
发布时间:2020-08-08 15:32:31


作者:[美] 海明威(Ernest Hemingway)





The king was working in the garden. He seemed very glad to see me. We walked through the garden. This is the queen, he said. She was clipping a rose bush. Oh how do you do, she said. We sat down at a table under a big tree and the king ordered whiskey and soda. We have good whiskey anyway, he said. The revolutionary committee, he told me, would not allow him to go outside the palace grounds. Plastiras is a very good man I believe, he said, but frightfully difficult. I think he did right though shooting those chaps. If Kerensky had shot a few men things might have been altogether different. Of course the great thing in this sort of an affair is not to be shot oneself!


It was very jolly. We talked for a long time. Like all Greeks he wanted to go to America.

我们的交谈很愉快。我们谈了很久。跟所有希腊人一样,他梦想着到美国去。The Undefeated没有被斗败的人

Manuel Garcia climbed the stairs to Don Miguel Retana's office. He set down his suitcase and knocked on the door. There was no answer. Manuel, standing in the hallway, felt there was someone in the room. He felt it through the door.


"Retana," he said, listening.“雷塔纳。”他叫道,听着里面的反应。

There was no answer.


He's there, all right, Manuel thought.


"Retana," he said and banged the door.“雷塔纳。”他一边叫一边砰砰地敲着门。

"Who's there?" said someone in the office.“谁?”办公室里有人问道。

"Me, Manolo," Manuel said.“我,马诺洛。”曼努埃尔答道。

"What do you want?" asked the voice.“你有什么事?”那个声音问道。

"I want to work," Manuel said.“我来找点儿事做。”曼努埃尔说。

Something in the door clicked several times and it swung open. Manuel went in, carrying his suitcase.


A little man sat behind a desk at the far side of the room. Over his head was a bull's head, stuffed by a Madrid taxidermist; on the walls were framed photographs and bull-fight posters.


The little man sat looking at Manuel.


"I thought they'd killed you," he said.“我还以为它们要了你的命呢。”他说。

Manuel knocked with his knuckles on the desk. The little man sat looking at him across the desk.


"How many corridas you had this year?" Retana asked.“你今年斗了几次牛?”雷塔纳问道。

"One." he answered.“一次。”他答道。

"Just that one?" the little man asked.“就那一次?”小个子男人问。

"That's all.”“就那一次。”

"I read about it in the papers," Retana said. He leaned back in the chair and looked at Manuel. Manuel looked up at the stuffed bull. He had seen it often before. He felt a certain family interest in it. It had killed his brother, the promising one, about nine years ago. Manuel remembered the day. There was a brass plate on the oak shield the bull's head was mounted on. Manuel could not read it, but he imagined it was in memory of his brother. Well, he had been a good kid. The plate said: "The Bull 'Mariposa' of the Duke of Veragua, which accepted 9 varas for 7 caballos, and caused the death of Antonio Garcia, Novillero, April 27, 1909.”“我在报纸上看到了。”雷塔纳说。他往后一仰,靠在椅背上,看着曼努埃尔。曼努埃尔抬头看着公牛标本。从前,他经常看到它。他感觉自己对它有某种家族性的兴趣。大约九年前,这头公牛杀死了他的哥哥,很有前途的那个。曼努埃尔还记得那一天。公牛头底下的盾形橡木座上有一块铜牌。曼努埃尔不认识上面的字,但是他猜想那是纪念他哥哥的。唉,他可是个好孩子。铜牌上写着:“贝拉瓜公爵的公牛‘蝴蝶’,曾被七位骑马斗牛士的长矛刺中,负伤九次;于1909年4月27日挑死见习斗牛士安东尼奥·加西亚。”

Retana saw him looking at the stuffed bull's head.


"The lot the Duke sent me for Sunday will make a scandal," he said. "They're all bad in the legs. What do they say about them at the Cafe?”“公爵送来的那批星期天用的牛肯定会出丑,”他说,“腿脚全都不好。咖啡馆里的人们是怎么谈论这批牛的?”

"I don't know," Manuel said. "I just got in."“我不知道,”曼努埃尔说,“我刚来。”

"Yes," Retana said. "You still have your bag."“对啊,”雷塔纳说,“你还带着提包呢。”

He looked at Manuel, leaning back behind the big desk.


"Sit down," he said. "Take off your cap."“坐吧,”他说,“摘掉帽子。”

Manuel sat down; his cap off, his face was changed. He looked pale, and his coleta pinned forward on his head, so that it would not show under the cap, gave him a strange look. "You don't look well," Retana said.


"I just got out of the hospital," Manuel said.“我刚出院。”曼努埃尔说。

"I heard they'd cut your leg off," Retana said.“听说他们把你的腿锯了。”雷塔纳说。

"No," said Manuel. "It got all right."“没有,”曼努埃尔说,“它被治好了。”

Retana leaned forward across the desk and pushed a wooden box of cigarettes toward Manuel.


"Have a cigarette," he said.“抽支烟。”他说。


Manuel lit it.


"Smoke?" he said, offering the match to Retana.“你也来一支?”他问道,把火柴递向雷塔纳。

"No," Retana waved his hand, "I never smoke."“不了,”雷塔纳摆摆手,“我从不抽烟。”

Retana watched him smoking.


