
发布时间:2020-07-29 12:36:50







版权信息书名:机器人2.0时代作者:罗军排版:昷一出版社:东方出版社出版时间:2016-04-21ISBN:9787506090148本书由人民东方出版传媒有限公司授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。— · 版权所有 侵权必究 · —







近期我越来越坚信自己的判断:人工智能技术未来完全可能推动第四次工业革命。人工智能将渗透到我们生产生活的方方面面,并可能主宰未来的一切。凡是低估人工智能技术的人都完全可能被时代抛弃。前 言









































中国高铁就是一个很好的案例。过去,中国高铁非常落后,但是,中国在“引进—消化—吸收—创新—再创新”这项功课上做得非常好,所以中国成功了。而中国汽车产业却没有这么幸运,通过“市场换技术”,市场丢掉了,技术却没有得到。汽车产业为何发展不起来,汽车界都说发动机我们攻克不了,这是传统思维,可是马斯克(Elon Musk)这个外行却改写了汽车产业新的历史。特斯拉不需要发动机,因为在资源和环境的双重压力下,汽车产业也迎来了一次深刻的变革,纯电动汽车成为最佳的选择。这一点过去也有人看到了,但却不敢去试,不敢去投入,这就是中国企业界的悲哀。而现在马斯克又在汽车领域推进太阳能电池,最近刚刚发布的新能源战略让人眼前一亮。











When I came across the word “robot” (literally meaning “machine man” in Chinese) for the first time, I thought a robot was a machine that both looked and behaved like a man. However, I was shocked at the first sight of a so-called robot or “machine man” years later, because it neither looked nor behaved like a man at all. Why was it called a robot or a machine man? Just because it could help people do some work? But we have invented many machines that can help people achieve tough work, so why not call them robots? Is it because this machine was equipped with a human-like arm? But an excavator also has an “arm” so why not call it a robot? What about driverless cars, pilotless aircrafts, artificial dogs and cats? Are they also robots?…

Although I have seen a variety of robots by now, I am still obsessed with questions like: What is a robot in nature? A machine or a human being? Is it a humanoid machine, or does the term refer to all automated machines? Is the machine invented to replace people, or collaborate with people? What is the concept of robotics? What is the key point of robotics? Etc.

Recently, a few press reports caught the attention of the public and raised many questions as well. First, Tencent (a Chinese Internet company) and Xinhua News Agency announced in succession that they would employ robots to write reports. Does that mean robots will fully take the place of reporters in the near future and the press will face a new round of redundancies? Second, robots have defeated masters of chess and go. Does this mean robots are invincible? Third, “The robot will drive the fourth industrial revolution" became a hot topic of the 2016 annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos. Will the robot trigger a profound industrial revolution across the globe? If so, how? Will it be existing robots or future robots that will achieve this? Fourth, China has become the world's largest robot market since 2013, accounting for 25% of the global market, but nearly one thousand Chinese robot companies claim only a 20% share of the domestic robot market. What should be done to boost the Chinese robotics industry? The robotics industry development plan, under the thirteenth Five-Year Plan released by the Chinese government, highlighted the industry’s production capacity, innovation, and R&D of the key parts of robots. What should be done to help Chinese robotics companies lingering on the low and middle-end of the market to sharpen their competitive edge and win a greater market share? Finally, Google, IBM, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft and some other Internet heavyweights, have marched into the field of robotics and developed intelligent robots, by adopting advanced artificial intelligence technology. Does it herald the advent of the era 2.0 of the robotics industry? Will the integration of the Internet and traditional robotics have a positive effect on our life? What should be done to help Chinese companies that lagged behind their foreign peers in the traditional robotics industry, seize the opportunities in the era of 2.0?

Impressed by the breaking news above, I began to think what changes the robotics industry will undergo after about five decades of development, what will happen in the era 2.0, how robots are integrated with AI technology and what should be done to narrow down the gap between Chinese robotics companies and their counterparts in developed countries.

In order to find answers for so many questions, I’d like to start with the definition of “robot”. There are numerous definitions for robots, but the widely accepted one is that a robot is a machine that can achieve a variety of functions under its own power and control. The International Organization for Standardization adopted the definition given by the Robotic Industries Association: a programmable and multifunctional manipulator, or a specialized system that uses a computer to change and program movements in order to perform different tasks. These academic definitions sound a little complicated. I prefer to put it more succinctly: robot=machine + artificial intelligence. “Machine” herein refers to automated machines, namely, traditional robots, which will become perfect automated machines if they are integrated with artificial intelligence, a key part for the robot. As indicated by the equation, the combination of machines and humans (artificial intelligence) generates an intelligent robot that knows how to interact with humans. So far, we have fulfilled the first task of the equation,that is, building semi-automated and wholly-automated machines. Before completing the equation by injecting artificial intelligence into the machines, we still have a long way to go.

