
发布时间:2020-08-02 07:45:12










这套英汉双语版的《美国语文》精选自著名《麦加菲读本》,主编者威廉·H·麦加菲终身从事教育工作,曾担任几所大学的校长和教授。他在弗吉尼亚大学任职达28年之久,深受学生们的尊敬和爱戴。在他的教育生涯中,一直焕发出一种对生活的热情,正是这一点,使他产生了为孩子们编写读物的念头,因为当时许多垦荒者和欧洲移民的孩子缺乏优良书籍可读。于是在他一生中最有创造性的人生阶段,麦加菲开始编写系列读物,这套读本共7 册,从学龄前到小学6年级。从第1级到第6级,他前后共用了20多年时间。这套读物面世时,立即覆盖了美国很多州和地区,被当时的37个州作为教材。在一个多世纪内,这套书影响了几代美国人的心灵,销量高达1.2亿册! 美国《出版周刊》在评选“人类出版史上最畅销的10本书暠时,将其列为第三位。此后,这一系列读本不断更新改版,直到21世纪的今天,这套教材仍是西方家庭和儿童喜爱的优秀课外读物。

亚里士多德说:“幼年时形成的习惯可以改变人的一生。暠因此,对所有父母和教育者来讲,重视孩子的道德教育,为他们创造一种良好的道德环境,帮助孩子塑造做人的美德,这是我们的首要责任。没有道德的教育其效果只能是零或负面的。至于道德的标准,在不同文化与社会制度下会有不同选择,但很多准则应该是有共性的。如正直、诚实、善良、勇敢、助人、友爱、热爱自然等,这些都是一个德才兼备的人应具备的基本美德。如何将这些德行注入孩子的身心呢? 语文教育可以说很大程度上担当此任———将道德教育的目标倾注于儿童故事和文学作品中,让孩子在欣赏这些优美感人的作品的同时,从中感受到道德教育的力量。经验表明,这种潜移默化的作用影响孩子的一生。


衷心期望本书能成为国内中小学生、父母和所有教育工作者的一大福音,并伴随他们度过美好的人生阶段!策划者:神鸟(holybird@gmail.com)第一篇 亲近自然Chapter 1 Love For Nature第1课 春天来了








The alder by the river

Shakes out her powdery curls;

The willow buds in silver

For little boys and girls.

The little birds fly over,

And oh, how sweet they sing!

To tell the happy children

That once again't is Spring.

The gay green grass comes creeping

So soft beneath their feet;

The frogs begin to ripple

A music clear and sweet.

And buttercups are coming,

And scarlet columbine,

And in the sunny meadows

The dandelions shine.

And just as many daisies

As their soft hands can hold,

The little ones may gather,

All fair in white and gold.

Here blows the warm red clover,

There peeps the violet blue;

Oh, happy little children!

God made them all for you.(Celia Thaxter)第2课 夏日








This is the way the morning dawns:

Rosy tints on flowers and trees,

Winds that wake the birds and bees,

Dewdrops on the fields and lawns—

This is the way the morning dawns.

This is the way the sun comes up:

Gold on brook and glossy leaves,

Mist that melts above the sheaves,

Vine, and rose, and buttercup—

This is the way the sun comes up.

This is the way the river flows:

Here a whirl, and there a dance;

Slowly now, then, like a lance,

Swiftly to the sea it goes—

This is the way the river flows.

This is the way the rain comes down:

Tinkle, tinkle, drop by drop,

Over roof and chimney top;

Boughs that bend, and skies that frown—

This is the way the rain comes down.

This is the way the birdie sings:

“Baby birdies in the nest,

You I surely love the best;

Over you I fold my wings”—

This is the way the birdie sings.

This is the way the daylight dies:

Cows are lowing in the lane,

Fireflies wink on hill and plain;

Yellow, red, and purple skies—

This is the way the daylight dies.(George Cooper)第3课 云彩




“Clouds that wander through the sky,

Sometimes low and sometimes high;

In the darkness of the night,

In the sunshine warm and bright.

Ah! I wonder much if you

Have any useful work to do.”

“Yes, we're busy night and day,

As o'er the earth we take our way.

We are bearers of the rain

To the grasses, and flowers, and grain;

We guard you from the sun's bright rays,

In the sultry summer days.”第4课 风和树叶“过来吧,小树叶。”一天,风对树叶说,“到草地上来,和我一起玩吧。不过,要穿上你们那红色或金色的衣服,因为夏天已经过去,天气开始变凉了。”




“Come, little leaves,”said the wind one day.

