
发布时间:2020-08-05 18:10:24








Part Ⅰ. Cloze (20points)

Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.

It is often observed that the aged spend much time thinking and talking about their past lives, (1) _____ about the future. These reminiscences are not simply random or trivial memories, (2) _____ is their purpose merely to make conversation. The old person’s recollections of the past help to (3) _____ an identity that is becoming increasingly fragile: (4) _____ any role that brings respect or any goal that might provide (5) _____ to the future, the individual mentions their past as a reminder to listeners, that here was a life (6) _____ living. (7) _____, the memories form part of a continuing life (8) _____, in which the old person (9) _____ the events and experiences of the years gone by and (10) _____ on the overall meaning of his or her own almost completed life.

As the life cycle (11) _____ to its close, the aged must also learn to accept the reality of their own impending death.     (12) _____ this task is made difficult by the fact that death is almost a (13) _____ subject in the United States. The mere discussion of death is often regarded as (14) _____. As adults many of us find the topic frightening and are (15) _____ to think about it—and certainly not to talk about it (16) _____ the presence of someone who is dying.

Death has achieved this taboo (17) _____ only in the modern industrial societies. There seems to be an important reason for our reluctance to (18) _____ the idea of death. It is the very fact that death remains (19) _____ our control; it is almost the only one of the natural processes (20) _____ is so.

1. A. better than

B. rather than

C. less than

D. other than

2. A. so

B. even

C. nor

D. hardly

3. A. preserve

B. conserve

C. resume

D. assume

4. A. performing

B. playing

C. undertaking

D. lacking

5. A. orientation

B. implication

C. succession

D. presentation

6. A. worthy

B. worth

C. worthless

D. worthwhile

7. A. In a word

B. In brief

C. In addition

D. In particular

8. A. prospect

B. impetus

C. impression

D. review

9. A. integrates

B. incorporates

C. includes

D. interacts

10. A. reckons

B. counts

C. reflects

D. conceive

11. A. keeps

B. draws

C. inclines

D. tends

12. A. Therefore

B. And

C. Yet

D. Otherwise

13. A. taboo

B. dispute

C. contempt

D. neglect

14. A. notorious

B. indecent

C. obscure

D. desperate

15. A. ready

B. willing

C. liable

D. reluctant

16. A. at

B. on

C. with

D. in

17. A. status

B. circumstance

C. environment

D. priority

18. A. encounter

B. confront

C. tolerate

D. expose

19. A. under

B. above

C. beyond

D. within

20. A. which

B. what

C. as

D. that【答案与解析】

1. B  句意:老年人谈论过去而不是未来。rather than而不是。better than多于;好于。less than少于。other than表示除了;不同于。故B项为正确答案。

2. C  语法题。本句中前半部分为否定句,nor引导否定句且句子倒装。

3. A  考查动词。preserve和conserve都有“保存,保持”的意思,但是只有preserve可以和identity搭配,表示保持住身份。resume继续。assume假设。故A项为正确答案。

4. D  从上下文逻辑来看此处应选lacking(缺乏)与role搭配,意为“缺乏这种角色”。perform a role和play a role表示“起作用,承担角色”。undertake表示“承担,担任”。故D为正确答案。

5. A  句意:他们不再充当受人尊敬的角色,也没有能给未来确定方向的生活目标。orientation方向。implication暗示;含义。succession连续。presentation展示。故A项为正确答案。

6. B  语法题。be worth+名词/doing意为“值得”,此处的名词往往是钱数或相当于代价的比喻性名词。be worthy of意为“值得”。worthless无价值的。worthwhile值得的,作表语或定语。故B项为正确答案。

7. C  语篇连接题。in addition另外。in a word总而言之。in brief简言之。in particular特别。根据上下文意思,此处需填表示递进的短语,文章前一句讲回忆有助于老年人保留住他们的身份,后一句讲回忆成为了老年人不断回顾的生活的一部分,故C项为正确答案。

