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本书包含7章,酒店行业的7个主要部门。学习者将始终置身于一个个真实的情境中,体验酒店服务的整个工作流程,享受英语学习的乐趣。本书每章分为若干单元,每个单元由以下6个小节组成:Section A实训任务,这是本书的核心。通过范文对话,帮助学习者掌握如何使用英语对客人进行服务。以图表方式归纳相关的实用句子和词汇,帮助学习者进行有意义的构建,真正做到有话可讲,熟练掌握酒店工作语言和服务程序。本实训环节充分体现了“做中学,学中做”的教学理念,并将该理念贯穿于实践当中。Section B投诉处理/案例讨论,帮助学习者提高用英语处理酒店业务的能力。Section C小贴士,帮助学习者拓宽专业知识,提高服务质量,从而进行高端服务。Section D测试,从职业行为、语言技能、职业能力等方面考核学习者是否掌握该部分的实训内容。该部分的语言技能和职业能力考核可参考Section A中的考核表进行。Section E总结,归纳每个单元的主要内容。Section F轻松一刻,寓教于乐。


原海南师范大学陈宗华教授担任本书编写顾问;何青、李转风、何春负责教材编写体例设计、统稿和审稿工作,参与审稿工作的还有美籍专家Sue-Anne Drouin和黄桂凤、谢玉荣。本书的具体编写分工如下:何青负责第三章单元 3、10 的编写;李转风负责第一章单元2、6的编写;何春负责第一章单元1和第三章单元9的编写;黄桂凤负责第一章单元5的编写;谢玉荣负责第三章单元1、2、4的编写;刘春燕(三亚华美达酒店人力资源部总监)负责第一章单元 3、4 的编写;陈玉华(福建阳光集团酒店事业部副总裁)负责第五章的编写;朱琳负责第四章单元1、2的编写;向梅负责第四章单元3、4的编写;吴海珠负责第二章的编写;肖颖娜负责第六章的编写;林贞负责第七章的编写;钟丽香负责第三章单元7、8的编写,黎瑛负责第三章单元5、6的编写。


本书是集体智慧的结晶。在编写中,编写组成员齐心协力,排除困难,认真钻研,反复修订。在此,感谢原海南师范大学陈宗华教授对本书编写的整体指导,感谢海南经贸职业技术学院应用外语系张春玲主任和周海燕副主任对本书编写的大力支持,感谢美籍专家Sue-Anne Drouin在百忙之中为本书审校,同时感谢校企合作单位博鳌亚洲湾度假酒店现任总经理周大卫、原任总经理刘扬骅、人力资源部经理李德志的指导和提供相关图片,感谢三亚华美达酒店人力资源部总监刘春燕、福建阳光集团酒店事业部陈玉华副总裁的参与,感谢三亚帆船港酒店前厅部周浩月经理、西餐厅董镇经理、客房部陈玉环经理、水疗中心吴楚梅经理、保安部肖惠波经理的指导及所有员工的支持。由于本书篇幅有限,编者不能一一列出参考书目,在此对所有参考书目的作者表示衷心的感谢。书中若有不妥和错误之处,敬请各位读者批评指正。《酒店英语实训教程》编写组2014年4月Chapter 1Front Office Department(前厅部)Unit 1Concierge Service 门房服务

Training Objectives 实训目标

After learning this unit, students will be able to:

1. Introduce services provided by concierge center.

2. Offer excellent & efficient service to customers.

3. Understand the exact procedures.

4. Solve problems that may occur in a day to day concierge operation.

Proverb 格言

He who avoids temptation, avoids sin.抵制诱惑则免于受罪。

Working Procedures 工作程序

Greeting Guests → Offering Assistance → Keeping Luggage for Guests → Accompanying Guests to the Front Desk → Delivering Luggage to Guests’ Room

Section A Training 实训任务

1. Working as a bellboy, do you know how to help a guest arriving at the hotel? Write down the service procedures.

2. Fill in the blanks according to the sample dialog.

Guest’s Name:______

Hotel’s Name:______

Bellboy’s Name: ______

Bellboy’s Service: ___________________________________________________________

Sample Dialog

Mr. Guan reserved a room in the ABC Hotel. When he arrives, Robert, a bellboy, attends to the guest immediately by opening the door for Mr. Guan.

