终极VOA BBC标准新闻英语听力破解(振宇英语)(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载)

发布时间:2020-07-27 12:10:25





终极VOA BBC标准新闻英语听力破解(振宇英语)

终极VOA BBC标准新闻英语听力破解(振宇英语)试读:

版权信息COPYRIGHT INFORMATION书名:终极VOA BBC标准新闻英语听力破解(振宇英语)作者:方振宇排版:青杨出版社:海豚出版社出版时间:2013-04-01ISBN:9787511006097本书由北京振宇锐智国际文化有限公司授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。— · 版权所有 侵权必究 · —前  言

为什么有的人高分通过大学英语四、六级,却仍听不懂原汁原味的VOA或BBC新闻报道?为什么有的人经过苦练,能基本听懂VOA Special English了,但一听到正常语速的VOA或BBC新闻播报就目瞪口呆,茫然不知所措?











由于编者的水平有限,书中难免存在疏漏或不妥之处,恳请广大读者批评指正,以便我们再版时进一步改进,在此表示衷心感谢。编 者振宇英语中心专题一围观新鲜事VOA News 1科学家受河蚌启发发明新胶体新 闻最背景

你知道那些被称作河蚌的带硬壳的软体动物,是怎么把自己黏着在岩石或湖底的吗?他们是如何固定在海堤上而不致被海水冲走的呢?芝加哥大学的科学家们所做的,可不只是回答了以上这些问题。他们仔细观察了河蚌分泌产生的化学物质,发现它们被分开之后,会自动找到匹配并重新愈合,这就是河蚌愈合和原始力量的来源。据此,科学家们创造出了一种新型的人造凝胶,这种凝胶模仿了河蚌身上那种黏着而能自愈的胶体。据信这项发明将会有广泛的药用和工业价值。新 闻最正文mussel n. 贻贝/河蚌synthetic adj. 合成的/人造的zero in on vt. 瞄准/对准/集中于……mollusk n. 软体动物ingredient n. 组成部分/配料adhesive n. 黏合剂unique adj. 独特的/唯一的replicate vt. 复制/重复polymer vt. 聚合物potentially  adv. 潜在地/可能地Scientists Create Glue Inspired by Mussels

Holten-Anderson and colleagues that in University of Chicago and a team of international scientists have worked on how to turn what mussels do naturally into a synthetic material.

(1) They zeroed in on the chemistry of what the mollusks secrete and discovered metal mixed inside their thin, hold-fast fibers. Holten-Anderson says iron is a key ingredient that makes the adhesive strong and flexible.

“The unique thing is you can pull them apart and if you leave them be, they can find their partners again and re-heal, and that’s where thought of this rehealing of the original strength come from.”

(2) Holten-Anderson and colleagues set out to replicate that in the laboratory using a synthetic polymer or a simplified version of a string of mussel protein molecules. They succeeded when they pre-mixed the polymer with metal salts at low ph.

“You instantly get an initiation of these self-healing strong gel-like, sticky materials as soon as you do this basically step-wise process of mixing things, and then increase the ph potentially mimicking what happens in the natural case anyway.”新 闻最译文科学家受河蚌启发发明新胶体




Holten-Anderson说“只要你将物质逐步混合,并慢慢增强溶液的碱性——以模仿自然界的程序——就会立刻看到这种有自愈能力的浓胶样的物质产生。”听 力最破解

1  They zeroed in on the chemistry of what the mollusks secrete and discovered metal mixed inside their thin, hold-fast fibers.