“Come o'er the meadows with me, and play;

Put on your dress of red and gold

Summer is gone, and the days grow cold.”

Soon as the leaves heard the wind's loud call,

Down they came fluttering, one and all;

Over the brown fields they danced and flew,

Singing the soft little songs they knew.

“Cricket, good by, we've been friends so long;

Little brook, sing us your farewell song,—

Say you are sorry to see us go;

Ah! you will miss us, right well we know. ”

“Dear little lambs, in your fleecy fold,

Mother will keep you from harm and cold;

Fondly we've watched you in vale and glade;

Say, will you dream of our loving shade?”

Dancing and whirling, the little leaves went;

Winter had called them, and they were content.

Soon fast asleep in their earthy beds,

The snow laid a coverlet over their heads.(George Cooper)第5课 树叶之语










Once or twice a little leaf was heard to cry and sigh, as leaves often do, when a gentle wind is blowing. And the twig said,“What is the matter, little leaf?”

“The wind,”said the leaf,“just told me that one day it would pull me off, and throw me on the ground to die.”

The twig told it to the branch, and the branch told it to the tree. When the tree heard it, it rustled all over, and sent word back to the trembling leaf.

“Do not be afraid,”it said;“hold on tight, and you shall not go off till you are ready.”

So the leaf stopped sighing, and went on singing and rustling. It grew all the summer long till October. And when the bright days of autumn came, the leaf saw all the leaves around growing very beautiful.

Some were yellow, some were brown, and many were striped with different colors. Then the leaf asked the tree what this meant.

The tree said,“All these leaves are getting ready to fly away, and they have put on these colors because of their joy.”

Then the little leaf began to want to go, and grew very beautiful in thinking of it. When it was gay in colors, it saw that the branches of the tree had no bright colors on them.

So the leaf said,“O branch! why are you lead colored while we are all beautiful and golden?”

“We must keep on our working clothes,”said the tree,“for our work is not yet done; but your clothes are for holidays, because your task is now over.”

Just then a little puff of wind came, and the leaf let go without thinking, and the wind took it up and turned it over and over.

Then it fell gently down under the edge of the fence, among hundreds of leaves, and has never waked to tell us what it dreamed about.第6课 暴风雪







Last night, the cold north wind blew great snow clouds over the sky. Not a star, not a bit of blue sky could be seen.

Soon the tiny flakes floated softly down, like flocks of little white birds. Faster and faster they came, till they filled the air. They made no noise, but they were busy all night long.

They covered all the ground with a soft, white carpet. They hung beautiful plumes on the tall, green firs. The little bushes, they put to sleep in warm nightgowns and caps.

They hid the paths so that the boys might have the fun of digging new ones. They turned the old picket fence into a row of soldiers, and the gate posts into captains, with tall white hats on.

The old corn basket that was left out by the barn, upside down, they made into a cunning little snow house with a round roof.

When the busy little flakes had done their work, the sun came up to see what they had been about.

He must have been pleased with what he saw, for he smiled such a bright, sweet smile, that the whole white world sparkled as if it were made of little stars.

Who would have thought that the black clouds could hide the little fairies that made the earth so beautiful!第7课 小溪流啊,流啊,小小的溪流流淌着的你转动了乡村里的磨流淌着的你注满了深而清澈的池塘在林地的树阴下你很凉爽每逢炎热的夏季绵羊最喜欢在小溪边走来走去野鸟爱在溪水中嬉戏野花盛开在小溪的岸边流啊,流啊,小小的溪流绕过岩石,流下山坡为每个像我一样的孩子歌唱小鸟也高兴地加入你的行列我们倾听你的歌唱你一边歌唱一边流向远方


Run, run, thou tiny rill;

Run, and turn the village mill;

Run, and fill the deep, clear pool

In the woodland's shade so cool,

Where the sheep love best to stray

In the sultry summer day;

Where the wild birds bathe and drink,

And the wild flowers fringe the brink.

