TOEFL Junior全真模拟题(新东方)(English Edition)(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载)

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TOEFL Junior全真模拟题(新东方)(English Edition)

TOEFL Junior全真模拟题(新东方)(English Edition)试读:


本书是根据《TOEFL Junior考试官方指南》提供的出题思路、解题方法、备考策略以及真题样题,由英语专家及从事多年TOEFL Junior课堂教学的一线优秀教师编写而成,是考生备考TOEFL Junior的必备用书。本书主要具有以下特点:1. 全真模拟,备考利器

本书内含10套模拟题,适用于准备参加TOEFL Junior笔试考试的考生。模拟题的内容、形式、难度及范围均与真题一致。因此,本书能起到为考生提供考前指导、复习、提高及验证结果等作用,是考生的不二之选。2. 素材精准,语言地道

为了达到全真模拟的效果,本书的试题素材全部来源于英语母语国家,语言地道,内容生动有趣,与时俱进,力求最大限度地还原真题。3. 培养能力,提高成绩

本书中的材料均来源于真实的生活场景,如课堂说明介绍、演讲、书信邮件、故事等。通过本书中模拟题的训练,考生不但能提高成绩,而且还能提高实际运用英语的能力。读者既可以把本书作为TOEFL Junior的备考用书,也可以将其作为英语辅导材料,以锻炼听、说、读、写各方面的英语实际运用能力。4. 配备光盘,便捷实用


希望广大考生能通过使用本书全面系统地掌握TOEFL Junior考试,胸有成竹地走进考场,同时切实提高英语水平和实际运用能力。编者2015.1General Introduction to TOEFL Junior Test

TOEFL Junior考试简介

TOEFL Junior(初中托福考试)是由美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)研发并在世界范围内推广的针对11~15岁中小学生的一项测评,用于衡量在以英语为媒介的教学环境中,中小学生在学术和社交方面的英语水平。1. 考试性质&主要功能

TOEFL Junior考试是一项具有权威性的语言资质测试,主要具有以下三个方面的功能:



3)与蓝思测评(Lexile Text Measure)完美对接,考生的TOEFL Junior分数报告可转化为蓝思测评成绩,考生可据此从数据库中查找与自己的阅读水平难度相当的书籍、文章、杂志等,为考生提供权威的阅读指导。2. 试题类型&时间分数

目前, TOEFL Junior考试采取的考试形式是纸笔考试(Paper-based Test)。考试分为三部分:Listening Comprehension (听力理解)、Language Form and Meaning (语言形式与含义)及Reading Comprehension (阅读理解)。每部分包含42道单项选择题,共126题。每部分满分300分,总分900分。考试总时长为110分钟。3. 考试时间&报考方式

报考TOEFL Junior考试主要有以下六个步骤:

第一步:登录TOEFL Junior中国管理中心官方网站(;





第六步:提交成功后,页面会显示考生的考试信息清单,考生只需按照提示继续操作即可。How to Use This Book


本书共包括10套TOEFL Junior全真模拟题,所有试题均和真题一样,由听力理解、语言形式与含义及阅读理解三个部分组成,每部分均有42道单项选择题。读者可从三个方面使用本书。1. 考试自测,把握时间

在参加TOEFL Junior考试前,考生可通过这10套模拟题准确把握考试相关的信息以及自测完成考试所需的时间。2. 精练试题,提高技能

本书中的10套模拟题完全按照TOEFL Junior考试的设计、取材和编排的理念编写而成,所以非常适合考生作为考前的精练材料。每套试题的具体设计如下:Listening Comprehension听力理解

听力理解分为三大类型,分别为课堂说明(Classroom Instruction)、对话(Conversation)、学术演讲和讨论(Academic Talk and Discussion)。Language Form and Meaning语言形式与含义