  这句话中的“zero in on”是个固定搭配,表示“致力于/将注意力集中于/使瞄准/对准”的意思,例如: ①An enemy battery zeroed in on the crossroad.(敌人炮兵集中火力攻击那个十字路口。)②The president’s opponents zeroed in on the new bill. (总统的反对者们把矛头集中指向了这项新法案。) “zero in on”看似简单,实则不然; 如果单独拆开来看,这个短语中的任何一个单词我们都认识,都是简单得不能再简单的单词,但是对于整个短语却不见得每个人都能马上说出其准确的意思。因此,我们一定要注意平时多积累,多听多练,多掌握这类比较地道的英语表达。熟能生巧,见得多了,听得多了,当老外说出这样的地道表达时,我们自然就能马上听明白其意思,而不会不知所云了。  这句话中的“zero in on”是个固定搭配,表示“致力于/将注意力集中于/使瞄准/对准”的意思,例如: ①An enemy battery zeroed in on the crossroad.(敌人炮兵集中火力攻击那个十字路口。)②The president’s opponents zeroed in on the new bill. (总统的反对者们把矛头集中指向了这项新法案。) “zero in on”看似简单,实则不然; 如果单独拆开来看,这个短语中的任何一个单词我们都认识,都是简单得不能再简单的单词,但是对于整个短语却不见得每个人都能马上说出其准确的意思。因此,我们一定要注意平时多积累,多听多练,多掌握这类比较地道的英语表达。熟能生巧,见得多了,听得多了,当老外说出这样的地道表达时,我们自然就能马上听明白其意思,而不会不知所云了。  这句话中的“zero in on”是个固定搭配,表示“致力于/将注意力集中于/使瞄准/对准”的意思,例如: ①An enemy battery zeroed in on the crossroad.(敌人炮兵集中火力攻击那个十字路口。)②The president’s opponents zeroed in on the new bill. (总统的反对者们把矛头集中指向了这项新法案。) “zero in on”看似简单,实则不然; 如果单独拆开来看,这个短语中的任何一个单词我们都认识,都是简单得不能再简单的单词,但是对于整个短语却不见得每个人都能马上说出其准确的意思。因此,我们一定要注意平时多积累,多听多练,多掌握这类比较地道的英语表达。熟能生巧,见得多了,听得多了,当老外说出这样的地道表达时,我们自然就能马上听明白其意思,而不会不知所云了。

2  Holten-Anderson and colleagues set out to replicate that in the laboratory using a synthetic polymer or a simplified version of a string of mussel protein molecules.


  这句话中的“set out”表示“着手/打算干/做某事”的意思; 当然,这个词组还可以表示“安排/组织/动身/出发” 等意思,例如: ①They set out the chairs for the meeting in rows of ten.(他们摆好会议的坐椅, 每排十把椅子。) ②A visitor arrived just as we were setting out for the airport. (我们正要前往机场时来了一位客人。)③They set out on the last stage of their journey.(他们开始了旅行的最后一程。)  这句话中的“set out”表示“着手/打算干/做某事”的意思; 当然,这个词组还可以表示“安排/组织/动身/出发” 等意思,例如: ①They set out the chairs for the meeting in rows of ten.(他们摆好会议的坐椅, 每排十把椅子。) ②A visitor arrived just as we were setting out for the airport. (我们正要前往机场时来了一位客人。)③They set out on the last stage of their journey.(他们开始了旅行的最后一程。)VOA News 2美术博物馆中动态画作惊煞观赏者新 闻最背景

克鲁兹•迭斯,出生并成长于委内瑞拉首都加拉加斯; 但他人生的大部分时光,都是在巴黎度过的。在那里,他引领了世界范围的新的艺术潮流。他的作品,对我们如何看待色彩提出了挑战。克鲁兹那些充满奇幻色彩的作品,现在陈列于美国德克萨斯州休斯顿美术博物馆。走进克鲁兹的世界是一个挑战,也是一次视觉盛宴。在一间用于展览的小屋内,你首先会看到蓝光,然后变成黄色、绿色和其它颜色,颜色会随着你的行进而改变。克鲁兹说,他要挑战人们对颜色的传统观念,揭示色彩的本质。新 闻最正文Artist Uses Light to Enchant Museum Goers in Houston

Entering the world of Cruz-Diez is a challenge and a delight for the eyes.

