
发布时间:2020-07-31 00:18:17










放眼看一下中国考生的雅思考试现状,不乏听力、阅读取得8.5分甚至满分9分的考生,但是在考查语言主动输出能力的口语和写作两项上取得高分的考生并不多。尤其是需要组织语言辅以发音输出的口语单项上,高分考生更是凤毛麟角。很多考生总是抱怨迈不过5分或6分这个坎儿,关键是,他们并不知道问题究竟出在哪里,语法、发音、词汇,还是流利度?作为合格的雅思“烤鸭”,我们的目标应该是从雅思标准出发,按照一套符合雅思考试规律的方法进行备考。雅思口语考试的评分标准(Band Descriptors)包含了四项内容:流利度和连贯性(fluency &coherence),词汇(lexical resource),语法多样性与正确性(grammatical range &accuracy)以及发音(pronunciation)。其实,如果我们认真审视一下这四项标准,便不难看出雅思口语考试对考生的要求无非两方面:内容及发音。所谓内容,即评分标准的前三项:流利度和连贯性、词汇以及语法运用。所谓发音,即评分标准的最后一项。因此,雅思口语如何复习备考,怎样获得高分也就不言而喻了。针对核心口语话题精心准备素材


口语是一个输入加输出的过程,除上述基本功课外,还应注重语音语调的训练。在日常生活中多听多看,最重要的是能够变成自己的语言输出。让我们一起来看看雅思口语评分标准中对8分语音的要求“uses a wide range of pronunciation features”,对7分语音的要求是“shows all the positive features of Band 6and some,but not all,of the positive features of Band 8”。我们可以发现,评分标准对语音特征(pronunciation features)要求严格。何为“语音特征”?其实简单来说就是说话时要有起伏,有节奏感,有重音,用很多考生的话说叫“有那个调调儿”。而这些语音特征是可以通过强化练习获得的。具体如何练习呢?大家只要记住两个原则:




三年“魔”一剑,真心希望这本《雅思口语必备核心话题》可以成为考生在雅思考场上披荆斩棘的魔法之剑。祝各位成功!编者第一章雅思口语考试介绍Ⅰ.概述● 口语考试时间

口语考试可能安排在笔试前一周至笔试后一周的任意一天。考试具体时间可在笔试日期前十天登录雅思报名网站(http://ielts.etest.net.cn)查询。● 口语考试特点

考试一对一进行(即一名考官考核一名考生),双方隔着桌子面对面坐着。考官均为母语为英语的外籍人士。● 口语考试形式与内容● 口语考试评分标准






四个标准份量相同,最后经过计算得出一个分数,这就是考生的口语最终得分。口语和写作自2007年7月1日起引入半分制。● 口语考试到底有多难


听力6 阅读7 写作6 口语6


拥有一定的词汇量无论是对提高雅思成绩而言还是对提高口语水平而言都是相当重要的。雅思口语6分对于词汇量的要求是“has a wide enough vocabulary to discuss topics at length”,即“有足够的词汇量维持长时间的讨论”。所谓“足够”,很多人都有误解,以为必须得到七八千词汇量才可以,其实不然。就口语交流而言有三四千的词汇足已。中国大学四级考试大纲中规定考生得掌握4,500个词汇,也就是说只要考过四级就掌握了日常口语交流所需的大部分词汇了。但问题在于在拥有了一定的词汇之后,如何实现“uses some less common and idiomatic vocabulary and shows some awareness of style and collocation”(7分)甚至“convey precise meaning”(8分)。无论是“风格”也好,“搭配”也好,还是“精准”也好,传统的背单词方式已经满足不了要求,熟练的使用一本英-英工具书才是实现词汇好分数最根本的办法。

举例说明,在口语中想表达“我昨天买了一本书”时,有些考生可能会想到“purchase”一词,虽然也是“购买”的意思,但用在这里却不恰当,因为它的风格属于“formal”,在词典里有清晰的标识。再比如说“sophisticated”一词,大部分中国学生在头脑中的反应可能是“世故的”、“城府深的”,但实际上在英文中它的含义没有那样含有贬义,相反,它表示“having a lot of experience of life,and good judgment about socially important things such as art,fashion,etc.”,指的是“高雅的”、“有涵养的”。类似的例子举不胜举,看来要想了解英文单词真正的含义和使用方法,最好的办法还是要看看英语国家出版的词典,这样才能看清词汇的本来面目。

目前市面上存在着各式各样的工具书,其中有两本很适合雅思考试的,一本是Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English,一本是新东方与柯林斯出版集团合作编写的IELTS Examination Dictionary(《新东方-柯林斯雅思备考词典》),两者都备受雅思考生青睐,使用很方便。●增加背景阅读





