
发布时间:2020-07-29 19:37:49






















Day 1


Mandatory recycling programs aren't good for posterity.They offer mainly short-term benefits to a few groups-like politicians and waste-handling corporations-while diverting money from genuine social and environmental problems.——SAT 2005年3月题,Section 2解析

1.“divert sb./sth.from”表示“使某物/某人从……转移开”。

2.两个破折号用在一个解释性的插入语前后,相当于一个括号或者两个逗号,句子中的“like politicians and waste-handling corporations”即是对前面的“a few groups”进行进一步的举例说明。

3.“while”引导的从句其谓语动作必须是延续性的,并强调主句和从句的动作同时发生(或者相对应)。在这里“while”引导的时间状语从句省略了主语和谓语动词“they are”,之所以可以做这样的省略是因为“divert”这个动作和主句里的“offer”这个动作一样,都是由“they”(代词“they”在这里指代“Mandatory recycling programs”)发出的,为了使句子简洁所以省略了。类似的例子有:

a.The boy slipped on the floor while cooking in the kitchen.(在厨房做饭时,男孩滑倒了。)相当于“The boy slipped on the floor while he is cooking in the kitchen”。

b.I never hesitate when asked to help.(在别人需要我帮助时我从不犹豫。)相当于“I never hesitate when I am asked to help”。


The boy slipped on the floor while his mother was cooking in the kitchen.(当他的妈妈在厨房做饭时,男孩在地板上滑倒了。)

这句话主句的主语是“The boy”,而从句的主语是“his mother”,如果把从句的主语省略掉,这个句子就变成了“The boy slipped on the floor while cooking in the kitchen”,意思是“男孩在厨房做饭时在地板上滑倒了”,那么做饭的人就成了男孩而不是他的妈妈了。词意辨析参考翻译


Mandatory recycling programs aren't good for posterity.They offer mainly short-term benefits to a few groups-like politicians and waste-handling corporations-while diverting money from genuine social and environmental problems.Recycling programs actually consume resources.They require extra administrators and a continual public relations campaign explaining what to do with dozens of different products-recycle milk jugs but not milk cartons,index cards but not construction paper.Collecting a ton of recyclable items is three times more expensive than collecting a ton of garbage because crews pick up less material at each stop.Recycling may be the most wasteful activity in the modern United States:a waste of time and money,a waste of human and natural resources.

This passage focuses primarily on recycling's____.

(A)philosophical foundations

(B)economic impact

(C)popular appeal

(D)moral implications

(E)environmental benefits


这是一道段落主旨题。题目重点是问this passage的主旨内容。从文中句子提到的“为少数群体提供短期利益”及“将钱从真正的社会和环境问题上转移到别处”可以得知,本段要讨论的应该是“与钱有关的方面”,而五个选项中,只有选项B“经济影响”和选项E“环境利益”是与钱有关的,但选项E与“将钱从真正的社会和环境问题上转移到别处”相反,因此只有选项B正确。其他选项的意思为:选项A“哲学基础”;选项C“广泛吸引力”;选项D“道德含义”。

Day 2


“I never thought I would live in such a beautiful place,”Mrs.Deverell told Angel when they first moved in.But nowadays she often suffered from the lowering pain of believing herself happy when she was not.“Who could be miserable in such a place?”she asked.Yet,on misty October evenings or on Sundays,when the church bells began,sensations she had never known before came over her.——SAT 2005年3月题,Section 2解析

1.“suffer from…”意思是“遭受/忍受……”,比如疾病、痛苦、悲伤等等,“suffer”也可以是及物代词,表示经历什么,比如说失败、损失等;“lowering”在这里不是动词“lower”的“-ing”形式,它本身就是一个形容词,意思是“满脸愁容的,阴沉的”。

2.“believing herself happy when she was not”中“when”引导的时间状语从句省略了形容词“happy”,完整的从句应该是“when she was not happy”。


