
发布时间:2020-08-04 09:32:43















目前中国英语教学界盛行的说法是:这两个词都可用于表示“花时间做……”,意义相同,只是句式不同。换言之,人们普遍认为spend用于somebody spends time(in)doing something,而take的主语是it。这种错误的理解抹杀了两个词在意义上的根本区别,而且这种解释出现在各种参考书中。结果是:绝大多数学生不仅混淆两者的区别,而且不了解take的其他相关用法,使用方法单一。实际上,take与spend的意义和使用范围泾渭分明,无法表达相同的意义,也就不存在替换的可能性。正确的解释是:spend的主要意义是“把时间花在……上”;表示“花钱”时可接不定式。有时其意义近似“do...for…time”,不能表示完成某事所需的时间。take与时间词连用时主要表示完成一个动作需多少时间,句子的主语以it为主,但也可以是somebody或something,甚至是doing。take还可以接表示时间以外的词,表示“做……需要……”。首先看spend的用法:(一)spend表示“把时间花在……上”或“度过时间的方式”,与是否完成无关,有时表示一个动作持续的时间:

1.At times,to make a few miles,we had to spend a day traveling in the opposite direction.

2.They spent all their spare time doing chores on the farm….

3.Charlotte smiled as she recalled their girlhood,the long hours spent talking of the futures they planned.

4.For instance,the typical American is a person who spends a lot of time wondering who he or she is.

5.In 1900s,women spent most of their adult life in having and bringing up children.

6.…and she spent most of her childhood trying to recover from various ailments.

7.People with good self-images do not spend their lives trying to live up to what they think others expect of them.

8.…he had been diagnosed with schizophrenia a few years earlier and that he now spent his days reading newspapers in his room,afraid to leave his house.(二)表示“花钱做……”时可接不定式:

1.The Hilton spent 40 million dollars to build this and two adjacent villas.

2.The Pentagon is spending hundreds of millions of dollars a year to develop small unmanned tanks.

3.And companies spend billions of dollars each and every year to advertise their products and services for reasons other than attracting new customers and clients.

4.To cope with such problem,NASA is spending 2.1 million dollars to develop a repair kit that will enable spacesuited astronauts to install replacement tiles while in orbit.

5.Manufacturers spend much money to develop new products.

6.In 1975,the city government in one of this country’s largest cities spent $47 million to turn a run-down,dilapidated slum into a beautiful housing project for its residents.

也有人使用on doing,如:

…pile up vast reserves,part of which are spent on modernizing its military hardware through the purchase of….(三)take所需句型十分灵活,表达的意义与spend完全不同,表示动作完成所需时间,有时不必接不定式,句型包括:(1)something takes…time(to do something)

1.A balloon carrying telescopes that took years to build goes down just seconds after takeoff.

2.Fixed assets are assets that take more than a year to be converted to cash.

3.Even an enormous number of abnormal proteins take a long time to produce disease in recipient mice.

4.Since I do not know where I am going to be,or when,or how long letters will take to reach me,I cannot send you an address so that you may write to me.

5.They must think of it as planting trees.A tree takes a generation to reach maturity.

6.The project took five years to complete,as well as the lives of several hundred imported Indian workers.

7.She was told that the results would take another two weeks to produce.

8.The construction,begun in 1174,nearly took 200 years.(没接不定式)(2)somebody takes…time to do(something)

1.For example,the Eskimos probably took a very long time to develop the physical traits that may help them to adapt to the Arctic cold.

2.The journalist immediately set out to obtain these important facts,but he took a long time to send them.

3.The chief house officer,who had declared he would appear…an hour after his cryptic telephone call,actually took twice that time.(没接不定式)

4.Some of the men had taken a long time to believe what they had actually seen;they were the worst affected when they did understand.

5.She could then pay about$10 a month and take a number of months to finish paying the bill.

6.Western societies took more than a century to reach zero population growth and adjust to the rapid expansion of population that accompanied their industrialization.

7.He did not know that he had taken nearly ten years to arrive,for it never occurred to him that his neighbors had eyed him askance at first.

8.After all,last year Delany's clients took an average of six months to find jobs,whereas Walsh's clients took nine.(3)it takes…time for somebody(something)to do something(该句型日益流行)

1.…so it took a little time for the Mormons and us to get used to one another.

2.It takes longer than usual for the heart to slow down after taking exercise.

3.….only because he was premature,it would take some time for Mike to catch up.

4.Have you any idea how long it’s going take for you to find out the final details?

5.It takes about a year for the young elephant to learn to use its trunk properly and keep it under control.

6.The heartbeat group dropped off in half the time it took for any of the other groups.

