
发布时间:2020-07-31 10:27:16










新题型1 句段填空在原有完形填空的基础上,不是仅仅从文中去掉几个词,而是通过去掉几句或几段话来考查考生对整个语篇阅读理解的能力,从而进一步考查考生对诸如连贯性、一致性等语段特征及文章结构的理解能力。

新题型2 段落重排序是给出一篇各自然段排列顺序完全打乱的短文,要求考生阅读后把各自然段重新排序组成一篇逻辑连贯的文章。此题型考查考生通过上下文对文章阅读理解的能力,要求考生既理解全文,又能找出各段之间的逻辑关系。

新题型3 段落配标题或标题配段落要求考生通读有关短文、标题及后面列出的各自然段落,然后将段落与给出的各标题相匹配;或先给出各自然段的标题,短文列于后,要求考生在读懂标题及后面的短文后为每一自然段选出一个最合适的标题作为答案。




































3.细读(Reading for Full Understanding)











Which of the following best reflects the main idea of the article?

Which statement best expresses the main idea of the passage?

The main(central)idea of this passage(selection,paragraph)is _______.

The theme(topic)of the passage is _______.

The author's purpose of writing this passage is _______.

What is the subject of this passage?

What does the passage mainly discuss?





Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

Choose the best title for this passage.

Choose the title that best expresses the idea of the passage.

Select the most appropriate title.

Example 1

Read the following passage and answer the question below.

When George Washington became the first President of the United States,there was no permanent capital in which to house the government.During the Revolutionary War seven different cities had served as the national capital.In addition,the members of Congress could not agree as to where this permanent capital should be located.Some officials wanted it in the North,others wanted it in the South.Each of the states hoped that the capital might be established within its own state lines.

At last it was decided that the capital should occupy a section by itself,separate from any of the states.The place chosen was situated on the Potomac River.The land then belonged to the state of Maryland,but Maryland agreed to give it to the national government.The section was named the District of Columbia,after Christopher Columbus.The city itself was named Washington,after George Washington.

Work was begun on the new capital in 1791.In the year 1800Congress occupied the new Capital Building.The White House was opened at the same time as the home of all future Presidents.

Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

A.Washington's Presidency

B.The White House

C.Establishing the National Capital

D.How to Choose a Country's Capital【选C】本文内容是:在乔治·华盛顿任美国第一任总统时美国首都的选择、命名和建设过程。选项C概括了全文,因此是正确答案。选项A是说华盛顿任总统,不是文章主要内容。选项B的内容虽在第三段提到,但并不是本文论述的主要内容,也不是写本文的目的。选项D的表达太一般化,其中没有提及美国这一具体论述范围,不能从本文内容概括出这个标题,故A、B、D三项均不正确。

Example 2

Read the following passage and answer the question below.

Automobile accidents are as familiar as the common cold but far more deadly.Yet their causes and control remain a serious problem,difficult to solve.

Experts have long recognized that this discouraging problem has multiple causes;at the very least,it is a “driver-vehicle-roadway”problem.If all drivers exercised good judgment at all times,there would be few accidents.But this is rather like saying that if all people were virtuous,there would be no crime.

Improved design has helped make highways relatively much safer.But the tide of accidents continues to rise because of “man-failure”and an enormous increase in the number of automobiles on the road.

Attention is now turning increasingly to the third member of the accident-triangle—the car itself.Assuming that accidents are bound to occur,people want to know how cars can be built better to protect the occupants.

Which of the following statements gives the main idea of the passage?

A.Virtuous people would not commit crime.

B.Automobiles have to be built better.

C.Accidents always show poor driver judgement.

D.Road accidents must be reduced.【选D】本文讲交通事故是严重的、难以解决的社会问题,分析了与交通事故有关的三个主要因素:驾驶员、车辆与道路,提出了应从这三方面来减少事故的建议。很显然,全文的目的是要减少交通事故。因此选项D“必须减少交通事故”概括了文章的主旨,是正确答案。选项A是理解错误。原文是说不可能要求所有的人品德都很高尚,因而犯罪现象不可避免;同样的道理,要指望所有的司机时刻都能做出正确判断,从而减少交通事故,这也是不可能的。选项B“改进汽车的制造”只是一项具体的建议,不能概括全文的中心思想。选项C“交通事故总是表明司机没有做出正确判断”不符合原文内容,也不能概括全文主旨,因此也不正确。

Example 3

Read the following passage and do the exercise below.

