
发布时间:2020-08-14 01:15:41


作者:[法] 莫泊桑(Guy de Maupassant)




A Cock Crowed公鸡报晓

Madame Berthe d'Avancelles had up till that time resisted all the prayers of her despairing adorer, Baron Joseph de Croissard. He had pursued her ardently in Paris during the winter, and now he was giving fêtes and shooting parties in her honor at his Chateau at Carville, in Normandy.


Monsieur d'Avancelles, her husband, saw nothing and knew nothing, as usual. It was said that he lived apart from his wife on account of physical weakness, for which Madame d'Avancelles would not pardon him. He was a short, stout, bald man, with short arms, legs, neck, nose and everything else, while Madame d'Avancelles, on the contrary, was a tall, dark and determined young woman, who laughed in her husband's face with sonorous laughter, while he called her openly Mrs. Housewife, who looked at the broad shoulders, strong build and fair moustaches of her titled admirer, Baron Joseph de Croissard, with a certain amount of tenderness.


She had not, however, granted him anything as yet. The baron was ruining himself for her, and there was a constant round of fêting, hunting parties and new pleasures, to which he invited the neighboring nobility. All day long the hounds gave tongue in the woods, as they followed the fox or the wild boar, and every night dazzling fireworks mingled their burning plumes with the boars, while the illuminated windows of the drawing-room cast long rays of light onto the wide lawns, where shadows were moving to and fro.


It was autumn, the russet-colored season of the year, and the leaves were whirling about on the grass like flights of birds. One noticed the smell of damp earth in the air, of the naked earth, like one smells the odor of the bare skin, when a woman's dress falls off her, after a ball.


One evening, in the previous spring, during an entertainment, Madame d'Avancelles had said to Monsieur de Croissard, who was worrying her by his importunities: "If I do succumb to you, my friend, it will not be before the fall of the leaf. I have too many things to do this summer to have any time for it."He had not forgotten that bold and amusing speech, and every day he became more pressing, every day he pushed his approaches nearer—to use a military phrase—and gained a step in the heart of the fair, audacious woman, who seemed only to be resisting for form's sake.


It was the day before a large wild-boar hunt, and in the evening Madame Berthe said to the baron with a laugh: "Baron, if you kill the brute, I shall have something to say to you."And so, at dawn he was up and out, to try and discover where the solitary animal had its lair. He accompanied his huntsmen, settled the places for the relays, and organized everything personally to insure his triumph, and when the horns gave the signal for setting out, he appeared in a closely fitting coat of scarlet and gold, with his waist drawn in tight, his chest expanded, his eyes radiant, and as fresh and strong as if he had just got out of bed. They set off, and the wild boar set off through the underwood as soon as he was dislodged, followed by the hounds in full cry, while the horses set off at a gallop through the narrow sides cut in the forest, while the carriage which followed the chase at a distance, drove noiselessly along the soft roads.


From mischief, Madame d'Avancelles kept the baron by her side, and lagging behind at a walk in an interminably long and straight drive, over which four rows of oaks hung, so as to form almost an arch, while he, trembling with love and anxiety, listened with one ear to the young woman's bantering chatter, while with the other he listened to the blast of the horns and to the cry of the hounds as they receded in the distance.


"So you do not love me any longer?" she observed. "How can you say such things?" he replied. And she continued: "But you seem to be paying more attention to the sport than to me."He groaned, and said: "Did you not order me to kill the animal myself?"And she replied gravely: "Of course I reckon upon it. You must kill it under my eyes."“你不爱我了吗?”她说道。“你怎么会说出这样的话呢?”他回答。她接着说:“我看你更在乎狩猎,而不是我。”他抱怨道:“不是你命令我必须亲自杀死猎物的吗?”她严肃地回答:“当然,我是这样想的。你必须在我面前杀死猎物才算数。”

Then he trembled in his saddle, spurred his horse until it reared, and, losing all patience, exclaimed: "But, by Jove, Madame, that is impossible if we remain here."Then she spoke tenderly to him, laying her hand on his arm, or stroking his horse's mane, as if from abstraction, and said with a laugh: "But you must do it... or else... so much the worse for you."


Just then they turned to the right, into a narrow path which was overhung by trees, and suddenly, to avoid a branch which barred their way, she leaned towards him so closely, that he felt her hair tickling his neck, and he suddenly threw his arms brutally round her, and putting his thick moustache onto her forehead, he gave her a furious kiss.


At first she did not move, and remained motionless under that mad caress; then she turned her head with a jerk, and either by accident or design her little lips met his, under their wealth of light hair, and a moment afterwards, either from confusion or remorse, she struck her horse with her riding-whip, and went off at full gallop, and they rode on like that for some time, without exchanging a look.