8. D  语意搭配题。life review生活回顾。prospect展望;前景。impetus动力,推动力。impression印象。故D项为正确答案。

9. A  语意搭配题。integrate把……集成;综合。incorporate合并,结合(成一体)。include包含(作为其中的一部分)。interact与……交往/沟通。根据原文,老年人的生活回顾是指把过去发生的事件和他们的经历综合起来,故A项为正确答案。

10. C  语意搭配题。reflect on/upon反省,反思。reckon on指望,盼望。count on指望。conceive构想出,认为。此处需要一个动词与下文的meaning搭配,因此只有“思考生命的意义”符合逻辑,故C项reflects正确。

11. B  固定搭配。draw to a close渐进结束;告终。故B项为正确答案。

12. C  yet然而。therefore因此。and和。otherwise否则。此处表示转折,故C项为正确答案。

13. A  语意搭配题。句意:死亡在美国是一个忌讳的话题。taboo禁忌,忌讳。dispute争端。contempt蔑视。neglect疏忽,不留心。故A项为正确答案。

14. B  语意搭配题。indecent不成体统的,不体面的。notorious臭名昭著的,声名狼藉的。obscure晦涩的;模糊的。desperate绝望的。根据上下文,上句说死亡是忌讳的话题,因此,谈论死亡会被看作是不成体统的,故B项为正确答案。

15. D  固定搭配。be reluctant to不乐意,不情愿。

16. A  固定搭配。at the presence of在……面前。

17. A  语意搭配题。status表示“地位”,可与前面的动词achieve连用,说明在现代工业社会里,谈论死亡处于人们忌讳的境况。circumstance指某事件或动作发生时的“情况”。environment表示“环境(总称)”。priority表示“优先权”。全句可译为:只有在现代工业社会里,死亡才成为人们忌讳的话题。故A项为正确答案。

18. B  confront面对。encounter遭遇。tolerate容忍。expose揭露。此处表示面对死亡,故B项为正确答案。

19. C  词语搭配题。beyond(指空间)在……那一边,在借喻中有“超出”之意,偏重于客观事物非本身能力所能达到或完成。under control表示“情况正常,处于控制之下”。above强调本身凌驾于一般标准之上。within通常不与control连用。故C项为正确答案。

20. D  考查关系从句。前方有only修饰时,关系代词只能用that。故D项为正确答案。

Part Ⅱ. Reading Comprehension (40 points)

Directions: In this part, you will find after each of the passages a number of questions or unfinished statements about the passage, each with four suggested answers. Choose the best answer and mark the answer ON YOUR ANSWER SHEET.TEXT A

When I was a schoolgirl I imagined myself at 60, clad in long black lace, gnarled hands gripping a silver-headed stick, laying down the law to my grandchildren. That seems laughable now: plenty of people scarcely notice when they turn 60, planning trips and gardens and university courses into their 70s; we can almost think that real old age has been abolished. But gnarled fingers haven’t been discontinued, eyes and ears decline as before; time’s winged chariot hasn’t gone out of service: it simply catches up with us later. The age, which seemed, when one was young, to represent vast antiquity, may perhaps have been pushed upwards by a decade or two, but it hasn’t disappeared. Facing 80 and beyond, it’s not the past that’s another country but the future and we fear that, indeed, they do things differently there.

Everyone knows we’re all living longer: in 1880, only about 160,000 in every million made it to 75; now it’s more than 600,000 and the Queen needs thousands of cards for those who reach 100. But statistics aside, how do we, cheerfully ploughing through our 60s and 70s, feel about what’s to come turning 80? So far, you could say we’ve never had it so good the last generation. We have decent pensions, mortgages paid off and children out of the house (with luck); we’re active, involved, often still working, and if we go into hospital for this or that, we come out again nearly as good as new. Even the market is getting round to realising that we have more money than any other age group, and classify us as “golden pleasure-seekers.”

