
发布时间:2020-07-26 09:15:36







版权信息COPYRIGHT INFORMATION书名:奥黛丽·赫本传(中英双语版)作者:莎拉·麦克尤恩排版:燕子出版社:外语教学与研究出版社出版时间:2016-10-31本书由外语教学与研究出版社有限责任公司授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。— · 版权所有 侵权必究 · —Introduction简介

Audrey Hepburn was a rare beauty who managed to be just as graceful and captivating on the inside as she was on the outside. Her lithe dancer's body, large dark eyes and effortlessly chic clothing have made Hepburn a fashion icon for decades, no matter how many other trends may come and go. At the same time, Hepburn's refined and charming personality captured her fans' hearts, and her charity work was an important part of her life up until her final years.


With her characteristic and unique blend of tomboy, ballerina and socialite personas, Hepburn worked hard to make her way into the ranks of Hollywood A-listers, but never forgot to stay true to her roots and genuinely care for those in need. After a childhood that was marked with tragedy and hardship, from losing her father to enduring the trials of World War II, Hepburn persevered and quickly became a role model for many people. She showed the world that it was possible to have a blend of poise and playfulness, to be a movie star and a humanitarian at the same time.


Originally born in Brussels and later moving to the United Kingdom, Hepburn would also come to epitomize a very American type of beauty and charm. She was often compared to her contemporary, Marilyn Monroe, although the two had strikingly different looks and sense of style. While Monroe encapsulated the alluring, curvaceous and flirtatious brand of beauty, Hepburn had a different sense of femininity. She was strikingly slim and would often wear understated or even androgynous clothes, her luminous beauty giving the clothes a waifish elegance and appeal. She brought her cosmopolitan, international sensibilities to American movie theaters and fashion magazines, and her carefree yet polished style caught on in the United States in a huge way. Even during the height of her fame, Hepburn maintained a happy and graceful private life, surprisingly free from scandals.


Since her death from a rare form of abdominal cancer in 1993, the year she would have turned 64, Hepburn's popularity has never dimmed or faltered. Unlike many stars who died young, Hepburn was lucky enough to live a full and happy life, and had ample time to give back to the community through her charity work and humanitarian involvement. Not just a pretty face, Hepburn had an elegant spirit and a generous heart. Her natural beauty, sense of style and compassionate, giving nature have inspired many generations, and she is sure to continue inspiring people for years to come.

1993年赫本因患上一种罕见的胃癌逝世,享年63岁。她逝世后,人们对她的喜爱从未减少。与许多早逝的明星不同,赫本非常有幸能够度过了一段充实幸福的生活,有充足的时间通过参与慈善工作及人道主义事业回馈社会。赫本拥有的不只是一张漂亮的脸蛋,还有优雅的气质以及一颗慷慨的心。她天然的美、时尚感、热情以及奉献精神已经激励了一代又一代人,并且一定会在将来持续鼓舞着后人。Hepburn's Awards and Honors赫本的奖项和荣誉

During her lifetime, Hepburn won many awards and honors, both for her acting and for her humanitarian work. In 1952, she won the Billboard Annual Donaldson Award for Outstanding Achievement in Theatre for her work on Broadway in Gigi. For her work in Roman Holiday, she was awarded a Box office Blue Ribbon Award, NYFCC Best Actress Award, BAFTA Best Film Actress Award and many others, including an Oscar for Best Actress. Her stage work in Ondine won her a 1954 Tony Award. In 1955, she was honored with a Golden Globe Henrietta Award for her work in Sabrina. She also landed a Golden Globe Award in 1957, for Love In the Afternoon. She won a 1965 David di Donatello Best Foreign Actress Award for her work in My Fair Lady. In all, Hepburn won over 100 awards and nominations for her work on stage and screen.


