
发布时间:2020-07-29 10:20:30







1.1 考核要求和出题形式








1.2 解题技巧指南



(1) 主旨题


(2) 细节题


(3) 推理题








褒义类: amused(愉快的),supporting(支持的),admiring(赞赏的),optimistic(乐观的),praising(赞扬的),humorous(幽默的),enthusiastic(热情的),pleasant(愉快的),sober(冷静的),approving(满意的),positive(肯定的);

中性类: subjective(主观的),exaggerated(夸大的),skeptical(怀疑的),sympathetic(同情的),indifferent(冷漠的),neutral(中立的),impersonal(客观的),objective(客观的),subjective(主观的),impassive(冷漠的),ambivalent(矛盾的),apathetic(无动于衷的),impartial(公平的);

贬义类: critical(批判的),doubtful(怀疑的),mocking(嘲笑的),cynical(冷嘲热讽的),sarcastic(讽刺的),ironic(讽刺的),disgusted(厌恶的),depressed(沮丧的),disappointed(失望的),sentimental(伤感的),negative(消极的,否定的),suspicious(怀疑的),tolerant(容忍的),biased(有偏见的)等。

(4) 语义题




(1) 扫读


(2) 略读


(3) 研读

研读(study reading)就是指仔细阅读,通过这种阅读可以对文章有透彻深刻的理解。根据考题,运用上下文、逻辑关系、背景知识进行判断和推论。对难句的理解和推理以及一些事实性细节题需要用这种方法。


(1) 浏览试题明确目标


(2) 找出段落的中心思想


(3) 如何解决生词问题



◆ 利用文章中词与词的同义或者反义关系猜测词义;

例如:In the northern regions the winters are generally cold and humid, and the summers hot and dry.


◆ 通过文章中对词的定义猜测词义;

例如:Jack is now a florist, who keeps a shop for selling flowers in our district.“florist”的意思就是其后定语从句“who keeps a shop for selling flowers”所描述的“拥有一家专门卖花的商店的人”,即“花店主”。

◆ 通过文章中对词的解释和举例猜测词义;

例如:Today young couples who are just starting their households of ten spend lots of their money on appliances, for instance, washing machines, refrigerators and color TVs.

通过所举的例子(washing machines ,refrigerators and color TVs)可以看出,“appliances”应是这些名词的总称,即“家用电器”。

◆ 通过构词法知识(前缀和后缀)猜测词义。

例如:They overestimate the interviewee’s ability and asked him many difficult questions.“estimate”是“估计”的意思,“over-”前缀意为“过分,过度,超过”等,因此“overestimate”就是“高估”的意思。

(4) 利用篇章连接词








and, also, as well(as),at the same time, besides, both...and...,further more, in addition(to),likewise, moreover, similarly, worse still等。



although, but, however, nevertheless, on the contrary, otherwise, to the opposite, while, yet等。



as, as a result, because (of), consequently, due to, for, now that, since, so, so...that..., such...that..., therefore, thus等。



after (that), another, before, first(ly), second(ly), third(ly), at last, finally, later on, next, then, on the one hand..., on the other hand等。

抓住这些连接词,读者能快速地把握作者的行文思路。比如:first, second, third, finally等词,表明了一种顺序,读者能通过它们迅速从大体上理清文章的脉络。


for example, for instance, for one thing, for another, such as等。



as a result, briefly, in a word, in brief, in short, on the whole, to sum up等。



第2章 阅读理解高分特训100篇


2.1 多项选择


Passage 1 题材:文学传记类  字数:416

He is fearless, altruistic, steel-willed, hospitable, unbelievably hardy, unpretentious and warm—and he has lost none of these qualities since becoming Russia’s president.

It is a scrupulously unbiased snapshot of Vladimir Putin if you believe the author of the first volume of a Kremlin-backed trilogy on Putin’s life, written in the unmistakable style the Soviets once reserved for Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin.“I do not think it is a eulogy. I simply conveyed what people (who met Putin) said,” Oleg Blotsky told a news conference on Monday as he posed for photos with his “Vladimir Putin”.

