
发布时间:2020-07-31 08:27:04













Preface 序言

日常篇 概览

Section 1 Eating 吃

Part 1 日常食物

1 水果

2 蔬菜

3 肉类

4 海鲜

5 鱼/鱼肉

6 米饭

7 馅饼

8 面条

9 饺子

10 包子

11 粥

12 面包

13 蛋糕

14 比萨饼

15 汤

16 套餐

17 晚饭

Part 2 各种零食

1 花生

2 瓜子

3 巧克力

4 饼干

5 薯片

6 口香糖

7 牛肉干

8 布丁

9 酸奶

10 香烟

Part 3 冰品饮料

1 冰块

2 冰棒

3 冰激凌

4 咖啡

5 酒

6 茶

7 可乐

8 果汁

9 牛奶

10 矿泉水

Part 4 餐馆

1 餐桌

2 服务员

3 饭菜

4 账单

5 小费

6 发票

Section 2 Dressing 穿

Part 1 衣物

1 衣服

2 T恤衫

3 衬衫

4 毛衣

5 裤子

6 裙子

7 袜子

8 内衣

9 胸罩

10 衣领

11 袖子

12 裤腿

13 口袋

14 拉链

15 扣子

16 衣架

17 干洗店

Part 2 鞋子

1 鞋

2 高跟鞋

3 鞋带

4 鞋跟

5 鞋底

6 脚印

7 鞋油

Part 3 衣物配件

1 帽子

2 围巾

3 手套

4 腰带

5 领带

6 钱包

7 包

8 雨伞

Part 4 挑选衣饰

1 颜色

2 款式

3 号/尺寸

4 质地

5 价格

6 折扣

Section 3 Housing 住

Part 1 房屋房间

1 房子

2 房间

3 墙壁

4 地板

5 门

6 门铃

7 窗户

8 楼梯

9 电梯

10 自动扶梯

11 房租

Part 2 床上用品

1 床

2 枕头

3 被子

4 床垫

Part 3 家具摆设

1 沙发

2 书桌

3 抽屉

4 餐桌

5 桌布

6 餐椅

7 衣柜

8 书柜

9 地毯

10 窗帘

Part 4 宾馆

1 宾馆

2 预订

3 前台

4 行李

5 钥匙

6 服务

7 卫生间


下面笔者就这套书的特色之处为各位读者做一下说明:1. 话题经典全面

本书内容精练全面,16大领域,近60个板块,收录了小到“水果”、大到“飞机”简单如“桌椅”、复杂如“计算机”的513个精选经典话题,每一个单词、每一个短语、每一组对话,都可以现学现用。学完这套书,您不仅会“有话可说”,而且还能“想说就说”!2. 目录清晰易查

本书特别为读者设置了二级目录——“章”目录和“节”目录,使用这套目录15秒钟就可定位您想要的单词、短语和情景对话,随时都能查到说不出口的“那一句”!3. 体例高效科学

本书的栏目设置非常合理,且由浅入深,层层递进,包括“话题单词”“单数部落”“复数部落”“会话急救包”“分类词汇包”。学完“单词”就会“说短语”,继而马上进行“对话交流”,非常高效科学。4. 梯形口语训练方式

本书精选了生活中最常用的“高频词汇”,并由这些词汇引申到多个“惯用短语”,而且为每个短语都量身打造了完美的“场景会话”,让您的学习过程层层递进,不断攀升!5. 精巧、便携、时尚

本书采用了时下流行的精巧设计,相当于手掌大小,既是名副其实的“掌中宝”,十分轻巧便携,也是英语学习者的首选随身教材。6. 适用面极广


愿新一批英语学习同道者受益于“昂秀”的努力!日常篇概览Part 1 日常食物1 水果fruit /fruːt/单数部落 一种水果 a kind of fruit

一篮水果 a basket of fruit

一箱水果 a box of fruit

一袋水果 a bag of fruit复数部落 两种水果 two kinds of fruit

两篮水果 two baskets of fruit

两箱水果 two boxes of fruit

两袋水果 two bags of fruitbasket /ˈbɑːskɪt/ n. 篮子会话急救包挑选新鲜的水果 choose fresh fruit

A:I want to choose some fresh fruit.


B:Let me help you.

让我来帮您挑选吧。choose /tʃuːz/ v. 挑选,选择(其过去式为chose /tʃəʊz/,过去分词为chosen /ˈtʃəʊzn/)fresh /freʃ/ adj. 新鲜的称水果 weigh fruit

A:Weigh the fruit for me, please.


