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由于编写时间仓促,编者水平有限,疏漏之处在所难免,敬请各位同行、读者批评指正。编者2014年9月Unit 1International Organized CrimePart Ⅰ In-class ReadingPre-reading Questions● Before reading the text, please discuss your personal thoughts on

the definition of transnational organized crimes with your

classmates.● After reading the passage, do you agree on the definition of TOC

given by the author? Why?● Have you ever known TOC before? Could you name some crimes

conducted by transnational organized criminal groups?Text ADefining and Measuring Transnational Organized Crimes

Transnational criminal activity has increased in scale and extent, becoming a complex worldwide threat. Transnational criminals ignore borders. They move sums of money through the international financial system that are so huge they dwarf the combined economies of many nations. They are often organized in multi-crime businesses, and they have capitalized on growth in international communications and transportation to expand their criminal operations and form potent alliances. The corrosive activities of transnational criminal groups in the post-Cold War era no longer threaten particular countries or regions. They threaten all nations. Transnational organized crime is not only a law enforcement problem, but also a formidable and increasing threat to national and international security.

Transnational organized crime is not something completely new, but there is no standard, universally accepted definition of these kinds of criminality in the criminological and criminal law theories. The problem of definition is an important factor contributing to the inability of international law enforcement bodies to identify the size and scope of transnational organized crime accurately. Efforts to form a definition were made many times, but they only made this problem more difficult or created new problems.

We must admit, that a variety of other definitions, with all their diversity, nevertheless include the following essential elements and features, which are typical for transnational organized crime communities.

First, the activity of such organizations is criminal by nature, breaks legal taboos and must carry a penalty within existing procedures of law enforcement organs. It is obvious that a majority of social systems consider the so-called informal (hidden) economic activity, which is the bulk of organized transnational criminality, to be illegal and destructive to the development of the formal, legal economy. It breaks business laws and overturns normal economic activity. And this“essence”is a necessary element of the definition of transnational organized crime.

Second, despite the banality of this statement, it is very important to fix the fact that subjects in this activity is expediently executed, by people, who are intentionally united into a group (but more often cooperating groups) under the guidance of their established leaders. Hereby, the fact that they are well organized is not ephemeral and temporary. It is a key, constituent element of the phenomenon and definition of transnational organized crime.

Third, an essential constituent feature of transnational organized crime is the most important goal of the full spectrum of its activities. Any activity must be gainful. Bank fraud, blackmail, prostitution, theft of automobiles, drugs and weapons trafficking are equally acceptable if it makes a profit.

The fourth essential element of the transnational criminal rings is in the particular way they achieve their main goal, namely, in their readiness to use violence and bribery for the accomplishment and protection of their interests. Violence and bribery very often accompany each other, and are used deliberately with premeditation, in particular circumstances and to solve quite specific problems.

Thus, transnational organized crime rings act outside the law with the goal to make a profit and use bribery and violence for the realization and defense of group interests. These characteristics do not add anything special into the description of the phenomenon that has existed many years ago. At the same time, there are some distinctions inherent in it today, which increase to a new level the danger to the global social peace and stability. In particular, the ability to carry out global operations differentiates transnational criminal rings and organizations from traditional organized crime groups. The last one is rooted in the national territory of specific states, and even if they develop foreign connections in some cases, they do not operate on the wide international level. They act on the territories, regions or cities mostly within the national jurisdiction of a single state. For example, the American Mafia, which is also called La Cosa Nostra, is a very well known example of such a criminal syndicate. La Cosa Nostra appeared in the 1930s as a result of a conflict among Sicilian immigrant gangs in American cities. Despite the fact that its members introduced their ethnic traditions into the new community, La Cosa Nostra has never been a dummy organization or instrument of the Sicilian Mafia. It is really an American criminal organization. Although La Cosa Nostra was not without transnational connections, mainly they were for the purchase of alcohol and heroin from foreign illegal structures.

