
发布时间:2020-08-07 03:51:35





















IN the first centuries of our era one great power of the world was Rome. All southern Europe bowed beneath the conquering sword of the Romans. Africa and Asia, too, recognized their power. For the Mediterranean, the great trade route of the then known world was theirs, and the countries bordering upon it became mere provinces of Rome. Even the furthest islands felt their might, and sailing beyond the "narrow seas," Caesar set his hand upon the island of Britain. From the Rhine and the Danube in the north, to the desert of Sahara in the south, from the borders of Wales in the west, to the Euphrates and the Tigris in the east, the empire stretched.

Rome was the capital of this wild empire. Secure upon her seven hills she sat, mistress of the world, a city without rival, until in A. D. 330 the Christian emperor Constantine the Great resolved to build a new Rome upon the shores of the Bosphorus. Constantine called his city New Rome. But men did not take readily to the name, and the capital upon the Bosphorus became known as Constantinople, or the city of Constantine. It is difficult today to remember that Constantinople was founded by a Christian, and was at one time a protecting boundary of Christianity against the Turk.

The Romans called themselves lords of the world. And so it seemed they were. All the trade and skill, all the art and learning of the known world, were theirs. Beyond the borders of the Roman Empire the world was given over to wild barbarians, who were skilled neither in the arts of war nor of peace. That the civilization of Rome should go down before their ignorance seemed impossible. Yet the barbarian triumphed, Rome fell, and the great empire fell into dust.

The fall came because there was cruel leadership in Rome, and no state can long be held by cruelty and the power of the sword alone. The high officials and tax collectors cared nothing for the people's good, they cared only for gold. They laid heavy and unjust taxes upon the middle classes. These classes must always be the support of a nation, but in Rome's last days they were so oppressed that they ceased to exist. The support of the nation was gone. So, when wild barbarian armies poured over the borders of the empire, Rome fell.

When the Emperor Theodosius died, about sixty years after the founding of Constantinople, he left two sons, both mere boys. They divided the empire between them, Arcadius, the elder, taking Constantinople for his capital, ruled over the Eastern Empire, and Honorius, a child of eleven, became ruler of the Western Empire, with Rome as his capital. It was upon Rome and the Western Empire that the full force of the barbarian attack fell.

First came the Goths. These were Teutons or Germans, and were divided into two tribes, the Visigoths or west Goths, and the Ostrogoths or east Goths. They were tall and strong, their eyes were blue, their hair long and fair. They were lawless, greedy, and cruel. They came at first fleeing from the Huns, a far more vicious enemy, seeking shelter beneath the still all-powerful staff of Rome. They found the protection they desired, but before long they turned their swords against the men who had provided it.

barbarian [bɑːˈbɛəriən] n. 野蛮人,被其他民族或群体视为拥有原始文化的人,未开化的人

Roman Empire 罗马帝国。其最初是公元前6世纪末拉丁语族罗马人建立的以罗马城(Rome)为中心的奴隶制国家。公元前27年,罗马进入帝国时代。公元1世纪和2世纪,帝国疆域辽阔广大,成为西方历史上第一大帝国。

sword [swɔːd] 剑,此处指武力,这是提喻(Synecdoche)的修辞手法,即不直接说某一事物的名称,而是借事物的本身所呈现的各种对应的现象来表现该事物的一种修辞手段。文中用sword指代“武力”,属于具体代替抽象。

Mediterranean 地中海,介于亚、非、欧三洲之间的广阔水域,这是世界上最大的陆间海,在交通和战略上均占有重要地位。

might [mait] n. 威力,力量

narrow seas 指英吉利海峡和爱尔兰海。

Rhine 莱茵河。西欧的一条河流,它发源于瑞士境内的阿尔卑斯山,流经德国注入北海。干流全长约1,320千米。它是一条主要的商业航运水道,通过运河与其他重要的欧洲河流相连。