B:OK, wait a minute.

好的,稍等。weigh /weɪ/ v. 称重量;重洗水果 wash fruit

A:Can I be of any help?


B:Yes. Could you please wash the fruit?

能。请你把水果洗一下,好吗?◆ be of help 有帮助剥/削果皮 pare/peel fruit

A:What can I do next?


B:Help me pare the fruit with a knife.

帮我用刀把果皮削了吧。pare /peə(r)/ v. 削去,剥去peel /piːl/ v. 剥皮,削皮,剥去,剥除把水果切开 cut fruit

A:Honey, could you cut the fruit into four segments?


B:OK. Hand me the fruit knife.

好的。把水果刀递给我。segment /ˈseɡmənt/ n. 瓣;部分;段;片 v. 把……切成瓣;把……分成几部分把水果放入榨汁机里 put fruit in the juicer

A:The fresh fruit juice is delicious! Can you tell me how to make it?


B:OK. Very simple. First you put the fruit in the juicer, then you turn on the juicer. A few minutes later, you can enjoy your fresh fruit juice.

好的。非常简单。首先你把水果放入榨汁机里,然后启动榨汁机。几分钟后,你就可以享用你的新鲜果汁了。juicer /ˈdʒuːsə(r)/ n. 榨汁机,果汁机delicious /dɪˈlɪʃəs/ adj. 好吃的,美味的从国外进口水果 import fruit from abroad

A:This kind of fruit is so expensive!


B:Yes, because it's imported from abroad.

是啊,因为它是从国外进口的。import /ɪmˈpɔːt/ v. 进口 n. 进口;进口货(作名词时读作/ˈɪmpɔːt/)■ 和 import“进口”相对应的是 export /ɪkˈspɔːt/“出口”。分类词汇包1apple /ˈæpl/ 苹果pear /peə(r)/ 梨peach /piːtʃ/ 桃nectarine /ˈnektəriːn/ 油桃plum /plʌm/ 李子apricot /ˈeɪprɪkɒt/ 杏grape /ɡreɪp/ 葡萄melon /ˈmelən/ 甜瓜watermelon /ˈwɔːtəmelən/ 西瓜papaya /pəˈpaɪə/ 木瓜cantaloupe /ˈkæntəluːp/ 哈密瓜persimmon /pəˈsɪmən/ 柿子pomegranate /ˈpɒmɪɡrænɪt/ 石榴mulberry /ˈmʌlbəri/ 桑葚kiwi /ˈkiːwiː/ fruit 猕猴桃haw /hɔː/ 山楂strawberry /ˈstrɔːbəri/ 草莓cherry /ˈtʃeri/ 樱桃2orange /ˈɔrindʒ/ 橙子tangerine /ˌtændʒəˈriːn/ 橘子kumquat /ˈkʌmkwɒt/ 金橘lime /laɪm/ 酸橙(绿色)lemon /ˈlemən/ 柠檬 (黄色)pomelo /ˈpɒmələʊ/ 柚子grapefruit /ˈɡreɪpfruːt/ 西柚pineapple /ˈpaɪnæpl/ 菠萝mango /ˈmæŋɡəʊ/ 杧果banana /bəˈnɑːnə/ 香蕉lychee/litchi /ˌlaɪˈtʃiː; ˈlaɪtʃiː/ 荔枝loquat /ˈləʊkwɒt/ 枇杷longan /ˈlɒŋg(ə)n/ 龙眼red bayberry /ˈbeɪberɪ/ 杨梅olive /ˈɒlɪv/ 橄榄blueberry /ˈbluːbəri/ 蓝莓starfruit /ˈstɑːfruːt/ 杨桃coconut /ˈkəʊkənʌt/ 椰子Chinese date /deɪt/ 枣durian /ˈdʊəriən/ 榴梿2 蔬菜vegetable /ˈvedʒtəbl/单数部落 一捆蔬菜 a bundle of vegetables

一堆蔬菜 a pile of vegetables

一磅蔬菜 a pound of vegetables

一篮蔬菜 a basket of vegetables复数部落 两捆蔬菜 two bundles of vegetables

两堆蔬菜 two piles of vegetables

两磅蔬菜 two pounds of vegetables

两篮蔬菜 two baskets of vegetablesbundle /ˈbʌndl/ n. 捆pile /paɪl/ n. 堆pound /paʊnd/ n. 磅会话急救包把烂菜叶择掉 pick dead leaves off vegetables

A:Why are there no leaves left on the vegetables?


