
发布时间:2020-08-03 12:15:48







版权信息书名:用英语说中国:魅力城市作者:浩瀚排版:昀赛出版社:科学技术文献出版社出版时间:2007-12-01ISBN:9787502358914本书由科学技术文献出版社 授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。—·版权所有 侵权必究·—前 言Foreword



用英语说中国,不仅让中国走向世界,也让世界更多地了解中国。1 华北地区North China北京Unit 1 BeijingKey Sentences流畅精句1. You need at least six days to cover the important attractions in Beijing.要想游遍北京的重要景点,至少需要6天时间。2. The most luxurious and classy hotel with top services is the Beijing International Hotel.最豪华、最上档次的宾馆要数北京国际饭店。3. You do have to try good local dishes in Beijing.你确实应该品味一下北京的地方小吃。4. Tian'anmen Square is 98 acres and great for kite flying in the spring.天安门广场面积达98英亩,是春天放风筝的好地方。5. The Chairman Mao Memorial Hall was built in 1977 and opens 9:30 a.m. to 3 or 5 p.m. daily.毛主席纪念堂建于1977年,每天9:30开门,下午3:00或5:00闭馆。6. There are the food stalls at night near the East Gate of the Forbidden City with food from all over China.晚上在紫禁城东门外附近有汇集全国各地的大排档。7. The National Museum has the best of China's artifacts.中国国家博物馆保存有中国最好的文物。8. The decoration of old Chinese buildings was bold and skillful in the use of color, and thick, bright colors became a unique characteristic of traditional Chinese architecture.中国古建筑的装饰在色彩的使用方面,大胆粗犷、讲究技巧。厚重而明亮的色彩为传统中国建筑的特色。9. The temple of Heaven was built in the same period as the Forbidden City in 1420, and ranks among the most famous structures in China.天坛和故宫同建于1420年,它是中国最有名的建筑之一。10. A visit to the Summer Palace usually takes half a day, because it's a 717-acre garden.参观颐和园通常要花半天时间,因为它占地有717英亩。11. The steles in Yonghegong are incised with Han, Manchurian, Mongolian, and Tibetan script.雍和宫的匾额是用汉、满、蒙、藏文雕刻的。12. There are many well-kept “Hutong” in Beijing, lanes crowdedly inhabited by Beijing folks.北京有许多保存完好的胡同,老北京人拥挤地住在这些小巷子里。13. Traditional arts and crafts in Beijing are well known both at home and abroad.北京的传统工艺美术驰名国内外。14. Beijing has hosted many international conferences and world sports meetings.北京已经成功地举办过许多国际会议和世界级运动会。15. Beijing has been successful in the bid for the right to stage the 2008 Olympic Games.北京已成功地赢得了2008年的奥运会举办权。16. The Great Wall in China is one of the wonders of the world and is known to people all over the world.中国的长城是世界的一大奇迹并且闻名全世界。17. If you have a chance to come to China some day, be sure to go there and have a look at this great wonder.如果有一天你有机会来到中国,一定要去那儿看一看这个伟大的奇观。18. The Great Wall meanders from east to west for about 6350 kilometers or 12700 li.长城从东到西蜿蜒约6350公里,也就是12700里。19. The construction of the Great Wall first began during the Warring States Period about 2500 years ago.长城始建于约2500年前的战国时期。20. In the subsequent dynasties, the Great Wall was rebuilt many times.在后来的几个朝代,长城又被多次重建。21. The Great Wall is indeed to crystallization of the industry and wisdom of the Chinese people and also a symbol of the ancient Chinese culture.长城的确是中国人民劳动和智慧的结晶,也是古代中国文化的象征。Wonderful Paragraph精彩片段Paragraph 1简介Brief Introduction

Beijing is the one of the birthplaces of Chinese Civilization and one of the six ancient capital cities in China. During the last 3000 years it served as a capital for several dynasties. Since the discovery of a complete skull of Peking man living approximately 200000 to 500000 years ago in Zhoukoudian, situated 50 kilometers to the southwest of Beijing proper, Zhoukoudian became world-famous as the home of the Chinese ape-man.

Beijing is the political center of China where the Party's Central Committee, the State Council, ministries and commissions under the government, and more than 140 foreign embassies are located. It is also an international exchange center.

