. 开沟;掘沟

n. 沟渠;壕沟【例句】He fell into a ditch.

他掉到水沟里了。【词组】last ditch 最后防线,最后手段【助记】音:地池,地渠,地上的池子就是沟渠,动词是扔在水沟→抛弃。

seashell [5si:Fel] n. 海贝,贝壳;海贝壳【例句】She walks along the beach, collecting seashell.

她沿海滩收集海贝。【词组】in the shape of a seashell 以贝壳的形状

seaweed [5si:wi:d] n. 海草;海藻【例句】The tide ebbed away, leaving behind seaweed and debris.

潮退了,剩下的都是海草和瓦砾。【词组】seaweed soup 紫菜汤

crane [krein] n. 吊车,起重机;鹤

vi. 伸着脖子看;迟疑,踌躇

vt. 用起重机起吊;伸长脖子【例句】The driver slewed the crane round.


racism [5reisizEm] n. 种族主义,人种偏见,种族歧视【例句】He is a tireless fighter against racism.

他是一位不屈不挠的反种族歧视的斗士。【词组】modern racism现代种族主义

experience racism遭受种族主义的歧视

enquire [in5kwaiE] v. 询问,探问,查问,调查【例句】He enquired everyone he met on his lost son.

他向每个遇到的人打听儿子的下落。【词组】enquire about/of询问

enquire into调查【派生】enquiry n. 询问,询盘

assumption [E5sQmpFEn] n. 设想,推测;采取;承担;假装;就职【例句】Their assumption of an air of confidence fooled nobody.

他们装出信心十足的样子却欺骗不了任何人。【词组】on the assumption that 假设【助记】as(当作)+sum(总和)+ption

deposit [di5pCzit] n. 存款;保证金;沉淀物

vt. 使沉积;存放

vi. 沉淀【例句】①The hotel requires a deposit for all advance bookings.


②You may deposit your returned books with the librarian.

你可以把要还的书留在图书管理员处。【词组】on deposit存放着,寄存,保藏着;存(款),储存着;(以分期付款或购物时)作为第一期交付的货款【助记】de+posit(放)→把财物妥善保管→将钱存入银行【派生】deposition n. 沉积物;矿床;革职

weathered [5weTEd] adj. 风化的;饱经风霜的;倾斜的【例句】The man had a worn, weathered face.


container [kEn5teinE(r)] n. 容器;集装箱【例句】Shipment to be effected on a container liner of ABC Line.

交由ABC班轮公司的集装箱班轮运载。【词组】container transport 集装箱运输

coil [kCil] n. (一)卷,(一)圈;线圈

v. 卷,盘绕【例句】The snake coiled itself around the tree.


tray [trei] n. 盘,碟,托盘【例句】He put the toast on the breakfast tray.


brow [brau] n. 眉毛;额;(面部)表情【例句】His brow corrugated with the effort of thinking.


moist [mCist] adj. 潮湿的【例句】Strawberries grow best in a cool,moist climate.

草莓在阴凉潮湿的气候中生长最佳。【助记】音:摸衣湿,一摸衣服是潮湿的(雾气太大);音:毛易湿的,毛发容易湿的。【派生】moistly adv. 潮湿地;含泪地

moisture n. 水分;湿度;潮湿;降雨量

cynical [5sinikEl] adj. 冷嘲热讽的,愤世嫉俗的【例句】She is getting more cynical about life.

她变得对生活更加愤世嫉俗。【词组】a cynical remark风凉话

be cynical about [对…]讥刺的,冷笑的,不相信的

booklet [5buklit] n. 小册子【例句】Recent changes in the tax law are clearly set out in the booklet.

在那本小册子里清楚地描述了近来税务法的变更情况。【词组】residence booklet 户口簿

relief [ri5li:f] n. (痛苦等)减轻,解除;援救,救济;浮雕;慰藉,安慰【例句】I felt great relief when I heard I had passed the examination.