B:You asked me to pick dead leaves off the vegetables, and I did it.

你让我把烂菜叶择掉,我就择掉了。leaf /liːf/ n. 叶子(其复数形式为leaves)◆ pick A off B 把A从B上择(zhái)掉洗菜 wash vegetables

A:Now you understand why it always takes me so long to wash vegetables.


B:Yeah, I never thought that they could be so dirty.

是呀,我从没想过它们会这么脏。understand /ˌʌndəˈstænd/ v. 懂;了解浸泡蔬菜 soak vegetables

A:Soak the vegetables for a while. It helps to remove the pesticide residue.


B:Will it work?

这么做有用吗?soak /səʊk/ v. 浸,泡;吸入remove /rɪˈmuːv/ v. 去掉;清除pesticide /ˈpestɪsaɪd/ n. 农药;杀虫剂residue /ˈrezɪdjuː/ n. 残留物,残余切菜 cut vegetables

A:Honey, watch your fingers while cutting the vegetables.


B:Ease your mind. I can do it.

放心吧。我能做好。finger /ˈfɪŋgə/ n. 手指ease /iːz/ v. 放松;减轻蘸酱吃蔬菜 eat vegetables with dip

A:This vegetable dip tastes delicious.


B:I often eat vegetables with dip.

我经常蘸酱吃蔬菜。dip /dɪp/ n. 调味酱料taste /teɪst/ v. 尝起来,品尝 n. 味道生吃蔬菜 eat raw vegetables

A:I heard that eating raw vegetables is good for health.


B:I heard the same thing.

这样的事我也听说过。raw /rɔː/ adj. 生的health /helθ/ n. 健康◆ be good for… 对……有好处分类词汇包1cucumber /ˈkjuːkʌmbə(r)/ 黄瓜tomato /təˈmɑːtəʊ/ 番茄,西红柿eggplant /ˈeɡplɑːnt/ 茄子turnip /ˈtɜːnɪp/ 萝卜carrot /ˈkærət/ 胡萝卜cabbage /ˈkæbɪdʒ/ 卷心菜Chinese cabbage 白菜,大白菜spinach /ˈspɪnɪtʃ; ˈspɪnɪdʒ/ 菠菜leek /liːk/ 韭菜celery /ˈseləri/ 芹菜coriander /ˌkɒriˈændə(r)/ /cilantro /sɪˈlæntrəʊ/ 香菜cauliflower /ˈkɒliflaʊə(r)/ 菜花broccoli /ˈbrɒkəli/ 西兰花lettuce /ˈletɪs/ 生菜asparagus /əˈspærəɡəs/ 芦笋2zucchini /zuˈkiːni/ 西葫芦balsam /ˈbɔːlsəm/ pear 苦瓜pumpkin /ˈpʌmpkɪn/ 南瓜potato /pəˈteɪtəʊ/ 马铃薯,土豆sweet potato 红薯yam /jæm/ 山药,洋芋beetroot /ˈbiːtruːt/ 甜菜根mushroom /ˈmʌʃrʊm/ 蘑菇French bean(英)/string bean(美)/green bean (美)菜豆;四季豆pea /piː/ 豌豆bean sprout /spraʊt/ 豆芽onion /ˈʌnjən/ 洋葱spring onion(英)/green onion(美)/ scallion(美)/ˈskæliən/ 大葱garlic /ˈɡɑːlɪk/ 大蒜ginger /ˈdʒɪndʒə(r)/ 姜,生姜bell pepper (美)柿子椒,灯笼椒chili /ˈtʃɪli/ 红辣椒3 肉类meat /miːt/单数部落 一片肉 a slice of meat

一碗肉 a bowl of meat

一串肉 a skewer of meat

一千克肉 a kilo of meat复数部落 两片肉 two slices of meat

两碗肉 two bowls of meat

两串肉 two skewers of meat

两千克肉 two kilos of meatslice /slaɪs/ n. 薄片;一份 v. 切片;削bowl /bəʊl/ n. 碗skewer /ˈskjuːə(r)/ n.(烤肉等时用的)扦子kilo /ˈkiːləʊ/ n. 公斤,千克(也可写成 kilogram)会话急救包买肉 buy meat

A:I heard that the price of meat had gone up again.


B:Really? I'm planning on buying some meat for a barbeque.

真的吗?我正打算买些肉做烧烤呢。barbeque /ˈbɑ:bɪkju:/ n. 烧烤 v. 烤肉,用调料烤肉(也可写作barbecue,缩写为BBQ)◆ go up 上升;增长◆ plan on doing sth 计划/打算做某事卖肉 sell meat

A:What does he do for a living?


