
发布时间:2020-08-04 21:28:42








The Caterpillar毛毛虫◎By Christina Georgina Rossetti译·赏析/辛献云

Brown and furry

Caterpillar in a hurry;

Take your walk

To the shady leaf or stalk.

May no toad spy you,

May the little birds pass by you;

Spinand die,

To live again a butterfly.










克里斯蒂娜·乔治娜·罗塞蒂(Christina Georgina Rossetti,1830~1894),19世纪英国著名女诗人之一。她的诗歌哀婉动人,富有节奏感,深受读者喜爱。罗塞蒂的主要诗歌作品集有《小妖精集市》(Goblin Market)、《王子的历程》(The Prince's Progress)、《赛会》(A Pageant)等。此外,她还出版了童谣集《唱歌》(Sing-Song)和儿童故事集《会说话的画像》(Speaking Likenesses)等。


小诗采用童谣中常用的双行押韵法,节奏明快,读起来朗朗上口,既适合诵读,又巧妙地烘托了诗意,达到音、形、意的完美结合。★特别推荐★Even Performers like Me Get Bullied和我一起,直面欺凌◎By Ariana Grande译/张玲

I want to start this article by saying I just recently found out that one of my fans took his/her own life due to bullying.And even though I never got a chance to meet him/her in person,I feel like I've lost a dear friend.My fans are my family and I never want to see them struggle.It pains me so deeply to see how many lovely young people we're losing in this world to peer pressure and hurtful words,and I'm going to do my partto make sure this never happens again.

People tend to think that because I'm a performer and I don't go to a regular high school that I haven't personally been affected by bullies.But it's actually quite the contrary.I still have to deal with people in my everyday life,even adults who act as if they're in middle school and make it very clear to me that they don't want me around.Naturally,it's taken me a long time to figure out how to deal with that.One of the most terrible feelings in the world is knowing that someone else doesn't like you.Especially when you don't know what you've done to deserve it.You start to believe that you are the problem and that you need to change something about yourself to be liked,but I've come to learn that it's really not our problem,it's theirs.



Sometimes,people can be extraordinarilyjudgmental and closed-minded to anyone different or special,which is why it's so hard for young people in this day and ageto be comfortable enough in their own skinto not listen to the people picking onthem.But we shouldn't let them make us unhappy.If anything,we should feel sorry for the people who want us to feel bad about ourselves,because they are the ones struggling for approval.In middle school,bullies torturedother kids because they thought it would make people like them more.But if bullies were happy in their own skin,they wouldn't need to do that.It's only because of your greatness and uniqueness that people notice you and ultimatelytarget you.It comes from their own fear and insecurity.We'll never know or understand fully why people try to hurt others but it's something humans have always done since the beginning of time and will always do.It could be jealousy,insecurity or just unhappiness.But in the end,all we're responsible for is ourselves.We have to remember who we are and never question ourselves if someone else disapproves.


This past year I did a lot of growing up and I came to understand and love myself in a way that I couldn't before.I will always want to be loved and will always be a very sensitive person,and I know that I will always have to deal with disapproval and jealousy in this industry and in life in general,but I'm certainly getting better at this and I want my fans to be able to be secure and blissfulwith me.Be happy with being you.Love your flaws.Own your quirks.And know that you are just as perfect as anyone else,exactly as you are.

I'm writing this blogbecause wherever you go in life,after high school,in college,in your office,at your kids' school,in the retirement home you'll move into a long time from now,there are always going to be people who don't like you.I was talking to my Nonnathe other day,and she told me that she is still dealing with people in her circle of friends that give her a hard time.And Nonna said,"You know why? It's 'cause I'm fabulous."

And it's true.We're all fabulous.Everyone.Even the bullies,although they might not see it.All we can do is wish them happiness and celebrate our own.Don't ever doubt yourselves or waste a second of your life.It's too short and you're too special.