(R: Robert, G: Mr. Guan)

R: Good morning, Sir. Welcome to ABC Hotel. How may I assist you? (Did you have a pleasant trip? How was your flight?) Do you have a reservation with us?

G: Good morning. I do have a room reservation.

R: May I have your name, sir?

G: My name is James. My family name is Guan.

R: Do you want your luggage brought to your room?

G: Yes. That would be nice. Thank you!

(Take the guest to the front desk. Inform the receptionist that Mr. Guan is checking in. Then take the key as well as the luggage and show him the way to the room. On the way to the room, Robert introduces the hotel facilities to the guest.)

R: Here we are. After you, please! Where do you want me to put your luggage, sir?

G: Right over there.

(At this stage, describe the room and its functions would be of great use.)

R: Is there anything else I can do for you, Mr. Guan?

G: No. thank you very much.

R: It’s my pleasure. Mr. Guan, I wish you a pleasant stay with us.

G: Thank you.

Questions(1)When Mr. Guan arrived at the hotel, what services did Robert provide for him?(2)Before entering or leaving the elevator, what should a bellboy offer to the guest?(3)What should a bellboy pay attention to when he shows the guest to the room?

3. Training Items

Item One

Work in pairs for role play. One acts as a guest and the other as a bellboy. The bellboy has a list of room facilities. (The bellboy should know all the information by heart without having a piece of paper and needs to brief the guest what facilities are provided when showing the guest to the room.)

Item Two

Work in groups. Divide the class into several groups. Surf the Internet to find information about a scenic spot in Hainan. Then each group should select one student to present their topic with a PPT to the class.

Useful Words and Expressions

1. limousine   豪华轿车

2. limousine service  机场接送服务

3. luggage tag   行李牌

4. itinerary   路线

5.historical interest  名胜古迹

Useful Sentences

4. EvaluationEvaluation Form

Section B Handling Complaints/Case Discussion 投诉处理/案例讨论

There is something wrong with the swimming pool at the hotel. A French guest complains about it because he likes swimming. The next day, he calls the concierge and tells him he wants to swim and asks for a taxi in 20 minutes. But the taxi doesn’t come in time. He calls again and loses his temper. Five minutes later, the taxi comes to the front gate. The concierge politely tells the guest that he should pay the taxi driver 90 yuan as it arrives. However, the guest thinks that the hotel must pay for it.

If you were the concierge, how would you handle the situation?

Section C Practical Tips 小贴士

Tips for Concierge

1. Pay attention to vehicle parking. Don’t let the cars block the driveway.

2. Try your best to address guests by their names.

3. Open the door with left hand; cover the top of the vehicle with right hand (except people from Thailand).

4. For elderly or disabled guests, open the door and support them to get out of the vehicle.

5. Use the trolley when there are more than two pieces of luggage.

6. Unload luggage piece by piece and be very careful with them.

7. Don’t ask for cash or tips from the guests.

8. Guests with bags should be offered assistance immediately.

Section D Quiz 测试

Discuss with your partner and choose the best answer.

1. If a guest requires luggage to be stored for more than ______ hours, this is called long-term storage.

A. 24 hours

B. 20 hours

2. Always keep ______ meter(s) distance from the guest.

A. one

B. two

3. Which statement is right?

A. Stand straight: head up and back straight.

B. Don’t address guests’ names even if you know their names.

4. If the guest wants to shake hands, a bellboy may shake hands ______ gloves.

A. with

B. without

5. The upper part of the tag should be attached to the handle of ______.

A. the largest bag

B. any bag

6. The luggage ______ put in the trolley near the outside steps.

A. can be

B. can’t be

Section E Summary 总结

In this unit, we have learned how to offer assistance when the guest arrives at the hotel. We also have learned the etiquette for the concierge. As a bellboy, he/she should always keep eye contact, speak with a warm smile, be polite, patient, eloquent, knowledgeable and professional.

Section F Cheer You Up 轻松一刻

Guest: Excuse me, where is the lift?

Concierge: Just in front of you.

