
发布时间:2020-08-03 10:21:42







Introduction 序言

This book is different from many other oral English books on the market today because the speaking and language exercises are based on the lexical approach. The lexical approach was developed by Michael Lewis in the 1990s where there is an emphasis on collocations, phrases and expressions. This is because two, three, four and even five-word collocations, phrases and expressions make up a huge percentage of all naturally-occurring text, spoken or written. Estimates vary, but it is possible that up to 70% of everything we say, hear, read or write is to be found in some form of fixed expression. Therefore, it is vital to realize that this is the way we store vocabulary in our lexical minds. We are more likely to memorize and use phrases rather than single words. In this book there is no emphasis on word lists or grammar. After studying English for several years what you need now is the ability to combine words, many of which you already know, into the phrases and expressions which are the basis of this book.

Some of the unique features of this book are as follows:1.The dialogues all have a main character called Amanda who is a Chinese senior student majoring in finance;2.Words which should be stressed are highlighted in every sentence which is a feature of the English language;3.Phrases are given much emphasis and are divided into idioms, semi-fixed expressions and word partnerships;4.Phrases not only have a Chinese definition but also an English one to further your understanding;5.Language exercises are included to help reinforce the most important new vocabulary that is introduced in the dialogues;6.Dialogue 2 reintroduces Dialogue 1 but changes some phrases and words for others with a similar meaning. This emphasizes the fact that there are several different ways of saying the same thing.

本书和市面上众多英语口语书籍的不同之处在于,本书中的对话和语言练习都是以词汇教学法为核心的。词汇教学法是由Michael Lewis在20世纪90年代提出的,它突出强调词语搭配、短语和习惯用法在语言中的作用。因为在任何自然文本中,无论是口语还是书面语,由两到四个、甚至五个单词构成的词语搭配、短语和习惯用法都占据了主要部分。尽管存在不同的统计数字,但固定表达法在我们日常的听说读写中所占的比例可能会高达70%。因此,与单个单词相比,我们更倾向于记忆和使用短语。我们大脑储存词汇的方式就是如此,认识到这一点十分重要。在本书中,我们并不把重点放在生词表或语法上。经过数年的英语学习,你现在需要的是将已知的单词组合在一起构成短语和惯用表达法的能力,而这也正是本书的出发点。

本书之所以与众不同,主要表现在以下几个方面:1.所有对话都围绕一个主要角色Amanda展开,Amanda是一名读金融专业的大四女生;2.每句话中的粗体部分为建议重读的词,重读是英语语言的一个特色;3.本书强调了短语在对话中的运用,并把短语分为习语、半固定表达和词语搭配三个类别;4.除中文释义外,短语还配有英语解释,帮助学生加深理解;5.语言练习帮助学习者巩固对话中出现的重要词汇;6.Dialogue 2是在Dialogue 1的基础之上,将一些短语和词语用同义短语或词语替换,突出了相同含义的不同表达方式。

Acknowledgements 致谢

I would like to thank my editor Xiaolan for her encouragement during the writing of this book and for her many thoughtful suggestions which have made this book better than it would have been originally. I am also deeply indebted to Edwin Baak for his work on sentence stress and many useful suggestions for improving the language. I would also like to thank Zhao Jiao for doing the translation.

在此我要感谢我的编辑韩晓岚在我写作期间给予我的鼓励和支持。她提出了很多富有启发性的建议,使本书不断完善。同时我还要对Edwin Baak表示由衷的感谢,他为本书标注了句子重音,并对本书语言的精炼提出了实用的建议。最后,我要感谢赵娇为本书所做的出色翻译。

Notes for students 致读者

These notes for students will help you to not only get the best out of this book but also make you think and become a better speaker of English.

认真阅读“致读者”不仅会帮你最大限度受益于本书,而且还会促使你思考,从而使你的英语口语获得提升。Book format 本书形式

This book has several unique characteristics that distinguish it from other books of this type. Each of the topics has the following format:

本书有许多区别于其他同类书的独特之处。书中的每一个话题都包含下列板块:Useful phrases and words 词汇短语加油站

Idioms 习语

The most important point about idioms is to understand that their meaning is always different to the dictionary meaning of each individual word. They cannot be literally translated and understood. This is what must be emphasized when dealing with idioms, and many sayings. It is impossible to speak, read, or listen to English without meeting idiomatic language. This is not something you can leave until you reach an advanced level. All native speakers' English is idiomatic. Every newspaper is full of metaphorical language. You cannot avoid it or leave it till later.