Being one of the biggest industrial bases in China, Beijing's industrial production is the second largest in value among all Chinese cities. An industrial system with iron and steel, coal, machinery, chemical and petroleum, textiles, electronics and other industries as its mainstays has already taken shape. Beijing's arts and crafts are famous for their long history, great variety, and superb workmanship. The most popular ones among them are cloisonne, ivory carving, jade ware, carved lacquer ware, snuff bottles, silk flowers and Beijing's embroidery etc.

As the country's center of culture, education, science and technology, Beijing has more than forty state scientific research institutions, over thirty universities and various exhibition halls, museums, cinemas and palestras. The National Library of China is the largest library in Asia.

It is a hub of communications, with good railroad and air links with all parts of China, as well as with major international cities, thus facilitating the rapid development of tourism as an important industry in Beijing.Paragraph 2地理状况In Geography

Beijing China, a municipality directly under the Central Government is the capital of the People's Republic of China and the country's political, economic, cultural and transportation center as well as a famous historic city. Geographically located in the northwest part of the North China Plain, and covering an area of 16800 square km. Beijing is the second largest city in China with a population of more than 11 million. It has a semi-humid continental climate in the warm temperate zone. With an annual average temperature of 12 degrees Centigrade and rainfall of 641 millimetres, Beijing is neither cold in winter nor very hot in summer. The best seasons in Beijing are Spring and Autumn. Beijing China is indeed an ideal place to visit all round the year.Paragraph 3市树和市花Official Tree and Flowers

Official city trees: the Chinese scholar tree and oriental cypress

The stately cypress symbolizes the courage and strength of the Chinese people, their simple, and hard working nature and their defiance in the face of aggression. The scholar tree is a symbol of good fortune, joy and well-being.

Official city flowers: China rose and chrysanthemum

The rose, a Chinese native, has been cross bred many times, but it still has half of the original Chinese traits. Known as Perpetual Spring, Monthly Red, Snow Challenger and Victorious, it grows quickly, regenerates easily and is graceful and long blooming (May to October).

The chrysanthemum has many names and varieties. In Beijing potted chrysanthemums may be seen year round. They flower in summer and fall naturally but can be forced to bloom any time of year.Paragraph 4教育Education

Beijing is home to a number of colleges and universities, with more in Beijing than any other city in China. Most of these institutes of higher learning are located in the northwestern section of Beijing.

Two notable institutions are Beijing University, which was founded in 1898, and Qinghua University (1911). As well as having a beautiful campus, Qinghua University is the most esteemed and notable technical and scientific institution in China.

There are also language institutes for foreigners to go and learn Chinese, such as Beijing Language and Culture University (formerly known as Beijing Language Institute) in Haidian District. Many foreigners from around the world congregate in this area to learn or improve their Chinese.Paragraph 5历史History

Beijing's beginnings were that of a trading town for the tribes in Shandong and central China as well as the Koreans and Mongols. It grew until it became the capital of the Yan Kingdom during the Warring States Period and eventually became known as Yanjing during the Liao Dynasty. In 1215 AD, Yanjing (Beijing) was destroyed by Genghis Khan with fire and it emerged from the destruction in 1272 as Dadu, which means Great Capital. Dadu, also known as Khanbalik, was the capital for Kublai Khan, Genghis Khan's grandson.

There was temporary peace from about 1280-1300, during which many foreigners traveled along the Silk Road, but in 1368 Zhu Yuanzhang (Chu Yuan-chang) changed the relatively peaceful era. He was responsible for a revolt that allowed him to overtake Beijing and thus the began of the Ming Dynasty. One of the things he did was change the city's name to Beiping, which means Northern Peace, and changed the capital to Nanjing in the South. Thirty years later around 1398-1400, after Zhu's death, his forth son, Zhu Di took over the throne and moved the capital back to Beijing (changing the name back from Beiping), which means “northern capital.” Beijing developed and flourished during this time, building many of the famous palaces and temples that are still present today. Tiantan and the Forbidden city are two Chinese Literature.Paragraph 6北京的竞争力Beijing's Competitiveness

As the capital city of China, Beijing enjoys exceptional advantages in many respects. It has the fourth-highest overall rate of competitiveness among all the cities on the mainland. Its comprehensive employment growth rate, comprehensive market occupation and comprehensive income level are fairly high, and its comprehensive GDP growth rate and comprehensive environmental and resources cost are satisfactory.

