
发布时间:2020-07-28 13:29:43







版权信息COPYRIGHT INFORMATION书名:全国英语等级考试口试必备(第4级)作者:王晓平排版:青杨出版社:外文出版社出版时间:2011-07-01ISBN:9787119036564本书由北京博轩教育科技有限公司授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。— · 版权所有 侵权必究 · —前 言

全国英语等级考试(Public English Test System,简称PETS)是教育部考试中心设计并负责的全国性英语水平考试体系,它是我国惟一面向全体社会公民的多级别的权威性英语测试体系。PETS分为笔试和口试两个相对独立的考查成分,对考生听、说、读、写等能力进行全面考查。




限于时间与水平的关系,书中难免有疏漏和失误,欢迎广大专家、教师和考生提出宝贵意见,以便再版时修订。PETS命题研究中心第一部分 知己知彼


● 历任考官汇集多年的主考经验

● 考官常用语:真实考场的必备语言

● 常见话题的不同提问及回答方式第二部分 常见交际话题


● 必备句型:提高口语训练力度

● 常见话题:将各种问答语言一一教授

● 口试模拟考场:测试你的口试过关能力

● 必备词汇:口试中最重要的词汇第三部分 功能意念


● 考试实例:功通意念在考试中真实体现

● 常用句式及功能提示:分析经典的口试句型

● 必备词汇:提示口试中最重要的词汇

● 带领你全面掌握各类功能意念的实际运用Part 1知己知彼全国英语等级考试体系第四级口试简介口试试卷内容与结构









PETS第四级口试试卷结构见表1-1。表1-1 口试试卷结构表口试评分方法与合格标准














考试成绩以5分计,3分以上(含3分)为合格。考官常用语A节(Part A)



Good morning/afternoon. Could I have your mark sheets, please? Thank you.(早上/下午好。请把你们的登分卡给我,好吗?谢谢。)

(Hand over the mark sheets to the Assessor.)(接过卡后递给评分老师。)

My name is______and this is my colleague______. He/She will just listen to us. So, you are______(name) and______(name)? Thank you.(我叫______,这是我的同事______。他/她只是听我们对话,不参与交谈。你们是______(名字)和______(名字)吗?谢谢。)

First of all, we'd like to know something about you, so I'm going to ask you some questions.(首先,让我们来了解一下你们的情况,我要问你们一些问题。)

(Select two or more questions from each of the following categories for Candidate A.)(从下面各类问题中选择两个或更多的问题问考生A。)

Hometown 家乡What can you tell me about your hometown?告诉我有关你家乡的一些情况好吗?

Work/Study 工作/学习Are you still a student or do you already have a job?你现在是一个学生还是已经参加工作了?

To a student(对学生提问)What do you specialize in?你的专业是什么?What do you enjoy most about your studies?对自己的学习你最满意的地方有哪些?What subject(s) do you like best?你最喜欢的科目是什么?Have you ever worked during the vacation?在假期中你工作过吗?What kind of job did you do?你干过什么样的工作?How did you like it?你喜欢这份工作吗?

To an adult who already has a job(对已参加工作的人提问)What do you do?你的工作是什么?Do you like it? And why?你喜欢吗?为什么?What qualifications did you need in order to get your job?得到这份工作应具备什么样的资格?

(Select two or more questions from each of the following categories for Candidate B.)(从下面各类问题中选择两个或更多的问题问考生B。)

Family 家庭What can you tell me about your family?告诉我有关你家庭的一些情况好吗?

Leisure 休闲Do you have any hobbies?你有什么业余爱好吗?How did you become interested in (whatever hobby the candidate enjoys)?你是怎么对它产生兴趣的(考生有什么爱好)?Which do you prefer, watching TV or going to the cinema? What sort of program/film do you like to watch?看电视和看电影,你更喜欢哪一种?你喜欢什么样的节目/电影?What kinds of sports are you interested in? Why?你喜欢什么样的体育活动?为什么?What kinds of music do you enjoy most? Why?你最喜欢听什么样的音乐?为什么?How do you usually spend your holidays?你一般是怎样过假期的?Is there anywhere you would particularly like to visit? Why?你有没有一个特别想去参观的地方?为什么?



