英语双及物小句的认知研究 (语言新专题研究系列)(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载)

发布时间:2020-07-30 18:15:41





英语双及物小句的认知研究 (语言新专题研究系列)

英语双及物小句的认知研究 (语言新专题研究系列)试读:










一、语言信息工作平台 1.语义科技工作系统(李葆嘉教授主持):基于词汇语义-句法语义的一体化研究思路,开发“人-机交互语义标注工具”,研制“深度语义标注信息库”;研制“幼儿(2~6)日常话语跟踪语料库”,完成幼儿语义系统和话语行为分析研究。2.语音科技工作系统(顾文涛教授主持):研制“多语言、多语境、多语用的语音语料库”,基于声学信号分析、感知实验和数学建模,完善语音韵律理论与相关技术应用。3.方言实验工作系统(刘俐李教授主持):完成“网络版汉语方言有声语料库”,拟定系统的可操作性语音、词汇、语法实验模型和研究方法,进一步完善新兴交叉学科“实验方言学”。

二、语言知识工作平台 1.先秦词汇统计与知识检索系统(陈小荷教授主持):研制“先秦文献语料库”、“专名知识库”、“汉语词汇档案库”等,开发先秦文献自动分词算法、古籍版本异文自动发现算法、同指专名检索软件工具等,完成“先秦汉语词汇统计与知识检索”。2.中古词汇统计与知识检索系统(董志翘教授主持):研制“中古文献语料库”、“专名知识库”、“中古汉语词汇档案库”等,开发中古文献自动分词和标注工具等,完成“中古汉语词汇统计与知识检索”。3.敦煌俗语言文字统计与检索系统(黄征教授主持):研制“敦煌文献资料库”、“敦煌文献俗词语档案库”,开发相应工具,完成“敦煌文献资料与知识检索”。

三、语言机制工作平台 1.二语习得的神经机制研究系统(倪传斌教授主持):研制“英语受蚀词汇库”等,基于行为学、脑成像和脑电三维度模型,进行中国人英语习得与磨蚀的神经机制研究,完成“基于神经机制的英语个性化学习分析系统”。2.二语习得的中介机制研究系统(肖奚强教授主持):研制“留学生汉语口语中介语语料库”,基于中介语理论、对比分析理论、偏误分析理论以及二语习得影响因素等,完成“留学生汉语习得的中介机制研究”。

























The faculty for language is often considered one of the most fascinating yet perplexing human abilities. Part of its true complexity turns out to be the form-meaning interaction in the actual use of language. Involved in the project to work out such puzzle are Cognitive Linguistics (CL) (Langacker 1987, 1991a, b; Taylor 2002; Croft 2001; Croft & Cruse 2004; Evans et al. 2006; Fillmore 1982; Goldberg 1995, Talmy 2000; etc.) and different approaches of functional linguistics (Halliday 1994; Dik 1989; Pinker 1989; Levin 1993; etc.). Neurocognitive linguistics (NCL) (Lamb 1999, 2004) in particular explicitly states that its major emphasis is on the operation of the linguistic system—production and comprehension.

The present exploration is concerned with the form-meaning interaction of the English ditransitive clause. It incorporates the spirit of neurocognitive linguistics (NCL), Cognitive Linguistics (CL) and functional approaches into the research, and adopts conceptual frame (CF) (CHENG 1995a, b, 2006a) in particular as its formal representation.

0.1 Aim and scope

0.1.1 The form of the ditransitive clause

The present research mainly covers the ditransitive clause in the English language. The ditransitive clause in this research relates to the ditransitive construction in earlier analyses, or namely the traditionally termed double object construction (DOC). Yet it differs from the DOC in its syntactic definition and in its coverage accordingly.

The DOC often refers to a construction in which a verb takes two NP objects as its complements, known as the "SVOO", or namely, the "Subject-Verb-Indirect Object (IO)-Direct Object (DO)" (cf. Jespersen 1940-49; Quirk et al. 1985; Van Ek & Robat 1985; Alexander et al. 1975; Stageberg & Oaks 2000; Huddleston 2002; Lockwood 2002; Crystal 1997; etc.). Indirect Object and Direct Object may have different labels as (Direct) Object (or the first object) and 0bject2 (or the second object) in recent theories such as lexical functional grammar (LFG) (cf. Bresnan 1982; Pinker 1989) and construction grammar (Goldberg 1995; 2006), but their grammatical relations remain the same. Clause (1) is considered a typical DOC in terms of its grammatical relations (1a).

