
发布时间:2020-08-13 20:24:29


作者:朱龙 刘长君







本书可作为高职高专院校计算机相关专业计算机专业英语课程教材,也适合职业培训机构和自学者使用。第2版 前言












由于水平有限,书中难免有疏漏或不足之处,敬请读者批评指正。编者2017年11月Chapter 1Hardware Concepts(硬件基础)教学要求

掌握专业关键词汇(key words);能阅读本章所列英语短文;能识别计算机的各组件。教学内容


到学校机房或本地电脑城参观,感受本章内容,以学到更多的专业词汇。1.1 Personal Computer(个人计算机)

A personal computer, or PC, is a type of microcomputer designed for the use by only one person at a time. Generally, a PC is a small digital computer constructed around a microprocessor,which is a semiconductor chip that contains all the arithmetic, logic, and control circuitry needed to perform the functions of a computer’s central processing unit ( CPU ).

By 1990 some personal computers had become small enough to be completely portable; these included laptop computers, which could rest on one’s lap; notebook computers, which were about the size of a notebook; and pocket or palm-sized computers, which could be held in one’s hand.


到1990年,某些个人计算机已是十分小巧了,完全可以随身携带,如可以放置在膝上使用的便携式计算机,笔记本大小的笔记本电脑,还有可以握在手中使用的袖珍型(或称为掌上型)计算机。Notebook Computer

Key words:personal computer(个人计算机),microcomputer(微型计算机),digital computer(数字计算机),microprocessor(微处理器),chip(芯片),central processing unit(中央处理器),laptop computer(便携式计算机),notebook computer(笔记本电脑)

常见的计算机品牌:苹果(Apple)、联想(Lenovo-IBM)、戴尔(DELL)、惠普(HP)、方正(Founder)、TCL、海尔(Haier)、清华同方(Tongfang)、宏碁(Acer)、华硕(ASUS)等。1.2 System Unit and Peripherals(主机及外围设备)

The hardware part of a computer system consists of the physical components and all associated equipment. They are input devices, the system unit, secondary storage,output devices, and communications devices.

Input devices are equipment that translates data and programs that humans can understand into a form that the computer can process. The most common input devices are the keyboard, scanner, input pen,touch screen and mouse. The keyboard on a computer looks like a typewriter keyboard, but it has additional specialized keys. A mouse is a device that typically rolls on the desktop. It directs the insertion point, or cursor, on the display screen. A mouse has one or more buttons for selection commands. It is also used to draw figures.



Key words:hardware(硬件),computer system(计算机系统),input device(输入设备),system unit(系统单元),secondary storage(辅助存储器),output device(输出设备),communications device(通信设备),data(数据),program(程序),keyboard(键盘),scanner(扫描仪),input pen(输入笔),touch screen(触摸屏),mouse(鼠标),cursor(光标)1.2.1 Monitor/Display(显示器)

A display is a computer output surface that shows text and often graphic images to the computer user, using a cathode ray tube (CRT), liquid crystal display (LCD) or other image projection technology.A display can be distinguished according to: color capability, sharpness and viewability, screen size, and the projection technology.


Key words:monitor(显示器),display(显示器),surface(界面),image(图像),CRT(阴极射线管),LCD(液晶显示器),color(色彩),sharpness(清晰度),projection technology(显像技术)Monitor (LCD)Monitor (CRT)

常见的显示器品牌:三星(SAMSUNG)、AOC、戴尔(DELL)、飞利浦(Philips)、LG、HKC、惠普(HP)、宏碁(Acer)、优派(ViewSonic)、明基(BenQ)、华硕(ASUS)、三菱、长城(Great Wall)、Eizo、NEC、苹果(Apple)等。1.2.2 Input Device: Keyboard and Mouse(输入设备:键盘和鼠标)The Keyboard

On most computers, the keyboard is the primary text input device. (The mouse is also a primary input device but its ability to easily transmit textual information is limited. )

The 101-key keyboard has four key groups: first,the function key row at the top of the keyboard; second,the main (typewriter) keypad; third, the cursor-edit keypad with arrows indicating up, down, right, and left directions for moving the cursor; and fourthly, the numeric (calculator style) keypad, which has two operating modes (when the Num Lock indicator light is on, the keypad is in the numeric mode; to switch the keypad to the editing mode, press the Num Lock key to turn off the Num Lock indicator ) .