(In one of the small rooms built for the exhibit, one at first sees blue light but it shifts to yellow, green and other colors as one passes through.)

Here the artist explains the color of light seems to change as you walk through.

“This is chromo saturation. The purpose is to have color without form. One enters here into raw perception.”

Our camera can’t record all the changes in color here because as the artist explains, they’re manufactured by the eye.

(1) “When you see just one frequency of light, it is disturbing and the eye tries to accommodate itself to the experience and in the process, different tones appear that do not exist in the place.”

In another chamber, Cruz-Diez uses light and structure to turn the viewer into part of the art. (A lamp projects patterns over the surface of the room and anyone inside it.)

Many other works here use simple structures made of plastic and other monochromatic materials to give the impression of shifting colors.

(2) Cruz-Diez says he wants to challenge the notion that people have of color and reveal its essence.新 闻最译文delight n. 高兴/快乐exhibit n. 展览品/陈列品chromo saturation n. 色饱和度perception n. 感知/觉察manufacture vt. 制造/制作accommodate vt. 改变/调节tone n. 色调/光度chamber n. 房间/小屋monochromatic adj. 单色的/单频的essence n. 本质/实质美术博物馆中动态画作惊煞观赏者






Cruz-Diez说,他要挑战人们对颜色的传统观念,揭示色彩的本质。听 力最破解

1  When you see just one frequency of light, it is disturbing and the eye tries to accommodate itself to the experience and in the process, different tones appear that do not exist in the place.


  这句话中的“disturbing”是个形容词,表示“令人烦恼的/让人不安的”的意思,例如: ①He has had some disturbing experience.(他有过一些使他很不安的经历。) ②The disturbing noise lasted for more than two hours. (令人心烦意乱的噪音,持续了两个多小时。)

本句中出现的“accommodate sth. to sth.”是个比较常用的短语搭配,意为“适应,迁就,迎合”,例如: ①I will accommodate my plans to yours.(我修改一下计划,以便和你的计划相适应。)②This chair accommodates its shape to a person’s position.(这把椅子的形状,能随就座者的姿势而改变。)

2  Cruz-Diez says he wants to challenge the notion that people have of color and reveal its essence.


  这句话并不长,要听懂其意思也并不困难。但是,我们要注意其中几个词语的意思和用法。首先,本句中的“notion”表示“观念/概念/看法”等意思; 例如: The children have different notions about the roles of their parents. (孩子们对自己父母的职责有不同的看法。) 其次,“reveal”有“揭露/泄露/展现/显示”等多个意思,例如: ①The clouds were breaking up to reveal a clear blue sky. (云朵正在消散,露出了湛蓝的天空。) ②He never revealed his identity.(他从未暴露过自己的身份。)另外,“essence”可以表示“本质/实质/精华”等意思,例如: ①The two things are the same in outward form but different in essence.(这两件东西外表形式一样, 但实质却不同。)②His paintings embody the very essence of the fashionable life style. (他的画体现了时尚生活方式的本质。)  这句话并不长,要听懂其意思也并不困难。但是,我们要注意其中几个词语的意思和用法。首先,本句中的“notion”表示“观念/概念/看法”等意思; 例如: The children have different notions about the roles of their parents. (孩子们对自己父母的职责有不同的看法。) 其次,“reveal”有“揭露/泄露/展现/显示”等多个意思,例如: ①The clouds were breaking up to reveal a clear blue sky. (云朵正在消散,露出了湛蓝的天空。) ②He never revealed his identity.(他从未暴露过自己的身份。)另外,“essence”可以表示“本质/实质/精华”等意思,例如: ①The two things are the same in outward form but different in essence.(这两件东西外表形式一样, 但实质却不同。)②His paintings embody the very essence of the fashionable life style. (他的画体现了时尚生活方式的本质。)VOA News 3创新教学 因材施教新 闻最背景

