
发布时间:2020-08-09 08:21:05








Part I. Proofreading and Error Correction (1*10 POINTS, 15 MINUTES)

Directions: The following passage contains TEN errors. Each numbered line contains ONE error, in which only ONE word is involved. Identify each error and correct it in the following way: copy the wrong word on your ANSWER SHEET and then write down the correct one. Make sure that you write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET!【答案与解析】


2.crops→crop(crop rotation为固定搭配,意思是“作物轮作”。)

3.than→to(superior to为固定搭配,意思是“优于;比……优越”,虽然有比较的意思,但是不能与than搭配。)

4.exist→existence(in existence现有的,为固定搭配。)

5.more→more(easy的比较级为easier,不能用more easier。)




9.declaration→Declaration(Declaration of Independence为独立宣言,首字母需大写。)

10.him→his(完整表达应该是“the task of writing it was his task”,第二个task可以省略。)

Part II. Vocabulary and grammar (1*20 POINTS, 25 MINUTES)

Directions: From the four words or phrases under each sentence,choose the one that best suits the blank in each sentence.

11.The explanation given by the congressman yesterday was not at all _____ to us.

A. satisfy

B. satisfied

C. satisfactory

D. satisfying【答案】C【解析】句意:我们对昨天国会议员给出的解释一点儿也不满意。sth. be satisfactory to sb.某事令某人满意。

12.Primitive superstitions that feed racism should be_____ through education.

A. ignored

B. exalted

C. eradicated

D. canceled【答案】C【解析】句意:助长种族主义的原始迷信必须通过教育根除。eradicate根除,消灭。exalt提升;赞扬。

13.The less the surface of the ground yields to the weight of the athlete’s body,_____ to the body.

A. the stress it is greater

B. greater is the stress

C. greater stress is

D. the greater the stress【答案】D【解析】句意:地表和载满货物卡车的接触面越小,卡车承受的压力就越大。本题考查的是固定用法“the+比较级,the+比较级”,且根据the surface of the ground可以判断stress前也应该有the。

14.Over a very large number of trials, the probability of an event _____ is equal to the probability that it will not occur.

A. occurring

B. to occur

C. occurs

D. occur【答案】B【解析】句意:经过大量实验,某件事发生的概率与其不会发生的概率相同。动词不定式做定语,相当于“that will occur”,与后面的“that it will not occur”相呼应,表示未发生的事。

15.Sadly, while the translation industry thrives, the practice of translation continues to _____ .

A. stack

B. stage

C. stagnate

D. stamp【答案】C【解析】句意:令人遗憾的是,虽然翻译行业蓬勃发展,但是翻译实践仍然停滞不前。stagnate停滞。stack堆积。stamp跺脚;捣碎。

16.Your blunt treatment of disputes would put other people in a negative frame of _____ with the result that they would not be able to accept your proposal.

A. mind

B. idea

C. intention

D. wish【答案】A【解析】句意:其他人会因你对纠纷的迟钝处理心情不佳,从而不会接受你的提议。frame of mind心情。常用in a good/positive/negative frame of mind。

17.Home to _____ and gangsters, high-rank officials and low-wage laborers, refugees and artists, the city was, in its prime, a metropolis that reflected all the hues of the human character.

A. magnates

B. magnets

C. machines

D. magnitudes【答案】A【解析】句意:这座城市正处于鼎盛时期,是权贵和歹徒、高级官员和廉价劳动力、难民与艺术家的容身之处,这座城市是一个反映人生百态的大都市。magnate大亨;权贵。magnet磁铁。magnitude大小;量级。

18.Her _____ behavior made everyone nervous. She was always rushing to open doors and apologizing unnecessarily for any inconvenience that she might have caused.

A. oblivious

B. observant

C. obsequious

D. obsolescent【答案】C【解析】句意:每个人都对她的奉承行为感到不安。她总是抢着开门你,而且总是为她可能造成的不便进行不必要的道歉。obsequious谄媚的。oblivious遗忘的。observant善于观察的。obsolescent荒废的。

19.In order to obtain the needed information, you should write simply, clearly, and concisely_____ the reader wants to know.

A. what

B. That

C. so that

D. which【答案】A【解析】句意:为了得到所需信息,你应该简洁、清楚而又准确地写出读者们想要知道的。空格处的词既做主句的宾语,又做从句的主语,因而应选what。

20.He was completely _____ by her tale of hardship.