The modern world is filled with material for reading.Newspapers,magazines and books all come immediately to one's mind.There are also the advertisements in newspapers and magazines,the labels on products we buy and the signs everywhere.We learn through reading.

Good readers know how to adjust their reading strategies to the material at hand.Reading a textbook,for example,is not the same as reading a newspaper or a magazine.This chapter presents selections for general reading,the kind that often does not take place in a classroom.In it,you will learn strategies for reading popular magazines,advertisements,essays,newspapers and non-fiction books as well as instructions for consumers.

When you read for general information,you must make use of many clues that help you understand the material.For example,knowing where the selection is from or the purpose of the selection tells you something about what to look for as you read.Looking for the key words in the selection alerts you to the main theme or topic.Finding the writer's point of view also helps you to read with more understanding.

Underline the topic sentence which tells the main idea of each paragraph.





Example 4

Read the following passage quickly to determine its main idea.

Magazines have flooded the market.You find them everywhere—in the stationery,the drugstore,the beauty shop,the doctor's or dentist's office,the barbershop,railroad stations,bus terminals—wherever people seek a pleasant way to spend leisure time reading.Perhaps the greatest reason for the magazine's popularity in America is the demand for short,interesting stories and informative articles with a wealth of lively colorful illustrations.Another reason may be the exciting variety of magazines appealing to everyone's taste,whether for sports,fishing,the outdoors,romance,adventure fashion,news,westerns,mystery,movies,science,etc..

A.You can read magazines in the doctor's office.

B.Magazines are good for sportsmen.

C.Magazines are colourful and interesting.

D.Magazines are very popular.【选D】A项仅仅是文章中具体事例中的一个,不能概括整个文章的中心思想;B项也只是事实的一个方面;C项的论断与文章内容有关,但也不能体现全文的中心思想;D项与文章开头的主题句Magazines have flooded the market意思相同,既概括了全文大意,又点出了文章的中心思想,故D项是正确答案。

Example 5

Choose the best title for the passage.

In New York and other large cities,air pollution is an increasingly severe threat to human health.It can become a similar threat to plant and animal life,too.We cannot minimize the need to intensify our effort to preserve our most abundant and most valuable natural resource:pure air.

What is pure air?It is a mixture of gases and water vapor necessary for the main tenance of all higher forms of life on earth.Trees and man,orchids and fish,wild flowers and birds—in fact,just about every living thing uses one or more of the normal elements of pure air.

A.The Dangers of Air Pollution

B.The Preservation of Flowers and Fish

C.The Elements of Pure Air

D.Living Things and Pure Air【选A】选择项B包含了第一段和第二段分别出现的词汇,意思是文章内容的一部分,但并未包含文章的其他内容;C项是第二段中展开叙述的部分内容,作为概括全文的内容面太窄;D项也只能说明第二段的一部分内容,并未涉及第一段内容,不全面;选择项A才真正抓住了全文的中心,表明了作者的写作意图。A项中dangers一词和短文的第一句(主题句)中的threat一词是近义词;A项这个标题概括了文章的主题,因此,选择项A是正确答案。

Example 6

For the following paragraph,underline the sentence that contains the main idea(topic sentence).

There is a growing controversy over the use of drugs in sports.Denny Mclain,pitcher for the Detroit Tigers,claims that he needs pep pills or something to keep him going,especially when he is expected to be good at 162ball games a year.However,Dr.William Fowler,Jr.of the UCLA medical school,claims that studies show there is no increase in strength,motor performance or vital capacities(with drugs).

第一句There is a growing controversy over the use of drugs in sports 讲的是:对体育运动中使用药物的问题,目前存在着越来越多的争论。下面通过Denny Mclain和Dr.William Fowler两人截然相反的观点(用however连接)给出双方争论的具体事实,是对第一句的例证。所以第一句是主题句,概括了这段的中心思想。


Ⅰ.Choose the best subtitle for each of the following paragraphs and write the main idea of each paragraph.