起初她并没有挣扎,一 动不动地接受这种疯狂的爱抚;突然她头一转,不知是巧合还是早有预谋,在浓密的金发下,她的小嘴唇碰到了他的嘴唇上。或许是尴尬,或许是懊悔,她随后一扬鞭,疾驰而去,他们就这样骑着马跑了一会儿,没有互看一眼。

The noise of the hunt came nearer, the thickets seemed to tremble, and suddenly the wild boar broke through the bushes, covered with blood, and trying to shake off the hounds who had fastened onto him, and the baron, uttering a shout of triumph, exclaimed: "Let him who loves me, follow me!"And he disappeared in the copse, as if the wood had swallowed him up.


When she reached an open glade a few minutes later, he was just getting up, covered with mud, his coat torn, and his hands bloody, while the brute was lying stretched out at full length, with the baron's hunting knife driven into its shoulder up to the hilt.


The quarry was cut at night by torchlight. It was a warm and dull evening, and the wan moon threw a yellow light onto the torches which made the night misty with their resinous smoke. The hounds devoured the wild boar's stinking entrails, and snarled and fought for them, while the prickers and the gentlemen, standing in a circle round the spoil, blew their horns as loud as they could. The flourish of the hunting-horns resounded beyond the woods on that still night and was repeated by the echoes of the distant valleys, awaking the timid stags, rousing the yelping foxes, and disturbing the little rabbits in their gambols at the edge of the rides.


The frightened night-birds flew over the eager pack of hounds, while the women, who were moved by all these gentle and violent things, leaned rather heavily on the men's arms; and turned aside into the forest rides, before the hounds had finished their meal, and Madame d'Avancelles, feeling languid after that day of fatigue and tenderness, said to the baron: "Will you take a turn in the park, my friend?"And without replying, but trembling and nervous, he went with her, and immediately they kissed each other. They walked slowly under the almost leafless trees through which the moonbeams filtered, and their love, their desires, their longing for a closer embrace became so vehement, that they nearly yielded to it at the foot of a tree.


The horns were not sounding any longer, and the tired hounds were sleeping in the kennels. "Let us return," the young woman said, and they went back.


When they got to the chateau and before they went in, she said in a weak voice: "I am so tired that I shall go to bed, my friend."And as he opened his arms for a last kiss, she ran away, saying as a last good-bye: "No.... I am going to sleep.... Let him who loves me follow me!"


An hour later, when the whole silent chateau seemed dead; the baron crept stealthily out of his room, and went and scratched at her door, and as she did not reply, he tried to open it, and found that it was not locked.


She was in a reverie, resting her arms against the window ledge, and he threw himself at her knees, which he kissed madly, through the nightdress. She said nothing, but buried her delicate fingers caressingly in his hair, and suddenly, as if she had formed some great resolution, she whispered with her daring look: "I shall come back, wait for me."And stretching out her hand, she pointed with her finger to an indistinct white spot at the end of the room; it was her bed.


Then, with trembling hands and scarcely knowing what he was doing, he quickly undressed, got into the cool sheets, and stretching himself out comfortably, he almost forgot his love in the pleasure he found, tired out as he was, in the contact of the linen. She did not return, however, no doubt finding amusement in making him languish. He closed his eyes with a feeling of exquisite comfort, and reflected peaceably while waiting for what he so ardently longed for. But by degrees his limbs grew languid and his thoughts became indistinct and fleeting, until his fatigue gained the upper hand and he fell asleep.


He slept that unconquerable, heavy sleep of the worn-out hunter, and he slept until daylight; and then, as the window had remained half open, the crowing of a cock suddenly woke him, and the baron opened his eyes, and feeling a woman's body against his, finding himself, much to his surprise, in a strange bed, and remembering nothing for a moment, he stammered:


"What? Where am I? What is the matter?"“怎么回事?我这是在哪里?发生了什么事啊?”

Then she, who had not been asleep at all, looking at this unkempt man, with red eyes and swollen lips, replied in the haughty tone of voice in which she occasionally spoke to her husband:


"It is nothing; it is only a cock crowing. Go and sleep again, Monsieur, it has nothing to do with you."“没什么,只是一只公鸡在打鸣。继续睡吧,先生,那不关你的事。”Christmas Eve平安夜

"The Christmas-eve supper! Oh! no, I shall never go in for that again!”Stout Henri Templier said that in a furious voice, as if some one had proposed some crime to him, while the others laughed and said:“平安夜晚餐!哦!我再也不想参加了!”胖子亨利·唐普利耶愤怒地说着,好像有人指使他做坏事似的,而其他人则笑着说道:

"What are you flying into a rage about?"“你这么生气干嘛?”