This is my personal understanding of the concept “robot”. I did not mean to challenge academic minds, but I really want to point out that “robot”, a technical term, was overused so much in the past five decades that anything with a single automatic device was labeled “robot”. In my opinion, what we call a “robot” today only marks the primary stage of the robotics industry, that is, the era of 1.0, or the era of traditional robots, because they are not intelligent enough to replace people to perform tough and dangerous tasks as we expected.

I proposed the idea of the era 2.0 of the robotics industry, because I thought the applications of artificial intelligence make a new generation of robots completely different from traditional ones. What is the era 2.0? It is an era that highlights a certain degree of intelligence of robots and interaction between robots and humans. I note it is “a certain degree of intelligence” because to explore artificial intelligence, in particular, cognitive and perceptive abilities and deep learning, will take a long time before it reaches a high degree.

Google cornered the global specialized robot market by releasing a series of robots such as BigDog that can climb ladders under the weight of 200kg, traverse rough terrains, climb over mountains, balance themselves, and even perform military tasks.

IBM, thanks to its outstanding performances in the computer field, also engaged itself in R&D of AI and developed accurate algorithms to improve perceptive and cognitive abilities. It once shocked the world by developing the chess-playing computer that defeated the world chess champion. It seems like a match between a robot and a chess player or go player, but it is a computer that beat the human player. Any human chess or go champion will never beat a computer programmed on the basis of analyzing their thoughts, behaviors and judgments, unless the match does not follow rules.

The da Vinci System, a robotic surgical system, was considered a pioneer in the field of minimally invasive surgery, claiming a large share of the global market.

Google, IBM, Microsoft, and some other American Internet giants, have set foot in the field of robotics and made stunning performances. What are Chinese companies doing while their foreign peers are working hard to make breakthroughs and even stepping into a new era of robotics? I thought they were throwing themselves so much into developing servo motors, controllers and reducers and trying to grab more shares in the domestic manipulator market, that they were unaware of what is going on in the outside world.

The next decade will witness the implementation of the Made in China 2025 (a ten-year action plan released by Chinese government in 2015 to promote manufacturing), which is expected to help China achieve industrialization and enter into an era of intelligent manufacturing. The prospects for China’s robotics industry however, seem obscure due to the growing gap between Chinese companies and their counterparts in developed countries in the field of traditional robotics. It is possible that they will remain lagged behind their foreign counterparts in the era 2.0 and end up losing the game. Take the auto manufacturing industry as an example. China has become the largest global car market since 2008, but Chinese carmakers have never outperformed their foreign rivals in the domestic market.

China has not completely achieved industrialization, as it was a little late in doing so. Transformation and upgrading of traditional industries is an arduous task that takes time. Before fulfilling the task, Chinese companies do not need to take great trouble to hastily create a so-called “real robot” because their current ability in R&D and existing industrial bases make it impossible. I suggest that China achieve industrialization by following the steps of semi-automation, full automation, semi-intelligentization and full intelligentization.

The robotics industry will usher in an important era. I hope that we can take actions to make it happen, instead of only seeing it happen.

President Xi Jinping spoke highly of the robot when addressing the meeting for the fellows of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering and expressed his high expectations to them. He believed that the robot is like a pearl of the crown of modern manufacturing, but he also pointed out that the "robot" he referred to is not today’s manipulator, but a partially or wholly intelligent machine that will be created in future.

The era 2.0 of the robotics industry is the result of the integration of a great number of advanced technologies, such as; artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, and Internet of Things, which results in a highly intelligent service platform and a service terminal that connects the real world and the virtual world.

The robotics industry is going to experience a profound change. We should not turn a blind eye to it. Many Chinese experts and entrepreneurs showed their confidence in the whole domestic robotics industry, regardless of the low level of its technologies and they even thought that China had taken a lead in the world in terms of robotics. However, the fact is that there are nearly 1,000 robot companies in China, but they do not have innovative technologies, let alone globally advanced technologies. A majority of the companies even serve as assembly workshops that assemble robots with servo motors, controllers and reducers, all imported from foreign countries. This is grim reality that merits much attention.

I am not a pessimist. Instead, I am optimistic about the future of the Chinese robotics industry, if it does not miss opportunities any more and participates more in international communication and cooperation. To my understanding, innovative products of a company are not solely the products it developed or produced on its own. It can also have its products created by integrating global advantageous resources and controlling resources by means of capital. This is considered as a way to success.

Many media reporters have asked me what the Chinese robotics industry should do to break through. I told them two elements are indispensable for the Chinese robotics industry to advance its way into a global first ranking in the next decade, or two decades; top-class R&D talent and sustainable funding. First, Chinese robotics companies should attract high-caliber R&D talent from across the globe, or cooperate with global top-ranking research institutes. Second, funds should always be in place to support research and development. But in the meantime, it is necessary to have the ability to take risk in R&D investment.

The companies that are bold to invest heavily in these two





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