101键位的键盘有4个键区:第一,键盘上部的功能键区;第二,主键区(打字键区);第三,光标/编辑键区,包括上、下、左、右四个箭头键,用于移动光标;第四,数字键区(计算器式的),具有两种工作模式(当Num Lock指示灯亮时,该键区处于数字输入状态;要转换到编辑状态,只需按Num Lock键,关闭Num Lock指示灯即可)。Mouse

Key words:function key(功能键),keypad(小键盘),cursor-edit keypad(光标-编辑键盘),numeric keypad(数字键盘),Num Lock key(数字锁定键)1.2.3 System Unit(主机)

The system unit is the electronic circuitry housed within the computer cabinet. The two main parts of the system unit are:

1. The central processing unit (CPU), which controls and manipulates data to produce information.

2. Memory, also known as primary storage,which holds data and program instructions for processing the data.



2.内部存储器,也就是主存,保存数据及处理数据的程序指令。System UnitNotes

1. System Unit:系统部件,包括机箱(chassis)内的主板(mainboard)、中央处理器(CPU)、内存(memory)、总线(bus)及各类端口(port)。

2. Memory:这一术语单独使用时多指内存。内存的其他英文术语还有:primary storage/memory,internal memory,main memory。

Key words: information(信息),memory(内存),primary storage(主存),instruction(指令)1.2.4 Printer(打印机)

A printer is a device that accepts text and graphic output from a computer and transfers the information onto paper,usually to standard-sized sheets of paper.

Personal computer printers can be classified as impact and non-impact printers. The dot-matrix printer has been a popular low-cost personal computer printer. It’s an impact printer that strikes the paper a line at a time. The best-known non-impact printers are the inkjet printer,of which several makes of low-cost color printers are examples, and the laser printer.




Key words:printer(打印机),standard-sized sheets(标准页),impact printer(击打式打印机),non-impact printer(非击打式打印机),dot-matrix printer(点阵打印机),inkjet printer(喷墨打印机),color printer(彩色打印机),laser printer(激光打印机)Laser PrinterInkjet PrinterDot-matrix Printer1.3 Computer Components(计算机组件)


Mainboard/System board(主板),Memory(内存),CPU(中央处理器),Video adapter(视频适配器),Hard disk(硬盘),Multimedia(多媒体)。1.3.1 System Board(主板)

System boards are almost as important as CPUs in computer system. If a CPU were a heart or a brain,a system board would be a blood vessel or nerve system. A CPU controlls and manages the whole system with the help of a system board.

A system board actually is the largest circuit board among computer components. There are many electronic elements, sockets, slots, and connects on it,which link CPU with peripherals together.



Key words:system board(主板),circuit board(电路板),socket(插座),slot(插槽),peripheral(外围设备)


PCI:Peripheral Component Interconnect外围组件互联(一种局部总线标准)

PCIE:PCI Express 高速的PCI

USB:Universal Serial Bus 英特尔公司开发的通用串行总线架构

IDE:Integrate Circuit Equipment 集成电路设备

AGP:Accelerated Graphics Port 高速图形接口1.3.2 Memory(内存)

Your personal computer comes with a minimum of 8 gigabytes of memory or even more, depending on your system.

System memory is located on chips inside the computer,and is measured in bytes(the amount of storage needed to hold one character).

There are categories of system memory: Read Only Memory (ROM), and Random Access Memory(RAM). ROM contains programs and data that never change. This is the memory that initializes the computer when it is turned on. The information contained in ROM is permanent, and is not lost when the computer is turned off. By contrast, RAM is temporary storage for programs and data while they are being used by the computer. RAM is contained in memory components called Single Inline Memory Modules or SIMMs. It is volatile memory, which means that to retain its contents,it must be constantly refreshed by an electrical current.