Love always,

Ariana Grande



说得没错。我们都是最棒的。每一个人都是。甚至那些爱欺凌别人的人,虽然他们可能看不到这一点。我们所能做的就是祝他们幸福,也庆贺我们自己的幸福。永远不要怀疑你自己,也不要浪费生命中的每一秒钟。人生太过短暂,而你太过独一无二。永远爱你们的,阿里安娜·格兰德I was Bullied Because...校园欺凌:为什么受伤的是我◎By Jill Smolowe译/廉冰


...we are overweight

Alex and Philippe Haussmann,15

Alex:It started in kindergarten with one or two people.I'd be playing with blocks and they'd knock down the tower,or they wouldn't share their blocks.Then it spread to whole groups of people who make sure you're left out.In middle school,one teacher always assigned me to sit with a group of kids she knew hated me.They moved my desk into the corner and said,"Nobody wants to be with you,Alex."

Philippe:When I was 13,a kid tripped me in gym class.It broke my foot.

Alex:Having a twin made it worse.They would shout,"Twincest!"

Philippe:You can't show a reaction,even a waver in your voice.They'll feed offthat.You have to kind of feel bad for them.They need to feed off your sadness to be happy.







...I am biracial

Moriah Kilgore,15

When I was about 7,I told some girls that my mom was white and my father was black.One girl said,"You do know that is illegal,and your parents are going to jail." It made me confused and sad.At the time,I lived in rural Minnesota.Most of the kids had straight blond hair.My hair was brown and very curly.A boy nicknamed me Miss Black.In fourth grade we moved to Roseville,where there are all different kinds of people.I made friends right away.But then there was girl-dramathat made me feel I was ugly and a loser.I wanted to fit in with the white people but couldn't because I was black,and I wanted to fit in with the black people but couldn't because I was white.In eighth grade,black girls would say,"Oh,she has nappy hair," and laugh.Now I have more confidence.I got dreadlocks,and I like them.And I am comfortable in my own skin.I'd rather be my own person than be like 400 people who are all the same.



在我大概七岁的时候,我告诉一些女孩说,我妈妈是白人,我爸爸是黑人。其中一个女孩说:“你明知道这是违法的,你爸妈会进监狱的。”这让我既困惑又难过。那个时候,我住在明尼苏达州的农村地区,那里的孩子大部分都有一头金色的直发,可我的头发却是棕色的,而且很卷。一个男孩给我取了个外号,叫“黑妞”。四年级时我们搬到罗斯维尔,那里什么肤色的人都有,我很快就交到了朋友。但是,后来发生的女孩间的欺凌事件让我觉得自己很丑,是个失败者。我想融入白人的世界,但却做不到,因为我是黑人;我想融入黑人的世界,但也无能为力,因为我是白人。等我上了八年级,黑人女孩总说“噢,瞧她那一头密密麻麻的小卷毛” ,然后哈哈大笑。现在的我更有自信。我梳一头的小辫,我很喜欢它们。而且我也对自己的肤色感到很自在。我宁愿做我自己,也不愿跟400个全都一模一样的人一个模样。

...I am Muslim

Khoshnoor Paracha,17

The year I moved to the United States,the kids in my eighth grade class called me a terrorist and told me to go back to Pakistan.In the locker room,they treated me like I would blow up at any minute.When they would say,"You're Pakistani; they are really,really bad." I'd say,like,"Okay,that's what I am,but when you call me a terrorist,it hurts." That whole year,I sat alone during lunch.People threw paper balls at me,pushed me,took my food.The teachers didn't pay attention.High school is much better.My school is very diverse,and I'm more confident.No one calls me a terrorist.Still,things happen.At the bus stop,a scary-looking man pushed me down.No one stopped him.And a few weeks ago a woman walked by me in a store and said,"Oh my God,it smells."




...just because

Jamie Isaacs,14

Not long after my eighth birthday,a close friend who used to come over to my house almost every day started saying,"Oh,you're rich,you're rich." That same girl stabbed me with pencils,tripped me,and hit me in the face with her backpack.She recruited other girls.I'd tell my parents everything and they'd call the principal.When it got really bad,the school decided to remove me from the bus.In fifth grade a clique of girls IM'dme death threats.Later that same ringleaderstarted an "I Hate Jamie" club.Kids threw food at me,yelled things at me,broke into my locker 14 times and ripped my stuff.I ended up speaking at a public hearing in Suffolk County about bullying because I thought that enough is enough.The private school I go to now doesn't tolerate bullying.I am extremely happy.