7....that it would take at least 45 minutes for a sizable police force to be assembled,if there were an attack.

8.…it would take at least two years for the country to be restored to a condition in which elections would be possible.(4)it takes somebody…time to do…(这是中国学生最熟悉、最接受的)

1.It has also taken me a little time to become used to the food,and I am terribly tired of the same clothes all the time,but I can pack and carry only so much.

2.It often took 10 or 15 minutes to clean and stabilize a single square inch.

3.It took him forty minutes just to calm her down so that she could tell him what was wrong.(5)take还可以接非时间类名词,表示“做……需要……”:

1.The diversity of species on Nunataks takes patience to grasp.

2.Remember:it takes money to make money.

3.Do you agree that it takes a thief to catch a thief?

4.The catch is that it takes a lot of energy to produce a baby.It also takes energy to make a tree.

5.It had taken over an hour’s persuasion and finally a downright bribe–to convince him that he was going to wear this.

6.It took her an hour and several unsuccessful attempts to dress,curl,and pin it exactly as she wished.

7.It would take a strong man to walk alone across Westminster Bridge tonight.

8.It took a lot of work to bring this book together,and….

9.It took me with my collaborators more than 10 years of work and handling of many tons of brain tissue from farm animals eventually to isolate 1 mg of the first of the“brain hormones”.

10.It would take an extraordinary reason to bring Zenobia to call upon her unnoticed.


1.Understanding God’s plan for marriage involves understanding that your spouse is the other half of you.

2.We could not agree to the latest American proposal which appeared to involve excluding British technicians from Iran and handing over a very valuable British asset.

3.On the spot he offered me the job,which involved organizing conferences on drugs,unemployment,housing.

4.Three-minute burglary involves attacking a glass front door or a window at night,smashing a display case,and stealing merchandise left out of safes.

中国学生过多使用need,忽视了require,demand和call for的用法,如:

1.To avoid the various foolish opinions to which mankind is prone,no superhuman genius is required.

2.The success of this anti-terrorist campaign calls for worldwide cooperation.

3.Contributions to American art require more detailed treatment.

4.The sun…demanded attention in a manner that would take no denial.

5.The duty of self-preservation requires us to be mentally as well-equipped as the French….

6.Classes like this require energy,imagination,and commitment from professors,all of which can be exhausting.(6)用动名词作主语:

1.Today,bringing a drug from concept to market takes 10-15 years.

2.Organizing the first meeting took months,because of resistance from officials in each of our countries.

3.The writing of the biography took Carl Sandburg fifteen years,one of the longest periods of time given by an author to a single work.

4.Mapping the Theban necropolis entirely from the ground would take my team decades.(7)还有直接用不定式作主语的:

To go by railroad would take almost three days,and to go by automobile would take about a week.(8)抽时间……

1.Take one day a week to disconnect from anything digital.

2.If you have any doubts,take some time to watch the crowds in a busy shopping mall on a Saturday afternoon.

3.I took the next day off,and we spent the day together,visiting the Art institute.

4.Of all the celebrities,Mr.Reeve was the only one who took the time to respond.(9)take用于what it takes to do something句型时,表示“如何才能”或“做……需要哪些因素”:

1.Your self-image is your opinion of who you are divided by your opinion of what it takes to do your job.

2.Why won’t people do what it takes to be successful?(10)take接before:

1.How long does it take before the bowl is empty?

2.It took nearly two months before the hospital decided to close the nursery….

3.It had taken a couple of years before I saw fates were beginning to play themselves out.(11)用于比较所用时间或定语从句:

1.It will usually take up to five times as long to return along the same route against the wind as it took to make the original trip with the wind.(逆风航行所需的时间是顺风时的5倍)

2.Jason Williams hits two three-pointers in less time than it takes to read this sentence.(Williams在2秒内连投两个三分球,而读此句子需2秒以上时间)

3.Computers have much better memories and can store huge amounts of information,and they can do calculations in a fraction of the time taken by a human mathematician.(计算机完成计算所需时间是人类数学家所需时间的很小一部分)

4.Except for the few minutes that it takes to vote,my colleagues and I don’t spend much time on the Senate floor.(除了投票需要的几分钟之外)

5.For example,a detective on a stolen car case may have to check through long lists of information,and in the time it takes him to do this the thief may well escape.(在……过程中)

6.The heart-beat group dropped off in half the time it took for any of the other groups.(听心跳声音的一组婴儿入睡所需的时间是其他组的一半)

7.…while the dictionary is taking longer to record linguistic events than they take to happen.





