
发布时间:2020-08-02 11:23:33








All Nature Has a Feeling 自然万物皆有灵

◎By John Clare译·赏析/辛献云All nature has a feeling: woods, fields, brooksAre life eterna; and in silence theySpeak happiness beyond the reach of books;There's nothing mortalin them; their decayIs the green life of change; to pass awayAnd come again in blooms revivified.Its birth was heaven, eternal in its stay,And with the sun and moon shall still abideBeneath their day and night and heaven wide.自然万物皆有灵:森林、田野、溪流皆是永恒之生命;它们无声地诉说着书本无法企及的快乐;它们生生不息;腐烂是绿色生命的蜕变;逝去又郁郁葱葱地归来。它源自上天,永恒不灭,在昼与夜的交替中与日月同辉,与昊天同在。赏析

约翰·克莱尔(John Clare, 1793~1864),19世纪英国最重要的诗人之一。他生活在英国北安普敦郡,过着清贫而快乐的生活。克莱尔以擅长描写自然景色而闻名,因此被称为“农民诗人”,其代表诗作有《初恋》(First Love)等。



★What's Hot特别推荐★

☆I'm Sheldon

Jim Parsons:I Am Not Just Sheldon 吉姆·帕森斯:我不只是谢耳朵

◎By James Mottram 译/赵青奇


It's the morning after the night before. Zach Braffhas the word "BALLS" inkedon his forehead. Peter Sarsgaard is bare-chested. And a little-known Jim Parsons is dressed in a knight's armour, eating a bowl of Lucky Charms. The film is Garden State. Braff's directorial debutfrom 2004. Appearing in just one scene, Parsons is a party guest—arriving straight from work at a medieval themed restaurant. Oh, and he speaks Klingon.

"I loved that scene. It was just right up my alley," smiles Parsons. "Ten years later I look back and go, 'That was the most spoiling experience for a start-up movie you could have!'" More to the point, a decade on, Parsons has become one of America's most beloved sitcomstars, playing Dr. Sheldon Cooper in The Big Bang Theory—a Caltech theoretical physicist with an eideticmemory, an IQ of 187, and an ability to speak Klingon at will.

With the show about to start its eighth season in the autumn, it's already seen Parsons win a Golden Globe and four Emmys, turning him into one of the highest paid comedy stars of his generation. But it's about more than just trinketsand trophies, thanks to Parsons' affectionate portrayal of a super-nerd who loves DC Comics, Battlestar Galactica and action figures.

In an era when superheroes and sci-fi dominate the box office, the popularity of The Big Bang Theory proves that Sheldon and his flatmates are not quite the social outcasts they were styled as when the show started back in 2007. They're the Friends for our generation.



Now, Parsons is back in Braff's second film as director, thirtysomethingdramedyWish I Was Here. In the story, Braff plays Aidan, a struggling actor whose life collapses when his father announces he has cancer. Parsons is Paul, a fellow actor who meets Aidan at the ritualistichumiliation that is the audition process—something Parsons, like all actors, knows only too well.

"It resonated very strongly," he nods, "and I think it was very evident that this was a scene written by an actor; that entire waiting room scene—waiting to go in, and sitting beside your competition, is something that you are either born comfortable with or learn to be comfortable with very early on ... or you have to get out of the career! Hearing somebody murmuring the lines under their breath, saying the words you're going to have to say ... It's a very interesting experience."

Raised in Houston, the son of an elementary school teacher and the president of a local plumbingcompany, Parsons determined to become an actor at the age of six—when he played a bird in a school production of Kipling'sThe Elephant's Child. Still, his love of acting "ebbedand flowed" during his school years. He even briefly toyed withthe idea of being a weatherman, taking a year away from acting in college as he learned storm fronts.

Yet being a weatherman was not to be; he failed the course and realised he had to return to acting—or he'd regret it. "I had a vision of becoming a bitter, middle-aged man!" But how to go about it? Working for an experimental theatre company in Houston, he was making ends meetin day jobs "to support my acting habit"—but there weren't enough full-time opportunities. "I was never brave enough to throw my knapsack on my back and head to New York or even L.A."