Guest: I know, but why can’t I open the door of the lift?Unit 2Information Service 问询服务

Training Objectives 实训目标

After learning this unit, students will be able to:

1. Give information to the guest in a polite and professional way.

2. Obtain knowledge about the procedures of information service.

3. Provide excellent service to the customers.

Proverb 格言

A miss is as good as a mile. 失之毫厘,谬以千里。

Working Procedures 工作程序

Greeting Guest → Offering Assistance → Giving Information → Extending Further Assistance → Expressing Appreciation

Section A Training 实训任务

1. Do you know how to provide the guest with information? Write down the service procedures.

2. Fill in the blanks according to the sample dialog.

Guest’s Name: ______

Information that he needs: ______

Room Number: ______

Transportation: ______

Scenic spots he wants to visit: ______

Sample Dialog

In-house guest Mr. Ona wants to have a tour around Sanya, but he has no idea where he should go. So he goes to the Front Desk to ask for assistance. Kay, a receptionist, greets him with a warm smile.

(O: Mr. Ona, K: Kay )

K: Good morning, sir. How may I assist you?

O: Good morning. I would like to see some popular sites in Sanya. Can you suggest some places?

K: May I have your name please, sir?

O: My name is Robert Ona. I’m staying in room 2010.

K: Yes, Mr. Ona. There are many places you can visit in Sanya. For example, you can go to the Nanshan Temple, where you can see the 108 meter high Goddess of Mercy. You can also go to the End of the Earth, on the southeast tip of China. There is a park in Yalong Bay, it’s popular because a famous Chinese movie was filmed there.

O: How can I get there?

K: You can take a taxi to drive you around, or you can take a bus. It’s very convenient. But it will be difficult to see all these places in one day.

O: I see, that won’t be a problem. I will just take a quick look and won’t spend too much time in any one place. Can you get a taxi for me?

K: Sure. (Call for a taxi) Mr. Ona, is there anything else I can do for you?

O: That’s all. You are very helpful.

K: Thank you, Mr. Ona. Have a good trip.

O: Thank you.

K: You are welcome.

Questions(1)What options does Kay give the guest?(2)If you were the receptionist, what scenic spot would you recommend to the guest?

3. Training Items

Item One

Ms. Lena wants to take her friend out for dinner tonight in Sanya, but she doesn’t know where to go. So she asks the receptionist to give her some recommendations. Work in groups to act out the situation with role play.

Item Two

Lucy wants to travel around Hainan Island. As the receptionist, please tell her the weather forecast for the next three days in Hainan and travel information of Hainan.

Useful Sentences

4. EvaluationEvaluation Form续表

Section B Handling Complaints/Case Discussion 投诉处理/案例讨论

At the Front Desk

Lily Knaust is an in-house guest. She feels uncomfortable today, so she goes to the Front Desk to ask what kind of Spa treatment she can have around 11:00 in the morning. The receptionist suggests her to try Traditional Chinese Massage, today there is a promotion in the hotel for 399 RMB for a one hour massage. But the receptionist doesn’t notice that the promotion is only available from 14:00 to 17:00. After Lily finishes the treatment, she is told to pay the full amount of 699 RMB instead of the promotion rate of 399 RMB. Lily is very angry and she refuses to pay more than 399 RMB.

As the receptionist, how would you handle this complaint?

Section C Practical Tips 小贴士

Tips for Information Service

1. Remain positive, never appear impatient.

2. Never discuss personal/work problems with the guests.

3. Continue conversations with guests only if they seem interested in topics.

4. All information should be current and kept in a tidy, orderly state.

5. The hotel needs to have local information:

City Map in English and Chinese,

Telephone Directions,

Business Directions,

Restaurants with Various Cuisine,

Transportation Arrangements,

Medical/Dental Hospital,

Tours and Sightseeing Options,

Shopping Centers,

Religion Places,

Entertainment Center,

Other Hotels.

6. As much detailed information as possible should be offered to the caller.

Section D Quiz 测试

Work in pairs and choose the correct answer.

1. Umbrellas will be available for in-house guests only on ______.

A. both sunny and rainy days

B. rainy days only

2. All associates should be fully prepared to answer guest inquiries ______, and will have updated information on the hotel facilities, to meet guest’s request at all times.

A. at the beginning of their shift

B. when they are off work

3. The transportation fee will be confirmed to the guest politely. A shift-leader can give a ______ discount based on the rate, chief concierge a ______ discount.