Good morning/afternoon!2)考官自我介绍

My name is... and this is my colleague... He/She will just listen to us.3)考官询问考生姓名

So, you are______(name) and______(name)?4)索要考生的准考证(candidate numbers)和口试登分卡(mark sheets)

Could I have your mark sheets, please?5)询问考生A的一些情况

First of all, we'd like to know something about you, so I'm going to ask you some questions.6)询问考生B的一些情况


在每一次的考前教师培训中,都会要求口试教师们严格按照实录上的程序来进行(当然不包括具体的有关个人的信息)。因此,考生不用担心口试教师会在此过程中的问话有什么变化。只要考生熟记上面口试教师的常用语,就可以轻松自如地应付这一节的考试。情绪稳定,紧张消除,轻轻松松进入下一关。B节(Part B)



Now I'd like you to talk about something between yourselves but speak loudly so that we can hear you. You should take care to share the opportunity of speaking.(现在,我让你们自己交谈,不过声音要大,好让我们都能听到。你们要注意,每个人都要有谈话的机会。)

(Put the picture for Candidates in front of both candidates and give instructions with reference to the picture.)(把考生用图片放在两位考生的面前,并给出关于图片的指令。)

Suppose you are to take a survival test by staying on a deserted island for ten days. What do you want to take along with you? Choose five of the things in the picture, and give reasons for your choices.(假设你们要参加一个生存试验,在一个荒岛上待10天,你们想带什么去?从下图选择5样东西,并就你的选择做出解释。)

This picture is for your reference. You have three minutes for this. Would you like to begin now, please?(这张图片供你们参考。你们只有3分钟的讨论时间。现在可以开始了吗?)



I'd like you to talk about something between yourselves.

Speak loudly so that we can hear you.

You should take care to share the opportunity of speaking.2)给出考试的具体内容

这一部分的内容非常重要。在信息卡上一般是一幅或几幅图画,有时由于心情紧张或图画得很抽象等原因,看不懂图上画的是什么的情况也会发生。因此,对口试教师在这一部分中对考试内容的说明要听明白。知道这部分的要求到底是让你解决问题、排序、讨论、决策还是就两个完全相反的观点阐述自己的观点等。以本节“口试教师问话实录”为例:Suppose you are to take a survival test by staying on a deserted island for ten days.What do you want to take along with you?Choose five of the things in the picture, and give reasons for your choices.


在介绍完了本节考试的具体要求之后,口试教师会对考生进一步提出要求,并指示对话开始:This picture is for your reference.You have three minutes for this.Would you like to begin now, please?C节(Part C)



I'm going to give each of you a picture and I'd like you to first describe it briefly and then give your comment on what you see in the picture.(我会给你们每个人一张图片。首先,简要地描述一下图片;然后,就你看到的进行评论。)

(Put picture 1 for Candidates in front of both candidates.)(把考生用图片1放在两位考生的面前。)

______(name of Candidate A), this is your picture. You have three minutes to talk about it.(______(考生A的名字),这是你的图片。你可以就这张图谈3分钟。)

______(name of Candidate B), listen carefully while______(name of Candidate A) is speaking. When he/she has finished, I'd like you to ask him/her a question about what he/she has said.(______(考生B的名字),请仔细听______(考生A的名字)所说的话。他/她说完后,我让你就他/她所说的话问他/她一个问题。)

______(name of Candidate A), would you like to begin now, please?(______(考生A的名字),现在可以开始了吗?)

Candidate A: (About three minutes)(考生A谈论约3分钟)


Thank you. Now,______(name of Candidate B), could you please ask your partner a question?(谢谢。现在,______(考生B的名字),你能问你的搭档一个问题吗?)

