
发布时间:2020-08-05 10:49:23





























John the Baptist施洗者约翰:古以色列人中的先知,预言了耶稣的到来



Jesus Christ耶稣基督:上帝之子,人类的救主


Simon Peter西门·彼得:耶稣的门徒之一




Pontius Pilate庞提·彼拉多:统治犹太地的罗马总督,对耶稣处以死刑的掌权者


























This book which you are about to read may serve as an introduction to the Bible. The stories within are only some of the most well known, and most often quoted; however, this is not meant to imply that stories not included are necessarily less popular or less important. We hope that the readers will enjoy the stories we have selected, and may then be encouraged to read further about this great and important book.


imply[imˈplai]v. 暗示



This great round world on which we live,is very old; so old that no one knows when it was made. But long before there was any earth,or sun, or stars, God was living, for God never began to be. He always was. And long, long ago, God spoke, and the earth and the heavens came. But the earth was not beautiful as it is now, with mountains and valleys, rivers and seas, with trees and flowers. It was a great, dark, smoking ball, with land and water combined into one mass. And upon this mass there was no life.

While all was dark upon earth, God said, "Let there be light," and then the light began to come upon the world. Part of the time it was light, and part of the time it was dark, just as it is now. And God called the dark time Night, and the light time Day. And that was the first day upon this earth.

Then, at God’s word, the dark clouds all around the earth began to break, and the sky came into sight, and the water that was in the clouds began to be separate from the water that was on the earth. And the arc of the sky, which was over the earth, God called Heaven. Thus the night and the morning made a second day.

Then God said, "Let the water on the earth come together in one place, and let the dry land rise up." And so it was. The water that had been all over the world came together, and formed a great ocean, and the dry land rose up from it. And God called the great water Sea, and the dry land he named Earth. Then God said, "Let grass and trees, and flowers, and fruits, grow on the earth." And at once the earth began to be green and bright with grass, and flowers, and trees bearing fruit. This made the third day upon the earth.

Then God said, "Let the sun, and moon, and stars come into sight from the earth." So the sun began to shine by day, and the moon and the stars began to shine in the night. And this was done on the fourth day.

And God said, "Let there be fishes in the sea, and let there be birds to fly in the air." So the fishes, great ones and small, began to swim in the sea; and the birds began to fly in the air over the earth, just as they do now. And this was the fifth day.

Then God said, "Let the animals come upon the earth, great animals and small ones; those that walk and those that crawl on the earth." And the woods and the fields began to be alive with animals of all kinds. And now the earth began to be more beautiful with all its inhabitants, but there were no people in the world. So God said, "I will make man. He shall stand up and shall have a soul, and shall be made in the likeness of God; and he shall be the master of the earth and all that is upon it." So God took some of the dust that was on the ground, and out of it he made man; and God breathed into him the breath of life, and man became alive, and stood up on the earth.

And so that the man whom God had made might have a home, God planted a beautiful garden on the earth, at a place where four rivers met. This was called "The Garden of Eden."

This garden God gave to the man that he had made; and told him to care for it, and to gather the fruits upon the trees and the plants, and to live upon them. And God gave to the first man the name Adam.

But seeing Adam was all alone in this beautiful garden, God said, "I will make someone to be with Adam, and to help him." So when Adam was asleep, God took a rib from Adam’s side, and from it God made a woman; and he brought her to Adam, and Adam called her Eve. And Adam and Eve loved one another; and they were happy in the beautiful garden which God had given them for a home.

Thus in six days the Lord God made the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and all that is in them. And on the seventh day God rested from his work.

For a time, Adam and Eve were at peace in their beautiful garden. They did just as God told them to do, and talked with God as a man would talk with his friend; and they did not know of anything evil. It was needful for Adam and Eve to understand that they must always obey God’s commands, so God said to Adam and Eve: "You may eat the fruit of all the trees in the garden except the one in the very middle. Eating the fruit of that tree would result in your death."

Now among the creatures in the garden there was a snake, and this snake said to Eve, "Has God told you that there is any kind of fruit in the garden which you are forbidden to eat?"

And Eve answered the snake, "We can eat the fruit of all the trees except the one that stands in the middle of the garden. If we eat the fruit of that tree, God says that we must die."

Then the snake said, "No, you will surely not die. God knows that if you eat of the fruit of that tree, you will become as wise as God himself, for you will know what is good and what is evil."

Eve then looked at the tree and its fruit. The fruit looked delicious to her, and the idea that it would make one wise, brought forth a great deal of temptation to taste it, despite God’s rule. She took the fruit and bit into it, and then shared some of it with Adam.

Immediately, Adam and Eve knew that they had done wrong, and now, for the first time, they were afraid to meet God. They tried to hide themselves from God’s sight among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called and said, "Adam, where are you?"