所谓实战练习,即找个练习口语的伙伴,约定话题后集中练习。伙伴可以是外国朋友,也可以是中国同学。但使用这种方法最需要注意的一点是要尽量避免两个人毫无目的的“free talk”,最好是在实战练习前先规定话题,然后对要讨论的话题进行大量的准备后再进行练习。不做准备就直接开练的做法不可取,因为那样做的效率太低,效果最差,而且有时候会产生挫败感。Ⅲ.口语考场应试技能


口语考试旨在考查考生能否“communicate effectively in English”,因此交流技能是考官重点考查的能力之一,而交流的主动性是最显而易见、也是最容易被考官注意到的交流能力。考生应该在考试中表现出“willing to speak”,即表现出一种“我虽然英语不好,但我特别想交流,而且尽量去交流”的态度来,这对于基础较薄弱的考生来说尤为重要,它可以帮助考生保住基本的5分或6分。表现交流主动性最简单的办法就是在问答时尽量避免只用一个单词或者“Yes”、“No”,或者简单的一句话来做答。在回答出考官的问题后,后面可以再加个“1”——即一条额外的信息,比如说对前面的回答做更细致描述,或者加以解释等,如下面的例子:

——(考官在第一部分问到)Where do you live now?

——(考生回答)I live in Beijing now.I am happy to be here because the city is really on the move and there is a lot of excitement here.

——(考官在第一部分问到)What kinds of films do you like best?

——(考生回答)My favorite kinds of films are comedies.I like movies that can make me laugh.


微笑是交流的润滑剂,也是给自己加油鼓劲的心理暗示。此外,在考试过程中,跟考官的“eye contact”也是必不可少的,微笑的眼神流露出自信和交流的意愿。●自然

雅思口语固然需要准备,但考试时尽量不要一字不漏地背诵已经准备好的答案。考官可以看出来你准备了,那样的话,即使你说得再好也不会得到理想的分数了。有时可以用一些表示犹豫的词语如er,erm,uh,and,yes,right,yeah,oh right等增添一分自然的味道,但是不能过度频繁地使用这些词语。●得体着装







虽然雅思口语话题更新速度快,但在备考过程中即使遇到新题也可以按照本书所介绍的方法去准备,甚至可以直接到本书中去寻找需要的素材。第二章雅思口语最新话题选材1.Reading 阅读

MP3-011.Do you like reading?

I don't just like reading,I adore it.I've been an avid reader since I was old enough to hold a book in my hands.更多答案Sure...but I'm only doing it 30-40minutes a day right before I go to sleep.It's a wonderful way to relieve stress and to relax.Well,not that much,just too lazy to pick up a book.But I do enjoy reading sports magazines.2.What kinds of books do you usually read?

I used to be a big fan of science fiction books,especially ones that involved space or futuristic technology.These days I'm more into non-fiction books about current affairs or history.更多答案I tend to like stuff that's completely different from my life.I've lately been really into historical fiction and adventures.I like to read things according to the mood I am in,sometimes it's all mushy stuff,other time history and autobiography.3.How many hours a day would you say you spend on reading?

If you include the Internet,then I read for at least two hours a day.I get a lot more of my reading done online than I used to.If you just count books then maybe I only read for half an hour or so each day.4.Where do you usually read?

The best place to read is at home in a comfortable chair,with a cup of tea or some other snack.It's best to read when you can feel peaceful and at home.Cafes are also nice places to read because they have a convivial atmosphere.5.Do you think children like reading nowadays?

I think that children do like reading and always have,but nowadays there are many other attractions competing for children's attention,like TV and video games.The success of book series like Harry Potter proves that reading is alive and well amongst young people.更多答案I don't think so.There's just too much other stuff the younger generations do these days.Reading isn't one of those things we have to do anymore.6.What sorts of books do children like to read?

