
发布时间:2020-07-25 20:55:54











语法是掌握英语的一个基础,打好这个基础会使你分析文章更容易,也能够写出很好的句式。被动语态(Passive Voice)是一种动词形式,用以说明主语与谓语动词之间的关系。英语的语态共有两种:主动语态和被动语态。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。




英语有两种语态:主动语态(Active Voice)和被动语态(Passive Voice)。主动语态表示主语是谓语动作的执行者/施动者(agent),被动语态表示主语是谓语动作的承受者/受动者(recipient),其构成为“be+过去分词”。例如:

They will widen the road.他们将拓宽道路。(主动)

The road will be widened.道路将被拓宽。(被动)

Granny takes care of the baby.奶奶照看宝宝。(主动)

The baby is taken care of by Granny.宝宝由奶奶照看。(被动)

Privileges must be done away with.特权必须废除。

The matter will be dealt with as soon as possible.这事将尽快处理。


The horizon of life is broadened chiefly by the enlargement of the heart.生活的地平线主要是随着心灵的开阔而变宽广的。(一般现在时)

Hill slopes are cleared of forests to make way for crops.山坡上的树林都被砍光了,用来种庄稼。(一般现在时)

That day is pictured as far in the future.人们看来,那一天还遥遥无期呢。(一般现在时)

They were given a warm send-off.他们受到热烈的欢送。(一般过去时)

As I walked along the street,my mind was flooded by waves of nostalgia.我走在这条街上,怀旧之情澎湃心间。(一般过去时)

Their wedding will be held in the church.他们的婚礼将在教堂里举行。(一般将来时)

Mailed out automatically,the e-mail will be received by all the club members.电子邮件自动发出,所有的会员都会收到。(一般将来时)

I'm afraid I am being followed.恐怕我被人跟踪了。(现在进行时)

We had to take a detour.The road was being repaired.我们得绕行,这条路在维修。(过去进行时)

The case has recently been tried.案子最近已经审过了。(现在完成时)

All the tickets had been sold out when they arrived.他们到达时,所有的票已经售完。(过去完成时)

They were told that the result would be announced the next week.他们被告知,结果将在下一周宣布。(过去将来时)




完成式:情态动词(can,could,may,might,must,should,need等)+have been+过去分词

This can be done by hand.这可以手工做。

This mustn't be neglected.这一点不可忽视。

It needn't be mentioned in your talk.这一点你在谈话中不必提及。

The environment should be improved.环境应当改善。

The project might have been completed earlier.这项工程本可以早些完工的。

Such a situation could have been changed.这种状况本可以改变的。

They shouldn't have been told about the plan.这个计划是不应当告诉他们的。

Lost health may be replaced by temperance or medicine.失去的健康可以靠节制或药物而复得。

3.be going to等不定式结构的被动形式


be going to/ought to/be to/be bound to/be sure to+be+过去分词

be certain to/be due to/be about to/have/has to/had to+be+过去分词

The patient ought to be operated on at once.这病人应当立即动手术。

The flowers ought to be watered every other day.这些花应隔天浇一次水。

The meeting is going to be held next week.会议将于下周举行。

Other problems also have to be faced.还需面对其他问题。

It'll have to be proofread once more.这得重新校对一遍。

Such people are to be punished.这种人应受到惩罚。

Not a cloud was to be seen.看不到一丝云。

The thief is sure to be caught.那个小偷一定会被抓住的。

They are certain to be given more care.他们一定会得到更多的关照。

The enemy is bound to be defeated.敌人一定会被打败。

The book is due to be published in the coming spring.这本书将在来年春天出版。

The decoration is about to be finished.装修即将结束。

Another railway is going to be built in this area.这个地区将修建另一条铁路。

The trip is to be cancelled because of the bad weather.由于天气恶劣,旅行将要被取消。




Many accidents occur in the home.许多事故都发生在家中。

The train for Shanghai will depart from platform 5.开往上海的火车将从5号站台发车。

Smoke rose from the chimney.烟从烟囱中冉冉升起。


英语中有些动词(短语动词)不是表示动作,而是表示某种状态或情况,有“拥有、容纳、适合、缺少、明白”等意,这类动词不能用于被动语态。这类动词有些是及物动词。常见的有:lack,fit适合,mean,hold,have有,flee,owe,total,resemble,cost,equal,contain,suit,comprise,become,last,possess,benefit,befit,suffice,suffer,befall降临,fail,consist of,look like,feel like,belong to等。例如:

The book costs 10 yuan.这本书10元。

What's become of her?她后来怎样了?