听说我已经通过了考试,感到轻松多了。【词组】in relief 显著地;鲜明地;浮雕一般

relief from 减轻;解除【助记】re(阿姨)+lie(说谎)+f(for为了)→阿姨说谎为了缓解矛盾。

mold/mould [mEuld] n. 模子,铸型;霉菌

v. 浇铸,造型,塑造;用泥土覆盖【例句】Molten iron is poured in this mold.

熔化的铁被倒在这个模子里。【词组】mold (up) potatoes 用土覆盖马铃薯

mould sth. out of/from sth. (用…)铸造

injection mold 注塑模具【助记】音:模斗,模子

heave [hi:v] v. (用力)举,提,拉;扔;拖;呕吐;(使)起伏;投掷;恶心;发出(叹息等)

n. 举起;起伏;投掷;一阵呕吐【例句】I kept heaving when the ship was going into the sea.

当轮船驶入大海后,我就一直呕吐不止。【助记】heaven天上,天堂;heave动词,能举到天上;heavy 重→举重

freight [freit] n. 货物,货运;运费

v. 装货;使充满【例句】The freight is included in the account.

运费包括在帐内。【词组】by freight (美)用普通铁路货车运送【助记】f+reight(看作weight量)→运费一般是按照货物的重量计算。

furnish [5fE:niF] v. 供应,提供;装备,布置【例句】The story of Orpheus has furnished Pope with an illustration.

奥菲士的传说为蒲柏提供了例证。【词组】furnish with 供给,提供;用…装饰【助记】fur(皮毛)+nish→用皮毛提供装备【派生】furnishing n. 供给;装备;服饰;家俱

auction [5C:kFEn] n. & vt. 拍卖【例句】We auctioned off the remaining inventory.

我们拍卖剩余库存品。【词组】at auction 拍卖

auction sth. off 把某物拍卖掉【助记】auction→caution( n. 小心)→拍卖会上要小心行事【派生】auctioneer n. 拍卖商

unearned [5Qn5E:nd] adj. 不劳而获的, 自然得到的, 不相称的, 不应得的【例句】Declare all unearned income.


lest [lest] conj. 惟恐,免得【例句】He took a flashlight lest it should get dark before he returned.


porter [5pC:tE] n. 门房;搬运工人【例句】You can ask a porter to carry your luggage.


initiative [i5niFiEtiv] adj. 起始的,初步的,创始的

n. 进取心,首创精神,倡议;主动性,主动权【例句】He took the initiative in designing a recording study.

他开始了设计录音棚的初步行动。【词组】on one’s own initiative主动地

have/seize the initiative 掌握主动【助记】initial 开始的,最初的

restore [ris5tC:] v. 使恢复;归还,交还;修复,重建【例句】The sea air will help to restore his health.

海洋的空气将有助于恢复他的健康。【派生】restoration n. 恢复;复位;归还

liquor [5likE]n. 液体;酒;[药] 溶液,液剂

vt. 浸水

vi. 喝酒【例句】His tan was pinked by a liquor flush.

喝酒后他那晒黑的皮肤透出了红色。【助记】liquor 音“立刻”→喝了酒以后,立刻就脸红。

induce [in5dju:s] vt. 引诱,劝使;引起,导致;感应【例句】What induced you to do such a foolish thing?

是什么引诱你做这样的傻事?【词组】induce sb. to do sth. 劝导/诱使某人做某事【助记】in(向里)+duce(引导)

embarrassment [im5bArEsmEnt] n. 焦急,局促不安【例句】His ignorant behaviour at the dinner table caused much embarrassment.

他在餐桌上举止粗鲁,在座的人颇为难堪。【词组】ease one’s embarrassment缓解某人的困窘

financial embarrassment财政拮据

embarrassment of friends朋友多得数不清

embarrassment of riches钱多得不知如何处置

obligation [7Cbli5^eiFEn] n. 义务,责任;人情债,恩惠【例句】Damaging the goods puts you under an obligation to buy them.

你损坏了这些商品,你就得都买下来。【词组】be under an/no obligation (to do sth.)(没)有义务(做某事)【助记】来自oblige( vt. 迫使)

staggering [5stA^EriN] adj. 蹒跚的,摇晃的;令人惊愕的【例句】The amount of talent that walked through the room was staggering for me.