Passage A

Most mothers have a good piece of advice:never go into a supermarket hungry!If you go shopping for food before lunchtime,you'll probably buy more than you plan to.Unfortunately,however,just this advice isn't enough for consumers these days.Modern shoppers need an education in how—and how not—to buy things at the grocery store.First,you should check the weekly newspaper ads.Find out the items that are on sale and decide if you really need those things.In other words,don't buy anything just because it's cheaper than usual!Next,in the market,carefully read the information on the package,and don't let words like “New and Improved!”or “All Natural”on the front of a package influence you.Instead,read the list of ingredients on the back.Third,compare prices;that is,you should examine the prices of both different brands and different sizes of the same brand.

A.Compare Prices Before Purchasing.

B.Advice for Consumers.

C.Never Go into a Supermarket Hungry.

D.Don't Be Influenced by the Attractive Ads.

The main idea:________________________________________

Passage B

Another suggestion for consumers is to buy generic items instead of famous brands.Generic items in supermarkets come in plain packages.These products are cheaper because manufacturers don't spend much money on packaging or advertising.The quality,however,is usually identical to the quality of well-known name brands.In the same way,in buying clothes,you can often find high quality and low prices in brands that are not famous.Shopping in discount clothing stores can also help you save a lot of money.Although these stores aren't very attractive,and they usually do not have individual dressing rooms,not only are the prices low,but you can often find the same famous brands that you find in high-priced department stores.

A.Discount Stores Aren't Attractive.

B.Generic Items Are Cheaper.

C.Generic Items and Brand Names.

D.Plain Packages and Low Prices.

The main idea:________________________________________

Passage C

Wise consumers read magazine advertisements and watch TV commercials,but they do this with one advantage:knowledge of the psychology behind the ads.In other words,well-informed consumers watch for information and check for misinformation.They ask themselves questions:Is the advertiser hiding something in small print at the bottom of the page?Is there any real information in the commercial or is the advertiser simply showing an attractive image?Is this product more expensive than it should be because it has a famous name?With the answers to these questions,consumers can make a wise choice.

A.Advertisers Hide Something in Ads.

B.Attractive Image and Real Information.

C.Famous Names Are More Expensive.

D.Intelligent Consumerism.

The main idea:________________________________________

Ⅱ.Read the following news,then decide which of the four choices can be the headline of each news item.

Passage A

Busmen refused to carry pupils of a London comprehensive school yesterday after an inspector had nearly lost an eye and three other busmen had been injured when schoolchildren attacked a bus crew.

The crew imposed a ban on pupils of Kingsdale School in Alleyn Park.Dulwich,where a pupil was thought to have started the incident,has been suspended.

About 18pupils turned on a conductor on Monday after he had told a youth to stop smoking on the lower deck of a bus.

A.Busmen were injured and a pupil was suspended.

B.School children attacked bus crew.

C.Bus ban on pupils after attack on crew.

D.Conductor stopped smoking.

Passage B

Heroin worth more than $1million was distributed by accident in packets of frozen prawns delivered to Chinese restaurants in Glasgow after a ship from Hong Kong docked at Newcastle.Police have recovered most of the consignment and have launched a full-scale investigation.

A.Heroin was delivered to restaurants.

B.$1million heroin haul.

C.Police investigate heroin.

D.Heroin was discovered by police.

Ⅲ.Read the following article,then choose the statement that best expresses its central idea.

Robots designed and made in Japan by Fujitsu Fanus are to be marketed by Hydro Machine Tools,of Halstead,Essex(a member of the 600Group),in the UK at prices ranging from $25,000to $60,000.

Basically,the machines are programmed pick-and-place mechanical arms and hands,and will complement the company's existing numerically controlled lathes,making it possible to produce turned components without human attention.

One of the units,Sirobot 2,has five basic movements and can move bodily up and down,rotate on its own axis,move backwards and forwards horizontally,while the picking hand is able to twist or tilt.