B:He sells meat in a supermarket.

他在一家超市里卖肉。sell /sel/ v. 卖,销售(其过去式和过去分词均为sold)从(冰箱的)冷冻室里拿肉 take meat out of the freezer

A:Could you help me take some meat out of the freezer?


B:Yes, of course.

行,当然可以。freezer /ˈfri:zə(r)/ n. (冰箱的)冷冻室,冰柜◆ take out 拿出,取出◆ help sb do sth 帮助某人做某事■ freezer 只是“冰箱”的一部分,“冰箱”的全称是refrigerator,其简写形式是 fridge。用微波炉给肉解冻 defrost meat in the microwave oven

A:I need this meat for supper tonight but I forgot to take it out from the freezer earlier.


B:That's OK. We can defrost the meat in the microwave oven.

没关系。我们可以用微波炉给肉解冻。defrost /ˌdiːˈfrɒst/ v. 解冻;除霜microwave /ˈmaɪkrəweɪv/ n. 微波炉;微波 v. 用微波炉烹调(或加热)oven /ˈʌvn/ n. 烤箱,烤炉把肉切成片 slice meat

A:How can I help you, honey?


B:Slice the meat over there.

把那边的肉切成片吧。honey /ˈhʌni/ n.(亲爱的)宝贝;蜂蜜;蜜色;甜美把肉切成丝 shred meat

A:What is this food processor for?


B:It can shred the meat.

它能把肉切成丝。processor /ˈprəʊsesə(r)/ n. 处理机,处理器;加工业者shred /ʃred/ v. 把……切成丝;撕碎 n. 细条;碎片;破片■ 如果想表达“把肉切成丁”,可以说 dice meat,其中dice /daɪs/ 是“把……切成丁”的意思。炒肉丝 stir-fry shredded meat

A:I want to learn how to stir-fry shredded meat.


B:Maybe I can teach you.

或许我可以教教你。stir-fry /ˈstɜː fraɪ/ v. 翻炒,用旺火炒,用旺火煸teach /tiːtʃ/ v. 教授,讲授(其过去式和过去分词均为taught)烤肉 grill meat

A:What are you going to do next?


B:I'm going to grill some meat.

我要烤些肉。grill /ɡrɪl/ v. (在烤架、烤炉上)烧烤,烤 n. 烤肉;烤架炖肉 stew meat

A:Do you know how to stew meat?


B:Yes, meat can be stewed in many ways. Today I will stew some with lotus root.

知道啊,肉有多种炖法。今天我用藕来炖肉。stew /stjuː/ v. 炖,焖 n. 炖肉,炖菜lotus /ˈləʊtəs/ n. 莲,莲花■ lotus root 藕,莲藕爱吃肥肉 like eating fatty meat

A:The doctor advised you to stay away from fatty food.


B:But I really like eating fatty meat.

可是我真的很爱吃肥肉。advise /ədˈvaɪz/ v. 建议,劝告;警告fatty /ˈfæti/ adj. 肥的,含脂肪多的◆ stay away from… 远离……,不接近……只吃瘦肉 only eat lean meat

A:They only eat lean meat.


B:Lean meat is certainly healthier.

瘦肉当然更健康。lean /liːn/ adj. 瘦的◆ lean meat 瘦肉(其反义词“肥肉”是 fat 或 fatty meat)分类词汇包1pork /pɔːk/ 猪肉beef /biːf/ 牛肉mutton /ˈmʌtn/ 羊肉lamb /læm/ 羊羔肉chicken /ˈtʃɪkɪn/ 鸡肉turkey /ˈtɜːki/ 火鸡肉duck /dʌk/ 鸭肉goose /ɡuːs/ 鹅肉rabbit /ˈræbɪt/ 兔肉steak /steɪk/ 牛排bacon /ˈbeɪkən/ 腌肉,熏肉fatty meat/fat 肥肉lean meat 瘦肉2rib /rɪb/ 肋排,肋骨spare /speə(r)/ ribs (猪)排骨,带肉肋骨chop /tʃɒp/ (猪、羊等的)排骨lamb chop 小羊排sausage /ˈsɒsɪdʒ/ 香肠,腊肠offal /ˈɒf l/ (猪、牛、羊等被屠宰后的)下水,动物内脏wing /wɪŋ/ 翅膀leg /leɡ/ 腿tongue /tʌŋ/ 舌头liver /ˈlɪvə(r)/ 肝heart /hɑːt/ 心kidney /ˈkɪdni/ 腰子4 海鲜seafood /ˈsiːfuːd/单数部落 一种海鲜 a kind of seafood

一筐海鲜 a crate of seafood复数部落 两种海鲜 two kinds of seafood

两筐海鲜 two crates of seafoodcrate /kreɪt/ n. 筐;箱会话急救包喜欢吃海鲜 love seafood

A:I love seafood.