Or, at least, some of us are. The fact is, there’s more difference between the haves and have-nots in this age group than in any other, and real old age hits the have-nots far sooner than the lucky ones. A recent survey found that the difference breaks squarely along the lines of money and education: those with both are light years away from the solitary old folk that charities urge us to visit, desperately hard up, too creaky to go out much and terrified of thugs on the estate. Place makes a difference too: a Londoner with a free public transport pass and concessions to cinemas and exhibitions does far better than someone who can’t drive any more, stranded up a muddy lane in the country with the post office closed down and the bus running on alternate Tuesdays. Some of the people so stranded say it’s like being buried alive. Too many people make a plan for retirement that works excellently until they turn 80 and can’t walk the mile to the village or the bus stop and have to wait for someone to give them a lift. Becoming elderly is not just a question of being old crucially, it’s how old.“It comes as such a surprise,” said one woman of 78, “to be let down by your body. You wake up, you’re bright as a button, you could do anything and then you absolutely have to have a sleep after lunch.” Increasingly, we feel that our minds are as clear as ever, except of course for the odd “senior moment” when you can’t remember the name of your last employer or even your last meal. You set out for a walk with younger people, you like walks, why not, but you’re absolutely knackered by the time you reach the pub.

21. When the author was young, she used to think when your reach 60, _____.

A. you become really old

B. you can have grandchildren

C. you can wear black lace

D. you become a ruler of the young

22. Which is not true of the conditions of the elderly as described in the article?

A. They are better off financially than the last generation.

B. Most of them own their own houses.

C. The have better health care than the last generation.

D. Most of them live with their children.

23. The way the elderly people live are affected by whether _____.

A. they take educational courses after retirement

B. they live alone or not

C. they live in the cities or in remote areas in the country

D. they made plans or not

24. The author used the example of the 78 year old woman in the last paragraph to show _____.

A. the elderly need more sleep

B. the elderly cannot keep up with the young

C. our body refuses to obey our mind

D. our body gets old even though our mind is not senile

25. It is obvious from the article that the writer believes that _____.

A. people should forget about problems caused by age

B. people will never get old if they remain young in their minds

C. living longer does not mean you can escape old age

D. living longer means you can enjoy life to the full【答案与解析】

21. A  根据文章开头“When I was a schoolgirl I imagined myself at 60, clad in long black lace, gnarled hands gripping a silver-headed stick, laying down the law to my grandchildren. That seems laughable now.”作者提及这一切都是可笑的,故当你真的到六十岁时,这一切都不会发生,你是真的变老了。因此选择A项。

22. D  根据文章第二段第三句“So far, you could say we’ve never had it so good the last generation. We have decent pensions, mortgages paid off and children out of the house (with luck);”可知A、B、C符合题意。D项“和孩子一起住”与原文意思相反。因此选择D项。

23. D  文章倒数第二段提到了“金钱和教育,是否会开车以及计划会影响老年人的生活方式。”因此选择D项。

24. A  文章最后一段“...you could do anything and then you absolutely have to have a sleep after lunch.”表明老年人需要更多睡眠。因此选择A项。

25. C  主旨题。全文主要讲述尽管现代科技可以让我们寿命变长,但每个人都逃离不了变老这个事实。因此选择C项。TEXT BIs this the end of the language class?

Taking foreign language learning out of the language classroom and integrating it with other subjects has a strong appeal, but Kari Smith urges caution: language acquisition is not always natural.“Thank you for the course. I wish it had been given in my own language because I know I have lost out on much information during the course, and you, the teacher, did not have the opportunity to get to know the real me, what I am able to do, what I know, what I think and who I am.”

This is the message a previous student of mine wrote after having spent five days a week for eight months studying to be a teacher in an additional language (a language other than the native language).