Danube 多瑙河。欧洲第二长河(仅次于伏尔加河)。它发源于德国西南部的黑林山的东坡,自西向东流经九个国家注入黑海,全长约2,850千米。它像一条蓝色飘带蜿蜒在欧洲大地上,誉为“蓝色的多瑙河”。

Sahara 撒哈拉沙漠。世界上除南极洲之外最大的荒漠,位于非洲北部。

Wales 威尔士。英国大不列颠岛西部半岛之一地区,东临英格兰,南临布里斯托海峡,北与西滨临爱尔兰海。自联盟令(1536年)后与英格兰合并。

Euphrates 幼发拉底河。流程约为2,735千米,为西亚最长河流。源于土耳其东部的内托罗斯山脉,流经叙利亚,在伊拉克境内与底格里斯河汇合形成了阿拉伯河注入波斯湾。它的流域是古代美索不达米亚文明的重要发祥地。

Tigris 底格里斯河。西亚水量最大的河流。发源于土耳其东部,向东南方向贯穿伊拉克汇入幼发拉底河,流程约1,850千米。底格里斯河流域与幼发拉底河流域统称两河流域,是古代文明发祥地之一。

stretch [stretʃ] vi. 延伸,伸展

her 此处作者把Rome拟人化且女性化,和后文mistress of the world相对应,因为mistress除了有“霸主”的意思以外,还有“女统治者、女主人”的意思。

mistress of the world 世界霸主(罗马帝国的别称)

resolve to do 决心做

take to 对…产生好感

Constantinople 君士坦丁堡,现在伊斯坦布尔的古称。位于巴尔干半岛东端,临博斯普鲁斯海峡,扼黑海门户,当欧、亚交通要冲,战略地位十分重要。

at one time 曾经

Christianity [ˌkristiˈæniti] n. 基督教,建立在耶稣的生活和教诲上的宗教

Turk 突厥人,居住在从巴尔干到西伯利亚东部地区,伊斯兰教征服这些地区的时候,讲突厥语的各部落、部族和民族大多被迫或自愿皈依了伊斯兰教。后来尤指土耳其的穆斯林。

lord [lɔːd] n. 君主,王

be skilled in 擅长,对…有经验

civilization(n. 文明)与ignorance(n. 愚昧)这对反义词放在同一个句子中,突出显示出罗马人与蛮族人进步程度的强烈反差。

go down 倒下,垮台

triumph [ˈtraiəmf] v. 获胜

fall into dust 灰飞烟灭,土崩瓦解

care nothing for 对…不在乎,不关心

good [ɡud] n. 福利,利益。如the common good 共同的利益

lay heavy taxes upon 对…课以重税

unjust [ˌʌnˈdʒʌst] adj. 不公平的

cease to do 停止做

staff [stɑːf] n. 权杖,持有的象征权力的手杖或节杖









UNDER their young king Alaric, the Visigoths attacked the empire again and again. Twice Alaric laid siege to Rome. Twice he spared the imperial city. Still a third time he came, and this time he sacked and robbed it without mercy. Then, loaded down with rich treasure and driving a long train of captives before him, he turned south. The proudest city in the world lay at his feet, and flushed with victory, he marched to invade Africa.

But an even greater captain than the conqueror of Rome met him on the way. Death laid his hand upon the victorious Goth, and all his triumphs were erased. The new king of the Goths, Ataulphus, son of the Wolf, did not follow up Alaric's triumphs. He turned aside from Africa, left the wasted plains of Italy, and marching his war-worn men into southern Gaul and northern Spain, settled there.

Meanwhile, other barbarian hosts attacked the outer regions of the empire. For in a vain endeavour to guard Italy and Rome itself the last armies had been called back even from Britain, and the northern boundaries of the empire were left a prey to the barbarians.

