
发布时间:2020-08-03 10:50:25
























在此特别感谢汇智博纳的金利、蒋志华、杨云云、范芙蓉等各位编辑,同时感谢李素素等校对人员做出的努力,是他们的付出使得本书更加实用有趣。编者工作学习◎ 传道授业重点词

academy[ə'kædəmi]n. 学院,专科学校;研究院;学会【例】At the academy, the students eat lunch at 12 and are on the court from 2.30 pm to 6.30 pm. 在这所学院,学生们12点吃午饭,下午2点30分到6点30分待在球场上。

acquaint[ə'kweint]v. (使)认识,(使)了解【搭】acquaint sb./oneself with 使某人/自己认识、了解、熟悉【例】To help us get acquainted with the peculiarities of Istanbul and to give our children a chance to choose what they were particularly interested in seeing, we bought an excellent guidebook and read it thoroughly before leaving.(TEM-8)为了有助于我们了解伊斯坦布尔的独特之处,也为了让孩子们有机会选择他们特别感兴趣的景点,我们买了一本极好的旅行指南,并在出发前仔细地阅读了一遍。【派】acquaintance(n. 熟人;相识);acquainted(adj. 知晓的;有知识的)

acquire*[ə'kwaiə(r)]v. 取得,获得;习得,学到(知识等)【例】acquire a habit养成一种习惯//Adults could indeed acquire the second language, at least in part. (TEM-8)成年人确实能习得第二语言,至少从某种程度上来说的确如此。

admission[əd'mi∫n]n. 进入的许可;入会费,入场费;承认,供认【例】admission free 免费入场//admission notice 录取通知//The admission of the lecture will be restricted to engineering students. 这次讲座只允许学工程的学生参加。

amplify['æmplifai]v. 详述,详加解说;放大(声音等),增强(音量)【例】amplifying lens 放大镜//Hearing aids can amplify sounds. 助听器能够放大声音。

analysis[ə'næləsis]n. 分析,解析【搭】in the last/final analysis归根结底,总而言之【例】self analysis 自我分析//intelligence analysis 情报分析//An analysis of data from Australia shows that skin cancer is on the increase. 来自澳大利亚的一项数据分析显示,患皮肤癌的人数正在增长。【派】analyst(n. 分析家,分析师)

appraise[ə'preiz]v. 评定,鉴定;评价【例】The coach used a different scale to appraise athletes. 这位教练用一种别具一格的衡量标准来评定运动员。【派】appraisal(n. 评定,鉴定;评价)

assiduous[ə'sidjuəs]adj. 刻苦的,勤奋的【例】I have accumulated a big fortune during my twenty-two years of assiduous labour. 22年来我辛勤工作,攒了一大笔钱。【派】assiduously(adv. 刻苦地,勤奋地)【注】其近义词为diligent,但是assiduous的用法更为正式。

attendance[ə'tendəns]n. 出席,到场;出席人数,〈总称〉出席者【搭】take attendance 点名【例】attendance record 考勤记录//When Ruby studied in university, her good attendance records helped her pass all of the exams. 鲁比上大学的时候,她良好的出勤记录帮她通过了所有考试。

aviation[ˌeivi'ei∫n]n. 航空;航空学【例】It's just common sense that the more you talk to someone by phone or computer, it inevitably leads to a face-to-face meeting. The best thing for the aviation industry was the Internet. (TEM-8)你与人用电话或计算机交流得越多,就会不可避免地促成一次面对面的会谈。对于航空工业来说,最好的事物莫过于互联网。【注】aviation也较常在新闻听力中出现,相关的词汇有:

civil aviation industry 民航工业 airlines 航线

pilot 飞行员 cockpit crew 机组人员

categorize['kætəgəraiz]v. 将…分类,归类【例】Anybody who categorizes objects on the basis of his emotions would fail at last. 任何人想按照个人情感给事物分类,最终都将失败。

ceremony['serəməni]n. 典礼,仪式;礼节,礼仪【例】I felt the way a friend of mine felt as we later watched the unveiling of the Richmond statue in a subdued ceremony: "But he's so small!" (TEM-8)后来,我和我的一个朋友在一个隆重程度令人失望的典礼中观看了里士满(林肯)雕像揭幕仪式,我和他的感受相同:林肯雕像太矮小了!