第一句的翻译是:He spent all the weekend writing his essay.(该句没明确说明是否写完)

第二句的翻译方式很多,最流行的是:It took him nearly a week to write his essay.(该句绝不能使用spend来翻译)


1.Since it usually took 90 minutes to get everything ready,we often spent the last half-hour opening,eating our breakfast,reading the paper and talking.


2.Everything was hard,and took so long.Mira remembered writing papers in school,spending months reading,thinking hard,coming up with a conclusion that….(同上)

3.It took us 15 years to get into this situation,and it will take us at least a decade to get out of it.Even bringing the core inflation rate down from 10 percent to 7 percent would take more than five years….(take的主语分别是it和bringing…down)

4.This book may not have taken a village to write,but it certainly took a superb team.....The smartest decision I made was to ask Lissa Muscatine,Maryanne Vollers and Ruby Shamir to spend two years of their lives working with me.

take接的词不是时间,而是village和team,表示“需要由……来做”。spend two years of their lives working with me表示“为我工作两年”。

5.Things usually take much longer to happen than you expect them to.Once you have worked out what is possible and figured out what you can do,you think that everyone else will start to do it.However,it often takes much longer for the obvious to happen.(take的主语分别是things和it)


6.A man flown to a time zone different by 10 hours will take eight days to readjust his palm sweat.Blood pressure,which is also rhythmical,takes four days to readjust.(take的主语分别是a man和blood pressure)


▲To attain this goal,China spent fifteen years.


▲下面两句话摘自北京某著名中学网校的高考练习题:(a)Waiting for her______me three hours.(b)We’ll______three days in finishing the work.






1.He spent half a year(in)writing a short play.他花了半年时间写了一个短剧。

2.He spent half a year on writing a short play.他把半年时间用在写一个短剧上。(不强调写完)

实际上,这种解释毫无道理。其一,spend time on doing…结构很少使用;其二,即使例句2正确,两句话的含义也是相同的,都是“花半年时间写剧本”之意,根本没有表达完成的含义。


It took him three years to write the book=he spent three years in writing the book.


北京统考题(2009年1月)有句子翻译“中国学生在英语上花的时间比其他学科多得多……”。参考译文是Students in China spend far more time on English than on other courses….

北京统考题(2009年6月)有句子翻译“在中国,拿硕士学位通常需要三年时间”。参考译文是In China,it usually takes three years to get a master’s degree或A master’s degree usually takes three years.



The journalist who had set out to obtain these important facts______a long time to send them.






2.by the time句型的时态问题

如果问国内中学生见到by the time时首先想到什么,回答很可能是“完成时”,其原因是老师对“完成时”深信不疑,而且每当考题出现by the time或by the end of…时,学生就不假思索地选择某个涉及完成时的选项。不可否认,by the time或by the end of…等结构经常与完成时连用,表示已完成的动作,但是,它们也可与其他时态连用表示当时的状态、位置或动作,如一般时、进行时和将来时。这些时态使用的频率并不比完成时少多少。问题的关键是我们不真正了解by the time的习惯用法,仍套用过时的理论。首先我们看一看美国一些名人使用的句子:

1.By the time I reached high school,I was playing on Punahou’s teams,and could take my game to the university courts….(Obama)

2.By the time we’d paid the restaurant bill and walked next door,the theater was already full.(Obama)

例句3~8出自美国前总统Bill Clinton的自传My Life:

3.By the time everyone else had taken three to five minutes,it was past ten o’clock.(从句用过去完成时)

4.By the time Al and I mentioned it,the FBI,the CIA,and the Justice Department were all investigating each other for what they had or hadn’t done in the affair.

5.By the time I went to bed for a couple of hours’sleep,I was feeling better about the speech.

6.He never lost his patience,his energy never flagged,and by the time we got to the last lap,he sometimes seemed to know me better and what I wanted to say better than I did.

7.By the year 2000,the high school graduation rate will increase to at least 90 percent.

8.I was lucky enough to be among the first group in our town to take algebra in the eighth,not the ninthgrade,which meant I’d have a chance to take geometry,algebra II,trigonometry,and calculus by the time I finished high school.

例句9~12出自美国国务卿希拉里自传Living History:

9.By the time I was preparing to take on the role,history was finally catching up to reality.

10.I went below to put on my bathing suit,and by the time I came back up on deck,Jackie,Ted and Bill were already in the water.

11.By the time we arrived at Spaso House,the Ambassador’s official residence,I was feeling a little better.

12.By the time I returned from South Asia,the President and his administration were preparing to square off with the Republican Congress over the contract with America.(1)接一般过去时(以系动词为主):

1.By the time of Christ,the Fremont people occupied the northern two-thirds of the state.

2.By the time she had her curls arranged…,she looked as grave as any judge.

3.By the time Matthew was 14 months old,Carolyn was certain he needed help.