Beijing is home to more top-level universities and scientific research institutions than any other city in the country. Endowed with a long history and a rich cultural tradition, Beijing boasts competitiveness in talent that is next to none in China. It also scores very high marks for its quantity, quality, deployment, demand and education of human resources.

Beijing's capital competitiveness occupies second place in China. It has convenient fund-raising opportunities, the country's highest index of financial control capacity, and substantial capital.

Beijing has the strongest competitiveness in science and technology among all Chinese cities, reflected in its superior position in science and technology, innovation capacity and commercialization of research findings.

Beijing's structural competitiveness leads the country, with an advanced industrial structure and a complete economic system.

It also has the nation's second-strongest competitiveness in infrastructure facilities. It has constructed complete internal infrastructure facilities, for the 2008 Olympic Games, Beijing, as the host, will continue to improve its infrastructure facilities.

Speaking of location-based competitiveness, Beijing benefits the most from its political location while also enjoying excellent natural and economic positioning. But it scores poorly in the index of resource advantages. In particular, the city is in great need of water.Paragraph 7北京——最和谐的城市Beijing: Most Compatible City

Beijing is the most compatible city in contemporary China, with a niche for any kind of lifestyle. Some people feel out of place and depressed back in their hometown, but in Beijing there is always at least one person or social stratum with whom to identify. If you want a voice in this world, and you want it to be heard within the shortest possible time, Beijing is the place to be.

Beijing lives up to its accolade as the center of China. Since its successful bid for the 2008 Olympics, the city has been ever more lavish in its municipal construction. Within all 12 life-quality indexes, Beijing either holds more “first” position than any other city, or is among the top few. This is particularly the case as regards residents' income, consumption structure, educational input, medical and hygiene services, general state of health, employment opportunities and cultural and recreational activities. Beijing changes every day and its immense promise, congeniality and compatibility as a truly international metropolis attract ever more people. This feeling is enhanced by the capital's mix of traditional Chinese architecture and masterpieces designed by world-renowned architects.

Beijing has inherited so many traditions that it is often faced with the dilemma of conserving them amidst the capital's modern construction and development. Hutong and siheyuan courtyards represent traditional Beijing, but the majority of their inhabitants long for a better living environment. It is apparent that Beijingers enjoy a high level of medical, educational, cultural and sports services as well as good working conditions and high incomes, but housing conditions have improved little. Housing conditions in Beijing ranked 82nd out of 100 cities.Cultural Links文化链接公主坟名字的由来