B:Me too. But I don't like to eat raw seafood.

我也是。不过我不喜欢生吃海鲜。■ Me too. 用来表示赞同对方的观点,意为“我也是”。对海鲜过敏 be allergic to seafood

A:Why don't you eat the seafood? It tastes good.


B:I'm allergic to seafood.

我对海鲜过敏。allergic /əˈlɜːdʒɪk/ adj. 过敏的taste /teɪst/ v. 品尝;体验 n. 味道;品味◆ be allergic to sth 对某物过敏用姜去除海鲜的腥味 use ginger to cover the fishy taste of seafood

A:This seafood is too fishy.


B:You can use ginger to cover the fishy taste of the seafood.

你可以用姜去除海鲜的腥味。ginger /ˈdʒɪndʒə(r)/ n. 姜,生姜fishy /ˈfɪʃi/ adj. 鱼腥味的,腥臭的■ cover 在这里是“遮盖,盖过”的意思。把海鲜放进(冰箱的)冷冻室 put seafood in the freezer

A:The weather is so hot that the seafood will go bad soon.


B:You can put the seafood in the freezer.

你可以把海鲜放进(冰箱的)冷冻室冷冻起来。◆ go bad 食物变质;开始腐坏解冻海鲜 defrost seafood

A:Lisa, I feel like eating some seafood tonight, especially your specially made steamed crabs.


B:OK. You defrost the seafood first, and I'll cook you some soon.

好的。你先解冻海鲜,我一会儿给你做点儿。especially /ɪˈspeʃəli/ adv. 尤其;特别,格外specially /ˈspeʃəli/ adv. 特别地;专门地steam /stiːm/ v. 蒸;冒水汽crab /kræb/ n. 螃蟹分类词汇包hair tail/belt fish 带鱼cod /kɒd/ 鳕鱼salmon /ˈsæmən/ 鲑鱼,大马哈鱼sardine /ˌsɑːˈdiːn/ 沙丁鱼tuna /ˈtjuːnə/ 金枪鱼squid /skwɪd/ 鱿鱼octopus /ˈɒktəpəs/ 章鱼cuttlefish /ˈkʌtlfɪʃ/ 墨鱼,乌贼crab /kræb/ 螃蟹clam /klæm/ 蛤蜊oyster /ˈɔɪstə(r)/ 牡蛎,蚝mussel /ˈmʌsl/ 贻贝,蚌类scallop /ˈskɒləp/ 扇贝,干贝sea cucumber /ˈkjuːkʌmbə(r)/ 海参lobster /ˈlɒbstə(r)/ 龙虾prawn /prɔːn/ /shrimp /ʃrɪmp/ 小虾,对虾halibut /ˈhælɪbət/ 大比目鱼5 鱼/鱼肉fish /fɪʃ/单数部落 一条鱼 a fish

一片鱼肉 a slice of fish

一块鱼肉 a piece of fish复数部落 两条鱼 two fish

两片鱼肉 two slices of fish

两块鱼肉 two pieces of fish

■ 注:fish作为“鱼”讲时可数,单复数同形;作为“鱼肉”讲时不可数。另外,fish也可作动词用,意为“(用鱼钩、鱼网等)捕鱼、寻找”。会话急救包刮掉鱼鳞 scale fish

A:Please scale this fish for me.


B:Sure, but please wait a minute.

好的,不过请稍等一下。scale /skeɪl/ v. 刮掉鱼鳞;攀登取出鱼的内脏 gut fish

A:Thank you for gutting the fish for me.


B:My pleasure.

不客气。gut /ɡʌt/ v. 取出内脏 n. 内脏◆ thank sb for doing sth 感谢某人做了某事■ My pleasure. 是一种礼貌性的答语,用于回答别人的致谢。可译为“不客气,我愿意”。把鱼清理干净 dress fish

A:Peter, you dress the fish. I'll go buy a sack of salt.


B:OK. And bring me a packet of cigarettes, please.