classify*['klæsifai]v. 把…分类,把(货物等)分等级;把…归入一类【例】Observational methods can be classified as observation with intervention, or observation without intervention. (TEM-8)观察方法可以被划分为干预性观察法或者无干预性观察法。【派】classification(n. 分类,分级)

comprehend[ˌkɔmpri'hend]v. 了解,领会【例】Scientific and technological advances are enabling us to comprehend the furthest reaches of the cosmos, the most basic constituents of matter, and the miracle of life. (TEM-8)科技进步正在使我们能够了解宇宙的最远距离、物质最基本的组成以及生命的奇迹。

comprehensible*[ˌkɔmpri'hensəbl]adj. 能理解的【例】His fourth hypothesis is the comprehensible input hypothesis. (TEM-8)他的第四条假说是可理解的(语言)输入假说。

comprehensive[ˌkɔmpri'hensiv]adj. 综合的,全面的;理解的,有理解力的【例】Comprehensive tax reform is needed in Germany to spur investment and to create new job opportunities. 德国需要进行全面的税收改革以刺激投资和创造新的工作机会。

compulsory[kəm'pʌlsəri]adj. 强迫的,强制的,义务的【搭】compulsory course 必修课;compulsory education 义务教育【例】The compulsory schooling in China lasts nine years. 中国的义务教育年限是九年。【注】mandatory,obligatory也可以表示“义务的”。

confer[kən'fə:(r)]v. 商讨;授予(奖项、学位等)【搭】confer sth. on/upon sb. 把…授予某人//confer with sb. 与某人商谈,商议【例】Mary wants to confer with her mother before making the decision to marry John. 在决定嫁给约翰前,玛丽想要和她的妈妈商讨一下。

contrive[kən'traiv]v. 发明,设计;设法做到【搭】contrive to do sth. 设法做成某事【例】contrive a new method 设计出一种新方法//In 1862, a technique was contrived to take a series of photographs showing different stages of movement. 1862年,人们发明了一项连续拍照的技术,来展示运动的不同阶段。

credentials[krə'den∫lz]n. 资格证书;(个人能力及信用的)证明,证件【例】To qualify to study in Belgium, it is essential to meet relevant requirements in academic credentials, linguistic skills, academic objectives and financial resources. (TEM-8)要想有资格在比利时学习,需要满足在学术资格、语言技能、学术目标以及经济来源等方面的相关要求。【注】certificate多指官方颁发的证书、执照等可以证明“权利”的文件,而credentials指证明个人能力及信用的文件。

credibility[ˌkredə'biləti]n. 可靠性,可信性【例】The government has lost its credibility due to this event. 政府因为这次事件已经丧失了其可信性。

debate[di'beit]v. 辩论,讨论;考虑,盘算 n. 辩论,辩论比赛【例】The new proposal has been the subject of intense public debate in recent weeks. 最近几个星期,这一新提案成了民众激烈争论的话题。

deduce[di'dju:s]v. 推论,演绎【搭】deduce from 推断【例】We can deduce your disapproval from your silence. 我们从你的沉默可以推断出你不赞同。【派】deduction(n. 推断,演绎);deductive(adj. 推论的,演绎的)

define[di'fain]v. 解释,给…下定义;确定…的范围/界限【搭】define...as 把…定义为【例】Until last fall, I'd been oblivious to my "water footprint", which is defined as the total volume of freshwater that is used to produce goods and services, according to the Water Footprint Network. (TEM-8)直到去年秋天,我一直都未曾意识到我的“水足迹”问题,根据“水足迹网”的说法,“水足迹”被定义为用于生产商品及提供服务所需要的总的淡水量。

delimit[di'limit]v. 确定…的范围,划界【例】It is necessary to define and delimit responsibilities clearly. 有必要明确地定义和划分职责。

detour['di:tuə(r)]n. 绕弯路,兜圈子;离题 v. 绕道,绕过;使离题【例】We'd better make a detour to see the beautiful mountain village. 我们最好绕道去看一下那个美丽的山村。【注】detour常与make和take这两个动词搭配使用,例如make/take a detour around sth.。