"Why don't you get a job and go to work?" he said.“你为什么不找份工作,去上班呢?”他问道。

"I don't want to work," Manuel said. "I am a bullfighter."“我不想工作,”曼努埃尔说,“我是个斗牛士。”

"There aren't any bullfighters any more," Retana said.“已经没有斗牛士了。”雷塔纳说。

"I'm a bullfighter," Manuel said.“我就是个斗牛士。”曼努埃尔说。

"Yes, while you're in there," Retana said.“是的,你在场上的时候才是。”雷塔纳说。

Manuel laughed.


Retana sat, saying nothing and looking at Manuel.


"I'll put you in a nocturnal if you want," Retana offered.“如果你愿意的话,我把你安排在夜场。”雷塔纳提议。

"When?" Manuel asked.“什么时候?”曼努埃尔问道。

"Tomorrow night."“明天夜里。”

"I don't like to substitute for anybody," Manuel said. That was the way they all got killed. That was the way Salvador got killed. He tapped with his knuckles on the table.“我不想替任何人出场。”曼努埃尔说。那些人都是这样死掉的。萨尔瓦多就是那样死的。他用指关节敲着桌子。

"It's all I've got," Retana said.“我只能做到这样了。”雷塔纳说。

"Why don't you put me on next week?" Manuel suggested.“为什么不把我安排在下周呢?”曼努埃尔提议。

"You wouldn't draw," Retana said. "All they want is Litri and Rubito and La Torre. Those kids are good."“你不卖座。”雷塔纳说,“他们想看的是李特里、鲁比托和拉托雷。这些小伙子都是好样的。”

"They'd come to see me get it," Manuel said, hopefully.“人们会来看我把牛干掉的。”曼努埃尔满怀希望地说。

"No, they wouldn't. They don't know who you are any more.”“不,他们不会来的。他们已经不知道你是谁了。”

"I've got a lot of stuff," Manuel said.“我会很多招数。”曼努埃尔说。

"I'm offering to put you on tomorrow night," Retana said. "You can work with young Hernandez and kill two novillos after the Charlots."“我把你安排在明晚,”雷塔纳说,“你可以和小埃尔南德斯合作,在滑稽斗牛之后杀两头小公牛。”

"Whose novillos?" Manuel asked.“谁的小公牛?”曼努埃尔问。

"I don't know. Whatever stuff they've got in the corrals. What the veterinaries won't pass in the daytime.”“我不知道。从他们牛栏里随便找的两头吧。白天不可能通过兽医检查的那些。”

"I don't like to substitute," Manuel said.“我不想替别人出场。”曼努埃尔说。

"You can take it or leave it," Retana said. He leaned forward over the papers. He was no longer interested. The appeal that Manuel had made to him for a moment when he thought of the old days was gone. He would like to get him to substitute for Larita because he could get him cheaply. He could get others cheaply too. He would like to help him though. Still he had given him the chance. It was up to him. "How much do I get?" Manuel asked. He was still playing with the idea of refusing. But he knew he could not refuse.“你要么去做,要么走。”雷塔纳说。他身子往前一倾,埋头看起文件来。他已经没兴趣了。回想起往昔时,他动摇过,但是这会儿他对曼努埃尔已经失去兴趣了。他想让曼努埃尔做拉里塔的替身,因为这样会很便宜。他也可以找到其他的廉价替身。不过,他愿意帮曼努埃尔一把。他还是给了他这个机会。就看他了。“我能拿多少?”曼努埃尔问。他还在想着拒绝。但他知道,他无法拒绝。

"Two hundred and fifty pesetas," Retana said. He had thought of five hundred, but when he opened his mouth it said two hundred and fifty.“二百五十比塞塔。”雷塔纳说。他本想说五百的,但是话一出口就变成了二百五十。

"You pay Villalta seven thousand," Manuel said.“你给比里亚尔塔七千呢。”曼努埃尔说。

"You're not Villalta," Retana said.“你又不是比里亚尔塔。”雷塔纳说。

"I know it," Manuel said.“我知道。”曼努埃尔说。

"He draws it, Manolo," Retana said in explanation.“他很卖座,马诺洛。”雷塔纳解释道。

"Sure," said Manuel. He stood up. "Give me three hundred, Retana."“是的。”曼努埃尔说。他站起身来。“给我三百,雷塔纳。”

"All right," Retana agreed. He reached in the drawer for a paper.“好吧。”雷塔纳同意了。他伸手在抽屉里找一份文件。

"Can I have fifty now?" Manuel asked.“现在付我五十可以吗?”曼努埃尔问。

"Sure," said Retana. He took a fifty-peseta note out of his pocket-book and laid it, spread out flat, on the table.“当然可以。”雷塔纳说。他从皮夹里拿出一张五十比塞塔的钞票,把它展平,放在桌子上。

Manuel picked it up and put it in his pocket.


"What about a cuadrilla?" he asked.“斗牛助手呢?”他问。

"There's the boys that always work for me nights," Retana said. "They're all right.”“有那些一直在夜里给我干活的小伙子,”雷塔纳说,“他们都不错。”





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