Run, run, thou tiny rill,

Round the rocks, and down the hill;

Sing to every child like me;

The birds will join you, full of glee:

And we will listen to the song

You sing, your rippling course along.第8课 小鸟的晨曲醒一醒,小宝贝,小鸟们都出来了,而你仍然在巢穴里,连最懒惰的小鸟也在四处蹦蹦跳跳,你该起来和它们一块儿玩呀。醒一醒,小宝贝,醒一醒!嗷,看看你睡了那么久都错过了什么。闪亮的露珠,美丽的天空!你失去的东西,我在歌中连一半也唱不完。醒一醒,小宝贝,醒一醒!我为你唱得已经没了耐性,当妈妈催你起来时,别的小鸟已做完它们要做的事,只有她的吻可以唤醒你,醒一醒,小宝贝,醒一醒!(乔治·库帕)


Wake up, little darling, the birdies are out,

And here you are still in your nest!

The laziest birdie is hopping about;

You ought to be up with the rest.

Wake up, little darling, wake up!

Oh, see what you miss when you

slumber so long—

The dewdrops, the beautiful sky!

I can not sing half what you lose in my song;

And yet, not a word in reply.

Wake up, little darling, wake up!

I've sung myself quite out of patience with you,

While mother bends o'er your dear head;

Now birdie has done all that birdie can do:

Her kisses will wake you instead!

Wake up, little darling, wake up!(George Cooper)第9课 阳春三月在大雪和寒风里,在严酷的雨丝里,在我们的脚下,小小的花儿开始成长。春天的脚步越来越近,她满怀喜悦地说:“亲爱的,你们在这儿吗?”他们回答:“我们就要做好准备了,亲爱的。”“飘雪的冬天又在哪儿呢?告诉我们,春天。”他们说。她回答说:“他要走了,他就要上路了。”“可怜的老冬天不爱你,但他横行的日子已成为过去;很快我的鸟会在你上面歌唱,让你最终获得自由。”(玛丽·M·道奇)


In the snowing and the blowing,

In the cruel sleet,

Little flowers begin their growing

Far beneath our feet.

Softly taps the Spring, and cheerly,—

“Darlings, are you here?”

Till they answer,“We are nearly,

Nearly ready, dear.”

“Where is Winter, with his snowing?

Tell us, Spring,”they say.

Then she answers,“He is going,

Going on his way.”


“Poor old Winter does not love you;

But his time is past;

Soon my birds shall sing above you;—

Set you free at last.”(Mary Mapes Dodge)第10课 约翰尼遇见的第一场暴风雪








Johnny Reed was a little boy who never had seen a snowstorm till he was six years old.

Before this, he had lived in a warm country, where the sun shines down on beautiful orange groves, and fields always sweet with flowers.

But now he had come to visit his grandmother, who lived where the snow falls in winter. Johnny was standing at the window when the snow came down.

“O mamma!”he cried, joyfully,“do come quick, and see these little white birds flying down from heaven.”

“They are not birds, Johnny,”said mamma, smiling.

“Then maybe the little angels are losing their feathers! Oh! do tell me what it is; is it sugar? Let me taste it,”said

Johnny. But when he tasted it, he gave a little jump—it was so cold.

“That is only snow, Johnny,”said his mother.

“What is snow, mother?”

“The snowflakes, Johnny, are little drops of water that fall from the clouds. But the air through which they pass is so cold it freezes them, and they come down turned into snow.”

As she said this, she brought out an old black hat from the closet.“See, Johnny! I have caught a snowflake on this hat. Look quick through this glass, and you will see how beautiful it is.”

Johnny looked through the glass. There lay the pure, feathery snowflake like a lovely little star.

“Twinkle, twinkle, little star!”he cried in delight.“Oh! please show me more snow flakes, mother.”

So his mother caught several more, and they were all beautiful.

The next day Johnny had a fine play in the snow, and when he carne in, he said,“I love snow; and I think snowballs are a great deal prettier than oranges.”第11课 蜂鸟










The most beautiful humming birds are found in the West Indies and South America. The crest of the tiny head of one of these shines like a sparkling crown of colored light.

The shades of color that adorn its breast, are equally brilliant. As the bird flits from one object to another, it looks more like a bright flash of sunlight than it does like a living being.

But, you ask, why are they called humming birds? It is because they make a soft, humming noise by the rapid motion of their wings—a motion so rapid, that as they fly you can only see that they have wings.

One day when walking in the woods, I found the nest of one of the smallest humming birds. It was about half the size of a very small hen's egg, and was attached to a twig no thicker than a steel knitting needle.

It seemed to have been made of cotton fibers, and was covered with the softest bits of leaf and bark. It had two eggs in it, quite white, and each about as large as a small sugarplum.

