庄绎传《英汉翻译简明教程》 配套题库(含考研真题)(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载)

发布时间:2020-07-25 06:42:26





庄绎传《英汉翻译简明教程》 配套题库(含考研真题)

庄绎传《英汉翻译简明教程》 配套题库(含考研真题)试读:

第一章 篇章翻译

第1节 故 事(Stories)

Practice 1

吴先生具备一位教师应具备的一切条件,只是不善于启发学生。他像钟表一样守时,像奴隶船上的一名划船工那样辛苦地备课。讲课时,凡引用书中原文,别人也许会照本宣科念给学生听,他却不管篇幅多长,都要全部背下来。阐述任何问题,他都是“第一……,第二……”条理清晰,活像一位教官在练兵,有点干巴,但绝不会空泛。他不是那种口若悬河讲得天花乱坠,细想却让人不知所云的教师。他讲的东西全都是有内容的,可能观点不全正确,但至少不会放空炮。他从不拐弯抹角地提出任何观点,总是十分明确有力地表达出来。换句话说,他从不怕对任何意见表示自己的态度。对于一些历史史实,尤其是百科全书和各种参考书中可以找到的史实,吴先生是无懈可击的。你只能和他公正地争论有关鉴赏或阐释的问题。也正是在这方面,吴先生暴露了他的弱点。但是这一弱点,并不是由于说理不清或立意不诚,这个弱点是人文主义者所具有的观点中固有的,而且是作为白碧德(Babbit; Babbitian)人文主义者所固有的。遗憾的是吴先生使自己被白碧德人文主义吸引住了,使得他的所有观点无不染上白碧德人文主义的色彩。伦理和艺术可悲地纠缠在一起,你常常搞不清他是在阐释文学问题呢,还是在宣讲道德问题。(489字)(杭州电子科技大学2014研)【参考译文】

Mr. Wu is everything that a teacher ought to be, except to be inspiring. Punctual as a clock, he works like a galley-slave at his lectures. Where others would read a quotation out of a book, he would memorize it, however long it might be. He is as orderly as a drill-sergeant in the exposition of any subject, with his “firstly this” and “secondly that.” Dull, perhaps; but never pointless. He is not one of those teachers, who talk of everything and say nothing. What he says does mean something: it may be wrong, but at least it is not hot air. He never hedges about any point; he always puts his foot plump on it. In other words, he is never afraid of committing himself to an opinion. On matters of fact, especially of those facts which are to be found in encyclopedias and books of reference, Mr. Wu is unimpeachable. One can only fairly quarrel with him on matters of taste or of interpretation. In these, Mr. Wu shows his weakness; but it is not a weakness, due to haziness or any failing in sincerity: it is a weakness, inherent in his point of view, which is that of a humanist—a Babbitian humanist, at that. It is a pity Mr. Wu has allowed himself to be lured into Babbitian humanism. As it is, all his views are colored by it. Ethics and art get woefully mixed up. Often, one is puzzled whether he is delivering himself on a question of literature or of morality.

Practice 2

宋淇先生(Stephen C. Soong,1919—1996)生前著述甚丰,并不遗余力推动翻译教学与研究工作。为纪念宋先生对翻译事业的贡献,宋氏家族于1997年捐款,由香港中文大学中国文化研究所翻泽研究中心设立“宋淇翻译研究论文纪念奖”,旨在奖励海内外华人学者从事具有原创性的翻译研究,尤其鼓励以第一手材料从事文化与历史方向的探讨。论文奖参选细则如下:

l. 中国大陆、港、澳、台地区以及海外华人学者、研究生均可参选。

2. 参选论文以中、英文语言为限,必须在2010年内公开发表于正式的学术刊物。

3. 论文奖每年颁发一次,每次设奖额3名,不分等级,每位得奖者将获颁奖励证书及奖金港币3,000元。

4. 论文评审委员会由中国大陆、港、澳、台地区从事翻译研究的知名学者组成。

5. 参选论文恕不退稿。(四川外语学院2012研)【参考译文】

Stephen C. Soong (1919—1996) was a prolific writer as well as an active figure in the promotion of translation education and research. To commemorate his contributions in this field, the Stephen C .Soong Translation Studies Awards were set up in 1997 by the Research Centre for Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, with a donation from the Soong family. It gives recognition to academics who have made contributions to original research in Chinese Translation Studies, particularly in the use of first-hand sources for historical and cultural investigations. General regulations are as follows:

1. Eligibility is limited to Chinese scholars or research students affiliated to mainland Chinese, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau or overseas higher education/research institutes.