短文的体裁类型、题目数量如下:Reading Comprehension阅读理解

阅读部分一般由7篇文章组成,每篇文章为200~300个单词,依据文章的长度和难度,每篇文章对应4~9道题。具体分配情况如下:3. 验证结果,参考答案


最后,真诚地祝愿广大考生在本书的帮助下顺利通过TOEFL Junior考试!PRACTICE TEST 1模拟题1Listening Comprehension

The listening section has 42 questions. Follow along as you listen to the directions to the listening section.DirectionsIn this section of the test, you will hear a teacher or other school staff members talking to students. Each talk is followed by one question. Choose the best answer to each question and mark the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet. You will hear each talk only one time.Here is an example:What does the teacher want the students to do?(A)Help a new classmate(B)Prepare for gym class(C)Welcome a guest speaker(D)Return books to the libraryThe correct answer is(A),“Help a new classmate.”Here is another example:What will the students probably do next?(A)Sing a song(B)Listen to some music(C)Choose instruments to play(D)Discuss the life of a musicianThe correct answer is(B),“Listen to some music.”Go on to the next page, and the test will begin with question number one.PART 1

1. What does the principal want the students to do?(A)Go to school on foot(B)Use bus service(C)Tell their address(D)Fix the bus

2. What is the purpose of the talk?(A)Tell students how to subtract(B)Tell students how to add(C)Tell students common ideas(D)Tell students how to add and subtract fractions

3. What does the teacher want the students to do?(A)Introduce themselves(B)Show the new school(C)Accept a new student(D)Do something different

4. What does the teacher want Jane to do?(A)Make friends with Matthew(B)Share something with every classmate(C)Change her action to Matthew(D)Help her friend Matthew

5. What is the teacher explaining?(A)Ways to create a model volcano(B)Taking pictures of volcano(C)How to use sequential words(D)Rules of describing a sequence of events

6. Which of the following is true?(A)Parents are encouraged to use car pool.(B)Parents must submit a written declaration.(C)The school will detain students who try to slip out of the gate.(D)Parents should collect their children within half an hour of

the scheduled time.

7. What is the purpose of the talk?(A)To study the history about the Declaration of Independence(B)To stress the importance of the Declaration of Independence(C)To tell the meaning of“All men are created equal”(D)To introduce Thomas Jefferson

8. What is the purpose of the talk?(A)To introduce Mark Twain's works(B)To tell how to read Mark Twain's works(C)To tell students that writers are influenced by their

environments(D)To discuss how location decides a writer's style

9. What is the purpose of the game?(A)To grasp the English parts of speech(B)To distinguish different objects(C)To teach how some words spell(D)To do some cleaning

10. Why is the teacher talking about the activity?(A)Because she wants students to do research on birds(B)Because she wants students to build more nests for birds(C)Because she wants students to do a presentation(D)Because she wants students to learn how to work togetherNow you will hear some conversations. Each conversation is followed by three or more questions. Choose the best answer to each question and mark the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet. You will hear each conversation only one time.

11. What happened to the girl?(A)She forgot time.(B)She came to class late.(C)She mistook time.(D)She met an accident.

12. What was wrong with the girl's mother?(A)She got up late.(B)She missed the bus.(C)She was ill.(D)She went to the field early morning.

13. What will the teacher probably do next?(A)Punish the girl(B)Ask her to go back to her seat(C)Tell the girl's parents(D)Tell the headmaster

14. What problem does the boy have?(A)He can't find the reserve room.(B)He can't find his syllabus.(C)He can't find a book.(D)He can't find a sociology notebook.

15. What does“reserve” mean?(A)Anyone can read the reserved book.(B)You can find the reserved book at the usual place.(C)You can keep the reserved book for one day.(D)You can only read the reserved book in the library.

16. Why did the professor place the book on reserve?(A)Because the book was very expensive(B)Because he didn't want anyone to read it(C)Because he wanted everyone to read it(D)Because he had bought the book

17. What will the boy probably do next?(A)Go to the reserve room(B)Leave the library(C)Find a seat and read other books(D)Go to a bookstore

18. What did the boy do last night?(A)He studied for a test.(B)He met with a friend.(C)He watched a game.(D)He went to bed early.

