
发布时间:2020-08-06 20:52:19







版权信息书名:无极之地作者:姜宁排版:昷一出版社:中国摄影出版社出版时间:2013-05-01ISBN:9787802369115本书由中国摄影出版社授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。— · 版权所有 侵权必究 · —序无极之摄影赵迎新




观姜宁先生的作品,从大峡谷地脉的苍劲,到黄石公园地气的涌动,从天地赋予纽约到盐湖城小镇特有的气质,到造物主的自然呈现,将姜宁先生源起于大地,承载于天地,变化于万物生灵,和谐于自然的意境表达得淋漓尽致。在黑白之间,光影之中,瞬间之极,将自然万物溶于大道之中。姜宁先生如此根深蒂固地承载道家之气,他跨越地域文化之独特影像表达,让人佩服。也让我不由地沉浸在姜宁先生起承转合的无极空间和境界中。中国摄影出版社社长Preface Infinite of PhotographyZhao Yingxin

Initially, photography was invented as the birth and application of a technology, by means of tangible implements like camera, silver plate and glass pane…so as to display visible matters and record the real images of human, nature and the world. Afterwards, those thoughtful artists infused their ideas into photographic works, to convey artistic conception through tangible implements in a virtual way. Hence, the supreme state for photography should start from intangibility. It leaves your mind express freely in a twinkling, disengaged, unshackled and traceless.

In the field of photography, those photographers with fettered mind are merely unconscious imitators. Among photographers nowadays, such imitators can be spotted at the worldwide tourist attractions everyday. Arriving at the famous symbolic scenic spot and standing on the top of the rock, they move their steps to and fro in order to find the “Photograph Here” sign. With the preconceived label of “Grand Canyon” and concealed connotation in mind, the only contribution they do is standing in the “right” position and pressing the shutter. Their consciousness has been occupied by predictable matters, thus, the possibility to observe the unpredictable world is blocked.

For Mr. Jiang Ning, his way of photography differs, and it is characterized by “Looking up to learn the changes of sun, moon and stars in the sky, and looking down to examine the laws of both highness and lowliness on the earth; surveying the colored hair and feathers of animals and birds, and finding the profit in the use of mountains, rivers and soil; abstracting the symbolic images from the man near at hand, and from all things in the universe at a distance”. Beyond the bondage of time and space, it is a unique and natural way to express respect to the heaven and earth.

In Mr. Jiang Ning’s works, you can appreciate from the vigorousness of the leylines of the Grand Canyon to the flowing liveliness of Yellowstone National Park, from the special qualities the universe endowed to New York and Salt Lake City to the natural presence of the Creator. His works inclusively and vividly deliver his artistic conceptions of originating from the earth, loading in the world, changing in the universe, and keeping harmonious in the nature. Between black and white, among light and shadow, at the extreme moment, the whole nature is dissolved in Tao. Inveterately influenced by the spirit of Taoism, Mr. Jiang Ning’s unique way to express images across regional culture is admiring. It makes me cannot but immerse in his changing and concluding infinite space and realm.President of China Photographic Publishing HousePrefaceWu Qixing

With the advent of the digital era, critics have been casting doubts about the eligibility of photography as an art. Thanks to modern HD technology, a small-sized nonprofessional camera can be exquisitely and conveniently made, with such technical parameters as image quality, color, angle conversion, contrast of light and shade comparable to professional cameras. The constantly-emerging advanced post-production software further helps general users create amazing, fantastic real and imagined works hard to tell. If Adams saw photography today through black and white films, he would have considered his efforts to learn lens and darkroom skills, adjust light, climb mountains and cross rivers to capture a photo futile.

We sterngre at philosop her We ber said , people will indulge in material consumerism, true art diminishing, kinship and friendship changing under the strong blows of infinite material abundance and sweeping consumerism.

Do the advanced digital era and rigid material world truly make the photographers lose their pursuit of ideals and give way to the materialistic society?

The photographic works of Mr. Jiang Ning give a “No” answer.

Starting with and interpreting Chinese traditional Tai Chi concepts, his photographic works have manifested his pursuit of Chinese and western beauty and artistic ideal of traditional morality and world outlook. They have also initiated the new path of using tangible, true-life artistic forms to express philosophical concepts in photography.

What’s Tai Chi? In short, it is the integrated harmony of opposing Yin and Yang and binary conversion. All things in the universe are created by Yin and Yang, featuring contrast of light and shade, force and mercy, and making a beautiful, harmonious world. Harmony is contained in both oriental and western cultures. The beauty of different styles of Chinese and American landscapes caused by different landscape environments show the same principle of harmony. Seated in the east of Asia, China is home to Yangtze River, Yellow River, and numerous magnificent mountains. Such secluded and beautiful views of “towers disappearing in the mist, ferries lost in the moonlight” have developed the Chinese’ aesthetic awareness characteristic of scholars. Located in the American Continent, the United States boasts masculine deserts and mountains stretching to the horizon interlaced with the wave valley and gazelle cave “as good as the water”. The rigid valleys were formed by the waves one hundred million years ago while the stone pillars and dark caves were generated by prehistoric floods. Capturing the connection between the two with the camera, Mr. Jiang Ning shows the interconnection between Yin and Yang.

It is amazing to see how Jiang Ning ’s works , intentionally or unintentionally, present the concept of “water benefiting all things and not competing with them”. The core of Tai Chi concept is not competing with them, which generates progress and spreading force. As good as the water is the idea to take a step backward, the same as “Thirty spokes are joined together in a wheel, but it is the center hole that allows the wheel to function.” His works are so peaceful, tranquil and harmonious that I often find them spiritually refreshing.

It’s worth noting how “Qi (vital energy)” is used in Jiang Ning’s works. Although many have tried to interpret the abstract Chinese aesthetic idea manifested in the “rhythmic vitality” of traditional paintings and calligraphy, none have accurately paraphrased the true meaning of “Qi”. From the many works of Jiang Ning, one can see his own understanding core of Tai Chi concept is not competing with them, which generated through how the photographer sees and shows an object.

In my eyes, Jiang Ning demonstrates his pursuit of Tai Chi





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