The book, complete with a genealogical tree back to the beginning of the 18th century and a chapter dedicated to Putin’s ancestors, spans from his birth to the start of his career as a KGB spy.

Putin contributed to the work with extensive interviews to Blotsky. The result is a selection of memories by Putin’s friends and acquaintances who hold nothing but the warmest recollections of him. The only person in the book who does not heap praise on the president is Putin himself, who is characteristically humble.

Praise bestowed on the Kremlin leader ranges from young judoist Putin fighting “like a snow leopard” to many years later his being visibly moved when decorated war veterans in the Kremlin stood up in salute as he entered the hall.

It opens with the Kremlin generously answering an old woman’s plea—addressed in a letter to “V. V. Putin, the Kremlin, Moscow”—to help erect a decent tombstone on the grave of Putin’s first teacher.

One account portrays Putin as a man who would stop at nothing to win a fight. “He would scratch, bite, snatch tufts of hair, do anything to avoid being humiliated in any way,” an old friend said. But young Putin is also an ordinary boy, frightened by a looming visit to the dentist.

The book is written in simple easy-to-read Russian.

Blotsky said neither Putin nor any other Kremlin official ever sought to censor his work or steer it in a specific direction. Putin only read the book when it hit shop shelves last week, he said.

The book’s first run of 15,000 copies was selling well in Moscow shops and China, Bulgaria and Slovenia have shown an interest in issuing a translation, the publisher said.

Blotsky, who said he was a converted Putinist after his audiences with the president, said he was already working on the second volume of his series “Vladimir Putin: Rise to Power”.

1. What do we know about Lenin’s biography according to the second paragraph?

[A] It was the first perfect biography without mistakes in Soviet history.

[B] It was written in the form of a scrupulously unbiased snapshot.

[C] It was written by the same author of Putin’s biography.

[D] It was a voluminous Kremlin-backed biography.

2. Oleg Blotsky doesn’t want others to regard the biography as ______.

[A] a praise of Putin

[B] public opinions

[C] his personal understanding of Putin

[D] an imitation of Lenin’s biography

3. Putin was deeply touched by the war veterans when ______.

[A] they sang high praise of him

[B] he recalled their heroic deeds

[C] they saluted him with respect

[D] he decorated them in the Kremlin

4. How did Putin react to the plea of erecting a decent tombstone on the grave of his first teacher?

[A] He delegated the task to one of his subordinates.

[B] He helped erect the tombstone accordingly and willingly.

[C] He not only erected the tombstone but also rebuilt the grave.

[D] He went to visit the grave before promising to erect the tombstone.

5. How was Blotsky influenced by Putin?

[A] He decided to write the biography because he was a Putinist.

[B] He was sure that the readers would be converted to Putinists.

[C] His interviews with Putin made him adore Putin very much.

[D] His interviews with Putin eliminated his doubts about Putin.

1.B  由第二段可知列宁传记是以the unmistakable style写成的,普京传记在写作上也使用了the unmistakable style,根据上下文推断可知这种unmistakable style指的是该段开头提到的a scrupulously unbiased snapshot. 所以B项正确。

2.A  本题问的是Oleg Blotsky不想让大家把普京传记看做什么,第三段作者指出他不想这本传记被当作eulogy,eulogy一词意为“赞词”,也就是说作者不想这个传记被当做是为普京唱颂歌,所以本题答案为A。

3.C  原文第六段末尾“his being visibly moved when decorated war veterans in the Kremlin stood up in salute as he entered the hall.”提到老兵看到普京的时候都站起来向他致敬,他被这一幕所感动。所以C为正确选项。

4.B  根据第七段开头“It opens with the Kremlin generously answering”中的generously一词可知普京在收到来信后慷慨地给予了帮助,故本题的正确答案为B。

5.C  最后一段开头提到Blotsky在与普京多次会面后就成为了一个converted Putinist 即“改变了信仰,成了普京的支持者”,即Blotsky在与普京多次会面后渐渐崇拜起普京来,所以C为正确选项。『词汇词组』