A. taken away

B. taken down

C. taken in

D. taken up【答案】C【解析】句意:他完全被她的苦难故事所欺骗。take in领会;欺骗。take down记下;拆卸。

21.The general _____ everyone else for his lack of success with any assigned task.

A. accused

B. blamed

C. complained

D. charged【答案】B【解析】本题考查动词与介词的搭配。句意:将军因不能自己完成指定任务而指责其他每个人。blame sb. for sth.因某事责备某人。accuse sb. of指责某人做某事。

22.I shall _____ the loss of my wallet in the newspaper, with a reward for the finder.

A. announce

B. publish

C. advertise

D. inform【答案】C【解析】此题考查动词词义辨析。句意:我将在报纸上登广告找我的钱包,捡到者将有奖励。advertise有“(在电视、报刊等)公告、公布”的意思。

23.The designer went ahead with his unpopular scheme, _____ to hostile criticism.

A. opposed

B. indifferent

C. sensitive

D. unaware【答案】B【解析】句意:设计师继续沿用他那不受欢迎的计划,不在乎恶意批评。indifferent to不在乎。

24.The teacher was _____ to his trading of home assignments and his treatment of offenders.

A. lenient

B. merciful

C. pitiful

D. sympathetic【答案】B【解析】句意:对于他的家庭作业交易和他对待冒犯者的方式,老师的处理十分仁慈。be merciful to对……仁慈。be sympathetic to对……同情。lenient仁慈的。pitiful可怜的,令人同情的。

25.The snake _____ smoothly through the luxuriant grass.

A. crept

B. crouched

C. strolled

D. glided【答案】A【解析】句意:这条蛇顺利地爬过了茂盛的草地。creep爬行;蠕动。crouch蹲伏。stroll散步。glide滑翔。

26.On labor Day the workers will march in _____ through the town.

A. process

B. procession

C. progress

D. procedure【答案】B【解析】句意:劳动节那天工人们将排队穿过小镇行进。in procession列队。

27.One problem the local authorities have to deal with is the _____ of the thousands

of tons of garbage spewed from homes and factories.

A. disposal

B. dispersal

C. disposition

D. disappearance【答案】A【解析】句意:当地政府必须处理的一个问题是如何处置来自住宅与工厂的成千上万吨的垃圾。disposal多指垃圾等的处理。garbage disposal垃圾处理。disposition指事务的处理。dispersal散布。

28.It is the interaction between people, rather than the events that occur in their lives, _____ the main focus of social psychology

A. that is

B. that are

C. which is

D. which are【答案】A【解析】本句是一个强调句。句意:社会心理学的主要焦点是人与人之间的互动,而不是他们生活中发生的事。

29.Our urge to classify different life forms and give _____ seems to be as old as the human race.

A. us name

B. them name

C. us names

D. them names【答案】D【解析】句意:我们将不同生命形式进行分类并命名的欲望似乎同人类历史一样久。

30._____ ,his wife was happy to see him back.

A. After traveling 4 weeks on sea

B. After he traveled 4 weeks on sea

C. After 4 weeks’ sea traveling

D. After his 4 weeks’ sea traveling【答案】D【解析】句意:他在海上航行四周以后回到了家,他的妻子十分开心。根据句意可知,逗号前后主语不一致,因此逗号前须另带主语,构成独立主格结构。其中,非谓语动词主动用现在分词,被动用过去分词。选项A和C没有另带主语he,因此不正确。B选项中traveled应改为traveling。D选项为名词短语作状语。

Part III. Reading Comprehension (1*30 POINTS, 80 MINUTES )

There are Five passages in this section. Read each passage and answer the questions given at the end of each passage. Please write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET!

Passage I

Poor people—the destitute, disease ridden and malnourished “bottom billion”-live in poor countries. That has been the central operating assumption of the aid business for a decade.

The thesis was true in 1990: then, over 90% of the world’s poor lived in the world’s poorest places. But it looks out of date now. Andy Sumner of Britain’s Institute of Development Studies reckons that almost three-quarters of the 13 billion-odd people existing below the $125 a day poverty line now live in middle-income countries. Only a quarter live in the poorest states (mostly in Africa).