Adam answered, "Lord, I heard your voice in the garden, and I was afraid."

"Why were you afraid to meet me?" God asked. "Have you eaten the forbidden fruit?"

"The woman you created gave me some of the fruit, and I ate it."

Then God said to the woman, "What is this that you have done?"

"The snake told me that the fruit would do me no harm, "answered Eve.

Then the Lord God said to the snake, "Because you have led Adam and Eve to do wrong, you shall no more walk as other animals; you shall crawl in the dust and the dirt forever. You shall hate the woman, and the woman shall hate you."

And the Lord God said to the woman, "Because you led your husband to disobey me, you shall suffer and have pain and trouble all the days of your life."

And God said to Adam, "Because you listened to your wife when she told you to do what was wrong, you too must suffer. You must work for your food, by digging and planting as long as you live. You came out from the ground, for you were made of dust, and back again into the dust shall your body go when you die."

And because Adam and Eve had disobeyed the word of the Lord, they were driven out of the beautiful Garden of Eden, which God had made to be their home. They were sent out into the world; and to keep them from going back into the garden, God placed his angels before its gate, with swords which flashed like fire.

So Adam and his wife lost their garden, and no man has ever been able to enter it from that day.注释

For God never began to be. be在英语中可以当"生", "存在"讲。例如: To be or not to be, that is a question. (生还是死, 这是一个问题——莎士比亚)When did the PRC come into being? (中华人民共和国是什么时候成立的?)

arc[αːk]n. 拱形

crawl[krɔːl]v. 爬行

inhabitant[inˈhæbitənt]n. 居民

This garden God gave to the man he had made. 这是宾语前置的一个例子。正常语序应当是God gave this garden to the man he had made. 宾语前置或是为了强调宾语: This gift you leave for Mary, and this, Richard. (这件礼物你留给玛丽, 这件给理查德)或者是为了使上下文能有更为紧密的联系: That day I got a letter, and this letter I forwarded to my boss immediately. (那天我收到了一封信, 这封信我立刻就交给了上司。)

rib[rib]n. 肋骨

bring forth带来


Adam and Eve lived for hundreds of years before dying. And by the time of their passing, there were many people on the earth, for Adam and Eve had had many children; and these, when they grew up, also had children, who then grew up to have children as well. So, after a time, that part of the earth became quite heavily populated.

Unfortunately, as time went on, more and more of these people became wicked, and fewer and fewer grew up to become good. All the people lived close together, and few went away to other lands; so it came to pass that even the children of good men and women learned to be bad, like the people around them.

And as God looked down on the world that he had made, he saw how wicked the men in it had become, and that every thought and every act of man was evil. God then said: "I will take away all men from the earth that I have made, because the men of the world are evil."

But even in those bad times God saw one good man. His name was Noah. Noah tried to do right in the sight of God. Noah walked with God, and talked with him. And Noah had three sons, their names were Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

God said to Noah, "The time has come when all the men and women on the earth are to be destroyed, because of their wickedness. But you and your family shall be saved, because you alone are trying to do right."

Then God told Noah to build a very large boat, or‘ark’. "For," said God to Noah, "I am going to bring a great flood of water on the earth, in order to drown all the people on the earth. And as the animals on the earth will be drowned with the people, you must make the ark large enough to hold a pair of each kind of animal, so that there will be animals as well as men to live upon the earth after the flood has passed away. And you must take with you enough food to feed both your people and the animals for a year." And Noah did what God told him to do, although it must have seemed very strange to all the people around to see this great ark being built where there was no water for it to sail upon.

At last the ark was finished, and stood like a great house on the land. There was a door on one side, and a window on the roof, to let in the light. Then God said to Noah, "Come into the ark, you and your wife, and your three sons, and their wives with them; for the flood of waters will come very soon. And take with you all kinds of animals so they may be kept alive upon the earth."

Noah and his family boarded, and God brought to the door of the ark animals of all kinds. Once all were in, the door of the ark was shut so that no more people and no more animals could come in.

In a few days the rain began to fall as it had never fallen before. The streams filled, and the rivers rose higher and higher, and the ark began to float on the water. The people left their houses and ran up to the hills, but soon the hills were covered, and all the people on them were drowned. And all the animals were drowned, even the birds, for their nests in the trees were swept away, and there was no place for them to land. For forty days and nights the rain kept on, until there was no breath of life remaining outside of the ark.

Although the rain stopped, the water remained upon the earth for more than six months; and the ark, with all that were in it, continued to float over the great sea. Then God sent a wind to blow over the waters and to dry them up, and by degrees the waters grew less and less. First the mountains rose above the waters, then the hills rose up; and finally the ark came to rest upon a mountain. But Noah could not see what had happened on the earth, shut in as he was. But he felt that the ark was no longer moving, and he knew that the water must have gone down. So, after waiting for a time, Noah opened a window and let loose a dove. At the evening, the dove came back to the ark, and in its bill was a fresh leaf which it had picked from an olive tree. So Noah knew that the water had gone down enough to let the trees grow once more. He waited another week, and sent out the dove again; but this time the dove flew away and never came back. And Noah knew that the earth was becoming dry again.