"Because a Christmas-eve supper played me the dirtiest trick in the world, and ever since I have felt an insurmountable horror for that night of imbecile gayety.”“因为那次平安夜晚宴跟我开了一个世界上最卑鄙的玩笑,从那时起我就对这种穷开心的平安夜感到极端厌恶。”

"Tell us what it is?"“告诉我们那个玩笑吧?”

"You want to know what it was? Very well then, just listen.“你们想知道理由?好吧,我讲给你们听听。

"You remember how cold it was two years ago at Christmas; cold enough to kill poor people in the streets. The Seine was covered with ice; the pavements froze one's feet through the soles of one's boots, and the whole world seemed to be at the point of going to pot.“你们还记得两年前圣诞的时候是多么寒冷吧;冷得足可以把大街上的穷人冻死。塞纳河结了冰,人行道上寒气透过人们的鞋底把脚都冻伤了,整个世界好像都快被封冻了。

"I had a big piece of work on, and so I refused every invitation to supper, as I preferred to spend the night at my writing table. I dined alone and then began to work. But about ten o'clock I grew restless at the thought of the gay and busy life all over Paris, at the noise in the streets which reached me in spite of everything, at my neighbors' preparations for supper, which I heard through the walls. I hardly knew any longer what I was doing; I wrote nonsense, and at last I came to the conclusion that I had better give up all hope of producing any good work that night.‘我当时有一大堆东西要做,而我更想在书桌前熬通宵,因此我回绝了所有晚宴邀请。我独自吃完晚饭,然后开始工作。但是在十点来钟的时候,一想到整个巴黎都沉浸在热闹、愉快的气氛中,街道上的喧闹声不绝于耳,还有墙那边传来的邻居们准备晚宴的声音,我不禁坐立不安起来。我几乎都不知道自已在做什么,写的东西全是废话,最后我得出结论,最好放弃在那晚创作出好东西的念头。

"I walked up and down my room; I sat down and got up again. I was certainly under the mysterious influence of the enjoyment outside, and I resigned myself to it. So I rang for my servant and said to her:“我在屋里来回踱步;坐下又站起来。我一定受到了外面愉快氛围的神奇影响,我向它投降了。我摇铃叫来女佣,对她说:

“'Angela, go and get a good supper for two; some oysters, a cold partridge, some crayfish, hams and some cakes. Put out two bottles of champagne, lay the cloth and go to bed.'“‘安吉拉,去好好准备出够两人吃的晚餐:一些牡蛎,鹌鹑冷拼,一些小龙虾,火腿,还有蛋糕。再拿两瓶香槟酒来,铺好桌布,你就可以去睡觉了。’

"She obeyed in some surprise, and when all was ready, I put on my great coat and went out. A great question was to be solved:'Whom was I going to bring in to supper?'My female friends had all been invited elsewhere, and if I had wished to have one, I ought to have seen about it beforehand, so I thought that I would do a good action at the same time, and I said to myself:


“‘Paris is full of poor and pretty girls who will have nothing on their table to-night, and who are on the look out for some generous fellow. I will act the part of Providence to one of them this evening; and I will find one if I have to go into every pleasure resort, and have to question them and hunt for one till I find one to my choice.’And I started off on my search.“‘巴黎到处都是今晚餐桌上空空如也的、穷苦而漂亮的姑娘,她们正期待着人们慷慨解囊。今晚我就帮上帝向某个姑娘做些好事;我该踏遍每一个游乐场所,不停打听,直到找到一个中意的为止。’于是我便出去搜寻。

"I certainly found many poor girls, who were on the look-out for some adventure, but they were ugly enough to give any man a fit of indigestion, or thin enough to freeze as they stood if they had stopped, and you all know that I have a weakness for stout women. The more flesh they have, the better I like them, and a female colossus would drive me out of my senses with pleasure.“我当然找到了许多正在寻找一些奇幻旅程的贫穷女孩,但她们不是丑得叫人倒胃口,就是瘦骨嶙峋,一停下来就会僵住似的。你们也知道,我对胖美人情有独钟。她们越是丰满,我越喜欢,一个体态丰盈的女人会使我神魂颠倒,不能自持。

"Suddenly, opposite the Theatre des Varietes, I saw a face to my liking. A good head, and then two protuberances, that on the chest very beautiful, and that on the stomach simply surprising; it was the stomach of a fat goose. I trembled with pleasure, and said:“突然,在综艺剧院的对面,我发现了一个心仪的对象。她头部轮廓娇好,胸前突起的双峰非常诱人,鼓鼓的肚子也令人惊叹,胖胖的,像一只肥鹅的肚子。我兴奋地不住颤抖,说道:

“'By Jove! What a fine girl!'“‘天啊!多美的姑娘啊!'

