
发布时间:2020-08-07 04:39:19











本书是上海中学位于教学一线的老师们多年教学工作的智慧结晶,并且其内容在教学实践中不断得到改进,日趋完善。希望本书可以成为高中生英语学习的帮手,英语老师们教学中的参考。Unit 1Words and Their StoriesSection One单元知识专练Part Ⅰ.课前预习答案参见此处Ⅰ.根据提示,用近义词的适当形式完成句子。

1.Historians say the beaver __________(play an important role)in the settlement of North America.

2.An eager beaver is a person who __________(be prepared and ready to)and is excited about doing what is expected of him.

3.The settlers __________(value)the fur of beavers,because it was sold at a high price and helped to bring in much money.

4.Young men looking for adventure headed west across the country to _____(look for)beavers.

5.They use their tails to _____(apply force by patting repeatedly to make solid)mud on the branches to make the dams solid.

6.Another widely used expression is“to let the cat out of the bag”,meaning to _____(disclose)a well-kept secret.

7.A man who _____(not take good care of)his studies in youth will regret in later years.

8.You must __________(remember)that using proverbs out of context tends to cause communication breakdown.

9.The third type __________(is made up of)sayings from particular areas of traditional customs and beliefs.

10.Such proverbs __________(have something to do with)agriculture,the seasons and the weather.Ⅱ.根据句子意义或提示完成句子。

1.That boy's parents expected too much _____ him,with the inevitable result that they were disappointed,and he left home at the earliest opportunity.

2.Beavers use their huge teeth and work hard to cut down trees,_____(remove)branches and put them across streams.

3.The trading posts,_____ they exchanged beaver skins for the goods they needed,became villages,and later towns and cities.

4.Young men _____(hunt)for well-paid jobs headed east putting what they had learnt in class to practice.

5.A proverb is such a traditional saying _____ offers advice or presents a moral in a short and brief manner.

6.Contrary to our expectation,the expert expressed his opinion _____ proverbs were going out of fashion.

7.Strike _____ the iron is hot.

8.It is generally believed that beavers are among _____ most hard-working of the animal society.

9.__________(encourage)a person who has had little education for some reason as a young man,we may use the proverb“One is never too old to learn”.

10.There are thousands of proverbs._____ fall into three main categories.We should keep in mind that _____ are to be used out of context.Part Ⅱ.词汇学习答案参见此处

1.eager adj. 渴望的;热切的be eager to do… =be anxious to do… 渴望做……be eager for sth.渴望获得……eager students/ participation 好学的学生/热情的参与(eager作定语)(注意:anxious表示“焦虑”的时候,不可用eager 替换。)An eager beaver is a person who is always willing to do and is excited about doing what is expected of him.







3)Frightened of failing in the exam again and having made full preparations,____________________(他急于想知道考试结果).

2.expect vt. 期望;预料 vi. 期待expect sth.期待某事;想要 expect sth.of sb.对(某人)抱有(某事)的期望expect that-从句expect to do(不定式作宾语)expect sb.to do(不定式作宾补)be expected to do 理应……;被期待做……had expected to do… ,but=expect to have done… ,but 原指望……,但……(注意:mean,hope,plan,intend等也有类似用法)


1)__________(对于应聘者的期望)is no more than some common sense.

2)— Will you be able to finish the job this week?

— _____.(但愿如此。/我觉得不行。)









6)— Do you think the Stars will beat the Bulls?

— Yes.They have better players,so I _____ them to win.A.hopeB.preferC.expectD.want

7)I've worked with children before,so I know what _____ in my new job.A.expectedB.to expectC.to be expectingD.expects

3.suppose vt./conj. 假定;猜想,推测;认为be supposed to do 应该做……;被认为做……suppose A(to be)B 假设A是B(注意:B如果是介词短语,to be 不可省略)supposing(that)conj. 假设supposed adj. 所谓的Suppose,for example,that teacher tells his students they each must solve one hundred problems….


1)__________(要是你父亲看到你),what would you say?

2)____________________(如果这不是去车站的路),what shall we do?

3)__________(这个所谓的王子)was really a beggar in disguise.







6)If you go to Xi'an,you will find the palaces there more magnificent than commonly _____.A.supposingB.supposedC.to supposeD.suppose

7)— I haven't heard from Henry for a long time.