You can't pigeonhole preferences based on age.Some children read books aimed at mature and sophisticated adults whilst a lot of adults like to read trashy romance novels of dubious literary merit.补充阅读材料Why do You Love Reading Books?I am a high school graduate but that was as far as I got.Since then,due to my love of reading,I have become self-educated and my husband said that my knowledge far outdid his college degree.Books are learning tools.They not only teach you things,they take you to places you could never otherwise go.They open your imagination and you are free to view the characters in them any way you can conjure them up.On television or in a play,you pretty much view the characters as the writer scripted them.Reading opens up a whole new world for anybody and is the basis for a good education.If one can't read,one can't learn.Reading also fosters imagination,writing skills,vocabulary growth,deeper understanding of life around you and better communicative skills.It is a quiet activity that can be a lot of fun,and you learn a lot from it.话题高分词汇

an avid reader 喜欢读书的人;废寝忘食的读者

relieve stress 减压

a big fan 粉丝

science fiction 科幻小说

current affairs 时事

tend to 倾向于;偏爱

be/get into 喜欢;着迷

historical fiction 历史小说

adventure 探险读物

mushy 让人感伤的

autobiography 自传

convivial atmosphere 欢乐友善的气氛

pigeonhole 归类;归档

sophisticated 成熟的;有经验的

self-educated 自学的

learning tool 学习工具

conjure up 想象

open up 打开

foster 培养

imagination 想象力

writing skills 写作能力

communicative skills 交流能力

a lot of fun 很有意思“Reading is a discount ticket to everywhere.”2.Names 名字

MP3-021.Does your name have any special meaning?

I looked this up as a child and found out that my name (Christopher)means “bearing Christ”.In other words:someone who carries Jesus.It's from Ancient Greek.更多答案No it doesn't.It's rather ordinary.My parents couldn't think of anything better.But I like it anyway.2.What name do people at home call you?

Everyone at home just calls me Chris.It's much easier to say than Christopher,which is a bit of a mouthful.People only call me that if they want to be formal.3.How are babies given their names in China?

In China,a newborn baby is a very important event,so naturally names are chosen with great care and hold much significance.The Chinese believe that a child's name affects its fortunes in life so most people are named after something with a positive image or association.更多答案I don't know.But the Chinese think a name may somehow determine the future of a child,so some important factors like the time and date of birth are taken into account when parents are naming their children.4.Is there any special ceremony when babies are given their names?

In the old days of China,people attached great significance to the naming of a child and held a ceremony to mark the occasion.They would invite an old and wise person considered to be a fortune teller to write down several names on pieces of paper.They then chose one name according to cosmological conditions,and presented it to the family.This ceremony was cause for much celebration.5.Why are some Chinese names very similar to each other?

In Chinese families relatives often have similar names to one another to symbolize their connection.Often they share one Part of their name,and sometimes if you combine the names of several family members you create a sentence.6.Do people in China ever change their names?

Yes,many people change their name if they think it brings them bad luck or is hindering their career progress.Of course some people simply don't like the way their name sounds.A fortune teller is often consulted when choosing a new name.7.What is the most common surname in China?

I don't know for sure,but I guess it's Li or Wang.补充阅读材料Do You Like Your Name?●When I was younger I didn't because it's somewhat hard to pronounce and people always screwed it up in some way but it doesn't really bother me anymore.I kind of expect people to mess it up.●I used to hate my name ‘cause people often pronounced it wrong and even made fun of it.But it's unique and I've come to like it a lot.●My name is Holly and I love it.It's not that common,but not so out there that people are like“what kind of name is that”.●No,I don't like my name that much but it's my name and it's Part of me,so I don't have a problem with it.●I absolutely love my name.I love how it sounds;it just rolls off of your tongue.●Well,everybody likes my first name but to me it is not that special...it was very popular when I was born so I had at least 5girlfriends with the same name.●I love the name Meredith...to me it denotes beauty and sophistication.It is old fashioned,but beautiful and feminine.话题高分词汇

anyway 不管怎样;尽管如此

a bit of a mouthful 有点儿拗口

newborn baby 新生儿

positive image 积极的形象

association 联系

somehow 以某种方式

determine the future 决定未来

fortune teller 算命者

cosmological conditions 天文情况

hinder 阻碍

somewhat 稍微,有点儿

hard to pronounce 难发音

screw up 弄糟;弄坏

mess up 弄得一团糟

make fun of 取笑

unique 独特的

have a problem with 反对;不接受

denote 代表

old fashioned 老式的

feminine 女性化的Funny MSN NamesDinner is ready when the smoke alarm goes off.Be cool,don't go to school.Smile,it makes people wonder what you're up to...The road to success is always under construction.3.Teachers 教师

MP3-031.What's your opinion of teachers?

I respect teachers enormously.They allow children to grow into educated and intelligent people,ready to understand the world and succeed in it.Without teachers we would all be ignorant brutes.2.Do you think it's important to like your teachers?

You don't have to like your teacher personally for them to be a good teacher.In fact,sometimes if you see a teacher as your friend it can cause some problems down the line.3.Did any teachers in your high school have a big influence on you?