A. 10 %, 30 %

B. 20 %, 30 %

4. The white board information includes rooms’ occupancy, weather forecast, in-house guests and VIP arrivals, group arrival, special guest, confidential and DND(请勿打搅) guest. Clerks on every shift ______.

A. will update the white board every day or when needed.

B. can leave the white board without updating for two days or more. You might consider a better choice answer like – don’t have to worry; it’s not their job to update the board.

Section E Summary 总结

In this unit, we have learned how to provide information to the guests. We need to address the guest’s by name all the time to show our respect. Don’t forget to extend further assistance at the end and a farewell to end the conversation.

Section F Cheer You Up 轻松一刻

A Woman Who Fell

A plump, middle-aged woman went to the concierge and asked for information. She lost her grip and fell down on the floor. Before the concierge could help her, however, she got back on her feet. After calming down, she said: “Do you always have beautiful women falling at your feet?”Unit 3Check-in 登记入住

Training Objectives 实训目标

After learning this unit, students will be able to:

1. Know the room types.

2. Master the working procedures of check-in.

3. Deal with complaints that may occur while checking in.

Proverb 格言

Your satisfaction is our main concern. 你的满意是我们最关切的事。

Working Procedures 工作程序

Greeting Guests → Asking if They Have Reservations → Checking Reservation List → Arranging Rooms →Confirming the Payment → Finishing the Form → Expressing Appreciations and Wishes

Section A Training 实训任务

1. Do you know how to check a guest in? Write down the service procedures.

2. Fill in the blanks according to the sample dialog.

Guest’s Name:______

Reservation or Not: ______

Room Type:______

Room Rate:______

Length of Stay: __________

Deposit Rate:______

Terms of Payment: ______

Sample Dialog

Tom wants to check in. Lisa, the receptionist, greets him.

(L : Lisa, T: Tom)

L: Good morning. Welcome to ABC Hotel. How may I assist you?

T: We’d like to check in, please.

L: Do you have a reservation?

T: I’m afraid not.

L: Please wait a moment, sir. Let me check if we have any vacancy. We only have a suite available.

T: What’s the room rate per night?

L: One hundred and seventy-five US dollars.

T: I’ll take it.

L: How long would you like to stay?

T: Two nights.

L: May I see your passport?

T: Certainly. Here you are.

L: Thank you. Please fill in the registration form-your nationality, age, occupation, passport number, and your signature.

T: OK. Is that all right?

T: Yes, thank you. How would you like to make your payment?

T: In cash.

L: We also require 150.00 US dollars as a deposit, is it all right?

T: It’s OK. Here you are.

L: Here is your receipt. Please keep it; you will need to get your deposit back.

T: Thank you.

L: Here are your key cards and your breakfast coupons. Your room is on the sixteenth floor.

T: Thank you.

L: My pleasure. Just a moment, please. The bellman will show you to your room. I hope you enjoy your stay here.

New Words and Expressions

suite [swI:t]    n.(一套)家具,套房

receipt [rI'si:t]    n.收据

check in   登记入住

make the payment  付款

registration card /form 登记表/卡

breakfast coupon  早餐券

Questions(1)How many days does Tom intend to stay?(2)What is the room rate per night?(3)If Tom has a reservation, how do you help him to check in?

3. Training Items

Item One

Jenny wants to make a reservation in the ABC hotel from October 1st to October 4th, but the hotel is fully booked. Let’s pretend you are a clerk in the hotel, how would you help her? Work in groups to act out the situation with role play.

Item Two

Do you know the reason why in-house guests would want to change their room? Work in groups and list the reasons.

Useful Words and Expressions

1.vacancy   空房

2. identification card  身份证

3. schedule   时间表

4. luxurious   奢侈的,豪华的

5.deluxe   豪华的,华丽的

6. contact   联系

Useful Sentences

4. EvaluationEvaluation Form

Section B Handling Complaints/Case Discussion 投诉处理/案例讨论

A guest checks in at the ABC Hotel at 1:00 am. When he enters the room, he complains that the room and the bed are too small, and he is not able to connect to the Internet. He wants to cancel his check-in and get his money back. There is no available room at that moment, and the money has been put into the electronic account, so they cannot give the money back to the guest. The guest doesn’t accept this and complains that they cannot refund the guests money.

