考研英语题源深阅读Ⅰ 《纽约时报》与《麦肯锡季刊》分册(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载)

发布时间:2020-07-28 01:48:43





考研英语题源深阅读Ⅰ 《纽约时报》与《麦肯锡季刊》分册

考研英语题源深阅读Ⅰ 《纽约时报》与《麦肯锡季刊》分册试读:




幸运的是,通过对历年考研真题阅读理解文章来源的整理,我们发现,这其中是有规律可循的。下表为我们详细总结的2005—2015年的考研英语阅读理解部分真题来源及出题频次汇总。近十年考研阅读真题来源汇总真题年份真题部分真题来源Text 1The EconomistU.S.News & World ReportText 22005Text 3NewsweekText 4The EconomistText 2The ObserverText 3The Economist2006Text 4TIMEPart BNewsweekText 1The New York TimesText 2Scientific AmericanHarvard Magazine2007Text 3Text 4The EconomistPart BTIMEClozeThe EconomistDiscoveryText 12008Text 2The EconomistText 3Scientific AmericanU.S.News & World ReportText 4Cloze & Text The New York Times20091Text 2Scientific AmericanMcKinsey QuarterlyText 3Part BEncartaClozeThe EconomistCommentaryText 1Text 2Business Week2010Text 3Harvard Business ReviewText 4The EconomistMckinsey QuarterlyPart BClozeScientific AmericanCommentaryText 1Text 2Business Week2011McKinsey QuarterlyText 3Text 4NewsweekPart BThe EconomistClozeThe New York TimesText 1TIME2012Text 2Boston GlobeText 4The EconomistPart BNew ScientistClozeThe EconomistText 1Business Week2013Text 2The EconomistText 3New ScientistText 4The Wall Street Journal2014ClozeThe EconomistText 1The GuardianText 2The EconomistText 3NatureText 4The Wall Street JournalGivologyClozeText 1The GuardianThe Washington Post2015Text 2Text 3NatureText 4The Guardian



















Reading Part A Text 1

选自 A Star is Made,The New York Times,May 2006(1)

A Star Is Made

If you were to examine the birth certificates of every soccer player (2)in next month's 2006'sWorld Cup tournament,you would most likely find a noteworthy quirk:elite soccer players are more likely to have been born in the earlier months of the year than in the later months.If you then examined the European national youth teams that feed the World Cup and professional ranks,you would find this quirk to be even more pronounced.On recent English teams,for instance,half of the elite teenage soccer players were born in January,February or March,with the other half spread out over the remaining 9 months.In Germany,52 elite youth players were born in the first three months (3)of the year,with just 4 players born in the last three strange phenomenon to be even more pronounced.

What might account for this anomaly?strange phenomenon? (4)Here are a few guesses:(a)certain astrological signs confer superior soccer skills;(b)winter-born babies tend to have higher oxygen capacity,which increases soccer stamina;(c)soccer-mad parents are more likely to conceive children in springtime,at the annual peak of soccer mania;(d)none of the above.

Anders Ericsson,a 58-year-old psychology professor at Florida State University,says he believes strongly in“none of the above”.He is the ringleader of what might be called the Expert Performance Movement,a loose coalition of scholars trying to answer an important and seemingly primordial question:When someone is very good at a (5)given thing,what is it that actually makes him good?Ericsson,(6)who grew up in Sweden,and studied nuclear engineering until he realized he would have more opportunity to conduct his own research if he switched to psychology.His first experiment,nearly 30 years ago,involved memory:training a person to hear and then repeat a random series of numbers.“With the first subject,after about 20 hours of training,his digit span had risen from 7 to 20,”Ericsson recalls.“He kept improving,and after about 200 hours of training he had risen to over 80 numbers.”

This success,coupled with later research showing that memory itself is not genetically determined,led Ericsson to conclude that the act of memorizing is more of a cognitive exercise than an intuitive (7)one.In other words,whatever innate inborndifferences two people may exhibit in their abilities to memorize,those differences are swamped by how well each person“encodes”the information.And the best way to learn how to encode information meaningfully,Ericsson determined,was a process known as deliberate practice.Deliberate practice entails more than simply repeating a task—playing a C-minor scale 100 times,for instance,or hitting tennis serves until your (8)shoulder pops out of its socket.Rather,it involves setting specific goals,obtaining immediate feedback and concentrating as much on technique as on outcome.