(Half a minute for asking and answering the question.)(提问和回答问题用半分钟。)

(Take back Picture 1 and put Picture 2 for Candidates in front of both candidates.)(拿回图片1,然后把考生用图片2放在两位考生的面前。)

OK,______(name of Candidate B), here is your picture. You also have three minutes to talk about it.(好,______(考生B的名字),这是你的图片。你也可以就这张图谈3分钟。)

______(name of Candidate A), listen carefully while______(name of Candidate B) is speaking. When he/she has finished, I'd like you to ask him/her a question about what he/she has said.(______(考生A的名字),请仔细听______(考生B的名字)所说的话。他/她说完后,我让你就他/她所说的话问他/她一个问题。)

______(name of Candidate B), would you like to begin now, please?(______(考生B的名字),现在可以开始了吗?)

Candidate B: (about three minutes)(考生B谈论约3分钟)


Thank you. Now,______(name of Candidate A), could you please ask your partner a question?(谢谢。现在,______(考生A的名字),你能问你的搭档一个问题吗?)

(Half a minute for asking and answering the question.)(提问和回答问题用半分钟。)

Thank you. That is the end of the test.




注意,本部分考试要求和3级的相同部分在形式上有了较大的区别。3级口试中,考生A就图片发表完自己的观点后,口试教师会让考生B就图画内容做进一步补充说明(Candidate B, is there anything else you'd like to say about the picture?)。而在4级口试中,由相互补充变成了相互就自己所谈的图画内容进行提问(Thank you. Now, Candidate B, could you please ask your partner a question?)。因此要求更高了。1)指导作用

因为本节主要考查考生对信息卡上的图片进行连续表达及简短讨论的能力,在这一节中,考官照例还是告诉考生本节的考试形式:I'm going to give each of you a picture and I'd like you to first describe it briefly and then give your comment on what you see in the picture.______(name of Candidate B), listen carefully while______(name of Candidate A) is speaking. When he/she has finished, I'd like you to ask him/her a question about what he/she has said.Thank you. Now,______(name of Candidate B), could you please ask your partner a question?2)应注意的问题

You have three minutes to talk about it.

Listen carefully while Candidate A/B is speaking.

Candidate A/B, would you like to begin now, please?3)调整考生之间的话语轮换

______(name of Candidate A), this is your picture.

______(name of Candidate B), listen carefully while______(name of Candidate A) is speaking.

______(name of Candidate A), would you like to begin now, please?

Now,______(name of Candidate B), could you please ask your partner a question?


如我们在前面讲过的,除了A节中的对考生个人信息了解的提问和B节中对考试内容的简短介绍之外,口试教师对每一个学生使用的近乎是同一段话。因此,在全面提高自己的听力和口语的同时,应把口试过程和口试教师的常用语句熟记在心,做到知己知彼,百战不殆。注释【1】 如果某考点的实考人数为单数,最后一组考生人数应为3人。这种形式的考试所用材料与两名考生的形式基本相同。3人组的考试时间为18分钟:A节:3分钟;B节:5分钟;C节:10分钟。Part 2常见交际话题Unit 1Home, Family 家、家庭A 必备句型(1) Could you say something about your family?


There are three people in my family, my husband, my daughter and myself. My husband is a lawyer. My daughter is 9 years old. She is a lovely and clever girl.

我们家里有3口人,我的丈夫、女儿和我。我丈夫是一名律师。我的女儿9岁了。她是一个聪明可爱的孩子。(2) I think the most important factor in the family is the understanding between the family members.

我认为家庭中最重要的是家人之间的相互理解。(3) How is your current family life?

你现在的家庭生活如何?(4) I've got a sister, who is five years younger than I. She has just graduated from university.

我有一个妹妹,比我小5岁。她刚大学毕业。(5) What do you and your family like to do together?

你和你的家人在一起喜欢做什么?(6) Generation gap refers to the distance and contradiction between the old and the young.

代沟指的是老年人和青年人之间的差距和矛盾。(7) Why is there a generation gap between the old and the young in a family?


As a social phenomenon, I think, it results from the different psychological qualities of the two age groups.