This sort of behavior hardly becomes a person in your position.这种行为与你所处的地位简直不相符。

Jane resembles her mother.[√]简长得像她母亲。

Her mother is resembled by Jane.[×]

Sam lacks courage and intelligence.[√]萨姆缺乏能力和智慧。

Courage and intelligence are lacked by Sam.[×]

It feels like a potato.[√]它摸起来像个土豆。

A potato is felt like.[×]

The house belongs to a rich man.[√]这房子是属于一个富人的。

A rich man is belonged to the house.[×]【提示】


She has had lunch.[√]她吃过午饭了。

Lunch has been had by her.[×]


She has been had in the dealing/over the bargain.她在那项交易/买卖中受骗了。

The ticket can be had for the asking.票索要即得。

The young man was had up by the boss.那个年轻人被老板叫走了。(=was summoned)

A good time was had by them all.他们都玩得很快活。(had=enjoyed)

③become of不可用于被动语态。例如:

Whatever will become of Walter when his wife dies?如果妻子死了,沃尔特会怎样呢?

④catch表示“挂住,夹住,钩住”时不可用于被动语态,但可以说get caught。例如:

His shirt caught on a wire fence.他的衬衣被铁丝栅栏钩住了。(不可说was caught)

The kite caught in the tree.风筝被树挂住了。(不可说was caught)

但:My finger got caught in the car door.我的手指被车门夹了一下。

⑤add up to(合计达,总起来说)不可用于被动语态。例如:

The expense added up to more than five thousand dollars.开销总计达5 000美元。(不可说was added up to)



The meat is cooking.肉在煮着。

The cakes are baking.蛋糕在烘。

The tea is brewing.茶在煮。

The money is still owing.那笔钱仍欠着。

Bolts are making in this shop.车间里正在制造螺钉。

The bridge is building.桥正在修建。(=is being built)

The book is printing.这本书正在印刷。

Apples are selling cheaply.苹果卖得很便宜。(=are being sold)

The cow was milking.那头牛正在挤奶。(=was being milked)

Drums and gongs are beating.敲锣打鼓。(=are being beaten)

The eggs are frying.蛋正在煎。

The dictionary is binding.词典在装订。

Some clothes are airing on the fence.篱笆上晾着一些衣服。

A new film is showing in town.城里在放一部新影片。

The guns are firing.枪炮正在开火。

Trumpets are sounding.号角在吹响。

A grand ceremony is preparing.一个盛大的仪式正在准备中。

Some measures are taking.正在采取一些措施。

My work is finishing.我的工作在完成。

The ship is fitting up.船在组装中。

The house is completing.房屋正在完工。

The book is reprinting already.这本书又在重印了。

Their new products are selling like hot cakes.他们的新产品正在热销。

Potatoes are cooking.土豆在煮。


1 及物动词构成的短语动词总是及物性的,故可以用于被动语态(注意不可省掉或漏掉介词或副词),如win over,give up,ask for,make mention of等。但是,不及物动词构成的短语可以是及物性的,也可以是不及物性的;不及物性的短语动词不可用于被动语态,如look up,look down等(参阅本讲下文)


Things are looking up.[√]

Things are being looked up.[×]2 不及物动词构成的及物性短语动词则可以用于被动语态

The problem has been gone into.这个问题已经研究过。

The ground has been sat on and the bed has been slept in.地上有人坐过,床上有人睡过。【提示】pay attention to,take care of等动词短语可以有两种被动语态形式。例如:


The situation has been paid attention to.

Attention has been paid to the situation.


The wounded are taken good care of.

Good care is taken of the wounded.


The house has been made a mess of.