— What do you suppose _____ to him?A.was happeningB.to happenC.has happenedD.had happened

4.complain vt.& vi. 抱怨,投诉complain that-从句complain(to sb.)about/of sth.向(某人)抱怨某事complaint n.[U/C]抱怨make a complaint to sb.about/of… 向某人抱怨……The children complain about so much homework.But one student does not protest at all.






3)有些科学家抱怨载人航天飞行研究(manned space flight)占用了其他的研究经费。


5.protest vi.&vt. 抗议 n. 抗议,反对protest against/about 对……提出抗议,公开反对……protest sth.反对某事protest that-从句do sth.in protest(against/at)出于抗议…… 而做……do sth.under protest 虽心怀不满,但还是去做……












6.creature n.[C]生物,人(带爱怜或轻蔑的感情)Beavers are strange-looking creatures.


1)All creatures,great and small,inhabit the earth.


2)The poor creature now has no home,family or friends.


7.remove vt. 开除;去除,摘掉 vi. 移居;离开remove… from 移开,拿掉;将(某人)撤(免)职remove… to (把……)迁移到,搬到;把……调往They use their huge teeth and work hard to cut down trees,remove branches and put them across streams.


1)拂去门上的尘埃 ____________________

2)把士兵们调至前线 ____________________

3)褪去外套/鞋子 ____________________

4)消除某人的疑虑 ____________________

5)把全家迁往…… ____________________

8.pack vt.&vi.(把……)打包;塞进;(使)聚集成团;压紧 n. 一群packed adj. 拥挤的(=crowded)pack up 收拾行李They use their tails to pack mud on the branches to make the dams solid.










9.solid adj. 牢固的,结实的;固体的实心的;纯的,完全的大的,相当可观的;充分的,确实的,可靠的


1)The table looks nice and solid.(  )

2)Water in a solid state is ice.(  )

3)My father is so ill that he can not eat solid food.(  )

4)A cricket ball is solid.It has no air in it.(  )

5)This old house has a remarkably solid foundation.(  )

6)I have solid evidence to prove that he is guilty.(  )

7)The spoon is solid silver.(  )

8)The cloth is solid blue.(  )

9)a solid meal(  )A.牢固的,结实的B.固体的C.实心的D.纯的E.可观的F.充分可靠的

10.tens of thousands of 千百万,成千上万There were hundreds of millions of beavers when Europeans settlers first arrived.


1)tens of thousands of ______________________________

2)hundreds of millions of ______________________________

3)hundreds upon hundreds of ______________________________

11.value n. 价值;意义;重要性;(邮票的)面值 vt. 评价;重视put/place value on 重视=put/place/lay emphasis on=attach importance/value tobe of great/little value=be valuable 有很大的价值The settlers put great value on the fur of beavers.


1)母亲非常重视礼仪。(value n.)


2)政府很重视素质教育。(value n.)


3)Shelly很看重隐私。(value v.)


4)他的研究没有实际价值。(value n.)


5)沉思(meditation)对缓解压力很有益。(value n.)


12.search v. 搜寻;调查;搜查 n. 搜索;调查;探求search sp./sb.搜查某地;搜某人身search(sp.)for sth.在某地搜查……in search of sth.搜查……Young men looking for adventure headed west across the country to search for beavers.


1)警察在树林里搜寻这个失踪的男孩。(search v.)


2)我们小心翼翼地在阁楼里寻找那本古老的家庭相册。(search v.)


3)他们四处游荡,寻找食物。(search n.)


4)The police searched the prisoner to see if he had a gun.



5)They spent the whole day _____ the woods _____ the lost child.A.searching;forB.looking;forC.to search;forD.searching;with

13.explore vt.&vi. 勘探;(为发现而)探索;研究In their search,they explored much of the western territories.










5)Management need to explore ways of improving office security.


6)Venice is a wonderful city to explore.


7)explore the land for minerals


14.post n. 职位,职务,岗位position n. 职位,位置,阵地The trading posts,where they exchanged beaver skins for the goods they needed,became villages,and later towns and cities.


1)He has applied for a good _____ in the government.

2)The secretary was ordered not to leave her _____ before the manager came back.

3)Can you show me the _____ of the school?

4)We were given command to attack the enemy's _____ at night.