Eventually, he took a master's in classical theatre at the University of San Diego before he headed to New York—a world of off-Broadway plays, commercials, TV bit parts, and those endless rounds of auditions. He can still remember the horror-shows—accidentally knocking out the power switch while trying out for a Martin McDonagh play—but he's never been fearful. "The one way I always feel about auditions, or certainly try to, is a mantraof: 'This could be my one chance to play this role.'"

In the case of The Big Bang Theory, Parsons aced itso convincingly that co-creator Chuck Lorre asked him to return the next day to ensure it wasn't a fluke. He admits there was something in Sheldon he understood: the inability to read sarcasm or emotions. He sighs when asked if he shares any of Sheldon's more nerdy behavioural tropes. "Oh God ... I'm sure I'm nerdy in some ways, but more than being nerdy, I'm old!" Now 41, he likes to go to bed early. "As far as partying and going out goes, I don't even have the remotest desire!"

Actually, Parsons is far less socially awkward than Sheldon. He talks freely, eruditely, and in detail—everything from his recent trip to Wimbledon, supporting his "e-mail buddy", Canadian player Eugenie Bouchard, to his magnificent cameoin The Muppets, playing the piano during the performance of "Man or Muppet".



事实上,帕森斯在待人接物方面远比谢尔顿要大方得体。他讲起话来轻松自如,旁征博引,不厌其详——从最近前往温布尔登(编注:英国著名的国际网球比赛场地)支持他的“邮件好友”加拿大网球选手尤金妮亚.布沙尔,一直谈到《布偶大电影》里为歌曲“Man or Muppet”的演奏提供钢琴伴奏的精彩客串。

Yet he clearly adores Sheldon, a character that fits him as closely as his Green Lantern T-shirt. "One of the questions people love to ask is 'What do you want for Sheldon?' I have no wants for him. I open the script every week and, yeah, sure some episodes are more interesting to me than others, but as an overall character arc, I have never felt like I'm tired of playing the same thing."

Calling himself "a sucker", he's already preparing for the maelstromof emotions that will surface when the show finishes. "It's hard to imagine, knowing the end is coming and letting it come and feeling ... certainly not a sense of remorse ... I don't know if lose is the right word either. Organic death? That's the best way I can put it, if things go well! That's what it will be. For something that has already affected my life to a huge degree. I may have a life outside of the show, but this has had an enormous impact upon me either way. And that will be sad."

The question is: how do you escape a character like Sheldon? Even Braff's film contains an obliquenod—when Paul winds up trying out for just the sort of sci-fi Sheldon would love. So he's not worried about typecasting? "Yes and no," he says, cautiously. "I'm not looking to play another scientist, or genius or even probably another Star Trek fanaticat this point. That being said, I was charmed by the idea of playing somebody [in Wish I Was Here] who was dabbling inthose things in a different way."

It helps that he's been getting strong word for his turn in The Normal Heart, Glee creator Ryan Murphy's television film based on Larry Kramer's play about the HIV/AIDS crisis in early 1980s New York. Playing opposite Julia Roberts and Mark Ruffalo, Parsons reprisedthe character of Tommy—one of the founders of an AIDS crisis organisation and a role he played in a 2011 production of the play that marked his Broadway debut.





"To me at least that proves the point I had to make to myself all along—just keep moving and find the people who don't need convincing, like in this case Larry Kramer and Ryan Murphy, who felt I could do it, and strongly so. And that's what you do—you ride with the people who believe in you. So if there is anything to work out, and shakea little bit, from a character [like Sheldon], that's the only way to do it. Or maybe go and live in a cave for 20 years and come back looking completely different—with plastic surgery."

That won't be necessary, with Parsons' movie career beginning to ramp up—from voicing an alien in DreamWorks' forthcoming animation Home to a role in Visions, a horror about a pregnant woman suffering from extreme hallucinations. Parsons seems delighted at this sudden array of very un-Sheldon like roles. "There are a lot of different characters to play and a lot of different shoes to walk in. And in all aspects of the industry."