填鸭式的应试教育方式,一直饱受人们的争议; 老师教得辛苦,学生学得痛苦。处在这种教育理念下的孩子,一个个被培养成了考试机器。卷面上光鲜的高分,往往反映不出学生内心真实的痛苦。让我们把眼光转向国外,看看国外的个性化教育课堂是什么样子的吧。英国于几年前开始在小学实施个性化教育,他们开发的《国际初级课程》已被世界上58个国家、超过1000所小学使用。该课程以学生为中心,因材施教,绝不存在像喂饭一样的教学行为,创造了一种全球适用的新的教学方式。新 闻最正文Innovative Approach Individualizes Learning

Alison Kerr is a second grade teacher in the British American School of Los Angeles, one of a few American private schools that teach the International Primary Curriculum.

She says the main goal of the curriculum is to engage children in the learning process. Today, for example, her class is going to learn about historical figures.

(1) “I got the children to come in secret and dress up with several clues of a famous person. They had to research and bring us 10 written clues and the rest of the class had to guess who these significant people were. So the children do not simply just do the same work, sheet type of format every single time.”

“One size does not fit all the education these days,” says Educator Martin Skelton. He co-authored the IPC eight years ago. He says for kids to learn and succeed, they need a program that allows them to learn individually.

(2) “Our view is the teachers should be thinking about their kids in their class and why they are not learning and trying to work out what they are going to be doing tomorrow to help individual kids learn much better.”新 闻最译文private school n. 私立学校curriculum n. 课程/大纲engage vi. 使参与/使忙于……historical adj. 历史的/历史学的clue n. 线索/提示significant adj. 重要的/显著的format n. 格式/样式fit vt. 适合/符合/相一致individually  adv. 独特地/与众不同地创新教学 因材施教

洛杉矶英式学校,是美国少数几所采用《国际初级课程》的美国私立学校之一。Alison Kerr是该校的一名二年级老师。


Kerr说: “我让孩子们暗中准备,装扮中隐含数条历史名人的线索。这些孩子必须先进行研究,向我们展示已经写好的10条线索。而其他的孩子来猜这些历史名人是谁。这样,孩子们不只是简单地每次都做相同的格式化的作业。”

教育家Martin Skelton八年前参与了《初级课程》的编写,他说“一鞋难合众人脚。”他表示,需要一个允许孩子们自主学习的课程,让孩子们学习并取得成功。“我们的观点是,教师应该想想他们班上的孩子,想想他们为什么不学习。然后拟定他们以后的工作计划,来帮助每个孩子更好地学习。”听 力最破解

1  I got the children to come in secret and dress up with several clues of a famous person.


  这句话中的“get sb. to do sth.”是个常见的词组,表示“让/使某人干某事”的意思。英语中常见的使役动词有let, make, have, get, set, leave等,可以用来表示使某人干某事,让某人/某事物处于某种状态或者使遭受等意思。使役动词后面跟动词的过去分词时,表达被动的意思,例如: ①I have my hair cut every month.(我每个月理一次发。)②Could you get the work finished in time?(你能及时把工作做完吗?)使役动词后面跟动词原形、不定式或者动词-ing形式时,表达主动的意思,表示“使、让、令、叫”等意义,例如: ①They made me repeat the story.(他们让我把那个故事再讲一遍。)②I’ll leave you to settle all the business next week. (下星期我会让你全权处理所有事务。)  这句话中的“get sb. to do sth.”是个常见的词组,表示“让/使某人干某事”的意思。英语中常见的使役动词有let, make, have, get, set, leave等,可以用来表示使某人干某事,让某人/某事物处于某种状态或者使遭受等意思。使役动词后面跟动词的过去分词时,表达被动的意思,例如: ①I have my hair cut every month.(我每个月理一次发。)②Could you get the work finished in time?(你能及时把工作做完吗?)使役动词后面跟动词原形、不定式或者动词-ing形式时,表达主动的意思,表示“使、让、令、叫”等意义,例如: ①They made me repeat the story.(他们让我把那个故事再讲一遍。)②I’ll leave you to settle all the business next week. (下星期我会让你全权处理所有事务。)  这句话中的“get sb. to do sth.”是个常见的词组,表示“让/使某人干某事”的意思。英语中常见的使役动词有let, make, have, get, set, leave等,可以用来表示使某人干某事,让某人/某事物处于某种状态或者使遭受等意思。使役动词后面跟动词的过去分词时,表达被动的意思,例如: ①I have my hair cut every month.(我每个月理一次发。)②Could you get the work finished in time?(你能及时把工作做完吗?)使役动词后面跟动词原形、不定式或者动词-ing形式时,表达主动的意思,表示“使、让、令、叫”等意义,例如: ①They made me repeat the story.(他们让我把那个故事再讲一遍。)②I’ll leave you to settle all the business next week. (下星期我会让你全权处理所有事务。)