A mess has been made of the house.3 可用于被动语态的常用动词短语

listen to听从    live in住其中    agree on/to同意    sleep in睡其中

insist on坚持  pay for付……的钱  talk of谈到  laugh at嘲笑

look after照看  look for寻找  make a fool of捉弄  set fire to放火烧

look up to尊敬  look upon看待  look forward to期待  frown on/at/upon不赞成

speak to同……说话  look upon as把……看作

look(sb.)up and down上下打量(某人)  take no notice of不注意

Gambling is looked upon as a sin.赌博被看作犯罪。

The man was looked up and down.那人被上上下下打量着。

That is agreed on by all.大家都赞同那一点。

He is being made a fool of.他在被人捉弄着。

The bed hasn't been slept in yet.这张床还没有人睡过。

The cave was once lived in by the explorers.这个山洞曾被探险的人住过。

He is a man who is always listened to.他是个总能让人言听计从的人。

His retirement is very much looked forward to by his daughter.他女儿非常盼望着他退休。

Bill has been looked up to for his courage and determination.比尔因其勇敢果断而一直受人敬重。

She has been looked upon with distrust by her colleagues.她总是被同事以不信任的态度看待。

Even though divorce is legal it is still frowned upon.尽管离婚是合法的,但人们仍不太喜欢。

A straightforward answer is insisted upon.坚持要给予明确答复。【提示】

①speak for表示“订购,预订”时可用于被动语态;用于speak for itself/themselves表示“不言而喻,不辩自明”时,不可用于被动语态。例如:

The first 200 cars off the production line have already been spoken for.第一批200辆汽车刚下生产线便被订购一空。


The fact speaks for itself.[√]

Itself is spoken for by the fact.[×]

②care for表示“喜欢,想要”时不用于被动语态,表示“照顾”时,可用于被动语态。例如:

The children are being well cared for by her.孩子们受到了她的精心照料。


I don't care for that color.[√]

That color isn't cared for by me.[×]4 不可用于被动语态的常用动词短语

①动词+名词→take place发生

②动词+介词→aim for瞄准/计划,agree with同意,admit of有……的余地,adjust to适应,come to涉及,become of结果是,accord with与……一致,abound in富于,consist of由……组成,get to到达,walk into走进

③动词+副词→get back返回,face out坚持到底,answer back顶嘴,have on穿上,turn out结果是/证实,run out结束/用光/耗尽,break out爆发

④动词+名词+介词→set sail for扬帆起航,give way to让位,have a hand in插手,give place to让位

⑤动词+副词+介词→keep up with跟上

They all agreed with me.他们都同意我的观点。

She got to the airport one hour ahead of time.她提前一个小时到达机场。

They walked into the hall one by one.他们一个接着一个走进了大厅。


He answered his father back.[√]

His father was answered back.[×]


The committee consists of ten members.[√]

Ten members are consisted of the committee.[×]


Great changes have taken place in my hometown.[√]

Great changes have been taken place in my hometown.[×]5 rain等不及物动词,有时也可用作及物动词(参阅第八讲)

Sometimes it rains small fish.有时候天上下小鱼。

The game was rained off.比赛因下雨取消了。

The meeting was rained out.会议因下雨停开了。

A wheat crop has been rained out.小麦收成被连续雨天糟蹋了。

I was completely snowed by his Southern charm.我完全被他那种南方人的魅力蒙骗了。

We were snowed in for five days last month.上个月我们被大雪围困了五天。6 reach等及物动词,在某层意思上不可用于被动语态


They reached an agreement at last.[√]

An agreement was reached at last.[√](reach表示“达成”可用于被动语态)


They reached the hilltop at dawn.[√]

The hilltop was reached by them at dawn.[×](reach表示“到达”时不可用于被动语态)


1 某些感官动词或系动词加形容词可以表示被动意义,如:look,smell,taste,feel,prove,wear,sound等

The flower smells sweet.花闻起来很香。

The dish tastes delicious.菜吃起来非常可口。

The cloth feels very soft.这种布摸着很柔软。

The stones have worn smooth.石头都磨得光滑了。2 某些行为动词后加副词(有些可不加副词)可以表示被动意义,如:wash,write,sell,read,open,cut,lock,peel,pack,play,shut,spot,split,strike,record,act,clean,draw,iron,keep,photograph等