好的。请给我带一盒香烟吧。dress /dres/ v. 为烹调或食用准备(食物);清理sack /sæk/ n. 一袋之量;口袋煎鱼 fry fish

A:What shall we have for lunch, honey?


B:How about we frying some fish?

我们煎些鱼怎么样?fry /fraɪ/ v. 油煎,油炸■ How about… 多用于向某人提建议,意为“……怎么样?”做红烧鱼 braise fish in brown sauce

A:Do you know how to braise fish in brown sauce?


B:No, I don't. I'm not interested in cooking.

不,我不知道。我对烹饪不感兴趣。braise /breɪz/ v. 炖;蒸;焖;煨sauce /sɔːs/ n. 酱油;酱;沙司◆ be (not) interested in… 对……(不)感兴趣分类词汇包carp /kɑːp/ 鲤鱼silver carp 白鲢,银鲤eel /iːl/ 鳗鱼,鳝鱼crayfish /ˈkreɪfɪʃ/ (淡水的)小龙虾perch /pɜːtʃ/ 河鲈6 米饭rice /raɪs/单数部落 一粒米饭 a grain of rice

一勺米饭 a scoop of rice

一碗米饭 a bowl of rice

一锅米饭 a pot of rice复数部落 两粒米饭 two grains of rice

两勺米饭 two scoops of rice

两碗米饭 two bowls of rice

两锅米饭 two pots of ricegrain /ɡreɪn/ n. (指粮食、沙子等的)粒scoop /skuːp/ n. (用来盛食物的)勺pot /pɒt/ n. (圆形较深的)锅会话急救包用杯子量米 measure rice with a cup

A:How much rice should I cook?


B:You can measure it with a cup. Three cups of it would be fine.

你可以用杯子量米。三杯米就可以了。measure /ˈmeʒə(r)/ v. 量,测量■ 在西方人的厨房里常备有measuring cup(量杯),在特定语境下简称为cup。炒米饭 stir-fry rice

A:What do you want to eat for breakfast?


B:Hmm, do you know how to stir-fry rice?

嗯,你会炒米饭吗?stir-fry /ˈstɜː fraɪ/ v. 翻炒煮米饭 cook rice

A:How much water should I pour into the pot when I cook rice?


B:It depends on the amount of rice.

那要看有多少米了。cook /kʊk/ v. 煮,烹调 n. 厨师pour /pɔː(r)/ v. 灌,倒,注;倾泻amount /əˈmaʊnt/ n. 数量◆ depend on 取决于,由……而定用电饭煲煮米饭 cook rice with a rice cooker

A:How long does it take to cook rice with a rice cooker?


B:It takes about 30 minutes.

大约需要30分钟。cooker /ˈkʊkə(r)/ n. 炊具,厨灶◆ rice cooker 电饭煲盛半碗米饭 fill the bowl half full with rice

A:Let me fill your bowl with rice.


B:Thanks. Just fill the bowl half full with rice.

谢谢。盛半碗米饭就行。fill /fɪl/ v. 装满;填充◆ fill A with B 用B装满A吃米饭 eat rice

A:I don't eat noodles.


B:Oh, sorry. I forgot you only eat rice.

哦,对不起。我忘了你只吃米饭的。noodle /ˈnuːdl/ n. 面条(常用复数)forget /fəˈɡet/ v. 忘记(其过去式为forgot,过去分词为forgot 或 forgotten)7 馅饼pancake /ˈpænkeɪk/单数部落 一个馅饼 a pancake

一块馅饼 a piece of pancake

一摞馅饼 a stack of pancakes复数部落 两个馅饼 two pancakes

两块馅饼 two pieces of pancakes

两摞馅饼 two stacks of pancakesstack /stæk/ n. (堆放整齐的)一摞;一堆■ 注:pancake通常是以蔬菜或肉为馅(或只加糖、盐等)的面饼,烙制而成。pancake 不同于 pie。西方的pie 也翻译作“馅饼;派”,它通常是将水果、蔬菜或肉包于面团之中,烘烤而成。会话急救包擀馅饼皮 roll pancake crusts

A:Could you help me roll the pancake crusts?


B:I'd love to, but I don't know how to roll them.

我很愿意(帮忙),但是我不会擀。roll /rəʊl/ v. 擀;(使)滚动;卷crust /krʌst/ n. 馅饼皮;面包皮■ I'd love to. 是 I would love to.的缩写形式。would love to 意为“很愿意”。拌馅饼馅儿 mix pancake filling

A:Can I help you?


B:Yes. Help me mix the pancake filling.