This change reflects the success of developing countries in hauling themselves out of misery. In 1998 the World Bank classified 61 countries (out of 203) as low-income (meaning an annual income per head of less than $760, in money of that era). In 2009 the number had shrunk to 39 out of 220 India, Pakistan, Indonesia and Nigeria all moved to middle-income status during that time (China passed the threshold earlier). But even excluding China and India, the share of global poverty accounted for by other middle-income countries tripled between 1990 and 2008, to 22%. Other figures support Mr. Sumner’s finding. Of the world’s undersized children (a good indicator of malnutrition), 70% live in middle-income countries.

In one sense it hardly matters to a destitute Nigerian or Indian that his country has been reclassified by some distant development bank. But it raises hard questions about whether foreign aid should be for poor people or poor countries. Britain, for example, has a rule that 90% of aid is supposed to go to the poorest countries. Aid charities strongly support that focus. The result, as taxpayers’ money runs scarce, is that donors have consigned programmes in middle-income countries to a “bonfire” says Alex Evans, a former adviser at Britain’s Department for International Development. Yet these are the countries where the vast majority of the poor live.

On September 29th, Bob Zoellick of the World Bank called for a profound “change in how we conduct development research”. President Barack Obama wants a rethink of America’s muddled aid programme. Mr. Sumner’s data make that look overdue. Poverty, he says, may be turning from being an international distribution problem into a national one. Most middle-income countries, through national conditional-cash-transfer schemes such as Brazil’s Bolsa Familia, have proved better at helping their own poor than anything invented and financed by the international aid industry. Giving is easy. Thinking can be a lot harder.

31.Which of the following words has the closest meaning to “destitute” in Paragraph 1?

A. miserable

B. impoverished

C. unfortunate

D. disastrous

32.The figures in the first three paragraphs show_____

A. developing countries now rid themselves of poverty

B. the relation between poor countries and poor people

C. poor people now do not live in poor countries

D. although many developing countries are not listed in low-income countries as before, they are still where most poor people live

33.What is the problem that exists in today’s charity implied in Paragraph 4?

A. It is hard to tell whether foreign aid should be for poor people or poor countries.

B. Foreign aid may not go to the majority of the poor people who live in the middle-income countries.

C. With less taxpayers’ money donors will abandon some charity programmes.

D. Poor people don’t live in the poorest countries.

34.The last paragraph implies _____

A. it’s easy to donate but difficult to work out the best aid programme to help the poor people

B. international aid programmes should be cancelled

C. national aid programmes are better than international schemes

D. it is too late to rethink the muddled aid programmes

35.A suitable title for the passage would be _____

A. Poor People and Poor Countries

B. Classifying Developing Countries

C. Measuring Global Poverty

D. Global Aid Programmes【答案与解析】

31.B destitute的意思为“穷困的”。impoverished穷困的。miserable悲惨的。disastrous灾难性的。

32.C 根据前三段可知,目前贫困人口有近四分之三生活在中等收入国家(发达国家)。只有四分之一生活在最贫穷的国家,这一变化反映了发展中国家摆脱苦难的成功。因此C选项(穷人现在不在贫穷的国家生活)符合题意。

33.C 根据第四段中“The result, as taxpayers’ money runs scarce, is that donors have consigned programmes in middle-income countries to a ‘bonfire’”可知,随着纳税者的钱减少,导致捐助中等收入国家的方案付之一炬。C选项意思是“由于纳税人的钱减少,捐赠者将放弃一些慈善项目。”,符合题意。

34.A 根据最后一段最后一句“Giving is easy. Thinking can be a lot harder.”可知,选项A正确。

35.A 本文介绍了穷人越来越多地存在与中等收入国家,而不是贫困国家。由此出现了外国援助应该用于贫困国家还是贫困人口的问题。后两段介绍了英国和美国对于这一问题的看法。因此A选项“贫困人口与贫困国家”符合题意。

Passage II

To most people, vampires exist in old stories and horror movies, not in reality. However, as is true for many legends, this one may have a basis in fact. Interestingly, it is modem medical science—not Hollywood—that is giving vampires new life.

According to neurologist Dr. Juan Gomez-Alonso, the monster made famous by the novel Dracula can be explained, at least in part, by a simple disease: rabies. Examining historical records from Europe, Gomez-Alonso discovered that a major outbreak of rabies struck Europe’s dogs and wolves in the 1700s. After reviewing the records, he noticed that reports of vampirism frequently occurred at the same time as the animal infections. To the doctor, this connection was more than a coincidence.

