2017年MBA MPA MPAcc管理类专业学位联考专项突破 英语翻译与写作一本通关 (5周秒杀写译大全)第6版(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载)

发布时间:2020-07-26 06:53:44





2017年MBA MPA MPAcc管理类专业学位联考专项突破  英语翻译与写作一本通关 (5周秒杀写译大全)第6版

2017年MBA MPA MPAcc管理类专业学位联考专项突破 英语翻译与写作一本通关 (5周秒杀写译大全)第6版试读:


























希望考生在备考时,脚踏实地,在掌握好应试方法和技巧的同时,多做练习。诚挚祝愿广大考生考试成功!编者2014年2月第一部分英译汉(共一周)第一周 英译汉【导言】翻译理论与技巧







本书正是从考生需求出发,以英语词类、句型、结构和基本翻译技巧为切入点,由浅入深,理论结合实际,真题分析与练习巩固相结合,力图在一周时间内帮助考生系统地掌握翻译的规律和技巧,从而在考试中取得满意的成绩。周一 词和词类


选择词义只能通过上下文语境来完成,离开具体语境,词义无从选择。无论是我们熟悉的词还是略显生僻的词都需要在具体语境中确定词义,一些我们非常熟悉、习以为常的“热”词更要结合上下文反复推敲才能确定词义。【例】I want a room and bath.【参考译文】我想要一个带洗手间的房间。【说明】bath是我们熟识的词,很多人都知道是“洗澡”之意,但这里面的room and bath却是指带有洗手间(厕所)的房间。如果不考虑具体语境而机械地翻译成“我要个房间并洗个澡”就会生出笑话来了。【例】Power can be transmitted over a long distance.【参考译文】电能可以输送到很远的地方。【例】A car needs a lot of power to go fast.【参考译文】汽车高速行驶需要很大的动力。【说明】两句中都有power,但具体意义却不尽相同。这种一词多义的现象在英汉两种语言中屡见不鲜。一词多义时,根据上下文语境和搭配关系不难作出选择。二、词义的引申

根据原词的内在含义结合上下文语境和汉语的表达习惯,可对词义进行适当的语义调整,使译文更加准确和符合表达习惯。【例】In politics as well as in sports,US can be boosted a super power.【参考译文】美国无论在政治还是体育领域都称得上是个超级大国。【说明】这里的power译成了大国,这个含义就是在power一词内在含义的基础上结合具体语境引申出来的。【例】“Sustainability”has become a popular word these days,but to Ted Ning,the concept will always have personal meaning.(2010年联考翻译真题)【参考译文】“坚持不懈”如今已成一个流行词汇,但对Ted Ning而言,这个概念一直有着独特的个人含义。【说明】这里的sustainability普遍的含义是“可持续性”,而在本句以及后面多次出现的sustainability则指的是人的一种品质,译成“可持续性”就不符合汉语表达习惯了,所以引申译为“坚持不懈”更为恰当。三、词类的转换



汉语是典型的“动态性”语言,对动词的依赖性很强,往往一个句子里就有三四个动词,而且这些动词很少能用其他词类的词来替代;英语则是较为“静态”的语言,一个动作或状态,不但可以用动词表示,而且还可以用形容词、副词、名词等词类表示。因此,翻译时往往需要根据语境在英语名词和汉语动词之间作灵活的转换。【例】He is a hard worker.【参考译文】他工作很努力。【说明】虽然英语He works very hard.和He is a hard worker.语义相当,但从表达习惯上后者却较前者使用频率更高,更符合英语的表达习惯。【例】The seizure of American hostages in Iran sharpened the pain of national humiliation.【参考译文】伊朗方面扣押美国公民作为人质的做法更让美国人倍感耻辱。【说明】原文中的seizure是动词seize变换而来的,翻译成汉语时,需要将原文的名词转换为动词来处理。