Does this mean he feels like following Braff into directing? There's a pause. "It's not that I would say 'no'. But I'm 41 now, and I have yet to reach a part of my life where the acting hasn't made me feel completely satisfied, with whatever this is that I'm doing on this Earth ... it has made me feel very happy. I don't know if this is because I have a lot of other aspects of my life to go along with it, and that's very fortunate ... I don't know." And for once, he's lost for words.“对我来说,至少这可以证明我一直坚持的一点——只管不断前行,去找到那些相信自己的人。就拿这部片子来说,拉里.克雷默和瑞安.墨菲都觉得我能演好,而且对此深信不疑。这才是你要做的——跟那些相信自己的人共事。因此如果要放下过去,并能稍稍摆脱一个[像谢尔顿一样的]角色,这是唯一可行的方法。要不然可能就得找个山洞隐居20年,做一通整形手术换副模样再回来。”



7 Questions for Jim Parsons 吉姆·帕森斯答影迷七问

◎From time.com 译/渡哲


Q:Has playing a physicist on television changed how you regard science? 在电视上饰演物理学家是否改变了你对科学的看法?

—Wen Zhang, Athens, Ohio


A:I was very fascinated with meteorologyat a young age. I lived on the Gulf Coast, and hurricanes blew through there. That is the class I failed in college: meteorology. I didn't have an interest in the particulars—but what a wonderful basis for a show. I think it's one of the greatest things we have going for us [on The Big Bang Theory]. But I'm not watching more nova.


Q:How do you manage to make an easily unlikable character a likable one? 你是怎么设法把一个很容易不讨人喜欢的角色演得讨人喜欢的呢?

—Julia Hall, Madera, Calif.


A:[The writers] are careful to soften the edgesof the harsher words. The other thing is the way the characters are reacting to him—with exasperationand a resignationthat they're going to put up with it. That translates to the audience as, "Oh, well, they're saying it's OK." I don't try to soften it. Frankly, a lot of times the point is to irritate.


Q:Do you find yourself inadvertentlymimickingSheldon's odd qualities? 你有没有发现自己会在无意间模仿谢耳朵的怪癖?

—Michelle Lacy, Brick Township, N.J.


A:I have a tendency to rattlelike he does. There's a musicalityto the way he talks. That will sometimes carry over into my own speech. But which came first? Was I doing that before I did this part? I'm not entirely sure.


Q:Although it hasn't been addressed on the show, Sheldon clearly has some degree of Asperger'sor autism. How did you prepare to play such a character? 尽管电视剧里没有明确提到,但是谢耳朵明显患有一定程度的阿斯伯格综合征或自闭症。你当时为饰演这个角色是如何准备的?

—Michelle Shea, Falls Church, Va.


A:I didn't. We had already shot and aired several episodes before I was ever asked the Asperger's-or-autism question. I asked the writers, and they were like, "No, he doesn't have it." It's been useful to us to utilize some of those "Aspergian" traits, but we need to be able to move away from it if we want to.


Q:Do Sheldon's jokes ever go over your head? 谢耳朵讲的笑话会让你觉得无法理解吗?

—Rick Morgan, Seattle


A:Yes and no. David Saltzberg, our science consultant, will [sometimes] put a written joke in formula form on the whiteboard that I don't get. And sometimes, even after explanation, I just don't find it funny. That's not because it's not funny. It's because I am probably a little too dumb to get it. Every once in a while they write a joke in plain English that I don't understand how to make work, and I will find out that I have missed the boaton their intent. That's been blessedly rare.


Q:What are some of your favorite sci-fi books, TV shows, or movies? 你最喜欢的一些科幻书、电视剧或电影是什么?

—Suzi Beerman, New Castle, Wash.


A:My favorite sci-fi movie of all time is Close Encounters of the Third Kind. I was a huge Star Wars fan as well—but Close Encounters, I love. It creeped me outand made me feel comforted at the same time. There is life out there.


Q:If you were strandedon an island with no technology, what three things would you bring? 如果你被困于没有科技的孤岛,你会带哪三样东西?