2  Our view is the teachers should be thinking about their kid in their class and why they are not learning and trying to work out what they are going to be doing tomorrow to help individual kids learn much better.


  这句话的主干结构是“our view is...”,后面所有的内容都是对our view的进一步解释和补充,其中,“thinking about”和“trying to work out”是并列结构,指出了老师们在个性化教育中应该扮演的角色。“individual”作名词时,表示“个人/个体/独立单位”等意思; 作形容词时,表示“个人的/私人的/独特的”等意思。例如: ①She is the most selfish and egotistical individual I have ever met. (她是我所见过的最自私自负的人。) ②She has her own individual style of doing things.(她有自己独特的行事风格。)  这句话的主干结构是“our view is...”,后面所有的内容都是对our view的进一步解释和补充,其中,“thinking about”和“trying to work out”是并列结构,指出了老师们在个性化教育中应该扮演的角色。“individual”作名词时,表示“个人/个体/独立单位”等意思; 作形容词时,表示“个人的/私人的/独特的”等意思。例如: ①She is the most selfish and egotistical individual I have ever met. (她是我所见过的最自私自负的人。) ②She has her own individual style of doing things.(她有自己独特的行事风格。)VOA News 4美俄联手打造太空探索新时代新 闻最背景

天高任鸟飞,海阔凭鱼跃。探索外太空,寻找地外文明是人类一直以来的梦想。科技的突飞猛进,使人们的梦想变成了现实。现如今,人类已经飞出了地球,登上了月球,正在向火星等更遥远的星球进发。在人类飞向外太空的征程中,最功不可没的两大运载工具是航天飞机和宇宙飞船。然而,随着2011年7月美国“阿特兰蒂斯”号航天飞机的退役,航天飞机正式退出了历史舞台。航天飞机退役后,美国决定与俄罗斯联手,NASA计划租用俄罗斯“联盟号”宇宙飞船,将美国宇航员送上太空,继续太空探索。新 闻最正文US and Russia Set to Forge New Era in the Exploration of Space

When the Soviet Union put the first man in space in 1961, Yuri Gagarin’s flight was celebrated as a major Cold War victory.

(1) And as Russia gears up to celebrate the 50th anniversary of that flight in April, it also prepares for once unheard of cooperation with its former Cold War enemy, the United States.

NASA has cancelled its plans for a post-shuttle space vehicle. Until U.S. commercial firms build spaceships capable of carrying humans, America plans to pay Russia to ferry U.S. astronauts to space on board Soyuz spacecraft.

NASA is retiring the shuttle despite believing it is technologically more sophisticated than the Soyuz, says Robert Navias, the agency’s program and mission operations lead.

The U.S. will pay Russia more than $50 million for each round trip ticket to the Space Station. So far, six seats are reserved for 2013 and 2014.