Ericsson and his colleagues have thus taken to studying expert performers in a wide range of pursuits,including soccer,golf,surgery,piano playing,Scrabble,writing,chess,software design,(9)stock picking and darts.They gather all the data they can,not just performance statistics and biographical details but also the results of their own laboratory experiments with high achievers.Their work,compiled in the“Cambridge Handbook of Expertise and Expert Performance,”a 900-page academic book that will be published next (10)month,Their work makes a rather startling assertion:the trait we commonly call talent is highly overrated.Or,put another way,expert performers—whether in memory or surgery,ballet or computer programming—are nearly always made,not born.And yes,practice does make perfect.These may be the sort of clichés that parents are fond of whispering to their children.But these particular (11)clichés just happen to be true.

Ericsson's research suggests a third cliché as well:when it comes to choosing a life path,you should do what you love—because if you don't love it,you are unlikely to work hard enough to get very good.Most people naturally don't like to do things they aren't“good”at.So they often give up,telling themselves they simply don't possess the talent for math or skiing or the violin.But what they really lack is the desire to be good and to undertake the deliberate practice that would make them better.

“I think the most general claim here,”Ericsson says of his work,“is that a lot of people believe there are some inherent limits they were born with.But there is surprisingly little hard evidence that anyone could attain any kind of exceptional performance without spending a lot of time perfecting it.”This is not to say that all people have equal potential,even if he hadn't spent countless hours in the gym,would still have been a better basketball player than most of us.But without those hours in the gym,he would never have become the player he was.

Ericsson's conclusions,if accurate,would seem to have broad applications.Students should be taught to follow their interests earlier in their schooling,the better to build up their skills and acquire meaningful feedback.Senior citizens should be encouraged to acquire new skills,especially those thought to require“talents”they (12)previously believed they didn't possess…

21.The birthday phenomenon found among soccer players is mentioned to _____.[A]stress the importance of professional training[B]spotlight the soccer superstars in the World Cup[C]introduce the topic of what makes expert performance[D]explain why some soccer teams play better than others


22.The word“mania”(Line 7,Para.2)most probably means _____.[A]fun[B]craze[C]hysteria[D]excitement


23.According to Ericsson,good memory _____.[A]depends on meaningful processing of information[B]results from intuitive rather than cognitive exercises[C]is determined by genetic rather than psychological factors[D]requires immediate feedback and a high degree of concentration


24.Ericsson and his colleagues believe that _____.[A]talent is a dominating factor for professional success[B]biographical data provide the key to excellent performance[C]the role of talent tends to be overlooked[D]high achievers owe their success mostly to nurture


25.Which of the following proverbs is closest to the message the text tries to convey?[A]“Faith will move mountains.”[B]“One reaps what one sows.”[C]“Practice makes perfect.”[D]“Like father,like son.”








(1) 删去文章的题目。

(2) 将原文中的时间状语next month's更改为较为笼统的年份概念。

(3) 将原文中举出的若干具体实例删除,保证行文的简洁性。

(4) 将anomaly一词替换为同义词组,降低了阅读难度(anomaly原意为异常现象)。

(5) 将冗长的人物身份介绍删去,力求行文衔接清晰自然。

(6) 去掉who,后面加and,将从句改成陈述,使表达更简洁。

(7) 将innate一词替换为难度较低的近义词inborn。

(8) 将原文中的例子删掉。

(9) 将与行文关系并不密切的列举删除。

(10) 将与文章主旨大意无关的琐碎信息删掉,保证流畅性。

(11) 删掉过于详细的描述,使文章更加简洁明了。

(12) 为保证阅读篇目的质量和答题时间,以下共略去5段原文内容。第二章题源文章阅读第一部分社会人生类Passage OneWho Says American Parents Are Inferior?谁说美国父母就差劲?The New York TimesFeb.6,2012

Enough already.

A year ago,The Wall Street Journal published anexcerpt from Amy Chua's book,Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother under the provocative headline“Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior.”Now,in an article adapted from Pamela Druckerman's soon-to-be-published Bringing Up Bébé,the Journal sets out to tell us“Why French Parents Are Superior.”

In both cases,the message is clear:Americans are terrible parents.Our children areoverindulged.They misbehave,they're rude and they have poor eating and sleeping habits.As moms and dads,we are anxious,we shout too much and if that weren't enough,Ms.Druckerman asserts,French mothers are even skinnier and sexier than their Yankee counterparts(and they never wear pajama bottoms when dropping their kids off at school).