·altruistic adj. 利他的;无私心的

·scrupulous adj. 小心谨慎的;细心的

·eulogy n. 赞词,颂词;歌功颂德的话

·snatch v. 攫取

n. 攫取

·unpretentious adj. 不骄傲的;谦逊的

·snapshot n. 快照;急射;简单印象

·salute n. (尤指军队等之)举手礼;升降旗致敬;敬礼

v. 行礼致敬;敬礼

Passage 2 题材:文学传记类  字数:428

In a recent book entitled The Psychic Life of Insects, Professor Bouvier says that we must be careful not to credit the little winged fellow with intelligence when they behave in what seems like an intelligent manner. They may be only reacting. I would like to confront the Professor with an instance of reasoning power on the part of an insect which cannot be explained away in any other manner.

During the summer, while I was at work on my doctoral thesis, we kept a female wasp at our cottage. It was more like a child of our own than a wasp, except that it looked more like a wasp than a child of our own. That was one of the ways we told the difference.

It was still a young wasp when we got it and for some time we could not get it to eat or drink, it was so shy. Since it was female, we decided to call it Miriam.

One evening I had been working late in my laboratory fooling around with some gin and other chemicals, and in leaving the room I tripped over a line of diamonds which someone had left lying on the floor and knocked over my card index which contained the names and addresses of all the larvae worth knowing in North American. The cards went everywhere.

I was too tired to stop to pick them that night. As I went, however, I noticed the wasp was flying about in circles over the scattered cards. “Maybe Miriam will pick them up”, I said half laughingly to myself, never thinking for one moment that such would be the case.

When I came down the next morning Miriam was still asleep in her box, evidently tired out. And well she might have been. For there on the floor lay the cards scattered all about just as I had left them the night before. The faithful little insect had buzzed about all night trying to come to some decision about picking them up and arranging them in the boxes for me, and then had figured out for herself that, as she knew’ practically nothing on larvae of any sort except wasp larvae, she would probably make more of a mess of rearranging them than if she had left them on the floor for me to fix. It was just too much for her to tackle, and discouraged, she went over and lay down in her box, where she cried herself to sleep.

1. Professor Bouvier most probably agrees that ______.

[A] insects’ reasoning power has nothing to do with intelligence

[B] wasps can only behave in an instinctive manner

[C] wasps are different from other winged creatures

[D] the issue of insects’ intelligence needs further research

2. The author took the wasp Miriam to his cottage because ______.

[A] Miriam was treated like a child

[B] Miriam was the pet of the family

[C] the author was studying insects for his doctoral thesis

[D] the author wanted to prove that insects have intelligence

3. When the card index scattered on the floor, the author ______.

[A] decided to pick them up the next morning

[B] believed Miriam would pick them up

[C] didn’t understand why Miriam flew about over the cards

[D] found it ridiculous that Miriam would pick them up

4. By saying “And well she might have been” (Para. 6), the author thinks that Miriam was ______.

[A] exhausted  

[B] intelligent  

[C] energetic

[D] depressed

5. Which of the following statements was based on facts rather than on the author’s pure thinking?

[A] Miriam cried herself to sleep. 

[B] Miriam had buzzed about all night.

[C] Miriam could only tell wasp larvae. 

[D] Miriam had left the cards on the floor.

1.B  根据文章开头两句”...not to credit the little winged fellow with intelligence when they behave in what seems like an intelligent manner…”可知Professor Bouvier认为昆虫的行为都不是出于intelligence(智力),而只出于 reacting(反应),也就是说他认为昆虫的行为只出于本能与”智慧”无关,所以本题的正确答案为B。

2.C  本题问的是作者为什么把黄蜂Miriam带回小屋里,第二段首句第一次提到黄蜂Miriam,该句提到”...while I was at work on my doctoral thesis,…”即作者当时正在写博士论文,结合下文各段落中出现的laboratory,chemical,larvae等词可以推断作者是一个昆虫学家,把这些点结合起来推断可知作者把Miriam带回家是因为他的研究与昆虫有关,故C为本题正确选项。