Over the wall, which stretched from Forth to Clyde, stormed the Picts and Scots, across the Rhine and the Danube poured wild armies of Franks, Burgundians, Lombards, Allemanni, and Vandals. The Franks settled in Gaul, and made it Frankland. The Burgundians, too, settled in Gaul, and today the fair province of France lying between the Loire and the Saone still keeps their name. The Vandals settled in Spain, of which a province is still named Andalusia (Vandalusia). The Lombards, or Longbeards, took northern Italy, and today the central province of northern Italy is still named Lombardy. Angles and Saxons left their homes on the Weser and the Elbe, sailed across the sea, and taking possession of southern Britain, changed its name to England.

Every one of those barbarian tribes which thus picked the Roman Empire to pieces was of German or Teutonic origin. And from the ashes of fallen Rome a new Teutonic empire was to arise. But, meanwhile, an enemy far more fierce and terrible than any German tribe was sweeping onward ready to grind to dust the already falling empire. This enemy was the Hun.

Alaric 阿拉里克(公元395~410在位),维斯哥特人首领,贵族出身。曾在罗马帝国军队中服役。一般认为,他是维斯哥特王国的缔造者。

lay siege to 包围,围攻

spare [spɛə] vt. 宽恕,不伤害

sack [sæk] vt. 洗劫

without mercy 残忍地,残酷地,毫不留情地

a train of 一列,一串

lay at one's feet 躺在某人脚下,此处比喻被某人征服。

flush with victory 因胜利而兴奋,尤其指因成功而得意忘形

erase [iˈreiz] v. 抹去,擦掉

Ataulphus 阿陶尔夫,阿拉里克的姻兄。其名为Gothic Ataulf,拉丁语为Ataulphus。Ataulf中的前半部分是拉丁词根-atta,意为father;后半部分是拉丁词根-vulfs,意为wolf,合起来就是Father-Wolf,即文中“son of the Wolf”的意思,所以Ataulphus在拉丁语中意为“狼之子”。

host [həust] n. 军队

in an endeavor to do 努力,尽力

prey [prei] n. 猎物,牺牲品

“Over the wall,... stormed the Picts and Scots.”以及“across the Rhine and the Danube poured wild armies... Vandals.”是两个全部倒装句(Full Inversion)。当地点状语置于句首,谓语表示运动的动词时可以用全部倒装来强调倒装的地点状语部分。正常语序应为The Picts and Scots stormed over the wall, which stretched from Forth to Clyde.和wild armies... poured across the Rhine and the Danube.

storm [stɔːm] v. 猛攻,狠击

Loire 卢瓦尔河,法国最长的河流,源出临地中海岸的塞文山脉,全长约1020千米,西北流至奥尔良,后折向西流注入大西洋的比斯开湾。两岸风光秀丽,多葡萄园。历史上经济十分繁荣,水运发达。

Saone 索恩河,法国东部河流。发源于东北部的孚日山西部,向南流,在里昂市南部汇入罗讷河。全长480千米。

pick... to pieces 撕成碎片

grind [ɡraind] v. 磨碎,碾碎








THE Huns were a race of fighters coming from out the wastes of Asia. They were small and dark-skinned, their eyes were dark and piercing, their noses low, and their hairless, hideous faces were covered with frightening cuts and scars which made them more hideous still. They spent their lives on horseback, and rode so well that they almost seemed part of their sturdy little horses. With much riding, indeed, their legs were so bowed that they could scarcely walk. They had no houses, and few possessions. They neither ploughed nor reaped, but lived on raw flesh and clothed themselves in skins. They were fierce and bloodthirsty, and all men fled before them with a sickening dread.

These were the people who, now led on by their great king, Attila, made Europe tremble. Of all the Huns Attila was the most terrible. Though small of stature, his shoulders were of great breadth, and there was something of kingly authority in his piercing, evil eye and disgusting, angry face. Where he passed he left desolation behind him, and gloried in it."I am the curse of God," he boasted proudly, "the hammer of the world. Where my horse's feet have fallen the grass will grow no more."