许多形容词具有动态的意义,如英语中的pride oneself on sth.和be proud of sth.在意义上就差不多。【例】Young people feel no difficulty in learning and operating computers.【参考译文】年轻人在学习和操作电脑方面并不觉得困难。【例】Tomatoes,mustard,lettuce and cucumbers and the like are necessities in daily life.【参考译文】土豆、芥末、生菜、黄瓜之类都是居家生活每天少不了的。【说明】necessity 在英语中是名词,与它对应的形容词有necessary,indispensable,needful,essential等,当“生活必需品”解时,daily necessity最为常见。


英语中许多副词,特别是表示状态、方位和方向等意义的副词,和其他动词或be动词搭配,就产生了动态意义。所以在英译汉时,经常翻译成动词。【例】I heard someone call my name when the meeting was over.【参考译文】会议结束后,我听见有人叫我的名字。【说明】over虽然不是动词,但是它本身具有动态意义,所以译成动词。


一般说来,英语句子中只用一个谓语动词,表示其他动作意义的词用介词短语或分词短语等其他词类来表示,而汉语则不受动词数量的限制。【例】With these words,he went away.【参考译文】说完这些话,他便走开了。【例】We arrived just in time for their Water Splashing Festival.【参考译文】我们到达时正好赶上参加他们的泼水节。【说明】介词for在本句中把意思表达得很明确,而汉语却只能翻译成另一个动词,如果将本句译为“我们到达时正逢他们的泼水节”,则与英语原意不完全对等,因为英语的for在本句中有参与其中的意味。【典型例题】


March 27,1997,dawned as a normal day at the Collins'home.By the middle of the morning,Jack Collins was at his desk,writing checks,paying bills the way he always had on time.Then the phone rang,and the nightmare began.(71)An investigator for a bank was on the line,asking in a severe voice why Collins,a university physicist,was late on payments for a $27,000car,bought in Virginia the previous year.“I don't have a car like this,”Collins protested.The last time he had set foot in Virginia was as an officer at a submarine base,three decades ago.But his name was on the contract,and so was his Social Security Number.

During the months that ensued,he and his wife learned that someone had bought four more cars and 28other items—worth $113,000in all in their name.Their hitherto good credit record had been destroyed.(72)“After a lifetime of being honest,”says Collins,“all of a sudden I was basically being accused of stealing and treated like a criminal.”

This is what it means to fall prey to a nonviolent but frightening and fast-growing crime:identity theft.It happens to at least 500,000new victims each year,according to government figures.(73)And it happens very easily because every identification number you have in Social Security,credit cards,driver's license,telephone number “is a key that unlocks some storage of money or goods,”says a fraud (欺诈)program manager of the US Postal Service.“So if you throw away your credit card receipt and I get it and use the number on it,I'm not becoming you,but to the credit card company I've become your account.”(74)One major problem,experts say,is that the Social Security Number (SSN)—originally meant only for retirement benefit and tax purposes—has become the universal way to identify people.It is used as identification by the military,colleges and in billions of commercial transactions.

Yet a shrewd thief can easily snatch your SSN,not only by stealing your wallet,but also by taking mail from your box,going through your trash for discarded receipts and bills or asking for it over the phone on some pretext.

Using your SSN,the thief applies for a credit card in your name,asking that it be sent to a different address than yours,and uses it for multiple purchases.A couple of months later the credit card company,or its debt collection agency,presses you for payment.