But what is an“American”style of parenting?Can anyone legitimately say there is such a thing in a society asheterogeneous as ours?

American parents areAnglo,African-American,Asian and Hispanic.They are Christian,Jewish,Muslim and much more.They are rich,middle-class and poor.They are urban,suburban and rural.And as numerous academic studies have shown,different cultures and different socioeconomic groups in our country tend to parent their children in different ways.A quick trip to your local playground or to Chuck E.Cheese will reveal all kinds of parents interacting with children in all kinds of ways:some laissez-faire,some more strict,some frenzied,some cool,some by the book and some by the seat of their pants.Within my own circle in Los Angeles,there are parents who more or less fit Ms.Druckerman's stereotype,but many others who defy it.

The clinical psychologist Diana Baumrind in the mid-1960s came up with what are still widely considered the threeprototypical parenting styles.The“permissive parent”consults with children about family decisions and makes few demands of them.The“authoritarian parent”by contrast,sets a strict standard of conduct,often theologically motivated.The“authoritative parent”provides the best balance,encouraging give and take with children but exerting firm control when it's needed.

From reading the Journal excerpt of Ms.Druckerman's book,one could easily conclude that practically all American parents are pathetically permissive,while most French families operate under a superior authoritative model.Ms.Druckerman writes:

After a while,it struck me that most French descriptions of American kids include this phrase“n'importe quoi”meaning“whatever”or“anything they like.”It suggests that the American kids don't have firm boundaries,that their parents lack authority,and that anything goes.It's the antithesis of the French ideal of the cadre,or frame,that French parents often talk about.Cadre means that kids have very firm limits about certain things—that's the frame—and that the parents strictly enforce these.But inside the cadre,French parents entrust their kids with quite a lot of freedom and autonomy.

In truth,it's not nearly so simple—at least not when it comes to the American side of the equation(where about 16 percent of the population is Hispanic,13 percent is black and 5 percent is Asian).

Indeed,numerous analyses have suggested that African-American and Asian-American parents typically aren't permissive;rather,they tend to be mostly authoritarian in their parenting practices(albeit in different ways).At the same time,the literature also makes clear that painting with too broad a brush is dangerous.Within racial and ethnic communities,all three types of parenting styles—permissive,authoritarian and authoritative—can be seen.As a team from Marquette University wrote in a study published in the Journal of Social Psychology:“Hispanic parents,rather than being characterized by one dominant parenting style,demonstrated a variety of styles depending on theiracculturation,education background and income level.”

Other factors also affect how American children are raised.For instance,it has been found that parents are more likely toemploy an authoritarian style with boys than with girls.What's more,“the levels of warmth,conflict and permissiveness children experienced is directly affected by family structure,”noted a 2007 study by researchers from the University of North Carolina and University of Chicago.

In the end,though,I don't need a bunch of academics to convince me that a work like Ms.Druckerman's is full ofovergeneralizing, about both American and,I suspect,French parents.My husband and I are more authoritative than permissive.And while they weren't perfect,my own two children(now in their teens)never engaged in the kind of bad behavior that Ms.Druckerman describes as commonplace among young American kids,like throwing their food.My son and daughter have both always eaten their vegetables,and they've never had a problem looking adults in the eye,just like French children supposedly do.

Andfor the record,I've never once dropped off my kids at school while wearing my pajamas.提纲挈领



excerpt[ˈɛksəːpt]n.摘录;引用【搭配】excerpt of 摘编,……的摘录;excerpt from 从……中摘录,节选自【例句】I've seen a short excerpt from the movie on television.


stereotype[ˌstɛriəˈtɑip]n.模式化的形象、思想、人物等v.使…陈规化【搭配】do sth by stereotype 循规蹈矩;a play full of stereotype characters充斥着模式化人物的话剧【例句】He doesn't conform to the usual stereotype of the city businessman with a dark suit and rolled umbrella.


autonomy[ˈɔːtənəmi]n.人身自由,自主权,自治【搭配】regional autonomy 区域自治,地方自治;state autonomy 国家自主性【例句】Branch managers have full autonomy in their own areas.


employ[imˈplɔi]v.采用,雇佣,使用【搭配】in the employ of受雇于【例句】You could employ your spare time better.


drop off让某人下汽车;中途顺便将某人/物送至某处【例句】Could you drop me off near the post office?


for the record正式的,有案可循的【例句】Just for the record,the minister's statement is wrong on two points.





















overgeneralize[əuvəˈdʒen(ə)rəlɑiz]v.太笼统地概括难句翻译And as numerous academic studies have shown,different cultures and different socioeconomic groups in our country tend to parent their children in different ways.A quick trip to your local playground or to Chuck E.Cheese will reveal all kinds of parents interacting with children in all kinds of ways:some laissez-faire,some more strict,some frenzied,some cool,some by the book and some by the seat of their pants.

