
发布时间:2020-07-25 09:29:54







版权信息书名:美国语文读本(套装6册)美国原版经典语文课本作者:(美)威廉·H·麦加菲排版:aw出版社:上海三联书店出版时间:2013-06-01ISBN:9787542634146本书由北京东方神鸟图书发行有限公司授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。— · 版权所有 侵权必究 · —THE ECLECTIC READERS美国语文读本 1THE ALPHABETSCRIPT FIGURESLESSON 1  a     and     cat     rata   c   d   n   r   ta rat        a catA cat        A ratA cat and a rat.A rat and a cat.LESSON 2

The cat has a rat.

The rat ran at Ann.

Ann has a cat.

The cat ran at the rat.LESSON 3

Ann and Nat.

Ann has a fan.

Nat has a hat.

Ann can fan Nat.LESSON 4

A man and a lad.

The man sat; the lad ran.

The man has a hat.

The lad has a cap.LESSON 5 REVIEW

The cat and the rat ran.

Ann sat, and Nat ran.

A rat ran at Nat.

Can Ann fan the lad?

The man and the lad.

The man has a cap.

The lad has a fan.

Has Ann a hat?

Ann has a hat and a fan.LESSON 6

Has the lad a dog?

The lad has a fat dog.

The dog has Nat's cap.

Nat and Rab ran.

Rab ran at a cat.LESSON 7

See the frog on a log.

Rab sees the frog.

Can the frog see Rab?

The frog can see the dog.

Rab ran at the frog.LESSON 8

See the lamp! It is on a mat.

The mat is on the stand.

The lamp is Nat's, and the mat is Ann's.LESSON 9

See the nag! It is Tom's nag.

Can Tom catch his nag?

He can not catch him.

The dog ran at the nag, and the nag ran.LESSON 10 REVIEW

Tom's nag is fat; his dog is not fat.

Nat is on Tom's nag.

Nat's dog, Rab, can not catch the rat.

See the frog on the log.

A lad sees the frog.

The lad can not catch it.

A cat is on the mat; the cat sees a rat.

Ann's fan is on the stand.

The man has a lamp.

A dog ran at the man.

Ann sat on a log.LESSON 11

This is a fat hen.

The hen has a nest in the box.

She has eggs in the nest.

A cat sees the nest, and can get the eggs.LESSON 12

Can this old fox catch the hen?

The fox can catch the hen, and get the eggs in the nest.

Run, Rab, and catch the fox.LESSON 13

Nell is by the pond.

I see ducks on the pond.

Nell sees the ducks, and will feed them.

She can not get the ducks.LESSON 14

This old man can not see. He is blind.

Mary holds him by the hand.

She is kind to the old blind man.LESSON 15 REVIEW

I see ducks on the pond;

Tom will feed them.

Tom is blind;

he holds a box in his hand.

Nell is kind to him.

This old hen has a nest.

Mary will run and get the eggs.LESSON 16

Sue has a doll.

It has a new dress.

She will let Ann hold the doll in her hands, and Ann will fan it.

Sue is kind to Ann.LESSON 17

A bird is in the tree. It has a nest there.

The nest has five eggs in it.

Do not rob the nest.

Will the bird let the cat get her five eggs?LESSON 18

This is a pet bird.

It lives in a new cage.

It will stand on Sue's hand, and sing.

Sue loves her pet bird.

So do I love it.LESSON 19are   you   yes   fast   toolike    boys    of    play

Do you see the boys at play?

Yes, I see them; there are five of them.

Tom is too fat to run fast.

Nat can catch him.

I like to see boys play.LESSON 20 REVIEW

Sue has a doll and a pet bird.

Her doll has a new dress and a cap.

Sue loves Mary, and will let her hold the doll.

The pet bird lives in a cage. Sue and Mary will stand by the cage, and the bird will sing.

There are birds in the tree by the pond. Can you see them?

Yes; there are five of them in a nest.

Tom will not rob a bird's nest. He is too kind to do so.LESSON 21

What bird is this?

It is an owl.

What big eyes it has!

Yes, but it can not see well by day.

The owl can see best at night.

Nat Pond has a pet owl.LESSON 22

The day is hot.

The cows are in the shade of the big tree.

They feed on the new grass.

Our cows do not run off.

At night they come to the barn.LESSON 23

The sun will soon set.

The cows are on their way to the barn.

One old cow has a bell on her neck. She sees our dog, but she will not run.

Our dog is kind to the cows.LESSON 24brave   if   ship   boatdrown   men   rock   save

The ship has run on a rock.

Five men are on the ship.

If the boat can not get to them, they will drown.

The boat has brave men in it. They will save the five men.LESSON 25 REVIEW

Come, boys, and feed the cows. The sun has set, and they are at the barn.

Sue has a bell on the neck of her pet cat.

One hot day Ann and Nell sat on the grass in the shade of a big tree. They like to rock their dolls, and sing to them.

The brave men in our boat are on their way to the ship. They will save the men in the ship, if they can. They will not let them drown.

What bird has big eyes? The owl. Can an owl see at night? Yes, an owl can see best at night.LESSON 26fall   ice   skates   crywith   had   stone   did





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