
发布时间:2020-07-27 13:21:52











Photography or Art?

It is well known that art originates from life. In this regard,humanistic photography wa1ks along the edge of art. In such an era with continuous rows of cold modern buildings,the vitality oflifehas complete1y vanished. The ignorance between people is not the meaning of life 1eaving noaesthetic perceptionatal1.A1though wearea11 works of art created by God,ignorance is absolutely not the art appreciated by God.

Fortunately,thereare still oldtowns incorners ofmost cities. Fornumerous old towns bearing cultural accumulations,they have been fading aftere Xperiencing years of wind and frost a1though they have been once flourishing and glamorous.Infact,theseareonly presentations. Mottled walls and over-trodden and broken slab stones don't prevent one from having a jo11y time in these towns.One may sitatle isure in the sunshine,play with children,go for a walk ina quiet place witha bird,trim vegetables for cooking,hang clothes or talk about sma1l household affairs. Time passes quiet1y in the process of arranging clothing and food which just represents the life of ordinary peop1e. Some people make their 1iving by means oftrades inrelationto diet and dai1y 1ife who spend no time in thinking aboutand need not understand why modern people establishso many unnecessary trades to meet their demands.Youwilllivecomfortablyrelaxedinold towns,in which you needn't cope with complicated relations or won't feel over whelmed due to great pressures. Such ordinary life repeats daybyday,yearby yearand century by century. After repetitive revival and sleep,the same street,lane,store and wooden bench witness the true meaning of life and precipitate the essence of the world.

Thanks to oldtowns preservedin Nanjing,they remindmemy childhood.Wandering in them,you wi11 see steadfast life and temperature ofhumannature which make you feel anxious to be Come invisible and record the near1y disappearing preciousness without disturbing the last piece of pure land. As the supporter of the record,it is unnecessary to discuss the artistic quality of photography just like the uncertainty of the outcome of a war. As a tool,camera is produced to preserve wonderful instantaneous of 1ife comparing to weapon produced for victory. The true art originates life and daily details andaccumulations.A11 your know1edge and your understanding about 1ife just wait for the moment whenyou catcha f1ash ofgenius. Theseare the fu11 significance of photography.One sha11 capture the perfect moment by taking advantages of your foresight,aesthetic judgment,courage,agility and skil1s. In the process,treat camera as the weapon,feet as the mountand conceptionas the comprehension ofart and life. One sha11 always bear inmind thatart eXists ineverydetail of1ife instead of being created by you. You can only discover and record art by summoning the camera,step forward and f1y your dreams.For your artistic pursuit,you shall patiently polish precise mould as a skillful turner,perfectly use lancetas anexcellent surgeonand choose the true star from alarge number of mounted and foot soldiersasatalent scout. Don't question your ownability when you haveproducedarealproduct.A photography master once said that,“Interests and charms always form naturally and microh and photo graphers can capture the moccasionally.”LuojinJanuary 8th,2016

日出 Sunrise

《懵懂》Ignorant《宝贝》Baby《早餐》Breakfast《哺食》Feeding《观母》Watching Washing《刀足》Pedicure《小弟》Younger Brother《追喂》After Feeding《柔情》Tenderness《晒阳》Basking《情深》Deep Fee1ing《欢喜》Love《姐弟》Sisters《爱不释手》Fondle Admiringly《新鞋》New Shoes《逗笑》Amusing《菊季》Chrysanthemum Season《榜样》Role M0del《金口》Mouth Opening《轮回》Samsara《兄长》E1der Br0ther《落单》Drop off《憧憬》Longing《小童》Boy

童年 Childh0od

《玩耍》P1aying《逃》Running Away《乐》Joyful《射击》Fire





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