在这个房间走动的人才的数目,对我来说是惊人的。【词组】a staggering achievement惊人的成就

a staggering defeat 全军覆没

a staggering piece of news一项令人惊愕的消息【助记】stage 舞台正在stagger (摇晃) ing,看来要倒,令人惊愕

exceedingly [ik5si:diNli] adv. 非常地,极端地【例句】They were exceedingly kind to me.


civility [si5viliti] n. 礼貌;端庄;彬彬有礼;客气(=politeness)【例句】They greeted us with civility.


vanish [5vAniF] v. 消失,逐渐消失,消散【例句】I wish cockroaches would vanish from the earth.

我希望蟑螂能在地球上消失。【词组】vanish from 从…失去;从…消失

vanish away 消失【助记】谐音“哇,消失了”,消失【派生】vanishing n. 消失

yawn [jC:n] v. 打呵欠;张开,裂开

n. 呵欠;乏味的或枯燥的事物【例句】His long boring story made me yawn.

他的冗长的故事听得我直打呵欠。【词组】yawn at对…不感兴趣【助记】音:仰,仰头打呵欠;象声,打呵欠声。【派生】yawning n. 打呵欠

barbershop [5bB:bEFCp] n. 理发店;理发店合唱(指用和声法演唱而不借助乐器伴奏的一种唱法,通常由男性组成的小型团队演唱)【例句】I waited my turn at the barbershop for nearly two hours.


pave [peiv] v. 铺砌,铺(路)【例句】Experiments that paved the way for future research.

为将来的研究工作铺平了道路的实验。【词组】pave the way for/to 为…铺平道路,使…容易进行【助记】波浪(wave)怕(pa)铺路(pave)【派生】pavage n. 铺路;铺设


Section A

1.An artist who seeks fame is like a dog chasing his own tail who, when he captures it, does not know what else to do but to continue chasing it.


句子的主干是An artist… is like a dog…;定语从句who seeks fame修饰先行词an artist;现在分词短语chasing his own tail做定语,修饰a dog;tail后who引导定语从句,先行词是a dog,定语从句中又包含when引导的时间状语从句。


①chase away赶走,驱除(烦恼、恐惧等)。

例:Ellery’s return will help to chase away some of the gloom. 埃勒里的归来可以驱散一些抑郁的情绪。

②chase up追查清楚;清查;敦促;追着…索要。

例:When I didn’t hear from the suppliers or receive a refund, I chased the matter up. 我既没收到供货商的消息,也没拿到退款,于是开始追查此事。

The man comes to Hollywood to chase up a client who has defaulted on a debt. 那个人到好莱坞追踪欠债客户。

③chase sb. from… 撤销…的职位;将…赶下台。

例:His single-minded pursuit of European union helped chase Mrs. Thatcher from power. 他对欧洲统一的执著追求在一定程度上促成了撒切尔夫人的下台。

2.Those who gain fame most often gain it as a result of exploiting their talent for singing, dancing, painting, or writing, etc.



gain fame成名;获得…声誉。

例:Stephen Crane was another great writer to gain fame as a correspondent. 斯蒂芬克兰是另一位赢得“战地记者”声誉的伟大作家。

as a result of由于…的结果;起因;经;因。

例:Their bodies had suffered contortion as a result of malnutrition. 由于营养不良他们的躯体都变了形。

3.After their enthusiasm has dissolved, the public simply moves on to the next flavor of the month.


move on to转换(话题、注意力等);移到。

例:Let’s move on to the prickly subject of taxation reform. 咱们继续讨论下一项税制改革这个棘手的问题吧。

句中flavor of the month指在一段极短时间内风靡一时的思想、明星或者风格等。

例:Moreover, industrial stocks in general are hardly the flavor of the month. 此外,总体来看工业类股也很难说是这个月市场的宠儿。

4.Artists who do attempt to remain current by making even minute changes to their style of writing, dancing or singing, run a significant risk of losing the audience’s favor.