Researching the disease, Gomez-Alonso found something shocking: in humans, rabies produces symptoms that mirror the characteristics of vampires. For instance, about 25 percent of rabid men are known to try to bite other people, especially when in close quarters with them. In addition, rabies makes victims sensitive to strong stimulation. As a result, a rabid person would find sunlight or a shiny mirror painful to see. (12)Such symptoms clearly resemble the legendary vampire’s fear of daylight and mirrors. (13)Similarly, the strong scent of garlic—believed to repel vampires—would be agonizing to a rabid person.

As rabies progresses, sufferers display other symptoms consistent with vampire traits. For example, rabid people have the frightening tendency to bare their teeth and produce bloody froth at the mouth. A person with this frothing resembles the popular image of the “undead” creature with blood dripping from his fangs. Furthermore, because a sufferer of rabies would prefer silence and darkness, he would increasingly become more active at night. (18)As a result, his appearance—especially to uneducated, superstitious people—could very easily be associated with other “evil” nocturnal creatures, such as wolves and bats.

In short, Gomez-Alonso believes that what people in the 1700s thought to be vampirism might simply have been rabies. Though witnesses misdiagnosed what they saw, the superstitions they created did contain some truth. The idea that a vampire could spread his condition to others by biting them is accurate, since rabies is carried through saliva. And if people really did want to scare a rabid person away, sunlight, garlic, and shiny mirrors could actually work. Of course, so would the threat of a wooden stake in the heart!

36.In Paragraph 2, the author implies that the doctor believed _____

A. rabies could make humans become vampires

B. vampire monsters did, in fact, exist at this time

C. all reports about rabies and vampires were false

D. there was a connection between rabies and the vampire reports

37.The relationship between Sentences 12 and 13 in Paragraph 3 is one of _____

A. comparison

B. contrast

C. illustration

D. cause and effect

38.According to the passage, both rabies victims and vampires._____

A. gain power from the morning sun

B. tend to bare their teeth

C. like to prey on children more than any other victims

D. love garlic

39.The word “nocturnal” in Paragraph 4 means_____

A. daytime

B. tame

C. lively

D. nighttime

40.The author suggests in Sentence 18, Paragraph 4 that_____

A. people enjoyed having bats and wolves near their homes

B. most people in Europe were unafraid of creatures that lived in the dark

C. if people were more educated about rabies, the vampire legend might not have developed

D. most people in Europe in the 1700s were highly educated

41.The author’s main purpose is to_____

A. entertain readers with gory descriptions of vampires and their victims

B. persuade readers that vampires still exist and are to be feared

C. inform readers about the likely connection between rabies and vampires

D. introduce Dr. Juan Gomez-Alonso5s achievements【答案与解析】

36.D 由第二段可知,在欧洲,关于吸血鬼的报道经常与狂犬病爆发的时间相同。因此其二者之间可能有某种联系,D选项正确。

37.A 根据两句之间的连接词“similarly”可知,二者相互对照,因此A选项正确。

38.B 根据倒数第二段,患狂犬病的人与吸血鬼有一些共同的特点,比如“have the frightening tendency to bare their teeth”,因此B选项正确。

39.D 后面例子中狼和蝙蝠都是夜间活动的动物,因此“nocturnal”的意思应为“夜间的”。

40.C 由(18)句可知,狂犬病人的外表——特别是对未受教育、迷信的人——很容易与其他“邪恶”夜行动物(如狼和蝙蝠)联系在一起。因此如果人们受到更多关于狂犬病的教育,吸血鬼传说可能就不会发展起来了。所以C选项符合题意。

41.C 本文介绍了吸血鬼与狂犬病之间的联系,二者的相同症状,指出“吸血鬼”可能是感染了狂犬病的人。因此C选项正确。

Passage III

The close relationship between poetry and music scarcely needs to be argued. Both are aural modes which employ rhythm, rime, and pitch as major devices; to these the one adds linguistic meaning, connotation, and various traditional figures, and the other can add, at least in theory, all of these plus harmony, counterpoint, and orchestration techniques. In English the two are closely bound historically. Anglo-Saxon heroic poetry seems certainly to have been read or chanted to a harpist’s accompaniment; the verb used in Beowulf for such a performance, the Finn episode, is singan, to sing, and the noun gyd, song. A major source of the lyric tradition in English poetry is the songs of the troubadours.

The distance between the gyd in Beowulf and the songs of Leonard Cohen or Bob Dylan may seem great, but is one of time rather than aesthetics. The lyric poem as a literary work and the lyrics of a popular song are both still essentially the same thing: poetry. Whether the title of the work be “Gerontion”, or “Hound Dog”, our criteria for evaluating the work must remain the same.