15.express vt. 表达 express one's views/ opinions/ feelings adj. 迅速的 express train/ mail n. 快车;快递 send sth.by express expression n. 表达;词句;表情,脸色The bag — one of the simplest and most useful things in every man or woman's life — has given the world many strange expressions that are not very simple.











5)__________(她的脸部表情)showed that she was angry.

16.import vt. 进口 import sth.from…使……进入一个国家 import sth.into…n. 进口物品,进口A number of these expressions are widely used in the United States today.Some were imported from England a long time ago.








4)Jewelry is a valuable import.


5)the import of food from abroad


17.wrap vt. 包;用……包裹;用……握住 vi. 缠绕wrap A around B 把A缠在B上wrap B in A   用A包住Bwrap up 掩饰,伪装;使全神贯注;穿暖和;包起来;结束(工作、会议等)Before,Americans used to say,“It's all wrapped up.”Then,things you bought were wrapped in plain brown paper,or sometimes in old newspaper.








4)We're hoping to wrap up the negotiations this week.


5)He wrapped his arms around her waist.


18.plain adj. 简单的;朴素的;无图案的清楚的,明显的纯净的,不含其他杂质的n. 平原;平地








4)plain water


19.reveal vt. 使露出,显露vt. 透露,泄露(消息)Another widely used expression is“to let the cat out of the bag”,meaning to reveal a well-kept secret.








20.refer vi. 提到,称谓;针对;请教,参考vt. 把……送交;把……归因于;让……参考Is that a proverb referring to my coming?


1)refer to her unhappy schooldays


2)The information refers to my elder brother.




4)refer his wealth to his own hard work


5)referred to him as Prof.Lee


6)refer us to the book


7)refer the matter to the government


21.fall into 属于(某种类别);变为(某种状态);养成(坏习惯)fall on 正巧是;(目光)落在;(责任)落在fall to pieces 摔成碎片Well,there are thousands of proverbs.They fall into three main categories.


1)fall into this category


2)fall into disuse


3)fall into rage


4)His eyes fell on the diamond.








22.neglect vt. 疏忽,漏做;疏于照顾neglect to do… 漏做某事ignore vt.(故意)不理睬A man who neglects his studies in youth will regret in later years.







3)I've _____ his garden this week,so it's a bit messy.

4)She saw him coming but she _____ him.

5)Four security guards were accused of _____ their duties.

6)He was _____ by his parents when he was very young.

7)He completely _____ all these facts as though they never existed.

23.hold the opinion that 认为……have a good/poor opinion of 对……印象好be of the opinion(that)认为in one's opinion 依某人的观点Many people hold the opinion that proverbs are going out of fashion.






3)I regret having had such an opinion of you.


4)In my humble opinion,Sarah is not so much interested in old relationships as new.

______________________________Part Ⅲ.词组翻译答案参见此处

1.对……期望高 ____________________

2.抱怨作业太多 ____________________

3.介意解数学题 ____________________

4.寻找成百上千的商人(search v./n. 各一)____________________

5.在北美洲的垦殖中扮演重要角色 ____________________


7.非常重视 ____________________

8.贸易站 ____________________

9.探索西部版图(领土)的很多地方 ____________________

10.从……进口…… ____________________

11.用海狸皮交换货物 ____________________

12.稳操胜券,如囊中取物 ____________________

13.用普通的棕色纸包装 ____________________

14.另一个普遍使用的表达 ____________________


16.泄露深藏的秘密 ____________________

17.举起布袋子 ____________________

18.应该是一头活猪 ____________________

19.指……,提到 ____________________

20.分成三个主要的类别 ____________________

21.以抽象陈述的形式呈现 ____________________



24.玩忽职守 ____________________

25.趁热打铁 ____________________Section Two满分评测卷(一)答案参见此处(满分:120分)Ⅰ.Listening Comprehension(总分20分, Section C每题0.5分)Section A Short Conversations