"It only remained for me to see her face. A woman's face is the dessert, while the rest is...the joint.“只要再看一下她的长相就可以了。女人的面孔就像饭后甜点,而其他部分则像……大块的牛肉。

"I hastened on, and overtook her, and turned round suddenly under a gas lamp. She was charming, quite young, dark, with large, black eyes, and I immediately made my proposition, which she accepted without any hesitation, and a quarter of an hour later, we were sitting at supper in my lodgings. 'Oh! how comfortable it is here,' she said as she came in, and she looked about her with evident satisfaction at having found a supper and a bed, on that bitter night.“我快步上前,超过了她,在一个煤气灯下突然转过身去。她拥有一双乌黑的大眼睛,年轻漂亮,肤色黝黑。我立即向她说明来意,她很爽快地就答应了。十五分钟后,我们就坐在了我住所的餐桌旁。‘啊!这地方好舒适啊。’她进房间时说。她望望四周,眼中带着在这个寒冷的夜晚,看到丰盛的晚餐和舒适的床时的兴奋之情。

She was superb; so beautiful that she astonished me, and so stout that she fairly captivated me.


"She took off her cloak and hat, sat down and began to eat; but she seemed in low spirits, and sometimes her pale face twitched as if she were suffering from some hidden sorrow.


“'Have you anything troubling you?' I asked her.“‘有什么伤心的事吗?’我问她。

“'Bah! Don't let us think of troubles!’“‘唉!让我们把所有烦恼都忘掉吧!”

"And she began to drink. She emptied her champagne glass at a draught, filled it again, and emptied it again, without stopping, and soon a little color came into her cheeks, and she began to laugh.“她开始喝酒。她一口喝干了杯中的香槟,又斟满,又喝光。很快,她的脸颊开始泛红,开始大笑。

"I adored her already, kissed her continually, and discovered that she was neither stupid, nor common, nor coarse as ordinary street-walkers are. I asked her for some details about her life, but she replied:“我已经爱上她了,不住地亲吻她,我发现她既不像一般的站街女那样愚蠢,也不像她们那么庸俗,更不那么粗笨。我细问了她一些生活情况,但她回答:

“'My little fellow, that is no business of yours!'Alas! an hour later....“‘我亲爱的朋友,那不关你的事!唉!一个小时后……

"At last it was time to go to bed, and while I was clearing the table, which had been laid in front of the fire, she undressed herself quickly, and got in. My neighbors were making a terrible din, singing and laughing like lunatics, and so I said to myself:“终于到了上床的时间,我正在收拾放在壁炉前的餐桌,她则迅速地脱去衣服,钻进被窝。我邻居那边传来巨大的喧闹声,他们像疯子般唱着笑着,我心想:

“'I was quite right to go out and bring in this girl; I should never have been able to do any work.'“‘带这个女孩回来真是太明智了,否则我什么事情都做不下去。’

"At that moment, however, a deep groan made me look round, and I said:“这时,一阵低沉的呻吟声传过来,我问:

“'What is the matter with you, my dear?'“‘亲爱的,你没事吧?'

"She did not reply, but continued to utter painful sighs, as if she were suffering horribly, and I continued:“她没有回答,继续发出痛苦的呻吟,好像她正遭受剧烈的痛苦,我接着问:

“'Do you feel ill?'And suddenly she uttered a cry, a heartrending cry, and I rushed up to the bed, with a candle in my hand.“‘你生病了吗?’突然她发出一声尖叫,这种声音让人心碎,我赶快拿着蜡烛冲到床前。

"Her face was distorted with pain, and she was wringing her hands, panting and uttering long, deep groans, which sounded like a rattle in the throat, and which are so painful to hear, and I asked her in consternation:“她的脸痛得变了形,她搅着双手,喘着粗气,发出长久、低沉的呻吟,就像是喉咙在咯咯作响一样。这声音真是难听。我不安地问她:

“'What is the matter with you? Do tell me what is the matter.'“‘你怎么了?告诉我怎么了。’

“'Oh! my stomach! my stomach!' she said. I pulled up the bed-clothes, and I saw…My friends, she was in labor.“‘啊!我的肚子!我的肚子!’她喊道。我马上掀开被子,我看到……亲爱的朋友,她正在生孩子。

"Then I lost my head, and I ran and knocked at the wall with my fists, shouting:'Help! help!'


"My door was opened almost immediately, and a crowd of people came in, men in evening dress, women in low necks, harlequins, Turks, Musketeers, and this inroad startled me so, that I could not explain myself, and they, who had thought that some accident had happened, or that a crime had been committed, could not understand what was the matter. At last, however, I managed to say:





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