This type of recorder sells well.这种型号的录音机销路很好。

That kind of shirt washes very well.这种衬衫很耐洗。

Ripe apples peel easily.熟了的苹果削皮容易。

The plays won't act.这些戏不宜上演。

Nylon dries quickly.尼龙织物干得快。

It eats well.这东西吃上去味道好。

The door won't shut.这门关不上。

The novel reads well.这部小说易读。

The door opens with difficulty.这扇门很难开。

The wood won't burn.这木头烧不着。

Water heats rapidly.水容易烧热。

The meat cuts easily.肉容易切。

Soft fruit bruises easily.细嫩的水果容易被碰损。

Her coat caught in the door.她的上衣钩在门上了。

This kind of shirt cleans easily.这种衬衫容易洗干净。

The work does not pay.这项工作是没有报酬的。

The essay reads smoothly.这篇散文读起来很流畅。

This kind of shoes wears comfortably.这种鞋穿着很舒适。

Most academic books don't sell well.大多数学术著作不好卖。

These pigs kill well.这些猪出肉率高。

Mosquitoes kill easily when incubating.蚊子产卵时易于消灭。

A girl's skin bruises easily.女孩子的皮肤易擦伤。

The stream fishes well.这条小河里有很多鱼可钓。

The flat lets for 3,000 yuan a month.这套公寓每月租金3 000元。

The photograph probably won't enlarge well.这张照片放大了可能不好。

This kind of engine dismantles easily.这种引擎易于拆开。

This belt won't buckle.这根腰带扣不上。

His voice carries well.他的声音传得远。

The chimney draws well.烟囱很畅通。

The beef ate surprisingly tender.那牛肉吃上去嫩极了。

Damp wood will not fire.潮湿的木头烧不着。

The cow milks well.这头母牛出奶率高。

The brake grips well.刹车很灵。

Dry wood lights easily.干木柴容易点燃。

The car handles easily.这车子开起来很灵便。

The wheat grinds well.这麦子很好磨。

These small cans will pack well.这些小罐头包装很方便。

She persuades easily.她容易被说服。

These fruits pick easily.这些果子容易摘下。

This kind of cloth creases easily.这种布容易起皱。

An egg crushes easily.蛋容易压碎。

Cheese doesn't digest easily.干酪不易消化。

This metal burnishes well.这种金属容易擦亮。

The button won't clasp.这扣子扣不上。

The mud brushes off easily.这泥一刷就掉了。

These plastic bags carry easily.这些塑料袋携带方便。

The clothes have worn thin.衣服已经穿薄了。

The shoes wear long.这鞋子耐穿。

The car drives easily.这辆车很好开。

This kind of cake eats short and crisp.这种饼吃起来很松脆。

The poem reads full of a sparkling pleasure.这首诗读起来是极大的享受。

Her voice records well.她的声音录下来真好听。

Betty doesn't frighten easily.贝蒂不那么容易受惊吓。

My hat blew off.我的帽子被风吹掉了。

This book sells big.这本书很畅销。

This paper tears easily.这种纸一撕就破。

These clothes iron easily.这些衣服容易烫平。

Ripe apples pick easily.熟了的苹果容易摘。

The wood splits easily.这木头容易劈开。

That play screens badly.那个剧本不适于拍电影。

These carpets don't stain.这类地毯不容易弄脏。

Much dust has blown in.刮进来很多尘土。

Fish doesn't keep well.鱼不易保鲜。


He does not photograph well.他不上照。

He has not been photographed well.他的相片没有照好。

The box doesn't lock.这个箱子锁不上。(箱子本身的性质)

The box was not locked.这个箱子没有上锁。(箱子当时的状态)

The door opened.门开了。(强调门自身开了)

The door was opened.门被打开了。(强调被人打开了)

The theory proved to be correct.那个理论证明是正确的。(含有自身“证明”的特征)

The theory was proved to be correct.那个理论被证明是正确的。(被人证明)3 want,deserve,need,require,repay,stand,take,won′t bear和worth等词的后面可以用动名词的主动形式表示被动意义