The most important prerequisite for both a significant poem and significant lyrics in a popular song is that the writer is faithful to his own personal vision or to the vision of the poem he is writing. Skill and craft for writing poetry are indeed necessary because these are the only means by which a poet can preserve the integrity of this vision in the poem. A poet must not, either because of lack of skill or because of worship of popularity, wealth, or critical acclaim, go outside of his own or his own poem’s vision-on pain of writing only the derivative or the trivial. Historically, the writers and singers of the lyrics of popular songs have seemed often to be incapable of personal vision, and to have confused both originality and morality with a servile compliance to popular taste.

42.According to the writer, the relationship between poetry and music _____

A. can be made but in a limited way

B. is a debatable topic

C. needs to be acknowledged more by poets

D. is indisputable if you analyze history

43.The author cites Beowulf in order to show that _____

A. a song like Beowulf cm sound like a poem

B. the distance between song and poetry is not so great

C. songs generally evolve into poetry over time

D. English poetry is highly connected to songs

44.According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

A. The differences between poetry and song lyrics have been overstated.

B. Song lyrics and poetry must be treated analytically as the same.

C. The lyrics of a song are no different from the lyrics of poetry.

D. It is the aesthetics that is different in most poems and song lyrics.

45.A poem or a song can be significant when _____

A. the writer has a personal vision of the poem or song

B. it is done by a faithful writer

C. it is written within the vision of the poem, song, poet or songwriter

D. the writer is willing to go outside of the vision

46.The author focuses on _____ in the passage.

A. the shared, most important evaluation criteria in songwriting and poetry

B. the origins of songs and poems

C. how to evaluate a poem and a song’s value from a lyrical standpoint

D. the difference between good poetry and songs and mediocre ones【答案与解析】

42.D 根据文章第一段,“The close relationship between poetry and music scarcely needs to be argued.”因此诗歌与音乐自古就密不可分。D选项正确。

43.D 本文第一段从历史角度说明诗歌与音乐密切相关,其中,举《贝奥武夫》的例子是为了说明本段主题,即英国诗歌与歌曲联系紧密。因此D项为正确答案。

44.B 从第二段“The lyric poem as a literary work and the lyrics of a popular song are both still essentially the same thing: poetry.”可知,诗歌与歌曲的歌词本质相同。因此B项为正确答案。

45.C 由第三段第一句可知,有意义的诗歌和流行歌曲的歌词二者最为重要的前提都是,作者忠于自己的审美或者所写诗歌的境界。因此C项为正确答案。

46.A 本文介绍了诗歌和音乐之间的密切关系,主要涉及二者共同的重要评价标准。因此A项为正确答案。

Passage IV

Con men may outsmart people, but they have little originality. They usually rely on well-established cons known for their success in tricking gullible people. “The Shell Game” and “the Spanish Prisoner” are two old confidence tricks that have been updated by con men in the modem world. "

Created in the Middle Ages, “the Shell Game” is used to trick people into foolishly betting their money. First, the con man puts a pea under one of three shells. He then moves the shells around in a simple fashion, and asks a bystander which shell the pea is under. The answer seems obvious. However, while the con man is asking, he skillfully moves the pea to a different shell. When the bystander loses money, several of the con man’s collaborators, or shills, show the bystander that winning is “easy,” and that he should continue to bet until he makes money. A modernized version of this same trick, called the “Three Card Monty,” is now performed with face cards all around the world. The only difference is that in this version, the victim is asked to find the Queen card instead of a pea.

“The Spanish Prisoner” is a confidence trick that relies on a bystander’s greed. In the traditional trick, a con man approaches a stranger and tells him of a desperate situation. A very wealthy man has been imprisoned in Spain under a false name, he says. If the stranger can maintain secrecy, he will be allowed to contribute money towards the prisoner’s release which will result in a very handsome reward. Of course, after the gullible victim presents the money, the con man takes off and is never heard from again. A modem version of this trick called the “Nigerian Money Transfer Con” solicits victims’ help through mass e-mails. People are asked to deposit money into an account that will be used to free the assets of a wealthy foreigner and result in a large reward. Once a victim responds, he or she may be strung along and asked to make continued deposits into the account until the victim cannot or will not make any farther contributions. Needless to say, the deposited money always disappears, along with the con man.

47.The word “gullible” in Sentence 2 means ______

A. unoriginal

B. stupid





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