New transnational criminal groups are essentially different from national, domestic organizations more than anything else by the fact, that they were either created or transformed especially for criminal activity at a high level and international standard. The Colombian cartels are the most typical for such organizations. They correspond to vertically integrated global business, which has hundreds of thousands of employed specialists and associated workers in service. The Chinese Triads equally belong to the transnational generation of criminal groups, though they do not have such a strict structure. But their foreign operations are very intensive, very often in the flow of increasing Chinese immigration.

Transnational organized crime possesses a powerful potential and is highly dynamical. Therefore, it possesses a serious danger to the existence of both single states and the world community as a whole. Transnational criminal groups are very well organized and equipped. It is extremely difficult for law enforcement organs to find their way into the organizational structures of these groups, because many of them are based on ethnicity and act in the spheres of jurisdiction of different states. Transnational criminal groups use violence and bribery. Their activity undermines the authority of legal power and weakens democratic institutions. They destroy financial markets and economies of many states. The governmental resources that are designed to solve many social and economic problems are not enough to offset the criminal organizations at all. Many of them consolidate their connections with militant, ethnic, and religious movements.

A series of factors boosts the potential of transnational criminal rings. They act as parasites, for example, in cases where there are weak governments which have neither the resources nor political power to oppose them. They prosper on the fantastic amounts of money which they get as a result of illegal activity, particularly the production and sale of drugs. They are able to benefit from the increasing migration of people through countries and continents. Modern sophisticated weapons and appropriate technologies, which they have at their disposal, are effective means for the realization and protection of interests of transnational criminal groups. The inability of many states and international organizations to design and coordinate effective anti-criminal programs creates a favorable climate for the criminal community to maneuver in their resistance to law enforcement organs. So it is extremely important to develop the appropriate countermeasures to transnational organized criminal activity.

The main kinds of transnational organized crime activity consist of the following illicit businesses: illegal migration, trafficking in women and children, trafficking in body parts, corruption, theft and illegal export of cultural property, theft and trafficking in automobiles, fauna and flora trafficking, computer crimes, software piracy, nuclear material theft and trafficking, trafficking in firearms, trafficking in drugs, money laundering. No doubt, there can be identified other organized crime activities which have a transnational character or transnational implications. But in any case, if there is some uncertainty about the categorization of particular organized criminal activities in the mentioned range, however, their most common and distinctive feature is that it involves the crossing of borders or national jurisdictions. Therefore, control measures are especially important on the international level and also within affected countries if these measures have international implications.(1,251 words)Background Information▶American Mafia

The American Mafia, commonly known as the Mafia, Italian Mafia, Italian Mob, or the Mob in the United States, is an Italian-American criminal society and offshoot of the Sicilian Mafia. Its members usually refer to it as Cosa Nostra. It emerged on the East Coast of the United States during the late 19th century following waves of Sicilian and Southern Italian emigration. There are five main New York City Mafia families, known as the Five Families: the Gambino, Lucchese, Genovese, Bonanno and Colombo families. At its peak, the Mafia dominated organized crime in the U.S. While each crime family operates independently, nationwide coordination is provided by the Commission, which consists of the bosses of each of the strongest families. Law enforcement still considers the Mafia the largest organized crime group in the United States. It has maintained control over much of the organized crime activity in the United States and certain parts of Canada.

The structure of American Mafia:▶Colombia Cartels (Colombia Drug Cartels)

Until 2011 Colombia remained the world's largest cocaine producer, however with a strong anti-narcotic strategy in 2012 the country achieved a great decrease in cocaine production, falling to the 3rd position, behind Peru and Bolivia. Drug cartel is a criminal organization developed with the primary purpose of promoting and controlling drug trafficking operations. They range from loosely managed agreements among various drug traffickers to formalized commercial enterprises. The term was applied when the largest trafficking organizations reached an agreement to coordinate the production and distribution of cocaine. Since that agreement was broken up, drug cartels are no longer actually cartels, but the term stuck and it is now popularly used to refer to any criminal narcotics related organization.