19. What did the girl think of India's victory?(A)She thought it unbelievable.(B)She thought they deserved it.(C)She thought it was sheer luck.(D)She thought it was an easily earned victory.

20. What did the boy think of the reason why the Pakistan lost?(A)The mistake of batsmen(B)The skill of bowlers(C)They didn't concede much runs(D)The captain's knock

21. What agreement did they reach?(A)223 was not easy for the Pakistan to reach.(B)Their players needed more practice in fielding.(C)The mistake of batsmen made the Pakistan lose.(D)The India's victory was easily earned.

22. What did they think of today's exam?(A)The girl thought the computer science was easy.(B)The boy thought the computer science was a little bit difficult.(C)The girl didn't finish the language paper.(D)The boy thought the language paper was easy.

23. How did the girl feel?(A)She felt agitated.(B)She felt peaceful.(C)She felt worried.(D)She felt relaxed.

24. What did they think of the language paper?(A)The girl thought it was easy.(B)The boy thought even one mark questions were very easy.(C)The boy thought he would get a high mark.(D)The girl was worried about the total marks.

25. What will they probably do?(A)Enjoy their vacation(B)Find their teacher to ask questions(C)Wait for their marks urgently(D)Ask other students how they feelNow you will hear some talks and discussions about academic topics. Each talk or discussion is followed by four or more questions. Choose the best answer to each question and mark the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet. You will hear each talk or discussion only one time.

26. What's the main idea of the talk?(A)How Watt invented the steam machine.(B)Traders need more clothes.(C)How the Industrial Revolution influenced people's lives.(D)The way to extract pure iron out of iron ore.

27. Why did the textile trader begin to look for faster and cheaper ways of producing clothes?(A)The price of steel was getting more and more expensive.(B)England got most of its energy from waterwheels.(C)Factory machines were powered by coal.(D)People began buying more and more goods in the 1700s.

28. What can be inferred according to the talk?(A)Steam engines are better powered by coke than coal.(B)Fewer people are working in small workshops than in large

factories.(C)The quality of cloth made entirely by hand is better.(D)The Industrial Revolution has negatively influenced people's

lives to some extent.

29. How did people get power before the 18th century?(A)From waterwheels(B)From wind(C)From human power(D)From nature, such as coal

30. What's the purpose of the discussion between the professor and the student?(A)To explain why God is good(B)To ensure why we can see God(C)To argue why God exists(D)To discuss whether God exists

31. Why does the student always remain silent when she is asked?(A)Because she doesn't like his professor(B)Because she can't give an exact answer to the professor(C)Because she is thinking something else.(D)Because she can't understand what the professor said

32. Why does the student still believe in God even though she can't see it?(A)Because she regards God as a kind of faith(B)Because God has saved many people(C)Because God created Satan(D)Because Satan is evil

33. Why does the professor mention the five senses?(A)He just wants to prove we human can't touch or see God.(B)He wants to point out that science has problems.(C)He just wants to prove God hasn't existed ever.(D)He doesn't know who created God.

34. What's the main idea of the talk?(A)To give a general introduction of coral reefs(B)To discuss how coral reefs form(C)Coral reefs must live around shallow water(D)What coral reefs eat to grow

35. What is coral?(A)It's a kind of large animal.(B)It takes calcium from sea animals.(C)It has skeleton outside only.(D)It's made up of small sea animals.

36. What is colony?(A)All reefs together are called colony.(B)All kinds of corals living together are called colony.(C)Creatures living in the shallow water are called colony.(D)Corals which are colorful are called colony.

37. What can we learn from the talk about coral reef?(A)It's an underwater mountain.(B)It can grow to avoid any destruction from the ocean.(C)It can't be very large.(D)It grows up from the edge of the volcanoes.