Hepburn was also honored for her other contributions. She won a 1976 Variety Club of New York: Humanitarian Award for her charitable work, and in 1989 won the first ever International Humanitarian Award. Hepburn received the key to the gates of Chicago and had a tulip named in her honor. In January of 1993, just weeks before she passed away, Hepburn was honored with a Lifetime Achievement award from the Screen Actors Guild. Since she was not able to attend the ceremony, Julia Roberts accepted the award for her. Also in 1993, she received a posthumous Emmy Award for her TV work with Gardens of the World with Audrey Hepburn. She also landed a posthumous 1993 Grammy Award forAudrey Hepburn's Enchanted Tales.

赫本的其他贡献也获得了荣誉。她的慈善事业给她赢得了1976年纽约综艺会人道主义奖,并且在1989年荣获首届国际人道主义奖。赫本收到了芝加哥大门的入场券,同时有一种郁金香以她的名字命名。1993年1月,就在她去世的几周前,赫本荣获美国演员工会终生成就奖。因为她不能够出席典礼,茱莉亚·罗伯茨代替领了这一奖项。此外于1993年,她因《世界花园与奥黛丽赫本》这一电视剧荣获追授的艾美奖。她还凭《奥黛丽·赫本的魔法童话》获得追授的1993年格莱美奖。Personal Life个人生活

Family life was always very important to Hepburn, although she was also focused on her career. She was briefly engaged to James Hanson in 1952, but since her career was just starting to take off in earnest, Hepburn decided that she didn't have time to be a proper wife and broke off the engagement. On the set of Sabrina, she had a flirtation with William Holden, who was married at the time. Hepburn decided not to pursue the relationship when she learned that Holden had undergone a vasectomy and could not give her the children she so desired.


In 1954, Hepburn married Mel Ferrer, with whom she'd acted in the play Ondine. They wanted to have children together, but Hepburn first suffered two miscarriages, one of which occurred in 1959, while Hepburn was filming The Unforgiven and fell off a horse. Finally, in July of 1960, Hepburn gave birth to her first son, a healthy baby named Sean Hepburn Ferrer. Eight years after the birth of their son and 14 years after their wedding, the tumultuous and rocky marriage would finally end, with Ferrer and Hepburn divorcing in 1968.


During a trip to the Greek ruins in the late 1960s, Hepburn met Andrea Dotti, a psychiatrist who hailed from Italy. Since Hepburn was considering giving up her acting career at this point, she decided to marry Dotti and try for more children. They married early in 1969 and, at the age of 40, Hepburn gave birth to their son Luca Dotti in 1970. She hoped to have still more children, but experienced another miscarriage in 1974, which would be her last pregnancy. Although Dotti was a kind-hearted man, the marriage was not ideal, and both Hepburn and Dotti engaged in extramarital affairs. Hepburn waited for her sons to be old enough to handle life without a father, then divorced Dotti after 13 years of marriage.


During the final decade of her life, Hepburn finally found her true love in the form of Robert Wolders. Although they never married, Wolders was a faithful companion to Hepburn, and was a good father figure to Sean and Luca. Wolders was also with Hepburn when she died. After Hepburn's death, Wolders remained close to Sean and Luca.

在生命的最后十年时间里,赫本终于找到她的真爱,罗伯特·沃尔德斯。他们虽未结婚,沃尔却是赫本的忠实伴侣,对西恩和卢卡也是良好的父亲形象。沃尔德斯在赫本逝世时也在她身边。赫本死后,沃尔仍与西恩和卢卡很亲近。Recent News近期新闻

Although Hepburn only ended up one Oscar award, for her role as Princess Ann in RomanHoliday, she was nominated for many other roles and was a fixture at the glamorous Academy Awards gala during her lifetime. Even generations later, whenever the annual awards ceremony rolls around, Hepburn is sure to show up in the news as people lovingly remember and celebrate Hepburn's classic sense of style and iconic beauty. Some of her highlights include her chic and androgynous short haircut at the 1953 ceremony, as well as her elegantly floral patterned dress. For years, Hepburn's sense of style has proven to be so timeless that many contemporary celebrities still try to mimic her personal fashion choices.






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