You don't have to pay the debt,but you must clean up your damaged credit record.(75)That means getting a means getting a police report and copy of the erroneous contract,and then using them to clear the fraud from your credit reports which is held by a credit bureau.Each step can require a huge amount of effort.(2004年1月MBA考试翻译真题)【参考译文】(71)一家银行的调查员打来电话,用严厉的口吻质问柯林斯——一位在大学里工作的物理学家——为什么拖欠去年在弗吉尼亚买的一辆汽车所花的2.7万美元。【解析】on the line为介词短语,翻译时按汉语习惯转换成动词短语“打来电话”;英语的形容词was late on...翻译成汉语转换为动词“拖欠……”。(72)“我一辈子都诚实待人,”柯林斯说,“突然之间,我被指控偷窃,并且被当做罪犯一样对待。”【解析】英语中的形容词being honest翻译成汉语转换为动词“诚实待人”。(73)美国邮政总局一位负责诈骗案的项目经理说,“这类事很容易发生,因为你所持有的每一种身份证件号码,譬如社会保险卡、信用卡、驾照以及电话号码,都可以成为提取财物的密码。”【解析】key原意“钥匙”,在本段文字语境下引申为“密码”,而并非实际意义上的钥匙。(74)专家们认为,主要问题在于,原来只用于领取退休养老金和征税的社会保险卡号码现在已经成了确认身份的普遍方式。【解析】介词短语for retirement benefit and tax purposes翻译成汉语的动词结构“用于领取退休养老金和征税”。(75)这就意味着你必须得到一份警方报告单和假冒(弄错了)的合同的复印件,然后用这些材料消除掉你的信用报告中的欺诈记录,信用报告由信用管理局保管。【解析】句中有两个means,第一个means 是动词mean的第三人称单数形式,而第二个means 是名词原形“方式、途径”。【强化练习】

Text 1.

American parents say they should be the ones to teach their children about sex but many believe that role is being filled by kids'friends and the media,a new study finds.

Researchers interviewed 1,605parents of school-aged children in Minnesota and found that 98percent said they should be responsible for their children's sex education,but only 24percent believed they were the main source of that knowledge.

Instead,many parents thought the majority of youngsters learn about sex from friends (78percent)or the media (60percent).

“Based on previous research,however,youth indicate that parents are a primary source of sex information for them and that parents most influence their decisions about sex,”study co-author Debra Bernat,of Florida State University,said in a Center for Advancing Health news release.

The study appears online in the Journal of Adolescent Health.

The findings raise “the question of why youth cannot get the information that they seek—and prefer—from their own parents,”Nancy Irwin,a Los Angeles clinical psychologist and cognitive behavioral specialist who focuses on childhood and adolescent sexuality,said in the news release.

“This should be a wake-up call to parents:you and your kids want the exact same thing.What's missing are the proper tools,”Irwin added.【注释】

1.majority n.多数、大半

2.previous a.在前的、早先的

3.clinical psychologist 临床心理学家

4.cognitive behavioral specialist 认知行为专家【参考译文】








第一段,the role is being filled by...是现在进行时的被动语态表达法,fill的本来意思为“填满、装满”,直译为“……的角色被填满”显然不符合汉语的表达习惯,所以此处引申为“正在代行这一职责”。

最后一段“This should be a wake-up call to parents:you and your kids want the exact same thing.What's missing are the proper tools”中的wake-up call字面意思为叫醒铃声,翻译时使用了引申义“为……提了个醒”。

Text 2.

Although the notion of beauty sleep has often been dismissed as a myth,a recent research proves sleep does enhance your appearance.What's more,experts recommend at least seven hours a night.

In the study,23healthy young adults were photographed after a good night's sleep,and again after much less.Each picture was then rated on an attractiveness scale of one to ten by members of the public.And the well-rested won hands down.

Sleep-deprived people are perceived as less attractive and less healthy compared with when they are well rested,according to the study carried out at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm.