The current main actors in the drug trade are:● Neo-paramilitary criminal gangs, also called BACRIM● ELN (Weakened by a US-backed counter-insurgency plan)● FARC (Weakened by a US-backed counter-insurgency plan)● EPL (Partially demobilized)

Historical actors in the drug trade were:● Cali Cartel (dissolved)● Medellín Cartel (dismantled)● North Coast Cartel (dismantled)● Norte del Valle Cartel (dissolved)● AUC (demobilized)▶Chinese Triads

The terms refers to many branches of Chinese underground society and/or organizations based in Hong Kong and Macau and also operating in Taiwan, mainland China, and countries and cities worldwide with significant Chinese populations such as San Francisco and Singapore. Triads also exist in Europe, South Africa, Australia, and North America. They generally follow a strict hierarchical organization of low-level gang members and office-bearers—although it is thought that no central command structure unifies the different factions within a particular Triad society. Most Triads operate largely independent of one another. In fact, it is speculated that individual office-bearers have limited control over the criminal enterprises carried out by the lower-ranking members.

Their activities include drug trafficking, contract murder, money laundering, gambling, prostitution, car theft, extortion, and other forms of racketeering. A major source of Triad income today comes from the counterfeiting of intellectual property such as clothing, computer software, music CDs and movie VCDs/DVDs. They also trade in bootleg tabacco and alcohol products.New Wordsdwarf [dwɔːf]

vt. If one person or thing is dwarfed by another, the second is so much bigger than the first that it makes them look very small. 使……显得过于矮小

E.g. His figure is dwarfed by his big brother.

adj. Dwarf is used to describe varieties or species of plants and animals which are much smaller than the usual size for their kind. (植物或动物)过于矮小的capitalize [ˈkæpɪtlaɪz]

vi. If you capitalize on a situation, you use it to gain some advantage for yourself. 利用

E.g. The rebels seem to be trying to capitalize on the public's discontent with the government.

vt. 1) In business, if you capitalize something that belongs to you, you sell it in order to make money. [商]使资本化

E.g. Our intention is to capitalize the company by any means we can.

2) If you capitalize a letter, you write it as a capital letter. If you capitalize a word, you spell it in capital letters, or with the first letter as a capital letter. 把……大写alliance [əˈlaɪəns]

[C] n. 1) An alliance is a group of countries or political parties that are formally united and working together because they have similar aims. 联盟

E.g. The two parties were still too much apart to form an alliance.

2) An alliance is a relationship in which two countries, political parties, or organizations work together for some purpose. 结盟

E.g. The Socialists' electoral strategy has been based on a tactical alliance with the Communists.corrosive [kəˈrəʊsɪv]

adj. 1) A corrosive substance is able to destroy solid materials by a chemical reaction. 腐蚀性的

E.g. Sodium is highly corrosive.

2) If you say that something has a corrosive effect, you mean that it gradually causes serious harm. 逐渐起破坏作用的

E.g. ...the corrosive effects of rumor.formidable [ˈfɔːmɪdəbəl]

adj. If you describe something or someone as formidable, you mean that you feel slightly frightened by them because they are very great or impressive. 可怕的;令人敬畏的

E.g. He said Mr Jones faced“formidable challenges”ranging from the economy to climate change.criminality [ˌkrɪmɪˈnælɪti]

[U] n. the state or quality of being criminal 犯罪penalty [ˈpɛnəlti]

[C] n. 1) A penalty is a punishment that someone is given for doing something which is against a law or rule. 刑罚

E.g. The criminal could face the death penalty.

2) In sports such as football, American football, and hockey, a penalty is a disadvantage forced on the team that breaks a rule. (体育比赛中的)罚球

E.g. Referee had no hesitation in awarding a penalty.

3) The penalty that you pay for something you have done is something unpleasant that you experience as a result. 惩罚

E.g. Why should I pay the penalty for somebody else's mistake?execute [ˈɛksɪkjuːt]

vt. 1) To execute someone means to kill them as a punishment for a serious crime. 处死

E.g. One group claimed to have executed the hostage.