dictate[dik'teit]v. 口述;(使)听写;命令,强行规定;支配,驱使['dikteit]n. 命令,规定,要求【例】After the meeting the manager dictated a few letters to his secretary. 会后经理向他的秘书口授了几封信函。

didactic[dai'dæktik]adj. 教诲的,说教的【例】The boy did not like his father's didactic way of speaking. 那个男孩不喜欢他爸爸说教的讲话方式。

digress[dai'gres]v. 离题【例】I do digress too much, and therefore shall return to my subject. 我确实离题太多了,因此应该回到主题上来。【注】近义词组:stray from

diploma[di'pləumə]n. 文凭,学位证书【例】Some people go back for their education to acquire another degree or diploma to improve their social status. 有些人回到学校重新学习,是想再取得一个学位或一张文凭,以提高自己在社会上的地位。

discipline['disiplin]n. 纪律,行为准则;克制;规章制度;处罚;学科 v. 训练;控制【例】For example, the education level of mothers impacted how often they resorted to physical discipline. (TEM-8)例如,母亲们的受教育程度影响她们诉诸体罚措施的频率。【派】disciplined(adj. 受过训练的;遵守纪律的)

discourse['diskɔ:s]n. 话语;讲话;演讲,演说;谈话【搭】discourse on/upon 演讲;谈话【例】Rational discourse on public policy is vital to democracy. 有关公共政策的合理演说对于民主来说至关重要。

disperse*[dis'pə:s]v. (使)分散,驱散,疏散;传播【搭】disperse knowledge 传播知识【例】Federal troops were used to disperse a crowd that tried to storm the jail. 联邦军队被用来驱散企图制造监狱暴乱的人群。【注】disperse,dispel和scatter都可以表示“驱赶,驱散”之意,disperse用法较为正式,指“把一群人分散到各地”,dispel指“使云等实物以及心情等比较抽象的事物分散”,scatter指“用力地使某物自然散开”。

distort[dis'tɔ:t]v. 扭曲,使变形;歪曲,曲解;使(声音、信号等)失真【搭】distort history 歪曲历史【例】The mirror seems to distort the model's shape. 这面镜子似乎把模特照变形了。【派】distorted(adj. 歪曲的,扭曲的);distortion(n. 歪曲,扭曲)

dynamics[dai'næmiks]n. 力学,动力学【例】The field of dynamics in physics is related to the movement of objects and the forces involved in movement. 物理学中的动力学领域是关于物体运动及运动中产生的力的。

endow[in'dau]v. 赋予,授予;资助,捐赠【搭】endow with 给予,赋予【例】This charity endowed orphans through college years. 该慈善机构资助孤儿完成大学学业。

enlighten[in'laitn]v. 启发,开导;使摆脱偏见(迷信);指导,教育【例】Someone regards teaching as an opportunity to enlighten students, not just to inform them. 有人将教学看成是一种启迪学生而不仅仅是传授给学生知识的机会。【派】unenlightened(adj. 无知的,愚昧的);enlightened(adj. 文明的)【注】The Enlightenment(启蒙运动)发生在18世纪初到1789年的法国大革命期间,与理性主义等一起构成一个较长的文化运动时期。这个时期的启蒙运动覆盖了各个知识领域,如经济学、历史学、文学、教育学、自然科学、哲学、伦理学、政治学等。

excel[ik'sel]v. 胜过,优于;擅长于;突出,超常【搭】excel in/at 在…方面超过;excel oneself 超越自我【例】Martin always excelled in mathematics at school. 在学校里,马丁在数学方面始终表现出色。【派】excellence(n. 优秀;优点)

expand[ik'spænd]v. 扩大;发展;增长;张开,展开【搭】expand one's knowledge 扩大知识面【例】the expanding of a market 市场的扩大//When it's raining, the normal customer base for rickshaw pullers expands greatly, as does the price of a journey. (TEM-8)当下雨的时候,通常的人力车的乘客群体人数会大幅度增加,同时行程的价格也会有所上涨。