Like a terrible flood the Huns swept over Gaul, leaving behind them a tracK of blood and ashes. Town after town was given to the flames, and the fair fields were laid waste. Then, at length, forgetting their old quarrels, Roman and Goth joined to crush the common enemy. The Goths, under King Theodoric, and the Romans under Aetius, "the last of the Romans," marched north. Franks and Burgundians, too, joined the army, and upon a plain near Chalons a great battle was fought between the allies and the Huns.

The struggle was long and fierce. Theodoric, king of the Visigoths, was killed, but in the end the Huns were defeated.

This fight has been called the battle of the Nations. And there it was made plain that Europe was to be the heritage of the Christian Teutons and Romans, and not of the pagan Mongols.

Attila was too crippled to renew the fight, and angrily he recrossed the Rhine. But the following year, having gathered another army, he marched through Italy, leaving a trail of ruined cities and destroyed plains in his wake. Rome was his goal, but before he reached it his course was once more stayed. For, accompanied by certain nobles, the pope, Leo I, came out, unarmed, to meet the great conqueror.

And Leo I conquered. His solemn words of pleading and warning pierced the heart of the fierce barbarian. Perhaps, too, the gold which he brought in his hand as a bribe from the feeble emperor aided not a little the eloquence of his words. However that may be, Attila yielded "Hastily," we are told, "he put off his usual fury, turned back on the way he had come, and departed with the promise of peace."

"I can conquer men," he said, "but the Lion (Leo) knows how to conquer me."

In this appeal made by Leo the Great to a barbarian enemy we see the first beginnings of the enormous power in worldly matters which the popes of a future day were to possess. But other arguments besides those of the bishop of Rome hurried Attila's going. For "the Huns were suffering from the blows of heaven;" famine and disease thinned their ranks. So, taking the gold which was offered to him, their leader returned, perhaps not unwillingly, to his own borders. He hoped doubtless to come again at another time to force his will upon Rome. But the following year he died. His empire fell to pieces, and the Hun vanished from Europe.

waste [weist] n. (常用pl.)荒地,沙漠

piercing [ˈpiəsiŋ] adj. 敏锐的,有穿透力的

sturdy [ˈstəːdi] adj. 强健的,结实的

bloodthirsty [ˈblʌdθʒːsti] adj. 嗜杀的,残忍的

lead on 率领

stature [ˈstætʃə] n. 身高,身材

breadth [bredθ] n. 宽度

kingly [ˈkiŋli] adj. 国王的,高贵的。后缀-ly在表示人身份的名词后构成形容词,意为“…似的,与…有关的”, 如priestly 僧侣的;friendly 朋友的,友好的;motherly 母亲般的,慈爱的,princely 王侯般的,高贵的等。

desolation [ˌdesəˈleiʃən] n. 荒芜,荒凉

glory [ˈɡlɔːri] vi. (n) (为…而)得意,(为…而)自豪

boast [bəust] v. 自夸

sweep over 强力扫掠过

track [træk] n. 由通过的某物体留下的一个或一串连续的记号

crush [krʌʃ] v. 粉碎,镇压

heritage [ˈheritidʒ] n. 遗产,遗留物

pagan [ˌpeiɡən] adj. 不是基督教、伊斯兰教或犹太教教徒的,异教的

Mongol [ˈmɔŋɡɔl] n. 蒙古族人。有历史学家认为,匈奴和蒙古是一个族源的民族,匈奴人就是原始蒙古人。

crippled adj. 失去战斗力的,被削弱的

trail [treil] n. 一连串。和上文的track意同。

in one's wake/in the wake of 跟随在…之后,随着…而来。如The war left destruction and famine in its wake. 战争留下的毁灭和饥荒的后果。