The ditransitive clause in this research is delimited in terms of grammatical elements (or parts of speech) and their linear positions. Its syntactic structure is defined as NP1-VP-NP2-NP3 (1b), with NP and VP as Nominal Phrase and Verbal Phrase respectively. It should be noted that the NPs in the definition are not given grammatical relations such as Subject, Indirect Object and Direct Object.

A direct consequence of such a definition is manifested in that the present research has a wider coverage than the DOC, involving clauses in which the main verb has two NP complements. For example, the clauses in (2) are treated equally as ditransitive [1]clauses. What is more important, this research finds that the meanings of these sentences and the frequent type like (1) are conceptually related; they are all associated with a meaning of transfer of possession. This is what the present research is mainly concerned with.

(2)a. John asked Mary her age.b. Light me the gas before you go. (Kruisinga 1932; 190)c. I envy you your beauty. (Jespersen 1927; 295)d. The governor appointed him judge.e. Susan made Todd a good husband.

The ditransitive construction is often associated with the prepositional phrase with to or for as in (3) (Palmer & Blandford 1969; Quirk et al. 1985; Dekeyser et al. 1987; Huddleston 1988; etc.).

(3)a. John gave Mary a cake. / John gave a cake to Mary.b. John baked Mary a cake. / John baked a cake for Mary.[2]

The prepositional phrase is not the focus of this research; however, it is relevant in the sense that it is involved in the comprehension and production of the ditransitive clause. It is argued that the to-phrase shares a similar transfer situation with its counterpart ditransitive construction (as in (3a)), while the for-phrase (as in (3b)) is not directly related to the transfer situation designated by the clause (detailed in chapter 4). The at-phrase (as in (4)) is also touched upon for its interaction with the research object.

(4) She cast him a glance. / She cast a glance at him.

Finally, the passive voice of the ditransitive clause is beyond the scope of this research. Its complexity requires another research for a full explanation.

0.1.2 The meaning of the ditransitive clause

The meaning of clauses is defined in the spirit of neurocognitive linguistics (NCL) and Cognitive Linguistics (CL), and formally represented within the framework of conceptual frame (CF) (CHENG 2006a) (detailed in chapter 2). It is necessary to clarify two fundamental claims concerning the nature of meaning.i. Meaning is the conceptualization of the outside world.ii. Conceptual meanings of clauses activated in the linguistic

operation constitute a multidimensional network of conceptual

structure separate from yet connected to its syntactic structure.

The first principle relates to cognitive approaches to semantics, which are reflected in the writings of major proponents including Lakoff (1980, 1987), Langacker (1987, 1991b), Jackendoff (1990a, 2002), Fillmore (1982) Turner & Fauconnier (1998), Talmy (2000), Goldberg (1995), etc. The prime slogan for cognitive semantics is that "meanings are in the head" (Allwood & Gardenfors 1999: 21). Meaning is conceptualization (Langacker 1987, 1999b; Taylor 2002; Croft & Cruse 2004); it is the way that the mental system construes the outside world. Cognitive semantics is contrasted with the realistic or truth-conditional semantics in the sense that the truth condition of language is no longer a prime determinant of meaning. Instead, meaning is activated as a consequence of the mental process, and "words and other linguistic units are only 'prompts' for the construction of meaning" (Evans et al. 2006; cf. also Langacker 1987).

In the context of cognitive semantics, meaning is encyclopedic; encyclopedic knowledge is conceptual structure. The notion has two entailments: first, meaning derives from experience and conceptual structure in turn reflects human experience; second, in tandem with the first, encyclopedic knowledge should be dynamic both spatially and temporally. Spatially, the world is construed differently from different vantage points; temporally, situations are construed as dynamic processes. Cognitive approaches to grammar attempt to work out the conceptual structure of language.

Construction grammar (Goldberg 1995), following the tradition of frame semantics (Fillmore 1982) in which meanings are typically defined relative to some particular background frames or scenes, contends that "[S]imple clause constructions are associated directly with semantic structures which reflect scenes basic to human experience" (Goldberg 1995: 5). The ditransitive construction is associated with a dynamic scene of ex-perientially grounded gestalt; X causes Y to receive Z.

This research shares with Cognitive Linguistics most important assumptions concerning meaning. The point where conceptual frame (CF) diverges from construction grammar is the second principle that meaning is a multidimensional network related to syntactic structure. The notion entails two corollaries; conceptual structure is not tied to syntactic structure; conceptual structure is a multidimensional network.