faculty['fæklti]n. 天赋,才能;官能;(大学的)系,学院;(院系的)全体教师;(某一职业的)全体从业人员【例】mental faculty 智力//the faculty of law 法学院//Learn not just the business theories of today but the business framework of tomorrow from the most acclaimed faculty in the world. 不仅要学习现存的商业理论,还要从世界上最受称赞的学院那里学习未来的商业框架。

flunk[flʌŋk]v. 通不过(考试等),评定(某人)不及格【例】Mary studied hard for the exam, but she still flunked. 玛丽为了这次考试努力学习,但还是没能及格。【注】flunk多用于口语中,尤其是在美国英语中,与fail同义。

fraction['fræk∫n]n. 分数;小部分,片断,碎片;一点【搭】a fraction of 一小部分,一点儿【例】Would you please spare a fraction of your time to stay with me? 你能抽出一点时间跟我待在一起吗?

genius['dЗi:niəs]n. 天才,天资,天赋【搭】a genius for... …的天资【例】men of genius 才子//Dr. Andreasen has recently written a book called "The Creating Brain: the Neuroscience of Genius". (TEM-8)安德烈亚森博士最近写了一本书,名字叫做《创造型大脑:天才神经科学》。

graduate['grædЗueit]v. 毕业;取得资格['grædЗuət]n. 毕业生【例】At the same time, the number of engineering graduates in developed countries is in steep decline. (TEM-8)同时,发达国家工程技术专业的毕业生的数量急剧下降。【派】graduation(n. 毕业);undergraduate(n. 大学生,本科生)

grasp[grɑ:sp]v. 抓住,抓紧,抱住;掌握,领会 n. 抓,紧握,抱;掌握,了解【搭】grasp at 攫取,抓住【例】At this early stage, you will be expected mainly to show that you understand what you did in your report and its implications, together with evidence that you have, at least a basic grasp of the demands of the report's format. (TEM-8)在这个早期阶段,你主要被期望表现出你能理解你报告里写到的内容、其隐含意义,以及你所提供的证据,至少要对报告的格式要求有一个基本的掌握。【注】有很多词可以表示“抓紧,紧握”,如grasp,scratch,clutch,grab,seize和grip等。grasp侧重于“抓住”的升华意义,即“掌握”;scratch有“擦”和“刮”的含义,侧重于“勉强抓住”;grab着重于“抢夺”的意思;clutch是“紧紧抓住”;seize有“逮捕,抓住”的意思。

handy['hændi]adj. 手边的,近便的;便于使用的,方便的;灵巧的,手巧的【搭】come in handy 有用,派得上用场【例】I keep the book handy just in case. 我把这本书放在手边,以备不时之需。

illiterate[i'litərət]n. 文盲;无知的人 adj. 文盲的;无知的【例】Choice, in almost all its facets, is diminished in the life of an illiterate adult. 未受过教育的成年人几乎在生活中的任何方面都没有选择的余地。

impart[im'pɑ:t]v. 传授,灌输;给予;告知,通知【例】These words reflect the dual nature of Japanese department stores. Words written in ideographs can impart an aura of antiquity and tradition. (TEM-8)这些语言反映了日本百货商店的双重性质。书写的象形文字能传递一种古老和传统的韵味。

inculcate[in'kʌlkeit]v. 反复灌输,谆谆教诲【例】I will inculcate the directions if people are unsure of them. 如果人们不清楚这些指令,我会反复说明。

instinct['instiŋkt]n. 本能,天性,直觉;天资,天赋【搭】by instinct凭本能【例】The gentleman seems so honest and genuine but my every instinct says he's not. 那位绅士看起来很诚实、真诚,但直觉告诉我并非如此。

institute['institju:t]n. 协会,学会,机构;科研所,学院,研究院 v. 建立,设立;制定【例】financial institute 金融研究所//The government will institute a number of measures to better safeguard the public. 政府将采取一系列措施以更好地保护公众的安全。【注】人文知识:Massachusetts(马萨诸塞)位于美国的New England(新英格兰地区),许多世界著名大学都坐落在那里,如Massachusetts Institute of Technology(麻省理工学院),Yale University(耶鲁大学)和Harvard University(哈佛大学)。