句子的主干是:Artists run a significant risk…;句中who引导定语从句修饰artists。


例:Only a minute amount is needed. 只需要很少的一点点。

run a/the risk of冒险,有…风险。

例:Smoking too much can run a risk of lung cancer. 吸烟过量有引发肺癌的危险。

5.The public simply discounts styles other than those for which the artist has become famous.




例:However, traders tended to discount the rumor. 然而,商人往往不相信这一谣传。

discount还有“打折;打折出售”之意。短语at a discount意为“打折;不受欢迎;没销路”。

例:Books about the war are at a discount now. 有关那次战争的书现在没什么销路。

other than除了;不同于。

例:I have no ambitions other than to have a happy life and be free. 我没有雄心大志,只求自由自在地过幸福生活。

6.Fame’s spotlight can be hotter than a tropical jungle—a fraud is quickly exposed, and the pressure of so much attention is too much for most to endure.


句中Fame’s spotlight can be hotter than a tropical jungle是个比喻,指成名之后会带来很多公众的关注。

jungle热带丛林;密林。the law of the jungle丛林法则;弱肉强食的原则。

例:If you make aggression pay, this becomes the law of the jungle. 如果你通过侵略谋取利益,这就成了弱肉强食。

7.An example, the famous Irish writer Oscar Wilde, known for his uncompromising behavior, both social and sexual, to which the public objected, paid heavily for remaining true to himself.


句子的主干是:the famous Irish writer Oscar Wilde… paid heavily …;过去分词短语known for his uncompromising behavior修饰主语Oscar Wilde,both social and sexual修饰behavior,to which为定语从句,先行词是behavior。

Oscar Wilde奥斯卡·王尔德(1854年10月16日-1900年11月30日),爱尔兰作家、诗人、剧作家,英国唯美主义艺术运动的倡导者。他的作品在剧院演出后得到广大回响,在19世纪与萧伯纳齐名。他的戏剧、诗作、小说留给后人许多惯用语,如“活得快乐,就是最好的报复”。王尔德富有过人的自信和天赋,虽然他的晚年极为潦倒,但他的艺术成就仍使他成为世界经典的艺术家。他创作了9篇童话,结集为《快乐王子和其他故事》和《石榴屋》两部童话集。1900年王尔德因脑膜炎于巴黎的旅馆去世,终年46岁。

object to反对…。

例:I don’t object to the children going with us. 我不反对孩子们和我们一道去。

8.The mother of a young man Oscar was intimate with accused him at a banquet in front of his friends and fans of sexually influencing her son.


句中Oscar was intimate with为定语从句修饰a young man,省略了关系代词。

be intimate with与…亲近;熟悉。

例:I have long been intimate with him. 我和他相识已久。

accuse sb. of sth. 指控某人…;控告…。

例:They may even accuse the child of disloyalty. 他们甚至责备孩子不忠诚。

动词accuse和charge都有“指控,控告”的意思。区别是:accuse表示直接而严厉地指出某人的过错,常用搭配是accuse sb. of doing sth.。charge在表示“指控”时,含有“未承担责任或任务”的意思,同时强调被指控者的过错相当严重,而且,要将这种过错郑重宣布。常用搭配是charge sb. with sth.。

例:His father would accuse him of neglecting his filial duties. 他的父亲会指责他不尽孝道。

The police are going to charge him with murder. 警察要控告他杀人。

9.The judge did not second Wilde’s call to have the woman pay for damaging his name, and instead fined Wilde.



例:The Prime Minister seconded the call for discipline in a speech last week. 上周首相在一次演讲中对严肃纪律的号召表示支持。


例:Several hundred soldiers have been seconded to help farmers. 数百名士兵被临时派去帮助农民。


例:An east London school has set a precedent by fining pupils who break the rules. 伦敦东区的一所学校开创了对违反校规的学生处以罚金的先例。

10.Failed artists may find comfort in knowing that many great artists never found fame until well after they had passed away or in knowing that they did not sell out.


句子的主语是Failed artists ,谓语是find comfort in knowing that…or in knowing that…。

pass away去世;逝世;谢世。

例:He unfortunately passed away last year. 他去年不幸逝世。

sell out有以下含义:






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