作为一种社会现象,我认为,代沟是由于两代人心理素质的不同引起的。(8) I've got my mother's skin, but I've got my father's personality.

我的皮肤像母亲,但我的性格像父亲。(9) There are generally two types of families—extended families and nuclear families.

有两种家庭类型:大家庭和核心家庭。(10) My family is a nuclear one. We are living a happy and comfortable life.

我的家庭属于核心型的。我们过着幸福舒适的生活。B 常见话题Between the teacher and the candidates(师生对话)T=Teacher  C=CandidatesDialogue 1(对话1)T: Where do you live?

你住在哪里?C: All my family members live in Beijing. I was born and brought up here.

我的家人都住在北京。我从小在这儿长大。T: Are you the only child in your family?

你家就只有你一个孩子吗?C: No, I've got a brother, who is two years older than I. He has just graduated from Beijing University.

不,我还有一个哥哥,他比我大两岁。他刚从北京大学毕业。T: What do you and your family like to do together?

你和你的家人在一起喜欢做什么?C: We mainly talk about a lot of things and then watch TV together. My parents and I like to visit relatives together. Sometimes I go shopping with my mother.

我们主要是一起谈论一些事情,然后看看电视。我和父母喜欢一起去走亲戚。有时候我和妈妈一起逛街。Dialogue 2(对话2)T: Could you say something about your family?

你可以谈一下你的家庭吗?C: There are four people in my family, my father, my mother, my brother and myself. My father and mother are both retired. My brother works and has not married yet. Although we sometimes fight, we are a close family and we love each other.

我家有4口人,父亲、母亲、哥哥还有我。我的父母都退休了。我哥哥已经上班了,但还没结婚。虽然我们有时候争吵,但我们家人还是非常相亲相爱的。T: Do you prefer big families or small families?

你是喜欢大家庭还是小家庭?C: It's hard to say. My family is a nuclear one. We are living a happy and comfortable life. But sometimes I admired those with more children. I feel lonely especially when I'm home alone.

这很难说。我的家庭属于核心型的。我们过着幸福舒适的生活。但有时候我很羡慕那些孩子多的家庭。我感到很孤独,尤其当我一个人在家的时候。T: Why do people in China traditionally want to have a son?

为什么在中国,传统上人们都喜欢要个儿子?C: It's a rather complicated question. In my opinion, there are two reasons. First, people are still influenced by the feudalism. They want to have a son to carry on the family line. Second, people need a man in the family to do the laborious work. This is common in rural area.

这是一个十分复杂的问题。以我的观点,有两方面的原因:第一,人们仍然受封建思想的影响。他们希望有个儿子来传宗接代;第二,家里确实需要一个男人来干体力活,这一现象在农村地区十分普遍。Between two candidates(考生相互问答)Dialogue 1(对话1)A: Are your parents retired?

你的父母都退休了吗?B: No, my mother retired, but my father hasn't. He is a surgeon and is always busy with his work.

没有,我的母亲退休了,但父亲没有。他是一位外科医生,工作很忙。A: What do your family members do for a living?

你的家人以什么为生?B: My mother retired, and my father is still working as a doctor at the People's Hospital. My mother used to be a clerk in a company. I have no brothers or sisters.

我母亲退休了,而父亲仍在人民医院当医生。我母亲过去是一个公司职员。我没有兄弟姐妹。A: How is your current family life?

你现在的家庭生活怎么样?B: I have been enjoying it very much. We take care of each other and also help each other in work. My wife is very gentle, caring and understanding. I'm really lucky to find her as my life partner.

我的家庭生活很好。我们互相照顾,在工作中互相帮助。我的妻子温柔体贴而且善解人意。我能找到她做我的生活伴侣真是很幸运。Dialogue 2(对话2)A: Do you have children now?

你现在有孩子吗?B: No, I don't, but we love kids very much. My wife and I plan to have one within two or three years. We now both have to focus on our jobs and enjoy the life of two.

没有,但我们很喜爱孩子。妻子和我计划两三年内要一个。我们两个现在要把精力放在工作上,享受二人世界。A: Do you help your wife with any housework?