2) If you execute a plan, you carry it out. [正式]执行(计划等)

E.g. We have plans in place and I wanted to see if the guys could execute them.ephemeral [ɪˈfɛmərəl]

adj. If you describe something as ephemeral, you mean that it lasts only for a short time. [正式]短暂的;瞬间的

E.g. ...the ephemeral joys of childhood.constituent [kənˈstɪtjʊənt]

[C]n. 1) A constituent is someone who lives in a particular constituency, especially someone who is able to vote in an election. 选民

E.g. What an easier way to prove to your constituent that you only care for them!

2) A constituent of a mixture, substance, or system is one of the things from which it is formed. 成分

E.g. Caffeine is the active constituent of drinks such as tea and coffee.

adj. The constituent parts of something are the things from which it is formed. 构成的

E.g. Memory is the important constituent part of computer system.spectrum [ˈspɛktrəm]

[U]n. The spectrum is the range of different colours which is produced when light passes through a glass prism or through a drop of water. A rainbow shows the colours in the spectrum. 光谱

[C]n. A spectrum is a range of a particular type of thing. 范围

E.g. Even if these systems did eventually work they would not address the spectrum of related threats.bribery [ˈbraɪbərɪ]

[U]n. Bribery is the act of offering someone money or something valuable in order to persuade them to do something for you. 贿赂行为

E.g. He was jailed on charges of bribery.premeditation [prɪˌmɛdɪˈteɪʃən]

[U]n. Premeditation is thinking about something or planning it before you actually do it. [正式]预谋;预先策划

E.g. The judge finally concluded there was insufficient evidence of premeditation.jurisdiction [ˌʤʊərɪsˈdɪkʃən]

[U]n. Jurisdiction is the power that a court of law or an official has to carry out legal judgments or to enforce laws. 司法权;管辖权

E.g. The army and the police argued over jurisdiction rather than dispatching a rescue helicopter.

[C]n. A jurisdiction is a state or other area in which a particular court and system of laws has authority. [法]管辖范围

E.g. In the U.K., unlike in most other European jurisdictions, there is no right to strike.mafia [ˈmæfɪə]

[C]n. 1) The Mafia is a criminal organization that makes money illegally, especially by threatening people and dealing in drugs. 黑手党

E.g. He claims that there is a sophisticated and well-organised Nigerian Mafia trafficking women into Spain.

2) You can use mafia to refer to an organized group of people who you disapprove of because they use unfair or illegal means in order to get what they want. 团伙

E.g. They are well-connected with the education-reform mafia.cartel [kɑːˈtɛl]

[C]n. a group of separate companies that agree to increase profits by fixing prices and not competing with each other 卡特尔

E.g. U.S. officials say the heavily armed cartel often carries out murders, kidnappings and assaults to further its reach.integrate [ˈɪntɪgreɪt]

vt./vi. 1) If someone integrates into a social group, or is integrated into it, they behave in such a way that they become part of the group or are accepted into it. 使融入;结合在一起

E.g. He didn't integrate successfully into the life in Beijing.

2) When races integrate or when schools and organizations are integrated, people who belong to ethnic minorities can join others in their schools and organizations. 使合并;成为一体

E.g. The Marine Corps was the last service to integrate.

3) If you integrate one thing with another, or one thing integrates with another, the two things become closely linked or form part of a whole idea or system. You can also say that two things integrate. 结合

E.g. Writing about a topic helps you integrate new knowledge with what you already know.sphere [sfɪə]

[C]n. 1) A sphere is an object that is completely round in shape like a ball. 球体

E.g. Because the earth spins, it is not a perfect sphere.

2) A sphere of activity or interest is a particular area of activity or interest. (活动、兴趣的)领域

E.g. ...the sphere of international politics.triad [ˈtraɪæd]

[C]n. 1) The Triads were Chinese secret societies in old China that were often associated with organized crime. 三合会;旧中国的秘密犯罪组织

2) A triad is a group of three similar things. 三个一组

E.g. For the faculty, there exists the triad of responsibilities: teaching, research, and service.undermine [ˌʌndəˈmaɪn]

vt. 1) If you undermine something such as a feeling or a system, you make it less strong or less secure than it was before, often by a gradual process or by repeated efforts. 逐渐削弱;逐渐动摇





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