4.注意区分“on Sunday”和“on Sundays”两个词组,前者是指具体的一个星期天,表示偶然发生的一次性行为,比如“I have classes on Sunday”(我周日有课)。但是当出现复数的“Sundays”时,则表示“每个周日”,表示一种习惯性的、经常发生的行为。“Sundays”前面的“on misty October evenings”中复数形式的“evenings”也是同样的表达方式。

5.句子最后的“she had never known before”是省略了关系代词“that”的定语从句,修饰前面的“sensations”。“that”作关系代词引导定语从句时,若“that”所指代的成分作从句的宾语则可以省略。此处“that”指代“sensations”,在从句中作“know”的宾语,所以可以省略。

6.词组“come over sb.”意思是“(of a feeling)affects sb.”(某种感觉刺激或影响某人),例如“A fit of dizziness came over her”(她感到一阵头晕目眩)。词意辨析参考翻译


“I never thought I would live in such a beautiful place,”Mrs.Deverell told Angel when they first moved in.But nowadays she often suffered from the lowering pain of believing herself happy when she was not.“Who could be miserable in such a place?”she asked.Yet,on misty October evenings or on Sundays,when the church bells began,sensations she had never known before came over her.

She sometimes felt better when she went back to see her friends on Volunteer Street;but it was a long way to go.Angel discouraged the visits,and her friends seemed to have changed.Either they put out their best china and thought twice before they said anything,or they were defiantly informal-“You'll have to take us as you find us”-and would persist in making remarks like“Pardon the apron,but there's no servants here to polish the grate.”In each case,they were watching her for signs of grandeur or condescension.She fell into little traps they laid and then they were able to report to the neighbors.“It hasn't taken her long to start putting on airs.”She had to be especially careful to recognize everyone she met,and walked up the street with an expression of anxiety which was misinterpreted as disdain.

1.Which interpretation of Mrs.Deverell's statement in line“I never…place”is most fully supported by the rest of the passage?

(A)It reveals an unsatisfied longing for beauty and comfort.

(B)It suggests that Mrs.Deverell is unprepared for her new life.

(C)It illustrates Mrs.Deverell's desire to impress her old friends.

(D)It hints at Mrs.Deverell's increasing discomfort with her daughter's career.

(E)It indicates Mrs.Deverell's inability to be happy in any environment




2.The“sensations”might best be described as feelings of____.

(A)anger and bitterness

(B)reverence and gratitude

(C)dejection and isolation

(D)nostalgia and serenity

(E)empathy and concern


Day 3


A few feet below,turning gray in the dusk,slid a river of clouds that had been rising and dropping all day.High above,comet Hale-Bopp hung like a feathery fishing lure,its tail curving off a bit,as if blown to the side by the punishing wind.——SAT 2006年10月题,Section 2解析

1.当表示地点的介词短语作状语位于句首时,句子完全倒装,这类句子的谓语动词一般是“stand”、“lie”、“spread”等等。第一个句子即为一个完全倒装句:“below”为表示地点的介词作状语,谓语动词“slid”在主语“a river of clouds”的前面,正常的语序是“A few feet below,a river of clouds that had been rising and dropping all day slid”。“turning gray in the dusk”是现在分词短语作状语,表伴随;“that had been rising and dropping all day”为定语从句修饰“a river of clouds”。

2.第二个句子中的“its tail curving off a bit”是独立主格结构。独立主格类似于分词作状语,只不过在作状语的分词之前有一个名词,在这里是“its tail”,此时分词短语“curving off a bit”的逻辑主语(现在分词的情况下即分词动作的发出者)不再是句子主语“comet Hale-Bopp”,而是名词“its tail”,但仍然表示两个动作相伴随发生。通常独立主格的使用要求分词前的名词,即分词的逻辑主语,是句子主语的一部分,比如这里“its tail(它的尾巴)”就是“comet Hale-Bopp(海勒·波普彗星)”的一部分。