In addition,sleep has been shown to reduce wrinkles in the face and neck.This is because when we are asleep we sweat more,and this moisture on the skin smoothes out any lines.【注释】

1.notion n.观念

2.deprive v.剥夺、使丧失

3.perceive v.感觉、察觉

4.wrinkle n.皱纹

5.moisture n.潮湿【参考译文】





第一段第一句:Although the notion of beauty sleep has often been dismissed as a myth,a recent research proves sleep does enhance your appearance.“...dismissed as a myth”直译为“……作为一种神话而不再谈论”,翻译时取引申义为“……已经不是什么新鲜事”。

第二段最后一句:And the well-rested won hands down.其中的win hands down为固定表达方式,口语中的意义为“轻易地成功”,结合上下文语境宜引申为“……大获全胜”。

最后一段最后一句:This is because when we are asleep we sweat more,and this moisture on the skin smoothes out any lines.moisture一词根据上下文应为“汗液”;lines根据上下文应为wrinkles“皱纹”之意。周二 结构分析【技巧点睛】一、句子结构


1.简单句【例】The doctors seemed very capable.【参考译文】这些大夫好像都很能干。【说明】英语简单句共五种基本结构:“主谓”、“主谓+宾语”、“主谓+主语补足语”、“主谓+表语”、“主谓+宾语+宾语补足语”。本句为主谓表结构。

2.并列句【例】Honey is sweet,but the bee stings.【参考译文】蜂蜜是甜的,但蜜蜂会蜇人。【说明】两个或以上简单句在语法结构上处于平等地位,由等立连词“and”,“or”,“but”连接或者直接用“,”“;”等并列关系符号连接的句子结构即为并列结构。


英语的复杂句有时很长,往往层层包围、环环相扣,但是主谓分明、关系清晰。英语句子通常把最主要的意思用主句表达,次要的意思则用从句和介词短语等次要结构表达。汉语则不然,汉语句子各成分之间的关系往往很模糊,不像英语那样清楚。但是汉语句子也有其自身的特点,在表达复杂思想时,通常按一定的时空顺序或逻辑顺序逐步展开。【例】We are soberly aware that China remains the world's largest developing country,with a large population,weak economic foundation,uneven development,and challenges of unparalleled magnitude and complexity.【参考译文】我们清醒地认识到,中国仍然是世界上最大的发展中国家。中国人口多,底子薄、发展很不平衡,在发展中遇到的矛盾和问题,无论是规模还是复杂性,都是世所罕见的。【说明】英语原句为宾语从句,主句为We are soberly aware...;that后均为宾语从句部分,从句主谓结构为China remains...。主从句主谓分明,结构清晰,with 后接的一系列名词短语在句子结构上都是作从句的补充成分。翻译成汉语后,原句的主从关系则很模糊,无论在语法结构上还是语义上均未有体现,只是按一定的时空顺序和逻辑顺序逐步展开,娓娓道来即可,而并不拘泥于形式。【例】Being the world's fourth largest exporter of medicines,Britain's pharmaceutical industry has some of the world's largest multinational research-intensive manufacturers.【参考译文】作为世界第四大药品出口国,英国制药业拥有一些世界上最大的跨国研究型生产商。【说明】英语原句主要结构为Britain's pharmaceutical industry has...,Being the world's fourth largest exporter of medicines这一分词结构在句中作状语表原因。二、语序对比


1.时间顺序【例】After the meeting,leaders from the two sides vowed to boost cooperation and signed three agreements.【参考译文】会后,双方领导人承诺要进一步加强合作,并签署了三份协议。【说明】英语语序与汉语语序基本一致,此句采取了顺译法,即语序未加调整。【例】My father must have felt a glow of satisfaction when in the mid-1920s he won first prize in a prestigious amateur art exhibition held in London.【参考译文】20世纪20年代中期,我父亲在伦敦举行的一次享有盛名的业余画展中获得了一等奖,当时他一定颇为得意。【说明】when和in表达出了一定的语法和逻辑关系,翻译成汉语时需要我们分析原句中的时间、地点等与句子主干的关系,再根据汉语语序重新表达出来。此句根据时间的先后顺序,采用了逆译法。