In Section A,you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers.At the end of each conversation,a question will be asked about what was said.The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a conversation and the question about it,read the four possible answers on your paper,and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1.A.Get some small change.B.Find a shopping center.C.Cash a check at a bank.D.Find a parking meter.2.A.Shopping with his son.B.Buying a gift for a child.C.Promoting a new product.D.Bargaining with a salesgirl.3.A.Taking photographs.B.Enhancing images.C.Mending cameras.D.Painting pictures.4.A.He is rather disappointed.B.He is highly ambitious.C.He can't face up to the situation.D.He knows his own limitations.5.A.Female students are unfit for studying physics.B.He can serve as the woman's private teacher.C.Physics is an important course at school.D.The professor's suggestion is constructive.6.A.They are not used to living in a cold place.B.They feel lucky to live in Florida.C.They are going to have a holiday.D.They have not booked their air tickets yet.7.A.Look for a more expensive hotel.B.Go to another hotel by bus.C.Try to find a quiet place.D.Take a walk around the city.8.A.To the school.B.To a friend's house.C.To the post office.D.To her home.9.A.The man has changed his destination.B.The man is returning his ticket.C.The man is flying to New York tomorrow morning.D.The man can't manage to go to New York as planned.10.A.In a cotton field.B.At a railway station.C.On a farm.D.On a train.Section B Passages


In Section B,you will hear two short passages,and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages.The passages will be read twice,but the questions will be spoken only once.When you hear a question,read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11.A.To protect persons and property.B.To collect taxes.C.To teach and train citizens.D.To save natural resources for future use.12.A.By selling services that make life comfortable.B.By selling land containing oil.C.By selling public lands.D.By selling coal and other natural products.13.A.Environmental pollution and protection.B.Taxes and services for the public.C.Police efforts to protect people.D.People's attitude toward taxes.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14.A.They haven't devoted as much energy to medicine as to space travel.B.There are too many kinds of cold viruses for them to identify.C.It is not economical to find a cure for each type of cold.D.They believe people can recover without treatment.15.A.They reveal the seriousness of the problem.B.They indicate how fast the virus spreads.C.They tell us what kind of medicine to take.D.They show our body is fighting the virus.16.A.It actually does more harm than good.B.It causes damage to some organs of our body.C.It works better when combined with other remedies.D.It helps us to recover much sooner.Section C Longer Conversations


In Section C,you will hear two longer conversations.The conversations will be read twice.After you hear each conversation,you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard.Write your answers on your answer sheet.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.

Complete the form.Write ONE WORD for each answer.50What is the relationship between the They are(17)_____.two speakers?What's the purpose of Ask Bob to(18)_____ on Sunday.the phone call?Because he was on a(19)_____trip the Why didn't Bob accept whole day that day.the offer?It was(20)_____ because many people came to the party and they all enjoyed it How did the party go?very much.Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.

Complete the form.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.What is the advantage of the first You can eat as much(21)_____ place?as you want.There is no(22)_____ or Why do the speakers give up the dryer… not even a TV.first choice?Where is the second place It's on(23)_____ of the island.located?What are the speakers talking A rental home for(24)_____.about?Ⅱ.Grammar and Vocabulary(总分36分,Section A每题0.5分)Section A


Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.

25.If your car _____ any attention during the first 12 months,take it to an authorized dealer.A.shall needB.should needC.would needD.will need

26.Common sense demands _____ both sides of the problem.A.him to examineB.him examineC.he examinesD.he examine

27.Look at those doves flying across the sky in the strong sunlight.I wish I _____ a piece of cloud giving them cool shade.A.will beB.amC.should beD.were

28.The same thing,happening in war time,_____ great disaster.A.will amount toB.amounted toC.would have amounted toD.would be amounted to

29.But that I _____ time,I _____ contact with him for such a long time.A.had lacked;couldn't loseB.had lacked in;couldn't have lostC.lacked in;couldn't have lostD.lacked;couldn't have been out of

30._____ for my illness,I would have lent him a helping hand.A.Not beingB.If I hadn't beenC.Had it not beenD.Hadn't it been

31.I'd rather you _____make any comment on this sensitive issue for the time being.A.didn'tB.haven'tC.wouldn'tD.hadn't

32.If only the committee _____ the regulations and put them into effect as soon as possible.A.approveB.can approveC.will approveD.would approve

33.Only if the committee _____ the regulations and put them into effect as soon as possible _____ the sanitary conditions of the community _____.A.approve;will be improved;/B.approved;would have been improved;/C.approve;will;be improvedD.had approved;would;have been improved

34._____ be sent for immediately?A.Do you suggest who shouldB.Who do you suggest that shouldC.Who do you suggestD.Whom do you suggest should

35.He talked as if he _____ everything in the world and insisted on _____ to him.





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