instruct[in'strʌkt]v. 教育,指导,讲授;通知;指示,命令【例】After the earthquake, he instructed that new houses should be built on safe places as soon as possible. 地震后,他指示要尽快在安全地带建造新的房屋。【派】instructor(n. 教师);instructive(adj. 有教育意义的);instruction(n. 教育,指导)

integral*['intigrəl]adj. 不可或缺的,构成整体所必需的;完整的【例】integral number整数//The Electronic Government is an integral part of Hong Kong's Digital 21 Strategy formulated in 1998 to make Hong Kong both a regional and worldwide Internet centre. (TEM-8)电子政务是1998年制定的香港数码21策略的一个不可或缺的部分,该策略旨在使香港成为区域与世界的网络中心。

intelligence[in'telidЗəns]n. 智力,理解力,智慧;情报,谍报;情报人员,情报机构【例】intelligence test 智力测验//intelligence analysis 情报分析//In terms of creation, computers can never surpass human intelligence. 在创造方面,计算机永远无法超越人类的智慧。

intelligent[in'telidЗənt]adj. 聪明的;理智的,明智的【例】intelligent beings 智慧生物//Another idea, intelligent paper, comes from Anoto Group. (TEM-8)另一个想法——智能纸——来自阿诺托集团公司。【派】intelligently(adv. 聪明地);unintelligent(adj. 智力低下的;愚钝的)

intermediate[ˌintə'mi:diət]adj. 中间的,居中的;中级的,中等程度的【例】Students who have reached an intermediate level benefit from learning general English skills. 那些英文已达到中级水平的学生从学习综合英语技能中受益。【注】一般的课程或考试都分为“初级”、“中级”和“高级”,其各自的英语表达为:

初级:elementary level course;introductory course

中级:intermediate course

高级:advanced course; senior level examination;higher examination

以BEC考试为例,其初、中、高级考试分别为BEC Preliminary, BEC Vantage and BEC Higher。

literate*['litərət]adj. 有读写能力的;有文化的,有学识的【例】A good teacher must be not only literate but also a good friend of the students. 一名好老师不仅要博学,还要成为学生们的好朋友。

obtain*[əb'tein]v. 得到,获得【搭】obtain a degree 获得学位【例】So you need to make sure that you have provided precise details of the ways in which you went about collecting and analyzing the data that you obtained. (TEM-8)因此你需要确保已提供你着手搜集和分析你所获得的数据的方法的准确细节。【派】obtainable(adj. 能得到的)

outline['autlain]n. 轮廓;提纲,要点概括 v. 画出…的轮廓,打出…的草图【例】an outline of a speech 讲话提纲//Uncle Geoff spent most of his waking hours composing letters to The Times and other publications in which he outlined his own particular theory of the development of English history. (TEM-8)杰夫叔叔将他睡眠以外的绝大多数时间用在给《泰晤士报》及其他出版物写信上,在信中他概括出自己对于英国历史发展的独到见解。

pedantic[pi'dæntik]adj. 学究式的,卖弄学问的【例】I hate to be pedantic, but I still have to make it clear that Socrates was actually a Greek, not a German. 我讨厌卖弄学问,但是我还是得澄清一下:苏格拉底实际上是希腊人而不是德国人。【注】其近义词为fussy。

persevere[ˌpə:si'viə(r)]v. 坚持不懈,不屈不挠【例】All the teachers in this school are persevering in their attempt to obtain additional funding for the school. 这个学校的所有老师都在坚持不懈地为学校争取额外的经费。

persist[pə'sist]v. 坚持;持续【搭】persist in 坚持,固执,坚持不懈,执意【例】Old dialects persisting in Jutland can barely be understood by Copenhageners. (TEM-8)哥本哈根人几乎听不懂日德兰半岛上一直沿用的古老方言。【派】persistence(n. 坚持,持续);persistent(adj. 持续的)

persistent[pə'sistənt]adj. 坚持的,不屈不挠的;持续不断的,反复出现的【例】The January warmth turned out to be part of a remarkably persistent weather anomaly. (TEM-8)一月的温暖气候依然延续了之前持续时间长得惊人的反常天气状况。