Rising powers such as China and India are entering a new era of competition for space supremacy. (2) But former Cold War foes Russia and the U.S. have put rivalry aside, in favor of cooperation in the exploration of space.新 闻最译文victory n. 胜利/成功anniversary n. 周年纪念cancel vt. 取消/废除commercial adj. 商业的/商务的ferry vt. 运送/渡运/空运astronaut n. 宇航员/太空人sophisticated adj. 尖端的/精密的reserve vt. 保留/预订era n. 时代/纪元supremacy n. 最高权力/至高无上foe n. 敌人/仇敌/仇人rivalry n. 敌对/竞争/对抗美俄联手打造太空探索新时代

1961年,苏联第一次将人类送上太空,Yuri Gagarin的飞行,被视为冷战时期的重大胜利来庆祝。



美国宇航局项目和任务执行负责人Robert Navias表示,尽管他们相信自己的技术比“联盟号”更加成熟,但他们仍决定让自己的航天飞机退役。


中国和印度等新兴大国,正在进入争夺太空主权的新时代。但是,作为冷战时期的对立双方俄罗斯和美国,目前已经抛开竞争和对抗,正联手进行外太空探索。听 力最破解

1  And as Russia gears up to celebrate the 50th anniversary of that flight in April, it also prepares for once unheard of cooperation with its former Cold War enemy, the United States.


  这句话中的“gear up”是个固定搭配,本义是“换高速档”,而在这句话中则是“做好准备”的意思,例如: ①When you are going fast enough, you’ll be able to gear up.(当车开得足够快时, 你就能换挡加速了。)②The party is all geared up for the forthcoming election campaign.(该党为即将来临的竞选活动,已完全做好了准备。)此句句末的“the United States”是“its former Cold War enemy”的同位语,补充说明了冷战时期苏联的敌人是谁。  这句话中的“gear up”是个固定搭配,本义是“换高速档”,而在这句话中则是“做好准备”的意思,例如: ①When you are going fast enough, you’ll be able to gear up.(当车开得足够快时, 你就能换挡加速了。)②The party is all geared up for the forthcoming election campaign.(该党为即将来临的竞选活动,已完全做好了准备。)此句句末的“the United States”是“its former Cold War enemy”的同位语,补充说明了冷战时期苏联的敌人是谁。  这句话中的“gear up”是个固定搭配,本义是“换高速档”,而在这句话中则是“做好准备”的意思,例如: ①When you are going fast enough, you’ll be able to gear up.(当车开得足够快时, 你就能换挡加速了。)②The party is all geared up for the forthcoming election campaign.(该党为即将来临的竞选活动,已完全做好了准备。)此句句末的“the United States”是“its former Cold War enemy”的同位语,补充说明了冷战时期苏联的敌人是谁。

2  But former Cold War foes Russia and the U.S. have put rivalry aside, in favor of cooperation in the exploration of space.


  这句话中的“put aside”表示“放在一边/暂不考虑”的意思; 当然,这个词组还可以表示“储存/保留” 等意思,例如: ①He put aside his work to spend more time with his son.(他把工作暂时搁下,以便有更多的时间陪他儿子。) ②One should always put a little money aside for a rainy day.(我们应当攒点钱,以备不时之需。)本句中的“foe”表示“敌人/仇敌/对手”等意思,一般用于诗歌或正式文体中,常见的搭配有“common foe”(共同敌人),“sworn foe”(不共戴天的敌人),“old foe”(夙敌)等等,例如: ①His newspaper articles criticized friend and foe alike.(他在报纸上发表的批评文章不论敌友,一视同仁。)②They met their old foes in the final competition.(在决赛中,他们遇上了老对手。) 另外,这句话句末的“in favor of cooperation in the exploration of space”是介词短语作状语,是对这句话前面内容的补充,指出了俄美两国抛开竞争的同时展开了合作,可以改写成“and they are in favor of cooperation in the exploration of space.”  这句话中的“put aside”表示“放在一边/暂不考虑”的意思; 当然,这个词组还可以表示“储存/保留” 等意思,例如: ①He put aside his work to spend more time with his son.(他把工作暂时搁下,以便有更多的时间陪他儿子。) ②One should always put a little money aside for a rainy day.(我们应当攒点钱,以备不时之需。)本句中的“foe”表示“敌人/仇敌/对手”等意思,一般用于诗歌或正式文体中,常见的搭配有“common foe”(共同敌人),“sworn foe”(不共戴天的敌人),“old foe”(夙敌)等等,例如: ①His newspaper articles criticized friend and foe alike.(他在报纸上发表的批评文章不论敌友,一视同仁。)②They met their old foes in the final competition.(在决赛中,他们遇上了老对手。) 另外,这句话句末的“in favor of cooperation in the exploration of space”是介词短语作状语,是对这句话前面内容的补充,指出了俄美两国抛开竞争的同时展开了合作,可以改写成“and they are in favor of cooperation in the exploration of space.”BBC News 1国际足联两名官员被停职新 闻最背景