译文:正如很多的学术研究表明,父母们来自不同的文化和社会经济群体,他们教育子女的方式也各不相同。去附近的运动场或是查克芝士店看看,你就会发现各类父母都以不同的方式与他们的孩子互动:有的比较放任,有的相对严格,有的有些易怒,有的很冷静,有的照章行事,有的凭直觉摸索。The“authoritative parent”provides the best balance,encouraging give and take with children but exerting firm control when it's needed.

译文:“权威型父母”在两者之间处于平衡状态,鼓励与孩子平等交换意见,但必要时也会对孩子严格要求。After a while,it struck me that most French descriptions of American kids include this phrase“n'importe quoi,”meaning“whatever”or“anything they like.”It suggests that the American kids don't have firm boundaries,that their parents lack authority,and that anything goes.

译文: 经过一段时间,让我感到震惊的是大多数法国人谈到美国孩子时都提到了“n'importe quoi”这个短语,意思是“随便”或“想怎样就怎样”。这表明美国孩子没有严格的行为规范,他们的父母缺乏权威,并且事事如此。


蔡美儿,现任耶鲁大学法学院终身教授。她以自己的育儿经验编写了一本自传体性质的书Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother(《虎妈战歌》),引发了中美两国媒体对子女教育问题的热烈讨论。

Pamela Druckerman:帕米拉·德鲁克曼,作家,自由职业记者,现居法国巴黎。2012年出版Bringing Up Bébé一书。Passage TwoThe Big Valentine Food That Isn't Chocolate情人节新宠——“心”的对话The New York TimesFeb.12,2015

If you're like a lot of Americans,you're about to make candy conversation hearts your Valentine.But only for a little while.

MyFitnessPal,a service that allows people to track their diet and exercise,compiled data about what Americans eat on Valentine's Day at the request of The New York Times.(Under Armour,the fitness clothing company,recently announced it was buying the service.) It found the most Valentine-specific food is conversation hearts,those little pink,white and lavender hearts that say“Be Mine”or“Cutie.”We're 3,777 percent more likely than normal to eat them Feb.14,or at least MyFitnessPal's members were,according to their 2014 food diaries;that means candy hearts accounted for just shy of 1 percent of all the entries logged by the site's users on the day.

Of course,candy hearts aren't the only food that screams“romance.”Last Valentine's Day,MyFitnessPal users weredisproportionately likely to report consuming champagne (up 208 percent from normal),steak (up 52 percent) and wine (up 78 percent.) Oysters,considered by some an aphrodisiac,were up 57 percent.People said“be my Valentine”with chocolate (up 36 percent) but they especially said it with things dipped in chocolate:Consumption of chocolate-covered foods ran at 323 percent above normal.

Strawberry consumption was also above normal,a trend confirmed by FreshDirect,the New York-based online grocer.This year,it has seen a spike in Valentine's Day demand for strawberries (both chocolate-covered and not) as well as variousindulgence foods,like rack of lamb and black truffles.

But none of these foods match the Valentine'sseasonality of conversation hearts.Last year,on a typical February day,candy hearts accounted for 0.21 percent of entries in MyFitnessPal users' food diaries,or about 1 in 470.For the other 11 months of the year,the figure was 1 in 11,500.Even though the site has 50 million American members and millions of monthly active users,according to a site representative,there were 75 days last year when zero members reported having eaten candy hearts,mostly in the summer or early fall.(The candies have a mild resurgence around Halloween,presumably driven by cheapskates hauling out unused boxes of them from the previous February to give to trick-or-treaters.)

The New England Confectionary Company,which makes two billion Sweethearts brand conversation hearts a year,has a production schedule that matches this seasonal demand.“Typically,Sweethearts Candies production begins in the summer and continues with varying intensity through until January,as most retailers look to have their stores stocked for Valentine's Day during the first week or two of January,”said Mary Lane,a social media specialist with the company.They are sold only in the Valentine season.





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