2. Submissions must be articles written in either Chinese or English and published in a refereed journal within the calendar year 2009.

3. The prize will be awarded annually to three winners without distinction of grades. A certificate and a cheque of HK $3,000 will be awarded to each winning entry.

4. The adjudication committee consists of renowned scholars in Translation Studies from Greater China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

5. Articles submitted will not be returned to the candidates.

Practice 3“中国航天之父”钱学森和中国“欧洲古典艺术歌曲权威”蒋英的结合堪称科学和艺术的完美联姻。






The marriage between “Father of Chinese Aviation” Qian Xuesen and “Authority of European Classical Art Song” Jiang Ying can be rated as a perfect alliance of science and art.

Because of their parents’ long-standing friendship, Qian and Jiang knew each other from childhood and they got similarly good family education. In 1947, they got married in Shanghai and kept their pledge of love—a black grand piano since then.

In the following 40 years after returning homeland, Jiang invited Qian to listen and comment her work whenever she had a stage performance or conducting job on graduation concerts.

Speaking of arts’ revelatory and broadening influence on scientific thinking, Qian says: “It is her songs that enlighten me whenever I am puzzled by some difficulties at work.”“How blessed I am!” Qian said proudly, every time he heard Jiang’s songs.

On Oct.16, 1991, while giving a spontaneous speech on receiving “National Outstanding Contribution Award for Scientists” at the award ceremony held in Great Hall of the People, Qian says: “For 44 years, Jiang introduced to me the music which embodies poetic romance and deep comprehension of life. It enriches my understanding of the world and teaches me an artistically broad way of thinking. In other words, it is right because of this artistic nurture that helps me avoid obstinateness and metaphysical materialism and makes my mind open and flexible.”

Practice 4


Wu Zuguang, a native of Jiangsu, was well-known as playwright. His first work Return on a Snowy Night brought him instant fame. He also set foot in the fields of film and Peking opera. “Mei Lanfang’s artistic stage”, directed by Wu Guangzu, is considered as the best one of all the documentaries about Mei Lanfang’s stage life.

Practice 5


As a renowned scientist, Zhu Kezhen was appointed president of Zhejiang University in 1936. He had been working at that post for thirteen years until 1949. In those years, he worked under extremely adverse circumstances, such as successive wars and student movements, and to make things even worse, the university had to move five times through five provinces over 2,500 kilometers. In spite of these difficulties and obstacles, Zhejiang University, under Zhu’s leadership, developed from a university with only three colleges and sixteen departments to one of the two most comprehensive universities in China, which consisted of seventeen colleges and twenty-seven departments.

Practice 6


The early hardships in life have forged Fan Zhongyan a gritty perseverance and a broad mind that cares nothing about personal interests, but concerns about the whole nation. His official career was uneven and he was demoted several times in his life. After his friend Teng Zijing who was demoted to Yuezhou (nowadays named Yueyang), had rebuilt the Yueyang pavilion, he wrote to Fan asking him to compose a memoir of the pavilion. He was demoted to Dengzhou at that time. Though Fan Zhongyan had suffered much in the politics and was not in good health, still he accepted the friend’s request and finished the famous The Yueyang Tower in Huazhou College in Dengzhou. In the famous article of elegancy and refinement, Fan Zhongyan advised his friend not to mourn for his misfortunes, nor to be indulged in the beautiful landscape, forgetting the country and the people; he asked Teng to “concern about the people when serving in court; worry about the monarch when among the common people”, and he also suggested that Teng be solicitous for the country and the people all the time.