Semi-fixed expressions 半固定表达

Semi-fixed expressions are phrases where the verb form and also the pronoun vary in expressions such as "drop someone a line", "drag someone into something" or "boil down to something". So it's these expressions which are not completely variable that are considered semi-fixed expressions in this book.

在一些短语中,动词的形式和所用的代词需根据语境的不同而变化,如:drop someone a line(给某人写短信或便条),drag someone into something(硬把某人扯进某事之中),boil down to something(归结为某事物)。在本书中,我们就把这类部分固定、部分可变的短语称为半固定表达。

Word partnerships 词语搭配

Many English words commonly go with another word. For example, if I say what word usually follows "generally" then you would reply "speaking". Knowing word partnerships will help you to become more fluent because you will not be speaking word by word but using groups of words. Knowing word partnerships is much more useful than knowing single new words.

许多英语单词都有与之惯常搭配使用的词。比如说,当问起什么词经常跟在 generally 后面,大部分人会回答 speaking。了解词语搭配会使你的英文更流利,因为你学会了使用词组而不再仅仅是单个的单词。掌握词语搭配比记忆单个的生词更为有用。Dialogue 1 对话1

This is a dialogue between two Chinese speakers or one Chinese and one foreigner. They are full of up-to-date natural expressions used by native English speakers, which means that you will be using the same language that they speak.

对话1通常在两个中国人或一个中国人和一个外国人之间展开。对话中使用的表达方式都是地道鲜活的,也就是说,你将学会英语母语者所使用的纯正的英语。Vocabulary notepad 迷你生词本

There will be some new words that you will come across in the dialogues.

对话中会出现一些你不知道的生词。Sentence stress 句子重读

In English sentences, not all words are given equal emphasis. Key words (usually the words that contain new or important information) are stressed and pronounced more slowly and clearly than other words. Take, for example, the question "Are you going to take the train?" If the focus of the question is what the listener will take, the sentence will sound something like "Are you going to take the train?"; the word "train" would be pronounced clearly and with more emphasis. If, in contrast, the emphasis is on who is going, the sentence would sound like "Are you going to take the train?" Students need to learn to stress key words in sentences. Of course, these sentences are the same, but we are asking for different information in each one. Sentence stress is the music of spoken English. Sentence stress is what gives English its rhythm or "beat". Therefore, all words in the dialogues that need to be stressed are in bold.

在英文句子中,并不是所有的词都重读。关键的词语(一般为表达新信息或重要信息的词)要加重读出,并比其他词读得更慢、更清晰。比如这个问句“Are you going to take the train?”如果问题的重点在于所用的交通工具,那么句子重音就落在 train上,train这个词要清晰并加重读出。但是,如果你想知道的是谁要坐火车,那句子重音就在you上。学生要学会重读每句话中的关键词。显然,这两个句子是一模一样的,但是它们询问的信息不同,因而侧重点也有所不同。句子的重音就像英语口语的旋律,它为句子带来了韵律和节拍。本书所有对话中需要重读的词都由粗体标出。Test your knowledge 词汇短语操练场

These language exercises are designed to reinforce the most important new vocabulary that is introduced in the dialogues.

通过语言练习,学生得以巩固对话里出现的重点词汇。Dialogue 2对话大变身

This dialogue repeats the same message as Dialogue 1 but uses different words. This is because in English there are many different ways to say the same thing. These new words and phrases are placed in italics so that you will notice them.

对话2所表达的意思与对话1相同,但是使用的词汇有所不同。这是因为英语当中同一个意思会有许多不同的表达方式。这些新的词汇和短语会用斜体标出,方便学生识别。Vocabulary extension 词汇大礼包

This is additional vocabulary which includes phrases and words identified with the topic.


How to get the most out of these dialogues 使用指南

Read the dialogue silently first looking for the general meaning第一遍默读文章,掌握大意

Many students often read a dialogue or passage out loud without having read it first. There is a need to get the general meaning, or gist, first.

许多学生经常在没默读之前就大声朗读。其实首先有必要掌握大意或要旨。Read it again silently looking for how to say it properly第二遍默读文章,琢磨如何将文章正确地读出

I find that many students read word by word. That is, they say a word, pause slightly, then say another word, and so on. Not only is this unnatural but it is boring to listen to! You need to speak in chunks, that is, to say phrases and expressions in a single breath. Also, note the words in bold because these are the words that you need to stress.