primary['praiməri]adj. 主要的,首要的;最初的;基本的【例】the primary stage of civilization 文明的最初阶段//primary school 小学//Now as you remember, the primary goal of observation is to describe behavior. (TEM-8)现在,你们应该都还记得,观察的主要目的是描述行为。【派】primarily(adv. 首先,起初)

principal*['prinsəpl]adj. 主要的,首要的 n. 校长;资本【例】the principal of a college 院长//both principal and interest 连本带利//About one-fifth of the high school students here are boycotting classes to protest the reinstatement of the principal. 该高中大约五分之一的学生拒绝上课,以此对校长的复职表示抗议。【派】principally(adv. 重要地;主要地)【注】principal是一个高频新闻词汇,如the former principal of St Hugh's College, Oxford,意为“牛津大学圣休学院前任校长”。注意它和principle在拼写及读音上的区别。

principle['prinsəpl]n. 原则,主义;行动准则;道义;原理【搭】in principle 原则上,大体上//on principle 根据原则【例】In principle, every liberal should celebrate this. (TEM-8)原则上,每个自由主义者都应该为此庆祝。

procure[prə'kjuə(r)]v. 取得,获得【例】It is difficult to procure this original ancient painting. 这幅古画的原作是不易得到的。

purport['pə:pɔ:t]n. 主要大意,要领[pə'pɔ:t]v. 自称,标榜【例】The book does not purport to be a complete history of the period. 本书无意标榜为那个时期的全史。

recommend[ˌrekə'mend]v. 推荐,介绍;劝告,建议【搭】 recommend sb. sth. 向某人推荐某物【例】So most skillful conversationalists recommend starting with a question that is personal, but not harmful. (TEM-8)因此,大多数有技巧的健谈者建议以一个私人的但无恶意的问题开始谈话。【派】recommendation(n. 推荐;劝告,建议)

rehearsal[ri'hə:sl]n. 排演,试演,排练,彩排【例】dress rehearsal 带妆彩排//At rehearsals, his mastery of the piano impressed all the people. 试演时,他娴熟的钢琴弹奏技巧给所有人留下了深刻的印象。

rehearse[ri'hə:s]v. 排练,排演;讲述(某事物),(尤指)自述;背诵;(通过排演)指导或训练(某人)【例】Any history of London will rehearse three broad explanations. 任何有关伦敦的历史都会有三种广义的讲述。

schedule['skedЗu:l]n. 进度表,计划;时刻表,班次表 v. 预定;安排【搭】ahead of schedule 提前;on schedule 按预定时间,按时,准时;behind schedule 落后于计划进度,晚于规定时间,晚点;be scheduled for 定在某时(进行)【例】a train/flight schedule 火车/航班时刻表//For example, while observation intervals are scheduled systematically, observations within an interval are made at random times. (TEM-8)例如,尽管观察间隔时间是经过系统安排的,但一段间隔时间内的观察却是随机进行的。【派】scheduled(adj. 安排好的,预定的)

seminar['seminɑ:(r)]n. 研讨会;(大学的)研讨班【例】The biology professor conducted a seminar on mammals. 这位生物学教授主持了一个有关哺乳动物的研讨会。

senior['si:niə(r)]adj. 年长的;资深的 n. 年长者;资深者;高中、学院或大学毕业班的学生,大学四年级的学生【搭】be senior to... 比…年长【例】a senior citizen 老年人//Your boss may offer you a 10 percent increase of your salary if he is able to tuck a "senior" in front of your title. 如果老板能够在你的职称前加上“高级”的话,那么他可能会给你10%的薪水增长。

specialize['spe∫əlaiz]v. 专攻,专门研究,专门从事【例】The new company specializes in needleless drug injections. 这家新公司专营无针头药物注射。

tangent['tændЗənt]n. 切线;正切【搭】go off at a tangent 突然转换话题或想法;跑题【例】Grandfather loves to tell stories of the past but he always goes off at a tangent. 祖父喜欢讲过去的故事,可他总是跑题。

thesis['θi:sis]n. 学位论文,论文;论点,论题【例】In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement. 在写作的第一部分,你应该阐述你论文的论点。【派】hypothesis(n. 假设)【注】一般本科阶段的论文多用paper来表示,很少用thesis。另外一个表示论文的词dissertation多用于表示“博士论文”。认知词