你帮妻子做家务吗?B: We share the housework. I have never done so much housework before, but now I'm trying to learn and enjoy it.

我们两人分担,但我以前从没做过这么多家务。现在我尽量去学做家务并享受其中的乐趣。A: Why is there a generation gap between the old and the young in a family?

为什么家庭中存在着老年人和青年人之间的代沟问题?B: Generation gap refers to the distance and contradiction between the old and the young. As a social phenomenon, I think, it results from the different psychological qualities of the two age groups.

代沟指的是老年人和青年人之间的差距和矛盾。作为一种社会现象,我认为,代沟是由于两代人之间心理素质的不同引起的。C 口试模拟考场Part A (2 minutes)


Good morning/afternoon. Could I have your mark sheets, please? Thank you.(早上/下午好。请把你们的登分卡给我,好吗?谢谢。)

(Hand over the mark sheets to the Assessor.)(接过卡后递给评分老师。)

My name is______and this is my colleague______. He/She will just listen to us. So, you are______(name) and______(name)? Thank you.(我叫______,这是我的同事______。他/她只是听我们对话,不参与交谈。你们是______(名字)和______(名字)吗?谢谢。)

First of all, we'd like to know something about you, so I'm going to ask you some questions.(首先,让我们来了解一下你们的情况,我要问你们一些问题。)

(To Candidate A)T: Do you live alone or with your family?

你是自己住还是跟家人一起住?A: I live with my parents now.

我现在和父母一起住。T: Do you often help your mother with housework?

你经常帮母亲做家务吗?A: I rarely did. But my brother helps my mother in the kitchen if he is at home.

很少。但要是我的哥哥在家的话,他就帮母亲做做饭。T: What do you think are the advantages of big families and small families?

你认为大家庭和小家庭的优点在哪儿?A: I think big families are probably good for the children, because there are so many people to play with. But big families create a big burden for the parents and they can't pay enough attention to each child.



Thank you. Now, we'd like to know something about you, Candidate B.(谢谢。考生B,现在让我们来了解一下你的情况。)

(To Candidate B)T: Do you live with your parents?

你和父母一起住吗?B: I got married the year before last year and haven't lived with my parents since then.

我前年结的婚,自从那时起就不和父母住在一起了。T: Have you got any children now?

你现在有孩子了吗?B: No, we don't. But we love kids very much and hope to be parents in two or three years time.

现在没有,但我们很爱小孩,希望两三年之内做父母。T: How will you bring up your child?

你打算怎样抚养你的孩子呢?B: We haven't thought about it carefully yet, but we will try to provide good living conditions for our child and have good communication with our child all through his or her life and be his or her friends.

我们还没仔细想过,但我们将尽力给孩子提供好的生活条件。我们会一直和孩子保持良好的沟通,会成为孩子的朋友。Part B (3 minutes)


Now I'd like you to talk about something between yourselves but speak loudly so that we can hear you. You should take care to share the opportunity of speaking.(现在,我让你们自己交谈,不过声音要大,好让我们都能听到。你们要注意,每个人都要有谈话的机会。)

(Put the picture for Candidates in front of both candidates and give instructions with reference to the picture.)(把考生用图片放在两位考生的面前,并给出关于图片的指令。)

Suppose you are students from the same school. Your school is now planning to improve the living conditions in the students' dormitory and wants to hear the opinions of the students. Discuss between yourselves what you'd like to suggest for the school to add, why you need them, and where you'd like to put them in your room.(假设你们是来自同一所学校的学生。你们学校现在打算改善学生宿舍条件并想征求学生的意见。你们两个互相谈谈想让学校在宿舍添点什么,为什么你们需要这些东西,要把它们摆在宿舍的什么位置。)

This picture is for your reference. You have three minutes for this. Would you like to begin now, please?(这张图片供你们参考。你们有3分钟的讨论时间。现在可以开始了吗?)

Candidates:A: It's really good to have so many choices for our dormitory. What do you think should be added to our room?