3.第二个句子中的“as if”在这里引导一个方式状语从句,因为从句的主语与现在分词短语“curving off a bit”的主语一致,且谓语为be动词,所以主语连同谓语一起被省略了,完整的句子为“as if its tail is blown to the side by the punishing wind”。词意辨析参考翻译


Whistling and moaning,a 50-mile-an-hour wind whipped among the telescope domes atop Kitt Peak.A few feet below,turning gray in the dusk,slid a river of clouds that had been rising and dropping all day.High above,comet Hale-Bopp hung like a feathery fishing lure,its tail curving off a bit,as if blown to the side by the punishing wind.One by one,stars winked on in a darkening sky.Nearby,wild horses wandered past.They never glanced skyward at the gossamer swath of Hale-Bopp nor at the wondrous spectacle that is the night sky on a clear night,comet or no.

It felt good to be human.

The rhetorical device primarily featured in this passage is____.

(A)appeal to emotion

(B)metaphorical language

(C)extended analogy




本题考查的是修辞手法,从句子中的“like”(像)和“as if”(似乎)我们不难得出答案是选项B“隐喻”。其他选项的意思为:选项A“诉诸情感”,是指不用客观事实来论证,而是用有说服力的语言去打动人的写法;选项C“扩展类比”;选项D“倒叙”;选项E“讽刺”。

注:SAT考试中很少出现“appeal to emotion”这种写法;另外,“appeal to emotion”是一种“fallacy”,在论证方法中属于谬论的一种。

Day 4


Marine biologist Sara Gottlieb says,“Think of menhaden as the liver of a bay.Just as your body needs its liver to filter out toxins,ecosystems also need those natural filters.”——SAT 2009年1月题,Section 3解析“(just)as…,so/also…”这个句型意思是“正如……一样,……也……”,连接两个不同的句子表示两种情况的类比,类似的例子如:

Just as French people enjoy their wine,so the British enjoy their beer.(正如法国人喜欢他们的葡萄酒一样,英国人也喜欢他们的啤酒。)

在这个句型中“so/also”常常可以省略,比如上面的例子也可以说“Just as French people enjoy their wine,the British enjoy their beer”。类似的表达方式还有“A is to B as C is to D”和“A is to B what C is to D”,意思是“A之于B,犹如C之于D”,例如:

Parks are to the city as lungs are to the body.(公园之于都市,犹如肺之于人。)词意辨析参考翻译

海洋生物学家Sara Gottlieb说:“将鲱鱼想象成海湾的肝脏,就像你的身体需要肝脏来排出毒素一样,生态系统同样需要这些天然的过滤器。”实战演练

Your life may very well depend on a fish that few have heard of-the menhaden.No one actually eats menhaden because they are oily,foul,and packed with bones.But they can be ground up and used as a high-protein feed for chickens,pigs,and cattle.(Pop some barbecued wings in your mouth and part of what you're eating was once menhaden.)Furthermore,menhaden are filter feeders that help control the growth of algae devastating to coastal fisheries.Marine biologist Sara Gottlieb says,“Think of menhaden as the liver of a bay.Just as your body needs its liver to filter out toxins,ecosystems also need those natural filters.”

The quotation in lines“Think of…filters”contains an example of which rhetorical device?








Day 5


He wasn't averse to going out in a boat to catch the fish himself.He would raise the fowl himself.But when that musical meal appeared before him none of the drudgery showed.——SAT 2005年3月题,Section 5解析

1.词组“be averse to”意思是“反对,讨厌,不情愿”,因为“to”在这里是介词,所以后面的动词要用动名词即“-ing”形式。



Duke Ellington considered himself“the world's greatest listener.”In music,hearing is all.Judging by the two or three thousand pieces of music Ellington wrote,he could probably hear a flea scratching itself and put that rhythm into one of his compositions.For him the sounds of the world were the ingredients he mixed into appetizers,main courses,and desserts to satisfy the appetite of his worldwide audience.He wasn't averse to going out in a boat to catch the fish himself.He would raise the fowl himself.But when that musical meal appeared before him none of the drudgery showed.