4.By the time Mrs.Roosevelt woke,a little after eight,the temperature was eighty degrees.

5.By the time she started classes,she was off assistance.

6.And by the time my sister graduated,I found myself in the first–violin chair.

7.By the time she made her way to the rear window,Chessy was pale and trembling and wishing for nothing more than that the night were over.

8.By the time they had eaten their meal,all preparations for Lin Piao’s division to cross the river were completed.(从句是过去完成时,主句是过去时)(2)接过去进行时:

1.By the time we married,I was teaching,trying cases,publishing and speaking as Hillary Rodham.

2.By the 1968 Olympics,athletes in many events were using steroids and stimulants.

3.Morland’s head was throbbing by the time he rounded Half Moon Street.

4.By the time that Robin joined them she and Mr.Hitchens were sitting companionably by the window.

5.By the middle of November,two months after the accident,he was planning his new future.

6.By this time,humans elsewhere in the world were crossing much greater distances of water.(3)一般现在时:

1.By the time it reaches central Ethiopia the gorge is a mile deep.

2.By the time the birds die,there’s not much a pika could digest.

3.I agree with Aurora;the audience must know the verdict by the time the movie ends.

4.By the time the warranty expires,usually around three years or 36,000 miles,value drops–typically by an additional five percent.

5.It(virus)causes disease and it transmits maybe to one or two generations,but by the time it has gone through that,it never transmits further.(从句用完成时)

6.Statistics show that by the time Americans reach the age of sixty-five,95 percent of them are either dependent upon friends,relatives or charity,or they must continue to work.(4)将来时:

1.By the time he is five or six years old,he will begin to take care of the chickens and pigs.

2.By the end of the century the German government will move from provincial Bonn to cosmopolitan Berlin.

3.By this time tomorrow,and every day,there will be added to the earth about 120,000 extra people.

4.By A.D.2000,unless something desperate happens,there will be as many as seven billion people on the surface of the earth.

5.It has been estimated that by the year 2050 the elderly could number between 48 and 80 million people.

6.By the end of the year,we will be in a situation where year in,year out,we can look forward to at least 10 percent inflation.(5)将来进行时(表示将来):

1.By 1989,according to estimates from the Economic Unit,families will be devoting 49 percent of their personal consumption spending to services.

2.In the ordinary course of events,by the time earnings hit bottom,investors will be looking ahead to recovery and accepting higher price-earnings ratios.


a)涉及by the time或by this time或by September等时间状语时,主句谓语的时态是多样化的。


实际上,by…结构主要用于描述事件发展过程,说明到某一时刻进展如何,用于叙述性段落,而不是脱离上下文孤立使用。如果说明幼儿的成长过程,用by the time引导每一时间段是理想的选择。读者们可从下面几段文章中找到一些感觉。下面第一段文章说明菜单的演化:

The highly decorated late 19th century menus,which were influenced by Victorian Art,gave way to modern art in the 20th century.Developments with graphics and printing allowed distinctive menu cover art.By the 1930s,the menu was seen as a part of the restaurant’s plan to create a memorable meal.By the end of 1960s,the increasingly popular coffee shops and restaurants…used new menu graphics.

下一段摘自Living History第395页,描述两人谈话的过程:

Chelsea nodded politely and picked at her salad.Another course arrived.

“I think you’re nearly as pretty as your mama,”the Senator said with that silky Southern charm that had gained him quite a reputation.

By the middle of the meal,he mused,“You’re as pretty as your mama.She’s real pretty and you’re pretty too.Yes,you are.You’re as pretty as your mama.”

By the time dessert arrived,Thurmond was saying,“I do believe you’re prettier than your mama.Yes,you are,and if I was seventy years younger,I’d court you!”

下一段摘自Tweet Success(Lynn Rosellini)。在介绍鸟类学者David Sibley的家庭背景后,作者写到:

By age five,David was tracing bird paintings from books.By eight,he was banding birds with his father’s crew at Point Reyes Bird Observatory in California,and later at the Peabody Museum of Natural History at Yale.By 12,he memorized hundreds of bird calls.“That’s a Bell’s vireo!”he exclaimed once on a trip in Illinois.His father shook his head.“No,we’re too far east.There wouldn’t be any here.”But David plodded around a pond to get a closer look.Sure enough,he was right.


Custom at Duquesne University dictated that if a professor was ten minutes late,class was cancelled.One professor arrived early for a 9 a.m.lecture.He placed his hat on his desk,and went to the faculty room.Before he knew it,it was 9:10.By the time he got back to his classroom,it was empty.

The next day,he let his students have it.“When my hat is here,”he fumed,“I’m here!”





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