38. What is the common character for coral reefs?(A)All of them are growing fast.(B)All of them are near coastline.(C)Most of them need warm water.(D)They can't be found where there is sunlight.

39. What is the main idea of the discussion?(A)To understand why people take tests on mice(B)To stress the importance of taking tests on mice(C)To analyze the reason why people take tests on mice(D)To debate whether we should take tests on mice

40. Why is the girl so angry about the article?(A)Mice are suffering from cancer.(B)She realizes that people are taking tests on mice.(C)The girl's mom is suffering from cancer.(D)The man doesn't know what has happened.

41. Why do humans take tests on mice?(A)Because they want to find the way to cure cancers(B)Because they are cruel(C)Because they feel bothered(D)Because they want to sell drugs

42. What may be the title for the article?(A)Tests on Mice(B)Cruel Humans(C)The Way Humans Have to Take(D)Poor MiceLanguage Form and MeaningDirectionsIn this section of the test, you will answer 42 questions found in seven different texts. Within each text are boxes that contain four possible ways to complete a sentence. Choose the word or words in each box that correctly complete each sentence. Mark the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.Here are two sample questions:1. The idea that rocks last forever and that rocks _____ change is not completely true. If you have ever stood next to a rushing river, you(A)still(B)very(C)quite(D)never2. _____ the water hammering away at the rocks.(A)saw(B)seen(C)are seeing(D)may have seenThe correct answer to Sample 1 is(D),“never.” The correct answer to Sample 2 is(D),“may have seen.”PART 2Questions 1~5 refer to the following letter.

Dear Miguel,

1. I'm writing this letter to you _____ I really want you to hear how strongly I believe you have the ability to go far in life, and that I believe staying in school and doing well will help you get there.(A)however(B)even if(C)because(D)though

2. I'm concerned _____ I understand that you told your mother that you“wanted to be like” your older brother and leave school. You and I both know that, when you put your mind to it, school work is pretty easy for you. However, for some reason, you often decide you just don't want to do it.(A)that(B)what(C)about which(D)since

3._____ from high school is going to open a lot of doors for you in life—for work and for further schooling or training. I hope you make a decision to finish this school year strong(A)Graduating(B)Being graduate(C)Graduated(D)You graduated

4. and _____ next year with a positive attitude. You are very smart—as your essays and“make-and-breaks”have shown. It would be sad—both for you and for others in your life(including me!)—if you chose(A)approach(B)approve(C)appreciate(D)appetite

5. _____ all the“smarts” that you do have.(A)to use(B)not to use(C)using(D)not using


Mr. FerlazzoQuestions 6~9 are about the following announcement.

6. If you are absent from school, it is your responsibility _____ returning(A)once(B)upon(C)in case(D)as long as

7. to school to check with each classroom teacher to see _____.(A)what assignments were missed(B)what assignments missed(C)that assignments were missed(D)that assignments missed

8. Students _____ one day for every day absent to turn in absent work. A better way to get assignments from absences is to call the school office before 10:30 the day(A)will give(B)will be given(C)should have given(D)have given

9. you miss and request the work. You can ____ ask for it to be sent home with a sibling or neighbor, or you can ask your parents to pick it up in the office before 3:30.(A)also(B)as well(C)too(D)eitherQuestions 10~13 are about the following announcement.

Want to hit the slopes this winter? Come join the ski club, it's open to all grade 6~9 students.

10. This season we have 5 trips to Snow Valley Ski Hill _____, all in February. The package includes transportation on a school bus to and from, a lesson, lift pass and rental equipment. Helmets are required for everyone on the hill.(A)booking(B)to book(C)booked(D)book

11. You will be instructed by _____ instructors, and grouped according to your skiing/snowboarding abilities.(A)certify(B)certifying(C)to certify(D)certified

12. For your safety, you will only be given access to lifts and runs _____ your instructor determines you are capable of skiing/boarding safely. The terrain park areas are off limits. If you are interested in joining the ski club,(A)who(B)when(C)that(D)what

13. please return the form _____ payment to Mrs. Larsen.(A)as well(B)without(C)out of(D)along withQuestions 14~17 refer to the following part of a short story.