我发现很多学生在朗读时是一个词一个词地读,每读一个词,就要停顿一下,然后再读下一个词。这种方法不仅使英语听起来很生硬而且极为乏味!朗读应该以语块为单位,也就是说,要一口气说完一个短语或固定表达。同时应注意那些粗体词是需要重读的。Look at the punctuation for clues on how to say it properly从标点符号中寻找线索,了解如何正确地说出句子

The punctuation is there to help you sound natural. There will always be a short pause after a full stop (.) and an even shorter pause after a comma (,). A question mark (?) at the end of a sentence tells you it is a question and the last word will often end with a rising intonation. An exclamation mark (!) tells you to say the last word using surprise or anger in your voice.

标点符号的作用是帮助你说得更自然。句号(.)后面总要有短暂的停顿,而逗号(,)后面的停顿更短。句子结尾的问号(?)告诉你这是一个问句,句尾的词往往要用升调。感叹号(!)表明你要在句尾表达出惊讶或气愤等语气。Remember that contracted forms are pronounced in that contracted form记住缩略形式要以缩略形式读出

I often find students saying contracted forms such as "you're" in full like "you are". This is wrong. "I'm" should be pronounced "I'm" and not "I am".

我经常发现学生将you're读成 you are,这是错误的。I'm要读成I'm而不是I am。Read the dialogue out loud大声朗读对话

Now you are ready to read it out loud for the first time.

现在你可以将对话大声朗读出来了。Role-play the dialogue 角色扮演

Role-play provides an excellent opportunity for learners of English to practise English because it gives students the chance to act out a role that is not their own. The key word here is act. They can be anyone they want. It does not matter if you make a mistake because it is not you who makes it. It is your character who does! You can totally assume the character and personality of your part and play it to the hilt and beyond! Your voice and actions can be completely over the top and yet it does not matter because it is only acting. Role-playing is a safe and enjoyable way to learn English but only if you become an actor. Furthermore, role-playing will give you confidence in public speaking. It is not only a good idea to find a partner to practise the following dialogues with but absolutely essential.


Tips on role-plays

1. Don't be afraid to act the part;

2. Try to get into the character;

3. Explore different voices;

4. Use appropriate movements and gestures;

5. Change parts so that you can play a different character;

6. Don't be afraid to play a character of the opposite sex;

7. Remember to stress key words in every sentence.








7.记得每一句话中的关键词要重读。Find a partner 寻找搭档

You can read alone, write alone and listen alone but you can't really speak alone. At the university where I work I see many students, early in the morning, reading out loud alone. I admire their determination but their English is never going to improve. Just imagine that I am learning Chinese and I take my textbook with me. I read from it and say "Wo bu tai mang." I repeat this phrase several times. However, my pronunciation is bad and I get the tones all wrong. No matter how many times I say it my Chinese will never improve simply because there is no one there to correct me! This is why you need an English partner so that you can work together and correct each other. Only in that way will your spoken English improve.

你可以一个人听、读、写,但你不能一个人说话。在我任教的大学,每天早晨都能见到许多学生独自晨读。我敬佩他们的毅力,但这样做他们的英语是不会提高多少的。假设我在学习中文,我天天捧着中文课本,反复地说“我不太忙”,但是我的发音和声调都是错的。不管我读多少遍,我的中文是不会提高的,因为没有人来纠正我。这就是为什么你需要一个英语搭档来共同学习,互相纠错。只有这样你的口语才能得到提高。Test your knowledge 词汇短语操练场

Many students make the mistake of looking up single words in the dictionary to find their meanings. However, many English words have multiple meanings. For example, the word "mandarin" can mean a small orange or a high civil servant. If it has a capital "M" then it means the official Chinese language. A single word on its own can therefore have many meanings. These language exercises are designed so that you look at chunks first. Idioms are usually several words long. Semi-fixed expressions may be three to four words long. Word partnerships consist of two or three words. Finally, having looked at chunks and understood most of the dialogue, you can look at individual words.