God then said to Noah: "Come out of the ark with your family and all the living things that are with you in the ark."

So Noah opened the door of the ark and, with his family, came out and stood once more on the ground. All the animals and birds and creeping things in the ark came out also and began again to bring life to the earth.

The first thing that Noah did when he came out of the ark was to give thanks to God for saving his family. He gave himself and his wife and children to God, and promised to do God’s will. And God was pleased with Noah’s offering, and said, "I will not again destroy the earth on account of men, no matter how bad they may be. From this time no flood shall again cover the earth; but the seasons of spring and summer and fall and winter shall remain without change. I give to you the earth; you shall be the rulers of the ground and of every living thing upon it."

Then God caused a rainbow to appear in the sky, and he told Noah and his sons that whenever they or the people after them should see the rainbow, they should remember that God had placed it in the sky and over the clouds as a sign of his promise.注释

wicked[ˈwikid]adj. 邪恶的

It came to pass. . . pass在这儿表示"发生"(happen)。come to表示一个逐渐的过程。

You and your family shall be saved. shall可以当情态动词, 用于第二和第三人称, 表示"允诺", "警告", "恫吓"等等。此处是表示上帝对挪亚一家人的允诺。书中多次出现shall的这种用法。例如: You shall no more walk as other animals.

ark[αːk]n. 方舟

. . . shut in as he was. As用在部分倒装句中, 相当于though/although引导的让步状语从句。试观察: Young as she is/Young though she is/Though she is young/Although she is young, she knows a lot about the world. (尽管她年轻, 却懂得很多世事。)

dove[dəuv]n. 鸽子

olive[ˈɔliv]n. 橄榄; 橄榄树

creep[kriːp]v. 爬行


After the great flood, the family of Noah and those who came after him grew in number until, as the years went on, the earth began to be full of people once more. Many of the people began to move southward into a land between two great rivers, the Tigris and Euphrates; and there they began to build a great city, which would rule all the peoples around them. They found that the soil in that country could be made into bricks, and that the bricks could be heated and made hard; so that it was easy to build houses to live in and walls around their city to make it strong against enemies.

And the people said to each other, "Let us build a great tower, that shall stand on the earth and shall reach up to the sky. This way we may be kept together, and not separated by great distances on the earth." So they began to build their great tower out of bricks, which they piled up, one story above another. But God did not wish all the people on the earth to live close together, just as they had lived before the great flood. God knew that if they all kept together, those that were wicked would lead away from God those that were good, and all the world would become evil again, as it had been before the flood.

And so, while they were building this great city and tower, with which they intended to rule the world, God caused their speech to change. At that time, all men were speaking one language. But now God made it so that, after a time, the people that belonged to one family could not understand what the people of another family were saying.

As people began to grow apart in their speech they also began to move away from one another, and to form communities with people who spoke the same language. This separation of peoples then prevented the further construction of the tower, thus leaving it forever unfinished.

And the city was named Babel, a word which means "confusion." It was afterwards known as Babylon, and for a long time was one of the greatest cities of that part of the world, even after many of its people had left it to live elsewhere.

Some of the people who left Babylon went up to the north, and built a city called Nineveh, which became the ruling city of a great land called Assyria, whose people were called Assyrians.

Another company went away to the west, and settled by the great river Nile, and founded the land of Egypt, with its strange temples and pyramids.

Yet another company wandered northwest until they came to the shore of the great sea which we call the Mediterranean Sea. There they founded the cities of Sidon and Tyre, where the people were sailors, sailing to countries far away, and bringing home many things from other lands to sell to the people of Babylon, Assyria, and Egypt, and other countries.

And this is how the earth became, once again, populated with people.注释

community[kəˈmjuːniti]n. 社区

confusion[kənˈfjuːʒən]n. 混乱


Not far from Babylon was another city called Ur of the Chaldees. Here lived a people who did not pray to God. They prayed to idols, images made of wood and stone. They thought that these images were gods, which could hear their prayers and help them. And as these people who worshipped idols did not call on God, they did not know his will, and they did many evil things.

Among the people at Ur, however, lived a man named Abram. Abram was a good man, for he prayed to the Lord God, and tried always to do God’s will. The Lord God, seeing this, did not wish to have Abram’s family grow up in such a place, for then they too might become wicked.

So the Lord spoke to Abram, and said, "Abram, gather together all your family and go out from this place, to a land that I will show you, far away. And in that land I will make your family to become a great people, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that all the





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