能有这么多可选择的东西放到宿舍里,真是太好了。你认为应该在我们屋里添点什么呢?B: I'd like to have a telephone and a computer in our dorm. With them, I can contact our friends and relatives easily and get access to information through the Internet.

我希望宿舍里有电话和电脑。这样我可以很容易地和亲戚朋友联系,上网查信息。A: Sure. Do you think a TV set is necessary?

当然了,你认为电视是必需的吗?B: That's a hard choice. When I couldn't find a place to watch my favorite live football matches, I did hope to have one in our dormitory. But, I know I couldn't control myself sometimes. Thus I would rather give up at this point.

真是太难选择了。当我找不到地方收看我最喜欢的直播足球赛的时候,我真希望宿舍里有台电视机。但我知道有时候我管不住自己。所以我宁愿不要电视。A: You're right. Besides I reckon we also need a clock, or rather an alarm clock. You know, I'm a heavy sleeper and always likely to oversleep. What about a pot of flowers?

我同意。另外,我想我们还需要一个钟表,最好是闹钟。你知道的,我睡觉很沉,总是睡过头。再要一盆花怎么样?B: I have no objection to having it arranged in the dorm since it doesn't occupy much room and can help make our life colorful.

我不反对。在宿舍里放一盆花既不会占太多空间,又能美化我们的生活。A: Right. Let's discuss where we put all these items. Let's first put the computer on the desk by the window. It'll be convenient for us to use.

是的。让我们讨论一下把这些东西放在哪儿。让我们先把电脑放在靠窗户的桌子上,这样用起来很方便。B: OK. What about the telephone?

好的,电话呢?A: Let's put it on the table near our beds. I hate to get up from the bed to answer the call.

让我们把它放在靠床的桌子上。我讨厌还得起床去接电话。B: Fine. I think you can keep the alarm clock beside your pillow. You need it to wake you up in the morning.

好的,我认为你可以把闹钟放在你的枕头边。它可以早晨叫你起床。A: You are really very considerate. Is there any proper place for the flower pot?

你真是很细心。那花放在哪儿合适呢?B: Not yet. Put it wherever you like.

不知道。你愿意放在哪儿都可以。A: Right. Let's put it on the windowsill.


Interlocutor: Thank you.(口试教师:谢谢。)Part C (7 minutes)


I'm going to give each of you a picture and I'd like you to first describe it briefly and then give your comment on what you see in the picture.(我会给你们每个人一张图片。首先,简要地描述一下图片,然后,就你看到的进行评论。)

(Put picture 1 for Candidates in front of both candidates.)(把考生用图片1放在两位考生的面前。)

Candidate A, this is your picture. You have three minutes to talk about it.(考生A,这是你的图片。你可以就这张图谈3分钟。)

Candidate B, listen carefully while Candidate A is speaking. When he/she has finished, I'd like you to ask him/her a question about what he/she has said.(考生B,请仔细听考生A所说的话。他/她说完后,我让你就他/她所说的话问他/她一个问题。)

Candidate A, would you like to begin now, please?(考生A,现在可以开始了吗?)

Candidate A:

In this picture, I can see two pregnant women smoking and the babies in their wombs suffering and "crying". The picture conveys a message that it is very dangerous for pregnant women to smoke. Studies show that pregnant women who smoke can pass nicotine and carbon monoxide to their baby through the placenta. Research indicates that nicotine can prevent the baby from getting the oxygen and nutrients it needs to grow. Thus potentially it will lead to fetal injury, premature birth, or low birth weight. Doctors say that women smoke during pregnancy may inhibit the growth of a child's lungs. This could lead to breathing problems and lung disease. So I appeal to the pregnant women, for the health of their babies, to stop smoking.



Thank you. Now, Candidate B, could you please ask your partner a question?(谢谢,现在,考生B,你能问你的搭档一个问题吗?)

(Half a minute for asking and answering the question.)(提问和回答问题用半分钟。)

Candidate B:

What measures should be taken to prevent pregnant women smoking?


Candidate A:





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