许多学生常犯的错误是从词典中查找单个词的意思。然而许多英语单词都有多重意思。比如,mandarin一词既可以指“橘子”,也可以指“政府高官”。如果是Mandarin,首字母大写,它就指中国的通用语言“普通话”。由此可见,英语中一词多义极为常见。本书的语言练习意在训练学生识别语块的能力:习语一般由好几个词组成;半固定表达可能有三四个词;词语搭配通常由两三个词构成。当掌握了对话中的语块,并理解对话的大意之后,再查找单个单词的含义。Dialogue 2 对话大变身

Now that you have finished reading Dialogue 1 and done all the language exercises, it is time to do Dialogue 2. You will notice that several words or phrases have been changed but the meaning is still the same as Dialogue 1. This is because in English there are several ways to say the same thing.


Studying spoken English really can be easy, even in a fast-paced and demanding world. All you need is a partner who you can meet up with on a regular basis. Together, you will be amazed at how quickly your English will improve. When you are alone, make sure you pick this book up. As each dialogue is independent of the others, you can study them piece by piece. Take the 20 minutes between classes to read a topic. Read it at meal times. Carry it with you everywhere. Squeeze in a few minutes here and there. If you practise one dialogue a day then, at the end of 50 days, you'll be amazed at how your English has grown. Your confidence in speaking will be sky-high and when a foreigner appears you will have plenty to talk about!

即使在快节奏、竞争激烈的环境中,学习英语口语也可以很简单。你需要的只是一个可以定期见面、一起练习的搭档。与搭档结伴学习本书,你会取得意想不到的进步。你可以随身携带本书,以便随时阅读。书中的对话都是相互独立的,因而你可以从任何一篇对话入手,逐个学习。你可以利用课间20分钟来学习一个话题,也可以在就餐时间翻阅本书。总之,随时随地带着它,利用点滴的时间来学习。如果每天练习一篇对话,50天后你就会惊讶于自己英语的进步。讲英语时你的自信心会大大提升,遇到老外时也可以天南地北地聊侃了!Chapter 1Studies 学业Unit 1 Teachers 教师Unit 2 Courses 学科Unit 3 Assignments 作业Unit 4 Majors 专业Unit 5 Exams 考试Unit 1 Teachers 教师Useful phrases and words 词汇短语加油站AIdioms习语

rack one's brains - to make a big intellectual effort 绞尽脑汁

what the heck - what the hell 表示强调

be in the same boat - to suffer the same way as somebody else 面临同样的困境

at least - at any rate, in any case 至少

have a point - to have a good idea 说得有道理

silver lining - something positive that comes out of an unpleasant situation (困境中的)一线希望

tell me about it - I agree with you 我早就知道了!我也有同感!

bite off more than you can chew - to agree to do more than you have time for 贪多嚼不烂

rake in the money - to make a lot of money very fast 挣大把的钞票BSemi-fixed expressions半固定表达

don't get me started on that - don't ask me about that 别提了!