The book is worth reading.这本书值得一读。

This point deserves mentioning.这一点值得提到。

The coat requires mending.大衣需要补了。

The children need looking after.孩子们需要照看。

The table wants cleaning.这张桌子该擦了。

The rule will take some learning.这规则需下点工夫才能学会。

That won't bear thinking of.那是不堪想象的。

The ceiling needs painting.天花板需要油漆了。

The house wants rewiring.这房子需要重装电线。

The document needs signing by the manager.这份文件需要由经理签名。

The machine needs oiling after cleaning.这台机器清洗后要加润滑油。4 某些作表语的形容词后,用不定式主动形式表示被动意义(参阅“动词不定式”中的被动语态部分)

The rock is hard to break.这块岩石很难打碎。

She is easy to approach.她平易近人。

The fish is not fit to eat.这鱼不易吃。

He is hard to please.他难以取悦。

The passage is difficult to read.这一段很难读。



Their faces were turned toward the volcano.他们的目光都被火山吸引住了。

We were strangely drawn to him.我们奇怪地被他吸引住了。

His memory is treasured in the hearts of his friends.朋友们怀念着他。

The gate to the garden was closed by a girl.花园的门被一个女孩关上了。(被动语态强调动作)

The gate to the garden was closed.花园的门关着。(系表结构强调状态)

The novel is written by a young writer.这部小说是一位青年作家写的。(被动语态强调动作)

The novel is well written.这部小说写得好。(系表结构强调特点)

The door was closed all day long.门整天关着。(系表结构)

The door was closed earlier than usual.门比平常关得早。(被动语态)

The project was not completed yet.工程尚未完工。(系表结构)

The project was completed within a year.工程一年就完成了。(被动语态)

She was run down by a cyclist.她被骑自行车的人撞倒了。

The doctor told her that she was run down.医生说她的身体太虚弱了。

The game was played out although the light was bad.虽然光线不佳,比赛还是坚持到底。

He's not the writer he was.He's played out.他写作不如从前了,已经江郎才尽。1 如果过去分词前有too,very,so等程度副词修饰,该结构常为系表结构

The man was too frightened to stand up.那男的吓得站不起来。

I am very surprised at your words.你的话使我大为吃惊。

She was so worn out that she couldn't move one step further.她疲惫不堪,连一步也走不动了。

They have always been so wrapped up in their own affairs that they have never noticed time passing.

他们只埋头于自己的事务,全然不注意时间在流逝。2 如果过去分词前后有much,too much,so much,very much修饰,该结构为被动语态

She was discouraged too much to make another try.她彻底泄了气,不想再作努力/不敢再试一次。

He was so much shocked that he couldn't utter a word.他极为震惊,连一句话也说不出来。3 -ed→被动语态,-en→系表结构


She was struck by a snake.她被蛇咬了。(被动)

She was stricken with fever.她发烧了。(系表)

Father gets shaved every other day.父亲隔天刮一次脸。(被动)

Father was clean shaven.父亲的面修得很干净。(系表)4 一般现在时的“be+过去分词”多为系表结构


The matter was decided at the meeting.这件事在会上决定了。(被动)

The matter is decided.这件事决定了。(系表)

The glass was broken last night.玻璃杯昨天夜里打破的。(被动)

The glass is broken.玻璃杯破了。(系表)


The field is covered with snow.田野里白雪茫茫。

The building is completed.大楼完工了。

Where is the king buried?国王埋在哪里?

All the seats are occupied.所有的座位都有人坐。

All is lost.一切都完了。

He is now locked in loneliness.现在他陷入孤独不能自拔。

He is well experienced in the ways of the world.他深谙世事。5 “名词+-ed”构成的词作谓语时为系表结构

由名词加-ed构成的词如 diseased,talented,skilled等,由过去分词加前缀-un构成的词如unexpected,unwritten,unbroken等,也包括downhearted等,虽形为过去分词,但实为形容词。这类词出现在be后只能是系表结构。例如:

Her leaving was unexpected.她的离开不在意料之中。

The law is unwritten.这项法律没有行诸文字。

His liver is diseased.他的肝脏有病。

He is downhearted.他十分沮丧。





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