wake [weik] n. 某物经过后遗留下的痕迹、踪迹或状态

stay [stei] vt. 止住,抑制

accompany [əˈkʌmpəni] vt. 陪伴,陪同

pope [pəup] n. 罗马主教及世界上所有罗马天主教教堂的领导者

solemn [ˈsɔləm] adj. 神圣的,召唤宗教力量的

bribe [braib] n. 贿赂品,用来影响或说服(他人)的东西

not a little 许多,不少

eloquence [ˈeləkwəns] n. 雄辩,口才

yield [jiːld] vi. 屈服,屈从

put off 扔掉,脱掉

fury [ˈfjuəri] n. 狂暴,狂怒

appeal [əˈpiːl] n. 请求,呼吁

worldly [ˈwəːldli] adj. 尘世的,世俗的

bishop [ˈbiʃəp] n. 主教

blow of heaven 上天的灾祸,指自然灾害。

famine [ˈfæmin] n. 饥荒

thin [θin] vt. 使稀薄

ranks n. 军队,武装部队

force... upon/on... 将…强行施加给…











IN the beginning of the fifth century, the Franks were among the many tribes of Teutonic origin who helped to take apart the Roman Empire. They took possession of part of Gaul, which, in time, became known as Frankland, and which formed the nucleus of the state which we know today as France. When the Franks invaded the Empire they did so in a manner different from that of the other Teutons. They did not cut themselves off from Germany. They did not wander far into the Empire, making conquests now here, now there. They simply crossed the border, and taking possession of a small portion, settled there.

Nor were they, like the Goths and Vandals, a single people who marched to war in a body. They were made up of various tribes who moved about independently of each other and who settled in various places. Their great strength lay in the fact that they kept their line of communication open. While robbing the Empire they still kept in touch with the great unused forces of the barbarian world behind them.

The chief of these Frankish tribes were the Salians and the Riparians, who settled in what is now Belgium. And it was the Salian Franks which, at length, became the dominant tribe. Their first king of any account was Clovis. He traced his descent from a mythical sea king called Merovee, and from that the dynasty to which he belonged is called the Merovingian dynasty.

Clovis came to the throne at the age of sixteen. He soon set out upon a career of conquest, and in no long time doubled and tripled his kingdom.

At the time of their invasion of the Empire, nearly all the Teutonic tribes were Christian. But they were Arian Christians—that is, they were followers of Arius, whose doctrine, to put it simply, was a sort of early Unitarianism, in which God was seen in a single figure. It was easier for the uneducated Teutons to understand this doctrine than the more complicated one of the Trinity, and therefore they adopted it.

in time 最后,终于

nucleus [ˈnjuːkliəs] n. 核心,中心

conquest [ˈkɔŋkwest] n. 征服地,战利品

chief [tʃiːf] n. 主要部分

Riparian 利普利安法兰克人。riparian是“河岸拥有者”的意思,利普利安法兰克人因为占据了莱茵河的两岸而得此名。

Salian Frank 撒利法兰克人。公元4世纪时居住在莱茵河尼德兰地区的法兰克人的一支。

dominant [ˈdɔminənt] adj. 占优势的,支配的

account [əˈkaunt] n. 价值,地位,重要性

trace [treis] vt. 追溯,回溯

descent [diˈsent] n. 出身,血统,祖籍

mythical [ˈmiθikəl] adj. 神话的,虚构的

come to the throne 登基

career [kəˈriə] n. 道路,轨道

triple [ˈtripəl] vt. 使增至三倍。tri-这个前缀表示“三”,如triangle 三角形,tricycle 三轮车。triple和前面的double都是虚指,暗示国土面积大幅扩展。

Arius 阿里乌斯,亚历山大神学家。

Unitarianism [ˌjuːniˈteəriənizəm] n. 上帝一位论,它否认基督神性和三位一体教义,强调上帝位格单一。uni-这个前缀表“单”、“一”,如unicycle 单轮脚踏车,unicell 单细胞

complicated [ˈkɔmplikeitid] adj. 复杂的,难懂的

Trinity [ˈtriniti] n. 三位一体,圣父、圣子、圣神合成一神,也就是三个位格、一个本体。三位一体是基督教信仰的基础。相信与否定三位一体,是正统与非正统信仰的分水岭。

adopt [əˈdɔpt] vt. 采纳,选定









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