能。帮我拌一下馅饼馅儿吧。mix /mɪks/ v. 搅拌;使混合filling /ˈfɪlɪŋ/ n. (饼,包子等的)馅;填补物烙馅饼 pan-fry/make pancakes

A:What are you going to do with the flour?


B:I'm going to make some pancakes tonight.

今晚我想烙些馅饼。pan-fry /ˈpænfraɪ/ v. 用平底锅(以少量油)煎,炒flour /ˈflaʊə(r)/ n. 面粉 v. 在……上撒面粉◆ be going to do sth 将要做某事■ tonight 相当于 this evening,意为“今晚”。吃馅饼 eat pancakes

A:Is there anyone who wants more pancakes?/Does anyone want more pancakes?


B:Please give me some.

请给我来几个。■ some表示“一些;有些”,可代替名词,常用在肯定句中作主语、宾语等。some也可作定语修饰名词,与物质名词(如water等)连用时,表示未知或未指明的总额或分量;与抽象名词(如 respect等)连用时,表示某种程度;与可数名词的复数形式(如 birds等)连用时,表示某一数目(三个或三个以上)。买馅饼 buy pancakes

A:What will you have for lunch?


B:Pancakes. I bought some on my way to the of fice this morning.

馅饼。今天早上在来公司的路上我买了些馅饼。buy /baɪ/ v. 购买,采购;换取(其过去式和过去分词均为bought /bɔːt/)office /ˈɒfɪs/ n. 公司;办公室;事务所;部8 面条noodle /ˈnuːdl/单数部落 一捆面条 a bundle of noodles

一碗面条 a bowl of noodles复数部落 两捆面条 two bundles of noodles

两碗面条 two bowls of noodles会话急救包煮面条 cook noodles

A:I know that you like eating noodles. Do you want to learn how to cook them?


B:Yes, I would love to.

想,我想学。■ I would love to 常可简写为 I'd love to。吃面条 eat noodles

A:I can't eat noodles with a fork.


B:Neither can I.

我也不会。fork /fɔːk/ n. 叉子neither /ˈnaɪðə(r); ˈniːðə(r)/ adv. & conj. 也不,两者皆不■ neither can/do/did I. 用于表示对方所说的某事物同样适用于自己,可译为“我也不……”。它的用法同So do/did I. 相同,但不同的是它表示对肯定观点的赞同。用筷子夹面条 pick up noodles with chopsticks

A:I find picking up noodles with chopsticks is as dif ficult as speaking French.


B:Come on. It's not that dif ficult. Let me show you.

来吧,没那么难。让我做给你看。chopsticks /ˈtʃɒpstɪks/ n. 筷子French /frentʃ/ n. 法语;法国人 adj. 法国人的;法国式的;法语的◆ pick up 夹起;拿起;拾起◆ as…as 像……一样■ come on 在这里表示鼓励某人做某事,可译为“来吧,加油,别气馁”。大口吞面条 gulp down noodles

A:Don't gulp down the noodles like a kid.


B:I'm just too hungry.

我只是太饿了。gulp /gʌlp/ v. 快速、贪婪地吞咽,(大口)吞咽,咽hungry /ˈhʌŋɡri/ adj. 饥饿的,感到饿的;渴望得到的在面条里放入…… put…in noodles

A:I'm wondering what you've put in the noodles.


B:Oh, it's soy bean paste.

哦,这是炸酱。wonder /ˈwʌndə(r)/ v. 想知道;感到好奇paste /peɪst/ n. (糊状的)酱■ soy bean paste 意为“炸酱;炸豆酱”。“北京炸酱面”译作 Noodles with Soy Bean Paste, Beijng Style。9 饺子dumpling /dumpling/单数部落 一个饺子 a dumpling

一盘饺子 a plate of dumplings复数部落 两个饺子 two dumplings

两盘饺子 two plates of dumplings

■ 注:近年来,随着中国逐渐迈向世界舞台,中国的特色饮食与文化亦越来越为更多的世界人民所肯定。会话急救包去饺子馆 go to a dumplings restaurant

A:Let's go to a dumplings restaurant.


B:OK, that's a great idea. I love dumplings.

好啊,这个主意不错。我喜欢吃饺子。restaurant /ˈrestrɒnt/ n. 餐馆,饭店包饺子 make dumplings

A:What will you have for dinner?


B:We are planning to make some dumplings.

我们正打算包饺子吃。◆ plan to do sth 计划/打算做某事喜欢吃水饺 like boiled dumplings

A:Which do you prefer, boiled dumplings or steamed dumplings?