When you approach the spot where one of these birds has built its nest, it is necessary to be careful. The mother bird will dart at you and try to peck your eyes. Its sharp beak may hurt your eyes most severely, and even destroy the sight.

The poor little thing knows no other way of defending its young, and instinct teaches it that you might carry off its nest if you could find it.第12课 浪花“我们要去哪里呀?”浪花问深沉的大海妈妈。“亲爱的孩子,我们要去金黄的沙滩,你要去那里做你的事儿。”“可我想去玩。”一朵小浪花说,“我想去比赛,看我们谁能跳得最高。”“不行,走吧,我们要出发了。”另一朵比较负责的浪花说,“妈妈说得对,我们还要工作呢。”“哦,我可不敢去。”还有一朵浪花说,“看看沙堆边那巨大的黑石吧,它一定会把我撕成碎片的,我可不去。”“拉着我的手吧,妹妹。”那朵比较负责的浪花说,“让我们一起出发吧,你要知道做这类工作有多么的光荣。”“我们还回到妈妈身边吗?”“当然了,只要我们把工作做完了就回来。”








“Where are we to go?”said the little waves to the great, deep sea.

“Go, my darlings, to the yellow sands: you will find work to do there.”

“I want to play,”said one little wave;“I want to see who can jump the highest.”

“No; come on, come on,”said an earnest wave;“mother must be right. I want to work.”

“Oh, I dare not go,”said another;“look at those great, black rocks close to the sands; I dare not go there, for they will tear me to pieces.”

“Take my hand, sister,”said the earnest wave;“let us go on together. How glorious it is to do some work.”

“Shall we ever go back to mother?”“Yes, when our work is done.”

So one and all hurried on. Even the little wave that wanted to play, pressed on, and thought that work might be fun after all. The timid ones did not like to be left behind, and they became earnest as they got nearer the sands.

After all, it was fun, pressing on one after another—jumping, laughing, running on to the broad, shining sands.

First, they came in their course to a great sand castle. Splash, splash! they all went over it, and down it came.“Oh, what fun!”they cried.

“Mother told me to bring these seaweeds; I will find a pretty place for them,”said one—and she ran a long way over the sands, and left them among the pebbles. The pebbles cried,“We are glad you are come. We wanted washing.”

“Mother sent these shells; I don't know where to put them,”said a little fretful wave.“Lay them one by one on the sand, and do not break them,”said the eldest wave.

And the little one went about its work, and learned to be quiet and gentle, for fear of breaking the shells.

“Where is my work?”said a great, full grown wave.“this is mere play. The little ones can do this and laugh over it. Mother said there was work for me.”And he came down upon some large rocks.

Over the rocks and into a pool he went, and he heard the fishes say,“The sea is coming. Thank you, great sea; you always send a big wave when a storm is nigh. Thank you, kind wave; we are all ready for you now.”

Then the waves all went back over the wet sands, slowly and carelessly, for they were tired.

“All my shells are safe,”said one.

And,“My seaweeds are left behind,”said another.

“I washed all of the pebbles,”said a third.

“And I—I only broke on a rock, and splashed into a pool,”said the one that was so eager to work.“I have done no good, mother—no work at all”

“Hush!”said the sea. And they heard a child that was walking on the shore, say,“O mother, the sea has been here! Look, how nice and clean the sand is, and how clear the water is in that pool.”

Then the sea, said,“Hark!”and far away they heard the deep moaning of the coming storm.

“Come, my darlings,”said she;“you have done your work, now let the storm do its work.”第13课 暴风雨









In the second day of the voyage, they came to the Highlands. It was the latter part of a calm, sultry day, that they floated gently with the tide between these stern mountains. There was that perfect quiet which prevails over nature in the languor of summer heat. The turning of a plank, or the accidental falling of an oar, on deck, was echoed from the mountain side and reverberated along the shores; and, if by chance the captain gave a shout of command, there were airy tongues that mocked it from every cliff.

Dolph gazed about him, in mute delight and wonder, at these scenes of nature's magnificence. To the left, the Dunderberg reared its woody precipices, height over height, forest over forest, away into the deep summer sky. To the right, strutted forth the bold promontory of Antony's Nose, with a solitary eagle wheeling about it; while beyond, mountain succeeded to mountain, until they seemed to lock their arms together and confine this mighty rive in their embraces.





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