第2节 历 史(History)

Practice 1


The Tang Dynasty, with its capital at Chang’an (present-day Xi’an), which at the time was the most populous city in the world, is generally regarded as/considered (as) a high point in Chinese civilization. The early Tang emperors, through repeated wars of territorial acquisition, created a country that rivaled the size of the Han Dynasty. In two censuses of the 7th and 8th centuries, the Tang records estimated the population by number of registered households at about 50 million. By the 9th century the national government was on the point of collapse and could hardly conduct/carried out a precise demographic survey (obtain accurate census data), but the roughly estimated population had increased to approximately 80 million. With its large population base, the dynasty was able to raise professional and conscripted armies of hundreds of thousands of troops to contend with nomadic powers in dominating Inner Asia and the lucrative/profitable trade routes along the Silk Road. Various neighboring kingdoms paid tribute to the Tang court. Except for the period when An Lushan rebelled and the latter period of the dynasty when the central government had lost its authority, the Tang Dynasty was featured for the greater part of its time by social stability and continuous economic development. Like the previous Sui Dynasty, the Tang dynasty maintained a civil service system by recruiting scholar-officials through standardized examinations/recruiting civil servants from the top scholars on standardized tests. Li Bai and Du Fu, the most renowned ancient poets, lived during this era, as did many famous painters such as Wu Daozi, Zhang Xuan and Zhou Fang.

Practice 2


In the Chinese history, frequent flood disasters caused serious damages, which mainly resulted from its monsoon climate. It is recorded that floods had occurred 1092 times from 206 B.C. to 1949, with an average occurrence of a major disaster every two years. We can still remember clearly that four serious floods had happened to our country in the twentieth century. The Yangtze River flood in 1931 took away 42 million lives. Similar floods occurred in the year 1945, 1992 and 1998. These three floods submerged the big piece of farmland, washed away the innumerable wealth, but loss of life was greatly reduced.

Practice 3



Since 1750, the world has seen four industrial revolutions. The first one took place in Britain; and China missed the boat. The second one occurred in the latter half of the 19th century; and China missed the boat. The third one was driven by the revolution in communication technology in the second half of the 20th Century. This time, Chinese leaders realized that it was a historic moment of change, and China caught the wave.

The 21st century is receiving the Fourth Industrial Revolution—the Green Revolution, symbolized by this global move to reduce emission. This time, we hope that China can be the leader, the innovator and the driver running head-to-head with the U.S., Europe and Japan. To achieve this, China has to accomplish two things: first, the transition from a high carbon economy to a low carbon economy; second, participation in global governance, i.e., to shift its focus from national governance to regional and global governance.

Practice 4


The glorious achievements of Vancouver is the crystallization of the wisdom (intelligence) and the industry of the Vancouver people as a whole, including the contributions made by a diversity of ethnic minorities. Canada is a large country with a small population. Although its territory is bigger than that of China, it only has a population of less than 30 million people. Consequently, to attract and to accept foreign immigrants have become a national policy long observed by Canada. It can be safely asserted that, except for Indians, all Canadian citizens are foreign immigrants, differing only in the length of time they have settled in Canada. Vancouver, in particular, is one of the few most celebrated multi-ethnic cities in the world. At present, among the 1.8 million Vancouver residents, half of them are not native-born and one out of every four residents is from Asia. The 250,000 Chinese there have played a decisive role in facilitating the transformation of the Vancouver economy. Half of them have come to settle in Vancouver only over the past five years, making Vancouver the largest area outside Asia where the Chinese concentrate.

第3节 经 济(Economy)

Practice 1







每个月,英国《金融时报》旗下研究服务部门“投资参考”(FT Confidential Research)都会调查1000名中国消费者。10月份,受访者在自由支配支出上的情绪是自2011年7月开始调查以来最负面的。

同样,中国银联(China UnionPay)利用它从银行卡采集的数据产生专有的消费者支出衡量指标。9月的餐厅和餐饮消费指数跌至2011年4月以来的最低位。10月的数据也仍低于趋势线。(对外经济贸易大学2016研)【参考译文】

Can the Chinese consumer successfully step up to offset weaknesses elsewhere in the economy? Those backing this thesis point to two recent pieces of data. Despite China’s recent turmoil, retail sales growth accelerated in October, surpassing growth in fixed-asset investment for the first time since the year 2000. Meanwhile, China’s Singles Day generated a record $14.3bn in sales for Alibaba.