My history teacher has had a lasting impact on me.I learnt so much from his entertaining and educational lessons,and he helped me begin my lifelong love of history.I'll always be grateful to him for that.更多答案I can't say if one teacher inspired me greatly.I've had a few teachers that were awesome and gave me that little push.My English teacher.She was very patient and kind and she taught me a lot about tolerance.We still sent Christmas cards to each other every year.She was an inspiration.4.Were your high school teachers very strict?

It depended on the teacher in question.Some were very strict indeed while others were more chilled out and let you get away with more.Compared to most countries I think my teachers weren't that strict.5.What sort of personality do teachers need to have?

“Patience is a virtue”as the saying goes,and I believe teachers need to possess this quality in abundance.It's a tiring and stressful job,so teachers have to be calm and in control at all times.They also need to have a passion for their subject.更多答案A good teacher has patience,listens to the students,makes encouraging comments to the students who seem to struggle either with their work or with emotions.I think that a few good qualities include being down-to-earth with her students,understanding their problems before judging the student as right or wrong.6.Would you like to be a school teacher?

It would be a pretty good job.I'd like to be stimulated by teaching a class of eager young minds.I imagine it would be a hard job to do well,but a rewarding one.更多答案It's a great job.It's hard work but it can be fun as well.It also pays well.补充阅读材料A Teacher That Influenced You Most●My high school English teacher who taught a class called Great Books was an inspiration to me.He was the reason I became a teacher and I credit him with having sparked a passion for reading that has remained a constant habit throughout my entire life and I wish I could find him and thank him.●When I was a high school sophomore,my honors literature/history teacher was really fantastic.I've been lucky to have several wonderful teachers,but she really blew them all out of the water.I credit her for introducing me to “real”logic and rekindling my love of reading.Because of her,I am a much better person both academically and otherwise.●The best teacher I ever had was a science teacher in 7th grade.She actually cared about all of us,worked hard to do interesting projects in class,took the time to make sure we all understood what was going on,and talked to us on a level that I can say was just a little bit ahead of us.She knew our music,she knew the movies we liked,and she knew the way we talked.She had to make a lot of effort to have that much interest in us,and she still is the best teacher I ever had.I know she is still teaching at the same middle school in southern California and I know that the kids have voted her best teacher of the year,3years in row.She is still the best.话题高分词汇

educated 有教养的

intelligent 有才智的

ignorant 无知的

down the line 随后,后来

a lasting impact 持久的影响

lifelong 终身的

be grateful to 感激

inspire 启发,启蒙

inspiration 启蒙;鼓舞

chilled out 轻松活泼的

get away with 逃脱;不受惩罚

tiring and stressful 辛苦且压力大的

down-to-earth 不高傲的;朴实的

rewarding 有满足感的

pay well 收入高

credit with/for 归功于

teacher of the year 年度优秀教师“The mediocre teacher tells.The good teacher explains.The superior teacher demonstrates.The great teacher inspires.”4.Gifts 礼物

MP3-041.Do you often give gifts to people?

I'm afraid not.I'm not as generous as I should be,and I'm rather tight-fisted when it comes to money.I usually give gifts only on birthdays.更多答案Yes,I really love giving people gifts as they are always so happy and thankful and it is such a good feeling.Even something small pleases anyone.2.What was the last gift you received?

My girlfriend gave me a watch a few weeks ago because she thought I'd like it.It's a lovely watch,but the thought counts even more.I was very touched by her thoughtfulness.更多答案The last gift I received was a birthday present of some kind.I don't recall exactly.3.When considering a present to give to someone,how do you select this gift?

It can be pretty tricky trying to find the perfect gift,especially if the recipient is already well-off.You can get clues by listening closely to their needs,and try to guess what they'd like based on their hobbies and interests.4.When do people in China give gifts?

During festivals and weddings people will give one another gifts.In the Spring Festival the younger generation customarily presents those in the older generation with good wine and food,and the older people will give toys or money to the young.At a Chinese wedding the guests give money to the family holding the wedding.更多答案Gifts are also important when returning from a trip for family,friends,and co-workers.This is one reason that the Chinese tourist is a valued customer in other countries.5.What are some of the gift-giving customs in China?

There aren't that many hard-and-fast rules to gift-giving in China,but still there are a few that are very important.Under no circumstances give a clock or a watch as a gift because it symbolises the end of your life,and you may cause offence.Similarly,at weddings the amount of money you give should correspond to the closeness of your connection to the host family.更多答案Traditionally,gifts are not opened at the time they are received,but as a Westerner you might want or be expected to open the gift.6.In China,is it necessary to bring a gift when you visit someone?

People think it's a nice gesture if you bring a small gift when





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