汉语是逻辑性很强的语言,它的语序主要靠逻辑思维而定,通常根据一定的逻辑顺序按照由原因到结果、由假设到推论、由事实到结论、由条件到结果的次序有先有后、有主有次地逐层叙述,特别是在不用关联词的时候,句中的语法关系更需要通过语序才可辨认得出。而英语的语序比较灵活,通常开门见山,直奔主题,然后再作解释。在表达多层逻辑思维时,英语可借助形态变化、丰富的连接词语等语法手段,根据句子的意思和结构的需要灵活排列,顺序往往与汉语不同。因而英译汉时,通常需要改变语序,重组句子的结构。【例】we must think twice,though,before embarking on “reform”if that means imposing further restrictions on our healthcare markets.【参考译文】然而,医疗改革如果仅仅意味着加大对医疗市场的限制的话,那我们可要三思而后行了。【说明】英语语序相对灵活,但翻译成汉语时,按汉语语序一般是先条件后结果。【例】The wrong way is to impose layer after layer of regulations restrictions.【参考译文】我们认为,强加层层规定和限制的做法是错误的。【说明】在发表评论时,英语通常是表态,评论部分在先,事实描述在后;汉语则正好相反,通常先进行情况说明,然后再表态或评论。


英汉翻译时还应注意句子的信息重心。英语句子的信息重心通常在句末或靠近句末的位置(后重心),而汉语句子则比较灵活。因此,为了突出句中的信息重心,译者往往需要改变语序,将原句中的某个成分提前或置后。【例】Free markets do what governments mean to do─but can't.【参考译文】政府想做却又无法做到的事情,自由市场可以做到。【说明】what governments mean to do─but can't是原文句子的信息重点,译成汉语后提至句首。【典型例题】

People in business can use foresight to identify new products and services,as well as markets for those products and services.An increase in minority populations in a neighborhood would prompt a grocer with foresight to stock more foods linked to ethnic tastes.(56)An art museum director with foresight might follow trends in computer graphics to make exhibits more appealing to younger visitors.Foresight may reveal potential threats that we can prepare to deal with before they become crises.(57)For instance,a capable corporate manager might see an alarming rise in local housing prices that could affect the availability of skilled workers in the region.The public's changing values and priorities,as well as emerging technologies,demographic shifts,economic constraints (or opportunities),and environmental and resource concerns are all parts of the increasingly complex world system in which leaders must lead.(58)People in government also need foresight to keep systems running smoothly,to plan budgets,and to prevent wars.Government leaders today must deal with a host of new problems emerging from rapid advances in technology.

Even at the community level,foresight is critical:school officials,for example,need foresight to assess numbers of students to accommodate,numbers of teachers to hire,new educational technologies to deploy,and new skills for students (and their teachers)to develop.(59)Many of the best-known techniques for foresight were developed by government planners,especially in the military,“thinking about the unthinkable”.Pioneering futurists at the RAND Corporation (the first “think tank”)began seriously considering what new technologies might emerge in the future and how these might affect U.S.security.These pioneering futurists at RAND,along with others elsewhere,refined a variety of new ways for thinking about the future.(60)The futurists recognized that the future world is continuous with the present world,so we can learn a great deal about what may happen in the future by looking systematically at what is happening now.(2005年1月MBA考试翻译真题)【参考译文】

56.富有远见的艺术馆馆长应该顺应潮流,充分利用计算机制图的优势,使各项展出更加吸引年轻的参观者。【解析】英语原句为简单句,句子主干为An art museum director...might follow trends,其他次要成分with foresight作director 的后置定语,翻译时按汉语语序调至修饰名词前;介词短语in computer graphics也是后置定语,修饰trends,翻译成汉语仍需调整语序;不定式结构to make exhibits more appealing to younger visitors作句子的补语,翻译时按汉语表达习惯,补语一般置于句末,与原句中位置相同,不需要调整语序,appealing 在句中词性为形容词,作动词make后宾语的补语,翻译时根据汉语表达习惯,形容词转换为动词词性,译为“使……更加吸引……”。