公主坟街心花园满是苍松翠柏,据史料记载,该坟埋葬的并非真正的公主,而是顺治皇帝母亲的义女—孔四贞。她被称为公主,并予厚葬,是有其历史原因的。孔四贞的父亲叫孔有德,汉族,辽阳人,在明末清初不是一般人物。孔有德原为明朝将领,天启五年,清太宗兴兵伐明,为了招贤纳士,发布了一份带有收买性质的诏文。孔有德看到明朝的没落腐败,于是投降了清廷。清兵入关后,率兵驰骋疆场,足迹遍布大江南北,竭力效忠清王朝,立下了赫赫战功,顺治皇帝视他为开国良将,曾多次给予重赏与表彰。顺治九年,孔有德率部南征柳州,与明朝将领李定国交战失败,最后于桂林和他两位夫人一起自杀身亡。父母阵亡后,年幼的孔四贞回到北京。顺治皇帝的母亲孝庄皇后将此功臣之女认定为自己的义女,把她留在宫中抚养,让她分享荣誉,并封她为和硕公主。孔四贞自幼生长在军营中,善骑射,通武艺,长大后嫁给内务大臣孙延龄为妻。后来,清王朝特赐孔四贞继承其父“定南王”的王位,并令孙延龄同其妻往广西节制军务。孙到广西后纵兵骄横,并投靠吴三桂背叛清廷。孔四贞坚决反对孙、吴的叛逆行为,毅然率兵进行讨伐。孔四贞智勇双全,很快就平息了云南的叛乱,为清王朝的安定局势立下了一大功劳。平定云南叛乱后,康熙帝召她回京,并为她赐封王爵,成为清朝的一代女王。孔四贞逝世后,清廷以隆重的葬礼相待,将她埋葬于此,并称之为“公主坟”。Vocabulary妙词连珠Principal Sites Around Tian'anmen 天安门周围主要景点The Palace Museum(/The Forbidden City)故宫(紫禁城)The Great Wall 万里长城The Site of Peking Man 北京猿人遗址The Summer Palace 颐和园The Temple of Heaven 天坛The Ming Tombs 明十三陵Yonghegong Lamasery(/The Lama Temple)雍和宫China World Hotel 中国大饭店Beijing Hotel 北京饭店Palace Hotel Beijing 北京王府饭店Wangfujing Grand Hotel 王府井大饭店Tianlun Dynasty Hotel 天伦王朝大饭店Beijing International Hotel 北京国际饭店Beijing Hilton 北京希尔顿酒店Shangri-La Hotel Beijing 北京香格里拉饭店Diaoyutai State Guest Hotel 钓鱼台国宾馆ANA Beijing New Century Hotel 北京新世纪饭店Jianguo Hotel 建国饭店Traders Hotel 国贸饭店Beijing Capital Hotel 北京首都大酒店Holiday Inn Changfen 长峰假日酒店Xiang Jiang Shui Xiang 香江水乡Xiao Wang Fu 北京小王府Paulaner Brauhaus 普拉那啤酒坊餐厅Peking Union Medical College Hospital 北京协和医院Beijing University People's Hospital 北京大学人民医院Beijing International SOS Clinic 北京国际救援中心Foreigner Employee Service 北京市外企服务集团Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area 北京经济技术开发区Tianzhu Airport Industrial Zone 北京天竺空港工业区Zhongguancun Science Park 中关村科技园天津Unit 2 TianjinKey Sentences流畅精句1. Tianjin, one of four municipalities in China, is also called “jin”.天津是中国四大直辖市之一,又称为“津”。2. Tianjin is the biggest opening up coastal city in north China and the economic center of Bohai Sea rim.天津是中国北方最大的沿海开放城市,中国渤海沿岸的主要经济中心。3. It is also a famous historical and cultural city.这也是一个历史文化名城。4. Tianjin is located from 38°34′ to 40°15′ north latitude, from 116°43′ to 118°04′ east longitude, in the lower reach of Haihe River.天津地处北纬38°34′至40°15′,东经116°43′至118°04′之间,在海河下游。5. It lies in the northeastern part of Huabei Plain with Bohai Sea to its east, Yanshan Mountain to its north.它位于华北平原东北部,东临渤海,北接燕山。6. Tianjin is in the east 8th time zone.天津在东八时区。7. It is only 137 kilometers from Tianjin to Beijing, capital of China.天津距首都北京只有137公里。8. The whole city covers an area of 11919 square kilometers.全市面积11919平方公里。9. Tianjin is in the semi-humid warm and temperate continental monsoon climatic region with very distinctive differences in temperature in four seasons.天津是在半湿润温带大陆性季风气候区,气温变化非常明显,四季气温差异大。10. 75% of precipitation is focused in June, July and August.75%的降水集中在6、7、8月。11. The duration of sunshine in Tianjin is quite long with very strong sun radiation.天津的日照时间很长,太阳辐射非常强烈。12. Tianjin has 22 sister cities in 18 countries.天津市有18个国家的22所姐妹城市。13. Foreign relations in Tianjin involve many aspects in economy, trade, science and technology, sports and hygiene.天津的对外交流涉及许多方面,如经贸、科技、体育和卫生。14. The city flower of Tianjin is rose, symbol of peace and friendship.天津市市花是玫瑰,象征和平与友谊。15. In the first decade of the new century, the development goal of the city can be called “Three-step” Strategy and “Five strategic Measures”.在新世纪的头十年, 该城的发展目标可称为“三步走”战略和“五个战略举措”。Wonderful Paragraph精彩片段Paragraph 1地理概况Geographical Situation

The whole city covers an area of 11919 square kilometers. It is 189 kilometers from north to south and 117 kilometers from east to west. City administrated area is 4334 square kilometers while 7585 square kilometers are under attached country administration. The land area in Tianjin is 8772.30 square kilometers while water covers about 3147.40 square kilometers. The circumference of the frontier is about 900 kilometers with 152.8 kilometers of coastal line and 700 kilometers of landline.