What's more

2015年3月,美国洛杉矶发生了一件骇人听闻的中国未成年留学生欺凌案件。以翟芸瑶为首的一群中国留学生对另一位中国留学生刘怡然折磨长达五小时,其残忍手段令人发指。此举触犯了美国刑法,案件的两名主犯被判终身监禁,两人累计保释金高达600万美元(超过3600万人民币)。该案件在国内外均引起轰动,也令中国开始对校园欺凌问题进行反思。Repenting 当我不再袖手旁观◎By Einstein译/姜琳琳


I am the innocent bystander,but there really is no innocence in my actions.I am watching three girls with glossyhair,watchful eyes and straight teeth tease a girl with big,dorkyglasses and braces,highlighting every imperfection that she wants to conceal.There is no innocence in laughing along with them,giving them the confidence to continue their torments.There is no innocence in doing nothing.

Now I see a large boy,looking more like a man than a boy with dark hair and a deliberate five o'clock shadow,stalkingdown the crowded hallway with a maliciousglintin his eyes.He targetsa boy with bright red hair about half his size and pushes his books to the ground in the middle of the bustlinghallway.He laughs as the smaller boy bends down to pick them up,trying unsuccessfully to evade the countless legs walking through him.Then as the red-haired boy reaches for the last notebook,the man kicks it away from him,laughing obnoxiouslyloudly as he stridespurposefully away.I watch but do nothing.I do nothing because I am afraid.



"Tomorrow," I tell myself under my breath,"tomorrow I will do something." But tomorrow comes and nothing happens.I am still too afraid,hiding in the corner as I watch the endless afflictionhappening all around me.People like me are the reason bullies can get away with their viciousabuse.

The next day comes,and once the three girls strutaway from the lone girl after sufficiently degradingher self-confidence and self-esteem,I walk cautiously over to her,and I tell her I like her glasses.I put on a smile and hope that she sees that it is genuine,that I am not another bully.I hope she does not realize that I am an enabler.She does not,and she returns my smile,grateful to have someone to share one with.“明天,”我轻声地告诉自己,“明天我要做点什么。”但当明天来临,什么都没有发生。我还是非常害怕,躲在角落里看着一幕又一幕的折磨画面在我身边无休止地上演。正是因为像我这样的人存在,那些“小霸王”才能恶意欺凌他人而不受惩罚。


As I walk away,the large boy comes strollingtoward the small red-haired one.I feel my courage strengthening,and I pull the smaller boy aside,starting a conversation with him.He is no longer alone; he has a friend,someone to support him.The huge boy is forced to walk away dejectedly.Now I smile; I am no longer a bystander.

By saving these victims,I hope I can save the countless bystanders,the enablers.The little gestures,the smiles and the conversations are just the beginning.It requires the bystanders to abandon their passive roles and become involved,to promote a sense of communityinstead of forsakingtheir peers.This is what it takes to stop the bullying,to end the harassment,the teasing and the insults.These actions add up,and suddenly we are not so alone.


通过帮助这些欺凌事件的受害者,我希望自己能够拯救那不计其数的旁观者和助长欺凌者嚣张气焰的人。小小的手势、微笑和交谈,这些都仅仅是一个开始。旁观者需要不再扮演被动的角色,而是要参与进来,从而提高群体意识,而不再弃自己的同龄人于不顾。这正是制止欺凌,终结骚扰、嘲弄和辱骂所需要的。当这样的行为积少成多,我们会突然发现自己并不是那么孤单。Anti-bullying Dos and Don't for Kids校园反欺凌指南◎ By Andrea Nair译/舒夏

Bullying is a sad reality that has affected many kids.What is more disconcerting about it is that bullying can potentially result in more depressing outcomes such as lowered self-respect,poor academic performance and worse,suicide among kids.Here are a few anti-bullying dos and don'ts for you.

*Walk away from a bully and tell an adult.It's OK to be scared and ask for help.

*Don't look down when a bully says something.Stand tall and look into the bully's eyes.