you're not the only one - you are not alone, me too 不仅仅是你一个人

work one's ass off - to work very hard 非常努力地工作CWord partnerships词语搭配

straightforward enough - pretty easy to understand 简单易懂

the main problem - the biggest obstacle 最大的问题

figure out - to work out 理解;弄清

moan about - to complain about 为……而抱怨

poor muggins - poor me 鄙人;我这笨蛋

work experience - previous jobs 工作经验

agony aunt - a personal counselor who gives you advice 知心大姐;答读者问的专栏作家

have to dash - to be in a hurry and have to leave immediately 要赶紧走

duty calls - you must do something that cannot be avoided 该去工作了

barely started - hardly started 几乎还没开始

good luck - best of luck 祝你好运

tough luck - hard cheese 不走运

a matter of perspective - a matter of how you look at things 看待问题角度的问题

a pretty face - good looks 漂亮的脸蛋Track 01Dialogue 1 说老师坏话Sue: How's it going with your classes?你的课上得怎么样?Amanda: Don't get me started on that!别提了!Sue: What's wrong? Is the course too difficult for my "little genius"?怎么了?是不是课程太难了,我的“天才”?Amanda: No. The textbooks and material we get are straightforward enough. However, the main problem is that two of my teachers have very poor English. Most of the time, I have to rack my brains trying to figure out what the heck they're on about!那倒不是。我们的课本和阅读材料都挺好懂的。问题在于有两个老师的英语太差劲了。大部分时间我都在绞尽脑汁地猜他们到底在说什么!Sue: Well. You're not the only one who is moaning about the quality of the English programmes offered in this uni. I reckon you and I are in the same boat!你不是唯一一个抱怨的人,很多人都认为这所大学里开设的英语课程太差劲了。咱们俩是同病相怜啊!Amanda: Well, with that scholarship, at least you don't have to work your ass off to make some cash as poor muggins here does.但起码你有奖学金。可怜的我还得一天到晚地工作赚钱。Sue: But you're getting some work experience now which will help you get a job in the future.但是你现在可以获得工作经验,这对将来就业很有帮助呢。Amanda: Well, you do have a point I guess. You know, you do have a knack for finding the silver lining and talking to you is always comforting. You should be a professional agony aunt.你说得也有道理。你总是能在黑暗之中看到希望,每次跟你聊都让我舒坦很多。你真应该去当职业知心大姐。Sue: Tell me about it! Many people have suggested that. I will consider it seriously when my workload is much less. I don't want to bite off more than I can chew.就是啊!许多人都这样建议。等我的工作量少一些时,我会认真考虑这个主意的。现在我可不想贪多嚼不烂。Amanda: Smart gal, you are! Sorry. Have to dash. Duty calls. My teacher handed out a long reading list yesterday for us to go through and I've barely started it.你真是聪明人啊!不好意思,我得赶紧走了,还有功课要做。昨天老师布置了一堆东西让我们读,我还没开始呢。Sue: Good luck with that and I'm sorry I can't help you there.祝你好运,抱歉我帮不上忙了。Amanda: I wish my teacher would speak English more like you do, seriously.我真希望我们老师的英语说得跟你一样好。Sue: Tough luck. I wish I was a teacher, then I can rake in the money. But anyway off you go and try to be positive. It's all a matter of perspective.认倒霉吧。我也希望我是老师,好挣大把大把的钞票呀!不管怎么说,你快走吧。凡事往好处想,态度决定一切。Amanda: Since when have you become so philosophical?你啥时候开始变得这么豁达了?Sue: Well. It just goes to show that I have more depth than you thought. I'm not just a pretty face, you know!哈,这说明真人不露相。我可不是只有一张漂亮的脸蛋哟。Vocabulary notepad 迷你生词本

genius /ˈdʒiːniəs/ n. - a very intelligent person 天才

straightforward /ˌstreɪtˈfɔːwəd/ adj. - plain and simple 简单易懂的

uni /ˈjuːni/ n. - university 大学

knack /næk/ n. - gift, ability, talent 才能

philosophical /ˌfɪləˈsɒfɪkəl/ adj. - meeting trouble with level-headed detachment 达观的

depth /depθ/ n. - complexity of thought 深奥,深刻Test your knowledge 词汇短语操练场A测测理解力利用对话上下文猜测下列习语和半固定表达的含义。画线连接词语和与之对应的释义。

1.rack one's brainsa.to suffer the same way as somebody else

2.be in the same boatb.to make a big intellectual effort

3.tell me about itc.to work very hard

4.bite off more than youd .to make a lot of money very fast

can chew

5.rake in the moneye.I agree with you

6.don't get me started on f.don't ask me about that


7.work one's ass offg.to have a good idea

8.have a pointh.to agree to do more than you have time forB词语搭配用起来用下面的词语搭配完成句子:

straightforward enough

the main problem

figure out

moaning about

poor muggins

at least

work experience

agony aunt

duty calls

barely started

good luck

tough luck

1.I wish you ________________ with that.

2.I wish you would stop ________________ the food in the canteen.

3.I have this essay to write and I've ________________ it.

4.I spent a lot of time trying to ________________ the problem. But now I have the answer!

5.Well, the job seems ________________ to me.

6.Thanks for that advice. You should be an ________________ .

7.________________ is that I just don't have enough money to live on.

8.I'd love to stay but ________________ . I need to get back to work.

9.Why is it always ________________ here that suffers the most?

10.I'm sorry to hear about you losing your job. That really is a bit of ________________ .

11.I hope you get some ________________ before you graduate.

12.________________ you finally got some of your money back.Dialogue 2 对话大变身〔1〕Sue: How are you getting on with your classes?〔2〕Amanda: Don't ask me about that!〔3〕Sue: What's the matter? Is the course too difficult for my "little 〔4〕Einstein"?〔5〕〔6〕Amanda: No. The course books and handouts we get are 〔7〕〔8〕〔9〕pretty easy to understand. However, the big headache is 〔10〕that two of my teachers have very bad English. Most of the time, I 〔11〕have to rack my brains trying to figure out what on earth they're on about.〔12〕Sue: Well, you're not the only one who is complaining about the 〔13〕〔14〕standard of the English programmes offered in this uni. I think you and I are in the same boat!





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