Key words:gigabyte(吉字节),byte(字节),character(字符),ROM(只读存储器),RAM(随机存储器),initialize(初始化),turn on(开机),turn off(关机),SIMM(内存条),refresh(刷新)ValueRAM DDR3 1333台式机内存DIMM(Dual In-line Memory


SIMM:Single In-line Memory Module,指72线的内存条,数据通道宽度为32位,带有奇偶校验的则为36位,通常使用DRAM;也有的SIMM使用SDRAM,其速度比DRAM类型的更快,但由于其数据宽度为64位,需成对使用。另外,目前多使用线的内存条,称为DIMM(Dual In-line Memory Module),其数据宽度是64位,一条DIMM内存条相当于两条SIMM,所以可单条使用。1.3.3 CPU(Central Processing Unit,中央处理器)

The CPU means the central processing unit. It is the heart of the computer system. The CPU in a microcomputer is actually one relatively small integrated circuit or chip. Although most CPU chips are smaller than a lens of a pair of glasses, the electronic components they contain would have filled a room a few decades ago. Using advanced microelectronics techniques,manufacturers can cram tens of thousands of circuits into tiny layered silicon chips that work dependably and use less power.

This is where all calculations and manipulations of the data are carried out: it could be considered the“brain” of the computer. The CPU is contained on a tiny integrated circuit or “microchip” that carries a large number of minute electronic circuits.

There are three main areas in the CPU: the control unit, the arithmetic logic unit (ALU), and the main storage of “memory”.




Key words:integrated circuit(集成电路),control unit(控制单元),ALU(运算器)AMD is another CPU brand, which has become very important. Their Pentium-like chips offered Intel tight competition. AMD used their own technologies, hence they are not clones.


CPU:Central Processing Unit,中央处理器,在大型计算机上CPU是由主存储器、控制部件、算术逻辑部件等若干单元电路板构成的。在个人计算机上,CPU是集成于一块芯片上的,称作微处理器(microprocessor或processor)。通常,CPU和microprocessor或processor可以互换使用。CPU主要有两大部分:算术—逻辑部件(Arithmetic Logic Unit,ALU)负责算术及逻辑运算;控制部件(Control Unit)负责指令的存取、解码及执行。1.3.4 Video Adapter(视频适配器)

Video adapters are also called video cards,video boards, video display boards, graphics cards,and graphics adapters.

Video adapter is a board that plugs into a personal computer to give it display capabilities.The display capabilitiy of a computer, however,depends on both the logical circuitry (provided in the video adapter) and the display monitor. A monochrome monitor, for example, cannot display colors no matter how powerful the video adapter is.

Many different types of video adapters are available for PCs. Most conform to one of the video standards defined by IBM or VESA.

Modern video adapters contain memory, so that the computer’s RAM is not used for storing displays. In addition, most adapters have their own graphics coprocessor for performing graphics calculations. These adapters are often called graphics accelerators.





Key words:video adapter(视频适配器),video card(显卡),graphics card(显卡),logical circuitry(逻辑电路),monochrome monitor(单色显示器),coprocessor(协处理器),graphics accelerator(图形加速器)

常见显卡品牌:七彩虹(Colorful)、蓝宝石(Sapphire)、影驰(GALAXY)、华硕(ASUS)、微星(msi)、技嘉(GIGABYTE)、铭瑄(MAXSUN)、迪兰(Dataland)、索泰(ZOTAC)、丽台(Leadtek)等。Video Card1.3.5 Hard Disk(硬盘)

The hard disk drive in your system is the “data center” of the PC. It is here that all of your programs and data are stored between the occasions that you use the computer. Your hard disk (or disks) are the most important ones of the various types of permanent storage used in PCs (the others being floppy disks and other storage media such as CD-ROMs, tapes,removable drives, etc.) The hard disk differs from the

others primarily in three ways: size (usually larger),speed (usually faster) and permanence (usually fixed in the PC and not removable).

A single hard disk usually consists of several platters. Each platter requires two read/write heads, one for each side. All the read/write heads are attached to a single access arm so that they cannot move





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