In lines“For him…drudgery showed”,the author's point is primarily developed through the use of____.

(A)comparison and contrast

(B)appeal to emotion





选项A是将两种事物“比较/对比”;选项B意思是“诉诸情感”;选项C意思是“夸张”;选项D意思是“比喻”;选项E意思是“幽默/诙谐”。本句话中“musical meal”是将音乐作品比喻成大餐,是一种比喻的修辞手法,所以选项D正确。

Day 6


For Black American artists working in the early twentieth century,the question of how best to gain support for their work was a compelling one.Some of them argued that they should incorporate their African heritage into their art production and choose themes representing the shared experiences of Black people.Others believed that Black artists should follow the prevailing styles of mainstream Europe and America in order to gain full acceptance in the art world.——SAT 2009年1月题,Section 3解析

1.“how,why,where,who,what,whether”等疑问词均可接不定式,组成的短语可充当主语、表语或宾语。第一个句子中,“how best to gain support for their work”作介词“of ”的宾语;而此处“of”在这里连接的是互为同位语的“the question”和“how best to gain support for their work”,表示“the question”的内容是“how best to gain support for their work”。

2.“a compelling one”中的“one”指的是“the question”,说明“how best to gain support for their work”这个问题是一个显著的问题。

3.“Some people argued that…,while others believed that…/Some people hold the opinion that…Others,on the other hand,claim that…(有些人认为……,另一些人认为……)”等表达两种对比观点的句型,大家可以在观点对比型作文中广泛应用。词意辨析参考翻译


For Black American artists working in the early twentieth century,the question of how best to gain support for their work was a compelling one.Some of them argued that they should incorporate their African heritage into their art production and choose themes representing the shared experiences of Black people.Others believed that Black artists should follow the prevailing styles of mainstream Europe and America in order to gain full acceptance in the art world.Modernist Lois Mailou Jones entered the debate in 1930,when she joined the faculty of Howard University and began to explore Africa in her paintings.Africa,both real and imagined,became a guide and an inspiration for Jones throughout her career.

The author of the passage suggests that“Others”believed it important to____.

(A)secure their reputations among established artists and critics

(B)honor their own personal artistic visions

(C)use African settings and themes in their works

(D)develop innovative stylistic techniques

(E)promote the works of fellow Black artists


本题相对比较简单,只要看懂了“Others”所在句子的意思就能得出答案了。“Others”所在的句子说“另外一些人则认为黑人艺术家应该追随欧美的主流风格,以获得艺术界的完全认可”,主流艺术是与黑人艺术及其他少数群体的艺术相对应的,是被大多数人接受的艺术,所以主流艺术是“established”(地位已经确定的),追随主流风格的目的就是获得主流艺术的认可,因此选项A“迎合已成名艺术家和评论家以确保自己的名声”正确;选项C“在作品中使用非洲的元素和主题”是跟“Others”对应的“Some of them”所提倡的。其他选项的意思为:选项B“尊重他们自己独到的艺术眼光”;选项D“发展具有创新风格的技术”;选项E“宣传其他黑人艺术家的作品”。

Day 7


Ever since the scientific method became a way of learning about nature,including ourselves,some people have hailed science as the only way to comprehend natural phenomena,while others have questioned whether it is an appropriate road to knowledge.——SAT 2009年1月题,Section 3解析

1.“since”在这里作连词引导时间状语从句,表示“自……以来”,当从句中的谓语动词是终止性的动作时,从句表示的时间应该从该动词开始的那一刻起,比如本句中的“became”;若从句中的谓语动词为延续性的动作或表示状态的动词,则从句表示的时间是从持续动作或状态结束时算起,例如“It is already five years since he was not a lawyer”,意思是“他不当律师已经5年了”,这个时间节点是在“不当律师”时。

2.“some people have hailed…as…,while others have questioned…”(有些人称赞……,另一些人质疑……)也是一个很好地表达两种不同观点的句型,大家可以学习。“while”在这里作连词表示对比转折。词意辨析参考翻译


The scientific method is the systematic pursuit of knowledge involving the identification of a problem,the collection of relevant data through observation and experimentation,and the formulation and testing of hypotheses that aim to solve the problem.Ever since the scientific method became a way of learning about nature,including ourselves,some people have hailed science as the only way to comprehend natural phenomena,while others have questioned whether it is an appropriate road to knowledge.As science and technology have grown,the questioning has deepened and expanded.