14. We went on a long road trip with our thirteen-year-old autistic son, _____ is very obviously developmentally(A)who(B)that(C)which(D)what

15. disabled. Our son is _____ child. When we went into a fast food restaurant, a person came from around(A)a so sweet(B)so a sweet(C)a such sweet(D)such a sweet

16. the counter and said to my husband that he _____ special needs kids, and asked to say hi to our son. My husband said yes, and he came around and high-fived him and said“Hey, Buddy!” and started chatting at him.(A)worked with(B)did with(C)dealt with(D)coped with

17. Our son didn't talk much fast.“Hi,”_____ he grinned at that man so hard; it was like pure sunshine. I never met a kinder soul in my life.(A)or(B)and(C)so(D)butQuestions 18~25 refer to the following notice.

18. Build and paint a wooden toy, _____ design and build a mixed(A)also(B)but(C)or(D)and

19. material wooden shelf. _____, there will be an introduction to(A)In conclusion(B)As well(C)However(D)Therefore

20. solar power with a project _____ on solar panels. In preparation for building, you will learn about shop safety, drafting(reading, creating, and(A)basing(B)base(C)based(D)is based

21. following plans), _____, and complete a project(A)how use different tools(B)how to use different tools(C)use how different tools(D)using how different tools

22. within a team. You’ll use power tools _____ drill press and(A)for example(B)such as(C)for instant(D)except for

23. band saw _____ your projects.(A)complete(B)completing(C)completed(D)to complete

24. You will work _____, and as part of a team.(A)personally(B)together(C)individually(D)separately

25. All projects are taken home _____.(A)when complete and mark(B)when completing and marking(C)when to complete and to mark(D)when they are completed and markedQuestions 26~33 refer to the following magazine article.

26. Sometimes I really do impress myself with my ability _____ by life.(A)to be amazed(B)amazing(C)to amaze(D)amaze

27. It seems _____ some things have never happened to me or I am an alien from some other distant planet. “Human beings” surprise me, make me cry, make me laugh and make me happy.(A)love(B)like(C)prefer(D)enjoy

28. That Saturday morning, my“alien being” went out the house _____ deserted paths, beautiful trees, the smell of grass, the sounds of the sleepy city and something that would make me smile.(A)in desperate searched of(B)in desperate searching of(C)in desperate search of(D)in desperate to search of

29. Autumn was already in the air and I _____ about how cruel the world(A)am thinking(B)have thought(C)was thinking(D)had thought

30. was and how impossible it was to be happy in it. It is not _____ I was broken hearted by the thought that my patience has come to its end. I looked at the blue sky and sat at a bench. I was sitting there and thinking about how I want to(A)which(B)who(C)how(D)that

31. be another person. _____, I realized that my main problem was that I felt that I could not overcome all the“love” obstacles that life made me face. I recalled everything I had read in books about love(A)First of all(B)However(C)Eventually(D)Nevertheless

32. ____ everything that I had experienced myself. In the books everything seemed to be smoother and easier. My main thought was“how people can possibly spend their whole life together?” A small rain started(A)with(B)as well as(C)as well(D)also

33. and made me feel _____ more stupid: alone in the park, early in the morning, without anyone to be here with me and ready to push away the relationship that was very dear believing that I do not have strength to overcome the obstacles.(A)very(B)many(C)even(D)tooQuestions 34~42 refer to the following essay.

34. In this part of my paper I want to _____ your attention to some surprising facts that pertain to the Chinese language. The research shows that the Chinese language has a relatively uncomplicated grammar.(A)pay(B)use(C)notice(D)draw

35. _____ French, German or English, Chinese has no verb conjugation(in other words tense inflection). Also, this language has no noun declension, including gender and number distinctions.(A)Instead of





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