Daniela is not the only student enrolled in one of the many immersion or Content and Language Integrated Learning (Civil) programmes in schools and universities around the world who feels this way. Purely for language learning purposes some language teachers, parents and policy makers believe that foreign language learning can be enhanced by teaching in the target language.

The extent of the immersion of learners into a target foreign language varies, from teaching a subject or more in English (for the sake of convenience) to making the school or university an English medium institution, where all subjects are taught in a language foreign to the students. I have seen cautious attempts such as teaching physical education in English and more courageous programmes introducing the foreign language of mathematics to students in the foreign language of English. Some attempts are even bolder: schools and universities teaching only in English to students whose previous school education took place in their native tongue and by teachers whose English does not allow them to respond to questions beyond the lesson plan they have carefully prepared the day before.

So why are we witnessing this quest to use a foreign language as the medium of instruction—trying to make the unnatural natural? We need to look at two basic concepts related to becoming skilled users of an additional language. There is language acquisition and language learning. Language acquisition happens when the learner is surrounded by the target language, and learning takes place in a natural way. This is exactly what happens when children acquire their native tongue: little or no formal language learning takes place before school age, and even in school we find little formal learning of new vocabulary or linguistic structures. Language acquisition occurs without any special effort being put into language learning programmes. Natural teachers are parents, extended family, friends, media, etc.

Immigrants learning the language of their new country often acquire the language to a certain extent in the same way. They are surrounded by the target language outside their own family; they enjoy rich exposure to it. However, the fact that not all arrive in the new country as young children, and that the native tongue remains the language spoken in the family, add complexity to the process of acquisition. Therefore, new immigrants are encouraged to take specific language courses; they need to be introduced to formal language instruction alongside the many opportunities for natural exposure.

When language has to be learned with a conscious cognitive effort we talk about language learning, which is, in a way, an unnatural way to learn a language. Language exposure is restricted to specific hours on specific days; learning is conscious and usually requires serious cognitive effort, mainly focused on learning about the target language. When the learner leaves the class, there is little or no exposure to the target language. When English is learned in Turkey, Israel or even in Norway, this is usually what happens.

Civil programmes, whether they are extensive or limited, aim at causing language acquisition to take place (the natural way) in a foreign setting (which would usually require language learning) by teaching in the target language, thus creating a target language environment within the environment of another language. This is, as I see it, an attempt to transform an unnatural way of learning a language into the natural way of acquiring languages.

26. The main concern of the author is with _____.

A. the definition of language learning and language acquisition

B. whether Civil programmes are beneficial for the students

C. whether language should be learned naturally or unnaturally

D. the impact of foreign language on immigrants

27. In an English medium institution, _____.

A. English is the language of instruction in all subjects

B. native language is the language of instruction in most subjects

C. English is only used in courses related to the target language

D. the teachers’ English is limited by their lesson plans

28. Children acquire their native languages in a natural way because _____.

A. they are surrounded by a natural language environment

B. their teachers are trained in the target language

C. they learn the language early in school

D. their parents take care to teach them

29. Which of the following is not the reason why learning a foreign language is not natural?

A. It requires conscious cognitive efforts.

B. There is no exposure outside the classroom.

C. It is not encouraged by the society at large.

D. Language is learnt only as a school subject.

30. In general the author’s attitude towards civil programmes can be described as _____.

A. enthusiastic

B. skeptical

C. highly critical

D. supportive【答案与解析】

26. B  主旨题。文章第四段提到了civil programme,后面都是围绕它的可操作性开展的。文章最后又一次提及这个项目将语言学习变得自然化。故B项为正确答案。

27. A  根据第五段第一句“The extent of the immersion...where all subjects are taught in a language foreign to the students.”可知以英语为教学媒介的学校是所有课程均用英语授课。故A项为正确答案。

28. A  根据文章倒数第四段第四句“Language acquisition happens when the learner is surrounded by the target language, and learning takes place in a natural way.”可知被目的语也就是母语包围的环境才是自然的语言习得方式。故A项为正确答案。