57.比如说,能干的公司主管可能会从当地房价上涨这一现象中敏锐地观察到一丝的迹象,从而判断出涨价将不利于该地区吸引熟练工前来就职。【解析】in local housing prices 在原句中作rise的后置定语,翻译成汉语需要调整语序前置;介词短语in the region在英语中的位置相对灵活,翻译成汉语按表达习惯,通常放在前面,本句将原句的状语翻译成了汉语的主语“……该地区吸引……”。

58.在政府部门就职的人也需要有远见,以保证各部门运转顺利,灵活地制定预算,并且可以防止战争爆发。【解析】介词短语in government作people的后置定语,翻译成汉语需要调整语序;不定式结构to keep systems running smoothly,to plan budgets,and to prevent wars作句子的补语,翻译成汉语不需要调整语序,按顺序对应翻译即可。

59.许多广为人知的使人们富有远见的方法都是由政府的策划者首创的,特别是在军队中,这种人大有人在,他们会去琢磨一些一般人根本无法想到的事情。【解析】介词短语for foresight作techniques的后置定语,翻译时需调整语序。

60.那些笃信未来的人意识到未来世界是与现实世界息息相关的,我们通过系统地观察现有世界中发生的事情,就可以在很大程度上预测到未来将要发生的事情。【解析】介词短语by looking systematically at what is happening now在句中作方式状语,英语中的语序相对灵活,翻译时根据汉语逻辑表达习惯,需要调整语序。【强化练习】

Text 1.

Not Enough Time To Enjoy Life,or NETTEL,refers to the rising pool of households headed by two high-income-earning,full-time-working parents with dependent children.

Here are two parents working full-time earning lots of money but struggling to balance the commitments that come with a demanding job and an even more demanding family life.In many families it's a case that got enough money but hasn't got enough time to enjoy life.These stressed-out NETTEL parents are forever scheduling,scheming and diarizing about how to execute the next day's events.

And,by some bizarre twist of logic,many of these parents seem to revel in the scheduling frenzy.In a materialistic go-getter world,a couple's ability to juggle and to control life's commercial and family demands merely confirms their superior “alpha”status.【注释】

1.commitment n.许诺、承约

2.diarize v.记日记、用日记记录

3.bizarre a.怪异的、奇异的

4.revel v.酷爱、以……为乐

5.frenzy n.狂乱

6.juggle v.变戏法、玩弄事实【参考译文】

NETTEL(Not Enough Time To Enjoy Life,无暇享受生活,简称“奈特尔”)指夫妻为高收入全职人员、家中又有孩子需要照顾的家庭。



Not Enough Time To Enjoy Life,or NETTEL,refers to the rising pool of households headed by two high-income-earning,full-time-working parents with dependent children.句子主干为NETTEL refers to households...,过去分词结构headed by two high-income-earning,full-time-working parents with dependent children作household 的后置定语,介词短语with dependent children 又作parents的后置定语,翻译时语序都需要做相应的调整。

Here are two parents working full-time earning lots of money but struggling to balance the commitments that come with a demanding job and an even more demanding family life.该句中commitment本来意为承诺,根据上下文语境应取其引申义“责任”;that定语从句翻译成汉语时也需要调整语序。

In a materialistic go-getter world,a couple's ability to juggle and to control life's commercial and family demands merely confirms their superior “alpha”status.该句中的“alpha”为希腊字母表中的第一个字母,这里引申为“第一/强者”。

Text 2.

The world is changing rapidly and most people are very anxious about it.In fact,I think it might even be stronger and more accurate to say that most people are downright fearful of what they see going on around them.

Technological change and innovation are completely altering many aspects of our lives and it doesn't stop there.Economic changes,social changes,scientific changes,political changes...the list is endless.However,the big question we all face is how we are going to respond to these changes.

While the specific answers about what to do take time and thought to uncover,the best way to approach the future and all of the changes it will bring can be summed up in one word:confidence.

Personal confidence is one of the greatest assets we all possess.Certainly some people seem to have much more of it than





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