3.A  根据题干关键词the card index scattered on the floor可将本题的答案定位的到第五段第一句”I was too tired to stop to pick them that night.”根据第四段最后一句可知them指的就是那些卡片,即作者那晚因为太累不想捡卡片,由此可推断他决定第二天再捡卡片,故A为本题正确选项。

4.A  本题题干And well she might have been出自第六段第二句,该句是一个省略句,省略了have been后的表语成分,结合第六段第一句”When I came down the next morning Miriam was still asleep in her box, evidently tired out.”可知本句省略的就是tired out,也就是说作者认为Miriam一定累坏了,exhausted与 tired out意思相近,故A为本题正确选项。

5.D  本题问的是哪一选项是事实而不仅仅是作者的想法,虽然第一段提到作者想要借用Miriam说明昆虫具有intelligence(智慧),但根据最后一段的描述可知,到底Miriam整晚围着卡片盘旋是不是真的试图想办法捡起卡片都只是作者的猜想而已并不能确定是不是事实,唯一可以确定的是卡片还在地上,可见本题应选D。『词汇词组』

·entitle v. 给…权利(或资格);给…题名;给…称号;授权

·wasp n. 黄蜂

·confront v. 使面临;对抗

·larvae adj. 幼虫的;幼虫状态的

·fool around闲荡;游手好闲;干无用的事

·tired out十分疲劳,非常疲倦

Passage 3 题材:文学传记类  字数:417

Twenty years ago, a tall young woman with a shy smile flubbed her lines before millions of people and became a superstar. On July 29, 1981, Lady Diana Spencer took “Philip Charles Arthur George”—she mangled the order of Prince Charles’ names during her vows—as her lawful wedded husband and entered a family hidebound by practices no outsider could fathom.

Diana, with her photogenic good looks, her sympathetic gestures and an air of vulnerability, seemed much more relaxed than the other royals, and much more accessible. She instantly clicked with the public, who couldn’t get enough of her.

Newspaper editors found the public was eager to lap up articles about Diana, her clothes, her style, her public engagements, how she was raising her two young sons. The ‘80s, says Houston, were “the Decade of Diana.”

Then, in June 1992, the carefully constructed facade imploded with the publication of Andrew Morton’s Diana: Her True Story. The book—written with Diana’s cooperation—exposed the princess’s battles with bulimia and depression, and reviled Charles as an unfaithful husband.

The revelations of Charles’ relationship with a married woman, Camilla Parker Bowles, sent the Prince of Wales’ popularity plummeting. But the revelations of Diana’s problems did not decrease the public’s affection for her. It only increased their appetite to know more.

The tabloid fodder kept coming: There was the royal separation, the two camps’ attempts to woo the public, the televised admissions by both Charles and Diana of adultery. After the divorce became final, in1996, the media continued to follow Diana’s every move. And then, on Aug.31, 1997, came the car crash in a Paris tunnel that claimed her life.

The massive outpouring of public grief made the Windsors sit up and take notice. “The amazing eruption of emotion over her death got through to them that their world has had to change,” says Houston.

The person who really got the message was Prince Charles, who witnessed not only the public reaction but the grief of his own sons, William and Harry.“One of the great discussions, especially since Diana’s death, is, how does the House of Windsor modernize itself?” says Houston. “They certainly learned the lessons from the decade of Diana in terms of accessibility, discarding some of the more pompous aspects of formality.”

He says, “One of the greatest challenges the royal family faces is to overcome the apathy, however, the future looks bright for the royals. I think they’ve got a trump card in William.”

1. By saying that Diana “flubbed her lines”, the author means that ______.

[A] she had a perfect wedding

[B] she made a slip of tongue at the wedding

[C] she sang a song at the wedding

[D] she gave a moving promise at the wedding

2. The public found that Diana was ______ than the other royals.

[A] more graceful

[B] more kind-hearted

[C] less forbidding

[D] less sensitive

3. What influence has been brought by the publication of Diana: Her True Story?

[A] It brought an end to “the Decade of Diana.”

[B] It put Diana through bulimia and depression.

[C] The public’s love for Charles diminished.

[D] The public poured criticism on Charles.