In construction grammar (Goldberg 1995), conceptual structure (argument structure) is tied to syntactic structure in the sense that one argument corresponds to one grammatical relation. Argument structure is by nature the grammatical semantic structure. For example, Agent is paired with Subject, Recipient with Object, and Patient with 0bject2. This treatment is similar to case grammar (Gruber 1965; Fillmore 1968; Chafe 1970) and argument structure theories (Bresnan 1982; Pinker 1989; Levin 1993, 2004), in which the components of the two structures are connected by linking rules. The spirit they share is a one-to-one correspondence between arguments and grammatical relations.

It is argued that argument structure has a closer relationship to syntactic meanings than to conceptual meanings. Conceptual meanings are not tied to linguistic units. Conceptual structure and syntactic structure in this research belong to different linguistic subsystems—the conceptual subsystem and the syntactic subsystem, which interact with each other through realizations. To interpret it, conceptual components and grammatical elements are not connected to each other in a one-to-one correspondence. For example, the first NP (John) in John gave Mary a cake is realized as more than one participant (like Agent in argument structure) in its conceptual structures. It links to two participants; Causer and Actor (see details in Chapter 2). The comparison is illustrated as follows:

Subject (John)→Agent  (argument structure)

NP1 (John) = Causer + Actor  (the present research)

("→" means "links to" or "fuses with;" "=" means "is realized as;" "+" refers to a conceptual conflation between two participants)

Another difference of this research from construction grammar (and lexical functional grammar as well) is that, the conceptual structure in the former is a multidimensional network instead of a one-dimensional argument structure. For one thing, a clause often activates more than one basic conceptual structure. For example, John gave Mary a cake activates a causation structure and an action structure as well. For another, the multidimensional network of conceptual meanings activated by a clause is represented in a pre-activated frame covering more information than just basic conceptual structures.

First, the multidimensional network not only subsumes the conceptual structure directly evoked by the clause, that is, the conceptual process, but also involves situations at the initial and terminal point of the process. For example, John gave Mary a cake activates not only an action structure of giving and a causation structure designating the transfer of possession; it also activates what happened before the transfer and after the transfer. They constitute part of the language users' encyclopedic knowledge associated with their experience with the outside world.

Second, a multidimensional network captures the conceptual discrepancies of the variations of the transferred object (as a cake in John gave Mary a cake) that is associated with the ditransitive clause. This is a main feature that distinguishes this research from others. For example, the objects in each clause in (5) are conceptually different, identified as Thing (a cake), Identity (chairperson), Information (a story), Action (kiss) and Event (crushing a mountain). Such a difference leads to a significant discrepancy in the comprehension of the whole clause (see Chapter 3).

(5)a. John gave Mary a cake. (Thing)b. John appointed Mary chairperson. (Identity)c. John told Mary a story. (Information)d. John gave Mary a kiss. (Action)e. Crush me a mountain. (Event)

Third, the multidimensional network depicts the form-meaning interface, that is, the realization between conceptual structure and syntactic structure. This is vital because in this research the main purpose for exploring meaning is to reveal the interaction between conceptual structure and syntactic structure.

Pragmatic considerations

"Meanings are in the head" (Allwood & Gardenfors 1999: 21; also cf. Jackendoff 1990a). From this perspective, sentence meaning is speaker meaning. It is in this sense that the distinction between semantics and pragmatics is blurred in Cognitive Linguistics. It is claimed that pragmatics studies "the contribution of the context (that is linguistic and situational context) to the meaning" (Jaszczolt 2002: 1). Certainly this is important in the actual comprehension and production of language; however, the present research does not go that far. This research is mainly concerned with the meaning evoked by syntactic structure rather than the situational context. For example,

(6) John threw/brought Mary a cake.

The sentence directly evokes a causation structure entailing an orientation that Object (cake) is transferred to Possessive Goal (Mary). It does not necessarily mean that Mary got the cake in the truth condition. To know whether Mary got the cake, the language user often has to resort to pragmatic information—the situational context.

Besides, phonological factors, in particular where the nucleus falls in an intonation group—on Mary or on a cake (as in both John gave Mary a cake and John gave a cake to Mary), facilitate the actual comprehension of a sentence. Both pragmatic and phonological considerations play an important role in actual linguistic operation. However, as their complexity makes them chief topics for full [3]explorations, they are beyond the scope of this research.

0.1.3 The aim and the research perspective

The aim





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