In lines“some people…knowledge”,the author does which of the following?

(A)Rationalizes a behavior.

(B)Advocates a course of action.

(C)Issues a challenge.

(D)Presents opposing viewpoints.

(E)Voices doubt about an approach.


题目问的是在“some people…knowledge”中,作者在做什么?原文结构“some people …,while others…”(一些人……;另一些人……)明显是将两类人的观点进行对比,所以正确答案是D“提出相反的观点”。选项A“说明一种行为是合理的”;选项B“支持一种行为”;选项C“提出一个挑战”和选项E“质疑一种方法”都不对。需注意的是,原文中“others”虽然在质疑前一些人的看法,但是不能选择C和E,因为题目问的句子包括了“some people”和“others”,而不是单独问“while others …knowledge”这部分在做什么。

Day 8


Scientists'testimonies are used to endorse everything from toothpaste to nuclear power;however,they are also used to challenge the very same things.And this is where it gets tricky:“Scientific”support can now be elicited on all sides of every question,so that the public is constantly forced to decide which scientists to believe.——SAT 2009年1月题,Section 3解析


2.“get+形容词”表示“变得……”,强调变化;“get”也可以和分词搭配,比如“get stuck”(被困住、被卡住)。“get+过去分词”与“be+过去分词”的区别在于:“be”是静态的,强调状态,而“get”是动态的,强调变化。词意辨析参考翻译


This is not to say that so-called scientific evidence is not a good way to vouch safe truth.Scientists'testimonies are used to endorse everything from toothpaste to nuclear power;however,they are also used to challenge the very same things.And this is where it gets tricky:“Scientific”support can now be elicited on all sides of every question,so that the public is constantly forced to decide which scientists to believe.

The examples in lines“toothpaste to nuclear power”are given to____.

(A)criticize the widespread acceptance of certain products

(B)mock the gullibility of the public in scientific matters

(C)describe the daily routine of a group of professionals

(D)enumerate a number of mundane activities in which scientists are involved

(E)convey the range of issues to which science is considered relevant

答案:E答案解析“from…to…”是一个表示范围的结构,此处用这个结构是为了强调科学证据的应用范围之广,“toothpaste”和“nuclear power”的作用也是如此,所以应该选择E“说明与科学相关的事物的范围”。作者对“toothpaste”和“nuclear power”并没有表达任何感情色彩,所以选项A“批评某些产品得到了广泛的认可”和选项B“嘲笑公众在科学事务方面很容易受骗”带有感情色彩,应首先排除(注意,虽然下句中“‘Scientific’support can now be elicited on all sides…”带有贬义,但是题目问的范围是在上一句,并非该句话,做题时不能轻易扩大范围)。选项C“解释一群专业人士每天的例行公事”和选项D“列举一些科学家会参与的日常活动”也都不符合原文。

Day 9


Apart from navigation,though,a sea nomad's knowledge of the ocean is scientific in its detail,yet the nomad's gaze is very far from being a scientist's gaze.For one thing,it tends to be holistic,whereas the impression given by today's scientists is one of extreme specialization.——SAT 2009年1月题,Section 3解析


2.“be far from”意思是“一点也不,远非,几乎相反”,强调两个事物间的差异巨大。


4.“for one thing”常常和“for another”一起使用,表示“一方面……,另一方面……”,可以用在写作中分别引出两个分论点。词意辨析





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