How would you deal with this case if you were the staff of Front Desk?

Section C Practical Tips 小贴士

Tips for Check-in

1. Another name for the hotel is the “courtesy industry”. We advocate (提倡) good manners and politeness.

2. If the guest pays in cash, he has to pay a deposit in advance. If the guest pays by credit card, you should ask him to give you the credit card to swipe.

3. While checking the passports, pay attention to the following information of the guest: nationality, age, occupation, passport number, the date of expiry, photo, and visa number.

4. The receptionists at the Front Desk need to complete the following tasks: check-in for guests or groups with reservations, handling walk-in guests; extending the stay; changing the room; assigning the room; leaving a message; dealing with the guests’ complaints; and giving information that the guests want.

Section D Quiz 测试

Work in pairs to act out this role play with your partner.

Red Group will check in on May 1 in ACD Hotel. As the receptionist, how would you check in the group?

Section E Summary 小结

In this unit, we have learned how to check in guests. Receptionists must make sure that the guest’s registration card is filled out correctly. The following items are necessary for the hotels registration record: the guest’s full name, address, nationality, passport or visa number, purpose of the visit and their signature, including information such as method of payment, arrival date, room type and rate must be also correctly recorded.

Section F Cheer You Up 轻松一刻

After check-in, the receptionist told the guest the elevator is located on the left hand side. The guest walked around, saying: “elevator, elevator, where are you now, please come out, come out.”Unit 4Exchanging Foreign Currency外币兑换

Training Objectives 实训目标

After learning this unit, the students will be able to:

1. Explain how to exchange foreign currency for guests.

2. Offer excellent and efficient service to customers.

3. Understand the exact procedures.

4. Solve problems that may occur while exchanging foreign currency.

Proverb 格言

With money, you can buy a watch, but you cannot buy time. With money, you can buy books, but you can not buy knowledge. 钱可以买到表,但买不到时间。钱可以买到书,但买不到知识。

Working Procedures 工作程序

Greeting Guests → Offering Assistance → Collecting Documents Required → Exchanging Money → Extend Further Assistance → Expressing Appreciation

Section A Training 实训任务

1. Do you know how to exchange a guest’s currency? Write down the service procedures.

2. Fill in the blanks according to the sample dialog.

Guest’s Name: ______

Hotel’s Name: ______

Room Number: ______

Passport (have or haven’t): ______

Foreign Currency: ______

Exchange Rate: ______

Amount of Money Exchanged: ______

Sample dialog

Mr. Zitnik arrives at the Front Desk to convert some US dollars to Chinese yuan. Lisa, a receptionist, offers assistance.

(Z: Mr. Zitnik, L: Lisa)

L: Good morning, sir. How may I assist you?

Z: Good Morning. My name is Joseph Zitnik. I’m staying in Room 2007. I would like to exchange 100 US dollars to Chinese yuan.

L: (Check the system.) Certainly, Mr. Zitnik. May I have your passport, please?

Z: Sure.

L: (Check the latest currency exchange rate for the day.) Mr. Zitnik, the exchange rate from US dollars to Chinese yuan is 6.84.

Z: That’s fine.

L: You need to fill out the exchange form, Mr. Zitnk.

Z: Sure.

(Finish filling out the currency exchanging form.) Here you are.

L: Thank you. Please sign your name here.

(Mr. Zitnik signs his name and gives it to Lisa.)

L: Thank you, here is 684 RMB and your passport. Please check it again for the total amount.

Z: (Counting) Yes, it’s correct. Thank you very much for your help.

L: It’s my pleasure, Mr. Zitnik. Is there anything else I can do for you?

Z: No, nothing else for now. Thanks a lot.

L: You are welcome. Thank you for staying with us. Have a nice day, Mr. Zintik.

Z: Thank you.

New Words and Expressions

1. currency rate 汇率

2. exchange rate 兑换率

Questions(1)How much did Mr. Zitnik want to exchange?(2)How can you identify fake money?

3. Training Items

Item One

Janice stays in ABC Hotel. She wants to convert 2,000 USD into RMB. But according to the financial policy, every guest can exchange





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