B:I like boiled dumplings.

我喜欢吃水饺。boiled /bɔild/ adj. 水煮的,煮过的◆ steamed dumpling 蒸饺■ Which would you prefer, A or B?这是一个由 or 构成的选择疑问句,不能直接用yes/no来回答,可用A或B作简略答语。擀饺子皮 roll dumpling wrappers

A:These dumpling wrappers are still too thick.


B:I've told you I don't know how to roll dumpling wrappers.

我告诉过你我不会擀饺子皮。wrapper /ˈræpə(r)/ n. 皮;包装材料◆ dumpling wrapper 饺子皮煎饺子 fry dumplings

A:Tomorrow is Saturday. We can take a good rest in the morning, and make some savory steak in the afternoon.


B:I agree to your plan, except for that steak part. I want to fry some dumplings.

除了做牛排那部分,我赞同你的计划。我想煎些饺子。savory /ˈseivəri/ adj. 可口的,美味的,有香味的◆ take a rest 休息◆ in the morning/afternoon/evening 在上午(早上)/在下午/在晚上◆ agree to sth 同意/接受某事(计划、想法、建议等)◆ except for 除……之外,除去10 包子baozi /baozi/单数部落 一个包子 a baozi

一笼包子 a steamer of baozis复数部落 两个包子 two baozis

两笼包子 two steamers of baozissteamer /ˈstiːmə(r)/ n. 蒸笼■ 注:baozi 已逐渐取代了steamed dumpling 和 steamed stuffed bun。会话急救包做包子 make baozis

A:Are you busy now? I need your help.


B:What's up? I'm making baozis.

怎么了?我正在做包子呢。■ What's up? 常用来询问“怎么了?出什么事了?”蒸包子 steam baozis

A:Please set the steamer. I want to steam some baozis.


B:What filling?

什么馅儿的?set /set/ v. 摆放,使(人/事物)处于某状态,使(人/事物)开始做某事只吃包子馅儿 only eat the filling of baozis

A:Why do you only eat the filling of the baozi?


B:Because it's the most delicious part.

因为包子馅儿最好吃。排队买包子 queue for baozis

A:I don't get it. Why do so many people always queue for baozis in front of this restaurant?


B:This is Go Believe Baozi Shop, which has a history of more than 100 years. You'll get to know it when you are familiar with Tianjin.

这是“狗不理包子”,它有100多年的历史了。当你熟悉天津后,你就会了解它了。queue /kjuː/ v. 排队(等候) n. 行列,长列◆ queue for sth 为了某事物排队;排队干某事◆ in front of 在……前面◆ get to know 了解,知道◆ be familiar with 熟悉,了解■ “狗不理包子”原来译作 Gubuli Steamed Dumplings/Stuffed Buns,现在翻译为 Go Believe Baozi。“狗不理”老店在天津,起源于清末年间,至今已有一百多年的历史。请某人吃包子 treat someone to baozis

A:You said you like baozi. How about I treating you to baozis this time?


B:Fine, I want to eat at Qing-Feng Baozi Shop.

好啊,我想吃庆丰包子。■ Qing-Feng 即“庆丰”,庆丰包子铺是北京有名的快餐连锁店。11 粥congee /ˈkɒndʒiː/单数部落 一碗粥 a bowl of congee

一锅粥 a pot of congee复数部落 两碗粥 two bowls of congee

两锅粥 two pots of congeepot /pɒt/ n.(圆形深底的)锅■ 注:porridge 也有“粥”的意思,但它常指“燕麦粥”。会话急救包煮粥 boil congee

A:I boiled some congee for you, honey.


B:Thank you. You're so sweet.

谢谢你。你真是太好了。boil /bɔɪl/ v. 煮沸;激动■ half an hour 意为“半小时”,若要表达“一个半小时”,则用one and a half hours。喝粥 eat congee

A:Do you want to eat some breakfast before you leave?


B:Yes, I'd like to eat some congee.

是的,我想喝点儿粥。before /bɪˈfɔː(r)/ conj. & prep. 在……之前 adv. 以前leave /liːv/ v. 离开;出发(其过去式和过去分词均为 left /left/)热粥 heat congee

A:Let me heat the congee for you. It's cold.


B:No, thank you. It's fine.

不用了,谢谢你。没关系。heat /hiːt/ v. 加热等粥凉了再吃 eat congee after it cools down

A:This congee is too hot and it almost scalded my tongue.





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