There are several problems with the argument, however.

First, these are not accurate indicators of consumer spending.

The results of one day’s sales promotion that encourages consumers to front-load purchases is not a serious measure of the health of the entire retail sector, particularly given the fact that online transactions in China only account for around 10 per cent of total retail sales.

Official retail sales data, meanwhile, are also an unorthodox measure for consumer spending, given that they include government purchases.

There are arguably more accurate indicators of consumer spending available, and these are pointing to slower rather than faster growth in the consumer sector.

Every month FT Confidential Research surveys 1,000 Chinese consumers. In October, respondents were at their most negative about discretionary spending since the survey began in July 2011.

Similarly, China UnionPay uses data it collects from its bank cards to generate proprietary measures of consumer spending. September’s reading for its restaurant and catering spending index was the lowest since April 2011. October’s data also remained below trend.

Practice 2Business file: The magic of the merger

(1) 1998 was undoubtedly the year of the merger. (2) More companies than ever before joined together in deals that totaled $2.25 trillion and created the world’s largest ever bank and the world’s biggest oil company. (3) Faced with plummeting oil prices, oil giants Exxon and Mobil sought to achieve economies of scale through a $250 billion merger.

(4) There are several factors behind the increase in mergers and acquisitions. (5) Firstly, the accelerated rate of globalization has left companies desperately seeking overseas acquisition in order to remain competitive. (6) Deutsche bank bought its way into the US with its takeover of Bankers Trust, whilst Siemens hopes that its acquisition of Matra, the French defence group, will allow it to gain access to France’s railway business, which is dominated by Alstom, the Anglo-French consortium.

(7) Another factor behind the increase in merger activity is the record performance of stock markets, which has enabled companies to finance major acquisitions on the strength of their inflated share prices. (8) Earlier this year, Vodafone, the UK mobile telephone operator, acquired its US counterpart AirTouch by making AirTouch shareholders a cash and stock swap offer worth a total of $62 billion. (9) The deal created Vodafone AirTouch, the world’s largest mobile telecoms group with over 29 million customers.

(10) The European banking sector is also seeing a trend towards consolidation, a process accelerated by deregulation, over-capacity and the arrival of the single European currency.

(11) New technology is also making it easier for companies to diversify as different industries come to rely on common technologies. (12) Microsoft, for instance, is busily diversifying into cable and mobile telecommunications as well as WebTV. (13) The US software giant has a $5 billion equity stake in AT&T, which recently bought Media One for $57 billion. (14) Under the deal, Microsoft will succeed in introducing its recently-launched cable television software into millions of homes in the US and UK.

(15) Not all mergers, however, are the result of global economic trends, political change or technological innovation. (16) BMW’s takeover of the Rover Group injected much needed investment into the struggling UK car manufacturer whilst extending BMW’s product range. (17)And when the UK pharmaceutical firm Zeneca merged with Swedish drug company Astra, the new company started life with strong combined R & D capabilities, further strengthened by the world’s best-selling drug Losec in its portfolio of products.

(18) Despite all these potential benefits and their promise of competitive advantage, mergers and acquisitions are not risk-free ventures.

(19) Such alliances are more than just financial agreements; they also involve the coming together of different corporate and, in many cases, national cultures. (20) This can have a destabilising effect on a workforce and may mean projected efficiencies are not delivered. (21) Daimler and Chrysler, for example, face the challenge of integrating two very different corporate and national cultures.

(22) A further destablising effect is the prospect of redundancies as companies look to reduce their payroll by restructuring duplicated functions such as marketing and administration. (23) Although shareholders are lured by such short-term savings, there is little evidence to show that mergers and acquisitions actually add long-term value to company performance.【参考译文】业务档案:并购的魔力













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