Tianjin is in the semi-humid warm and temperate continental monsoon climatic region with very distinctive differences in temperature in four seasons. The annual precipitation is some 600mm while annual temperature average stays at 12.3℃. The frost-free days in Tianjin amounts 200 days. 75% of precipitation is focused in June, July and August. The duration of sunshine in Tianjin is quite long with very strong sun radiation.Paragraph 2天津的历史Tianjin's History

In ancient time, this place was sea, but the Yellow River flooded Tianjin three times and created a plain by the sand it carried. Today, seashells of ancient times can still be found here. The name Tianjin was first used in the first year of Yongle Reign in Ming Dynasty, meaning “Emperor's ford”. In the second year of Yongle Reign (1404), Tianjin became a walled garrison to safeguard Beijing. In 1860, Tianjin was opened as a trading port, becoming a major commercial city second only to Shanghai and the biggest financial center in north China. After the funding of People's Republic of China, Tianjin was made a municipality. When Reform and Opening up policy was carried out, Tianjin was among the first batch of cities appointed by central government as opening up coastal cities.Paragraph 3自然资源Natural Resources

As far as natural resources are concerned, Tianjin has very rich reserves of petroleum and natural gas in Bohai and Dagang. Annual output of crude oil can reach 10 million ton while that of gas is 900 million cubic meters. It is also verified that the reserve coal is over 300 million tons. Other minerals include Manganese, gold, copper, Tungsten, etc, most of which are of extraction value. The 150 kilometer of coasts line enables us to produce 2.38 million tons of crude salt, about 1/10 of the overall production in China. Subterranean heat resources are also very rich in Tianjin. The temperature of water ranges from 30℃ to 90℃. Besides, there are over 200 square kilometers of waste land with good transportation and low development cost, which will fuel up the development of the city in the future.Paragraph 4经济概况Survey of Economy

Tianjin is the cradle of modem machinery and weaving industry in China. Dozens of industrial zones and areas were set up since the founding of PRC, which topped Tianjin among most other Chinese cities. Famous products like Beijing brand TV, Flying Pigeon brand bike and Seagull brand watch can fully represent the glory of Tianjin industry in the past. Since the reform and opening up, the traditional industrial base began to take a new look. Electronic information, biological technology, modern medicine and new power and other new and high technology began to develop in this city. In 1980, Tianjin was appointed as an opening up city. By the end of 2004, over 118 countries and regions have made investment in Tianjin setting up 16 thousand of enterprises. 106 of the top 500 businesses have set branches in Tianjin. The harbor of Tianjin is the biggest artificial depth harbor of China and the biggest harbor in the north of China. There are the biggest wharf cluster of container and the biggest wharf using appropriate for the bulk food and coke wharf in China. The new coastal area, consisting Tianjin Port, Tianjin Economic and Technology Development Area and Tianjin Bonded area, has attracted a lot of world-famous businesses like Motorola from USA, Toyota from Japan, Samsung from South Korea, and Novordisk from Danmark. The new coastal area has become the landmark of opening up. In the past decade, GDP in Tianjin has been growing constantly by 12.5 percent and Tianjin is becoming a fast growing economic zone.Paragraph 5科技教育Education of Technology

Tianjin is the birth place of the first university in China. In 1895, Tianjin Beiyang School, predecessor of Tianjin University was founded by Sheng Xuanhuai, a Mandarin official of Qing Dynasty. Nankai university, is the mother school of Zhou Enlai, former Chinese premier. There are currently 33 universities and colleges in Tianjin with 150000 college students. Tianjin is among those areas which first enforced nine-year-compulsory education, so the quality of labor in Tianjin is very good. There are about 1000 research centers and technology development organizations with over 600000 professionals. The comprehensive scientific power is among the top in China.Paragraph 6





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