*Take a moment to calm down before responding to a bully.It's tough to think straight,and recall the stockresponses you've practised with your parents,if you're in panic mode.

*Speak clearly without provoking the aggressor.Say,"I want you to stop teasing me." Then walk away.

*Use your best poker face.The less scared or affected you look,the less the bully will do.

*Get between a bully and his/her target.Go stand beside a child who is being bullied.Turn him/her away from the bully,and walk with him/her towards an adult.

*Avoid being alone with a bully.Bullying usually happens where adults are not present,so you should avoid empty hallways,bathrooms or areas of the playground with bad sightlines to an adult.Try to sit near the front of the bus,stand near an adult when it is time to line up,and be near the cafeteria supervisors at lunch time.









What's more

Anti-bullying Day 反欺凌日


Anti-bullying Day (or Pink Shirt Day) is a day when people wear a pink shirt to symbolize a stand against bullying,an idea that originated in Canada.It is celebrated on various dates around the world.In 2012,the United Nations declared the official day to be May 4,which is recognized by over 25 countries worldwide,such as the United States,Australia and the United Kingdom.


The original event was organized by David Shepherd and Travis Price of Canada,who in 2007 bought and distributed 50 pink shirts after male ninth grade student Charles McNeill was bullied for wearing a pink shirt during the first day of school.

Anti-bullying Quotes 反欺凌语录

"When people hurt you over and over,think of them like sandpaper (砂纸).They may scratch and hurt you a bit,but in the end,you end up polished and they end up useless."—Chris Colfer (美国演员、歌手、编剧、作家)

"The common mistake that bullies make is assuming that because someone is nice that he or she is weak.Those traits (特点) have nothing to do with each other.In fact,it takes considerable strength and character to be a good person."—Mary Elizabeth Williams (美国作家、评论家)

"All I wanted to do was go back inside to the library and read a book.I used to spend all my time reading books.It was safe.Nobody ever was hurt or teased or looked stupid while reading books."—Kathryn Magendie (美国作家、编辑)

"Never be bullied into silence.Never allow yourself to be made a victim.Accept no one's definition of your life,but define yourself."—Tim Fields (英国反欺凌活动家)What Five Famous Films Teach Us About Bullying电影中的欺凌启示录◎ By Allison Berry,Meredith Melnick etc.译/曾维坤

Mean Girls (2004)

Cady has been home-schooled for her first 16 years,so when she enters a public school for the first time,the movie introduces her (and us) to the complicated interactions of adolescent girls.She initially bonds with two social outcasts,who devise a plan for Cady to infiltratethe Plastics,a trio of popular girls led by Regina.

After she gains acceptance in the clique,Cady begins to subtly undermineRegina by trying to make her gain weight and turning the other two Plastics against her—in essence,the bullied becomes a bully.As she is more and more successful,Cady loses her sense of self and becomes a new version of the queen bee.What started as a joke becomes real as she turns just as mean as Regina.

Mean Girls brings shades of grayto the typical bully/victim paradigm.Everyone here is a player in an endless cycle of bullying and being bullied.When Cady gives in to the pettinessand vanityof the Plastics,the movie shows how intoxicatingpopularity can be,and how easy it is to switch from victim to bully,and back again.《贱女孩》(2004年)



About a Boy (2002)

Marcus,an eccentric12-year-old boy has a complicated home life:his mother is depressed and he is eager to please her,adopting her odd style of dress and vegetarianism.For this,he is frequently avoided and ridiculed by his classmates.Even the "weirdo" kids in his school don't want to associate with him.

When Marcus meets Will,he begins to use Will's apartment as a sanctuaryfrom the bullies who chase him after school.Will initially encourages Marcus to appear like the other kids,but when Will buys Marcus new sneakersto try to fit in,Marcus' classmates promptly steal them.Marcus is unique because he is somewhat defiantof his bullies.He knows,as Will suggests,that if he tried to blendin more,he might not be such an obvious target.But he is willing to take the abuse and isolation at school because of his overridinglove for his mother.Such strength of character is remarkable,and it pays off:in the end,Marcus is able to gain friends and find happiness without having to change himself.《关于一个男孩》(2002年)






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