As a result,the robot can supply five associated metal removal machines placed around it with stock metal and remove the finished components to off-loading stations.

Introducing the new units,600Group chairman Sir Jack Wellings said that although considerable initial effort will be needed in the UK to make such systems acceptable,their ultimate use was“absolutely inevitable”and the company was determined to be at the early stages of growth.

There are probably under 100such installations in the UK at the moment,compared with an estimated 20,000to 25,000in Japan—a figure described by Sir Jack as “frightening”.

The central idea of this article is:

A.Robots are used in Japan more than in Britain.

B.A British firm is going to market robots designed and made in Japan.

C.British workers will not accept robots.

D.Robots have five basic movements.

Ⅳ.Read the following passage and select the correct answer from the four choices.

In police work,you can never predict the next crime or problem.No working day is identical to any other,so there is no“typical”day for a police officer.Some days are relatively slow,and the job is boring;other days are so busy that there is no time to eat.I think I can describe police work in one word:variety.Sometimes it's dangerous.One day,for example,I was working undercover;that is,I was on the job,but I was wearing normal clothes,not my police uniform.I was trying to catch some muggers who were stealing money from people as they walked down the street.Suddenly,seven guys jumped out at me;one of them had a knife,and we got into a fight.Another policeman arrived,and together,we arrested three of the men;but the other four ran away.Another day,I helped a pregnant woman.She was trying to get to the hospital,but there was a bad traffic jam.I put her in my police car to get her there faster.I thought she was going to have the baby right there in my car.But fortunately,the baby waited to“arrive”until we got to the hospital.

Which of the following statements cannot summarize the main idea of this passage?

A.There is no“typical”day for a police officer.

B.Police work can be described as variety.

C.Police can never predict the next crime or problem.

D.Some days are slow and boring,while other days are too busy.

Ⅴ.Read the following passage and do exercises 1,2and 3according to the directions.

1.Read the following passage and select the answer which gives its main idea.

Significant changes in the pattern of our economic life have been taking place.These changes are calculated to affect profoundly the character of our labor unions as well as other familiar features of our developing industrialism.

The changes chiefly relevant here are technological—the emergence of large-scale mass production,the substitution of power-driven machines for the craftsman's tools,the linkage of machines in series and the evolution of the continuous-process industry,the resulting displacement of craft skill,and the wide eclipse of the artisan and the craftsman by the unskilled or semi-skilled factory operative.In many,if not most industries,the very craft skill which was the basis of union membership and of bargaining advantage is in the process of extinction.

A.The craftsman's tools have been replaced by machines.

B.New industries are being developed.

C.Semi-skilled workers are no longer needed.

D.Technological advances are affecting the nature and memberships of unions.

2.Choose the best title for the following passage.

The present mainland of the United States stretches,east to west,from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.These two great bodies of water seem so clearly to be the “natural”east-west boundaries of the country that one sometimes gets the impression that the United States always existed in its present form.Yet,as we all know,this is not true.

The United States began as a narrow section of territory along the Atlantic coast.Later,with victory in the American Revolution,the boundary was extended as far west as the Mississippi River.This was the first step in the country's growth.

The second great step was the Louisiana Purchase.By this purchase,the country was suddenly doubled in size.The United States now extended well beyond the Mississippi River.The exact western limits of the new territory were not known;the treaty itself was not clear on this point.But this was not too important.The important fact was that no strong foreign power now held territory to the west of us.The young United States was able to grow in the direction of the distant Pacific.

A.The Territory of the United States.

B.The Louisiana Purchase.

C.The Growth of the United States.

D.The Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

3.Read the following paragraph and underline the topic sentence.

Because of the way prime-time television portrays them,America's elderly have a distorted image.Only 1out of every 50fictional television characters is over 65;in real life 1out of every 10persons has passed that age.Studies show that in 1,365night-time programs,older people are portrayed as stubborn,eccentric,ineffectual,sexually unattractive,and sometimes silly.Older women appear on television shows seldom and in roles with few romantic possibilities.Older men are shown as having evil powers.Because the largest group of people watching television is over 55,television could end up alienating its





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