—Marc Bigras, Sturgeon Falls, Ont.


A:A piano. A notepad. What else? This is hard. You know what? I'm going to leave the notepad, and I'm going to take both my dogs. But they'd die.



Meet the Guy Who Made ALS "Ice Buchket Challenge"Go Viral 来,认识一下“冰桶挑战者”的发起人◎By Eleanor Goldberg 译/祝莉丽


By now, you've probably seen at least a handful of your Facebook friends risk humiliationand hypothermiaby dumping ice on their heads in the name of ALS.

Within just a few weeks, the grassroots "ice bucket challenge" reached Mark Zuckerberg, who naturally challenged Bill Gates to do it next. The rules, after all, demand that you task a friend to participate or donate money. After Ethel Kennedy—widow of RFK—dousedherself in ice cubes, she challenged President Obama to do the same. He opted to take the contribution route instead.

Pete Frates—the 29-year-old guy who's being credited with getting this quirkystuntoff the ground—waited until Aug.14th to get soaked. The native Bostonian, who was diagnosed with ALS two years ago, did it in his beloved Fenway Park, surrounded by Red Sox manager, John Farrell, third baseman, Will Middlebrooks, and a number of his family members, including his pregnant wife, according to ESPN.

Initially, Frates said on Facebook in July, "ice water and ALS are a bad mix." But Frates deserves a break for waiting, even if he sat back and watched 200 people in Copley Square get involved in the challenge in his honor on Aug. 7th. It was the event that put the ice bucket challenge on the mapand all over social media, the AP reported. After all, his commitment to getting the word outhelped bring in nearly $6 million for ALS organizations, according to ESPN. It's these kinds of staggeringfigures he had been hoping for from the very beginning.

Back in 2012, Frates was experiencing some of the quintessentialALS symptoms, but he didn't know it at the time. He Googled some of what had been bothering him and he was shocked when a number of sites pointed him to ALS—a progressive neurodegenerativedisease that leads to muscle weakness, loss of the use of arms and legs and difficulty speaking, breathing and swallowing.

迄今为止,你可能已经看到,你至少有好几个Facebook好友冒着丢面子和体温过低的风险,以ALS (编注:即肌萎缩侧索硬化症,该病症的患者又称“渐冻人”)的名义将冰块浇在了自己的头上。


29岁的皮特·弗雷茨一直被认为是这一怪“把戏”的发起人,但他等到8月14号(编注:本文写于8月15日)才把自己浇湿。弗雷茨是土生土长的波士顿人,两年前被诊断出患有ALS。他当时是在他深爱的芬威球场上接受的挑战。据ESPN (编注:指美国娱乐与体育节目电视网)报道,当时在场的还有“红袜队”的主教练约翰·法雷尔、三垒手威尔·米德布鲁克斯,以及弗雷茨的许多家人,他怀孕的妻子也在其中。



He was "devastated", he wrote in a blog for Huffington Post. But in that moment, he was also reinvigorated. This kind of debilitatingdisease wasn't "supposed" to strike a strong accomplished athlete like Frates.

The former Division Icollege baseball player saw his dreams come true when he hit a homerun in the Beanpot Championship at Fenway. However, just as soon as Frates got his diagnosis, he decided to devise a new dream.

Two years after his diagnosis, the disease—which has no cure or treatment—has advanced quickly. Frates is now paralyzed, can't talk, and relies on a feeding tube to eat. He's able to communicate by using eye-tracking technology.

But as is the case with many people living with ALS, Frates' mind is sharp. "Inside I'm as sharp as ever—if not sharper than I've ever been," Frates said in a video posted to his website. "Because when you sit and can't really move, when you're observing all day ... you notice every little thing. My memory has gotten better. I just notice things I didn't notice before."

Frates has already fulfilled one part of his new dream, getting the world to talk about ALS and empty their pockets for organizations that are researching a cure. The next part, though, he can only hope will come as soon as possible.

"My dream is for this article to be found by someone in a Google search one day," Frates wrote in his Huffington Post blog, "and for he or she to wonder how anyone ever could have died from something treated so easily."







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