4. The whole event made Charles realize that ______.

[A] his two sons were greatly grieved

[B] the public need to be appeased

[C] his selfishness had hurt almost everyone

[D] the royal family ought to modernize

5.According to Houston, the decade of Diana had taught the royals to be more ______.

[A] accessible   

[B] pompous  

[C] apathetic

[D] changeable

1.B  根据第一段第二句中破折号里的内容“she mangled the order of Prince Charles’ names during her vows”可知Diana在婚礼上念错了新郎名字的顺序,由此可以推断flubbed her lines应该是指“说错话”,B项符合题意。

2.C  第二段首句对比描述了Diana和其他皇室成员,其中提到Diana显得更relaxed(放松),更 accessible(易亲近),C项与more accessible意思相近,所以本题答案为C。

3.C  根据第五段第二句开头的but可以推断第l句中的plummet和第二句中的decrease应该是同义词,第一句指出《黛安娜:真实的故事》出版后,Charles的受欢迎程度下降了,即公众对他的爱戴程度降低了所以本题的正确答案为C。

4.D  由第八段开头的“The person who really got the message was Prince Charles”, 可知“真正明白这一点的人是查尔斯王子”。而“这一点”则是指上一段提到的“他们的世界该改变了”,在第九段中提到了该如何改变,D选项就是第九段提到的内容之一 所以本题的正确答案为D。

5.A  由倒数第二段第二句They certainly learned the lessons from the decade of Diana in terms of accessibility可知Houston认为皇室可以从戴安娜身上学到的东西是accessibility,A项accessible是accessibility的形容词形式与其核心内容相同,故A为本题正确答案。『词汇词组』

·flub v. 搞坏;做得不好;弄糟

n. 失策

·hidebound adj. 营养不良的;量小的;死板的

·vulnerability n. 弱点;攻击

·bulimia n. 易饿病

·adultery n. 通奸;通奸行为

·trump n. 王牌;法宝;喇叭

v. 打出王牌赢;胜过

·mangle v. 乱砍;撕裂;毁损;损坏;轧布

n. (洗衣用的)轧干机, 熨平机

·fathom n. 长度单位(6英尺)

v. 测量深度;看穿;彻底了解

·facade n. 正面

·tabloid n. 小报;药片

·fodder n. 饲料,草料;(创作的)素材;弹药 v.喂

·lap up欣然接受;舔食

Passage 4  题材:文学传记类  字数:400

Why does storytelling endure across time and cultures? Perhaps the answer lies in our evolutionary roots. A study of the way that people respond to Victorian literature hints that novels act as a social glue, reinforcing the types of behavior that benefit society.

Literature “could continually condition society so that we fight against base impulses and work in a cooperative way”, says Jonathan Gottschall of Washington and Jefferson College, Pennsylvania. He and co-author Joseph Carroll at the University of Missouri, St Louis, study how Darwin’s theories of evolution apply to literature. Along with John Johnson, an evolutionary psychologist at Pennsylvania State University in DuBois, the researchers asked 500 people to fill in a questionnaire about 200 classic Victorian novels. The respondents were asked to define characters as protagonists or antagonists, and then to describe their personality and motives, such as whether they were conscientious or power-hungry.

The team found that the characters fell into groups that mirrored the egalitarian dynamics of a society in which individual dominance is suppressed for the greater good (Evolutionary Psychology, vol. 4, p 716). Protagonists, such as Elizabeth Bennett in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, for example, scored highly on conscientiousness and nurturing, while antagonists like Brain Stoker’s Count Dracula scored highly on status-seeking and social dominance. In the novels, dominant behavior is “powerfully stigmatized”, says Gottsehall. “Bad guys and girls are just dominance machines; they are obsessed with getting ahead; they rarely have pro-social behaviors.”

While few in today’s world live in such societies, “the political dynamic at work in these novels, the basic opposition between communitarianism and dominant behavior, is a universal theme”, says Carroll. Christopher Boehm, a cultural anthropologist whose work Carroll acknowledges as an important influence on the study, agrees. “Modern democracies, with their formal checks and balances, are carrying forward an egalitarian ideal.”

A few characters were judged to be both good and bad, such as





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