29. C  根据文章倒数第二段可知自然的语言习得过程需要有意识的认知,目的语环境。A、B、D均符合语言习得环境的要求。只有C项不符合。故C项为正确答案。

30. D  根据文章最后一段,作者说civil programme将语言学习变成一个自然而然的过程,因此作者是支持的。supportive支持的。enthusiastic热衷的;狂热的。skeptical怀疑的。highly critical十分谴责的。故D项为正确答案。TEXT CLeft holding the baby

Scientists recently revealed an instinct in women intact and unaffected by the age of technology. Glancing through glossy art books Lee Salk noticed that four times out of five Mary is depicted holding the infant Jesus against her felt breast. The Madonna sparked off a series of experiments and observations to determine on which side women hold their babies and why.

First he determined that modern mothers still tend to hold their baby on the left. Of 255 right-handed mothers, 83% held the baby on the left. And out of 32 left-handed women, 78% held the baby on the left. As a control, women were watched emerging from supermarkets carrying baby-sized packages; the bundles were held with no side preference.

Then, dental patients were given a large rubber ball to hold during treatment. The majority clutched the ball to their left side, even when it interfered with the dentist’s activities. This suggested that in times of stress objects are held against the left side.

At that point an apparently contradictory phenomenon was observed. A large number of mothers who brought their premature babies to a follow-up clinic were seen to hold their babies against their right side.

So, 115 mothers who had been separated from their babies for 24 hours after birth were observed for holding response. The experimenters presented the baby directly to the mid-line of the mother’s body, and noted how she held the baby. 53% placed the baby on the left and 47% on the right. And it was also noted that the mothers of the group who had held their baby on the left had already had a baby from which they had not been separated after birth.

The author suggests that “The time immediately after birth is a critical period when the stimulus of holding the baby releases a certain maternal response.” That is to say, she senses the baby is better off on her left.

Left-handed holding enables the baby to hear the heartbeat – a sound associated with the security of the womb. In order to discover whether hearing the heart has a beneficial effect on the baby, the sound of a human heartbeat was played to 102 babies in a New York nursery for 4 days. A control group of babies was not exposed to heartbeats. The babies in the beat group gained markedly more weight and cried far less than the babies in the control group.

31. Looking at art books inspired Lee Salk to investigate _____.

A. pictures of Mary and Jesus

B. the way mothers hold their babies

C. the way people hold objects in times of stress

D. the effect of the human heartbeat on premature babies

32. He found that _____.

A. left-handed women tend to hold their babies on the right

B. only right-handed women tend to hold their babies on the left

C. more right-handed women than left-handed women tend to hold their babies on the left

D. women who hold their babies on the left are nearly tend to have suffered from stress

33. What was the “apparent contradictory phenomenon” mentioned in paragraph 4?

A. Mothers of premature babies were seen to hold their babies differently.

B. Mothers of premature babies held their babies on the correct side.

C. Mothers of premature babies took their babies to a follow-up clinic.

D. The behaviour of mothers of premature babies disproved Lee Salk’s theory.

34. The time just after birth is important: this is when _____.

A. babies must not be separated from their mothers

B. the baby’s response to the mother is released

C. the mother has an instinctive tendency to hold the baby on the left

D. the baby can hear the mother’s heartbeat and feel secured

35. Salk’s experiments proved that _____.

A. mothers have an instinct to hold their babies on the left immediately after birth

B. mothers hold their babies on the left at times of stress

C. mothers of premature babies do not have the instinct to hold their babies on the left

D. mothers find it more comfortable to carry their babies on the left【答案与解析】

31. B  根据文章第一段第二句“Glancing through glossy art books Lee Salk noticed that four times out of five Mary is depicted holding the infant Jesus against her felt breast. The Madonna sparked off a series of experiments and observations to determine on which





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