absentee[ˌæbsən'ti:]n. 缺席(缺勤)者

academician[əˌkædə'mi∫n]n. 院士;学会会员

aerodynamics[ˌeərəudai'næmiks]n. 空气动力学,气体动力学

aesthetics[i:s'θetiks]n. 美学,审美学

anthropology[ˌænθrə'pɔlədЗi]n. 人类学【派】anthropological(adj. 人类学的);anthropologist(n. 人类学家)

antilogarithm[ˌænti'lɔgəriðəm]n. (数学的)反对数,逆对数

appraisal[ə'preizl]n. 评定,鉴定;评价

astrology[ə'strɔlədЗi]n. 占星学,占星术【派】astrological(adj. 占星的,占星术的)

astrophysics[ˌæstrəu'fiziks]n. 天体物理学

badge[bædЗ]n. 徽章;标志,象征

biochemistry[ˌbaiəu'kemistri]n. 生物化学

biotechnology[ˌbaiəutek'nɔlədЗi]n. 生物工艺学,生物科技

brainstorming['breinˌstɔ:miŋ]n. 献计献策,合力攻关,集体研讨

brainwash['breinwɔ∫]v. 对…进行洗脑【例】These old farmers have been brainwashed into thinking that they must export their agricultural products to make more money. 这些老农民都被洗了脑,他们认为必须出口自己的农产品来赚取更多的钱。

brighten['braitn]v. (使)发光,(使)发亮;(使)快活,(使)活跃

brochure['brəu∫ə(r)]n. 小册子,介绍手册,指南

calculus['kælkjələs]n. 微积分(学)

circumference[sə'kʌmfərəns]n. 圆周,周长

concentric[kən'sentrik]adj. 同心的,同轴的

cultivated['kʌltiveitid]adj. 有教养的,有修养的,文雅的

decimal['desiml]n. 小数 adj. 小数的;十进位的

demography[di:'mɔgrəfi]n. 人口统计学,人口学

denominator[di'nɔmineitə(r)]n. 分母

dentistry['dentistri]n. 牙科学,牙医术

diagonal[dai'ægənl]adj. 对角的,对角线的;倾斜的,斜线的 n. 对角线,斜线

diameter[dai'æmitə(r)]n. 直径,径;放大率【例】The diameter of this circle is 7 centimeters. 这个圆的直径是7厘米。

dissertation[ˌdisə'tei∫n]n. (学位)论文【例】Ph.D. dissertation 博士学位论文

doctorate['dɔktərət]n. 博士学位

dynamic[dai'næmik]adj. 能动的;有活力的,强有力的;动力的,力(学)的,动态的【例】Uncle Sam used to be a dynamic young businessman. 山姆叔叔过去曾经是一个充满活力的年轻商人。

ecology[i:'kɔlədЗi]n. 生态(学)【派】ecological(adj. 生态的;生态学的)

engineering[ˌendЗi'niəriŋ]n. 工程(学);工程师行业【例】electronics engineering 电子工程学

equation[i'kweiЗn]n. 方程式,等式

equiangular[ˌekwi'æŋgjulə(r)]adj. 等角的

equidistant[ˌekwi'distənt]adj. 等距的

equilateral[ˌekwi'lætərəl]adj. 等边的

ethics['eθiks]n. 伦理学;道德规范,道德准则

evolutionary[ˌevə'lu:∫əneri]adj. 进化(论)的,由进化产生的;发展的

finding['faindiŋ]n. 心得;研究所得,调查结果;裁决,判决

formulation[ˌfɔ:mju'lei∫n]n. 公式化;构想,规划

forum['fɔ:rəm]n. 讲坛,讨论会场,论坛【例】The company is going to hold a forum on the situation of the global economy. 这家公司将就全球经济形势举行一个论坛。

genetic[dЗi'netik]adj. 遗传(学)的【派】genetically(adv. 由基因决定地)

genetics[dЗə'netiks]n. 遗传学

geometric[ˌdЗi:ə'metrik]adj. 几何学的;几何图形的

geometry[dЗi'ɔmətri]n. 几何学





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