国际足球联合会(International Federation of Association Football,缩写FIFA)简称国际足联,由比利时、法国、丹麦、西班牙、瑞典、荷兰和瑞士倡议,于1904年5月21日在法国巴黎成立。国际足联下设欧洲、亚洲、非洲、中北美和加勒比地区、南美洲、大洋洲6个地区性组织。世界杯是国际足联的主要营销手段。国际足联组织的赛事主要有: 世界杯足球赛(1930年开始,4年一届)、奥运会足球赛(1912年被正式列为奥运会项目,4年一届)、世界青年足球锦标赛(即可口可乐杯赛,1977年开始,两年一届)、17岁以下世界锦标赛(1985年开始两年一届)、五人足球世界锦标赛、世界女子足球锦标赛。中国20世纪30年代加入国际足联,1958年中国足协宣布退出。1979年,中国足协在国际足联的合法席位得到恢复。新 闻最正文Fifa Has Suspended Two Executive Committee Members

The governing body of world football, Fifa, has suspended two executive committee members over

allegations of bribery. Fifa’s ethics committee meeting in Zurich said the head of Asian football, Mohamed Bin Hammam, and Fifa vice president Jack Warner had a case to answer. Sepp Blatter was cleared of any wrongdoing. Our sports correspondent Alex Capstick reports from Zurich.

(1) A dramatic day which ended with Sepp Blatter almost certain to be re-elected as president of football’s world governing body — he’s survived a hearing of the ethics commission, but two of the organisation’s most senior members have been provisionally suspended. Jack Warner has served on Fifa’s executive committee for 28 years. Mohamed Bin Hammam, who had earlier pulled out of the presidential race, is the head of the Asian confederation. (2) It’s alleged they tried to buy votes. Both men deny the charges, but this corruption crisis has been the most damaging in Fifa’s history.新 闻最译文suspend vt. 暂停/终止wrongdoing n. 坏事/不道德行为dramatic adj.戏剧的/戏剧性的/给人印象深刻的ethics n. 伦理学/道德规范provisionally adv. 暂时地/临时地confederation n. 同盟/联盟corruption n. 腐败/ 贪污国际足联两名官员被停职

国际足联两名执行委员因受贿指控被停职。国际足联道德委员会在苏黎世召开会议称,亚足联主席Mohamed Bin Hammam和国际足联副主席Jack Warner必须接受审查。Sepp Blatter已经证明了自己的清白。我们的体育记者Alex Capstick 在苏黎世报道。

这真的是戏剧性的一天,Sepp Blatter几乎已经确定连任国际足联主席——他经历了道德委员会审查的考验,但是该组织另外两名高级官员被暂停职务。Jack Warner已经在国际足联执行委员会工作了28 年的时间。此前退出总统竞选的Mohamed Bin Hammam是亚足联主席。据指控他们试图购买选票。两人均否认这些指控,但是这次腐败危机在国际足联历史上造成了最严重的影响。听 力最破解

1  A dramatic day which ended with Sepp Blatter almost certain to be re-elected as president of football’s world governing body — he’s survived a hearing of the ethics commission, but two of the organisation’s most senior members have been provisionally suspended.







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